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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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demonstrations in cities in the britannia region to protest against tax increases. the capital of the region, ren, was driven by tractors from which they began to bombard the local administration buildings with manure. thousands of civil servants marched through the center of berlin demanding a 10.5% pay rise. the current level of earnings, according to them, does not allow them to cope with increases in prices, tariffs and rents. members of the german education union and the police union were also reported to have joined the march. rally with similar demands also took place in stuttgart. this is just the latest in a series of protests that have taken place across the country this week. unions have already called on teachers, university staff and social workers to go on strike for two days. ice danger on the roofs of the capital. houses
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due to temperature changes, icicles have again become a winter problem; employees of the minsk housing and communal services are eliminating them. every day, specialists conduct inspections of the housing stock, focusing on snow caps and ice build-ups. attention, houses with slopes, flat roofs with external gutters. residents are warned to carefully exit their entrances and monitor the operation of special equipment. employees of the housing and communal services organization monitor multi-apartment residential buildings. the formation of snow, ice and icicles on roofs is carried out daily, if such places are identified, the territory is promptly fencing, and measures are taken to eliminate these dangerous phenomena, every day in the city of minsk in the housing stock such work is performed by up to 100 people over 30 units technology. residents are advised if dangerous icicles appear on roofs or balconies, contact service... 115,
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operators will send a team of specialists to the site. there is icy conditions in belarus today, be careful. our children will open a republican charity event in minsk in a new format. it starts nationwide on december 15th. and for the first time in the capital, at the minskareni skating stadium , an ice show will be given for 2,000 schoolchildren. this year, city students were the first in the olympiads to receive more than 120 diplomas and are leaders in research competitions. the festive program for them will be rich, on the basis of the belstate circus on december 29 there will be a city christmas tree for the children who have achieved the greatest success in studies, in sports, in creativity, in public life, also in the palace of children and youth for schoolchildren of the city, a traditional new year's ball will be held. 160 minsk children will be invited to the new year's balls, the marathon of good deeds
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of the republican action of our children will continue in different cities of the country for exactly a month, ending on january 15. in the vtb united basketball league, teams begin the second round the first stage of the regular season, spectators are expected to meet again. our club minsk is preparing to host astana at home. more recently, in mid-november , rostislav vergun’s squad practically managed to break the resistance of this opponent on the road. the opponent in the u-14 championship won six times in matches, and the capital still cannot achieve their first success of the season, because the belarusian team is on the last line of the standings, the match is broadcast live at 18:20 on the tv channel belarus 5, this was the information morning, you can also follow the developments of events in the country and the world on our social networks in the mobile application: qr code on the screen. see you at noon on the first button.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland. italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish for the expressss am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24
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hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. befriending each other is beneficial and for each other belarus and uzbekistan have synchronized time to intensify business contacts, as well as new projects with there were, are and will be such in the leningrad region, we will tell you about the prospects and export of construction services, how many, representatives of the cis countries spoke about this and not only in minsk. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you, hello. the geography of exports today largely determines our well-being. an open economy is generally dependent
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on the mood and willingness of markets to work with our products. so there are about 160 such people. these are different continents, regions, cities, but most importantly there are many of them. uzbekistan is also among them. at least. this is how the uzbek country’s statement of interest in increasing the number of joint ventures can be assessed. during the week , our government delegation worked in samarkand; meetings at the level of prime ministers, the intergovernmental council, and the business forum involved almost all negotiation formats. the large business dialogue was aimed at finding new forms of cooperation. it was noted that in the near future the partners will sign more than twenty contracts. in general, during the time cooperation only in uzbekistan alone, open from above. 180 enterprises with the participation of belarusian capital, but the parties are sure that even this much is not the limit. from sunny samarkand, svetlana lukinyuk. the pride of the bazaar, and of all uzbekistan, is of course
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the pilaf, which is served in oshkhan, which translates as a dining room. you can eat pilaf only until 14:00 and it is not left for tomorrow. in general, knowing all these subtleties is important for conducting. business, many of our enterprises are not new to this market. among the main things in the work is the development of industrial cooperation and joint investments, also furniture production, dairy production, and textile production, local cotton fabrics are at a premium among belarusian manufacturers, but we also sell woolen fabrics. i am sure that after the business forum there will be a continuation of our mutually beneficial cooperation. there is something to work on, there is room for our countries to move forward in the lung area. industry forward, we need to develop new new product niches, that is , well-dyed fabrics, and here belarus has enormous competencies. today there are 186 enterprises operating here with belarusian capital, and we have about a hundred with
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uzbek capital. negotiations bb may increase these numbers. we agreed that we will hold the forum next year on the territory of the city of minsk, on the territory of the technopark of the city of minsk. the forum will be connected specifically with the work of small medium-sized businesses, because it is more difficult for them to enter international markets, it is more difficult for them to show their products and find some partners for themselves. details about new projects. hundreds from uzbekistan and here are the first agreements, the same business a meeting will be held in minsk at the beginning of january, vegetables and fruits that grow here today, of course, are popular in our country, and today with colleagues we have already discussed the possibility of opening a wholesale, today, logistics center that will present fresh products uzbekistan in us. in order for small businesses to work directly by purchasing products in minsk,
