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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 10, 2023 6:15pm-7:01pm MSK

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start of hostilities. more than a hundred thousand people died during the clashes. in november 2022, the parties signed a peace agreement. but experts emphasize the fragility of this world, as key issues remain unresolved. although in general africa is extremely susceptible to military methods of changing power. from january 1950 to july 2023 , about 220 state attacks were committed on the continent. coups, this is 44% of all attempts to overthrow power in the world; according to statistics, their surge in africa occurs every 30 years. after a period of relative calm since from 2013 to 2020, there were 13 coup attempts in africa, including in sudan, chad, burkinofasso, mali and niger. what do we know about yemen: the military conflict there has lasted more than 8.5 years, as a result of the confrontation.
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taiwan, nagorno-karabakh, and south america have recently been added. venezuela's claims to the territory of guyana could result in a serious crisis. but why are world leaders silent about so many hot spots? in the usa and europe, apparently, they are ready to invest only in what is profitable, and conflicts do not matter to them of great strategic importance, remain in the shadows without military or political intervention. and this, despite the fact that for europe they are in many ways... really destructive, waves of refugees, smuggling of drugs and weapons, these are the consequences of inaction, and even if some efforts are made, it is only in order to extinguish the explosive phase to the extent smoldering, and then the peacekeepers’ attention switches. even the once most powerful organization of the united nations is getting closer to the sidelines of history. loss of influence caused especially susceptible to geopolitical competition that has literally split the world.
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the influence of these processes un security council. it has simply stalled due to the growing rivalry between the united states, russia and china, and the transition of international politics to multipolarity. the impasse in the security council means that the world body can no longer offer solutions or clear actions in response to war crimes or aggression. in this context, un peacekeeping operations can only achieve what i call. powerful states from the list , but permanent members of the un security council can reduce the scale of violence, but this requires political will and a suspension of the struggle for world domination, if the government,
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dollars for kiev and tel aviv. senators are unsure about us border security in the indo-pacific region. as a result, about a dozen republicans left the meeting, realizing and accepting that the dialogue with the democrats was doomed. 49 senators for and 51 against, the numbers were not enough to reach the required number legislators' votes to begin debate. the day before, white house budget director shalandayank announced that...
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the trend is that they cannot come to an agreement on the ukrainian issue. the senate refused to bring to a vote a bill to help ukraine, as well as israel and taiwan. the head of the house of representatives, johnson, sent a written ultimatum to president biden demanding that he begin to deal with his own problems and provide a plan to combat illegal migration. only together with this document will they be considered new military aid packages. in total , the military assistance project was supposed to allocate $106 billion, including $60 for ukraine. in the meantime, kiev is allocated 175 million. and, as us secretary of state blinken noted, this
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package may be the last if congress does not approve biden’s request for additional funding. earlier, the speaker of the us state department said that the money allocated to ukraine. spent by 97%, the white house representative, john kirvey, said the same thing; he was forced to admit that the united states is not able report on all weapons supplied to ukraine. the issue of reporting, we do share concerns about this, we have shared concerns about these systems and weapons since we started transferring them to ukraine. we're talking about war, if you think it might... we're doing everything we can now to account for the assistance we give to ukraine and how they use it. at the same
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time, the us president set a new anti-record. biden has depleted the us strategic oil reserve to a historic low, fox news reports. in just a year. the house spent 40% of the country's strategic oil reserve. according to berlinner tsaytonku, the united states also failed to limit russia's oil exports. the price ceiling on russian oil introduced by the west did not produce the desired results, the authors of the publication note. another blow to the reputation of the current american leader was the accusation of hunter biden of tax evasion in the amount of 1,400. thousand dollars, in total it contains nine points, three involve criminal punishment, six more administrative. if we were talking about an ordinary citizen, the american media note, then he would approximately face a sentence of 17 years in prison
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. no one, however, doubts that president biden will pardon his son, if, of course, the sentence is passed before the end of his term. again. the topicality of the taiwan issue is in focus. china is ready to create ample opportunities for peaceful reunification with taiwan, but will not allow separatist activities aimed at the island's independence. otherwise it's means war and is in no way compatible with peace in the taiwan strait. this was stated at a briefing by the official representative of the ministry of china. the us military says it guarantees peace and stability in the region. they behave in bad faith under the pretext of protecting extraterritoriality, while claiming to protect the security of allies in the united states, they have actually become a source of uncertainty for these very allies. beijing once again called on island residents to oppose the ideas of independence and promote the return
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cross-strait relations towards a path of peaceful development. chinese peaceful nuclear technologies are also rapidly developing, first. china commissioned fourth-generation nuclear power plants. the shiidau wa'an facility with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor operated continuously in test mode for 168 hours. and now the nuclear power plant has been put into commercial operation. as experts note, the type of reactor itself has been improved. its main advantage is even greater safety when receiving electricity. president elections. russia appointed to 14 march twenty-four, the decision was made by the federation council, the resolution on the voting date was approved unanimously. in essence, these decisions are the start of the election campaign, the culmination of which russian citizens will vote for the first time
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over the course of 3 days. preparations have already begun. on november 22, a list of documents was approved for candidates. required to submit for presidential nomination. vladimir putin was only on the shortlist for the title of person of the year according to the american magazine time. of the 50 billion euros of aid promised by the european union, this is the forecast made by the financial times.
