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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 6, 2023 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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hello, the program “sas with authority to declare” is on air. i am its presenter nadezhda sas. greetings. and i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country and each of us. today we are talking about the right turn in europe, but immediately after a digest of key events in world politics this week. climate and big politics. at the end of november.
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the world summit on combating climate change has started in the united arab emirates. belarusian delegation headed by president alexander lukashenko. on december 1-2, heads of state and government made national statements in which they tried to convey the positions of their countries regarding environmental issues and green energy, protection from natural disasters and financial support for projects. in addition, on the sidelines of the summit, alexander lukashenko held bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the presidents of serbia aleksandar vucic, azerbaijan ilham aliyev, as well as the leaders of equatorial guinea. congo, zimbabwe and many others. it's worth reminding that belarus was among the first in the european region to ratify the paris agreement and begin to implement it. under the paris agreement, belarus fully fulfills its obligations and even exceeds them. we provide invaluable ecosystem services to our continent by preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests. lungs europe.
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we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. paradoxically, in response we receive new economic sanctions, barriers to international trade, restriction of access to technology. and it’s not just us, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation. it demands respect, the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice. on november 27, polish carriers and farmers began a round-the-clock blockade of the mydykani checkpoint, one of the busiest on the border between poland and ukraine. thus, they continued the protest, as a result of which more than a thousand trucks were stuck in multi-kilometer queues for several days. according to the polish border service, the current waiting time for trucks at the border
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is 91 hours. polish carriers began blocking road checkpoints on the border with ukraine on november 6. they are dissatisfied with the increased competition after the liberalization of transportation conditions between ukraine and the european union countries. protesters demand the return of restrictions on licenses for ukrainians, which were lifted by the eu after the start of russia's military operation, and to bring their number to the level that was recorded before the start of russia's military operation. in general complexity 74 hostages. removed during the humanitarian pause in the gaza strip, including 50 women and children. these figures were confirmed by israeli prime minister benjamin netanya. he stressed that israel is not abandoning plans to resume after a pause the military operation in the gaza strip in order to destroy the military-administrative potential of the palestinian radical hamas movement. on november 22 , they announced an agreement with israel, through the mediation of egypt and qatar, to reach a humanitarian truce in the gas strip for 4 days. it came into force on the morning of november 24. the agreement provided for the release of 50
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children, teenagers under the age of 19 and women held in the enclave, in exchange for the release of 150 teenagers, under the age of 19 and women from israeli prisons. taiwan's two main opposition parties, the pro-beijing gamindan and the liberal taiwan people's party , have been unable to decide on a single candidate for the island's presidency. thus, each party is in violation of the previously reached agreement on cooperation in the elections. which will take place on january 13, twenty-fourth year, nominated its candidate. they were the mayor of the new taipek city, ogamindan houyou, and the leader of the liberals, ke wenja. the breakdown of negotiations on an opposition alliance in the presidential election increases the chances of lai's victory, which is considered an extremely undesirable scenario for the prc. the mainland considers taiwan its province, and the matter of reunification with it is of fundamental interest. the victory of the supporter of independence lai in the elections can be regarded by the people's republic of china as a declaration of war beyond the control of its island, and this is almost directly
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confirmed in beijing. official chen bin-hua, representative of the state council office of the people's republic of china for taiwan affairs, said on november 24 that taiwan is at a crossroads, peace or war, prosperity and i can't help but start with the fact that last week one of the greatest diplomats of the 10th century, henry, passed away casenger, he played for another team, but this does not diminish the admiration for the class and beauty of his game, and he has always consistently advocated for peace based on a balance of power of interests, and not attempts to impose one ideology on everyone, this will be the future multipolarity, i am sure of it the creator has not yet once. they will remember old henry with a kind word, as president putin and chairman xi have already done, and among other things, kessinger was a right-wing conservative and a realist, and in today’s program we planned to talk about how supporters of conservative values ​​and realism in foreign policy are beginning to win in europe ,
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alexey avdonin, an analyst at the belarusian institute of strategic studies, will help me understand this topic. hello, i’m glad to welcome you to our studio. oleg voloshin, deputy, is present verkhovna rada of the ninth convocation, candidate of political sciences, participant in the other ukraine movement. hello, according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a flash question. what do you think, alexey, is it possible to say that the ideology of liberal globalism is beginning to suffer defeats in the european union, or is this an illusion? we must always look at these processes from the point of view of economics; if the economy ceases to be liberal, it is clear that liberal parties and ideology disappear in it, because we know that production processes determine ideological setting, yes, according to all approaches, so i think that now europe is in a state of choice, either
