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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 6, 2023 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of wednesday, december 6, i will tell you, sergey lugovsky. hello, directness, openness
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and principled position of our president. lukashenko’s speech at the climate summit in dubai continues to quote: stop creating problems, it’s time to solve them. but belarusians have a lot to learn, for example, the same paris agreements, and even from the example of our metro. no homeless beggars, no rats and mice, like in the usa, clean, calm, cozy. the american admired the minsk metro. can you imagine what will happen to her when she will see new stations of the green luzhskaya line , there is even a runway there, really, just wow, you and i will see this in the panorama, and also look in our issue, if belarus is the lungs of europe, how this organism works for the benefit of the environment and what solutions in the field of energy helps reduce emissions, put on shelves in the wake of the international climate summit.
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southeast asia, why this market is interesting to us and what opportunities it opens for our manufacturers, government delegation belarus on an official visit to vietnam. the causes of the incident are being established. investigators and rescuers worked at the site in the agricultural town of zakharnich all daylight hours. the structure of the sixteen-apartment residential building where the explosion occurred last night has been strengthened. we'll tell you the details in a few minutes. hype among young people, children, impressed by the sensational series , go all out, is it really cinematic culture that influences the minds of teenagers or is it issues of education, let’s look at the panorama, black shopping, legalization of crashes in stores in the usa, thieves with calculators operate in the middle of the day in front of everyone.
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convulsively drives the entire population of the country under arms and creates barrier detachments. who poisoned budanov’s wife or was she the one who carried out the special operation unsuccessfully, who ate all the belarusian sausage during the negotiations? look in the trends program. issues of a planetary scale continue to be discussed in the united arab emirates. experts from almost one and a half hundred countries. meetings within the framework of the twenty-eighth conference are being held in dubai. parties to the un framework convention on climate change. it will end on december 12th. our delegation is participating. there is a representative of the ministry of natural resources , environmental protection, the national academy of sciences and other relevant departments. based on the results , experts must come up with a solution on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the effects of climate change and how to adapt to them. belarus has already declared loudly. about
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themselves during the summit with the participation of country leaders. our president openly stated that he really is polluting the planet and how to stop this process. and this despite the fact that belarus has just achieved significant success following the paris agreements, we have exceeded our emissions reduction promises by one and a half times. plus, belarus has long been called the lungs of europe. how they are structured and what example... we are showing to the whole world, vladislav bonddar looked into it. cities that grow in width pierce the clouds with skyscrapers, industrial landscapes that are buried in their own haze, which deep in the bowels of the earth are no longer a mystery, raw materials for a comfortable life, cars that teem with megacities. how else could they simplify our lives, many of human tasks can already be done by robots and artificial intelligence, why don’t ilan musk even send tourists on space excursions. the world of this. century is definitely different, but
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they go out to the stars closer to their own planet , further and further. and we generally hear what the earth is trying to tell us, not even with hints, but sometimes with a cry, when it shakes, when it erupts, floods, blows away a whirlwind , the increase in the number of disasters is the result of climate change, many reports of international organizations signal this, that are repeated from year to year, and this year 2023 has already become the hottest in the history of observation, 1.3° above the climate norm, felt all over the world, in antarctica, so far from us, where glaciers floated, shortly before general sequon themselves were personally convinced of this, felt global warming in belarus, especially with the advent of the summer drought, here without much water, the temperature has become even higher. it increased by 1.4° in belarus. if nothing changes in the world, first of all, if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced,
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the climate in belarus may increase by another 6-7°. if we don’t hit three now, then it may be too late. over the past year, according to the world organization, the amount of emissions of the same carbon dioxide for the first time is twice as high as in the pre-industrial era, the result of our progress, which is also the damage that humans cause to nature, where everything was thought out without us, for example, the swamp that absorbs emissions is the largest one preserved in its original form. it is largely thanks to these natural filters that belarus is called light europe, work even more efficiently than forests. some trees grow, some die, carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere, on the contrary, while they grow, they take carbon dioxide into this atmosphere, even if it takes 70-100 years, the swamp works for thousands of years, but when we dry the swamp, that is, we return this carbon, which is accumulated in the swamp ecosystem, we throw it back,
