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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 7, 2023 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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according to a cnn poll, over 70% of the country's citizens believe that economic conditions in the united states are bad and they overwhelmingly trust republicans more than democrats. it is noteworthy that this data was published by cnn, which in the united states is called the unofficial resource of the clinton family; they are democrats. moreover, the survey results were published against the backdrop of a failed vote on ukrainian aid. a new year's surprise for belarusian theatergoers from the ryazan troupe awaits visitors to the belarusian state academic mustheatre , a four-day tour starts today, the tour of the ryazan drama theater will open with a comedy in two acts, twelfth night, in the repertoire there are russian foreign classics, as well as modern drama, in response, the muse theater of belarus went to conquer the ryazan stage, in the playbill of a musical comedy, review and the famous musical tristan and from old. and this is all the news of the episode, more about events in the country and the world, watch at 3:00 pm.
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the talk show is essentially, today we will talk about where it is good to live in the city or in village, well, if we consider that we have 74% urbanization, that is, so many people live in cities, then well, strictly speaking, we will figure it out, if you want to join our program topic, please, here is the qr code,
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smartphone on it and write your comments or questions, on the other hand we have a qr code, which can lead to the telegram channel of our program, in which you can see information that, in principle, is sometimes hidden from your eyes and speaks behind the scenes, in the studio kirill kazakov and alena syrova, let's to begin, well, in general, in order to talk on this topic, several circumstances came together at once, firstly, last week we had already decided for sure, the head of state signed a decree that next year in our country will be declared the year of quality. many people view this very narrowly, from the point of view of the quality of goods, the quality of what they do in our factories, but we still decided to look a little more broadly and talk about the quality of life, and why about the quality of life of people in small regions, because there in small towns because
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there has also been a tendency that when we travel around the country lately, at a very high level , questions are raised related to the fact that something is missing, in particular, we were talking about assortments in rural stores, frankly speaking, that’s what i’m talking about i was very surprised, because it seems that there is a huge shortage of food products in belarus, we are always proud of this, we always talk about it... but what happens here is a shoemaker without boots? well, in general, these are the moments we will try today we will talk about it on our air, but first of all, svetlana, i have a question for you , let’s start with this general thing, when we talk about the quality of life, the quality of life in the regions, how it is generally measured, what people focus on, because that for one there is quality of life - i don’t know, so that his driveway is washed five times a week, yes, but for another quality of life - so that there is
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an opportunity to go to the park for a walk with the dog and for this you don’t have to go several stops, thank you, but i, as a sociologist, a person who studies society, can say that the quality of life is determined by many things, it depends on the age group, the person, the respondents, well, in our sociological language, that is, it all depends on how old, what needs a person has, what expectations, if we talk about the village, then this can be seen very clearly ... the difference is in this assessment between young people, the middle-aged group and pensioners, and but if we talk about the overall picture, then you can show a slide that we specially prepared for your program, and here is precisely the assessment of rural residents, the main, well the characteristics of their, let’s say, life, what they have in their locality, what is missing, but just a little... where people
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found it difficult to answer, moslov’s pyramid is in reverse, that is, somewhere there are not enough hospitals and bars, yes, but the garbage is taken out well , the streets are definitely lit, well, somewhere it looks like, but i want to say that the hospital... for small rural settlements, small settlements, populated areas, it is normal that there is no hospital, but please note that, for example, other medical institutions, outpatient clinics, faps, that is medical and obstetric centers, 72% note that there is a multi-level system of medical care, so it’s like basic, primary care is available, central water supply, almost 76% have central ones. supply, well, that is, these stories and the fact that in general there is no tap in the village, you can always use a well, that is , of course all this is there, but statistics look at this situation a little differently, let’s say, the thesis about what we carry with a rocker in a bucket from a river, he exaggerated somewhat, this is
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usually the story on these agricultural estates, you know now what kind of money they pay for it, and for carrying water in a wooden bucket with a rocker, well, there’s something in that, yes, but accordingly, there’s...’ look further at these categories by age groups, it’s very there is a clear difference in demands , here are young people, they are more focused on wages, on earnings, on work, they have a clear understanding that if they have money, then go somewhere, even if there is nothing in their village, well, that’s not a problem , well , look, this is a trend, these young people and older people, this is not a belarusian trend, this is a pan-european and even global youth trying ... to earn money somewhere more mobile, they can move from one locality to another, if they don’t like it here, they go there, people who older, they really want their garbage to be taken out, their house to be warm, there to be water, in principle, these travel adventures that they had in their youth, they have faded a little into the background, that’s right, well, i would
