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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 6, 2023 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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the news is on air, in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. from central to
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southeastern asia, after mutually beneficial negotiations in uzbekistan, the delegation of the belarusian government landed with proposals from hanoi. the mistakes of last year have been taken into account, the dates have been set, will we tell you when the centralized exam for capital graduates will take place? boris pistorius spoke out: ukraine is not our ally. the german defense minister boldly voiced his position on supplies. already independent, a gas leak, then a lit cigarette, the investigative committee named a preliminary version of the emergency in the polotsk region, everything can be learned by comparison, it’s clean here, the people are polite, we in the usa have a lot to learn. the american shared her emotions and compared the minsk and new york metro. dates are centralized.
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exams have been determined for minsk graduates, there will be 11,500 of them in the capital’s schools and gymnasiums, the emphasis in improving the admissions process was set by the president at a meeting in september. so, the mechanism itself will remain the same, these are two, which in the capital will be held on may 27 and 30, at the same time the final exam at school for entrance to the university, one of them in a specialized subject related to the future profession of the applicant, the second, russian or belarusian language to choose from: the training program has changed. of course, we took into account the mistakes made last year, especially with regard to the system of preparing graduates for the centralized exam. those modules and topics that needed to be worked on more seriously and substantively have been identified; during the school year, our teachers work to ensure that the children are fully prepared for the centralized exam. along with
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improving the quality of education , minsk continues to develop infrastructure; next year two schools will be built in the libyazhi and minsk mir microdistricts, as well as two kindergartens. more than 4,000 km, samarkant hanoi, asia, central and southeastern. the negotiating day of the belarusian government delegation led by prime minister roman golovchenko started today in uzbekistan and ended in vietnam. these markets are familiar to us, but many projects are still ahead. confirmation of this is samorkant , working visits and business negotiations, these are new agreements and new contracts, projects on diesel generators in textile production are already being developed, we plan to increase the localization of the assembly of equipment and the supply of milk powder for processing plants, and also more actively cooperate in the pharmaceutical industry about the intersection economic interests were spoken at the meeting by the prime ministers of belarus and uzbekistan as a priority and the creation of an electronic platform for the rapid export of goods, so takaya
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the system has already confirmed the effectiveness of the eu, so there is a lot of work ahead, including in the search for new areas of cooperation in southeast asia. a delegation from the belarusian government arrived in hanoi this evening on an official visit. the program for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in hanoi includes negotiations with the president and prime minister of vietnam with the chairman. people's committee of hanoi and representatives of the provinces of this country. the signing of a number of international documents is also expected, as well as a visit to the joint production of massasia. in ha chi minh city, in the south of the country, we are opening a consulate general of our embassy, ​​we will hold a business forum and show our best products at the vietnam expo exhibition. the west is trying to strangle belarus, we are the country of the aggressor,
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this opinion was expressed by the secretary of state of the security council at a meeting with the personnel of the brest border group. alexander volfovich spoke about the main trends in the military-political situation. and also that aggressors are making a country out of belarus and creating a collapse at the border. the secretary of state noted that on the way to brest he personally appreciated the scale of the accumulation of heavy trucks at the border, now more than 1,200 trucks are waiting to enter the european union through the kozlovich border crossing; due to the actions of the polish side, european companies are suffering losses and carriers are experiencing inconvenience. of course, we are trying to somehow normalize this situation, to create basic conditions for people. well, the democrats , neighboring democrats don’t think about this , of course, everything must be resolved peacefully, the president has spoken about this more than once, look for common ground, find solutions so that people can live in peace and good neighborliness, this is the most important thing, peace and
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security, today are probably the most expensive categories that our globe probably lacks. during a meeting with border guards, the secretary of state focused on the threats that form... looking at american indecisiveness in the issue of allocating money ukraine unexpectedly became emboldened in berlin, german defense minister boris pistorius lost his temper and said too much when commenting on yet another begging of the zelsky regime, he stressed that the country is not an ally of ukraine. allies, this means that we are outside the alliance, at the same time we are talking about russia, which, despite sanctions, continues to produce materials, albeit not the most modern, this is not the case when we only supply, but nothing new for the russian armed forces in russia is not receiving it, this is the course of the war, which