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the issue of replenishing the bloc's joint budget, including funds for ukraine, will be discussed at the summit next week. according to sources, the course of negotiations may be affected by the victory of the far right in the elections in the netherlands; in germany, the court completely refused to allow the government to receive new loans. previously eco magazine. i wrote instead about the plans of the netherlands and sweden to stop supporting ukraine against financing kiev and hungary. and the ukrainian crisis brought bulgaria to internal political chaos. there, they first vetoed the supply of armored vehicles to the ministry of internal affairs to ukraine, saying that it could be useful to bulgaria itself for protecting the border and providing assistance to the population in the event of natural disasters and accidents. and then parliament with the votes of the ruling one.
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countries have discovered a budget gap and are missing about $22 billion, the financial times newspaper reports, as the united kingdom ministry of defense has estimated the deficit of government funds allocated for new weapons and equipment for the next 10 years. one of the main reasons is increased spending on nuclear and naval programs. looking at his allies, berlin, either from darkness.
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but berlin cannot eliminate them so quickly, there are delays in the supply of weapons to ukraine, as they want in kiev, according to him, it is impossible to endlessly influence the pace of production. and the time has come for germany to reap the benefits. due to differences of opinion, the cabinet of ministers was unable to agree on a budget for... the twenty- fourth year. according to the bild newspaper , during numerous meetings, politicians never
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managed to agree on how to fill the budget deficit of 60 billion euros. and the extraordinary nail in the coffin was an article by bloomberg, which states that against the backdrop of the threat of recession, the volume of german industry began to decline. in france , farmers continue to strike, tractor protesters are blocked. several motorway access points before setting fire to tires at roundabouts. farmers have been protesting for weeks against increases in taxes, every now and then resorting to such actions like throwing manure at administrative buildings. in particular , demonstrators are against increasing water bills by about 60%. given the falling incomes of farmers, such measures can simply lead to their ruin. what was not given, the question remains open.
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representatives of the industry have not yet reached a relationship with the authorities . moldovan farmers have also distinguished themselves by their activity. the center of chisinau is littered with bags of hay, grain and manure, and a column of agricultural machinery is moving along the main streets. moldovan farmers resume protests after unsuccessful negotiations with president maia sandu. the farmers are unhappy that the competent authorities do not even try to conduct a dialogue with them. representatives , while the situation in the agricultural sector is worsening every day, in particular , pressure from creditors is increasing, some have their equipment confiscated and their lands are confiscated. farmers are demanding a ban on the import of wheat, corn and sunflowers from ukraine and a moratorium on debt penalties, as well as increased financial assistance for the drought-hit sector. took place in germany nationwide strike of machinists. the deycheban railway concern asked passengers to postpone their trips. the action
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began with the cessation of freight trains, and later they stopped running passenger trains. the machinists' union is thus trying to achieve an increase in wages, and also demands the introduction of a 35-hour work week for employees working in shifts, while maintaining full wages. they now work 38 hours a week. the proposal will be limited to an 11% salary increase and a one-time bonus the drivers' union rejected it. and at the level of the european union. while they are trying to cope with a more pressing threat, migrant invasions. germany, for example, is extending border controls with poland, the czech republic and switzerland until december 15. the country's ministry of internal affairs noted that since october 16 alone , about 3,300 illegal entries have been recorded on the border with poland.
