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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 8, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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at his workplace, in what he does, to do that work very efficiently and skillfully - that’s for everyone, then together we will get such a synergistic effect, and we will all live better.
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the help of god's word is the principles of christian life. if we remember that the lord is above us and above everything that we do.
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that’s right, i associate my entire career with practice, that is, it’s working with people, today is such a time, we are in the age of information technology, it ’s still today. people who are nothing know today about social services, and not only do we have the media , today there are various messengers where you can read this or that information, but when a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, he is out of our sight today, so today we in principle, we are determined that our people have this information, this is the first, the second is the word conceptuality, i remember when i came to work after university, people were afraid to come to me for an appointment.
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the collective farm had to convince all the authorities that the collective farm needs to go this way, and not any other way. i listened so much to how he knew how to tell this, and after that we had a conversation with him, and he told me, remember, my granddaughter, that you must love your country, you must love the business that you are doing, and even more so if you today you are responsible for a large number of people for... the activities that the country has entrusted to you, so if you manage to continue my work in the future, you must do it, but i believe that i have fulfilled his covenant, that is, this a humane-loving party, you also need to love your activities, you know, bring benefits, and most importantly, think about
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how your activities will further help the country develop in a good way. by the way , the communist party of belarus is one of three parties that has been re-registered in our country, we congratulate you, and... what do you think about party building in our republic, how many parties should we ideally have? in my opinion, the construction of a party system is a prerequisite for any country, quantity probably does not determine quality, so i want to say, no matter how many parties there are in our country, the main thing is that all parties today adhere to one goal, what goal, such a goal... so that our country develops forward, in my opinion view, today the party is like a link between the people and the state, they must all comply with the foreign and internal policies of our state and in the right direction, and the most important thing, well, in my opinion, is
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that none of the parties today can influence in a bad way, that is, our national security could not harm, uh-huh, well, it’s interesting to know from you, this is how you wake up with the feeling that you are... a communist or how it happens, what does it mean to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person, it’s just that maybe a little of the views go back to those times, but this is how we were raised, and i want to say thank you to our parents for raising us this way, that we preserve those traditions a little, and i also want to say that today being a communist is probably you must always be disciplined, you must always be decent, you must always be honest, this is probably the most important quality, which is the property, when you listen there
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, that is, we stand for a person to come, we lay out this legislative act from a to z, we show it in the legal field , what is possible and what is not, of course, it’s good when people agree, but there are those who do not agree and do not believe us. they go further, in your territorial center of social services for the population, which is the youngest visitor and which is the oldest , myself the youngest visitor is two years old, and the oldest is 101 years old, we talked
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to you when we discussed the issues that the social protection of the chervinsky district is represented by the department that you head, the territorial center for social services of the population, a psychoneurological boarding house and a home- a boarding school for disabled children and young disabled people with special needs of psychophysical development, that is, in addition to the issues that you have already listed, you are working. also with socially vulnerable categories of people, elderly people and disabled people, and how you got into this profession, there is also one personal story here, maybe you can tell it to our viewers? in principle, yes, today i am dealing with these issues, this was once based on my personal experience, what personal experience, i had a child in my family, the first child, the first girl, a daughter, long-awaited, but.. but i have special needs, today my daughter is 27 years old, 27 years ago, when we were
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diagnosed, it was necessary to resolve those issues regarding her treatment, her improvement, her we need to get rid of this diagnosis, the diagnosis was difficult, when they told me that your girl wouldn’t walk, she would be confined to a wheelchair, believe me, i didn’t come to terms with it, i started studying a bunch of literature, i studied on children’s cerebral palsy, because ... i set a task for myself and i strove for this task, for this goal, believe me, my daughter started when she was three years old, for me it was a great happiness, when she started, we were given a ticket to a sanatorium, to the sanatorium evpatoriya, for that at the time it was crimea, and we went there, a girl, disabled by the train, today you can
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fly by plane, then it was a train, it was very difficult, cargo, she was with a stroller. all the way it somehow happened that we met until the moment of our arrival there in crimea, good people, someone would help carry the stroller, someone would help carry the child, someone stayed to look at it on the train when i was away for lunch, when we arrived at the sanatorium, somehow i was surrounded by good people, a good doctor who received us there, a good nurse, who helped us go through a rehabilitation course, believe me, and it’s like this for me ...
