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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 11, 2023 5:05pm-5:46pm MSK

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in american style, trump's electors were charged due to attempts to revise the election results, the washington post reports. the publication notes that over the past few months, 25 electors have been accused of, quote: forgery, giving false testimony, and providing false documents. the us department of justice also launched a similar investigation; authorities saw in this company an alleged attempt to interfere with elections, for which its participants only in georgia face a prison term. national olympic committee belarus took note of the recommendations of the ioc executive committee on the admission of belarusians to the olympics in paris in a neutral status and welcomes it, however, these measures are not enough, our side will seek the full restoration of the principles of the olympic charter, because discrimination is again evident, such as the lack of a flag and anthem, national symbols, fair selection for the olympics and more. he published his position on the feet of our country in the official telegram. channel,
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the belarusian side has always adhered to the principles of the olympic movement was guided by the interests of athletes, not politicians. more relevant information at 19:00, see you in the evening newscast. the bloody olympics and the tragic events in munich in 1972 could be repeated during the games in paris. why the world
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is on the brink of nuclear war and whether there is a way out, we will discuss with an analyst from the chinese academy of social sciences. spikes and roses, as it was 20 years of the first color revolution in the post-soviet space, the man who warned the ex-nord of ukraine oleg tsarev with exclusive details about the coup 10 years later. preparations are underway to incite a civil war on... artificial intelligence in the service of political strategists, what will the new color revolutions be like? poland is at risk, how will sora pave the way for change? trends in the new world order, events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times. what should each of us pay attention to? let's figure it out together. the middle
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east in the trends of geopolitical confrontation. the region has traditionally been in the sphere of strategic interests of the white house. the vast mineral reserves became a blessing and a curse for the local population. in recent years, the united states has repeatedly interfered in the internal affairs of sovereign states and staged open intervention. the middle east is literally under occupation by american troops, as evidenced by the number of bases in the region. at the same time, the key one. will control 90% of the world's oil, and this will be a disaster for us national security. in many ways, this explains what is happening in israel today, solve palestinian. the question
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has been proposed in the white house for a long time, and the scenarios completely exclude the interests of the local population, although let’s be honest, when did such a trifle interest the gentlemen sitting on capitol hill? in 2021, the current prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu said in his telegram channel that he was offered to occupy palestine using the afghan model. in 2013 he contacted me. us secretary john kerry. he invited me to make a secret visit to afghanistan, he said, to see how the us has created local military forces that can independently resist terrorism. the message was clear. the afghan model is the model the us wants to implement with the palestinians. i politely declined, i completely rejected the idea. i then assumed that the moment the united states left afghanistan, everything would collapse. we will get a similar result if from... 10
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years after that same rejected proposal, the united states and israel are discussing the creation of an interim government in the gas sector. about it. citing its sources, reports american publication bloomberg. the white house's afghan experience is in demand in full and in all aspects. for example, in 2020, after an attempt by the international criminal court to investigate american war crimes in afghanistan, washington imposed sanctions against officials of this department. they were banned from entering the united states and their assets were frozen. the initiative is to delve into dirty american coulsons. has evaporated, so the european union kindly informs us that turkey has filed a claim with the above-mentioned authority against netanyahu. an israeli political scientist suggests repeating the success story. in fact, we have not yet heard a firm statement from the united states regarding various threats from
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the international criminal court, that it will enter into action and begin to investigate israel’s crimes in gaza. i would really like to finally hear this position, because when such statements... were addressed to the united states, as we remember, with the aim of investigating the actions of american soldiers in afghanistan. the united states is just immediately imposed total sanctions on the international criminal court of all its employees. this continued until muus abandoned his plans. something similar should be demanded from the united states. horrifying footage from the gas sector leaves no one indifferent and continues to provoke a natural reaction around the world. muslim diasporas are going out to protests demanding to stop the war and the mass death of civilians. the protestors' indignation is fueled by double standards and hypocritical statements by western politicians. the result is a rapid increase in anti-semitism. in canada, they called for a repeat of the events of crystal night.
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two jewish schools were attacked in montreal. according to the french ministry of the interior. on october 7, 1,159 incidents were recorded in the country. this is more than three times higher. statistics for last year: american jazz singer of israeli origin noah postponed her tour of france due to safety concerns. graffiti depicting the stars of david began to actively appear on the streets of paris. total in more than 250 similar acts of vandalism have been recorded in the french capital. the anti-semitic action is reminiscent of the historical past of europe, when jewish houses were marked with stars of david from...