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i adjusted it a little, i would say that communication and transport connections are also important for pensioners, at least with the nearest settlements and with those settlements where there are authorities, olga vasilievna, look, belynyche is 30 km from mogilev, the city is, in principle, not far from the regional center, from minsk, well, it’s about a third of the way from mogilev to minsk to 50, so belynychi focuses on mogilev, minsk, or doesn’t focus on anyone, trying to be an original city, but at the same time there is some kind of standard, quality, well, relatively speaking regional or the district center is trying to comply. and you correctly noticed, we are located between minsk and mogilev, it leaves a certain imprint, but nevertheless, we go our own way, in rural areas we work along our chosen path, there are rural
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settlements in which over 2,000 people live, there are small settlements, we, with the participation of the leadership of the local village council, executive committee, local authorities, we are studying the problems and needs of all settlements, taking into account the characteristics, it was correctly noted that here on the quality of life is influenced by the state of the road network and medical care, today, mainly people seek quality medical care, the condition of the roads and argue service, these are the three points that are the most basic in our region, and since we understand the situation in each settlement, we have chosen planned actions for ourselves in each area, for example, for medical care, we monitored all in rural settlements, medical institutions, this year we carried out repairs work, brought all
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health care institutions into a sanitary state, and it should be noted that everyone is working on this together, not only the health care institution and not only the budgetary funds we spend, sponsors... work here, here are the agricultural organizations on whose territory these are located agrogadki, this is the effectiveness of this work, and it is noted that it can probably be measured partly in how attractive small towns become for people, it is clear that the older generation are those who probably spend their entire they lived their conscious lives there, but they remain there, they are not so easy-going, not so easy-going, but now we are actively moving towards ensuring that young people too. attract to small towns, yes, the same story with what you can get, get a plot, yes, for a small amount, in general, and the head of state is campaigning, buy it before it’s too late, yes, invest in land, for in order for a young family to go there, for example, to live, uh, well, they
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will probably have a completely different level of demands, so so, do you somehow look at the future , yes, do you foresee these desires, because on the one hand, yes, there are those who are now, but we look a little further beyond the horizon, and we consider all these problems in a complex, because housing issues are related to employment and young professionals. and if young specialists come to the same field of healthcare, education, trade, we provide rental housing. today we are very actively using the norms of decree 116 for the sale of housing in rural areas and land plots, today it should be noted that the bilnichetsky district is in demand, well, due to its territorial location, of course, but the belnichetsky district is rich in natural resources, we have unique lakes, unique nature, and today the dynamics are that people are returning to populated areas and there is a demand for
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land plots, for the purchase of houses, according to 116 except 116 of the decree, and people already want silence, nature, clean air, and here there is a positive dynamic, look, this is where a mental break occurs for any resident of a big city, when i choose a city, for example, i go into nature. i want one, the most i need is a mobile connection, maybe not always, and yes, this trend, when city residents buy, for example, houses and move away, it does not correlate a bit with what we are talking about residents small towns, because they want the same thing as in the city, well, look, the simplest example is a shopping center. this is the simplest one, like my son, but where is the tskka they already have on their minds there should be
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a shopping center that has a certain set of services, a large store, and if this is not there , then everyone says, well, the city probably failed , so if this is such a problem in belynychi , that’s what there is in belynychi, why do you need to go ? unique nature, and we’ve already omitted that, i want rural agricultural towns, we want developed infrastructure, we have enough agricultural towns that can provide jobs for young people, employment and a developed infrastructure for leisure and services, medical and trade, but still i understand what he wants tell kiril that let’s give an example of a big city and the capital, yes, people, people working in minsk, sometimes with great pleasure travel 40 to 50 km to work, well, that is, as if understanding yes, that they can afford it there,
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therefore, but for some reason they choose to live outside, a little further away, because there’s just a drive-thru shop there - it ’s exotic, and when a drive-thru shop is a necessity, that’s where the need arises to get a normal store or a normal shopping center, we’re talking about this we say, i understand perfectly well that all europe, in principle, which is located in the province, well, there are no boutiques there. heavy luxury, well, definitely, but we’re not just talking about trade, we’re talking about banks, access there, for example, a post office, so we were preparing now, he says the post office is closing, well, i also understand that they are probably not profitable, it’s easier, for example, to send a postman, but exactly where to find this line, maybe i’ll say that about the line, and also, again, according to sociological measurements, as for banking services, there are quite a lot of critical there were comments... from residents about the availability of information kiosks and atms, this is a problem, especially for the working population
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who work in rural areas, but it’s impossible to withdraw money or bring it in, but as for the incentive to go to the village, i would add that it’s time for us to just change the stereotype a little, about small towns, about small settlements, about the village, as something necessarily connected, for example, with agriculture, and let’s look at the fact that the village is a place of residence, the place of residence of yesterday’s city residents, and we record a clear the request of the urban population , young people to move, well, not everything, of course, it cannot be said that this is already a trend towards de-urbanization, but the population of young people for environmental friendliness , for individual personal space, expansion, apartments are already not enough for the personal space of young people, and when their own home, barbecue, lawn - this is a completely different level of comfort, here we have it right now...
