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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 9, 2023 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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after all, the dining room is open to the public, so let people eat, not everyone, you know, now modern women, especially housewives, not everyone wants to cook at home, and many even come with their families. in addition to ready-made lunches, they sell home-made bread; queues for aromatic buns line up to the entrance in the morning. to be honest, i’ve already eaten the bun, there’s just a little left, i want to say that this is the most delicious bun, fried with meat, beef with rice, but it itself is very...
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they work in jobs that don’t have no relation to culture, some work at a milk factory, some are an instructor at a driving school, well, very, very diverse, but we find time to get together to rehearse and have a drink. the highlight of this team is its composition. the solos here are exclusively male voices. will the artists make an exception for abu shakker? quite by chance , we ended up with a song in our repertoire that is very relevant to your program. your program is called white dew, yes. and we have a song exactly from the film white dew. happiness is happiness, there is no happiness. there is love and there is no love, i’m already oppressed, so this one with resins and without words, broke off a lot of branches, broke a lot of firewood, it was unexpected, of course, to see.
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the tsar, the boyar, the veche, this is the traditional form of government for us for centuries, this is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what are called democratic institutions, these are the elections of the leader, that is, the president, and elections to parliament, and national referendum. it is important for me that you appreciate not the form of the king, but the essence of what i say when we by strengthening the vns, we are returning the historical veche to the control system. it does not contradict
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a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a statesman? a politician thinks about future elections, and a statesman thinks about future generations. we can do something to help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home, because if we suddenly have a mess, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. propaganda project, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. belarus has enchanted their. at first glance, i came from syria, came here to study, entered the medical university, stayed to live here, the first time i saw belarusian people and as friends, talked to them, it was like i saw people who don’t like to have fun, love life , very kind people, even the belarusian anthem begins, we are belarusians, peaceful people, a belarusian gave me bread, fed me all this time, gave me a job and most importantly a family, i started a family here. chose to go to belarus
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to study as a director and live here and what it’s like i need money to put everything together, but i think that this is not the right place for belarus, now this is my homeland, look at the project for a look at belarus on our tv channel. a city of ancient monasteries and temples, and it seems that wherever you look, the domes of churches catch your eye, the space capital of russia, here you can safely study the history of astronautics, you will not regret it, the local museum is the largest in the country, and the first stone in the future foundation was laid by gagarin himself, by the way, this rocket is on the observation deck of the museum. original, it was created by famous flight in the sixty-first as a backup for the vostok launch vehicle, so she also visited baikonur, but there is something in this city that makes it similar to...
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modern history, those who give the megalopolis a new look live and work here , so if you look closely, it will seem that this is a city with a belarusian character, this is what our film crew saw in kaluga. in our community, we have a slight feeling of diarrhea, as if we were in our own neighborhood. belarusians build a lot here, like nowhere else abroad, and if you ask the locals, and how long, no one will tell you right away , to count how long it really takes to invest in residential buildings, and this is not all, more than a dozen, it all started 10 years ago, when minsk and kaluga decided to try their hand not only in trading, but also to to something more, the belarusian construction complex. was gaining strength and houses could be built, and even help neighbors. the residents of kaluga liked the idea, so much so that the first stone of the first residential complex was laid at the same time in 2013. and since then , belarusian builders are actually from kaluga and didn't leave. residential areas, schools,