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to maintain integration, or to move to a protectionist regime, if protectionism, then in this case, of course, no liberal... parties are out of the question; more ultra-right, extremely radical forces will come to power, which will be focused primarily on a general war in europe, to put it briefly. well, oleg, the ideology of liberalism, globalism, is still losing its success, loses its primacy in the european union. the fact is that people usually, in fat , satisfying times, do not pay too much attention to ideology, or rather, they allow them to, as it were, follow the path that they choose for themselves, but as soon as these times clearly have already ended, but for the european union, these were the nineties, the 2000s to some extent,
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when the economy was growing, when income levels were rising, this began in the mid-seventies, this period is over, today europeans see that not only they, the most . what's the most the scary thing is that their children will definitely live worse than they live today, in these conditions they suddenly saw that where they are actually taking us, instead of solving our daily problems, they are bringing us migrants, instead of solving the issues of employment for young people there and so on they tell us about lgbt people, and of course, in this sense, absolutely artificial in nature, absolutely elitist left-liberal ideology begins to collapse and forces rise that can be, well, in a good sense i call them national-patriotic or national-conservative, that is... this is bad, because in a good sense, caring for your state, your people is a good thing when it does not turn into hatred of other states. you know, today we’ll talk about the shocking victory of geert wilders’ party in the netherlands, geert wilders really shook up the european political
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system, i want to add a few facts about him, the leader of the far right, who won the elections in the netherlands, is known for his tough position on the issue. migration, connects with it an increase in crime in the country, calls to prevent the islamization of western societies, actively advocates reducing influence. the eu believes that the netherlands should leave the eurozone and return the national currency, the guilder. he believes that russia is not an enemy of europe, opposes anti-russian sanctions, warned about their catastrophic consequences for the european economy, even before the start of the special operation, and called for russia’s objections to nato expansion to be taken seriously. myself. does not support ukraine’s entry into the alliance and was one of deputies who refused to be present in the house of representatives of the netherlands during zelsky’s speech in may of this year, about the victory of velders’ freedom party in the netherlands, more details in our story. against migrants, for leaving the eu.
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the far-right freedom party, led by its leader geert wilders, came to power in the netherlands as a result of parliamentary elections. they call him the dutch trump. celebrating the victory, wilders noted that his party achieved success without spending almost any money on advertising. good ideas sell themselves, but politics. in many ways is based on euroscepticism, the party leader advocates the restoration of border controls within the european union. the european commission is not concerned about the netherlands leaving the european union. we continue to count on the active participation of the netherlands in the eu, said a representative of the european commission. wilders is also known for not being very hospitable to visitors. he openly spoke rudely, for example, towards the moroccans, but during the election campaign. reduced my anger level somewhat. we will make sure that the netherlands become a country for the dutch people again,
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we will limit the flow of refugees and migration, people will again have more money in their wallets. after the announcement of the results , we can safely talk about the intensification of anti-ukrainian rhetoric in the netherlands. the leader of the freedom party openly speaks out against hysterical russophobia in europe. wilders came to moscow in 2018, when friendship with russia in europe was already considered a movie after the referendum in crimea. now amsterdam's allies are worried that another nato country will stand on side of russia. dutch minister, the far-right's election victory makes me worried about support for ukraine. the freedom party will take 37 of the 150 seats in the national parliament. in kiev the news was met with disappointment. they fear that the dutch politician will form an alliance with the leader of hungary and the prime minister of slovakia. influence eu anti-russian sanctions. according to ukrainians, the victory of wilders' party
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marks the end of an era when amsterdam was an unconditional ally of kiev, but now the netherlands has decided to pay attention to residents of their own country. i think this is the public opinion in the netherlands at the moment, it is not surprising that the freedom party is now at the top. while mark rutte remains the country's prime minister, in order to take office, wilders needs to form a coalition with other political forces in order to get a majority of votes in parliament. this will probably happen early next year. well, oleg, as a number of world media call it, this is a political earthquake, yes, here are mr. wilders and his political strength, and who the dutch voted for. what do you connect this with and do you agree with the comparisons? with mr. trump, of course, although in fact wilders has been in politics much longer