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dzyatlovsky district, bresse region, grodno region, grodno region, you see, you can bully a capital resident for not knowing the geography of the western regions, when kirila kazakovo is especially nice, good afternoon everyone, we weren’t just on sfm radio recently, with the guys, and they also said, for some reason, breezy, denis, you probably heard the part on... above is svetlana from the point of view of an analyst , she said that it was time to change stereotypes about who is a village resident and what in general: which would be in demand in any big city, but they preferred to return to their small one, well, that’s why it’s so, what happened to you decisive? decisively, i would probably say that everyone himself creates everything that
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wants to study and creates his own environment around, i don’t have to in an agricultural town, here in krutiloch, one might say in the village, because well, i’m on the move all the time, i’ve created an environment for myself where i train children, do my work, well, mediocre, and i’m also shooting a blog, so it seems to me that everyone is the creator of this, i find it delicious here, you talk about your life, on tikto, to a very large audience, right? young audience. in theory , to come to the village, well, well, yes, yes, i show, i probably even show examples i don’t know about the fact that you don’t need to be afraid of this, you need to come, according to your assignment , or return to where you’re from and , well, create something, but people probably express certain doubts, as you say yourself, they’re not afraid, but what more often?
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afraid of everything, afraid that i don’t know, there won’t be anything to do, or there won’t be anything to buy in the store. yes, there’s such a stereotype that when you come, what’s there to break the scales, that is, what to do here in the village, all that, it all depends on, well, of course, on the work from the head of the organization, so i work in a village economy, the leader here fully shares the interests of young people, supports young people, we have a lot of different leisure activities, a lot of different sports interests, so i feel comfortable here, i really want it to be like this everywhere, listen, well, judging by the number of guys behind you, yes, i i understand that there are no problems with demographics in the village. well , i wouldn’t say no, but it’s quite average, i’d like to do better, so i’ll try, in the end, what are you training children for? we play football three times a week, who do we play football, well this how to say football, here we train everything, discipline, like the correctness of life, everything
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else, well, football is everything, i think so, healthy, healthy. denis, you ’ve given us such a barrel of honey, but still, let ’s try to find at least a fly in the ointment, what’s missing, come on, what’s missing, well, for example, here we have a school, a cool school, with a big gym , well, with all the necessary conditions for study, life for the children, but still there is an urban village, for example, nearby, the children are still, for some reason, parents. well, he brings the children there, accordingly, this school there , i don’t know, it lasts for 5 years, if children go there, it will probably be closed, that’s what it seems to me, this is the problem, why, well, the teachers here, everything is fine, why is that i don’t know what the parents think, but there are more people studying there, and there are 20 people in a class, here there are five, well, i think, i took a diary, i have guys from
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the city, they come and the guys brought diaries from the village, for example, he has one per day, well, because there are few people, few the guys in the class and everyone can be asked, that is, in essence, what you have for the city is an elite school, where there are up to twelve people in a class, but for you this is, in principle, a normally developing thing? well, yes, yes, it turns out that way. denis, such banal things as in minsk, for example, shopping centers, clubs, bars, in general this is needed in the village or this is not necessary, or you gathered children, for example, in the gym and this is enough for them to... .to spend, yes, the children would gather in the gym at least every day, i will say so, this it’s just that i have a little trouble with time, and so we would get together and move at least once a week, shopping centers, it’s cool, that’s how it seems to me, i love to come to the city of minsk, but i love to come, get emotions and leave , to miss minsk a little , come back again in a month, here i am, i have this
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opinion, that’s it denis, thank you very much, guys, hello, waved your hands. everything is great, thank you very much, hello, grodno region, bye-bye, alexander nikolaevich, look, here we are, denis said, i want to come to the city, take a walk, relax, in principle i have enough shops, we have already started talking about auto stores, auto stores are naturally most associated with the belgovsoyuz and the question arises, when, for example, they go into a store, white russia carried out some raids here in early autumn, looked, counted. the amount of sausage, in principle, may be correct, which is what people, in your opinion, lack in your stores, because , again, you can criticize a lot. perhaps for the lack of competition, there is no competition, of course, you are monopolists, or there is simply really no big request, i also understand, you bring 30 types of sausage, they buy two from you, and in principle
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you have to take 28 back, what, let’s say, is the main problem of belsoyuz village stores? well, you know, probably in fact the fact is that people have some additional requests, this is probably correctly expected, we try or try to hear everyone’s opinion, but everyone has their own priorities and even if they have this or that product , they want it somewhere priority is given to something else manufacturer, so if we talk about the assortment list , the assortment that is needed today, it is all presented, it is presented both in stores and presented in auto stores, today in all auto stores there are up to 400 names of goods, although based on sales analysis in the system as a whole, we see that there are about 50. sales in the belkupsoyuz as a whole are about 120 items, that is, in fact, there is such a fairly wide assortment, all the villagers say that if you live in the countryside for a long time, to
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a car shop comes to you, then the phone number of the car shop seller must be kept in mind that you are required to call, they brought something there, i think that today, indeed, every village resident has a phone number of the car shop seller, as if we had already discussed with colleagues that probably the car shop seller, he is already becoming like a member... of the family, and this today may not even concern only the assortment of goods, or maybe even some other services today that the seller can provide today, but at the same time, you have listed very impressive figures, and that what is in stores, what is in drive-thru stores, but at the same time, videos are going viral on tikto, and at the same time , analytical notes are placed on the head of state’s table, containing specific facts about specific stores... in which, well, honestly, without tears don’t look, what are these cases? uh, these cases, well, in my opinion, this is more of a flaw, or a human
