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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 12:10am-12:46am MSK

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free, even square decimeters, all took up a lot of space, contrary to safety, and adding to them more standing passengers, these are the same potential suicide cars. as a result of all this global work to check the industry, all of them will be outlawed, and the rules of the game will become transparent for everyone. e history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity, you will feel it once and never forget it again, everything here is for real.
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the imposed american hegemony, to put it mildly, has fed up everyone, the pressure. constantly is intensifying on the countries of the european union, their affairs are poor and dependent, they have already played too hard with ukraine, they don’t know whether to send for negotiations, or to continue to delay military actions, exhausting the enemy, but with russia and belarus everything is very complicated for the west, stubborn, independent , rebellious , slavs, in a word, the struggle of civilization and the redivision of the world, what will we come to in the end, who will win and what can be... considered our
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victory, this is about today in the program, this is something else, i’m ksenia lebedeva with you, hello, chief political strategist of the existing world order , having crossed the century mark, henry kissinger said goodbye to this world last week, it’s time to think about how long the very same world order, the seed of which he laid and supported american supremacy and centrist politics, where the us prima ballerina, the rest exist, will last to maintain her life. we viewed the opening of china as the opening of a new period of geopolitical relations, because it not only opened a second front for the soviet union and not only threatened unity communist bloc. first, the details
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that it explains to the american public that we have our own idea of ​​the world order and that it is not simple. we're not just about protecting a corner of southeast asia. do we have our own vision of how countries can treat each other? secondly, we thought that if we played well, we could achieve a position in which we would be closer to each of the communist rivals than they were to each other. so this was our geopolitical model. and we implemented it correctly, informing each side about what we were doing with the other, so over time the outlines of a new international system began to emerge, but the hole in all this geopolitical thinking has always been the position of europe, both now and before, the european union is just a bargaining chip, an instrument of the united states, like ukraine, kissinger was us secretary of state from 7 to 7 years, during which time there were,
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so to speak, attempts to improve relations between the united states, the ussr and china, as well as to end the war in vietnam, for efforts in the latter question he was awarded the nobel peace prize, while kissinger was a supporter of the expansion of the north atlantic bloc and the admission of ukraine to nato and a supporter of sanctions against states, but not personal ones, considered them ineffective and in fact a violation of the international i really don’t like the concept of sanctions against individuals, because i i always think the first question you have to ask as a politician is what are you trying to achieve, and secondly, what is the takeaway from this, are you trying to achieve some kind of resistance to the government, punishing the people against whom you apply sanctions and what kind of international. will you
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succeed if every country punishes people in other countries, how will you stop it then? the time has come not to remain silent about reluctance... to the tune of american globalism, countries that the united states constantly tightened the screws and intimidated with sanctions are beginning to unite and share according to interests. one of the centers of gravity, for example, has become brix, an interstate informal association of countries with dynamically developing economies: russia, brazil, india, china and south africa. in january 2024 , six more states will join the bloc, including iran and the united arab emirates, but the resistance group, sanctions, blackmail, incitement of ethnic hatred, dirty tricks used by western political strategists against the economic and political allies of russia and belarus, did not produce results , this
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is also an example of opposition to hegemony, but it influenced the closest ally of the united states, the european union, in fact, this was the malicious plan of the globalists to remove competitors from the market, through sanctions they slow down their competitors for to prevent them from producing their goods, services and not competing with their main competitors, in september twenty -two, an allegedly secret report from the corporation was published in a swedish publication, and there the rant corporation writes that the main... goal of the conflict between ukraine and russia - this was not even a weakening of russia, but a weakening of europe. the key competitor of the united states of america or anglo-saxon corporations has always been european companies. now americans are solving their
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problems also by destroying european ones. corporations, how they do it, how to destroy any economy, anyone. economics of any enterprise, make sure that incoming resources are extremely expensive. in our region , the role of security is played by the csto, the organization of a collective security treaty. the global problems that we are now facing were outlined by our president during the november summit in minsk with the participation of heads of state and participating countries. we have already been caught up in the whirlwind of changing eras. we are witnesses to the destruction of the previous system of international relations and we are participants in the breakdown the existing unipolar and, if you like , western-centric model is undergoing a gradual transition to multipolarity; a complex, dramatic