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kindergartens and the project went beyond the city boundaries on a grand scale. ours are actively developing the region as a whole. we passed. on new buildings and were pleasantly surprised, this is the kaluga dolphin, a kindergarten in belarusian design, one of the largest in the region, almost 300 children receive preschool education here, and also health improvement is the dream of parents. the swimming pool helps us with this , the salt room is for the prevention of ent diseases, bronchial asthma, we also have a gym, a music room, interactive room, all the most modern equipment, which in principle. exists, but we have it in kindergarten. large, cozy, modern, thought out to the smallest detail , kaluga does not spare epithets, and it seems that everything that you can think of for the development of a child has been done here. in general, the project provides for the principle of free childhood , that is, you can study not only in a group, children are not limited to leisure locations
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everywhere, in the understanding of adults who had a kindergarten a very long time ago, even in the corridors, and computers, where are they today? without them, and the charging sockets are built right into... the floor, and if the teacher understands that emotional release is needed, the baby is taken to the sensory room to relieve tension, in a word, everything is like adults, there is a set of built-in, interactive games, yes, i i’m showing you now, a stream, yes, the children are sorting it out with their hands, some water started flowing here, then it’s just beautiful here, the territory of a happy childhood. for kids they say exactly this: we work with the developer, so to speak, from the first brick, we are here, all the nuances, all ours wishes, everything that we would like to see within the framework of the new kindergarten, in principle the developer fulfilled everything for us,
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they really want to come to our kindergarten, and this is a new building in medyn, a small town an hour’s drive from kaluga, this school year is here in general the first, it seems just that... the first bell rang, the flags of belarus and russia rang as a reminder of an important event in the life of the city, the children were waiting for school, they have only one, and there is only one this big in the region. it took us 2 hours to get around all the local beauties. director rena prokshina accompanied us on a big school excursion, the scale is impressive, but as they say, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so let’s take a look. i'll tell you honestly. that we never even dreamed of such a canteen, it allows us to feed more than 300 students at the same time, so we seat 380 students here at the same time, they can communicate freely, groups can carry out some tasks, they can show
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their creativity, now we see them sitting , they draw, it all moves, it all works and the children are very... their own inventions, that it was their hands , that it was the children who invented it, the school television group is working here, for now, but in the future we will learn to make films here correctly, learn how to set up light, that is, learn the art of cinematography, the pool is a gift for everyone and all schoolchildren residents. an excellent project, i think it has been thought out to the smallest detail, every centimeter has been thought out and every cabinet has been thought out. perhaps everything made by the hands of belarusian builders in the kaluga region is subject to the general rule, without exception, they work
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always in tandem with the administration, school or kindergarten staff, they hear each other, suggest, discuss, always do things on time to the highest standard. discipline never fails. they are distinguished by high quality of work, fairly short deadlines, they put a lot of soul into the interior design of buildings, recreations, premises and so on, and the very arrangement of rooms, groups, offices and so on, the interior appearance, color scheme. this is great, of course, so we
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use the results of this joint work, including training school principals, so that this experience of creating modern spaces could be done with them. and yes, modern, functional and simply beautiful - this is about all joint projects, the minister will clarify. however, we convinced ourselves of this by visiting more than one kaluga school. there are already five belarusian ones, as they say here, however, there will be others, and our specialists are building up entire neighborhoods in kaluga, they are usually called minipolises, but first they plan a school or kindergarten, and then surround them with residential development, the freckles quarter is an example of this, comfortable classrooms, well equipped, when you enter the classroom and you immediately see great opportunities, large open spaces, new technologies that are present everywhere in our classrooms, there, in principle, at school. yes, just nastialzhi, if someone did not like to study, once here, it will seem that such a thing
