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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good afternoon! briefly about the main thing.
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about assistance to developing countries, environmental initiatives, cooperation on equal terms, directly and openly. results of alexander lukashenko's visits to the emirates, china and africa. finally it’s all over and this moment has arrived. what do poles think about the change of power in the country? and what work awaits the new cabinet of ministers? the aggressive plan of the opponents is not destined to come true. we'll tell you how the security forces of belarus monitor. attempts at destabilization and terror. united united arab emirates, china, several african countries. december turned out to be extremely busy in alexander lukashenko’s schedule. and according to the results of the international agenda of a number of states. direct contracts, roadmaps for future cooperation, and rather harsh and therefore widely discussed speeches on complex issues, as was the case at the dubai summit. all these are just visible results.
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and how many people died, you can’t estimate it in dollars, today there is a war in ukraine, this is no longer 1.2 trillion dollars, this is already will cost 5 trillion dollars if it is possible to agree on peace in the near future, why is there no peace in this part of the planet today, because those speakers who spoke in the forefront talk about peace, talk about... the planet being clean , but they took care of their grandchildren, at the same time they unleashed and are waging the most terrible war on the planet, in the middle east, how much will the massacre cost, and if it breaks out in the pacific ocean, it’s trillions-trillions of dollars, well, let’s direct them to the cleanliness of the planet, and you won’t have to look... as we say in our language
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for coal, this money, alexander lukashenko spoke about helping developing countries in this matter, talking a lot on the sidelines of the summit with african leaders. it is now that the process of decolonization has truly begun in the region. africa needs a lot of technology, products, and training; belarus can offer all this. we agreed on meetings at the summit, literally within 10 days alexander lukashenko was already received in kenya and equatorial guinea. this is the east and center of africa, both states. a lot is decided on the continent. 74 specific projects in equatorial guinea, which can be implemented tomorrow, and cooperation agreements in kenya. here are the results of these visits, in short: the main thing for africa is that belarusians come as partners, and not with claims to something that africa is trying to get rid of with all its might. belarus, like russia, firstly, has historically never been considered as an integral part of the west.
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conditions, moreover, many technologies, technologies, construction projects that were built there in soviet times, they were either built on free of charge, or transferred on credit, or the loans were later written off, that is, in addition to the economic and social and
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economic factors, there is an important social factor, our past, not a shared past, is not overshadowed by any dark spots t...
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well, not a gigantic country, i must say, yes, we are not a giant country, but we have enough technology in agriculture, industry, and so on and so forth, so that equatorial guinea, taking advantage of them, would rise a step or even two steps higher. belarus is implementing the same principle with china; this is another foreign visit in december, which was actively discussed throughout the world. tiden pin, for which time they stand in line. almost all western leaders from macron to scholz communicated with the president of belarus three times longer than planned according to the protocol. belarus is a strategic partner for china. by the way, in the emirates , after the summit, alexander lukashenko was separately received at the personal residence of the president of the uae, which also speaks of the special relationship between the heads
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of state. all this, of course, is obvious demonstrates how far belarus is from attempts at isolation by individual western politicians. to the extent that this is an element of information warfare, it has nothing in common with reality.
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migration and a number of antisocial changes, such as the ban on abortion. in addition, warsaw will have to settle relations with the european union. so today it became known that the european commission has threatened poland, along with hungary and slovakia, with prosecution for unilaterally imposing an embargo on the supply of ukrainian grain to their markets. the level of tension on the polish-ukrainian border does not subside. the police used force against the protesting
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cargo carriers. currently, at three checkpoints at the border with poland , more than 2,600 trucks are waiting to travel to ukraine. on the eve of the yagodin darogusk checkpoint was opened for the first time in a month since the start of the protests, but demonstrators. refuses to leave , continues to block the roads, these footage shows how the security officer used a harsh technique, trying to clear the road, no prosh, prosh, oh, ah! what was actually meant was the hamas attack on jewish settlement on october 7, from which.


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