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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 1:05am-1:31am MSK

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strategy, a direct mechanism for financing cooperative projects was adopted , a legal framework for the traceability of goods was created, the agreement on navigation seals is being actively implemented, the appropriate legal registration of all the necessary aspects of this institution is being created, and of course, a eurasian reinsurance company was created. well, in turn , we really hope that the decisions made will stimulate both foreign and domestic trade. it is also worth noting that as part of the implementation of the strategy 2025, the member state managed to bring its positions closer in new areas, in particular we are talking about scientific and technical cooperation, we really hope that with...
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not only developing our integration, but will ensure the stable functioning of our economies, and those numbers, that we have received over the past two years, they indicate that, in principle , the goals set for us are being achieved, and today we see positive trends in most indicators, this is ivalo. product, this is industrial production, agricultural production and so on, i think that directly, when we come to the report on the implementation of the 2025 strategy complex, and we can say that, in general, there is reason to believe that it is being implemented successfully, thank you, contact us there was iya malkina, the official representative of the eurasian economic commission, nikolaevna, well, we heard, yes,
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industrial punishment, such special attention is paid to it, now, this is not surprising, there are estimates from economists, scientists, analysts, according to which up to the third integration effect in the development of supranational unions, it comes to the elimination of barriers, restrictions, exemptions and up to 23 to strengthening the interaction of harmonization of various aspects of economic policies and the convergence of economies in general, well, we heard about industrial cooperation, a very important aspect, but please tell me what advantages does industrial cooperation provide for belarusian manufacturers, and in what technological areas do we have, well, the greatest groundwork. for
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the production of import-substituting products? well, speaking about industrial cooperation, we can cite last year, the twenty-second year, yes, when we were faced with the need for import substitution, yes, this opportunity to use industrial cooperation in order to increase production volumes and replace import-substituting products, it was available, what can we say, that mutual cooperation supplies within the union in the twenty-second year compared to the previous year increased by... only, and compared, for example, there in the fifteenth year they increased by almost 2.4, in addition, according to experts, it is possible to replace with responsible goods that are produced on the territory of the union about all of these industrial goods worth 70 billion dollar market, this is a big, big huge market, in addition, within the framework of the union of industrial goods mutual trade approximately 70%, that is, not consumer, but industrial. a lot
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has been done by the eec, yes, industrialization maps have been drawn up, which contain more than 100 joint integration cooperation projects, when entrepreneurs, when business looks at how to form, yes, how to form new projects, they can be guided by this map of industrialization, which we have in 25 sectors, by the way it is publicly available on the website, on the website of the eurasian economic commission, most of these sectors, where we have it. we can develop them, this includes mechanical engineering, automotive industry, and computers, yes, and, well , one might say, the pulp and paper industry, for belarus this is also relevant chemical, chemical production, indeed, this the provision that malkina spoke about, yes, was adopted at the eurasian intergovernmental council, it will contribute to the development of industrial production, we hope that it will
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contribute to the development of industrial production, this provision, it will contribute, not only space, relatively speaking, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, but also pharmaceuticals. light industry, furniture industry, this provision applies to these sectors and we hope that from the twenty-fourth year, this mechanism for supporting industrial production, joint integration projects, it will provide an opportunity, well, faster, but the mechanism is designed for 5 years, will allow for faster implementation of joint projects that will give impetus to this industrial cooperation and growth, macroeconomics such... how to select them , financing is provided for them, yes, there are certain criteria, such as that, as a rule, these are imports, that is, projects
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that are aimed at import substitution, something that is now extremely relevant for the russian federation and for the republic of belarus, but from the position, microeconomics from the position of sales, yes, it’s exactly the same, this is the position of the industrial cooperation, these are partners, yes, let’s say, we have a eurasian electric bus project, and we are also trying to find eac partners who will be able to participate in the creation of this project, right? we introduced such an indicator, what is the effect of