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i ask when you were diagnosed, what did you do for this, and i always give an example that you still need to set a goal and achieve it, and a child with childhood cerebral precursor, if you start treating it in time, it can be diagnosed, it’s just amazing, because i recently watched botalov’s anniversary, you know, his daughter also has the same problem and they took her to all countries, to the best doctors, from russia to the usa, but no one helped,
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i don’t know, maybe it should be a complex some, because i have. complex , i went to sweden and took her, i took her to lithuania at that time, then this syrian doctor came to minsk, believe me, i took her here to minsk every day for laser therapy, it was such a complex, all sorts of massages, i learned to do it myself massage, then i specially taught you how to do injections yourself, but it was necessary, and among your friends or those you consulted, people helped in cherven who also had the same good results. there are, there are examples of this, there are examples, even not only that they were able to raise their children to a level, to such a level, that the child could walk on his own, but even so that mothers would find jobs in the future, because everyone understood that staying at home with a child with a disability is on the one hand, it’s good, we do everything for this, but at the same time, our children who have disabilities
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are a toy, and i always said, this is not a toy, today you need to pay attention to yourself, your family, and be in society. you have to benefit others, but in the end your country, with your work, well, an interesting opinion, usually it’s mothers with such children, indeed, as you said, they close themselves off and sit at home with them, while you work in addition to the issues that you have already voiced, in addition to consultations on , say, a medical unit, you also conduct telephone direct lines with the population , participate in dialogue platforms, festivals, meet with young people, visit labor veterans, but this...
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then they find out that there is such a social service institution, they begin to visit this institution, we get to know each other, just like young people, you say, today our young people are so active that sometimes we need to think about what key to choose for this or that little person, so that the young one, well, but still we do it, the last one was a dialogue platform, when we held it on the eve of the international day of disabled persons or the day of persons with disabilities of the republic of belarus, i want to say that... brsm in cherven there are a lot of young people who provide assistance today to lonely elderly people who themselves are not able, for example, the same the snowiest,
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now, when such a peak of snow is coming, they are helping to clear up, we had an artist in the studio who uses a wheelchair, for a very long time she could not resolve the issue in minsk, she lives so that there is no ramp to leave, well, after a conversation in the studio and not in one more in the studio of the belarusian time program, i’m glad to announce that...
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for now we’ll take a short break, our telegram channel say, don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us guests, ask your questions, we are in touch.
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. geta is not good, it’s all ours. we will continue to plow and re-plant in the future. the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than urban life to complete
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several household tasks. once upon a time, you have found the birthplace of the bulb, and you need to get there. judging by the sweaty helmet, it might seem that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so. well, there’s a little red tractor, why didn’t we load into it? watch the project “i am from the village” on the belarus 20 tv channel.
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on the air again, don’t be silent, our guest is the head of the department for labor, employment and social protection of the cherven district executive committee, lyudmila sharkova. lyudmila gennadievna, well , during the pause you admitted to us that it turns out that the territorial center for social services of the population, you headed for 17 years before you became the head of the department
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with... about 100 people, for the small town of cherven, this is a large number of people, that’s what is our territorial center unique? the fact is that we have four separate buildings, separately for people with disabilities, separately for elderly people, separately for people who today, due to due to their health and personal reasons they cannot take care of themselves, there is a 24-hour department for
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elderly citizens and the disabled. he has his own views, his own opinion, but of course we also have our own opinions, our own views, but we must not show him that we are not interested in him, this person, this is our job, that we must accept everyone, what they are, well, there are both consumer terrorists and people who are used to, well, terrorizing various organizations of this kind yours, and how to stay here, open your arms to meet this person, if
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you understand that he has come again. he’ll just ruin his day, there is something like that, as you say, it’ll ruin the day, ruin the mood, but at the same time we don’t show it, so, but the letter of the law is the letter of the law and we won’t get away from it, our task today is to convey to people correctly this information that you do not have the right, or the time has not yet come for you, you see, well , look, you said that there are people who maybe want to do something themselves, if we say, yeah.
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he understands that we won’t leave them either , they let us into the house, we talk, take us out, talk for a long time, in the end they agree, and i want to say that we’re probably going, the third time, where can he go, because there’s a psychological aspect plays a role, we place a lot of responsibility on this person, yeah, we give him assignments that he then has to cope with in the future, and then he forgets that...
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the work that today is like an additional the load from my main job , and i’m trying to combine both , you couldn’t do it without additional workload, we meet people in one locality or another, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a club, a store, someone’s home or just for once i definitely go out on the street for a month, i love doing this, i like doing this, that is, this is also a form of dialogue platforms, one might say, yes, yeah. it’s just that sometimes you come home to a person for your work, and you see that they need a completely different intervention, the problem is already being solved from the other side, you begin to involve someone , let’s say, this year for the department of round-the-clock stay
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, with the help of my lever, we were able to attract a lot of sponsorship, yeah, so in principle this is also, what kind of lever are you talking about now, about the deputy or about the executive committee, no about the deputy?