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than trump and he is, indeed, unlike trump , a professional politician who is actually much less extravagant and much more in some way there is such an expression, that is, much more politically savvy and able to arrange complex combinations, so we all remember how mr. trump, with all my love he sympathized with his program, often shot himself in the foot with his sloppy statements, his some unexpected , inexplicable steps. this will not happen to villers, but the main thing in this whole situation is why the earthquake, due to my profile and education and main occupation, i very closely follow european politics, naturally, the elections in the netherlands, a week before elections, the freedom party's rating was 13-14%, no one could imagine that at the last moment a quarter the dutch will vote , that is, well, firstly, it was said that people were sometimes afraid to say in questions that... they would vote, as maveton believes, to vote for such an anti-emrant, anti-muslim party, and secondly, at the last moment they
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suddenly saw wilders somewhat softened his rhetoric, he also made some statements there, for my taste, but completely unnecessary, yes, that is, he proposed closing all mosques, for example, even in minsk there is a beautiful mosque, that is, this does not bother anyone, on the contrary it demonstrates the multinational, well, multi -religious nature of the belarusian society and so on, and he proposed banning the koran there, for example, as a book in general, so that it would be sold somewhere at all, that is, such very harsh things, but by softening this he remained the main one, he said: guys, holland the netherlands should be a country where, first of all, it is good for the citizens of the netherlands, preferably those who were born here, and now we will bring some from somewhere in africa from asia, we will give them passports, we will start helping them, and this thesis in the context of a general reduction in money in the dutch budget and a general decline in the economy, brought such a result, yes, no one expected, i want to remind you that there are a number of right-wing politicians, well, right-wing conservative ones, even orban, those same zhechinsky there and his team for a long time were in... but for the first time in a country of classical western europe, there was always such a discount from the east, that is, they
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are special there, post-soviet, they have their own kind of different culture there, well, not in france, not in the netherlands there, let’s say , not in germany, can’t come to power, people like wilders, suddenly now, well, yes, he may not be able to form a coalition, but the fact that he is definitely 12 in the mandate system is a lot, more than the social democrats who are in second place , yes, this is... well, for the first time, a person who yesterday was considered a marginal figure can head the government in the netherlands, so the earthquake, this was really not expected, you know, alexey, here is another signal that voters in europe are tired of this mainstream, it's probably not even the mainstream, which corresponds to the desires , the will of society in europe, it is rather the mainstream imposed by certain western structures, and we understand perfectly well, and this was voiced during the meeting of alexander lukashenko with peter szijart, and the republic of
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belarus, in fact the russian federation, is ready to see and we would like to see the european union as a worthy partner in the future. the united states destroyed it and even today any possible proposals or turns towards the people's republic of china, they are naturally not crowned with success, so the united states of america makes it clear who to be friends with, who to fight with, and what do you think, will such a resounding victory contribute to making people in other countries of the european union more courageous in going to the polling station and casting votes for those who truly correspond ? his actions of this or that politician, their interests? you know, i’m here a little in view of the presentation in a somewhat darker form, we know very well from history and from political science that when
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far-right parties appear, who are they finances? extreme parties are always parties - this is the best instrument of those in power, that is , those who hold capital, who own corporations, in order to suppress any social protests, this is a classic of political science, now we are seeing the same thing, european countries and those who they own... large banks, corporations, they understand perfectly well where europe is sliding, europe is sliding into a very deep crisis, an economic, financial crisis, of course, this crisis was imposed by the anglos, but the situation is as it is, there is an economic crisis, a little more, very strong social unrest will begin, not on a political basis
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or anything, not because of migrants, but because there is simply nothing to eat, hunger is high, yes, they will start to freeze, and as a result, of course, how to suppress these uprisings only happen when ultra-right forces are in power, because today, do you agree with alexey, the right, the far right, where is this line, because the same alternative for germany was recently presented as an extreme right political force, today it is already we say that we are still extremely right are truly associated with the dark ones. and political forces in the history of all mankind, that’s what you think, is there a line, who, for example, is the current victorious political force in the same netherlands, i allow myself to disagree with my respected belarusian colleague on the model, on the approach, how a competent political scientist is absolutely right, because it is indeed extremely right to use social protests, but it’s another matter that wilders or