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investing a budget ruble, if we take innovation activities, then in the first half of the twenty-third year , products were sold per ruble of budget investments approximately 24 rubles, of which approximately 22 are high-tech science products. we do everything for the patient free of charge, absolutely, all stages of treatment are paid for by the state. and it makes no difference to us whether the operation costs 100 rubles or it costs 100,000 dollars. europe, as a periphery, can use the intellectual, economic, financial, and technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in a powerful fight against china. and the effectiveness of government activities. markov's project is nothing personal, watch the tv channel belarus 244 we talk about the most fascinating of the world of science. more than 2% of the world's population is in the final stage
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of this disease. and according to the forecasts of scientists, this figure will only grow. thanks to science, we have learned to control. i’m talking now about viruses and, of course, about the main method of combating them through vaccination. let's share interesting facts. people knew in ancient times that if you let drinks made from grain crops, berries, fruits and honey ferment a little, you will become more intoxicated when consumed. i have also noticed negative consequences from drinking alcohol the ancient greek scientist aristotle called this voluntary madness. the assumption that viruses appeared on the planet earlier than any living cell, that is, billions of years ago. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. my last question, many people think that in the new season there will be a new strain and vaccination will no longer help, why is it still
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worth vaccinating against both the flu and coronavirus. to create a vaccine, we will crush this virus, conditionally split it into small fragments, then purify them. that is the technology, well, let's just say, is becoming somewhat more complicated. elena mikhailovna, speaking about the single market of the eurasian economic union, there is no doubt that quality issues are of great importance. and the corresponding quality policy, this is how you assess the level of technical regulation in the eurasian economic union, and how our country has built a system of state supervision over compliance with those union regulations. let's probably start with
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quality, we've already talked about safety, our safety is ensured at the level technical regulations of the eurasian economic. union, where all mandatory requirements for fulfillment are spelled out , product quality is already a level of standardization, usually in standards, all requirements for quality equipment are already brought to the level of standards, national standards, interstate standards, and it is gratifying to note that it is precisely in in 2023, at the level of the eurasian economic union, two such documents were adopted, which were agreed upon and adopted... at the level of five countries, this is a coordination procedure work on standardization, which clearly
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states all the necessary principles for developing standards, introducing standards, and joining standards, the second document is the procedure for assessing the scientific and technical level of the regulations of the eurasian economic union, many regulations were adopted a long time ago, and the requirements. we must improve, we do not stand still, as i already noted, technologies are developing, new goods, new products are being developed, and accordingly, this level is necessary, the scientific and technical level too to revise it so that it is the most modern, these two basic documents at the union level have already been adopted, they are working, and as for the quality policy, this... and the competencies of specialists and new technologies, this is the creation of new
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products, this is work, a huge the number of professionals, this is a quality management system and so on, that is, this is a comprehensive , i would say an integral indicator of product quality, as in belarus they have built a system of supervision, well , we need to avoid confusion here. quality supervision compliance with the requirements of standards - this is safety, quality and security , these are two concepts that should be combined, and indeed in the republic of belarus we have a very flexible, logical, well-structured system of state supervision, which is designed to prevent dangerous products from entering the market , yes? but the goal of state supervision is not to punish the subject, yes, but
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to warn, yes, therefore , today, state supervision bodies, which are created on a territorial basis, we have six and regional inspectorates, and they come out with monitoring, first of all, to business entities with monitoring in order to prevent... and of a preventive nature and today about 89 percent of supervision, this is directly monitoring based on a risk-based approach. andrey viktorovich, since we’re talking about safety, i can’t help but ask you, what measures are we taking to prevent unsafe products from entering the eurasian market and , in other words, how does our customs fight against violations of established prohibitions when moving goods? well, in continuation of those