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the average temperature in the hospital risks rising by another degree. save the planet in record time by frying. representatives of more than 140 flocked to the middle east countries the speech of the belarusian leader became the voice of reason among the usual environmental quotes. the head of our state made it clear. as long as political pathologies are masked behind the climate agenda, no concerns about the un trajectory can close the issues of reducing emissions and protecting human lives. the summit in dubai revealed a real portrait of the masters of the industrial world. every now and then producing wars for resources. usage.
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where to get funds to protect the environment, the answer, however, at the very beginning was given in a bright and meaningful speech by the belarusian leader, which became a special event at the international meeting. president alexander lukashenko directly stated that the root cause of the climate threat is the desire of individual countries for geopolitical and military superiority. we don’t have and never will have another home. all speakers, especially. an example, to answer this question, one must look into recent history to destroy iraq and afghanistan, and bring
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benefit to these countries for the peoples spent. estimates range from one and a half to two trillion dollars, but count how much money was spent to protect these countries, and how many people died, you can’t estimate it in dollars, today there is a war in ukraine, this is no longer 1.5-2 trillion dollars, it will already cost five trillion dollars, if we manage to agree on peace in the near future, why... there is no peace in this part of the planet, because those speakers who spoke in the forefront talk about peace, talk about keeping the planet clean, and taking care of their grandchildren, at the same time they cut and are waging the most terrible war on planet, in the middle east, how much
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will the massacre cost, and if it breaks out in the pacific ocean. these are trillions and trillions of dollars, well, let’s use them to clean the planet, and there will be no need to search, as we say , i’ll squander this money, we have gathered here in order to once again express concern, and those who even spoke here in the first birth, concerned about their grandchildren, they are fighting these wars, and wars are terrible for... let's stop this, so the most important thing is that we need to learn to speak less words, do more. i understand if we accept. some kind of declaration or memorandum, as is always the case with us, we are unlikely to achieve anything, but let’s, as they said here,
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again at the beginning of the speaker, 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from the twenty leading states, let’s include it in our declaration , mr. chairman, let’s not record concerns, but demand from them...
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to create a fund for global climate solutions, it is planned to attract $250 billion in investments by 2030, but the extent of the damage to developing countries from climate problems are currently estimated at $400 billion annually, and this amount is only likely to grow. right now, india is experiencing the consequences of a devastating cyclone; countries in the horn of africa are facing floods unseen in 40 years.
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not for reducing or banning flights, but for investing in new technologies of the future, but the time for a declaration of good intentions is over, it’s time to move on to concrete actions, said the executive secretary of the un framework convention on climate change. we shouldn't weaken attention. of the global climate change adaptation target , 8 billion people are on the front lines, but only 50 countries have national adaptation plans. as for the global summing up, we
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already have the original text on the table, but it is just a set of wishes for poser statements, so now the most important thing is to separate the wheat from the chaff. according to the un representative, if the world community does not unite around the green agenda, then in 6 years. the earth will not be able to cope with harmful emissions. more than 100 countries now support phasing out fossil fuels. these are a number of countries in africa, europe, the pacific and the caribbean, as well as the usa. russia, saudi arabia and china reject this call. the energy issue has become a real stumbling block in the current negotiations and the topic of various speeches by climate activists, which cannot be avoided.
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that hundreds of thousands of premature deaths a year are linked to emissions from nine european oil and gas companies. protesters in dubai
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they did not limit themselves to chanting slogans. fires threaten lives and lead to mass migration, social tension and food insecurity, and if not calls to save the planet, then perhaps the threat of political upheaval will prompt world leaders to nevertheless come to much-needed agreements on climate protection. tatyana volkova, around the planet.