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are suppressed, which causes even more hatred among muslim communities in the region. israel's ambassador to britain, tzipihaveli, told the daily telegraph that being a jew in london is now more dangerous than in israel. according to a collective study by israeli departments, the level of anti-semitism in the world has increased by 1,180%. brussels, in its characteristic manner, expresses deep concern about what is happening. protesters come out to support israel. the surge in anti-semitic incidents across europe has reached extraordinary levels over the past few days, reminiscent of some of the darkest times in history. european jews today live in fear again. we have
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seen a resurgence of anti-semitic incidents and rhetoric in the european union and around the world. molotov cocktails were thrown at the synagogue. in germany, stars of david were sprayed onto residential buildings in france, a jewish cemetery in austria, carried out attacks on jewish synagogue shops in spain. demonstrators chanted slogans of hatred against jews. in these difficult times, the eu is supporting its jewish communities. meanwhile, law enforcement agencies are increasingly warning about threats of terrorist attacks. the hungarian politician published a report from the country's intelligence services, according to which the eu. there are threats of terrorist attacks. brazilian police have uncovered a radical network whose members were recruiting people to commit acts of terror in jewish centers and synagogues. against this background, the israeli press is asking a logical question: can the olympics in paris in 2024 become a repeat of the tragic
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events in munich in 1972. in those tragic days, militants of the black september organization attacked members of the israeli team at the olympic games. the terrorists easily climbed over the mesh fences surrounding the olympic village, entered the premises, and surprised the sleeping people. 11 sports were killed in the attack. i witnessed the destruction of jewish-owned synagogue stores during during the november pogroms in germany, i was there during crystal night, then i was in vienna, for me this was often repeated, never again, it was the leitmotif of everything that was said. decades to see a revival happening, and more importantly, what really frustrates me is
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to see that there is no mass popular reaction against it. the olympic games in paris, like any other large-scale international event, is becoming a priority target for terrorist attacks. attempts by the receiving party to hush up threats and the challenges that arise today put olympic athletes and spectators at risk. games. the growing terrorist threat is openly discussed in the united states. former wall street journal ceo gerard baker published a column in the times entitled next september 11th. the only question is when, not if. practical confirmation of his words were the security measures at the ats summit. the western establishment trembles in its joints, afraid and afraid of its own people.
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a system of government completely different from ours. about what to expect breakthroughs there were no results from the meeting on the sidelines of the summit, it was already clear in principle. panda diplomacy has been reversed; three pandas from the washington zoo have returned to their historical homeland in china. the reason is the complicated relationship between the two. the celestial empire has been practicing panda diplomacy for about 1,500 years,
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the national symbol of the state is sent to different countries to improve relations, while pandas continue to remain the property of china. completion of the peculiar american cadence of animals listed in the red book, a clear signal for the white house. we talked with an analyst from the chinese academy of social sciences about global security and the prospects for the formation of a new world order. now large countries, russia, the usa , china, are really trying to find, perhaps, somewhere common ground on some issues, on some issues ongoing disputes, in your opinion, the role of small-medium states, such as belarus in the current geopolitical situation, what it is, i think this is important now, especially the new international order is important, it is sovereign. the countries here are stubborn and small countries, we need to play the same
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roles, in such a world, this is a new order, we still need to create some kind of good platform, through some good mechanism, but we also need some kind of multilateral cooperation, and a small country, maybe through such a space plays roles, they will be able to use what their own advantage is to play a more important role.
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china proposes the concept of a common destiny for mankind, in your opinion, why is it today is so popular, that is, many countries really express a desire to join this project as a whole to build their future together with china, what is the secret, is it a fair approach to all partners, equal opportunities for everyone, what does it consist of? i think that why is it that the development of a community for the common destiny of humanity is... many countries consider it very important, very relevant for the development of the world, because now it is - the world is at such a very key moment, now we need to develop this, especially the current situation is changing very quickly, we need to find some suitable road, a path
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to the future, but here i think that openness is important, of course. we need to resolve this issue through cooperation. in the relations between the two main geopolitical players, china and the united states, the point of tension continues to be the status of taiwan. surely this question was brought to the attention of american diplomats, especially since in less than 2 months in january 2024, presidential elections are scheduled to take place there. china scholars are confident that the situation in the region can. pro-chinese forces are rapidly gaining popularity in 2022; the ruling democratic progressive party miserably failed local elections . the party leader and current president of taiwan, tsai ing-wen, is unlikely to be able to retain his post without external support, and, as we understand, it can be very different. in 2019
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, an activist tried to stab to death about the chinese politician junius. are the calling card of a fading hegemon, you and i wouldn’t know it. to in addition, in november of this year the date since the implementation of the first color revolution in the post-soviet space is rounded off. exactly 20 years ago, the famous ros revolution took place, the first color revolution in
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the cis, and such coups were still possible outside the former soviet union. you can’t count it with your finger, accordingly, the technologies were just being developed at that time, some tools were later improved, and some were abandoned altogether. georgia was hardly chosen by chance; edward ruled here shivarnadze. an extremely unpopular politician who turned the country into a real banana republic. in general, among people of color. there were no particular reasons for technologists to change the georgian leadership, with the possible exception of two: to hone the art, to carry out coups d'etat , to establish a regime that is somewhat more stable, although more radical. after eduard shevardnadze was declared the winner of the presidential election, crowds took to the streets, led by
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kmarovites and opposition party functionaries. the local police turned against them powerless. not only was she literally corroded by corruption, but in addition , the entire arsenal developed by the ideologist of the color revolutions, gene sharp, was used against her. it was too late for the special units to restore order; the police had already been propagandized. in general, shivard nadze could only resign.
