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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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belarus fascinated them at first sight, i came from syria, came here to study , entered the medical university and stayed here to live, for the first time i saw where the russian people were and as friends, talked to them, it was like i saw the people they love have fun, love life, very kind people, even the belarusian anthem begins, we are in belarus, peaceful people, belarus gave me bread, fed me all this time, gave me a job and most importantly a family.
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of course it will not exist, but the hegemon cannot retreat, what he managed to do excuse me, if he does something, he will still be denied, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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belarusian football players, thanks to the principled position of uefa, are going to play in the european cups; those sports that are under the threat of a quick return to the world championships are not expected. the ioc will not change the system of qualifying competitions for the paris olympics for belarusian and russian athletes competing in a neutral status if they are admitted to games 20-24. they will not be singled out and... the federations diligently did not allow our people to come to paris, well, as they allowed, many selections for the games, and this process is already irreversible. moreover, there is doubt that arina sabalenka or the track and field athletes will go to the olympics. international sports federations do not hide the fact that... they will put
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a spoke in our wheels. in general, nothing fundamentally new, the week did not bring an international agenda, and if so, we continue to concentrate on internal issues, for the first time the league of the brave went beyond minsk, went to kriche in the mogilev region. the league of the brave is a unique wrestling project , which in its essence can only be compared with the cup of the belarusian biathlon federation, because since the 14th and 15th summer there has been a selection process, the best are selected and viewed in big competitions, says our correspondent andrei kozlov. the league of the brave by the culmination of the second season in its history has already become densely overgrown with traditions, one of them is to take a group photo after the matchmaking, which will then... be circulated on social networks,
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it is precisely such shots that reflect the essence what is happening in the league of the brave, where in the foreground is working not for yourself, for the team, the second is respect for the opponent, but not fear or awe of him, everyone here has their own personal story, because everyone on the teams grows up in different families, is interested in completely unusual hobby looks at life. around them in completely different ways, but the league of the brave gave everyone the opportunity to appreciate that they are together and that wrestling is a style-forming element of their lives. coaches, guys, well , the team is working, they always make themselves known, and everyone supported me in advance they told me what not to do, what to do, but it helps a lot, i dream of developing my sport in the future, and i want to, perhaps someday, but the main goal, like everyone else, it seems to me, i say hello to my mom, dad, friends,
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grandmother, grandfather, sister. every fight is here... and the surroundings are a real sports show, especially the approximately equal level of the teams, in the first semi-final the gomel and magel regions fought, adds courage to everyone involved. time-out - time to get back to normal again on the carpet after the fight questions in flash format leading your humble servant. the coach is surprised that the situation is stable, because the generation of
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participants in the league of braves is still characterized by instability, but everything is ahead. judging, by the way, is not particularly easy in such heat. the first one is away. such a meeting within the league of braves, the first semi-final, there really were a lot of emotions, a very bright fight, a very dynamic fight, everything went at the level, of course, here not without the help, let’s say, of those people who are always next to us, and this is the republican olympic training center flocks, presidential sports club, we liked it, features of the first semi-final, gomel region, mogilev region, venue, for the first time the league of the brave was not held in minsk, and as we see, everything was not in vain, by the way, the traditions of wrestling, in general we took a risk and carried out, well, what can i say, you were also
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present here today and saw what the city of krischev offered with quite rich emotions, emotions were there from the very first fight, and the intensity was such that, well, i don’t know, some even international ones would envy competition, we are waiting for the second semi-final.
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this is a sport where the spectator does not count points or look at the offside line; there the eyes rest, because dancing is beautiful, because each of us dreams of learning to dance as skillfully as the participants do in the bright ones. we will show a fascinating video and important words from the dancers about the titanic work that has to be endured to create all this splendor right now. bright smiles, beautiful dresses and
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charming dance are not just a sport, real art. important here. every element from movement technique to the combination of dress and makeup. dance sport is truly a sport of details. absolutely everything must be thought out, every image, every color, every stone, and if the jury doesn’t pay attention, then at least the athlete will feel more confident. each dress has its own look, as i do, i am also a makeup artist myself, so i did each makeup for myself in exactly the same way. i also chose exactly the look for my makeup to match the dress, which are let’s say i have one of my favorite dresses, in which i won the belarusian championship, this year, according to the standard, according to the european program, it contains pearls, and i specially glued pearls to my eyes in order to emphasize my dress with my
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makeup , so let’s say, that is, it’s like every girl takes her image quite seriously, which she then presents on the floor, so you called such details on the costume pearls. there are pearls on your face, how much do the judges notice these details? i don't know how much the judges notice precisely the pearls in the eyes , but in fact, no matter what anyone says , there is a lot of image that... affects a lot of things, so a neat hairstyle, good makeup, it will always highlight you, it will help you reveal a different side on the floor , that is, for me, and if i have good makeup, a good hairstyle, this is plus a current of confidence, i myself definitely choose, well, i look, as it were , at suits that are in trend with which it is fashionable, i myself am already starting to think something, something change, introduce something new into these trends, about the image itself, right? hairstyles , makeup, we also keep looking at some new trends, but of course
