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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] manufacturers of medical products have further strengthened their positions . our bows , they have earned edges, that is, they are not cut gauze , which is cut, then remains in the wounds, and so on, napkins, we cut our gauze, we immediately fold the napkins, and this way we get compression pints very conveniently and also produce, for example tubular-mesh, which come in different numbers depending on where it needs to be applied. western sanctions against... we are working with we are expanding our sales markets, now with kazakhstan, with uzbekistan. well, of course, today russia remains a priority; it is the main sales market. we are working very tentatively, for example, with china in terms of equipment supplies. create competitive
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products. attracting the buyer with price and quality, the unchanged formula for success the gomel factory on march 8 follows almost a century, in conditions of import shortage, the manufacturer created a line of thermal underwear from domestic raw materials using chemical textile threads and production svetlogorsk fiber, such workwear does not burn or melt. they have a lot of interesting developments that allow us to produce import-substituting innovative products. this year we developed and received a certificate for heat-resistant fabric and products made from arcelon yarn, this is an analogue of aramid fibers. the flagships of heavy industry, the quality was quickly appreciated, and now the gomel pre-order factory stably provides itself with work for months to come, and another innovative proposal. these are experienced samples of products for professional
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athletes made from special fabric. developed at the enterprise. the models have already been approved by the ministry of sports and tourism. belarus, russia, kazakhstan. now there are interests of the gomel manufacturer. at the end of the year, the production volume of linen products is projected to be within 102%. the volume is simply expected at 140 to meet the demand to increase supply in the domestic market, as well as build capacity outside the country. natalya ignatenko, andrey yastrebov, agency. news. this is a panorama and we continue. lately , the security of other countries has not depended on anything on which it has depended : on international attention, on shells, and on internal political squabbles. and what we will consider in belarus in the disposition project. beauty, resistance to stress, ability to provide first aid and knowledge of emergency
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procedures. did the minsk basketball club win its first victory in the vtb united league? an award to the great alexander medvedey from the hands of the ministers of sports of belarus and russia, finally, a bright volleyball block in the day program sports fighting continues in the middle east. the us said that israel
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must complete its plan. three regional conflicts, and this is the highest figure in the last 30 years. this is evidenced by data from the annual report of the international institute for strategic studies. it is noted that over the year the death toll increased by 14%, and the number of cases of violence by 28. the middle east and ukraine continue to be hot spots on the map of the planet; conflicts are financed by the powers that be, as a result of which uncontrolled supplies of weapons, which then spread across the planet. becomes commonplace . but that's not the task. recently, western countries have begun to collectively peer into their financial and military bins, as if on cue they noticed the bottom. the dependence of tamed kiev on the supply of everything is of no concern to anyone. this is apparently the fate of ukraine. this is the only way to read the statement of recent days about the dim prospects for nazalezhnaya. in belarus
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they rely on reliable partners. more details about the disposition project. on air disposition, this is gagarin. go. it’s still fascinating to watch discussions about ukraine’s military viability while western aid is dwindling. sophisticated experts again, what kind of forecasts do they not construct, what graphs of the influence of finance on victories do they not draw? stoltenberg is even in ruins and gives out bad maxims for kiev, given his losing weight. and everyone is watching with bated breath the confrontation between zelensky and zaluzhny, they say that the outcome of hostilities directly depends on this, and it also depends on the shells, which europe is like that. at first she gave it out cheerfully, but now she looks at the bottom of her steam barrel with surprise. everyone depends on everything, sometimes it gets ridiculous. in latvia , military recruitment now depends on a lottery.