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transition. this is due to the fact that western politicians do not want to give up their positions by ignoring them. the inexorable course of history , which, as we know, cannot be stopped, under the slogan of a rules-based order that replaces international law, the west is increasingly trying to crush the whole world under itself, all known dirty measures are being used, from sanctions, blackmail to inciting interethnic conflicts, the question is correctly posed , what are these rules and who established these... the question is rhetorical, of course, we know who is why, the point is different, most of the world does not want to play by these rules, and the language of diplomacy has long been replaced by the shaking of arms . after the collapse of the ussr and the active shift
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of geopolitical plates, the united states tried to establish its influence in the territories of the former soviet republics, in ukraine this happened almost with the arrival in belarus of attempts at negotiations between the liberal globalist soros and lukashenko ended in nothing, unlike ukraine. his theories acquired life there, the word democracy, a touch of sarcasm and mistrust, double standards became visible without a magnifying glass, like the permissiveness of the powers that be. we have chosen different paths, which is probably why our countries are where they are now. this is bad , the soviet is a relic of the past, but the american, western is different, i
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am absolutely convinced that the unity of russian ukrainians and belarusians is the very civilization that the west has been trying to destroy for centuries, destroy, unfortunately, in different ways reasons, now he managed, so to speak , to drive a wedge, so to speak, into the heart, yes, at least, well, if not in the heart, then at least in the leg, that’s it. they undoubtedly do not, as it were, have some kind of dividends from this, and this is quite obvious, based on this, this is what i personally would see as real success, real success, i would see a return of all three peoples to the understanding that they are great , well, if not a single, then an extremely common civilization, which they want to fragment, because they are afraid of how a competitor, a competitor in the field of meaning, in the field of: worldview in the field of lifestyle , well, including as a military competitor, and as
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an economic competitor, that is , roughly speaking, the real success would be not to take kharkov there and not to put a boot on someone’s face , as if yes, the real success would be to return us all to a common understanding that this is our common destiny. the start of a special military operation in ukraine demonstrated to the west, which chose square as a tool of struggle in the confrontation with russia, that if they do not understand the language of diplomacy, they will explain it on their fingers for those who do not grasp the essence, here is identification, and demilitarization, and everything is fair, because long conversations did not lead to anything, nato did not restrain its ardor in relation to ukraine did not want to leave it neutral, now ukraine is not that neutral, it was abandoned on the threshold of a situation, but they are only waiting for it... in the tri-slavic brotherhood, albeit like a prodigal son. victory over the collective west in ukraine will give a powerful
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an impulse to change the global balance of power in favor of the establishment of a polycentric world order. and the united states can only hope that after russia’s victory in the conflict in ukraine they will be able to forgive them, but that’s something else. and yaksenia lebezeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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the telelenova agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, before the saints of kastrychnika, the concession is under construction at the construction of a new workshop of the minsk instrument plant at the front-line engineer. vakhtse tokar magilko 250% of the norm, vos yago padarunak holy for the warstat, the former radiotelephanist, enelya mustaitsis, a saint from the very beginning, became the issue master of her new special forces. please forward to us satsyyalistychny dagavor kalektyva of the gomel plant rukhavik revalyutsyi. at the famous 30 year old plant of kastrychnika, the plant’s collection has no ties. with great
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success, from the good old days, the holy plant-fallen plant. brygadzir of the peradova kamsamolsk-youth brigade of mary dubadzelava, born in 1958. elder savetskaya of belarus 54th holy day socialist revaluation. circular march of the warriors of the minsk garrison. all the glorious sons of aishyna, that is the day and the beginning of our brewing tradition. the technology is powerful. current bayaya technique, yana taksama aplot nashaga spakoinaga, chistaga
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sky. guardsmen on the marches. their syag - a symbol of the borderless adnation of the party of the people of radzin. many of you, who came out on this parade, were drawn from the recent studies of zahad 81, which is the predecessor of the ancestral demonstrators of the fusion of powerful technology, military mastery and the uncruelty morality of the spirit of sav eckaga. our native belarus is sacred to the important kolas of the sustrel. the republic has given the reign of power to the dzarzhava. the tone of the golden grain, which is significant in the past five years , the grain of our famous bulb has been riffled, each of the heroes of the project is engaged in an important matter,
