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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 9:50am-10:01am MSK

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kaeshki, that is, here we are also alike, here we are alike, not just carefully preserving the heritage of the past, but laying down new traditions. polenov's estate is a mecca for contemporary artists. local landscapes are in the belarusian retelling. vasily polenov is a figure of renaissance proportions, one of the main russian landscape painters of the 19th century, by the way, teacher of the belarusian people's artist belynetsky biruli. it was very important for polenov that his house become such a nest, a concentration of art, such a plein air academy. natalia not just a museum director, she is a great-granddaughter.
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artist, this family reverently passes on the cultural heritage from generation to generation. polenov's estate was conceived as a utopia, but memory and duty turned this story into reality. every year we definitely hold plein air, we definitely exchange exhibitions, we just congratulated our colleagues from the belynitsky beruli museum on their anniversary, and we also opened a small exhibition there and performed there. at festive events, in general, this is a friendship that has already been tested over the years, polinova is one one of the largest museum reserves in russia, its territory is 870 hectares. the scale is impressive, isn't it, the area needs to be kept clean. and now it’s time to return to gifts from the local governor. for the new year, dyumin’s present, and for extra-budgetary funds, a very necessary one, name the manufacturer’s tractor? belarusian landscape painters trodden
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the path here relatively recently, in 2010 they joined the plein air paintings. tourists are now following them. what can't you say about business? business cooperation verified for decades. the cooperation of our possibilities is limitless. on tula land, as in belarus, people are always welcomed. you can’t sleep with excitement, it’s early in the morning, i greet the early dawn with a dream, oh, at least...
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one more meeting regarding the eradication of all meetings, so the daddy spoke in front of the whole world and said: if you can shake the air, hypocrites, pharisees, beautiful slavis, speak, but you destroy the planet and people, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always the same, my name is grigory azaryonok, this is the secret spring of politics, hello, but first about the funny stuff, about the shameful, about the pathetic, about the dude, the fidget, the latvian gay and the estonians who joined... them, there is the concept of spanish shame, when others do something, but you are ashamed, by and large the peoples of poland, lithuania, latvia and estonia, it should be a shame, can you imagine, these minions there were running from daddy, dozens of leaders, serious people decided to take a photo, it’s supposed to be like that, but these guys got their pants in their pants, they ran away, hid from our president, elusive joe, and why elusive, because no one needs it, it's a disgrace, absolutely. this is childhood, like in a nursery
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garden, kindergarten on the lawn, of course, it’s like a group celebrating some kind of holiday, it means at school or in the garden, and three children weren’t given a bun, you know, some kind of compote wasn’t poured on time, they left, they’re standing there, mom, mom, they are offending us, here mom is biden, so he must come in, come in, come in, that you are hiding there, in fact , no one noticed, but now about the serious, about the global, in the face of all humanity , alexander lukashenko. cuts down the truth, because many there express concerns with concern, but not the dad. belarus by the paris agreement, fully fulfills its obligations and even exceeds them. we provide invaluable ecosystem services to our continent, preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests, and the lungs of europe.
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we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. paradoxically, we get new economic ones in response. sanctions, barriers to international trade, restrictions on access to technology. and not only us, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in the conditions confrontation. it demands respect, the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice. you cannot put pressure on political opponents with sanctions, while at the same time demanding sanctions that are costly for national ones. on which the purity of the entire atmosphere, all groundwater and the world’s oceans depends. and also, how can one expect costly effective measures to preserve the climate from countries of nations that have not yet recovered from
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colonial oppression? based on this, belarus calls on everyone who is obliged to take on historical responsibility. first: a proportionate contribution to solving climate security issues for all centuries of thoughtless attitude towards nature, and secondly, strengthen support for developing countries and states with economies in transition. third, stop expressing concerns and start acting in the name of preserving life on earth. well, probably once again we have gathered here. once again we will express our concern, unfortunately, in a week we will forget everything, we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, respect the laws of nature and create the basis for the continuation of the human race
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here now on our planet, we don’t have and won’t have another home, and when you hypocrites care about nature, but supply hurray ammunition to the nazis, it’s funny to god, dad with specific facts and figures. all the speakers, especially the speakers from the speakers who spoke here first, became concerned, where to get the money? come on, even the journalist sitting here will tell you where to get the money, for example, to answer this question, you need to look at recent history. to destroy iraq and afghanistan, and to bring benefits to these countries for the peoples, it was estimated that from one and a half to two trillion dollars were spent, iraq and afghanistan
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cost the aggressor about 2 trillion dollars, and count how much money was spent to protect these countries. how many people died, you can’t estimate it in dollars? today there is a war in ukraine, this is no longer 1.5-2 dollars, it will already cost 5 trillion dollars if we manage to agree on peace in the near future. why is there no peace in this part of the planet today? because those speakers who spoke in the first rows, they say, they talk about keeping the planet clean, and taking care of their grandchildren, at the same time they unleashed and are waging the most terrible war on the planet, in the middle east, how much will the massacre cost, and if it breaks out in the pacific
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ocean, it’s trillions upon trillions dollars, well, let's use them to clean the planet. and there will be no need to look for, as we say, i will spend this money, we have gathered here in order to once again express concern, and those who even spoke in the forefront here, concerned about their grandchildren, they after all, these wars are being waged, wars are a terrible pollution of the planet, let's stop it, so the most important thing is that we need to learn to say less words and do more, i understand that if we adopt some kind of declaration or memorandum, as always happens with us, we it’s unlikely that we will achieve anything, but let’s, as they said here, again at the beginning of the speaker, 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from
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twenty leading states, let’s write it down in our declaration, mr. chairman. not a concern, but we will demand that they reduce their emissions by at least half atmosphere, we won’t do this, so why are we gathered? here they are, money, real money, 10 trillion dollars, which we can stop in wars, direct to cleansing our planet, and let’s act, let’s not start acting, nature will force us to live according to its laws, thank you, and belarus is a country of sacred nature , our groves and forests, our... animals, flowers, skies, everything is protected, a caring owner, father, dad, because only
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by his will minsk is not overpopulated, the village lives by his sovereign aspirations, the lungs of europe are preserved, which increasingly wants to breathe sulfur, dad is a philosophy, philosophy is not


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