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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 12, 2023 11:20pm-12:21am MSK

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it really bothers me a lot , you know, i’m happy that i absolutely don’t feel the burden of what i’ve done, we sat with my friend, the great artist cooper, at the artemiev festival and there the first part was music from my paintings, there’s one thing, another, a third , i say, cooper, can you imagine how much i fucked up, cooper fucked up with you too, because he...
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i didn’t think that italian actors could play chekhov at all, and this is really surprising, because what i’m with encountered when i started working, just he muttered and continued, mice and just this middle-level russian... acting school, i was so scared, the actor goes on stage, to vansen, begins to speak the text, and there everything is, he says, maestro, why are they talking, now my the text is like rinsing, that is, i speak, everyone is silent, you speak, i am silent, and so on, here we are with this, i was forced to find help from mikhail chekhov, who... wrote that
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any art tries to be similar to music, for directors, for many it has already become a commonplace, which is especially true for theatrical directors, that their comments from critics , theater critics in general, opinions are not of interest to you either, by and large, by and large, but the most accurate sensations of, say, a film set... are from lighting crews, super technicians who know cinema, when you shot an episode and the foreman, the lighting crew, comes up to you and says: this is a movie, this is more important than all the reviews, egg-headed critics
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, and your italian vacation, so you’re not sorry that our european relations were interrupted today, i was in fillin, who received an award in moscow for 8 ,5 and in general, if the generation of those artists, perhaps, were alive, the conflict of civilization that we are now witnessing would not be so irreconcilable, what do you think about it, they would be silent, they would not say anything at all in this situation, that’s how it is i’ll tell the spirit, i
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absolutely don’t regret it, i don’t regret it at all, it’s so interesting for me to be here, anywhere, i’m so interested in the feeling of belonging to a giant country, like the smell of coffee 30 years ago. you feel like a person, you earn good money, this is all great, but if charming, tasty, so to speak, you find yourself as a result forced to follow rules that... do
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n’t suit you, well, without me, well, without me, and the oscar doesn’t matter, and festivals, but the oscar is no longer there, this oscar is already no. in order for a film to be nominated for an oscar, things that are very correct for the washington regional committee must be taken into account, there must even be transgender people, there must be a national minority, green and snow maiden, a black boy, everything, everything that works must be observed there on destruction.
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just think about it, the pope who wears a cross with lgbt flowers, the pope who allows same-sex marriages to take place, accepts transgender people, violating the most
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important laws of the gospel, and behind the pope there are several billion. after your speech, i say: you know, it seems to me that two things are important in life today, most of all, it is the fear of envy, because it is envy that is the basis of all human sins, even the savior was crucified
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out of envy, you can and we can’t, and fearlessness to the truth, listen to the truth. and to tell the truth , if we can introduce these three things into our own lives, consciousness, this will change a lot, the fear of the truth gives rise to everything else, including for i think that i even said enough, so to speak, such a controversial phrase that god sent his own to us, because...
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what can they offer the world there? over there? well, bonin left, wrote dark alleys or the life of arseniev and received the nobel prize there, well, for what can shenderovich receive the nobel prize? or yours, what's her name, what's her name i already received it, why? we ourselves cannot find the answer. the nobel prize is worth
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nothing, that is, it is awarded only for some political, ideological considerations, well then what, what kind of art can we talk about, the same thing, this question was answered by my wonderful producer, michel sedou, a frenchman, he said, my homeland is where taxes are lower. your friend, very familiar rhetoric, why do you think it is difficult for actors with a fine mental organization to understand, sometimes such leaders as putin and lukashenko, where such neglect comes from, why is work devalued? no, well, there is a wonderful russian proverb: what we have, we do not keep, but when we lose it, we cry. chekhov once said that russians adore their past, hate the present and fear the future, it’s quite sad how
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people who, risking everything, in principle, and probably need to determine which leader, with their career, can stand up to their full height against a huge conglomerate of the west, only because they are faithful to their tradition, their history, their culture, their people, these are people who can only be disrespected by those who
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i have never experienced anything serious or terrible in my life, so you may have complaints about certain things in the country, about the authorities, about the authorities, and so on and so forth. but to understand that without a vertical of power, at least a country like russia, belarus too, with so many time zones, nationalities, religions, cannot do without it, it turns into chaos, anarchy and death, not only russia and belarus, this is the death of the world, so i highly recommend... uh, those who have a condescending attitude towards what is happening, and see how they live at all
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not far from us, and make a decision whether they would like to live like this or not, that’s all. now we will take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. let's go on a trip to belarus. the sorachan lakes are the blue necklace of the ostrovet region, which rightfully tops the list of the most beautiful places in belarus. here once upon a time there was a sacred dubrava. true, unfortunately, now there is nothing left of it, only this king oak.