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marrin lepen, they are not a burying right, i’ll tell you moreover, if you understand this right, if we look at the totality, how... lukashenko and his policies in belarus will be far right for many, well, i won’t even repeat it, he’s doing it so beautifully, as he says in popular terms, the kgb expresses, to put it mildly, not tolerant, but simply said popularly, i don’t like this dovecote, and speaking of onationism, nevertheless, he is hardly ready to resettle here hundreds of thousands of gaza residents suffering from the war and give them belarusian citizenship social benefits, he stands for strong presidential power, he supports strong law enforcement agencies, he does not release criminals for petty thefts, as the leftists in europe call for, in california, for example, for theft of less than $1000, he does not put you in prison, from the point of view of classical liberals today, belarus is a right-wing conservative state, and and of course, alexander grigoryich, like the entire belarusian people , supports their large orthodox church, this is all the more right-wing conservatism, certainly not socialism, let
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’s miss this point of discussion, because how the mep is communicating with us right now ... in the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk about the winds of change blowing in europe, but we also remember the previous successes of the conservatives. and yet the globalist elites were able to maintain the liberal agenda. do you think anything will change this time? this time nothing will change, sorry, we see the following: people, the population of the european
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union, feel the need for change, a change in policy, but the conservative party, after the elections, if they win. at once move to the left, they will make compromises, they will not completely stop immigration, they will not seek more cooperation with belarus or russia, i think it will change a little, maybe everything will slow down, but in a radically different direction. it won't, sir, but can we expect a rise of the right in the european elections next
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june, what are the chances of the popular, conservative forces, at a minimum, sorting out their own internal contradictions to form a viable unified force, which will force mainstream parties to reckon with them. what we will see is that the conservative parties will not get an absolute majority. although everyone, or rather all other parties , will unite to prevent conservatives from entering the government. or, if they get there, they will be compromised in every possible way to suppress them. i think that internal conflict is not... is the main problem of the conservative parties, i see it in the european parliament, in fact, it is not
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a problem unless we have an absolute majority, say, if we look at christian democrats, they were almost completely infiltrated by lebanese political sentiments. mr. dagraf, and my last question. apparently, the news from europe should not be very pleasant for vladimir zelensky, since he believed that the european union would shoulder the entire burden when the united states wanted to leave the game. do you think that the netherlands will ask the price of hungary and slovakia, which is against the continuation of the war, the start of negotiations on ukraine’s membership in the eu. in the netherlands, and the freedom party, i had many questions and
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discussions with geert wilders, including on issues of the war in ukraine. he's a big fan of the us, so i don't see any drastic changes in direction there, but. the european union is a zone of us influence and will not be let go just like that. i don't even expect any changes on this front. perhaps if the alternative for germany wins in germany and forms a government, then we can see serious changes. if the alternative for germany cannot set the direction for the european union, we will do nothing observe. mr. dgraf, let me express
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my gratitude for your time and your answers. thank you very much, we hope to see you again in future programs, thank you very much, i will be glad. well , let’s continue our discussion, well, indeed , the forecasts are disappointing for our respected viewers, rather for people living in post in soviet countries, but it’s still true, a fairly long period of time is needed to get rid of these liberal-globalist blinders , rather, let the europeans themselves come first, because we have discussed this topic with the leader of our movement many times. for for europe, that is, just guys, what you
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are doing now. detrimentally dangerous for europe itself , not only are you running into nuclear conflicts, even with belarus and even more so with the whole of russia, yes, but at a minimum, you have dumped the economy in an unknown place, and you have lost your competitiveness, so if you think no need to think about russia, belarus there, or some other part of ukraine that is against the war, let us all be bad there, you be for yourself patriots of your europe, understand that for you the continuation of the american course towards war is not beneficial, so what has... i, dear mr. degraph, whom i know well , i consider truly one of the independently thinking politicians in the european parliament, so that the experience of the same george miloni, who came to authorities from a very right-wing camp, she led a party that was constantly leaving, rooted, in general, in musolini’s party, there and the fascist party, she went, at one time she told how she admires putin, how she respects understands russia’s actions in crimea and so on, having become prime minister, she seems to have integrated herself very much, very ukrainian, i
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’ll tell you this, they would be for christian values, but they remain atlanticists, they don’t like them, not america, like with its course, but they don’t like the biden administration specifically with its left-liberal course, and if tomorrow there is a conventional trump, well, trump, such an unusual figure, but just a classic republican, like reagan, who will be for christian values, but parallel. more against russia and china, all these guys will immediately line up behind him, in a kelvator column, this is still better, not purely aesthetically, as a person of christian-conservative values, it would be more pleasant to see that in europe they would slow down a little this with progressive values , these progressive values, this is a matter of aesthetics, but from the point of view of his politics, mr. ovdoden is right, he said the same thing, that he does not expect fundamental changes, what is important is that it accumulates anyway, that is,