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it’s hard to come up with something very new, because everything is cyclical, everything, yes, everything, everything is cyclical, everything, everything that once was comes back into fashion and so on in a circle, the same with male images, yes, that is, once there was a tendency towards classics , yes, that is, the simpler the better, now it is coming back again, that is, the level of your dance should correspond to the level of appearance , yes, that is, you can't do well dance like... of course, despite the flamboyance of the outfits, the main element is still dance, it is through it that the athletes convey to their spectators that incredible storm of emotions that will make everyone dizzy. on the first day of the alliance trophy, dancers performed a latin american program on the floor; believe me, it was really hot in the capital’s sports palace. but dance sport is still a pair sport, this is where
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psychology intervenes in the work of a duet, get used to each other, find a common language and believe in your partner, this is also of great importance, sometimes it is not even clear what is more important: training, technique, or trust? today we decided that we’ll probably go to competitions with a psychologist, no, of course it’s difficult. yes, that is, in this regard, we are probably the most difficult sport, probably also figure skating, which is also a pair sport, from the point of view of psychology you need to find an approach to each other, always find some concessions in yourself first of all and go for some compromises, physical training is very important, because that this is still a dance sport, it’s not like that, when we went out, we moved around like we were dancing at a disco, or what was it like? before, there were some festivals and something else there, this is a sport, without physical training
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there is no way here, of course, and trust, this is also very important, because if you don’t trust, then nothing will work out, well, this is mine, this is my personal opinion, how should there be a unification of these components, i believe, that is, one comes from the other and flows into the next, we must not forget that this is a pair kind of sport. form of art, everything you do, you have to do it together with your partner, yes, so from here i think this pairing, connection develops, and then from here you can make a cool product, improvise, not be afraid, find new forms and so on further, the most important thing that helps to unite a couple as a whole is the constant talk of common goals and common tasks, that is, for each other. this
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is that they must understand that you are paired for each other, and not against each other, and together you will move towards the goal and somehow achievements, only through, so to speak, such thoughts and such motivation can you really achieve something, not everything always works out on the floor and not always everything works out in the training process, the most important thing is the truth... to be calm in such moments , understanding to your partner, that if something didn’t work out now, it doesn’t mean that in the future something won’t work out for you, regarding love, in fact , i wouldn’t say that in my life there was any kind of love for my partner , there was respect, so to speak, i could love him as a person, but it’s just how my dance partner , with whom i go out, reaches some new heights, but there are really a lot of stories when couples danced together, then they became a married couple, alya in... became a concentration of all the most beautiful, the best couples from seven countries immersed
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the audience in a real carnival of feelings for 2 days. the colorful dance festival in the snowy capital stood out very clearly and brought incredible emotions and impressions to everyone, including the athletes themselves. the atmosphere of the tournament, wow, because when we just entered the hall, we were still going to locker room, i really liked the concept of the tournament, what a haze there was. how everyone approaches every detail around, it’s very cool, i liked it, the main thing is that behind the parquet there is a friendly atmosphere on the parquet, everyone somehow supports each other, exchanges energy. it seems to me that this is the whole class, the tournament is very large-scale over the last year , which was held by the alliance trofi, i think that this is probably the best tournament, very cool, good atmosphere, it’s very pleasant to dance on the floor. from year to year dance sport is becoming more and more popular, attracting new participants;
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we are sure that next year the alliance trophy will become even more colorful. and that's all for today. arena will be on air in a week. see you! i understand on the air. hello, 30 years ago no one took the economy of this country seriously, today it claims to be a world leader, and in many respects it already confidently ranks first. let's talk about china and break down the history of successful development into elements. the chinese have a popular phrase: a changing world gives birth to dragons.
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the world's largest manufacturer and leading exporter of a wide variety of goods. beijing is in charge today. washington’s rival on the global political map is one of the main drivers of breaking the unipolar world. in terms of gdp , china is larger than japan, germany, the uk and france combined.
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the economic starting point for modern china is called 1979. beijing begins to open up to the western economy. at first, the bet is on becoming a world factory, the country is learning, and somewhere it is simply copying a lot of foreign goods from clothing to electronics. at the same time, he experiments and tries out his own ideas. by increasing competencies. around 2008, china realized it was time and, after the global crisis, dramatically changed the direction of economic development, relying on innovation and advanced technologies. to come up with something new, you need to develop science, which means investing serious money in it. china has the highest
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research funding in the world. beijing spends $400 billion annually on this. for support. in specialized international journals. a country is actively moving towards knowledge-intensive production. according to experts, very soon beijing will successfully compete with today’s recognized leaders in most
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technological fields. grants, prestigious awards, scholarships, financial support for scientists for everyone. stages of their career from student to doctoral dissertation, benefits for a company that invests in science, for example, a tax deduction of double the amount of expenses for innovative development. china is characterized by competition for young talent at the level provinces and cities. the experience of hainan province with the introduction of a talent classification is noteworthy, which allows researchers , upon achieving certain results , to enjoy an increasingly wide range of benefits when purchasing a home. medical care and so on, this significantly increases the prestige of the profession and partly echoes the soviet experience of stimulating the work of scientists. but not only the idea is important, but also the resources: china has become a leader. for the extraction and processing of metals used in green energy, from 40 to 80% of lithium, cobalt and nickel processing is chinese capacity.


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