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with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. friends, right now i envy myself. god, there is a wonderful tradition of hugging an ancient tree and making a wish. we ask you to join our round dance. with pleasure. oh, let's go dancing.
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the region is settled here and the peoples of the 13th nationality live here, myarkuetstsa, which is the name of the paselishcha paisla hell of the old slavic words radzec, klapacizza, zakhodzce, zakhodzce, prahodzce, kali laska, gosciki darazhenk yes, we take your bread, we ask you for the blessing, and let us give in to the old traditions newer i live, and i don’t stand for duty, because i’ve been walking for three evenings, and i’m not standing for that wedding, because i’ve been walking for three years, with projects ahead of me on tv channel belarus 24.
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the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again, and today we visiting film director nikita mikhalkov. members of the mikhalkov family can criticize each other, you, for example, about your daughter’s work as an actor anna, for example, you can say something about this and do it in general, and always, we have never had, firstly, there has never been any lisp with children, yes, that's all, and secondly, never it was funny, my father, my eldest son , it means that he had a daughter, that is , his father’s granddaughter, he calls his father in the morning, the father says, yes, listen, he says, yes, yes, i had
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a daughter, he says, so yours... without zukari, not a single false note at all , not even a hint of a false note, just wonderful work, she has grown into a great actress, but this is also not, our correspondence is not funny, she was so happy that i liked it , says: you know, it’s like being happy in childhood, when i can make you happy, when i can, yes you can my
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to be proud, i wrote to her, you know, i’m so confident in you that i don’t even need to be proud of anything. just like a frame, it ’s so dramatic, it’s written out like that, it’s simple, well, even impossible, well, you can admire the clicking of your tongue, something, but it has such an impact, it’s such
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an energy coming from the canvas, absolutely incredible. and he always loved to study turning points in history, so today’s moment would interest him, what do you think? i think that i think that if he had lived on, he would have been interested in the revolution, and i think that he was interested in the great patriotic war from the point of view of turning points, but thank god. his grandfather was a hunter, a cossack, ivan, this is his father, no, he was a grandfather. and he was riding on a horse to hunt, he saw the moral, the moral hears the sounds of footsteps and is afraid, and the horse is, so
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to speak, a familiar sound for him, maybe a different moral or an elk is coming and so on, so he could ride close enough to the moral, he put his fusée between the horse's ears and always shot when... then one day he went hunting, drove up to moral, put his gun down, the moment he shot, the horse led ear and he missed, he bit off his ear, so don’t push it, nikita sergeevich, well, for some reason i can easily imagine you, biting off a fly, but for edification. well , before your eyes, this apple, which you crunched so deliciously in the cruel one, is in surikov’s, it’s true, in general it’s like
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the siberian cossacks, you know that before the start of the picture i was very afraid of the siberian barber, and we arrived in krasnoyarsk, and since to start a picture, how to start, a huge picture. and i asked the curator of the museum at the museum house surikovo to spend the night, if you look at the picture of the capture of the snowy town, on the right side you will see just my portrait , it’s just his brother, alexander, just my portrait, they let me in, they let me in and laid alexander’s crib, they were all little. siberian cossacks and that’s why i was tormented there in that crib, tormented, some rustling, steps, he doesn’t accept me at home, he just
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doesn’t accept me, i got up, walked around , lay down again, again, i can’t sleep, i can’t get enough sleep, they creak, then again went around the house and found a i poured lamp oil into the lamp and lit it. and this lamp lit up so wonderfully, i sat at the table looking at the lamp, then i went, lay down and fell asleep, i slept for an hour, because then they woke me up, i woke up, as if i had slept all night, the house accepted me, at first it didn’t want me , then i accepted, they gave me tea with shanishki, and i went to...