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about the melody.. .said, but she stays in camp of zelsky supporters, but she is definitely not the first violin. wilders will not, like ruett , give away f16 from stocks , it is quite clear, absolutely with orban, and you know, alexey, european politicians such as viktor orban, like robert fitze, who recently won the elections in slovakia, were perceived as a minority that this camp is becoming stronger, well, you know, i honestly doubt that these are processes, you know, so deep, people came, voted, everyone clapped their hands, it became great, democracy is like that manifestation, yes, this is all complete nonsense, but behind any party, behind any political forces and leaders there is the largest capital, money bags that finance their work, and
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when... we are talking about the fact that this or that people chose such a politician , but it was not the people who chose, yes, but those who look into the future for the next 5 years, they say, we need just such a party, just such a leader, let him finish, here is the most important question, look at how they are castling , they slip the dutch, and the dutch, a new leader, the secretary general of nato, you know, remember who ryute is, he has the highest award of yaroslav mudrov from ukraine, yes, he supported the entire ukrainian course, that is, what does this mean, that no, no vector is changing for them, they were just doing raking, then are you convinced that this is a regulated process. of course, a completely regulated process. yes,
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there you go. it is important to note, as already mentioned, the basis for the voters' shift to the right conservative parties is dissatisfaction with the massive influx of migrants from africa and asia and more and more people, carried out by the liberal establishment course, explains the theories of the great replacement, this is what a member of the dutch parliament thinks about this, again, having won the elections in his constituency on november 22, but we will hear a direct speech, the french autotor spoke about the great replacement, and that’s what actually introduced this term. i think we see this every day. europe's indigenous populations are not reproducing in sufficient numbers to maintain population levels. they leave happy countries, that is, the netherlands is not only a country of immigrants, but also a country emigrants. many people simply flee the country because they no longer feel
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at home. they don’t feel safe, they don’t feel that they can successfully do business, they don’t feel that the state is protecting them and taking care of them. you can see that the indigenous population of europe is falling significantly, on the other hand we see a huge influx of people from other parts of the world, from africa, from the arab states, of course, also the maghreb, north africa, the middle east, and this simply means, that it is mathematically inevitable that the composition of the population will change in europe, with all the different cultures, ways of life, i think it 's very sad, because i really love the european... way of life, european culture, who, like me, are europeans, for the world this is a great tragedy, this it would be a great tragedy if this particular way of life, the european way of life, disappears. it’s interesting that some
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illustration of the theory of great replacement is this graph of inbound and outbound migration in the european union in recent years . let’s pay attention to our plasma, colleagues, we we see that people are not only... moving to the european union, but are emigrating from the european union in comparable amounts, and this is data from official statistics of the european commission. oleg, well, this is, of course, a trend that those who understand little there in ukraine, speaking, and communication with many ordinary russians and belarusians there, there is no understanding of this, there is still an illusion that europe is such an eden, where there can there is something wrong with the politics there, but in general it’s so good there and so on and they don’t move there either because desperate patriots or who simply cannot, actually thinking people, i have a lot of acquaintances, quite wealthy europeans, some aristocrats hereditary there for twenty generations, and
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so on, who are seriously thinking about buying land, moving to russia, to crimea, or to belarus and so on, for several reasons, first, no matter what some people say here, colleagues here know... there are in minsk, i treat them with respect, they run around with their eurasian hobbies, minsk is there is this european one the city, the europe that we are classically, in the sense of being accustomed to not by architecture, it is unfortunately the tragedy of the great patriotic war that minsk was so badly destroyed, for example, there was no grodno, but it was clean, neat, safe, people were polite, delicate, respectful of each other, respectful of the environment, we’ve all been to the middle east, i don’t want to offend anyone, yes, i mean, i don’t want to sound racist, but it’s different there. and so for me, for example, in many places in belarus, this is europe, which we lost, yes, because let 's be frank, for any representative, like the middle class and above, it is no longer important just the salary, it is important for him what school he goes to, if his child goes, whether he will be