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it is impossible to gather the required number of fighters, despite the baltic-tiger militancy. they're getting out of it. now the neighbors will have hundreds of recruits determined by a random selection mechanism. field of dreams. what unlucky people with weapons of misfortune can do is unimportant for a truly democratic one. country, the main thing is to report to america that the plan has been completed, belarus is under control, and we are only eye to eye, again we are apart, barbaric, we do not want security, depending on the lottery or stoltenberg’s mood, the pilots are perhaps the most insolent , despite the weather conditions, they also added stress during training, snowstorms say it’s an excellent opportunity to improve competencies, nothing is visible, so to speak, the pilots found a correlation with the quality of training and the complexity of the classes. training program is currently training per class, the main emphasis is on training second- and first-class pilots, we fly during the day, at night, under instrument weather conditions, that is, honing piloting techniques, flying in the clouds, and also landing
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on a snow-covered runway at the self-selection site. no luck, of course, with the mi-35m helicopter; only in august the machines became operational in the belarusian system, and they were already registered on takeoff to demonstrate their full potential. all these... apu. in belarus, they not only contemplated the situation, but squeezed out of it technical specifications for their own information transmission systems. the first tactical samples of this type were shown to the president in breshchina in october. lukashenko appreciated that the equipment was recently
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received by the troops. you can’t ignore mobile analogue communication kits, starlink. this is a new step into the future that will allow. troops to carry out covert control during all combat and special operations. there is a complex of means for ensuring communication - this includes binding to a cellular operator, using the resource of the cellular operator, in the absence of it, the use of our satellite and satellite kit, which will provide communication anywhere in our republic. all the services that are provided are complete, from data transmission, message transmission, work with maps, this includes data on the air situation, this includes closed telephone communications. in a word, the belarusian army is on the march, it seems that the adaptation of troops to the new conditions of armed confrontation today is the value on which
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defense capability primarily depends, and here we sensed the nerve and the wind. you can’t say, of course, that the army is changing for the better, is definitely changing for the worse for some western categories. apparently, the position of the american leader is changing not for the better; biden’s actions remained without the support of voters; almost half of the americans surveyed believe that washington is spending too much money on military financial assistance to ukraine. according to the financial times, 48% of respondents share this opinion. the publication notes that the level is low. 53% of americans surveyed say their financial situation has worsened during biden's presidency.
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background, trump has overtaken sleepy joe for the first time in pre-election polls, the wall street journal reports. a survey conducted by the publication showed that 47% of respondents are now ready to vote for trump. for biden there are only 43, but as such, americans are not left with a choice for unwanted voters, they are trying to intimidate them with criminal cases, trump electors have been charged: in belarus, the process of forming
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city and district commissions for holding a single voting day has been completed, according to the election code, this work should be completed 75 days before the elections, that is, no later than december 11. city and district commissions for holding a single voting day were formed in minsk today; decisions on candidates were made during a meeting of the presidium of the minsk city executive committee and the city council of deputies. each applicant is considered individually, with preference given to those who have experience in conducting election campaigns and are actively involved in the public life of minsk. in total , 20 district commissions were formed in the capital, in 13 people each. 278 people submitted documents of interest for nomination to the district election commissions in minsk, 260 were selected. 77 people were nominated from four political parties, the rest. part falls on public associations, citizens and labor collectives.
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thus, political parties account for 26.5% of the district election commissions in minsk. almost 53% are representatives of public associations, the total number of citizens who nominated their nominations by collecting signatures exceeds 20%. only one person was nominated from the labor collective. the nomination took place in accordance with the electoral process. legislation, our representatives of political parties, public associations that traditionally participate in elections sent their representatives, in total we have about 76% of public representatives, this is a pretty good indicator for the city. tomorrow the commissions will begin work in the minsk city and district, they will be selected governing bodies will subsequently be organized. duty to nominate representatives for registration of initiative
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groups. the stage of nominating candidates for deputies will begin on december 17. belarus said goodbye to people's artist lyudmila brzhazovskaya. the legend of the ballet stage passed away at the age of 77. funeral ceremony with a company of honor. the guard took place in a large theater, which it served for two decades. the graduate of the belarusian choreographic school was the first to shine in the iconic roles of the ballets carmen suite, creation of the world, spartacus, the nutcracker and others. her filigree steps inspired the italian director zeffirelli. she won the people's title at the age of 29. she did not part with her pointe shoes and after the end of her dancing career she became a tutor. for 60 years in
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great art, lyudmila brzhezovskaya. she watched this competition