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the party that could help resolve this conflict, everything that is happening today among our neighbors is simply terrible, and i personally, just as i feel sorry for one side, i feel sorry for the other side, in
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principle, it’s the same for everyone around us next to me, our family and friends, my family and friends, they also worry about everything, we especially worry, i also have a dear aunt who lives in kiev, and we call her only... once a month, because the connection is very poor , then, when i want to call, we cannot do this, she herself contacts us, she would love to come here to our country, but she is afraid that she will not be able to leave later.
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and today these two people meet and
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talk about how i was right and how i stopped them in time, but it’s nice that i’m still with them broke up, but maybe they want to go back to work, you know, i’m a believer in the fact that people don’t betray their homeland, yeah , you wouldn’t want them to work anymore, yes, well, you also told us that you already a veteran of election campaigns, electoral campaigns, probably often for many years.
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the fact that i still maintain relations with the former head of the department of labor, employment and social protection, who is now on well-deserved rest, so we still communicate with him, he always asks me: how is lyudmila doing, what’s new with you , how you manage to solve this, how did you manage to do this, well, there is such
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continuity, and generations in the work, well , they have already anticipated our next question, the youth in the chervensky district, in the region , remains, remains, this is good,
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they will not be able to help the little man turn over, and he needs to be changed , the bedding changed, sometimes even washed , but he doesn’t have enough physical strength, or the same person, as you say, is a nurse at retirement age, she can’t cope with a person who, in principle, has to do physical labor, yeah, well, i think that there is a question of ijism here
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that is already beginning in our society, that is, even , well, somehow 50 plus my friends or relatives. we are connections. the program say not be silent is on air again, our guest is the head of the department for labor, employment and social protection
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of the cherven district executive committee, deputy of the local council of deputies, member of the communist party of belarus, lyudmila sharkova. lyudmila gennadievna, according to your observations, the executive power in cherven, what kind of face does it have, female or male, what is the gender balance? today, probably our predominant face is female.
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wrote a statement and told me about it when we discussed the issues, so we also have a question for you, a surprise question, pay attention to the screen. lyudmila gennadievna, you have a big workload, you are a very active person, you have been a member of many public organizations in the party for a long time, what inspired you to join the patriots of belarus association, chairman of the patriots of belarus, nikolai zarubitsky, i’m saying this for our viewers. asks you a question, what a question, the answer is banal, i want to say, i just love my country, i love my corner, where i
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was born, where i grew up, and today i am not indifferent to the fate of my country, so in principle it has always been, and there was never a question of leaving the country, so i even look at those things, especially when people gather, leave the country, i try to convince them, what is so good there that we don’t have?
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we have very passionate travelers in minsk who like to spend weekends somewhere nearby, so you can advise which route, in principle there is something to see in cherven, our church catholic, this is our old museum of local history, today it already has a new look, it was built, yes, but i will advise, come to the urban village of smiloviche, where today we can boast, which means belarusian-polish... composer stanislav manyushka, a very good museum was made in his honor, and where you can read everything about his life,
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see, even hear the music he wrote, yeah.
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in our lagoi district of khatyn, in our cherminsky district of popova gryada, when the fascists burned the whole village with people. yes. well, taking into account the fact that there are 197 rural settlements in the region, i think that probably every place is somehow memorable and dear to the history of our country, and you can go there too, right? you can go to any village today, in principle there is probably no village today in the chervansky district, veski in belarusian. to say, no matter where i am, in your opinion, the village is dying out, to say that there is no such thing, i won’t say, there is such a thing, yeah, today our villages have basically become, well, if in the summer, then it’s like dachas, but there are still residents, today we only have, you said , 197 villages in the cherensky region, but only 102 have residents, yeah, the rest are half
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abandoned, maybe even there.
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you must not be afraid, do not pass by someone else’s grief, lend a helping hand and do a good deed for a person. once a good deed is done. for some you will get a double or maybe triple reward, please believe me, lyudmila gennadievna, this picture was drawn by artificial intelligence based on our logo, the logo of the program, say not be silent, and as you can see, all our guests leave their autographs here, we’ll ask you to make some wishes for us in our program, definitely, yeah.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and social media subscribers, we offer to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to the amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7, a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on tv belarus24. ready for an exciting
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adventure through the cities of belarus. on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second largest city in belarus. gomel. lands. lands. what is known here at the castle nearby, eight and the foundation of the castle with various privileges, a photograph measuring 42 by 94 cm, made by contact method in 1903, and only
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four such photographs are known in the world. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . live main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue.


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