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surrounded by people from the maghreb, who excuse the fact that the girl has a skirt, just above the knee they will start bullying, whether the muzins shout in the evenings from the minors, you know, again, i gave an example, there is a beautiful mosque in minsk, on griboyedov boulevard. i lived there for a while nearby, there is a large muslim community there, but they behave as the state allows them, it respects their traditions, but does not allow them to violate the traditions of the indigenous belarusian population, this is the model, so people of course leave, people leave from the endless gay pride parades, people leave from the fact that in schools children are forcibly told about, by the way, i see the already respected waldemar gert, he can tell you more about this, about sex education lessons in kindergartens, when uh, excuse me, well, this cannot be... to say, this is a fact, these are not crazy people came up with this reality, the teacher takes two children, a boy and a girl, to a corner, undresses himself , undresses them and says, now let ’s look at each other, let’s get used to it, this is now the norm of sex education, we don’t forget about literature, which already imposes
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certain roles, touch portrait , i have one friend, a french aristocrat, count demonspe, who, by the way, really likes to come here to minsk, his friends there periodically invite him here to hunt and so on in belarus, so he said, the car is moscow license plates, he drove it from russia , when he travels to many places, he is not afraid that they will burn it, because it has moscow license plates, because he comes from maghreb, algeria, tunisia, and so on, with sympathy for russia, considering it the force that helps and for these russian license plates is a plus for him, if he had french license plates, he would have been burned long ago, because in these suburbs the youth are angry at the native french and burn their cars and puncture the tires just like that, imagine this in minsk , i can assure you, i'm with great i would like to introduce waldemar gehrt, a member of the 19th bundestag and a german entrepreneur, into our discussion. valdemar, hello, glad to see you, thank you for being with us today. good afternoon, we are talking about the victory of wilders’ party
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in the netherlands, it shocked many, european bureaucrats. this is what you think, is it possible to say that the ideology of liberal globalism is beginning to fail in the european union, because as soon as... a few minutes ago we spoke with member of the european parliament marcel degraf, still, he believes that it may be dawn, but there is still a long way to go. well, liberal multiglobalism , well, you can’t denigrate it in all, in all its incarnations, in the darkness that it has now turned into, yes, this is a very sad option, this is a turn towards sodom and gomora, a turn into a dead-end branch of human development, this definitely, and well, let 's say, the soviet union once also had such a doctrine, to dissolve... all nationalities and peoples and turn it into one
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soviet people, well, the idea is understandable, if there is one soviet people , there will be no ethnic conflicts, in this cauldron everyone will be the same, nothing worked, and the european union will not work, it followed the same path, and nothing will work either, national identity, the more it is oppressed, the stronger it becomes inside... the century when a critical mass arrives, when it is overcrowded, it spills out on the street, it splashes out in the form of such a popular protest, as it is now in the netherlands, as we are experiencing now in germany, when our party is growing in rating, not only because we , well, in general, have always talked and warned about what is happening now, this will happen, well... after all, what are we talking about sovereignty, about love, uh, i still like that
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today they sent me a happy birthday card and it says here - we love germany, before it was generally forbidden to say this, can you imagine that if you pronounce this phrase loudly, you immediately become a fascist, racist, nationalist or something else, that is , , what is happening now, the pendulum is rolling back, it has gone too... far into side of the destruction of national identity, the destruction of the sovereignty of countries, and now this will come back , god grant that this history does not repeat itself, it was on this wave that hitler once came to power, when the people were driven into such a situation that it makes no difference to them there was no one, but someone proposed a populist, nazi, nationalist solution and they followed him, i hope that we can now stay at the center of the pragmatic development
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of our countries, and this is exactly what we are working for and are here. valdemar, thank you, i i propose that we together hear the opinion of a representative of another right-wing conservative party, member of the european parliament from italy francesca danata, who calls for a change in its geopolitical course in order to solve the migration problems of the european union. i think that if we talk about migration, europe, the european union, should try to establish partnerships with influential third countries that control economically, as well as politically, the states of africa, the african continent of the middle east, where migrants come from are coming to europe, and these countries are
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mainly russia and china, and i really regret the current position of the european union, especially regarding the conflict with russia from the war in ukraine. alexey, if i allow myself such a difficult provocative question, please tell me, despite the fact that there is a sanctions policy, but could the republic. migration crisis in exchange for the restrictions that the european union has introduced, namely the same sanctions, you know, belarus is always ready for dialogue, for constructive solving problems, common problems for europe , yes, no matter how they try to cut us off, we are still part of europe, we are still integrated historically, through the future
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that will lie ahead, yes, we are still integrated into europe, so when the question arises, we are ready is belarus, yes, it is always ready, but the question is not even our position, the fact is that those ideologists who now determine the policy of the european union, determine the policy of european countries, they have actually reached a dead end, they do not know how to resolve this situation, you see, they had a very beautiful picture, this is a picture of the metropolis, the european union - the metropolis, technology, finance, very expensive production, but highly profitable production and everything is fine, but these politicians at some stage and those who were ideologists planned this economic model , they did not teach the most important thing, they probably did not read the history of ancient rome, as if