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it will become easier for food producers to work; next year they plan to launch an automated system veterinary control, this is for speed, but also the development of information technology today, all this to speed up and quality work, so that there are no hacks, today everything will be transmitted in electronic systems. uzbekistan is open to the world, and so is belarus. what we want from each other - roman golovchenko will note. the two countries are not competitors to each other; it is easy to find an intersection of interests. we aim to work very carefully in the uzbek market, belarus is ready to provide export financing and support for the supply of belarusian products to uzbekistan, here is the supply of tractor equipment. more than a thousand units, it was carried out with the help of export financing, which was provided to the uzbek bank by the development bank
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of belarus, and we are ready to scale this scheme and its different variations; we are interested in the further development of industrial cooperation ; we believe it is advisable to strengthen the content of the draft joint road map for the development of bilateral cooperation for 2024-2025. our ministry of health has three contracts for $15 million, now it is important to achieve simplification registration of those drugs that are very necessary here. we can offer a very wide range of oncology products, which the republic of uzbekistan is now buying for a lot of money, but for reference, they import more than 80% of medicines, and we produce more than half at home, that is, we have something to offer. big plans for the development of tourism, countries have a rich heritage and new routes for exploring it - this is also work for breakfast. svetlana lukinnyuk, alexey yunosh and nikolai yuzefovich from
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samarkand. and again about export, but already in in the russian direction, in this sense, we are even more than partners; we closely cooperate not only in the capital and in the region. and for certain regions, belarus is generally the number one exporter. the leningrad region is an example of this. it is estimated that only since the beginning of the year there have been 70 new product items in bilateral trade. but we are unlikely to stop there, where else can we be useful to each other ? a belarusian delegation led by ambassador dmitry kruty visited the region this week. one of the main growth areas is construction. there is a lot of collaboration in the work projects, for example, the construction of a school in the lamonosovsky district for 825 places from the amkador plant in gaychin. in what other areas are we bringing our positions closer? anton malutor asked the vice-governor of the leningrad region, oleg malashchenko. there is no doubt that by
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the end of the year the coveted billion will be taken, there is also no doubt that we should not stop there, and one of such promising areas is the agro-industrial complex, that’s where you see the growth points, here we are interacting for a reason, because for for many , the interesting fact in itself is that the leningrad region is the first country in egg production (3.5 billion), we are the leaders. livestock, whose average milk yield today in the leningrad region is 9,600 per conventional head, we have 60 breeding enterprises out of 60 according to breeding grounds, the average milk yield is up to 11,000 , the best enterprise today, this is our gomantovo, these are rabitsitsy, which give a milk yield of 14,400, this is the best result in europe, that is, here too, of course, we have cooperation on selective breeding cattle. according to genetics, our enterprises will work with republic of belarus, we
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have about 5,500 heifers for sale, and here the movement is purposefully improved by both the republic of belarus and the leningrad region, we are actively working with the republic of belarus in the direction of crop production, already there last year, in fact this year not there less than 15% of the seed material, this is wheat, this is barley, was produced and brought from the republic of belarus, we have close interaction here with the national center of the academy, today we have concluded agreements with the russian field in order to develop new varieties, rapeseed, potatoes, and we exchanged seed materials, and today selection plots are being developed in the leningrad region, here we have such a good foundation, and we understand that the varieties that we receive today the yield is quite good from the belarusian selection, they
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are important for us, we work very closely in this direction, we actively interact, regarding fish, the leningrad region is the third in trout production, this year we we will produce about 15,000 tons, we have interaction with belarus, lokhva, who supply microbial products, malkov, and this is the story that we initially discussed, again fish feed, today high-quality fish feed comes from belarus, europe is closed for us, there was originally some kind of experience in this. we intensively searched for the possibility of solving the issue, entered into independent production, but today belarusian feed shows quite good results, here, of course, we have where to interact, therefore - agriculture, for us this is primarily veterinary drugs, 2 years ago we didn’t even talk about this, we used imported products, and
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a completely new line opened for us there and gave quite a significant... an opportunity to improve performance in livestock farming, our agricultural enterprises took drugs for testing , they work, they work, and for many they said, listen, well, somehow there’s a new story that we haven’t discussed at all recently, we are actively discussing berry theme, we take an example from belarus, these are blueberries, this is raspberries, although not so long ago we began to develop gardening there, today we have, uh, the southernmost region of 500 berry trees, yes, this story begins with the seventeenth year, we got quite good results there, regardless of the weather conditions there, and today history is important to us, which is technological, that is , belarus gives us the question of the possibility of technology, the planting material itself, which works on the territory of the leningrad region
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region, we have quite a lot of free land, we have always said, our immediate task is to develop at least 40,000 hectares of land there in the next 2 years, this requires equipment, this requires seed material, in this regard, of course, we have very enough close interaction is taking place, now there is a short advertisement, then the exchange rate, export of construction services in general , export to the industry, indicative figures and projects, we will tell you. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second venerables in the city of belarus, gomel. the borders of three lands closed, the lands of drygovichi and razimic and krivichai, and then the principalities of smalensky, chernigov and
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the turvopinsk prince. unique architectural monuments await you. famous russian art critic. watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel, a computer game or the real world? they entered the game, but did not teach one thing, everything is for real here, this is the most extreme project of the country, heroes, reboot, fighting with itself, this
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time instead of..." representatives will fight show business of belarus, the first lines in the charts , rating projects on tv. they want to show their character and express themselves even louder. i admit honestly, i am not an athlete, i am an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain intact. anton kushnir is waiting for you, i need these dancing dances. every time gives birth to its heroes , the mission control center is ready, tsup, ha, you need to unscrew it, otherwise you will stay there to live, that’s it, i lost, yes, yes, goodbye, what is it doing, it’s incredible, guys, watch it on the tv channel belarus 24.


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