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the main custodian of funds is an earthly profession, very responsible, our team is working on... to collect and preserve materials about the past for the sake of the future, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. i am the deputy director of the republican landscape reserve nalibox. conservation of nature is important for all of us, since we all depend on the environment, which gives us food, water, health, and quality of life. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies. their work, welcome to our palace, the object comes here for temporary protection, then the question of its acceptance into the museum is permanently decided by the stock collection commission, we turned it upside down on purpose, the age of the skull is about 2000 years, like shatyakov, bear traces were visible there, we we planned to go there in a group
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today on an excursion, but what are you watching on the tv channel belarus 24 together with the tv channel belarus 24, let’s take a look at the cultural life of our country, these adzins have got all these views on the territory of belarus, they are now aware of anything but adzin anal g on our way to the fireplace in ўvogul ў susvets, at rasiya, near the city of samara, there are eight of these lively workshops, and here they prepare soft dekaratsy for pastanova, darecha, and knowledge in the kupala theater. let us remember that we call folk traditions, rapen, geta yashche yago. people have a passion for singing drums the first apex teeth pressed the paper and then the lips dropped and began to sing the melodious words of some people and there are special ones, all these pins are called pa-getam dolls . what do we call shpyanev's abrasions to the historical past at our museum
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? the 13th of june 1956 ceased. the lubansk city was transformed into the center of the social life of minsk. look, in the first place, cultural padarozha. paleshuks - these people who live in harmony s piss off. no one can create carcinoma like nature. when i pass, i see something so extraordinary, my hand is so excited to take a photo, there’s an anthill here, this is also life, there’s a family there, they’re doing something there. i don’t know a lot about the native practices and i don’t know. droplets, droplets, i think, i found droplets on the ball, but it’s in the figurative sense that every little thing is a droplet, a droplet of a droplet and rubles,
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well, apparently, well, a vetachka, you can throw it in a carriage, you can light a fire pit, and then another side, when from it...
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good evening, this is the economic environment in belarus, one of the satellite tv channels in belarus, 244 enterprises of the ministry of industry have increased their output. to import-substituting products. over 9 months, the increase was 8.5% compared to the same period last year. according to the relevant department
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, the production volumes of grain and forage harvesting equipment increased most of all, by more than 77%. and also over sixty integrated circuits. exports also increased. over three quarters , belarus supplied import-substituted products worth almost $3 billion. the authorities of kazakhstan will control prices for socially significant goods manually. the decision was made due to an increase in the consumer price index by 5%. let us recall that at the end of the twenty-second year, inflation in kazakhstan was at a record level, more than 19%. unemployment in the eu has decreased by more than 14% since the beginning of the year. according to the eurasian economic commission, at the end of september the number of unemployed in the union fell below 870,000 people, which is 20 basis points less than last year. the world rating agency has worsened its economic forecasts. states from stable to negative. according to analysts, the main factor in lowering the forecast is the accumulation of risks to fiscal stability, which cover the credit benefits
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of the state. in october, the us national debt reached its all-time high of over $33 trillion. exports of belarusian goods in september hit a record high since the beginning of the year, according to data from the national bank. in general , the foreign trade turnover of goods and services of belarus for 9 months amounted to almost 70 billions of dollars. this is one more than in the same period last year. belarus recorded the highest growth in industrial production among eu countries. this data is provided by the eurasian economic commission. the rate of industrial production over 9 months was over 108% compared to the same period in the twenty- second year. our country’s indicator is more than twice as high as the average for the eurasian union. the driver of growth in the industrial sector of belarus remains the manufacturing industry. she added almost 10%. how the eurasian economic union is developing, what significant results have been achieved and what unresolved issues remain, we will discuss with competent experts
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right now. today we have experts in our studio who understand the issues of developing eurasian economic integration. olesya abramenko, deputy minister of economy of belarus. elena morgunova, first deputy chairman of the state committee for standardization of belarus. andrey bolshakov, deputy chairman of the state customs committee of belarus. dear guests, good evening. good evening. the eurasian economic union, what is it and what goals does it pursue? on the one hand, the eurasian economic union is an international economic association, an established international economic association, on the other hand, it is an international organization of regional
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economic integration, and which ensures the free movement, as we know, of goods, services, capital, labor , yeah, aimed at increasing economic growth of the member states and to ensure the well-being of all citizens of this union. is aimed at the implementation of some tasks, what kind of tasks are these , why is it all done, lesia nikolaevna says that we are talking about increasing the well-being of citizens of all countries, participants, and what tasks are being solved, well, in general, this is ensuring these basic four freedoms, free movement of goods, free movement of services, uh, labor, and capital, here is the provision of all these freedoms on the territory of the common