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factor, because unfortunately, there seem to be such moments that somewhere the goods were under-ordered - the same seller, or today the sales service employees , i ordered it somewhere today too little, didn’t calculate the demand, so we took into account those videos, about which, these are the shelves of your store, here are the photographs. uh, today some work has been carried out in this direction, that is , control over these events has been strengthened and in general, literally over the next two weeks we will visit each of our retail outlets, namely the leaders and specialists of the belkupsoyuz, regional consumer unions, so that such facts do not allow, and at the same time, of course, we are moving towards more modern control, this is still automation of our facilities, so that without going there, we have already seen that there is a gas station in minsk from... or without sellers, you come in, buy, leave, they decided that this is not what we are talking about, no, no, bye, this is not about that yet, yes, nina alekseevna, look, in minsk everyone is used to the fact that march, in principle,
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all the auditing and control bodies come, banks, for example, with belarusian products, put them from the bottom up, because they put the merchandise there , the fashionable word merchandise is very, very well known to us, chocolates alone the belarusian ones are always placed there on the floor, yes, here it’s exclusively imported, i’m just used to what i want. at the same time, when we talk about belko-absoluzov shops, they actually show a photograph of one type of mayonnaise , for god’s sake, i remember my mother, who in the late eighties bought one type of mayonnaise, which was called mayonnaise, it just existed, but i really don’t want to go back to those days , and when people from the village come there, for example, i was in one of the shopping centers, there’s a big one... they put up a new year's exposition, they made it, the car couldn't be parked and the majority were from the regions, they came to look at it to buy, so when they go
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to buy, for example, to regional centers, to district centers, or so that they have not one type of mayonnaise, but two , you should, i ’m like people now, yes, where to call, who ’s to blame, that’s who’s to blame for the fact that you don’t look after these products, but the fact is that we look at, exercise control over... events availability of goods in stores, not necessarily rural areas, cities and so on, but in rural areas, over the past period of this year we carried out 281 monitorings, unfortunately, in 95% of cases there was non-compliance with the assortment list or the sale of 95%, excuse me, well, these are state stores, this is not only no , in our village , in addition to the belkopsoyuz, in general, there are more than 18,000 retail establishments, more than 8,000 of them are stationary stores and half only belong to the belkopsoyuz, everything else is
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a private... form of ownership, that is , to say that that in parallel we will yes, then there is something to say that then , if the belkopsoyuz is not a participant, everything is fine, the belkopsoyuz is bad, not so, because i know the belkopsoyuz stores, where it is very good, so we are talking about the same thing, that these are not systemic problems of one enterprise, but this specific issues that require solutions, the population knows very well their mortal authorities, who to call if something is wrong, they contact. in march, for the current year, we probably had only three requests related to service issues in rural areas, in the area there hasn’t been a single request for consumer services for 3 years, natalna, they call you with questions like this, do they contact you? yes, there are such calls, of course, when there are not enough goods that people would like to purchase, but in this case we are awarded to agricultural enterprises, on the territory of our village council there are 21 settlements, of which
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three are agricultural towns, we have only two stores, which are the stoltsy branch belarusian consumer society, and five of our stores belong to agricultural enterprises and auto shops work, we have developed eight routes and eurotorg auto shops operate, we also have two eurotorg stores, one is presented as a hit, the second is eurooppt, and having developed eight routes, we operate not only the euroopt auto shop, but also shops, we there is such an enterprise, it is famous not only in our nesversky district, but abroad, sec agrokombinat snov, people love these products very much, therefore, at the request of citizens , our auto shop even goes to those stores where there is, to those settlements where there is stationary stores, because people want to buy specifically the products of this enterprise, well, these are branded stores, they are in minsk, in principle there are branded stores, we understand, okay, but the question is, if i want to open a store, well, it’s kind of a story. russian
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towns, it’s quite jewish, the jews mostly kept shops and our trade has always flourished, and it’s clear that something was missing, but they always brought something, we now have a wide selection of goods, so now i’m such a nut i’ll still ask in a phrase: i can find everything that i want it in stores in your village council? well, maybe not everything, but if a person has a desire to purchase a specific product and he cannot get to the city, he can, according to the application... principle, be served by ordering and the product that is needed will be delivered to him for how long, how long will he have to wait ? well, everything probably depends on the product that a person wants to buy, for example, a bicycle, so that they will bring it to him, but if not, and if, for example, we take such a bicycle there - this is already something so serious, and if from food products, that is, in next time, if there is a drive-thru, it will bring it to the person according to the application principle, the drive-thru, and the store, the store too,
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that is, you can come and why do you need e-delivery in which you quickly chose, then you can come to the seller and say, please, bring me some dried fish, but tell me, now in the age of marketplaces we have actually returned to the fact that food trucks come to almost every apartment in minsk, not in minsk, but in minsk, well, no, no matter what. i ordered delivery there conditionally you have arrived and delivery of anything in other regions is very problematic, we are now talking: we need auto shops, there are not enough stores, when , in principle, large chains want to go to the same regional cities, provide logistics delivery of goods throughout, well, throughout the minsk region in this case, how much do you see this problem? i just remember about 10 years ago, when one of the retail chains entered the market of auto stores because they wanted to create competition for the belarusian union, they then really seemed to see this as an opportunity make money, but now with the development