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european countries, like germany, too early began to drain the swamps back in the 16th century, and we also had land reclamation, especially in the woodlands in the sixties, otherwise the poles are so would have remained isolated from the world as people on the bolot. the main thing is that we stopped on time, and how we preserve and renew forests can be seen from the greenness of 40% of the country. for comparison, this is more than hungary or our neighbors, lithuania or latvia, achieved serious tangible successes for nature in the paris climate agreements of 2015. the state committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030. we exceeded our obligations by one and a half times. due to the extensive work to increase forest cover and restore swamps. the belarusian energy sector is also following the green path; with the commissioning of a nuclear power plant, they achieved a compromise on environmental and economic issues; since
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its launch, they have already reduced emissions by 10 million tons, and more. about 7 million tons per year will be constantly saved and not thrown away. today, many take... the example from the belarusian side and the project, which has been implemented here today in the russian federation, is being duplicated today, that is, it continues today in turkey and egypt in other countries, it is visible if we, the very lungs of europe, so who is stepping on the throat, are trying to cut off oxygen with the same sanctions, limiting access to technology, the questions that our president asked the world in a frank speech at the international climate summit, and set the accents, which the first speakers kept silent about... in order to destroy iraq and afghanistan and bring benefit to these countries for the peoples , it was estimated that from one and a half to two trillion dollars were spent, but count how much
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money was spent to protect these countries? and how many people died cannot be estimated in dollars; there is a war going on today. for ukraine, this is no longer 15-2 dollars, it will already cost 5 trillion dollars, if we manage to agree on peace in the near future, how much will a massacre cost in the middle east, and if it breaks out in the pacific ocean, it will be trillions-trillions of dollars, well, let 's direct them towards the purity of the planet, and this... battle for the future, for the climate in the common home, after all, it must be fought without weapons in our hands, we can only win together, because until we hear each other, the screaming continues to get louder planet. vladislav, maxim lev and grigory kristofovich, tv news agency. without environmental safety, development
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is impossible, this opinion was expressed today by natalya kachanova at an off-site meeting of the council for interaction of local government bodies under the council of the republic in brest. topic of the meeting. joint work carried out by environmental organizations, local government and self-government bodies, as well as other government bodies on the effective use of natural... resources protection, participants visited one of the largest enterprises not only in belarus, but also in europe for the production of food products; here , last year , the country’s first large eco-refrigeration complex was launched; instead of freon, they use natural refrigerants, thereby not destroying the ozone layer, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 4 tons per year, and this also significantly saves energy, it is important to replicate... what we already have and use it as efficiently as possible, but in general we have projects in the field of
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solar energy, in the field of storage energy in the field of electric vehicles , on the one hand, from this we have some efficiency in terms of savings, but on the other hand, we are doing a great job, which we will feel and our children themselves will feel through clean air, clean nature, environmental issues environment and rational use of natural resources. one of the main activities of the council of the republic. the brest region is located in the center of the belarusian woodland, among the main tasks is to maintain specially protected natural areas in their natural state, which are important for shaping the climate of europe. natalya kachanova emphasized that global work is being carried out in this direction. also, the chairman of the council of the republic is confident that local authorities have a key role in ensuring the environmental safety of the country, since they are the ones who directly interact with the population,
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know well the specifics of their region and the implementation of state policy on the ground, this is our future, this is the future of those generations who are coming after us, save here is the ecological balance , to maintain environmental safety , our country is exactly like that, and we know how much is being done in our country today, starting from the state program that has been adopted, implemented locally, and ending with the activities that exist at every enterprise, in every organization, and of course, environmental education is very important, the training of not just specialists in higher educational institutions, lyceums and colleges, but environmental education starting from preschool institutions, natalya kachanova also emphasized that if there are questions, they must be resolved promptly, including by improving legislation. by the way, parliamentarians are now working on changes to the laws on the management of genetic resources and land reclamation waste.