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is difficult to predict. pestorius also emphasized that there are delays in the supply of weapons to ukraine, but berlin cannot eliminate them as quickly as they want, according to him, it is impossible to endlessly influence the pace of production. outplayed, destroyed, donald trump once again publicly humiliated his political opponent. the ex-president spoke bluntly about the pointlessness of biden’s nomination for a second term, his physical shape is too bad. remember, he said about me: i’ll take him behind the barn, if this happened, i would blow on him. but by the way, when he said this, everyone thought how cute, if i had said this, they would have called me a dictator, a terrible person, as you know, these are double standards, they manifest themselves in everything, i don’t think he will succeed physically, i saw when he was on the beach, he
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couldn't lift a beach chair that a child can lift, i'd say mentally he's just as bad, maybe even worse. trump spoke about his possible future as president; he promised not to take revenge on his offenders; to be a dictator for just one day to close the borders and expand oil production. in the meantime, in the states , trump and biden are finding out who is cooler, ordinary americans are traveling, visiting us and seeing the difference. this is how a belarusian blogger shared her american mother-in-law’s emotions from the capital’s metro on social networks. the video went viral already more than 450,000 views. and the phrase “you can eat polo here” has become popular , it’s clean here, no one rapes anyone, there is no garbage, there are no beggars either, it’s so quiet here that
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you can hear a pin drop , you can eat polo here, people are polite, that ’s the image life here, we in the usa have a lot to learn. the blogger noted everything that her mother-in-law says, this is in comparison with the new york subway, it has not had the best reputation for a long time, and has become a separate trend in tiktok. there in one of the applications for planning city trips, even added function of a rat detector in the american subway. as a result, according to user reports, the grand avenue stop in brooklyn turned out to be the most densely populated by rodents. the belarusian metro constantly captivates our guests, that’s the admiration of a blogger from moldova. you know, the first time i got to this metro station in minsk, i thought that i’m not in minsk , everything is so modern, and of course different from other metro stations, here’s the train, it’s also modern, by the way, there are special ones here these are the exits for
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security, eight units of special equipment and 25 personnel of the ministry of emergency situations were involved in eliminating the consequences of the explosion in the agricultural town of zakharnich, there is a threat of collapse. no, the walls have already been strengthened so that the builders can begin restoring the roofs of the apartments. residents evacuated the night before spent the night with relatives, four families will be provided with temporary replacement housing. the injured elderly woman remains in the polotsk central district hospital, her forty-seven-year-old son was transferred under the supervision of vitebsk doctors. condition, both doctors rated closer to moderate severity. experts are establishing the circumstances of the incident and studying the site of the explosion. according to preliminary information from the investigative committee , a gas leak occurred; an explosion of the gas-air mixture was triggered by a lit cigarette. today after ensuring a safe stay at the scene of the incident. operational group, victims and eyewitnesses interviewed. based on this
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fact, the polotsk interdistrict department of the investigative committee is conducting an investigation. investigators will pay special attention to the causes and conditions that contributed to the incident. dismantling work will begin today; housing and communal services workers will dismantle the rafters and floor slabs. after dismantling work , restoration work will begin. expected completion time 5 days. let me remind you that the explosion occurred yesterday, at approximately 19:30, emergency services quickly rushed to the site, and no casualties were avoided. the legend of the ballet stage lyudmila borzhazovskaya has passed away. the people's artist passed away at the age of seventy-seven. the president expressed his condolences to his family and friends. alexander lukashenko noted her her bright creative activity became an example
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for young artists of the real pride of the bolshoi theater of belarus, to which she remained faithful until the last minute of her life. lyudmila brazovskaya, born in 1946 in minsk in the family of the artist heinrich barzhazovsky, graduated from the belarusian state choreographic school and entered the service of the bolshoi theater of belarus. the first danced the main role in the ballets carmen suite, creation of the world, pigel, spartacus, silkunchik, armina burana, the creators of these performances. people's artist of the ussr valentin elizarev choreographed, as they say for it. the famous italian director franco zeffirelli admired brzhazovskaya’s talent. she was compared to audrey hebber and maya plesetskaya. after finishing her dancing career, the ballerina did not leave choreography classes and became a tutor. lyudmila borzhavskaya gave the theater almost 60 years.