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of marketplaces and... everything, is this also a problem? problem with auto shops? no , there is a problem with goods, with the delivery of goods, now we are talking about the fact that a person may have something, there are no goods, any person who wants to purchase something, as a rule , achieves results, if these are elderly residents, then if there is there is some kind of need, it is clear that there are children there, whoever orders, they will bring it, but in the context of our discussion today... when we say that it is a problem or not a problem to buy goods everyday demand, traditional, ordinary goods , this is called social support, that’s right, a car shop should go to some village even when it doesn’t make a profit there, but today it goes, and any person, no matter where he lives, is in the village where five people, or in a village where there are 150 or 350 people, it is clear that he must buy
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at least. the goods that he consumes daily, milk, bread, and other goods, are directly consumed, and if we are already talking about some special goods, then... it is clear that today there are no problems with their delivery, and if we are talking about some special services, we are all about products and products, and special services are also services, well , relatively speaking, repairing shoes, i don’t know, sharpening knives, some other things that you can do here in minsk, but in 10 minutes you go to a regular shopping center-store, whatever the story is, i ’ll tell you about the minsk region, because it’s somehow closer to me in terms of my field, my professional activity, as for the consumer services sector, region, we have a single number, short , number 167, which is easy to remember, and which is free for calling from any operator, mobile, from any landline network, you call, you say, i need to get my shoe repaired,
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we have operators there, at the other , at the other end of the line, there are operators who have connections with any district, with any district... consumer service plant, which, as a rule, either independently, or through cooperation agreements, uh, or on a declarative basis with an exclusive service, will be able satisfy the request of any person, so even if, uh, once again, i’ll say one more thing that we have a standard in the field of consumer services, i’ll tell you honestly, it’s a difficult path, you know why, because it seems to me that when you such a difficult path , for example, with getting some kind of banal help with shoe repair, there is a private owner, kolga vasivna, you have a lot of private owners , and household services, but here i didn’t blame the minsk region, i just really, it’s difficult for me to call where , where
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can i enter, here are private services, we are now not food, this is what motivates such people, that, for example, somewhere in a small village there are few people, but you know me, i do repairs and somehow am self-employed there. you or a craftsman or anyone else, everything turns out right , this is a craft activity, this is self-employment, and people in the locality know each other, they are already responsible for the quality, because they look this person in the eye, and trust goes differently, that’s why they all live in one locality, today we have almost all household services are carried out privately, maybe this is not bad, well, as an option, we are trying to transfer almost everything to the state, here are belkopsoyuz stores, well, what is this? it turns out that euroopt works and there are also shortcomings there, but there are no questions, there is whatever.
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tell me, the state is trying to crush all trade under itself, yes, that is, look, is it really possible that in a village, somewhere there are 5-6,000 people living there, is there really no one there who will open a shop there. what he knows, he knows exactly what is needed and what is in demand here , why would you be able to go just a little bit? the state bothers , maintains a store, sends a drive-thru, and calls it, so to speak, social standards, and this really causes some kind of very complex mechanism, because i say, here i come the entrepreneur bought it in minsk, brought it, sold it for a little more, but all this is there, well , is it really not so? our state has determined minimum social standards, both in the sphere, this is what we are talking about today, of consumer services, these are 11 types of household services services that are needed by residents of, well, the whole country, and the same thing in the trade sector,
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if we have a rural settlement with a population of up to 200 people, then it is possible not to have a stationary store, but to have service from a mobile shop twice a week. please, the state provides the minimum to the population, and the maximum, please, private traders come, opening at least three stores, okay, look, here is the standard that we talked about two weeks ago in the program, transport standard and standard provision of the internet is included in this social list, we have resolution of the council of ministers 724, there are different directions, but you and i are just gathered here on trade and consumer services, i am asking you as just people. you have a basic set that is provided to you so that you won’t die of hunger, roughly speaking, sour cream, potatoes, pork in bread,
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but we are such a people, it probably doesn’t even make sense to criticize for this, okay, if you can provide a base, i want even more, and when a person arrives, conditionally speaking in the summer, he comes into a village, and i have such examples, when they bought houses or plots of land, so they spend the whole summer beautifying them, they go to the village store. well, questions arise, yes, you can go by car to buy groceries, you can and so on and so forth, yes, over time i think they will set up some kind of business or something else, they will find a way out of the situation , but in general, it can take this path and abolish some of these standards so that the people do not demand to either increase them or raise them, our standard of living is growing, or i say, as usual, well, trade, which means a competitor must come, there are many of these competitors to the state. trade in rural areas , of course, there are competitors, we
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have 18,000 retail establishments in rural areas, and of these, only 3,500 of yours are just belkupsoyuz, today, everything else is private owners, this is a different form of ownership, today there are no restrictions on the opening of retail facilities in villages, there are absolutely none, and today the declarative principle is the same private owner, he looks where today profitable, why not open your own retail outlet today and really compete, that is , there is absolutely no competition here, and we, in fact, as they said, are no longer monopolists, that is, only thousands of ours, but 18,000 of the entire population, you can i will add, that is , even those who want to open their own store, a stationary one, or even provide on-site, mobile service, that is, we have created plots in each district on the website of the district executive committees that can be purchased either at an auction or without an auction for placement ... such objects, that is