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peaceful nuclear technologies are also developing rapidly. the first fourth-generation nuclear power plant was put into operation by china, the shidau wa'an facility with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, which operated continuously in test mode for 168 hours. and now the ac has been introduced into commercial exploitation. as experts note. the type of reactor itself has been improved. its main advantage is even greater safety when generating electricity. more than 4,000 km, samarkant hanoi. asia, central and southeastern. the negotiation day of the belarusian government delegation led by prime minister roman golovchenko started today in uzbekistan. i just finished in vietnam, these markets are familiar to us, but many projects are still ahead,
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samarkant is proof of this. working visits and business negotiations mean new agreements and new contracts. projects on diesel generators and textile production are already under development. we plan to increase the localization of equipment assembly and the supply of milk powder for processing plants. we will also cooperate more actively in the pharmaceutical industry. the intersection of economic interests was discussed at the meeting of the prime ministers of belarus and uzbekistan and the priority was the creation of an electronic platform for the rapid export of goods, such a system has already confirmed its effectiveness in the eu, so there is a lot of work ahead, including in the search new areas of cooperation in southeast asia. a delegation from the belarusian government arrived in hanoi this evening on an official visit.
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the program for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow includes negotiations with the president and prime minister of vietnam, the chairman of the people's committee of hanoi and representatives of the provinces of this country, the signing of a number of documents is expected, as well as a visit to the joint production of massasia, in ha chi minh city, in the south of the country, we are opening our consulate general, we will hold a business forum and show our best products at the exhibition vietnam, well, now to events in the middle east: the israeli military continues its invasion of southern gaza. they are moving towards a place where they believe part of the hamas leadership may be hiding. continue in other areas, even including refugee towns in the north. israel claims that about 5,000 fighters of the palestinian movement have already been killed, while the numbers of tens of thousands of civilian casualties are not mentioned. the israeli military also continues to encourage palestinians, to put it mildly, to move to humanitarian zones
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security. according to the un representative, in this case we are talking about more than half a million people, new internally displaced persons, but these people have nowhere to go, the shelters are overcrowded and even there they can be killed, as is happening right now. israel's methods are striking in their inhumanity; information has emerged that the idf is preparing to flood the underground network of hamas tunnels in the gaza strip. five pumps have already been installed with mediterranean water and they plan to fill the entire five-hundred-kilometer communications network in the region. on social networks, yes... the first ones appeared footage that shows the flooding, but there is no exact data on exactly where and when they were taken. a briefing in the us senate on ukraine turned into a heated dispute. lawmakers demanded that the biden administration explain why the issue of supporting ukraine and israel is more important than
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securing the southern border of the states themselves. this resulted in a furious skirmish and... a planned teleconference with zelensky, several republicans even left the meeting early. moreover, in the white house immediately rejected the republican demands. this means that today’s vote on the budget for the ukrainian armed forces will most likely be a failure. the kiev regime is facing very difficult and cold times. we are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of our ability to provide security assistance to ukraine. ukraine is about to face a very difficult winter. well , the day of revelations did not end there, representative thomas massey, in an interview with tucker carlson, said that you need to be morally defective to vote for allocating money to ukraine. tucker carlson too i wondered, who will be responsible for the fact that the united states is exterminating ukrainians? the us is helping
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to kill an entire generation of ukrainian men who will have no replacements to fight a war they cannot fight. all those who run around with their little flags, with the ukrainian flag, are involved in this. thomas massey also admitted that the states helped to overthrow the elected government of ukraine in 2014 and added that washington’s actions will now have consequences, it will no longer work for them. the terrorist regime of kyiv is trying with everyone ways to stay afloat here are the main methods of democratizers - murder. the body of ex-verkhovna rada deputy ilya kiva was found in the village of suponevo near moscow, odentsovsky district. the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case. according to preliminary information, the politician was
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shot dead. an investigative team is currently working at the scene of the incident. ukrainian media writes at the same time. that the liquidation operation was carried out by the sbu. the politician made the most daring, critical statements about the ukrainian junta, he openly called things by their proper names, nazism by nazism, genocide of one’s own people, genocide. kiva has repeatedly participated in the programs of our tv channel, sharing his opinions on current events in his homeland, from which he had to leave. ilya kiev gave one of his last interviews to the agency’s program. news trends, watch today after the panorama. he spoke about the planned removal of zelsky in kiev and named the persons involved in this conspiracy. they also talked about the failure of the counter-offensive and the current situation in ukraine, the war of compromising evidence and information leaks. the thing is, that for failures on the eastern front it is necessary to find someone to blame.