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from afar for 5 years and only this year decided to apply for participation. out of more than a thousand applicants, she reached the semi-finals of the international competition top stewards 2023. after numerous tests, she becomes not only the only representative belarusian airline is among thirty contenders for the crown, but the winner. how did the belarusian annatitovets impress the jury of the creative competition? the first emotions from the victory
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in daria's report. yes, first we will have collected hair , then we have exactly 3 minutes to take it apart to make airy curls, the next look will be the finale, it will be bright, final, accent, there is no fashion show in bikinis and evening dresses, because the stewards are this is a crew member who is responsible for the comfort and life of passengers; the uniform should not distract, but be comfortable, stylish and comply with the strict canons of aviation fashion, but if... we are talking about shoes, then these are 6, 6.5 heels, black shoes made of smooth leather, the skirt should not be higher than the knee, but today you can afford a little prank, high heels and bright scarlet lipstick to misbehave. in the final, each participant performs a creative number; she immediately decided to overwhelm
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the jury; she did not sing, dance, or read poetry, but sat down at the drum set and played one of the compositions of her favorite british band. yes writemot, i just caught such a wave - a buzz, and i just let go of all the tension and i just started hitting the bars so that i just looked the jury in the eyes, i saw how much they liked it and i started to be dragged by it and in general it's... it's just this my moment of fame, it was a success, the second most popular beauty contest in russia consists of four directions, participating are current flight attendants who today work in line aviation, flight attendants, business jets, girls who once worked
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as flight attendants, and of course those who for now only dreams of heaven, so the finalists were awarded in different categories, this is a
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mischief of audience choice. nobody took this country seriously; today it lays claim to world leadership, and in many respects it already confidently ranks first. let's talk about china and break down the history of successful development into elements. the chinese have a popular phrase: a changing world
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gives birth to dragons. the world's largest manufacturer and leading exporter of a wide variety of goods. beijing is now washington's main rival in the global political map. one of the main drivers of the breakdown of the unipolar world. in terms of gdp, china is larger than japan, germany, the uk and france
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combined. the economic starting point for modern china is called 1979. beijing begins to open up to... the western economy: at first, the stake is to become a world factory, the country is learning, and somewhere it is simply copying a lot of foreign goods, from clothing to electronics, and at the same time experimenting and tries his best practices, increasing his competencies, around 2008 china understands that it is time, and after the global crisis, to sharply change the direction of economic development, relying on innovation and advanced technologies in order... to come up with something new, we need to develop science, which means investing serious funds in it. china has the highest research funding in the world.
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beijing spends $400 billion annually on this. more than 200 state programs have been adopted to support young personnel. according to the institute of scientific and technological information of china, the peak of major innovation in the country occurs among scientists aged 35-40 years, and the authors of the primary ideas for them most often. researchers are 20-30 years old. china spends almost 2.5% of gdp on science; by 2035 , beijing sets itself the goal of becoming the world's first in the field of innovation. the development of science is a priority of national policy. today , china is a leader in the number of patent applications, the number of doctoral degrees received and the volume of publications in specialized international journals. the country
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is actively moving towards knowledge-intensive production. energy, from 40 to 80% of lithium, cobalt and nickel processing are chinese facilities. in
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in general, more than half of the world market of rare earth metals is in the hands of this particular country, which also takes leadership in the production of semiconductors. technology transfer, of course, is accompanied by brain transfer, which is a key factor in the scientific and technological race in the 21st century. it is noteworthy that until 2006 china acted as a donor. scientific brains, then in terms of the intensity of attracting specialists, it is already five times greater than the united states, attracting scientists from japan, france, germany, great britain and india, moreover, over 70% of chinese scientists work outside of china, of which 85% are in the united states, so the intellectual capital for realizing a technological breakthrough was also provided. and one more interesting fact: china not only
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opened up to the world, but forced it. innovative incentives and a new quality of the economy ensured rapid growth, at different periods 8-10%, now about 5-6, but these are very large numbers. imagine if a new switzerland appeared on the map every year. it is quite logical that china has become a world leader in the export of goods. by compared to 1979, the figure has more than increased. 500 times, more than a third of all goods supplied to world markets are made in china, while the structure of exports is also very indicative, if in
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1992 the largest up to... this was already mechanical engineering and electronics. in terms of purchasing power parity, the chinese economy is the first in the world, and in terms of nominal gdp it is still second. but in 7 years, according to forecasts, beijing will officially become the world's largest economy. although today the celestial empire occupies first place in the world in the production of electronics, steel, clothing, even petroleum products. china is the leader here. one striking example is the chinese energy giant state grade. in terms of annual revenue, the company was even ahead of apple. the largest corporations in the world include such corporations as huawei, xiaomi and lenovo, electronics manufacturers. total revenue: $226 billion. the west really doesn't like the fact that china produces high-tech products. and he begins to fight her first. american