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the development of this empire did not take place, yes, all those peoples are always enslaved. peoples will always strive to the center of the metropolis, because life there is a priori better, here are politicians from europe, they say: yes, we must first create good living conditions in those regions that we conditionally occupied, and in africa, in the middle east, and then perhaps no one will come to us and we will preserve ourselves as unique territory, but this is already an illusion. they lost 30 years, they should have done it earlier. oleg, well, at one time brexit looked quite funny and unrealistic, but it happened. today, from the lips of mr. wilders, we hear that the future is bright and well-fed the same holland, just outside the european union zone. do you think
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this is possible in the foreseeable future, and what kind of future awaits the european union as a whole? because the european union is one of the pillars of ideology. globalism, and here, too, i sometimes have discussions with some colleagues who think that let ’s help europe a little bit to disassociate itself from washington’s course, they will start to be friends with us , everything will be fine, but that’s just it, then like the way it's transformed in the last few decades, this is the stronghold of the conditional collective soros, this is precisely in america, since it is a national state, a conditional trump may come to power, start thinking about american... competition will always remain with russia, there are opportunities to trade there, but let’s just say there are more problems with the supply of goods from some kind of europe, which are direct competitors and so on , and the americans eventually come to an agreement with russia, there with belarus with other sovereign countries around the world, here is the european union, it
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conceived, because the structure, which in the name of supranational ideology, supranational elite, here... she is not a german politician, she is, well, not even european, but there is one called being a handshake in advance, that ’s important for them, for everyone, conditionally, orban is not called to the rescue , he honestly doesn’t care, i’m here by the way , i’ll argue with alexey again on something, let me allow myself, orban is just an example of how you can win elections, this is absolutely the popular will of the hungarian people, no, yes, there are businesses there, listen, there are national big ones producers who are interested in alexander lukashenko continuing the current course of protecting the national producer , this. it’s normal, in general, politicians can’t, this is only in fairy tales, you know, politicians rely on the poorest, politicians always rely on the strongest, it’s abnormal when they rely on international capital, like zelsky, when he is ready to destroy its own producer in the interests of external capital, and be supported by its own rich people, this is normal, and the main thing is that these rich
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people pay taxes and comply with the laws, i am just sure that belarus is interested in the fact that the european union as a single national whole is as weak as possible, and that national eus, sovereign, yes, are as strong as possible and so on and so on separately with hungary, slovakia, the netherlands, belgium , purely on a pragmatic interest, and vonderleen will never agree with someone like tusk, yes, waldemar, and let’s also pay attention to the map of europe, we tried to point out, right conservative governments in which states they are present, right-wing conservatives are already in power, the netherlands, belgium, right -wing conservatives are preparing to come, italy, slovakia, hungary and sweden, what do you think, this is the same victory of mr. wilders, the party of freedom, but it pushed voters to alternatives for germany, for more decisive actions, because you know,
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there is a wonderful phrase: now or never, it seems to me that this is the decisive moment, yes, yes, of course, this was the decisive moment. that’s why our multiglobalists are so scared such a result, which they generally pushed back in their minds for another 10 years, another 10 years to rob the people, well, maybe then they won’t have the strength to stand up, or maybe they’ll rebel, but we won’t exist anymore, today these processes have been launched , they were launched in germany, they were launched in other countries, uh, the only thing is that we still need to return doctrinally to the original plan for creating the european union. yes, a voluntary community of sovereign states, if now there are political forces that will do this to implement the doctrine, there is nothing wrong with the fact that we got together and discussed it, someone can do something better, well, it is unprofitable to grow bananas in belarus, probably in
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the european union too, so multiglobalism itself is not, well, it’s not a dirty word, a dirty word, what they made of him , taking away his sovereignty, but there was no such thing, and there was no such agreement, but the appetite comes with eating, a gang of such adventurers breaks through to power, to power, it is very profitable for someone to build just such a power , ambitious, corrupt, protecting in in general, his personal interests, and not the interests of his people, as soon as we took away the sovereignty of the state, there is no one to protect, these are not his people, he defends purely his position, i see this in our chancellor, i see this in the main big politicians , european, because well, more than one chancellor would never agree to pay 8 billion 3 billion to the state that blew up its infrastructure, there is no logic at all, well