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, if any entity is interested, the owner bought a house for one base and opened a store, for god’s sake, or came to the store, came to the locality, there is an opportunity to develop a business, please, you can contact either the village council, at a minimum, or to the regional executive committee , find out where the polling stations have been formed and then along this path, sergei sergeevich, yes, i want to add to join my colleagues, probably, we should also note such a gratifying feature that the percentage of young people is increasingly is trying to do just that, to engage in some kind of entrepreneurial activity in the countryside, that is, if earlier, let’s say , the opening of retail facilities in the countryside was the prerogative of mature people who have their own life experience, who have a certain income, and he already knows what he wants, the fashionable word startup has reached the rural business absolutely right, now the youth, they are, so to speak, well, energetic, and no one has said, there are all the conditions for what
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today is really like here already if you want, if you want, please, okay, well , we’re talking about some abstract things here , but let’s use the concrete example of the baranovichi district, maybe what we are discussing now is a poor assortment in stores, maybe this is not the largest pro-brenovich and baranovichi district - two different maybe, yes, maybe there are completely different questions and requests, i’ll ask my colleagues now to show us our chat, on youtube, for example, they wrote there, they criticized the belynchesky district, there, there’s no way without it, yes, there, there here are some other aspects that you have, you you know, the thing is, what today says that everything is ideal, this is probably wrong, because there are problems that must be solved, solved primarily in a workable manner, today, if we talk about trade in rural areas , which exists, then probably the questions will be removed first of all when... the working day of the chairman of the village council begins, he can say
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when he enters the store, when he came in and looked at the assortment, when a deputy of the village council is passing by or entering he i also came in, listen, maybe people in the countryside are just not so demanding, maybe three varieties of sausage will be enough than we have 200 here, and why people, i’m just asking, i’m not saying, no, we are striving for the best, that’s why and there should be three varieties of sausage, but let there be four and five, so that there is a choice for the village. look, again, we are talking about sausage, about sausage, i’m talking about services, yes , for example, transport communications, post office, banks, getting a haircut, making shoes, these things, how they are regulated, are they well developed in in the baranovichi district , today we can say that in the baranovichi district they are developed to the proper extent, there is a structure that is state-owned, this is what, let’s say , butovka, it is in the system, that in minsk about 167, absolutely true, uh
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, housing and communal services systems, there are participants, this is what you said, when there are examples when a resident of the capital bought a house in the village, but he was a hairdresser, and he comes and says: i want to do what, so to speak, what i can , and this initiative is supported, so this aspect, it is carried out not only by the public sector, there are also private traders and individuals who , so to speak, are ready to carry out this, well, here i am: olga vasilievna mentioned belynichi, well, you see, i think what is written, yes, about roads, that’s what i think , now it’s relevant for everyone, considering the kind of snowfalls that hit our country, i’ll say this, i returned from a business trip last night, talked to our driver, and i said: well, how did you survive the snowfall in minsk, he says, listen, well, our public utilities are just great, he says, they cleaned, cleaned, in general, he says, in previous years it was much worse, we managed , i didn’t expect to hear such an answer, i thought there would be criticism, which happened in the regions, and we saw
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different footage, if they criticize you, you probably have something to answer about this, not to justify it, refute it or not? well, that’s how it is, as for clearing the roads there, accessibility so that you can drive up again, this is also the concern of the local authorities, or do you practice, for example, attracting some kind of, well, private stories, management company, today, taking into account the weather conditions, and yet the snow is not going away, it - snowfall is still present with us, so we have an enhanced road maintenance regime. and not only the road service, housing and communal services work here, there are also private structures, here and enterprises are all located on the territory, including rural settlements, so we have created chats with each other in instant messengers, we communicate with every elder, with every locality, we are in touch with every
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auto shop, we have emergency medicine, all connections, we understand every chairman of the seismic council, we call back when the truck shop arrived, the truck shop left, they called back, that is , i see even in my chat how all the roads have been cleared, but nevertheless we drive and see, of course, and morning and evening can differ in the condition , quality of roads, some settlements may be individual , somewhere it may be worse not two lanes, one lane has been cleared, but nevertheless individual, of course, probably situations will remain, again the minimum standard, i i think it's complied with, now well as if the situation could really be called a formajor, well, really, because first of all, we have snow, it doesn’t snow for so long, usually, usually, and there’s a lot of it, so there really were difficulties here in minsk, well, people came out and well, in a purely small , maybe not so, and the people near the entrance are all together, there is even a non-standard solution, let’s just say, in our village council there is a chairman of the village council, who, in order not to wait for, let’s
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say, a solution to these problems, he welded a scraper and so far let's just say everything is resolved questions, he... got hooked and cleared the main streets, but you see, sergei sergevich, on the one hand, yes, this is like a personal initiative of individual citizens, this is commendable, this is, in general, what we are talking about, about some kind of elementary indifference , an understanding that rather than what is constantly owed to you, you yourself should move a little, but on the other hand, and this is also a fair question, about what the state guarantees to me, the state does not promise, in our country it has been cultivated for decades that the state can provide, it seems to me already. people have forgotten how to show some kind of initiative , just give it, give it, but again, if you were raised that way, then suddenly for some reason they stop giving it to you, how to refuse, how to decide to act on your own, the fact is that probably today , uh , well, let’s just say, there is a person who is a creator, there is a person who