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then the decade of saakashvili began, following the results of which georgians, it seems even shivardnadze, remembered with sadness. at first, foreign journalists who loved to publish were actively brought to tbilisi. under a clichéd name, why does georgia it turned out that the guests were especially delighted by two things: police stations with transparent walls and the fact that the salaries of the ministers of the new government were quite officially paid by soros. then, however, it turned out that in the crystal palaces the police were still torturing prisoners, with salaries it was even easier, yes, saakashvili eliminated grassroots corruption and it became impossible to bribe a traffic cop, but at the very top it reigned.
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killed saakashvili's enemies. in particular, he is suspected of exterminating prime minister zhvania. the country's new political system it was also arranged interestingly. even under early saakashvili, soros completely bought the local government. later , various ngos and public organizations supported by grants began to grow like mushrooms in the country. now there are already several thousand of them. considering that it has always been difficult to feed yourself in georgia, engoshnye are guaranteed. 500-700 dollars made a person happy; getting into such an organization is the dream of a real georgian. as a result, an amazing political system emerged, everything externally was like
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people’s, parliament, prime minister, president, separation of powers, similar decorative covenants. in fact, the management was carried out through ngos, either the authorities were forced to carry out their will, or if they messed up, the soros activists were taken out on the street. moreover, soros himself was no longer even the main grant giver. ngos were supported by the european union, the state department, and foundations of the republican and democratic parties. this is the main national business today - new georgian oil. believe it or not, there is even an office there for approximately 50 heads that deals network trolling on the internet. although it would seem that what georgians care about belarus. not everyone can learn from someone else. how to look into tomorrow, or rather, not only everyone can look, but not everyone can draw conclusions. politicians with complete chaos in their heads traditionally fall for stories about their own
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european exceptionalism, especially when they are backed up by crisp banknotes and security guarantees. unfortunately, ukraine was no exception; characters nurtured by soros’ left breast were able to seize power with the tacit approval of official kyiv. at the same time there were people. who understood perfectly well that their homeland was being led to the slaughter and warned about what was coming from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada. activists of the public organization volya contacted me, as a people's deputy of ukraine, and provided convincing evidence that on the territory of our state, with the support and direct participation of the embassy of the united states of america. the tehkom project is being implemented, within the framework of which preparations are being made for the ignition civil war in ukraine. two
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weeks ago , another assassination attempt was made on... tsarev, the ukrainian politician, even 10 years after his famous statement, continues to pose a danger to the perpetrators of the coup, knows too many names and details about those events, we ask you to share this information with us. hello, oleg, what do you think is the reason for the attempt on your life? who could have acted as the orderer? well, this is not the first, not the second, not the third attempt. but even in this case, employees of russian the special services worked quite well, there were several groups, one was neutralized immediately , they worked independently of each other, the second, unfortunately, the second was missed, in that it was a ukrainian trace, in general, this is not a secret, they confirmed it delayed, i a fairly well-known political figure in ukraine, and a deputy of four convocations,
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consistently opposed... in 2013, from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, you warned your fellow deputies that a coup was being prepared in the country. why did your performances try drowned out by chants, and no measures were ultimately taken. i took advantage of the fact that i am the deputy leader of the faction and it sounded like an official statement, although it was not voted on by the faction, it was not a statement of political power, in fact, i
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transferred authority somewhere.
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throws himself on my chest and says: oleg, well done, well, finally, even though you said , he can hear you, and so he saved me, then misha the flowing was killed, and after the coup, four of us were killed, one of them . oleg, who was behind the financing structures that were preparing a coup d'etat? financing began with such structures.
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no one has the right to open this mail, but no one forbids weighing it. when the maidan began, the united states embassy began to receive diplomatic mail 100 times more than usual. i sent my employees to monitor what they were getting. lyufganze's plane brought diplomatic mail to boryspil airport; in order to unload it, they launched two cars, we filmed it, albeit from a large angle.