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zelsky was chosen as the whipping boy. sooner or later. will be dumped as an inconvenient figure, as a scapegoat, and today that time has come, from the very beginning, always at the political forefront, washington had a group of backups, this is the team of poroshenko, klitschko and zaluzhny, who today are already beginning to actively form and prepare. the seizure of administrative buildings in kiev, as well as the legalization of this military coup, as well as preparing the troops that are while still under... the control of zaluzhny, the situation in the zelsky regime today is very difficult, because you correctly noted, failures at the front, a hole in the economy, which is why the united states
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was hit by a wave of store crashes, and the term black friday took on a completely different meaning. evgeny gonin, together with analysts and experts, understands the trends of the modern world, see the trends project today. after the panorama. do you know that the fugitives are going to liberate belarus, they are planning some kind of campaign against minsk, but at least now the anglo-saxons are only ready to give
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their cookies to the snakes for this reason, so they had another such, well, among themselves, as always, under a very loud name , a conference, exactly a week ago in kiev, where the plan for the invasion of belarus was discussed. what came of it, or rather what did not come of it, we will find out from the following report. walking to freedom through blood, death and chaos, how to mold a working formula for receiving grants from the ghost of war, the fugitives decided on the basis of the ukrainian academy of sciences. for this purpose, everyone who did not laziness, a scattering of rukhs, cabinets, councils and cyber extremists, the ukrainian special services put their guns on the line, the collaboration was spiced up by the ex-ambassador of ukraine. the belarusian advertising campaign for the american ruble was trumpeted in the media that as many as 300 spartans would gather, but the lineup did not live up to expectations, there were at most 80 people in the hall, and most of
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the extras, militants of the so-called regiment, tikhanovskaya, poznyak, survila, latushka did not show up. and the main characters, they are also the organizers, are the kalinovsky regiment, the sbu and the main intelligence department of ukraine, the last two are openly at odds, which seems to hint. advisor to the head of the office of the president of ukraine podalyak, european partners are extremely interested in increasing the popularity of the influence of the belarusian opposition. a meeting with the belarusian opposition is essentially an investment in our common future. extremely interested in popularity, for what? firstly, according to their own research, this popularity does not exist in nature, but to promote a fugitive party. the task of the party, its congress, by the way, will take place today, the fugitive belarusian gang will be in washington almost the same composition. but let’s return to
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the conference, why the ukrainian center pulled out a fugitive camp from vilnius and warsaw and is starting to promote political corpses, and even forcibly under the security roof of terrorists who do not hide their tactics. and for belarus to be drawn into the war after all. and i don’t see any other way to free her, nameless. some kind of forceful, forceful turning point, nothing will change, i’ll go to minsk on a tank, but there’s no tank, the armored personnel carrier was given on a butir. the efforts of the west are now aimed at realizing this fantasy, the plan is this: to shake off the already unsorted leaders, raise them to the banners of thugs , arrange a border conflict on the part of ukraine, in nezalezhnaya there will already be volunteers with combat experience to help, and then the bbc will describe how the liberators are coming and greeting them with flowers. but the western technologists of the revolution did not take into account one thing, the quality of the material with which they have to work, when
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the fugitives get together, this is a real political bazaar, they immediately fell down at point number one, they could not sign a piece of paper that they were going to create a basis future victories, here is a fragment of a sad polish report, it is easy to sign a memorandum, as if they were planning to create such a dance, and most importantly, all these plans do not take into account the opinion of the majority of people, when it is necessary to carry out the will of washington, this is not domocracy. which of the residents of belarus wants tanks in their city, and ordinary ukrainians understand perfectly well what thoughtless provocations against our country can lead to, and the belarusian special services have already stopped the car in such cases, not only railway tracks. the security system works and we can feel confident even in such a difficult situation, but we will look into relations with belarus further, alexey martinenok, telelenova agency.