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everything, well, in the finale, i would probably like to ask this fairly standard question: what do you expect from the minsk spectator? silence, that same one, yes, nikita sergeevich, thank you very much again, but you’re welcome, i understand everyone actors who cannot part with you for years, unfortunately, we do not have such an opportunity, but we received enormous pleasure from today’s conversation, i hope our viewers did too, and i also enjoyed talking with you, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, with you we say goodbye for today, goodbye, goodbye, nikita
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sergeevich mikhalkov is speaking now. dear friends, i wholeheartedly invite you to our performance 12, which we will play on december 8-9 in minsk, i won’t hide it, i invited your president, i don’t know if he will come. he or not, but i would like him to watch the play, and if we talk about some conclusion , which you can also draw from the play, but it is a universal conclusion: be afraid of envy and fear of the truth, listen to the truth and tell the truth, and if we don’t get rid of this fear, we will still generally live in... but you can’t live in a lie for long, i’m waiting for you at our performance. nikita sergeevich, we cannot influence who will come to your hall at the palace of the republic, but we could not come to
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you empty-handed. and also nikita sergeevich, you’re a fan winter hunting, and here is a very cool winter hat, please accept these wonderful words from us sincerely, but you won’t leave empty -handed either, but we had it called, this is the 12th performance, cool merch, thank you, this is tanya.
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thank you very much, this, i’ll tell you, this is a unique thing, disappearing ink, i hope it’s a pen, besagon, and here are the 50 best besagons. thank you, thank you.
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klach, staying in your village means being loyal to your small homeland. polish. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. how our republic has not forgotten what 7 is november. this holiday of social justice remains an important date in the state for the people. and there is always a parade of gifts on this day. the country received
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its own nuclear power plant on a turnkey basis.
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the abolition of visas with vietnam gives great hope for business contacts. from auto production to biotechnology. belarus and china are setting records in mutual trade. let's talk to an economist about how all-weather friendship works in practice. and benefits for investors, who can count on what, we’ll look at the new legislation. this is the sphere interests, we talk about the most significant events in the economy. svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. the interests of belarus are in all countries and continents where they are ready to conduct dialogue with us on equal terms. vietnam is our strategic partner and reliable friend in southeast asia. this is a springboard country with which we are ready to cooperate with other
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countries in the region. thus, in the economic race of the countries of the asia-pacific region , vietnam may become the leader by the end of the year, leaving both china and india behind. what are the bonuses for us? first of all, they appear. money to create a joint product, with which we are already entering the huge asian market, which is 630 million people. it would seem that minsk and hanoi are separated by 8,000 km or almost 12 hours by plane. the countries have been linked by friendship since soviet times. but as a result of the visit of the delegation of our government , new agreements and contracts were signed. and the consulate general officially opened in ha chiminh city. let's talk about cooperation now.
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that trade turnover between the countries of the region is the responsibility of our illuminated institution is growing in all countries, exports are growing, imports are growing, we are gradually reaching the level that was unfixed before the covid restrictions, so our products in this region are, firstly, familiar, and secondly, they are in demand, what do you think? it is important to note the prospects of this region and its proximity to thailand. this region is very promising due to its market capacity and growing population. of course, these two circumstances imply an increase in demand both for our
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mechanical engineering products and an increase in demand for our agricultural products. except moreover, food products will also be of interest in vietnam and the countries of the region. i hope that this agreement will serve as an incentive to increase the tourist flow both in one direction from belarus to vietnam for a beach holiday, and from vietnam to belarus in order to get acquainted with our attractions. as for thailand, the agreement with this country on a visa-free regime is in an active phase, which will also stimulate the tourist flow. thailand is familiar to belarusians, loved by belarusians, and also
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as with vietnam, we hope that the visa-free agreement will attract thai tourists to our country. we also work with vietnam and thailand. on the topic of concluding the start of direct aviation communication with the vietnamese side , active negotiations are being held with the thai side, i hope that we will succeed. thank you, this was the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of belarus to vietnam, vladimir borovikov. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock market. on the stock exchange our ruble strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following rates are established: dollar 3 rubles. 17 kopecks for 10 yuanna at the auction they gave 4 rubles 42 kopecks. 3.51 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 43 kopecks. this is an area
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of ​​interest. now there is a short advertisement, further in the program from auto production to biotechnology. belarus and china are setting records in mutual trade. and benefits for investors, who? and what he can count on, let’s look at the new legislation. the third world war, as some say, has already been going on for a long time, only the forms are quite hidden. the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it would not be impossible, the bet is always on something, an internal explosion, without organization no mood will rise anywhere, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, a card played out, nothing worked out. plus there is a rejection of the dollar throughout the world, yes, they managed
