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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 8, 2023 2:05pm-2:40pm MSK

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firsts ў republics of agrarian industrial complex zahodni bukh for each and every land with a vigorous victory and for the future of the future and the sunny day will become the most wicked of their thoughts. only kalgasny harmony with a high culture of agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitskaya region to develop such rich wealth. ganusa experimental station dapamagae kalgasamu.
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computer game or the real world, they entered the game, but did not take one thing into account, everything here is for real, this is the most extreme project countries, heroes, reboot, fighting with itself, this time there is a fire instead of young professionals.
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gives its heroes, the mission control center is ready, tsup, ha, you need to unscrew it, otherwise you will stay there to live, that's it, i lost, yes, it seems, yes, goodbye, what is it doing, serge, this is incredible, guys, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel , a journey through the blue-eyed, through the eyes of foreigners, such a detour is interesting, in general this is a mill, a mill, yes, it reminds me of this one.
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well, the third world war is already, as some say, it’s been going on for a long time already, only the forms are like this quite hidden, the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it is impossible, the bet is always on something, an internal explosion, without organization, no mood will rise anywhere, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, the card has been played, nothing has worked out , plus there is a rejection of...
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the dollar throughout the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not allow them to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon. the world is at a breaking point, in this version, of course it will not exist, but the hegemon he can’t retreat, what he managed to do , excuse me, will still hurt him, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel. russia 24?
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they are smartly saying goodbye to childhood and preparing for a new happy life. yesterday's tenth graders graduated from school, it seemed like they had their whole lives ahead of them.
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upside down destinies crippled the lives of millions of people. 4 years of war have left their notches in the margins of almost everyone’s soul. june 22, 1941. the familiar world collapsed to the ground, war broke into every home and swirled millions of lives in its cycle. but that last peaceful day, when it seemed that it would always be so quiet and peaceful, will be filled for the rest of my life. and almost 90%
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of that same class of 1941 will never see each other again. here is my village , here is my home, in this village, i was born in 1939, during the most terrible period, of course, it was war, there were a lot of young people, so people went to partisan detachments, from our village there were 49 in partisan detachments people, this is a lot, and if you consider that... approximately the same number were admitted to the army, you can imagine how many young people and, of course, the majority did not return from the front. partisan detachments were formed with lightning speed from the very first days of the great patriotic
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war, the people's avengers no longer waited for commands into battle; as soon as the enemy's foot touched their native lands, the people's war came out to meet them. in the forty-first year.
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when a detachment or brigade arrived at that time, any partisan formation was depending on the period, different conditions resulted in joining the partisan detachment of the brigade; this, of course, was when he read the oath in front of the entire detachment or brigade, that is, this really was evidence that a person gives himself the concept of where he is joining, why he is joining, because the oath says that if i do the wrong thing or betray my homeland, then let my own hand punish me.
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against the nazi invaders . intelligence activities occupy an important place in the history of the national struggle. partisans and underground fighters have increased since the spring of 1942.
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but a lot of the population of our villages , men, women, old people, and partisan detachments left. partisans were sent behind enemy lines with the task of conducting reconnaissance and sabotaging communications, so they tried to select into these groups those who were born in this area and knew local people. that ’s right, the future commander of the kalinin partisan brigade, leonid soroka, ended up in one of them. leonid iosifovich soroko was born in 1919 in the village of krivoe selo of the former
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zaslavsky, and now minsk region, in october 1939, leonid was drafted into the red army, received baptism of fire near moscow in 1941, then studied at a special intelligence school. at the end of september 1942, soroka and his relatives.
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the kalininites acted together with the third minsk brigade named after budyonny. in the chronicle of the joint operations of this tandem there is a striking episode of an unusual operation of a surprise attack on the german drazhen garrison near the village of terebuty, pukhovichi district. to get closer to the germans, the column moved without unnecessary noise. the fighting vehicle was pulled by two pairs of horses, and not even a single dog responded. the germans and partisans surrounded them in a tight ring. the enemies caught up only
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at the moment when a car roared under their very noses. she accelerated and crashed into the gates of the garrison. the invaders, who were on vacation at that moment, jumped out of the barracks in their underwear, right under the bullets of our soldiers. there is little from the drazan garrison. what's left? it was difficult for those who had not fought to imagine how brave volunteers survived in impenetrable forests and swamps during the great patriotic war. war. the successes of the people's avengers in combat activities largely depended on living conditions. quite a few girls joined the detachments; they worked in partisan hospitals, as messengers,
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as birth attendants, as scouts, and at the same time they also provided life for their fighting brothers and prepared food. the shpilevo detachment was no exception. the people's avengers included fragile but very courageous girls, one of whom later played a huge role in the fate of the detachment commander.