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rescue work continues at the site in the agricultural town of zakharnichey-polotsk region. there is no threat of collapse of a sixteen-apartment residential building; expert investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident and are studying the site of the explosion to establish its cause. according to the investigative committee, pre-speech. about a gas leak. residents evacuated the night before spent the night with relatives, four families will be provided with temporary housing. two people, an eighty-year-old woman, and her forty-seven-year-old son, injured in the incident, are in hospital. doctors assess their condition as being closer to moderate severity. from the scene of the emergency, olga moslovskaya. i just don't have a room. the wall is knocked out, that's it, all the
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interior doors. departure, that is, i entered the hall, i see them all over the apartment, because there is no wall. olga kritskaya’s apartment is located next door to the one where the explosion occurred; at the time of the incident, the woman was not at home; by luck, she went out for a walk with the dog. did you hear the explosion? i heard it, but i thought it might be a dog in the yard, something like that, well, i went to the neighbors, i didn’t even understand, and then the neighbors just called, run home, come on, run home , the woman spent the night ugly. like other residents who were evacuated from the emergency building, emergency crews from the ministry of emergency situations and emergency services promptly arrived and established the epicenter of the explosion was in apartment no . they were delivered in serious condition, immediately taken to the intensive care unit, where therapeutic, diagnostic and
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medical procedures were carried out. diagnoses and examinations were established, that is, they both had concomitant injuries, the night passed calmly, the patients’ condition remained stable, by lunchtime one of the patients was sent for further treatment to vitebsk regional clinical hospital, the second, the second patient remains with us, his condition is stable and he will be transferred to the somatic department. investigators and rescuers worked at the scene all day long. experts will have to establish the cause of the explosion, the ministry of emergency situations employees need to clear up the destruction and strengthen the walls of the house so that the builders can begin restoring the roofs of the apartments. eight units of equipment and 25 emergency workers were involved in strengthening the destroyed external walls of the residential houses. dismantling work will begin today; housing and communal services workers will dismantle the rafters and floor slabs. after dismantling work
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, restoration work will begin. we are waiting. during the end of 5 days, samples of destroyed building materials were confiscated, preliminary conclusions of investigators, a gas leak occurred in the apartment, the explosion was caused by a lit cigarette. victims and eyewitnesses have been interviewed, and an investigation into this fact is being carried out by the polotsk interdistrict department of the investigative committee. special attention investigators will focus on the causes and conditions that contributed to the incident. four families have been evicted from the dilapidated building until they are provided with apartments. this comfortable two-room apartment on mira avenue in polotsk will also become temporary housing. this housing will be provided as a maneuverable fund for victims of an emergency . this apartment is a two-room apartment, equipped with all utilities and will be used by citizens for the period until they resolve their housing issues. the situation on control of local authorities, the victims are ready
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to provide all necessary assistance. olga moslovskaya, anton levin, telelenova agency. the belarusian metro again impresses foreigners. a belarusian blogger shared her american mother-in-law’s emotions from the capital’s metro. the video has gone viral, it has already been viewed more than 450,000 times, and the phrase “here from the floor” exists. it’s clean here, no one rapes anyone, there’s no garbage , there’s no beggars either, it’s so quiet here that you can hear a pin drop, you can eat here, people are polite, like that this is the way of life here, we in the usa have a lot to learn, the blogger notes. everything
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her mother-in-law says is in comparison with the new york subway, it has long had a bad reputation, which has become a separate anti-trend in tiktok, they even added a rat detector function to one of the applications for planning... city trips, in the end the grand avenue stop in brooklyn turned out to be the most densely populated by rodents. the belarusian metro constantly captivates our guests, this is the admiration of a blogger from moldova. you know, the first time i got to this metro station in minsk, i thought that i’m not in minsk , everything is so modern and of course different from other metro stations, here’s the train, it’s also modern, by the way, here... special exits like this have been made for safety, as for video with an american woman, this is the number of views , the comments are not far behind, people share their delight not only with the cleanliness in the metro, but also with belarus in general, i will read some of
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them, minsk is very clean, during the two-day trip i did not see a single piece of paper on street. belarusians themselves are good people, everything around is in accordance, yours is very good, very clean. delicious food, beautiful bright people, and overall beauty, and the people are really kind and polite, these are just a small part of such reviews, of which there are already more than half a thousand. the new stations of our metro will be for foreigners, then in general it’s just wow, the effect and conceptuality in the construction of three subway locations was added by the interior decoration. the highest level of readiness is now at the airfield, where it is at the final stage. heavenly design, the construction site is located in a modern and densely populated area of ​​the capital, this station in the future will be one of the most popular, in total the minsk metro receives about 800,000 passengers daily,