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sanctions. against huawei. directed precisely in this vein, but at the same time , new ones were founded, a new basis for the further growth of the chinese economy, already according to an excellent model, not as it happened at the previous stages of china’s development over the past 40 years. for the next 10 years , analysts are making even more surprising predictions: eight out of ten gadgets in our hands will be labeled “made.” not to mention that scientists from china have managed to get closer to creating a quantum hard drive, it has unlimited capacity, the fastest internet also from the middle kingdom, china launched the fastest internet in the world, its data transfer speed is 1.2 terabytes per second, a fiber optic cable is laid between beijing, wuhan and guangzhou, its length is more than
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3.00 km, it is reported that the cable was connected to the network in july of this year, but it only started working at full capacity now. simply put, with such an internet you can download 150 movies in high quality in one second. well, that's the icing on the cake. china has become the leader in the global ipo market. while the us went bankrupt large banks and chinese companies have raised almost $20 billion this year, five times more than the americans. they want to be, not just keep up with global developments, they even want to. beijing already, they proceed from considerations of national security, yes, because without
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all these, without robotization, without robots, without numbers... china not only sells to foreign markets, but is also actively engaged in diversifying capital investment, so china is ahead of the rest of the planet also on direct investments in other territories, while paying attention not only to developed, but also developing countries. a clear example is africa, which beijing has been actively conquering since the beginning of 2000 and now occupies a dominant position
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on the continent. china took the market seriously after the global crisis of 2008-9, when global demand seriously decreased, showing the vulnerability of the export-oriented model. this became a strategy against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, in the form of a plan to build a dual circulation economy. this course is largely aimed at reducing the dependence of the chinese economy on external factors against the background unfriendly us policy, trying to involve close partners, including the eu, in it. one of the largest markets for chinese products. at the same time, the chinese authorities are trying to actively stimulate demand. the national commission for development and reforms even issued a special document. it contains a number of measures that should help residents spend money. even in rural areas through e-commerce and delivery centers. for example, expanding paid leave. in china, its duration is 10 days, one of
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the shortest in the world. and the opportunity is not available to all citizens. also extending benefits for buyers of electric vehicles, improving infrastructure and holding mass consumer events. the document recommends that the authorities encourage the consumption of catering services . cars will also be taken. the car of the future
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will mainly come from china, says industry expert ferdinand dudenhöffer. it is a wise strategy to first gain a foothold in the domestic market and then expand step by step. the chinese feel their way forward; they are already relatively strong in eastern europe as
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well. large-scale investment in infrastructure - more one distinctive feature of the chinese model, which also creates employment, demand is efficiency. today, the prc has built more than 20,000 km of high-speed railways, half of the world's length. cities in the desert, a giant hydroelectric power station, a new fourth-generation nuclear power plant, and not least at home, the chinese academy of sciences plays a role in this matter, helping in the implementation of major economic ones. projects. across nearly the globe, the chinese government, chinese companies and local business partners they are building highways, designing high-speed rail, extracting fossil fuel reserves, launching
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power plants, installing thousands of surveillance cameras, and opening air and sea ports. these are all part of a vast project conceived by president xidinping to transform the global trade networks that both supply china and... create a market for its products, all with the active participation of chinese scientists. 750 m of road per hour, at this speed transport construction is underway in the celestial empire arteries, whatever, some buildings are erected in a day. experts call it the chinese construction miracle, over the past 5 years they have built hundreds of millions of apartments, they did
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it so quickly that... russia and china, belarus, china, china in eurasia, services, yes, in terms of fulfilling contracts, processes. which make eurasia, eurasian countries, more northern countries, yes, more northern, more western in relation to china, more industrialized, the west doesn’t like it, but it will be the chinese economy support. another popular chinese phrase: if you want to be rich, build a road. the prc trades a lot by sea and understands that dependence on such transportation needs to be reduced. geopolitics is a moving thing, anything can happen, depending on one route. a... another diversification trend is global changes in logistics, the search for alternative routes and supply chains. the transport and logistics industry is strategically important for
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the competitiveness of the economy and the socio-economic development of the country. seven of the ten largest modern ports in the world are in china. hence the global initiative one belt-1 road, which has been implemented for 10 years. road railways, ports, air hubs. plus supporting infrastructure, more than a thousand investment projects, $1 trillion in funding, involvement of 120 countries, a colossal volume on a civilizational scale... on a historical scale this has never happened, this is probably the largest coordinated infrastructure initiative in human history, which is aimed at the formation of new trade routes or well -forgotten old ones, since these are routes across the continent that from china pass through central and southern asia and reach the indian ocean and, most importantly, europe. during this time, china signed more than 200 documents with different countries, international organizations, one