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thank you very much for your opinion. nothing is eternal under the moon. to finance color revolutions, it is no longer necessary to carry dollars by diplomatic mail. cryptocurrency has been adopted, which without...
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the dancing queen broke the internet in 2020, an alternative congratulation from the royal person, collected a total of more than 100 million views, the wow effect of what he saw caused... the development of technology has made it possible to minimize human participation in this process , and now any user, even with one free hand can create similar content. as long as specific creativity was aimed at satisfying individual needs,
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it did not bring any problems except bloody blisters. today, it analysts are confident that deepfeke technology could become the most dangerous in the digital sphere in recent decades. in fact, with its help you can... completely destroy the image of any politician by making absurd statements that he did not make in reality. deepfakes are already actively used in the russian-ukrainian conflict. recently a fake appeal from vladimir putin has spread across the internet. by my decree , martial law was introduced on the territory of the kursk, belgorod, and bryansk regions. also today i will sign a decree on general mobilization. every time it becomes easier to distinguish the original from the debake. what’s more difficult is that only by peering at a high-quality fake can one non-verbally suspect interference based on individual fragments of facial expressions. it’s just that , as a rule, the wow effect doesn’t allow you to devote time to this process. overwhelming emotions
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require you to immediately share what you see. this is what happened with zaluzhny’s fake appeal, which went viral on the ukrainian internet. i don’t have accurate information that zelensky was elected as a leader yesterday. vіn is going to liquidate me the same way, and then create a border. neural networks are capable of faking not only visual content; machine learning has made it possible to achieve almost identical voice intonations. sometimes even close people are unable to distinguish a fake they hear. the technology is actively used by telephone scammers to defraud relatives of money under as an excuse for an emergency that requires unforeseen expenses.
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sorry. on eroset, with mass public access, they are capable of much more technologically advanced deepfakes. when creating a fake , you can translate the voice into foreign languages ​​while maintaining the original pronunciation. alexander lukashenko also became the target of a kind of attack, as the president of belarus spoke about at a meeting with young people. neuronetworks, they are changing society a lot. due to this, difficult times await us. we will have to have this young pioneer. teach how to use these gadgets based on artificial intelligence, on these neural networks, because such fakes appear, people are copied so much, i saw myself, i also
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have an it specialist sitting next to me, often look at yourself, they speak in french, and you perform. that is, this thing greatly influences the world, the relationships of people, here we need to be very careful, we cannot avoid it. the post-truth era has become part of the space where each of us sometimes spends an impressive amount of our time. it is important to remember that if the publication causes you get a wow effect, and emotions begin to overwhelm you, most likely you are being manipulated. not only technologies are changing, but also
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the characters, even at the helm of the soros clan, there is now an ambitious heir, who is weighed down by the weight of his father’s achievements. young alexander strives with all his might to surpass or at least repeat george’s achievement. maybe that’s why he acts with such zeal just for show, demonstrating his entire network of agents on his instagram page. here you have both representatives of the ukrainian deck and a romanian passport. behind every great man is a woman, and behind every coup is the soros empire. american investor and banker, included in the list of the richest people in the world , george soros, calls himself a philanthropist who advocates for the development of freedom. into politics,
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promoting dubious values, sponsoring revolutions and striving to destroy an undesirable regime from within, more than one country suffered from his charity, the list of achievements includes the collapse of yugoslavia, preparation for the rose revolution in georgia, the tulip revolution in kyrgyzstan, traces of it... ukraine, which has survived two coups d'etat, the orange revolution and the euromaidan. today ukraine has turned into almost an incubator for soros, in which the right young political activists are nurtured. it’s no wonder that in 2015 george soros even received an order.
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his views may not entirely coincide with his father's, but he will probably be even more dangerous, the fact that he doesn't have a denim image is not a reason not to be afraid of this guy. in an article for an american publication, politician alex soros. frankly pointed to poland as a country
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of genuine interest to him. poland's rise as a leading economy will eventually make it a net donor to the eu. the future of accountable democratic government in europe is now being determined not only in paris and berlin, but also in warsaw, he wrote. recently, the heir to the throne published on social networks a photo from a meeting with the mayor of warsaw rafal chaskowski. it’s not difficult to guess what he was talking about with the politician; he personally congratulated the mayor and all the opposition on the results of the parliamentary elections, well, most likely, he promised money in exchange for services, in a year and a half , the polish presidential elections need to be staked out, and preparations for them are in full swing, soros has not only politicians in his piggy bank, but also part of the country’s media field, can we wait? peaceful transfer of power is a big question, perhaps... poland is not arming itself to intimidate.


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