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regulations, i can say that today the customs authorities provide control over compliance with more than thirty technical regulations, we check the availability of the necessary documents when importing foreign goods, we also control , using mobile groups, the belarusian-russian section of the border, in total for the current period - we identified 50 violations of those regulations for the current year, at the moment there are 50 administrative offenses, but the total amount of goods in in relation to which we have identified this is more than 3 million belarusian rubles, as for the prohibitions of restrictions, this is quite serious, these are technical regulations, only part of the prohibitions of restrictions, we have the same ones within the eec. the procedure for non-tariff regulation, but at the same time, each country can introduce
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temporary restrictions, temporary measures of non-tariff regulation, well, for example, the situation around our border has changed quite seriously recently, uh, today we are obliged as customs authorities to ensure first turn protection of the internal market , well, not only the internal market, but not only so that they do not import, but also... and do not export, that’s absolutely true, if in the fifteenth year there were a total of 13 temporary measures introduced by countries within the eu, that is. today it is 45, that is, actually three times, this is more, all temporary measures introduced by state members of the eu, it doesn’t matter, this is armenia, kyrgyzstan has established temporary restrictions on the withdrawal of brews, belarusian customs officers provide control, in particular in our republic belarus, i can give an example, this
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is a resolution of the council of ministers, which introduced an extensive list of goods, limiting... specifically industrial ones so that, when unfriendly countries, investors from unfriendly countries, in order to prevent the export of machines, mechanisms, equipment on which our factories are operating today, we are actively working in this direction, as an example i can give such cases since the introduction, it was the twenty-second year in the spring, 212 economic entities, customs authorities identified such violations and did not allowed, not allowed, from these goods, i can also note in terms of import restrictions, goods that the government has determined are limited to import from unfriendly countries, yeah, we work both at the border and inside the country in order to identify them and suppress them use and non-admission into economic circulation, to date, since the entry into
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force of the 70th resolution of the council of ministers, we have identified 5,500 violations, prevented more than 8,000 tons of goods from unfriendly countries from being allowed in, bypassing, let’s say, retaliatory measures to unfriendly actions towards our country, the total amount of goods is more than 7.5 million dollars, what fate befell these goods, confiscation, no way, this is export, unconditional export, and of course, speaking about the safety of our citizens about security, this definitely the fight against drug trafficking. over the past three years , customs authorities have identified more than 2 tons of 100 kg of narcotic psychotropic substances. did they come to our country or even in transit? this is usually in transit of large consignments, usually in transit through our country follows. and this year we have already identified about 820 kg, which is why we opened 224 criminal
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cases regarding the movement of drugs. only one summary suggests itself, this block, your speech, work, brothers, the world is transforming, the unipolar system is being replaced by a multipolar one, and the eac can and should become one of the centers of attraction and unification, therefore the participating countries support initiatives aimed at developing not only union, but all of eurasia, what has been done and what to do: the eurasian economic union, in olga’s story anishchenko, please, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and russia: the eurasian five has remained unchanged since the founding of the union in 2015, when five states declared their desire for close economic cooperation. this is how the union of four freedoms appeared: firstly, the movement of people, that is, citizens of the five countries can move without obstacles
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to live, work or study, and secondly, the movement of goods is a unified customs regulation free. the eu means freedom of movement of services without restrictions for business finally capital. this means that citizens of the union can make payments, transfers across borders, buy real estate and invest without any obstacles. these opportunities contribute to economic growth within the union and the progress of the region as a whole. the integration effect helps even in the harsh conditions of covid and then sanctions, but the economy adapts to these challenges. there is no confirmation of this: the total gdp in the eu by the end of the year is expected to be at the level of 3%. experts echo that eurasian integration has taken place and is working despite pressure from outside. this arouses interest in the eurasian union throughout the world. among the observers in the eu are already uzbekistan and cuba, a number of countries are working under agreements on a free trade zone. this facilitates and accelerates