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in our republic they have not forgotten what november 7 is, this holiday of social justice remains an important date in the state for the people, always on this day a parade of gifts, the country received its own nuclear power plant turnkey, from now on we, in the ranks of the leading powers, have implemented the largest strategic project in history
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. belarus began 10 years ago, and today about 160 of our brands have access to the chinese market. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. a journey through sineokaya, through the eyes of foreigners, this entrance is interesting, in general it’s a mill, a mill, yes, the book donquixote reminds me of this, but can you please take one photo of me? okay, no question. oh, what a beauty! such! ecuador and a socialite from lebanon, in practice they will learn what work is in belarusian, and do it so that you look at the edge, that you get a circle, we need the mountain to be of a certain weight, when you stand at the top, when we work at the bottom, you have to look so that the tape runs smoothly and also
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closer. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus-1 and belarus 24. the agility of logistics and no collapse, the annually growing number of cars confirms that personal transport has ceased to be a luxury. disturb the comfortable travel of megalopolis residents they are capable, traffic jams. that’s why even the most ardent car enthusiasts can often be spotted in the subway. in the coming year, our
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metro will celebrate. summer anniversary. the stations transport about 300 million people annually. and if the minsk underground is a tourist attraction, which rather resembles a work of art. the subway of the same big apple will surprise you only with a rat race instead of visuals. but why isn’t the metro a mirror of the soul, even if it’s an urban one? jaana mendeleva will continue. life in the rhythm of the modern world. according to research, the average resident of a large city spends on travel. about 2 hours a day, 730 hours a year, or in other words, approximately 30 days, this means that a person spends a month of his life every year in a car, bus, tram, metro, public transport and its condition are almost a business card , quality of life, what is commonplace for us causes amazement for others, once again foreigners were impressed by the minsk metro,
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a video went viral online: a belarusian blogger, in which she shared the emotions of her american mother-in-law from the capital metro. the video has already collected more than half a million views on instagram alone, and the phrase. here you can eat from the floor , it is so quiet here that you can hear a pin drop, they have become winged, it is clean here, no one rapes anyone, there is no garbage, there are no beggars either, it is so quiet here that you can hear a pin drop, here you can there is food from the floor, people are polite, this is the way of life. we in the us have a lot to learn. commentators do not lag behind the number of views; people share their delight not only with the cleanliness in the metro, but also from the attractiveness of belarus as a whole. minsk is very clean; during our two-day trip i didn’t see a single piece of paper on
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the street. according to us, it’s very cozy and clean, in paris the metro is dirty, stinky, even mice are running around. i communicate with foreigners regularly, this is what absolutely everyone who has visited belarus says in our country and metro, they are proud of their country. the blogger emphasized that everything her mother-in-law says is in comparison with the new york subway, which has not had the best reputation for a long time and has become a separate trend in tiktok. one of the american applications for planning city trips even added a rat detector function in the subway. as a result, according to user reports, the station.
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the belarusian metro continues to captivate our guests, this is the admiration of a blogger from moldova. you know, the first time i got to this metro station in minsk, i thought that i was not in minsk, everything was so modern and... of course different from other metro stations, here is the train, it is also modern, by the way, here special exits like this were made for safety, which is not talk about the metro in paris, the country continues to prepare for the 2024 olympic games, rats, bedbugs, problems with the homeless and transport are in the active phase. earlier, the mayor of paris said that the capital's transport system will not be ready for the olympics. passengers are already complaining about poor transport schedules and unsanitary conditions. with less than a year left before the start of the games, the transport
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infrastructure of paris is under enormous strain. there was no time to build two new metro lines; they remained in the plans. what will happen when millions of guests arrive in the city? solution to the problem? suggested the minister delegate for transport and urged residents to take time off and stay at home. and the authorities of the paris region announced an almost doubling of the cost of metro tickets during the olympic games. instead of just over 2 euros, you will have to pay four for yourself for blood-sucking fellow travelers. bedbugs, well, yes, they are everywhere, in public transport, on the subway, on the bus, absolutely everywhere, but it’s like coronavirus, we live with it and there’s no need to be horrified by it, madam. the media are wondering whether it will cause a staggering increase in metro fares, a storm of protest in the traditionally restless french public. guests of the french capital run the risk of taking away with them not only vivid impressions, but also living souvenirs; in
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trends, the beauties of the american metro will be able to compete with the french one. the underground world, as an inner world , reveals all the problems hidden behind a shiny wrapper. yana mendeleva, farewell vivo magenta the ponton institute has declassified the initials of the main color hero of the coming season. in 2024 the first violin will be peach fuzz, warming with the warmth and elegance of the new black allegory for the most tender feelings , the desire for what the world so lacks today. unity with others. the soft color is a synthesis of pink. the orange shade literally invites tactile contact, gives a feeling of unity, care, inspires a revaluation of views, helps to find peace, this is how the institute reviewed its own color manifesto, its code name in the systematic database
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13, 10-23. by the way, the coloristic has been steering the pontoon for a quarter of a century, all 25 years without plagiarism. what else has happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, about which you will certainly talk about. worth finding out. nikita makhotkin has prepared a special selection for you. new world heritage site under unesco protection. an unusual christmas tradition in the czech town of lidicka. super protein food from a russian manufacturer - animated comics. we will not only learn about this in our review. and first , let's go to italy. un issues organization. education, science and culture added the italian opera tradition to the list
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of objects of intangible cultural heritage. the period of birth and development of the great heritage occurred at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries, and claudio monteverdi is considered the first most famous opera composer. unesco noted that opera contributed to social cohesion and sociocultural memory, as well as dialogue. between generations, an object that is recognized by unesco according to the rules acquires protected status, that is, the recognized heritage is now under special protection, as a monument, if we see that it is falling into disrepair, it needs to be restored, the same applies to the opera. there are now about sixty opera houses throughout italy, and this is the highest number in the world. it looks creepy, but... it tastes okay. a russian company will present
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food products made from sverchki. rosenerzhi in stavropol grows these insects and produces food from them. and in order to obtain an environmentally friendly product, cricket creates the most favorable conditions in production. in addition to continuous compliance with special temperature conditions and humidity levels in the room, employees monitor their diet. it is based on pumpkin, zucchini, and wheat. and corn, for six months we have already been developing a product line - rose energy with the addition of cricket flour. again the question is why and why? cricket flour contains up to 75 g of protein per 100 g of product, while regular flour contains from 2 to 5 g of protein. in addition, it contains more iron than beef liver, micro-macroelements, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids, 15-8 of which are essential. all it's contained in our environmental...