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of the first... china is more than 16% of the world economy, 23% of the development of new technologies, it is a modern army that plans to complete modernization by 2027, china - this is a country that is taking very serious actions to protect themselves from possible sanctions in connection with the strategic
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confrontation with the united states. hello! lukashenko has been to china 14 times this year alone, twice; sometimes the heads of state talked for 4 hours at a recent meeting. china is one of the three trading partners of belarus. mutual trade is already almost 6 billion. diplomatic relations are more than 20 years old. the stranger’s view of the world agenda is falling. the leaders have excellent relationships, which means they can trust each other. and develop relationships without looking at the evil west. in 2022 china's investment reached $196 million, an increase of 80%. in addition, over the past 10 years since the launch of the one belt, one road initiative, china has provided great assistance to belarus, implementing more than twenty projects related to the construction of roads, a power plant, social housing, a sports stadium, a hospital, and
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providing testing equipment. strategic relations of strategic partnership between belarus and china, i am sure they will develop, they have a very solid foundation and economic, political, and geopolitical, so i hope that... the country will derive maximum benefit for itself, while, of course, one must understand that the chinese, as a rule, do not engage in charity, they are looking for their own benefit, they are looking for a balance of interests, and if they are actively developing relations with minsk like this, then beijing sees its interest in this, and minsk sees its greater interest in relations with beijing, and this... is the most
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reliable basis for bilateral relations. investments, exports, consumption growth, industrialization, innovation incentives, a new structure of external openness, the development of the digital economy, reforms in various fields, a strong leader, the hard work of the people, these and other factors have become the impetus for the sharp rise of the chinese economy in recent years. the best compliment to china is the huge dissatisfaction of the white house, which, however, for normal countries is only an incentive for further growth. happily! on sports day and beyond, only the brightest and most important events of our native sport are broadcast. andrey kozlov is with you. let's start with basketball, because the fans were probably waiting for the first victory of
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our btb united league season. victory of enesey. dynamo shinnik beats typhoon again in the regular mhl draw. let me remind you that the day before, the beavers defeated their opponent 8:2, today they were stronger 4:2. dmitry tukach, konstantin volochko, arseny chukhraev. the miner club of soligorsk information about this was confirmed by the official website, recently rumors have wooed its famous belarusian specialist to the russian fnl club sokol, according to alexey anatolyevich, it is quite likely cooperation with the saratov team. let us recall that last year the miner became the champion of belarus, but was later stripped of the title in a
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match-fixing case. the team started with a big minus in the points column in the standings, but managed to retain its place in the major league. let us remind you that in his first arrival , miner alexey baga led the team to gold in the belarusian championship. on the eve of the super league, the minsk team suffered a defeat from one of the most stellar teams in terms of composition among all the clubs in the lokomotiv championship, which represents kaliningrad. in minsk the day before we went to world champion serbian popovic and european vice-champion turkish karakurt. the club from kaliningrad features the forward of the belarusian national team, pera kostyuchik, who is defending lokomotiv for the second season and does not intend to change her club registration in the future, even without having 100% playing time yet. very satisfied, thank you, i like everything, in principle we have a good squad, the team is also good, the head coach is also wonderful, i think that after all, we have grown a little in terms of playing and emotionally, of course, lokomotiv's ambitions are always great, we are going for first place, olga polchevskaya's team
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imposed a serious fight on its rivals and was able to win one game, but no more, 3:1 victory for lokomotiv, the menchan team continues to fight for a place in the playoffs. the day before, many boys and girls. became part of a large volleyball family, the traditional initiation into the school of the minsk volleyball club over the past four years took place at the uruchya sports palace, this year the leaders of the sports school note that it is in a state of selection not a set. many people have a desire to get into the leading volleyball school in belarus; in addition to the solemn ceremony, oath, initiation, boys and girls took part in various activities related to volleyball. of course, we are trying to open the doors to everyone, but
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we all understand perfectly well that... minsk is a multiple champion of belarus, a men's builder, our representative of the super league is the women's minsk team. this is an opportunity for children to prove themselves in adult sports. outstanding belarusian athletes and coaches in the country's national olympic committee today we were awarded anniversary medals of the ministry of sports of the russian federation. they are dedicated to the centenary of the formation of the state governing body in the field of physical culture and sports. among the celebrated olympic champions from belarus are eminent coaches and athletes who also glorified the honor. at the largest competitions, and the best freestyle wrestler of the 20th century, three-time olympic champion alexander medved, was awarded an honorary medal by the ministers of sports of the two countries, oleg matytsin and sergei kovalchuk , right at home. legendary for health reasons the athlete was unable to attend
