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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 8, 2023 1:30am-1:46am MSK

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a response to some kind of total pressure, coercion of you, no, the great writers of the past, first of all, wrote about the beauty of man, here is moral beauty, it also exists today, and the place for heroism exists today, it is possible to correlate how you live and what you are like with the choices that tens of millions of people made in forty-one, in '45. who were not ready to chicken out, to retreat, who were ready to die, but so that their name would not be disgraced, as is called in centuries and centuries, and there were absolute the majority are in the red army and today many russians are being tested for this moral strength, i say again, the world is really comfortable, today we have much more resources in order to...
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live longer, probably be in a more joyful mood, receive emotions and it is very important that millions of people combine for themselves the format of their life, the social format of their life, where there is only myself, where there is concern for the interests of the fatherland, which in the end are returned to your successes, because one can’t live without the other, where are my obligations to the older generation, to those who are weaker... and to whom you need to lend a helping hand and to those tasks that you are obliged to solve on the scale of your destiny, as god allows you to comrades and employers, well, yes, this is a test that russians are passing today, i agree, and you know, recently vladimir rudolfovich solovyov celebrated his anniversary in one of these celebratory interviews, he noted when asked by a journalist why he drives behind the tape and his voyages have become more frequent, he says: i can’t, i don’t have the right to encourage... people to go there if
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they don’t go there themselves, well, that is, this is a question of moral choice for him, specifically, as a tv presenter, and dmitry fetrovich, you also often began to visit the tape , we haven’t talked about humanitarian programs today, in particular, in september we were again in donetsk and lugansk, let’s see if they exist. whatever the child is interested in, he will do it , information about how the city was defended, thank you very much, you are doing it for the donetsk people’s republic. tell us about this
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trip, well, this is the fourth trip to donbass, it was implemented in execution of the decision of the supreme state council and the council of ministers, which was formulated on the provision of humanitarian assistance to educational institutions of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. we were pleased that we were able to deliver four tractors to belarus with a full set of row-crop equipment on time. we brought 200 laptops produced by horizon holding, we delivered unique equipment to the republican donetsk regional clinical hospital virtual reality, which allows you to restore motor function for those children who, for one reason or another , have lost it, including after mine explosion wounds. we donated interactive equipment, whiteboards, and food, but it was very important for us to see the kids.
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it’s not about being there for a few minutes in a college or technical school in order to talk, but the reason for this conversation was the publication of that book that we talked about, the crimes of fascism against peoples have no statute of limitations, there are no soviet union, and we were convinced that this topic was correlated with those emotions and experiences that for... their children , for their parents, for those adults, for the defenders of donbass, are of particular importance, it so happened, and he showed us , that the conversation was informal, sincere, in their own way, the guys perhaps even feel more mature than their peers in the vast majority of constituent entities of the russian federation, or regions of belarus, i am convinced that such assistance will continue. and most
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importantly, it’s not just money, it’s a position union state, this is the position of national leaders, to help those who are weaker, to help those who... the idea, i believe that only by looking back at yourself can you come up with such an absurdity, as you say, absurdity and savagery, if you see in your in the soul, uh, meanness and darkness , for some reason you always think that others live the same way, and you know, they are upset,
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it seems to me that they are taught in their editorial offices to see meanness, blackness, and people seem to be immersed in this, nothing else they begin to not see, well , that’s the impression i get. v at the beginning of the program, about if at one time i actively supported freedom of the internet and freedom of speech in general, then how do i feel about this, about the right to freedom of speech, as a great achievement of wealth for belarus and russia and all civilized countries, about attempts to abuse this freedom, abuse of the right to inform millions of people through an internet resource,
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the academy of arts and they tried a lot of things in different directions in art, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more, each hero has his own a unique history and my own view of belarus, in the east it is usually a man, so i wanted to study to become
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a doctor, because it was a prestigious profession and very profitable, i immediately feel the level of a university, the level is much higher. belarus for me. one word, it is very important: perhaps i can realize my idea, which is related to art. watch on the tv channel, belarus 24, the investigative committee of belarus opened a criminal case against latvian officials under the article of crime against security humanity. previously, criminal cases were opened against their comrades from poland and lithuania. although these countries participated in disturbing the peace in the countries of the middle east, they are in no hurry to let refugees in, maybe this is different? the confrontation between the west and russia , which began during the cold war, has received an unexpected continuation today. in their attempt not to be like the russians