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the performance accumulates this energy and these emotions, it seems to me that it is still a huge success and a huge success only because every person dancing, gives himself completely. the time and place of forgiveness with people's artist of belarus lyudmila borzhazovskaya is being specified. without environmental safety, development is impossible, this opinion was expressed today by kachanova at an off-site meeting of the council for interaction of local government bodies under the council of the republic
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in brest. the topic of the meeting was joint work carried out by environmental organizations, local government and self-government bodies, as well as other government agencies on the effective use of natural resources protection. participants visited one of the largest food production enterprises not only in belarus, but also in europe. here, last year , the country's first large eco-refrigeration complex opened, which uses natural refrigerants instead of freon, thereby not destroying the ozone layer and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 4 per year. it also saves significant energy. it is important to replicate what already exists and use it as efficiently as possible, but in general we have projects in the field of solar energy, in the field of energy storage in area of ​​electric vehicles. on the one hand , from this we have some kind of efficiency in terms of... savings, so, but on the other hand, we are doing a great job, which we
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ourselves will feel, our children will feel, through clean air, clean nature, questions environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, one of the main activities of the council of the republic, the brest region is located in the center of the belarusian woodland, among the main tasks is to maintain a specially protected area in its natural state natural territory, which is important for climate formation and natalya kachanova emphasized that global work is being carried out here in this direction, and the chairman of the council of the republic is confident that local authorities play a key role in ensuring the security of the country, because they directly interact with the population , are well aware of the specifics of their region and the implementation of government policies on the ground. this is our future, this is the future of those generations who follow us, to maintain an ecological balance, to maintain environmental safety, our country is exactly like this, and we know how much
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is being done in our country today, starting from the state program that has been adopted and being implemented, locally, ending with the activities that are at every enterprise , in every organization, and of course, environmental education is very important, training not just specialists in higher educational institutions, lyceums and colleges, but environmental education starting from preschool institutions, natalya kachanova also emphasized that if there are questions, they should be resolved promptly, including by improving legislation; now the parliamentarian is working on changes to the law on how to maintain beauty and youth in any rhythm of life, look at all 100 ideas for non-standard projects on women's health activists of the belarusian union of women of the bel-television company belnet prepaaratov shared their active lifestyle today at a round table. so these days women of the media holding are involved
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into a large-scale oncology campaign, it is carried out jointly with the country's leading oncology center on the basis of the eighth metropolitan clinic. about 150 people intend to undergo diagnostics, because mortality statistics, for example from cervical cancer, are not encouraging, but it has been proven that this is the only type of cancer that can be completely prevented by paying attention to your health and treating precancerous pathologies. together in the media holding we create high-quality television products together decided to get involved in women's health, and you know when we were just starting our large-scale campaign, we didn’t even know how... wide the response from our women would be, how widespread the interest in our campaign would be, and here we felt that shoulder of a comrade, when alone to the doctor, you may not even make it, due to for some of our own reasons and even afraid of getting some kind of result, but here we all went together and did it, together we will go through any difficulties, because we are a team,
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interaction is important not only today, interaction is always important, you see, you hear, on all women's businesses too there is always more, and as a rule, women already decide a lot. representatives of the country's largest pharmaceutical company did not miss the chance to get acquainted with the behind-the-scenes life of television. we visited the largest television studio in the country. we learned how the holding's rating projects and, of course, news releases are created. that’s all for me, at the end of the day at 9 pm, in a panorama with sergei lugovsky, the broadcast will continue with sports news. stay with us. football club vitebsk had the initiative, but failed to open the gate energy. the first play-off match for a place in the major league took place today at the capital's ersor bgu stadium. already at the 12th minute the students
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were in the minority. yaroslav makushinsky managed to earn two yellow cards. nevertheless, the owner. managed to reduce the match to a goalless draw, tried from the first to the last minute to put pressure on the opponent to play for victory, but played 0:00, so everything will be decided in vitebsk, who will be in the major league next season, we will find out on saturday, the return match will be held in vitebsk. dynamo shinnik suffers a major defeat in khabarovsk during the mhl regular season. the amur tigers are stronger than the belarusians today 5:1. matvey shedlovsky scored the only goal for the guests, against the opponent. now 38 points, dynamo has 34 points left, we are in fourth place in the silver division of the western conference, tomorrow the teams will play again, the game starts at 12:00.
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computer game or real world? they entered the game, but did not take into account one thing, everything here is for real. this is the most extreme project
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in the country, heroes, reboot, with yourself fights. this time, instead of young fire and rescue professionals, representatives of belarusian show business will compete. the first lines in the charts, rating projects on tv. they want to show their character and express themselves even louder. i admit, honestly, i’m not an athlete, i’m an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain intact. anton kushnir is waiting for you, there is no need for these leading dances. every time gives birth to its heroes. the mission control center is ready, wow, huh. you have to unscrew it, otherwise you’ll stay there to live, that’s it, i lost, yes, it looks like yes, goodbye, what is he doing , it’s incredible, guys, watch it on
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the belarus 24 tv channel, together with the belarus 24 tv channel, let’s take a look at the cultural life of our country, these adzins are now catching fire with this look at the territors of belarus, now we know the news what is the only adzin analogue of our fireplace... in the world of russia in the city of samara. all these workshops are lively, and here they prepare meat decarats for pasta. darechy, he knew in the bathhouse of the theater. let's remember folk traditions. krepen - geta yashche yago people call it sung drums. the first teeth of the apex pressed the paper and then the lips dropped and began to sing a melodious song or something. and there are all these special pins, as they are called. don’t worry, there’s no time to sleep here, when
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on the 13th of june 1956 the song of the father of the republic of lyubanskiy ceased this month in the center of the world life of minsk. see ў prajektse cultural podarozhe.
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