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the development of trade relations, including vietnam, singapore, iran and serbia. the union of five made it possible to create. a single domestic market of more than 180 million people, establish production chains, increase the volume of mutual trade within the union. internal trade turnover in the eu has generally made a serious breakthrough; by the end of the year they expect a landmark figure of 100 billion dollars. in 2015, at the dawn of integration, volumes were half as much. at the same time , they started with a share of cooperative goods in trade of 30%. this year it will be no less than 43. the country faces the sanctions reality. the five have new tasks, strengthening technological sovereignty, one of the most important, this is the basis for the further development of the union. according to various estimates, more than a quarter of industrial goods imported into the union amount to approximately 70 billion. dollars per year can be replaced by national producers. industrial cooperation is the key to solving this tasks. it will make it possible to create products under the eurasian brand and form new
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import-substituting projects. the eurasian electric bus, already made under the eu brand, is a pilot example. but in general, the priority sectors for sapcha’s work are microelectronics, machine tool building, pharmaceuticals and microbiology, which is important, the foundation for funding has been laid, for the first time within the framework of the five, they are needed. union projects will be supported by a single eu budget. every year , the union enterprise will allocate about $20 million to provide financial support. the mechanism has already been developed. main there must be at least three interested participating countries. joint production projects are just one of the tracks for further deepening work within the eu. another one is trade. removing barriers, eliminating obstacles, withdrawals, step by step countries are moving towards the common goal of a single market. this year we agreed on... the elimination of eight out of eleven trade barriers, this contributes to the rise in mutual trade; in 8 months of the year its volume has added a significant 10%. another
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consequence of the sanctions is the transition to national currencies in mutual settlements, almost a spurt in the past and this year , over 80% according to the results. and also the interest is not only of minsk and moscow, but a trend for the entire union. but in general, integration processes in the eu are becoming more intense, sanctions are only pushing it forward. countries and stick to each other, this ensures the stability of the union’s economies. do experts believe that eurasian integration has every chance of becoming a self-sufficient pole of a multipolar world and a center of gravity for other countries, just like us, who share the principles of honest , fair cooperation on equal terms? need to to state that the eurasian economic union has taken its rightful place in the geo-economic landscape, in fact, it is the second... in terms of the level of economic integration of the association in the world, in less than 10 years it has been possible to achieve obvious integration results, but dear
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experts, we of course talked to you today about enough of such complex aspects, lofty matters, but if we return to the level of ordinary people, people who go to stores, watch our program now, let’s answer this question: what from participation of belarus in the eurasian economic union will be received by an ordinary belarusian, an ordinary russian, and an ordinary citizen of another country, a participant in the eurasian economic union. these are the effects, what are the advantages from the point of view of ordinary people. we have a labor activity of citizens who are members of the union, you can. on the territory of all countries without discrimination, on the basis of labor and civil contracts, without permits, in payment of labor, in labor protection, working hours,
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all this is approximately on equal terms, yes without, i emphasize, without discrimination , income tax, it is also the same for everyone, depending , well, as it were - the same as for citizens of the state of employment, that is, without any discrimination, but launched, the application work without borders, there is information resource on educational institutions, today we did not talk about such a great achievement of the union, this is how service markets function, that is, we have created unified markets for various services, yes, at first we had an agreement that the unified market for services would include there are 142, type of services, yes, this is approximately 30% of all window services, this includes advertising and retail... household services, certain construction services, now additionally at the end of december twenty-two there was an agreement at the level of heads of state that plus another 117 types of services are added
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to this single market, yes, this is a plus, tourism is also such an important direction, all these services you don’t need to obtain any additional permits, licenses in order to move to another country to provide these services, then there is no no prize discrimination. elena mikhailovna, what is the advantage of an alliance with the position of the average person? well, i would probably say that ours, any citizen of the union, receives a wide, safe assortment of products, which are really, today, safe, that is, by all the legislative documents adopted within the union, a priori safe, we hope that this will continue to happen . andrei viktorovich, what do ordinary belarusians get from integration from your point of view, well, from our point of view, this is definitely the absence of customs.


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