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is simply impossible today, you cannot call such a school familiar to the eye, there are no standards for you , no templates, a lot of air of light, large auditorium corridors, areas for leisure and studies, right in the halls, interactive areas for unobtrusive mastery of subjects. the city school has the status of an information technology center with all that it entails. all the filling is top of the line. so that the guys can create augmented reality applications themselves , without 3d modeling, i’m sure at school, the current economy is simply not competitive, but if they want, and anyone who wants to, they will teach them more than enough of any it wisdom, if they like modeling, they can devote their free time to it , they can already earn money by creating 3d models, you have such examples, but i can’t say specifically whether anyone makes money, but there are very good guys who model better
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than me. they came up with it at school, and the belarusians made it in kaluga and are convinced that there are no ideas that cannot be implemented. the school director will remember our people with gratitude more than once and will assure the project beyond a doubt that it helps school success. at the commissioning stage in 2018, this school largely set the standard for new educational spaces in our city and... many people came here colleagues from other regions also spoke quite warmly about the atmosphere that had been created. at the end of 2018, this project was recognized as one of the best projects, it was included in the reuse project, that is, it was recommended further in order to use it in the construction of educational institutions. some like the gym, some like the swimming pool, and some like the library. no less pleasing to the eye, her owner, by the way, works and lives with freckles,
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she moved to coluga 5 years ago, a job turned up that she liked, but in truth, she says, she was lucky doubly, the microdistrict was just in disarray , we managed to buy another apartment, so much so that the workplace can be seen right from the window, there are such a large number of beautiful houses, mine is orange, orange-yellow-black, it stands right on the end of us, when i go out on the balcony , then i see the windows exactly mine... even this color of the houses somehow i really always want to come back here
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to my area, although the city is developing, but i like it better where i live, and i don’t regret it at all that i moved exactly here and i ended up in this very area. the story about the export of belarusian construction services began with freckles in kaluga, and today it is hundreds of millions of dollars, the neighborhoods are growing to this day. lesnushki has grown to seventeen houses, three more will be commissioned within a year, two new ones will be put into operation, in total they plan to build 36 here. the segment of such housing, in principle. from the first day it was in enormous demand, apartments are given in a black version, but all the slabs are flat, that is, the walls are flat, the floors are flat, they go very well there is little money to complete all this preparatory work, so people were very happy when for that kind
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of money they received exactly this level of housing, and there is also a robin, aninka, just space, a hand to more. almost all large belarusian house-building factories contributed to kaluga construction projects. the formula for success, the developer explains, is simple and clear. build quickly, meet deadlines, ensure quality, offer cheaper than competitors. not every company in the region will give kaluga residents such guarantees, but belarusians they can - they have been researching the formula all these years. in 7 months, for example, to build a ten-story, three-entrance residential building, by today’s standards, this is a very good layout. very spacious apartment, if you take into account the candles, it’s almost 11 km away only from the lodges, it’s panoramic glass, people like everything, that is, they are delighted, in a word , the project has been playing for a long time in kaluga , they’re talking about it without even being afraid of scaring off their luck, they say they’re ready to build, if there is a demand, no one here will be offended by it. modern look
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kaluga is defined not only by new buildings and industry. in a big city, something goes without saying, something that is usually remembered when talking about the economic power of the region, so koluga is the auto industry. yes, western automakers stopped the work of their factories here for well-known reasons, but not all manufacturers fell into the sanctions funnel, and those that are still afloat, albeit not with western registration, of course, but now they know for sure that the world is not limited to europe , the difficulties of transferring business to new rails only harden, and mercator kaluga is an example of this. the kaluga plant is designed to produce municipal road equipment, any kind of road cleaning machines to help utility workers, they do it all here. our partners include russian kamaz, belarusian mas, but not only. western companies obviously no longer exist, but eastern ones have appeared. each of them offers the mercator a chassis, that is, a base on which additional equipment is strung like a designer.