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children also joined the people's war; boys and girls often ran to the front to be next to our fathers and fight with them against the nazis. many of them helped the partisans. events experienced in his native village. came to the partisan detachment after the tragic
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from the very first days of the occupation, the younger sister of valentina bui. zoya also helped the partisans; the germans captured her while she was distributing leaflets. a fifteen-year-old girl was very cruelly tortured on an electric table, but she did not give up any of her comrades, she was tortured, trying to find out who gave the leaflets, in general, where did she
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get the information about how the red army was fighting? army? zoya was silent, then they decided to invite zoya’s father from kstapo for questioning. who sees the picture when the girl was put in the electric chair, he simply took all the blame on himself. the germans released zoya, but sent their father to trostenets, where
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they burned him along with other prisoners, and then the girls and their mother joined the partisan detachment. for her father, that’s where valentina buraya, who was 18 years old, met her crush at first. u... from the very first meeting , sympathy arose between mitrofan shilev and valentina bura.
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helped them survive. during one of the battles, valentin's mitrafans were seriously wounded, and both were on the verge of death. because of their wounds, they could not move, they had to get out of the raid, from the encirclement, and the partisans were forced to make a shelter for them. they filled some hole in the partisan forest with a fly. it was then that a real feeling was born out of sympathy and mutual care,
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thanks to which they survived. after their experience, they have already decided to tie their lives together. in 1943, the couple had a wedding in a partisan detachment. i know that there was a partisan wedding with laid tables and even moonshine. valentina’s younger sister was also at the partisan wedding, the same zoya buraya, who
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with every day of the war continued to be driven more and more by the desire to take revenge on the invaders for the death of her father and the grief of her native land, the fact is that having survived such interrogations by the gestapo, this is a seventeen-year-old girl died a month before...
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commander shilevoy’s summary of his exploits and personal merits includes many more heroic deeds in which he exposed himself to bullets while standing up for defense
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homeland and his squad. on september 26 , 1943, as a platoon commander, he drove the shat police out of the village of kovalevichi, where three policemen were killed and five were wounded. this was a truly heroic generation, we cannot understand, many cannot imagine what the pathos of heroism and creation was behind me on june 5, 1944. he was the first to go on the attack to break through the enemy ring, where he was wounded in the chest.
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without courage this would not have been possible. valentina and mitrofan shpilev, the remaining years of the war, passed hand in hand, in one squad, supporting each other in grief, in joy, and led them to a great victory, enormous strength and love. after the war, the peleev partisan parash raised three children and had seven grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
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the memory of the shpilevs, their beautiful love and the military glory of the kalinin partisan brigade will forever remain in our hearts, you see, it’s already autumn, and i’m still in my native village, and of course, i still remember our every step, every stitch, where we ran, fishing, berries, and this is an expensive place where...
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway , denmark , the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up
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a satellite dish. to the express am8 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the open form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. they were born in different parts of the world. i came from syria to belarus, i’m glad to study. i studied to be a tv film director in...
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it has its own unique history and its own view of belarus, in the east all responsibility is usually on the man, so i wanted to study to be a doctor, because it was a prestigious profession, very profitable, i was immediately impressed by the university, the level you can immediately feel the level is much higher. belarus for i am the only one possible, i can implement mine, which are a bunch, watch on the tv channel belarus 20. four. let's go on a trip to belarus. the sarachan lakes are the blue necklace of the ostrovet region, which rightfully tops the list of the most beautiful places in belarus. here, once upon a time, in this place there was a sacred oak forest, although, unfortunately, now nothing remains of it, only this king oak. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. friends, right now i envy myself. god. and
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there is a wonderful tradition: to embrace the ancient tree make a wish, we ask you from our round dance, with pleasure! oops, start dancing! visit the vibrant sights of our country. the church was built by order of chancellor lev sapieha back in 1604. this temple is truly very unusual. its peculiarity is that it opens its doors only once a year for parishioners on a special occasion. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight without help. name the hero of a famous tv series in the past, which during his school years he played for the ural
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stars team and even scored a hat-trick in the final of the leather ball show tournament where the main weapon is intelligence. all of these english clubs represent london, except one. of course, we all remember that if the pawn is up... it means it was not in vain that he was sent to rest. watch the intellectual and sports show " head game" on our tv channel. bnbc produces
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amino acids, in particular lysine, trianine, tryptophan, various feedstuffs, premixes, all of which are supplied to livestock breeding complexes and used as feed for animals. and i believe that the bnv as a whole is aimed at peace and creation in our country. i also liked chemistry at school. upon completion of school, he entered the belarusian state technological university. studied with a degree in biotechnology. in my third year , i got an internship at the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. after completing my studies at the university, i came here to work as a young specialist, i realized that this is really mine, what i like, what is interesting
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to do, my responsibilities include supervision cultivation parameters, control of lezin fermentation parameters, control of the preparation of nutrients, control of incoming raw materials. the workshop itself, fermentation of lysine is a rather complex process, biochemical, microbiological, we have a lot of dangerous production factors, this includes temperature, and various aggressive environments, alkali acids, these are pressure vessels, that is, a lot of dangerous production factors are collected specifically it is precisely in this dryness that i believe that my work is important for the country. but for ours, for society, our corporation is a very large-scale project, and quite a large number of people work here, as far as i know, and the staff of bnbk totals 1,500 people, this is a huge
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number of jobs, a person must have, first of all, responsibility, because this is working with people, working with subordinates, this is always associated with some kind of risks, since this is production, i am happy to come to work at... nvk. at the moment, this is, so to speak, a unique enterprise on the territory of the republic and we don’t have anything like it anymore.


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