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and accordingly, a year - almost 300 million people, today the underground artery of the capital has 33 of... and three lines: moscow, aka blue, red avtozavodskaya, and the youngest zeleno-luzhskaya. now there are only four stations on the third line, they were opened in november 2020, three more stops will be added next year, this is the slutsk hotel, nemarshinsky garden airfield. among the long-term prospects, plus all stations, the green line will connect the kurosovshch microdistricts. and zelenoluk, it is planned in minsk to build a ring line on the fourth route with 17 stations and more than 25 km. the underground route will duplicate the second city
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traffic circle, the closed highway will intersect with all lines. where is the transfer hub provided, and what does the underground construction look like now? story by elena vitko. the color of the station is green, and there are tree crowns under the dome. it will be like this nemarshynsky garden. the slutsk hotel will unite the heritage of the past and the progressive tomorrow into the architectural motifs of the legendary belts, and these airy interiors with geolocation of the airfield metro are being built on the territory of the former minsk-1 airport. attention, we are taking off soon, the airport metro station is ready, today it is already more than 90%. the celestial concept here is supported by the blue and white color scheme, which increases the space. visually there are also no columns, and there is also a lot of light, the structures imitate floating clouds, for a greater ambience, underground you we even created white airplane stripes, from the platform to the vestibule, the design is uniform , the entrances stylistically support multi-level
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ceilings, well, interesting, of course, because before that we did the zhukovsky, anniversary, more or less everything was in the same plane, there were a couple of differences, and here everything is on different levels, all this of course complicates the task, but on the one hand it was interesting how it would be... it turns out that the ceilings are already ready almost everywhere, the only thing left to do in one vestibule is to add some at the edges, but these are individual measurements, there are little things left , well, we are waiting for the arrival of the cladding of metal-ceramic boxes that will be cladding the columns, the finishing materials are mainly belarusian, we also have our own escalators, elevators, they are being installed and tested , the cladding is being completed, this is more than 5,000 granite squares, natural stone keeps temporary secrets. it is under this platform that in the future there will be a transfer hub. we are now above it, that is , what we do not see, granite is laid here, beautifully, over time, when the fourth ring is completed, part of it will be dismantled platforms and we will see staircase descents,
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respectively, to the fourth line. our main work on the construction of reinforced concrete structures has all been completed, finishing and architectural work is currently underway, in particular, we can observe the structure, from workshop storerooms to ventilation chambers and electrical substations, so that the transport mechanism works perfectly, they are erecting it unnoticed by passengers. almost 200 secret rooms, this is the press room, this is the heart of the station, everything is controlled from here, well, electricity and tractors for electric trains, 10 kv cameras, 0.23 lighting, and power, everything is done automatically, it’s turned on from the remote control, that from the station on duty is turned on from the remote control, something, well, everything is there from the depot, but the specialist himself is there at night and for days, now it’s in use fifty specialists , working... seven days a week , they plan to complete the construction of three new stations
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next year, the green line will continue the route from the trade union and perespa to komarovskaya and peoples' friendship park, the section is being prepared, in total the north and south of the capital will connect 14 stations the third metro line, which is 16 underground kilometers. elena vitko and andrey ivanenko, telelenova agency. the famous russian film director nikita mikhalkov gave an exclusive interview to beltv and radio company, we will show it tomorrow on belarus 1. the people's artist of the rsf received journalists from the project “tell me not to be silent” in moscow and answered the most pressing questions. for example, how did the famous director manage to outshine fashion bloggers? after all, each release of his project bisagon attracts an audience of millions. we are the only one. in the world we are with you, who stood up to their full height,
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disdain for the leaders, people who risked everything, and their careers, against the huge conglomerate of the west, just because they are faithful to their tradition, their history, their culture, their people, i am not teaching anyone, and to no one i’m not calling for anything, i’m listening, in general the performance, we saw it. that this is for everyone and about everyone. and by the way, this friday the theater and cinema center under the direction of nikita mikhalkov is coming to minsk and for 2 days the legendary play 12 will be staged on the stage of the palace of the republic , directed by mikhalkov and with his participation. how a theatrical production differs from a famous film, is the modern viewer ready for a tough conversation about current problems in society, why is the silence in the hall sometimes va... i wanted in any case to convey