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the customer chooses who to give preference to. our company has provided a wide yes. circle spectators of customers of municipal and road vehicles based on maz all said: oh, great, now it’s on maz, let’s take it on maz, that is, here i think it’s the merit of maz itself, and not some political moments, we’ll see in the future, i think that if in the next 2 years maza has a very good future in the russian market. over the past few years, cooperation with the minsk plant has become especially close, so much so that kamaz has squeezed out at least 20%, played by their good image of the belarusian enterprise, yet mass in russia is well known for others directions, and the new utility niche in the belarusian design did not sow any doubts as to whether this equipment would be reliable. in addition, belarusians have a significant trump card, unlike, for example, their chinese competitors, who are still poorly represented in russia in terms of service. however, these are not all the strengths of the belarusian automobile plant. mass here
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is very loyal to us, because we came and bought the first few cars, absolutely. the market will still react to the departure of third-party brands, giving up positions to its own auto industry, who know and appreciate, and will definitely deliver, logistics has seriously interfered with the competitive situation. the customer always votes in rubles, yes , naturally he wants to find something cheaper, well here, well in the current situation, probably, if we return again to our geopolitical situation, the main thing here is probably
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availability, that is, the availability of equipment, the possibility of delivery in a tangible way. .. the deputy minister of agriculture will note that it would be nice to return the subsidy. minsk and moscow are working here with varying degrees of success, anything has happened, however, today union track on the agrarian issue, answers have been received. in the sense that such agreements on subsidies for the purchase of belarusian cars and not only those assembled in russia have been reached, it remains to settle the details, this will provide a more attractive
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direction for purchasing equipment for karesians, that is, i buy belarusian equipment, for this i receive compensation, well, a subsidy , let’s say 15-20% of its cost, this immediately, as they say, arouses increased interest in this direction, in this technology. even the governor will assure the issue is being studied, this will allow noticeably update the vehicle fleet of kaluga farmers, increase mutual trade with them, it is already on the rise, moreover, twofold, in just a year, but there will be more, because there are so many opportunities against the backdrop of western pressure, the governor will say, remember our products with a kind word, and furniture, and equipment , and the auto industry in general, where to say, you can talk beautifully, or you can prove every day that without each other it’s not just difficult, impossible, and the very concept of friendship has been redefined by us...
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and a certain assessment of the results of our joint work, but i would still like to implement some kind of joint common project and not a single project is being discussed , you know that the kaluga region has been and remains the flagship in russia for the development of technology parks, special economic zones, and today in the portfolio of those proposals that are considered as residents our special economic zone has a significant share of belarusian companies, mechanical engineering no, but cars. construction devices, it’s better, of course, to discuss new opportunities and projects in person, and the governor will tell us, he would come to minsk with pleasure, and such a visit will not keep you waiting long, and to make the route between minsk and
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koluga shorter, the capital intends to connect with direct flights soon, i think that in the spring we will have the first experience of this, so we are waiting, you are welcome to visit us, we will say , it’s nice when they expect each other, because whatever one may say, such logistics make you closer. and also our people, who are capable of any project, are when visiting, it seems, it will be as if they were at home.
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adzil rodzima always lived with the traditions of her husband - we were ram relatives good igma selfishly. mine from the earth, our bright name, glory to the people's union, our beloved, mosci, gramino, forever
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alive. shine on belarus, our beloved, matsima, live forever, accepted, friendship of peoples, strength, by the people, our for the victorious solichki. our mountain is clear, holy, religious, joyful, our land, bright name, hail the people's union, ours. beloved matsi, we sold it
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not with yours and got used to it, our beloved vadima, without ours, we went. live panorama in the studio elena nasachuva, hello, marathon at the highest level continues, this time again in the middle east, the head of the belarusian
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state held a meeting with the president... of the united arab emirates, sheikh mohammed bin zayed al-nahine. extremely corrupt, mired in lawlessness. the highest echelons of american government condone pedophiles, threaten to send the children of american deputies to fight against russia, and joe biden walks naked around the white house. revelation of a blogger from the usa. and without the right to take a double. today is the first live broadcast of factor buy. right after us at 20:45. and also today in release. now we fly from minsk to hanoi without visas, in industry we rely on cooperation, negotiations and new agreements on the second day of the government delegation’s visit to vietnam. germans are losing their jobs en masse; the opposite effect of the sanctions policy is paralyzing german industry, forcing employers to take unpopular measures. let's discuss the situation in the screenshot section.
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the live broadcast will be shown in real time by the tv news agency film crew. big negotiation marathon on top level continues, this time again in the middle east. today , the head of the belarusian state held talks with the president of the united arab emirates, sheikh mohammed bin zayed al-nahyan. we discussed issues on the busy bilateral agenda and...


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