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to topple europe today, but this does not allow them to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon. the world is at a breaking point, in this version, of course it will not exist, but the hegemon cannot retreat, what he managed to do is excuse me, if i do something, it will hurt him, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective. working as a doctor, this is the time when i taught at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in
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different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus, in the east , usually a man, so i wanted to study to become a doctor, because it was a prestigious profession, very profitable, i immediately i was impressed by the university, the level is immediately felt, the level... watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. belarus and china are setting records in mutual trade. last year , trade between the two countries reached a new high of almost $6 billion. belarusian exports to china increased by 77%. based on the results of this year, it is too early to say, but trade turnover has already come close to the $5.8 billion mark. the interaction between the two countries has resulted in many high-profile car production projects. before biotechnology,
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our correspondent anton malyuta talked with economist yuliy abukhovich about how all-weather friendship works in practice. yulia konstantinovna, good afternoon. the trade turnover between belarus and china sets records after 8 months; the figure is already the same as for the entire last year, so what does this mean? result of the last visit. president in china, it was in the spring of twenty -three, and what was revealed was that trade turnover has indeed increased significantly, and this is trade turnover, it has grown in terms of quality parameters, we are not just increasing movement of goods across the border, we are increasing our ties, our cooperation, including investment cooperation, financial cooperation, that is , precisely the tasks of building a new stage in building relations with the people's republic of china, this is improving the quality of our relations, what?
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we have the same ideology, we have the same understanding of how this world needs to be arranged in order to strive for creative development. the people's republic of china has always declared its interests precisely from the point of view partnership relations, here is the republic of belarus, we are our two countries, our point of contact, we want creative development, this is our, so to speak, our plus, this is our joint desire. belarus offers a number of benefits for investors. this is provided for by amendments to the investment law; they were adopted in the first reading by the house of representatives. thus, an analogue of russian special investment contracts will appear in the country. this applies to projects and new production of high-tech products. so in such cases and for such projects there will be guarantees of purchasing products in a certain
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volume at a certain price. that is, through government procurement from a single source, bypassing competition. specific regions will be determined. the council of ministers in the ministry of economics noted that conditions for investors from friendly countries, including russia and china, will improve. the time frame for implementing investment projects will be significantly reduced. alina lopo will tell you what other innovations were adopted in the oval hall. the key objective of the investment law is to create conditions for the implementation of large projects, belarus, changes definitely improves the investor’s position, since for large projects the portfolio of benefits will be supplemented with a stabilization clause, this
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is when tax conditions will not change for 5 years, and if the project is successfully implemented on time, income tax will not need to be paid. a number of new mechanisms, for example, compensation for the costs of creating infrastructure, for example, transport or energy; with the adoption of the law, the investor will be able to build such infrastructure for his own money, then within 3 years the state will compensate him for this, in part investment development in the regions have provided for such a simplified mechanism by decision of local authorities, it will be enough to be included in the appropriate list... of preferential projects and receive a basic package of benefits, without going through, respectively, coordinating the decision with other ministries or with relevant regulators. the time frame for project implementation will be significantly reduced. today , investors are forced to negotiate additional benefits with various departments or local authorities. and the new
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law requires a number of approvals will leave. the ministry of economics noted that conditions for investors from friendly countries, including russia and china, will improve, as well as a new mechanism such as budget transfers, the essence of which is that after the completion of the project, the commissioning of, for example, an enterprise, it will be able to receive the appropriate compensation from the budget, depending on where it will be built, up to 10% - this is in industrialized regions and up to 35% in certain areas, the two main areas on which we focus today are the development of large investment projects and investment development in the regions. a new type of imputed insurance will also appear in belarus. this is when a business insures its risks. the project was also approved by parliamentarians. individuals are not affected by innovations; legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will insure liability, or
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more precisely, only carriers, realtors and anti-crisis managers. simplification of international trade, development of industrial cooperation, introduction of innovations to strengthen cooperation between cis participants. deputies in the oval hall ratified agreements on the creation of a free trade zone investment services. specialists. they assure that the document will allow increasing the volume of trade in services in the commonwealth area by a quarter. at the end of last year, this figure has already increased by almost a third. and today the cis countries account for almost half of our foreign trade. alina loppo and anatoly dlatovsky - area of ​​interest. and that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. you are in a spring mood. even snowy december.