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that sincerity and that desire, our sense of responsibility, to bring performance 12 to belarus, to minsk, i really love this city and in general i love and appreciate this country very much, today i think it is absolutely clear to everyone that we are really, really real brothers, it’s impossible for us to live without each other, that’s why we want that after watching performance, the belarusian viewer felt the same thing that our viewer in russia experiences in different cities, the conversation with the belarusian journalists of the program, say don’t be silent, was a success in your opinion, well, the fact is that i was fascinated by these absolutely charming
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girls, so i i think everything went so easily, it was a joking game, i hope that they have the same , the program is worth watching, definitely, i want to watch it myself, we will definitely pass it on to you, thank you, it’s worth watching tomorrow’s exclusive interview with nikita mikhalkov in program tell me not to be silent, at 10:55, from the high world. very sad news: the legend of the ballet stage lyudmila brzhizovskaya has passed away, the people's artist passed away in her seventy- seventh year. our president expressed his condolences to family and friends. alexander lukashenko noted that her bright creative activity became an example for young artists of the real pride of the bolshoi theater of belarus, to which she remained faithful until the last minute of her life. lyudmila brzhizovskaya was born in 1940 in minsk. in the family of the artist, heinrich brzuzowski,
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graduated from the belarusian state choreographic school and entered the service of the bolshoi theater of belarus. she was the first to dance the main roles in the ballets carman suite, creation of the world, til ulin-spiegen, spartacus, and silkunchik carmina burana. the creator of these performances, people's artist of the ussr valentin elizarev, choreographed, as they say, precisely for her. the famous italian director admired brzezowska’s talent. she was compared to odresetskaya; after finishing her dancing career, the ballerina did not leave choreography classes and became a tutor
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the performance accumulates this energy and these emotions, and it seems to me that it is still a huge success and a huge success only because every person dancing gives himself completely, the time and place of farewell to the people's artist of belarus lyudmila brzhuzovskaya is now being specified. party development strategy, comprehension. social problems and political processes, such topics were raised today at the first meeting of the expert analytical center of belaya russia. composed of political scientists, historians, economists and philosophers. the center's work format is meetings at on a regular basis. experts not only discuss current issues of civil society, but also develop approaches to
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solving them. one of the important topics today is the upcoming single voting day. we are approaching the election campaign towards a single voting day, the belarusian party belarus is actively participating in this work and one of the tasks that we must solve is to provide our candidates for deputies with a party program, with those meanings that will unite all nominees from belarusian party belarus. a political party that claims to be not just a spokesman for the interests of the country's population, but a conductor of state policy, it must... have a very clear idea of ​​the dynamics of all the changes taking place, the content of such processes, the direction of such processes, respectively, here this is the field in which belarusian analysts will have to work in the format of such an institutionalized structure. the
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white russia party, created in march of this year, aims to represent the interests of all layers of belarusian society. well, of course. it is important not to forget about young people, who are now very susceptible to various hypes that are destructive and even degrading in nature. the sensational story, where seventh-graders bullied a boy on camera, and after the video appeared in the general chat, was resolved, here is the insight: there is no connection with the sensational series. i note that the reaction to the content was reflected very quickly. the police identified the teenagers. interested in the incident. our correspondents: material victoria radevich. excuse me, please. these shots, filmed on one of the streets of minsk , excited internet users the day before. they mocked him, lifted him upside down and threw him into his backpack. all this was accompanied by filming with a phone camera, so that later the recording
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could be posted in your telegram chat. it is not clear from the video why a group of teenagers treated a child who asked them to stop the bullying. please, okay, what can i do, stop, don’t, don’t. please, don't, oh, konik, poke, don't, please, as soon as the video got online , the police intervened in the matter, during the monitoring of the internet, the metropolitan police officers identified the fact of illegal actions against a minor, employees of the soviet ore city of minsk identified the students who filmed the video and his telegram channel, an inspection is being carried out in relation to minors , everyone will be given a legal assessment. within the framework of this legislation. as it turned out , the anti-heroes of the video are three seventh grade students from the capital’s gymnasium number six. previously none of the teenagers in sight there were no law enforcement officers; they were all from ordinary families. a boy who was bullied a grade below. initial checks included, it was established that inter-annual gambling had taken place, which subsequently...


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