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the ceremony in person. medal of the century, from your hands, yes, from our circle, okay, the main thing is for you, another medal, you can’t have too many. there can never be too much, i’m very glad that my fellow coaches and veterans remember the glorious victories when the unified soviet sports team won, they are proud of them, we had a unified system, we took all the good things from this system into the current management systems, and i want to thank my colleague mikhailovich kovalchuk for the work carried out by the ministry of sports and tourism to strengthen this national sports system, and we have each
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other. they are carrying this flag of the soviet union, they are already carrying, perhaps, i can already imagine, they are now carrying the flags of their republics, this is very pleasant and worthy. let us note that, despite the imposed sanctions, belarus and russia continue to work together creatively, the countries have created a single sports calendar and joint competitions are held in almost all sports, which demonstrate openness, hospitality and respect for olympic values. about sports this minute is all. a more complete review on our
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nightly broadcast, take care of yourself. the event that happened in november 2023 is a historical event when... the first nuclear power plant was launched in belarus and has already been fully
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commissioned, and indeed this has radically changed the energy situation in the country. we must understand that the republic of belarus is a country that did not have a large amount of natural energy resources of its own, and we have always been, let’s say, in deficit, we have always been in dependence on natural gas supplies from our partners, and then... it turns out that many countries that at the beginning of this period were our opponents said that nuclear
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energy cannot be developed, today are massively declaring that there will be nuclear energy, that nuclear energy needs to be developed and built, including our neighbors who say that they will build nuclear units, the latest calculations by magath show that by 2050 the capacity of nuclear units in the world will increase by almost 2 and a half times and reached almost 900 gv. these are very large numbers, while other countries are just beginning to follow this process along this path, we currently already have a nuclear power plant, we operate it and use it for the benefit of our country. but how much electricity has already been generated by our nuclear power plant, there are probably such calculations, and we often convert them into imported russian gas, by analogy, and how much we can
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close our internal ... hours today allowed us to replace 5.7 billion m2 gas, that is, this is something that we did not buy, did not withdraw currency from the country, but consumed and sold here within our country, now after the commissioning of the second unit, the nuclear power plant will generate about 18 billion kw per year, which in the future will allow us to replace about 40% of total
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consumption - that by stimulating electricity tariffs we stimulate electricity-intensive production, what is electricity-intensive production - this is production that consumes large quantities of electrical energy, and how the more electricity consumed, the lower the tariff for such consumers. the second direction is the one that i have already mentioned, this is stimulating consumption of the population. in addition, a fairly large number of electric houses are being built, that is, new housing is being introduced. it is immediately built using electric heating, over this five-year period, over the past period of this five-year period, we have already built about 900,000 m2 of just such modern housing, by the end of this five-year period this figure should be about 2 million square m2, these are quite significant figures that will certainly lead to
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the positive result of increasing energy consumption and increasing the comfort of life of our population. another big, another area, certainly promising in our understanding, is the use of electrical energy for the development of electric transport, and here we in belarus also see great prospects, its number is growing today, so i mean electric transport, of course we are recording it every year per year increase in both quantity electric vehicles, and infrastructure, i mean gas stations, well, i will say that at the moment the number of gas
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stations in the country already exceeds. the sports day is on air and then only the brightest and most important events of our native sport, andrey kozlov is with you. let's start with basketball, since the fans are probably waiting for the first victory of the vtb united league season, our representative in the tournament , the minsk basketball club. today the capital's squad is in the home hall. unfortunately, i couldn’t break the series of failures again lost to the opponent, which was krasnoyarsk, the guests won 3/4, the men's success in the final did not change anything, 74:89, enessey's victory. dynamo shinnik beats typhoon again in the regular mhl draw. let me remind you that the day before, the beavers defeated their opponent 8:2, today they were stronger 4:2. dmitry tukach,
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konstantin volachko, arseniy chukhraev and ilya lakhnov scored for the belarusians. in the silver division of the western conference. already in third place, the away series will continue next thursday with a match with the sakhalin sharks. alexey baga left the football club miner of soligorsk. information about this was confirmed by the official website. recently, rumors have brought his famous belarusian specialist to the russian fnl sokol club, according to alexey anatolyevich , cooperation with the saratov team is quite likely. let us recall that last year the miner became the champion of belarus, but was later stripped of the title in a match-fixing case. the team started with a big minus of points in the standings. but managed to maintain a place in the major league. let us recall that on his first visit, miner alexey baga led the team to gold at the belarusian championship. on the eve of the super league, the minsk team suffered a defeat from one of the most stellar teams in terms of composition among all the clubs in the lokomotiv championship, which represents kaliningrad. in minsk the day before , world champion serbian popovic and european vice-champion turkish


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