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, i remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say we are talking about a right turn in europe, alexey, support for ukraine is decreasing every month, and this is even said by the data in open... sources that are present about financial assistance from the united states of america, the european union has already given everything it could, the question is whether they can do it themselves to defend if something happens, but do you think this is a cold shower for the current ukrainian government, and does this contribute to the fact that the current conflict will be resolved peacefully? first of all , when considering the conflict in ukraine, we must think with the logic of those who initiated it. a they considered ukraine and this whole conflict as an investment project, when you invest money and your investors, those
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politicians tell investors, let's start a conflict in ukraine, weaken russia, collapse its economy, collapse the european economy, then we will quickly buy it all at a very low cost , but the project failed, the investment project failed, and naturally, the thoughtful head of the investment fund that started the project in ukraine, he says, since the project failed, we urgently close it, because he then it generates only expenses in geometric progression , it needs to be closed urgently, now they are doing the same , zelensky’s entire environment is just hired managers, extremely cheap, for them hired managers are extremely cheap, what will happen next with ukraine does not bother them at all, even if it starts there. will last for 10 years, they don’t care at all anymore, just like they don’t care what ’s happening in iraq, in afghanistan, now,
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you know, in syria and there in northern africa, so these are investment projects, they they started, didn’t implement it, dropped it, moved on, what now, what new investment project will be implemented, well , most likely it will be implemented somewhere in the asia-pacific region, europe will be given a little rest, well, if i say so. of course, we can see some tricks behind everything and so on, but when these tricks, some interests of some players we don’t like play against us - that’s one thing, when they play into our hands - that’s another thing. well be indignant, yes, that is, if today, even if i am in many ways with alexei i agree, but it’s clear there, for a reason, some parties there, by the way, i recently learned with great surprise that the german automaker is one of the main sponsors of sympathizers of the orban government in hungary. because it is beneficial for them that there are production facilities on the territory of hungary, because it is beneficial for them that orman opposes the green agenda, they, and they want, and so on, that is, nothing bad, normal
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industrial capital, which is always, which is in difference from financial capital is always much more responsible, supports those political forces that seem to support their agenda, even if there is some kind of hairy hand behind them, but if this hairy hand helps, ultimately end the war in ukraine, remove the fascist, globalist regime from there wiretapped ... zelsky regime and so on, thank god, i’m glad, i’m glad for this, roughly speaking, oligurhamdemar, please tell me, maybe the hairy hand of donald trump will put an end to this terrible and cruel tragedy, what do you think, i think so , this person has this potential, because it is not systemic , he broke into the system, well, against all calculations, to stop the war in ukraine in one day, he promised... and he will do it, trump is the only president who has not started a single war, and yes, he is a pragmatist, he is a businessman, he loves his country, uh, in
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principle, this is not bad. you can negotiate with him, and he showed this, using the example of north korea, the example of other conflict zones and situations, by changing the power in america, the paradigm of human development throughout the world will change. thank you very much to all participants our discussions, by the way, we will definitely talk about the united states in more detail in subsequent programs, because the wind of change, i am convinced, will not leave the united states of america aside at the end of our program, i would like to recall the words of one of the brightest preachers of conservative values ​​in russia, nikolai berdyaev. the point of conservatism is not to slow down the upward movement, but to prevent the slide back down into the chaos and darkness of primitive society. this was said almost 100 years ago, since then, our people have had there are many opportunities to see how those who promised a fairy tale would make reality and dreamed of other
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social utopias turned a far from ideal world into a real nightmare. therefore , not only for the western, but also for our part of europe, conservativism serves as a logical choice for those who are tired of experiments, who no longer want to start, and then, and then thank you, this was the program szasz is authorized to declare. eu citizens are increasingly rejecting globalist ideology. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the tv channel belarus 24, this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews
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quatorial guinea was determined during the visit of the belarusian government delegation to this country. key areas include agriculture, industry, energy, healthcare, education, and traditional interest in our mechanical engineering and technologies. in total, there are 65 directions on the road map. new format of mobility and string transport is being developed in the eco-technopark. what kind of engineering is this? the innovation center near marnaya gorka demonstrates what passenger transportation in cities can be like and how transportation can be done. cargo, all logistics on the second level - this saves space, the advantages include safety, comfort and environmental friendliness. 20 people took the oath of citizenship of belarus, the solemn ceremony took place in minsk.


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