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each of the project's heroes is engaged in important work. the chief custodian of funds is an earthly profession, very responsible. our team is working to... preserve materials about the past for the sake of the future, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. i am the deputy director of the naliboksky republican landscape reserve. conservation of nature is important for all of us, since we all depend on the environment, which gives us food, water, health, and quality of life. we propose to carry out one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work.
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you’re amazed at how quickly time has flown by, it’s been 15 years already, there was a pit on this site, they were removing snow from minsk, they were dumping it, to build such an object, everyone performed a miracle, we were talking about an object that should be a standard, it’s a magnet, it’s the center of gravity of everything. .. there are only a few such complexes in the world, this speaks of the intellectual potential of the state, this is a house, this is a wonderful house, the facility stands the test of time, as many international competitions have taken place as you already have world champions, medals, european, world, when we found out that we will have this one... here are all the new items, the world has sparkled with new colors, opportunities have been increased, it allows us to close big, major events, the state
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must create symbols of its independence and its sovereignty. i don’t want to use pompous words, yes, but every resident of the republic of belarus knows what minskana is. the central sports facility, where the most important events in our country take place, and not only sports, it is a magnet, it is a center the attraction of everything. the arena welcomes hundreds of people every day.
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15 years ago, arenina had already begun to function, and we began its construction much earlier; in 2006, there was already full-fledged work here, and on such a small plot of land, probably few people imagined what could grow. i have always admired the work of architects. i just don’t understand how it’s possible to build such a facility in 4 years, everyone performed a miracle. 2005, instructions to complete draft designs for the ice arena as quickly as possible. there are similar arenas in finland, the same one in prague was built, how they differ is
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that a single object, usually round, shaped or in the shape of a puck, here is a similar minsk-orenia, or a globe in stockholm, this is in the shape of a ball, the place was chosen here, then on the avenue of winners , minsk ended here, at this place where we are today, there was a pit, and here, during the winter period, snow was removed from minsk and dumped, since this was the end of the city limits of minsk. here today everything is just beginning, this huge wasteland near the academy of physical education in some 3 years should become a unique sports facility minsk arena. having looked at this large space, i was convinced that one building would not hold this space, it would be just a city planning mistake, here we need a large complex, if we say the idea, a stick with a puck, that is, there must be some kind of elongated volume and round, here is the puck -
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this is... having certain sporting results over the course of several years, the president and i had a conversation, in general, we concluded an agreement or contract, i promised, that i would have two golds from the olympic games, and the president said that when he built the velodrome, i only brought bronze from the athens olympics, that is, i did not fulfill my obligations. he
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kept his promise, and now we have a velodrome. there were times when construction issues were, well , as powerful as possible, yes, it was the movement of our head of state, this is big politics, right?
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work for pleasure and benefit is being built for people, not for anyone, children will come to hockey , they will go outside, a good thing and such big.
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the arena building, so that it is very high in height, after all, this idea is like pucks, we know the puck, it is narrow, the result was achieved, since the height
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became more than two times smaller, a beautiful interior solution, that is, we see this design, not just to hem the ceiling evenly, that is, it is a double effect, both exterior and interior, the entire cooling supply technology was provided by an italian company, they had experience in the construction of ice structures in turin at the winter olympics and at the velodrome with a german company the company that supplied the structure, so to speak, had a creative community, such an international union, without this this complex would not have had such characteristics, a fifteen-thousander in this format was ahead of its time technologically, technically modern, now after modernization it is even more ahead.
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the entire complex had already been completed and the grand opening took place, which was attended by the president of our country.


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