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, so to speak, uses everything, in the countryside there are more and more people who have this note of creation, here a colleague said that, so to speak, everyone is getting involved? after all we still have a number of citizens who have personal tractors and who are also involved in this work, rural organizations that, in addition to their main activities , are involved in this work, well, it’s one thing to say that i’ll go help, because we see how our communal services are being sewn up services, so i’ll go there, help, clean up something completely different, no one will come to us anyway, no one will clean up, if i’m not me, then no one, no, it will probably be different, because let’s say, there is something that i want to do it, they say that in the village people are really more active in the entrepreneurial field, because well, in minsk, everything really seems to be there, but there you have to get it somewhere, well, anyway , we understand that in the village there will still not be that abundance, no matter the goods or services there, how in minsk, this
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is a plus, because people really, as they call it, spin, spin, well, a person needs to think about how to earn money, we have a good example, when a large... family bought a house in the village , before , a car shop used to come to this village, but the village is located close to the highway , so they didn’t think it through, they bought a small house, converted it, and today a store is open there, and when you drive into the village, a car shop comes there, because there are grandmothers who have poor health, it’s hard for them to get there, but how grateful people are when today they can, within walking distance, buy the most basic matches, bread, dairy products, sausages, and of course a car. kozhet will bring some other product that is not in this store, but today a large family works , they earn an income, they are great, we are only proud of such families, well, it’s even like... we remember the question of medicine raised and we were talking about the fact that maybe we should abandon faps in favor of these mobile ones , that’s all we also came to the conclusion that
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a person is important to a person, this is the feeling that you can come somewhere, stably, you can always come somewhere, there, too, again in the chat - your garden, by the way, the pebble was flying from the braslovsky district ryan, about the fact that but they killed, i don’t know what they meant, they killed the belkopsoyuz store, now only auto shops are running, well, i suspect it’s his. well, in general, i wouldn’t put the question that it was closed, we’re talking more about changing the format of service, in fact, today if we talk about consumer cooperation, then it’s already 150 years old, it’s clear, stores have opened, the material and technical base, based on the population that was in the village, it has already been correctly said that urbanization is now underway; this pyramid has changed, that is, today to a greater extent as if the population is of course, 74%, this is approximately the same as in switzerland, one of the largest in eastern europe, the percentage of urban residents, so we
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talked about the social standard, where, in principle, it is said that up to 200 inhabitants can carry out trade either stationary or delivery trade, but today we have 1,150 stationary stores, which are located up to 200 residents, the average number of people living there is 110 people, so you can calculate the economy, the point is that there are 150 of them. firstly, of course, we we import that, according to that assortment list , what is needed today, secondly, it already sounded like a single number for household services, at the end of september the belkupsoyuz launched a single number, where any resident of our country can call and additionally order one, what is not available, either in a store or in a drive-thru, of course, this is more focused... on the industrial group of goods, well, thirdly, this is what concerns the question of how often we have to close, or, as i said, optimize
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the format maintenance, of course, this work is everything anyway, it is carried out like this, but it is really carried out in agreement with local residents, we are trying to show that today the assortment in the auto shop is no worse, that is, there may be some kind of transition period, as if replacing the work of the auto shop, or rather a stationary store with auto shops, and i would say this is so natural about relatively speaking, i want to change my sofa or a set of furniture or appliances, for example, this is how you call, everything is like, or these large retail chains, and which i called on the internet did they bring you or, well, no, in principle , the share of non-food goods in our trade turnover is unfortunately decreasing, today it is about 8-9%, but probably the direction where we want to intensify is i... already i said, this is online trading, after all, this is probably a more modern way of trading non-food products,
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so i think we will be in this direction, there are simply a lot of competitors there, so you also check the auto shops for , inflated prices, yes to compliance assortment legislation, price order, how are things going with the latter? we have pricing issues that are observed practically, almost now by all economic entities engaged in retail trade, because the penalties are not small, and if a year ago, when such strict pricing was imported, there were still violations, shortcomings in work, we are now identifying them, but you know, for the period of last year, because we can request information not only for today, and let’s say for november 2022 the question: price formation is provided by documents and such violations are revealed in our country, but
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it’s like the auto shops - this is again, well, the same belkopsoyuz, those enterprises that you named, but they have a pricing system in the office, it is purposeful, therefore a business entity either it violates everywhere, or it doesn’t violate anywhere, that’s all, that is, regarding pricing, these are slightly different checks, this is not so, i came, i saw. and took action, okay, but if we compare the assortment, the requirement for the assortment in the auto shop and the requirement for the assortment in the store, but they are probably different, because the stores depend on the trading area, on where they are located, also on their specialization, the requirements for the availability of goods are also different, but for rural areas, yes, for auto shops there is their own assortment list, there is for shops, again depending on the specialization of the area, that is, if this is the situation that we talked about above and the decision is made before. optimize work, a drive-thru store starts operating instead of a stationary store, then residents automatically