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the eurasian economic union, for all five of our countries, well, the distinctive feature, i’ll probably also say, yes, that our union is fully supplied with raw materials, from hydrocarbons, as we say, yes, to uranium, plus we have very good food security indicators, well in the world... in terms of depth of integration we have second place after the european union. andrey viktorovich, what problems do you think the eurasian economic union is designed to solve? well, as it was correctly noted, these are four freedoms, and indeed, probably the most important task is the freedom of movement of goods, capital and the fact that our citizens can move freely within the framework of the ers without customs control. but when our viewer watches news about eurasian integration, he is bombarded with a lot of abbreviations that are not always clear, yes, these are eac, eec, ves, emc and much more.
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let's figure it out, let's explain to our tv viewers how the management system of the eurasian economic union is structured and, most importantly, how the powers of supranational national organs? well, i am the eurasian economic union, it includes five states, belarus, russia, kazakhstan - these are the founders of this integration association in the eurasian economic space, which later joined, that is, five governing countries, which means we have a supreme eurasian economic council, which includes the heads of state, it meets at least once a year, the second level of government is the eurasian intergovernmental council, at the level of prime ministers of five countries, yes, five three people meet approximately once a quarter to resolve all economic issues, the third level is the deputy prime minister, the council level, the eurasian economic
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commission, it meets approximately. once a month on the agenda, there are about 30-40 issues that are discussed monthly, well, the lower level, well, let’s say lower, yes, this is the board of the eurasian economic commission, it includes representatives from each country, yes, ministers, members of the board , these are two ministers from each side, that is, this is 10 a person, that is, this is a collegial body that is engaged in the operational tactical management of the eurasian economic union, strategic decisions are made, as you said yes. and therefore, it is important to note that by the agreement on the eurasian union, the countries agreed on what policy, in what sphere of the economy they are pursuing, somewhere they are pursuing a unified policy, somewhere coordinated, somewhere coordinated policy, where -remained at the national level, yes, that is, if customs and tariff measures are taken, for example, anti-dumping, special , compensatory measures in relation to third countries, this is a unified policy, this is not the national, supranational competence
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of the eurasian economic union, the commission, but the decisions of the eurasian economic union, and expressed in the resolutions of the board of the supreme council, they are binding on the participating countries, if this is a decision there, if this is a recommendation, then it is advisory in nature, that is , each level, each governing body has its own types of decisions, and accordingly, if the decision is binding. andrey viktorovich, what about the distinction between national authorities? the main distinction is like... this is, of course , an agreement on the union, the competence is clearly stated there, where this decision is made within the eu, and what is determined at the national level, and accordingly, the main positions are already an agreement, in terms of customs - this the customs code, where decisions are spelled out, the competence of the commission, where the competence of national legislation is, for example, here is the decision of the eurasian economic court
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union, are binding on residents of belarus, see if this is a decision, a court decision, it is binding, that is, any business entity can go to court to protect its interests, and the court will consider this or that dispute, to the extent that the decision of the commission, for example, was made in the attitude of this economic entity corresponds to the law of the union, this decision will be mandatory, and the commission may also appeal and the member state will appeal to the court for clarification, right? the court issues an advisory opinion, it will be advisory character, that is, expresses his opinion , to what extent, well, or we will say, interprets the treaty of alliance, but do i understand correctly, the structure is of course confusing, because important issues are resolved on such a strategic plan that issues concern the destinies of the people of five countries, of course, you can’t solve them that easily, that’s why we need collegial bodies, a complex structure, and so
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on, but in the right way. do i understand that the eurasian economic union, in essence, was created so that our states, states and participating countries, they ensured more dynamic economic development, in interaction with each other , yes, through various mechanisms, well, this is also happening, nikolaevna, yes, that is, each of the countries, yes, as if, probably, doing with some national ones. interests, a balance must be found and countries are trying to find this balance between national supranational interests in order to achieve joint economic growth. yes, but it must be stated that belarus has always been at the forefront of integration processes, in the development of the eurasian economic union, our president traditionally pays considerable attention. and the need to form a full-fledged economic union, without barriers, without restrictions, is especially emphasized, this is the main thing.