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, representatives of the so-called civilized world have reached a new level. now it’s not enough for them that they have democracy and a counterbalance to slavic values, family and marriage, they came up with. europeans demand compliance with new standards; in case of disobedience, removal of children, the west has come to the point that it is destroying itself from within. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the secretary of state of the union state dmitry mezintsev. we hear in this studio about how children from donbass react to ordinary conditions of comfort, it’s impossible to listen to tears, how they react to
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toys, to any toys in general, for some of them even the train ride was the first time in my life, and the human attitude, first of all, of course, and the warmth that they see, but i would like in this regard, but they see not only here, today they also see the attitude in their small homeland, because adults understand, right? the fact that today these guys have a more difficult life than many millions of their peers in belarus, in most constituent entities of the russian federation, is obvious, many people give them a little more attention, more warmth, more emotions today, including in the education system donetsk and lugansk people's republics. but i would like to share a little personal information with you . dmitrivich, what is your most vivid childhood memory? probably, for all of us, this is not just one episode, but there are probably hundreds, and maybe thousands, of them, but just one episode, the father, who from
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the year forty-five there was still a war, already served in the newspaper and practically all his life, and he left in the ninety-second year of his life, devoted himself to journalism and did not see himself outside of this amazing profession, and now, i was probably less than six years old, he served in radio stations, volga and naturally for them a report... on business trips, this is a radio report, and he literally looked at home in a matter of minutes, told me and my mother that during the training of a tank regiment he put in such a very reliable, small, compact one made from domestic materials , domestic engineers, designers, assembled a tape recorder, and i managed in a matter of minutes, after listening to the beginning of this report, which he had already... made as a broadcast, where the father’s voice is heard, where the cannonade of tank
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guns is heard, where officers’ commands are heard, to add with my comments, of course, with my grades, less than 6 years old, which means my father took the tape recorder, i was afraid to tell him, an hour later my father returned, told us that he was leaving again for a tank regiment training, and i thought that i would be cruel. .. i was forgiven and he didn’t tell me anything, but for some reason these moments, when we are not punished, work more powerfully than when we are punished, it’s more convincing than being put in a corner, or severely scolded, well, there are many different episodes , i say again, we are all probably happy memory of their parents and god forbid that parents live with their children as long as possible, so... but the human age still has its final boundaries, memory remains. which
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temple do you like to visit when visiting belarus? belarus is very close to me , the church of mary magdalene, of course, a special temple, and it seems to me that this is an amazing result of the unity of the belarusian people, this is the cathedral of the holy spirit, and we know that the church of all saints... the temple is a monument that evokes special emotions and makes you think , to empathize, to relate history to the day in which we are all we live. dmitry fedorovich, you recently spoke about the ideology of the union state, i will quote you, ideology is respect for the small homeland, for one’s land, but what is the union state for you? a very simple question, but very significant, this is our fatherland, this. a single family of millions of russians and belarusians, who have the same history,
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in the vast majority of understanding the world around from a single position, this is our territory , the road to vladivostok, this is the present day and the tomorrow, when we are proud and independent, well, probably, dmitry fed , thank you. it’s great that you came to our studio today, we are happy to wait for you, as long as you like , for a long time, knowing your busy schedule, but apparently this should have happened today, because questions have accumulated not only from us, but from our viewers, and you are answering them gave comprehensive answers, but not to all the questions that have accumulated, let's be more attentive to the practice of relations between two fraternal states, which are united by a union treaty to the work that is being carried out by many, many millions of people who see themselves as one russian-belarusian team. we are
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very glad that such work is actually being carried out. tatyana sherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, and now dmitry mezintsev is speaking. dear friends, today the hosts of the program “say don’t be silent” have dedicated it to the topic of union building. for some, this topic is close and understandable. someone may have turned to the information that we all have together for the first time. presented to you, but regardless of who is immersed in this practice, or who he is still busy with his own affairs and the tasks of his team, region and city. we want to appeal to all of you, take a closer look at what unites us, remember the episodes, large or small common stories and, probably, it is important for all of us to be convinced, to strengthen and multiply this faith, that together we are stronger, together we will achieve.


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