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23 in san diego. due to the joint strike of hollywood actors and screenwriters, many world leaders in the entertainment industry, marvel, lucas film, hbo, universal, sony, netflix and others have decided to skip events this year. in this regard, the festival has become noticeably poorer in terms of the number of announcements. however, it has traditionally been able to attract fans of modern pop culture from different countries. not only people willingly became cosplayers, but... their vigilant pets. a beautiful animal with
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big ears. and those miniature foxes called phoenixes. habitat: tropical forests below a kilometer above sea level. this cute predator hunts alone - the scientific name of the animal is translated from greek as long-eared dog with big ears. it weighs about 2 kg, and its ears are 15 cm long. a couple of these animals recently moved into one. from uk zoos pascali and lasla arrived here from hungary and it's a pleasure to watch them. bells are ringing, death with a scythe and devils in fur coats made of porno-hoofed fur come out of the forest, like in the czech village of lidichka in maravska.
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accompanied by saint nicholas, the czechs call him mikulas. the devils diligently scare children so that they do not forget that they need to behave well. well, then it’s mikulash’s turn, he gives out candies and other treats to the children, but no one is safe from the fact that instead of candy they will receive coal, also for educational purposes. this is not a double meaning. tradition is hundreds of years old, it is believed that it has preserved pre-christian customs. in ancient times, the inhabitants of this region wore scary masks to scare the spirits of winter. she calls belarus her creative homeland. metosapran's path to big music began from the stage of the vitebsk slav. the cornflower forum brought the debut grand prize of the competition for young vocalists. today the pop diva has a personal star on the walk of fame with a special award from the president of belarus through art to world mutual understanding. popularly in ukraine and
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ingushetia, it attracted sold-out crowds not only in music halls. i auditioned for a new year's musical at a farm near dekanka. sang with kabzon's bareton, recorded more than twenty hits in her native ukrainian. into songs, did not let go of each other with nikolai baskov, a graduate of the kiev state music college gleera could serve as a conductor or choirmaster, but chose a solemn monologue with the audience, vocals. the date of the week is december 10 - the birthday of the woman who sings taisiya povaley. you looked around the planet, thank you for being and staying with us. visit the website www. watch your favorite tv news agency projects online. goodbye. for three winters i believed. i was waiting for a miracle. i
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picked three flowers. i just didn’t braid it, acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the company released the first personal computer , the 1840 computer. we have risen to the level of the best in the world. the largest enterprise in europe. more than 2.750 million linear meters of fabric, if all the fabric is sewn in one roll, the globe can be wrapped around the equator 86 times. we have two main
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areas: automotive components and computer equipment. these products are not inferior to european foreign ones. analogue, an approach to business that everyone should strive for. our company is no longer young, but its motto is preserving traditions and boldly looking into the future. there are people who have worked in our workshop for 42 years; we really value the continuity of generations. and when you solve all the problems, you succeed in something, you get a certain level of pleasure, and this moves you further and develops you professionally. see project p. quality mark on the belarus24 tv channel.
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sunday, december 10, we’ll sum up the results of the day together, in the studio. vladislav bunder, hello, briefly at the beginning.


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