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principle, let's listen. in conclusion, i would like to note that belarus supports, initiated within the framework of the russian chairmanship, the need to determine approaches to the formation of a new strategy for the development of integration before the thirtieth year, and somewhere maybe until 2045. at the same time , i want to emphasize that when preparing current strategic documents, our union may be of interest, the experience of implementing some initiatives, this is important for our union, at the level of our union state. russia, at the same time, would like to warn all of us against getting too carried away with strategic planning, but we know how to do this, it’s simple. at the very least, this useful work should not cancel or
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replace practical activities to implement the objectives of the eac treaty, which is being carried out by state members and the commission already now. in general, it has accumulated there are a lot of... specific issues that need to be addressed, they are on the surface, the priority task for all of us remains the creation of a full-fledged economic union. everyone notes the progress in this matter , but i remain on the same position, there should be no barriers or restrictions at all, this is the basic principle of building our union, and we must achieve the goal as soon as possible: well, we heard, no barriers, no restrictions , in fact, it all comes down to what we have already discussed here, the implementation of the principle of four freedoms, yes, goods, services, capital and the work of power, and act
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as a factor in the economic development of our countries, through the removal of barriers and restrictions, but this issue has always been sensitive, olesya nikolaevna, care, the removal of barriers, this is... a topical issue, because it is discussed regularly at various levels, including at the highest levels, but in this regard , a question for you, what are the main barriers for belarus to the functioning of the eurasian economic union that remain at the present time, and what barriers are significant for you, from your point of view, have been removed, well let's start with, probably , by defining some concepts so that there is a general understanding, yes, that we have obstacles, this is a general concept that includes barriers and exclusion restrictions, barriers are a contradiction of national acts, the law of the union, that is , there may be some act adopted, or an act that has not entered into force, which contradicts the law of the union, in particular the treaty on the union,
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this is a barrier, there is an exception, yes, that is, this country, when forming the union, said that some areas will not be in the domestic market, and since i still have national legislation, for example, alcohol and tobacco are excluded from us. 26 seizures, our life does not stand still , some barriers remain, we will say, yes, for example, last year we had problems with the supply of timber in transit through the russian federation, but it is clear that every state is trying to protect and solve in some way that protects national producers, yes, and we had problems with the transit supply of timber in the territory third countries, through the russian federation, and the problems were related, among other things, to
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technical registration, the russian unified information system, that is , it was impossible to register a belarusian entity in this system to supply timber, thanks, among other things, to the customs committee conducting an experiment on... navigation seals succeeded, which means that these timber products are now supplied to us, yes, the regulatory authorities in the forestry sector are finalizing their national information systems for in order to connect them, and to make it easier to register and ship goods on the territory of other states, let’s say what remains, but the problem is being solved, let’s also say there are such barriers to the supply of auto components from other countries within the framework of state procurement, yes, that is, the law of the union establishes some criteria for the admission of state procurement agencies, and the country, well, has introduced its own special and additional criteria for the participation of auto components in state procurement agencies, this is...


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