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prepare for the fact that they will have less choice, no, yes, we have already discussed this topic, it’s just that in the auto shop there are 350-400 sku of products, in the store what 100-150 buy, that is, the assortment of the auto shop, i i’ll tell you for sure that in the next few months there will be peas, mayonnaise and tangerines in the store, well, 100%, this is important, the president said that on the new year’s table, what a resident of the capital, what a village resident should have whatever he wants, even truffles, even truffles, there will be call, pick up your phones , the go-ahead has been officially given, probably, this is not only not only for cooperation, this is probably characteristic of all trade, that of course , pre-new year trade, it is distinguished by a separate assortment, so i think that this is not only cooperation in this vich will work in the direction, well, if this is no joke, then they seriously criticized the belkopsoyuz and announced a big conversation, as i understand it, next year, and
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questions will be raised about the adjustment... of your future work, well what is lacking today, well, it seems that the state generally supports you there, in some areas you are almost a monopoly, but at the same time, from year to year it is a little quieter somewhere, simply because they talk about this less, but at the same time problems remain , this story drags on and on, what is wrong with you, where is your problem, well, of course, there are certain difficulties and problems , and literally last week we looked at work or efficiency of the belkupsoyuz at the meeting of the presidim of the council of ministers, this also required such a fairly detailed detailed analysis of the current situation, so we developed such a program of measures to increase the efficiency of the belkupsoyuz, but probably everything really depends on efficiency, that is, when work is effective today, then today
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you can buy any product , the widest range, thank god in the country... what prevents us from working effectively, well, that’s what we’re talking about, today service to really small villages, it’s planned unprofitable, i voiced this, that we have 1,153 stores with up to 200 inhabitants, each store of this kind brings in almost 1,500 direct losses every month, because the costs today for delivering goods, for paying the seller, are higher than today the trade turnover that exists is exactly the same if we talk about autola. there are 5,000 today in settlements with up to 10 people, and you have to go there twice a week, three times a week, but we can’t refuse your work, because conditionally speaking, a private owner, it got into his head, he considered that it was unprofitable for him to come there tomorrow, and people were left without food, if not, yes, yes, if not, guarantees from the state, but you will always be, so, maybe
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you can lift the veil of secrecy for us, what you decided to do, how you decided to solve this... question - to work it out? well, in general, here, probably, if we talk about the belkupsoyuz, it’s kind of impossible to talk about trade alone, unfortunately, today trade, let’s say so, is ineffective specifically for the consumer cooperation system, but there is a number of other areas where we can earn money and compensate today for these planned losses of ours are, first of all , the same industry, we have a fairly seriously developed industry today, this includes bread and cookies and meat processing, yeah. head of state, this is production , meat products according to national home recipes, something that somewhere distinguishes us from the same meat processing plants, this is today an industry, a procurement industry, which is also effective today, in addition to the fact that it is effective for us today, this is my opinion is important and
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for village residents, because this is also additional income, today you can... if you can do it yourself, these are our farmers ’ markets, now very popular, developed, today with their own markets, more than eighty markets, if today the population has such a desire on their own sell, we provide rental services, presenting these places for rent, that is , he can do this on his own, or he can simply today... the procurer will arrive, today he handed over these products to the procurer, received money immediately, and for us, why this is profitable, part of the money will be returned in the form of revenue to our own retail facility, and the numbers or volumes of procurement are not small, in just 9 months we paid the population 275 million rubles, these are the numbers in my opinion, as if they were quite like strawberries, for example, in the south, he grows up, throws him on the road, shouts that they
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are not paid enough, who is to blame for the belkopsoyuz, and what do they have to do with it? you see, this is dumping of a certain kind, so this is really a topic that seems to be burdened, in the good sense of the word, with social pressures, because again, we we talked about minibuses. opens a store , this store really doesn’t make a profit, but at the same time this store should have everything, from the point of view of a market economy, the pros and cons don’t quite coincide, well, here’s how to maintain this balance, nina alekseevna, maybe you have a recipe , we are now working on a set of measures to improve efficiency, we have already collected proposals from all interested government agencies, including from business and from the belkopsoyuz , we have formed them into a separate document and are working on a draft presidential decree to introduce
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amendments to decree 345. this means that in 2017 , decree 345 was adopted for 5 years for the trade of the population according to the lists that were formed by the authorities, certain tax benefits and preferences were in effect, which means that the tax benefits ended on december 31, that is, you want these benefits, we want to resume from january 1 , 2024 certain preferences for trade in rural areas, well, super, excellent and only trade, but also services, well, everyday life - this is public catering, consumer services, but in any case, all this implies moving towards each other, here very often during today ’s program... it was said that ask, call, let me know, well, uh, it’s really true, no one has a melafone, find out who wants what, times are changing , people change, the contingent changes, so if
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something is missing, before you shout that there is nothing, stomp your feet, well, at least try to ask, well, here’s the most interesting thing, look, we are discussing the economy, we are discussing the new year’s table, we are discussing what items are in stores at this time there really is... a war going on around us, few people think about it, and the president really brings these meetings into the public sphere to show that this is important, this is not a war.
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