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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 13, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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our plus is our common desire. belarus has a number of benefits for investors, this is provided for by amendments to the investment law, they were adopted in the first reading by the house of representatives. thus, an analogue of russian special investment contracts will appear in the country. this applies to projects and new production of high-tech products. so in such cases and for such projects there will be guarantees for the purchase of products in a certain volume at a certain price. that is. through government procurement from a single source, bypassing competition. specific regions will be determined by the council ministers in the ministry of economy noted that conditions for investors from friendly countries, including russia and china, will improve. the time frame for implementing investment projects will be significantly reduced. alina lopo will tell you what other innovations there are in prints in the oval hall.
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the key objective of the investment law is to create conditions for the implementation of large projects, stimulate investment activity in the regions and accelerate the creation of import-substituting industries. the developers of the document will say that the changes in the law are designed to significantly increase the investment attractiveness of belarus. the changes definitely improve the investor's position. so, for large projects, the portfolio of benefits will be supplemented with a stabilization clause, this is when tax taxes will not change for 5 years. conditions, and if the project is successfully implemented on time, income tax will not have to be paid for 5 years. a number of new mechanisms, for example, compensation of costs for the creation of infrastructure, for example, transport or energy, with the adoption of a law, the investor will be able to build such infrastructure for his own money, then within the state will compensate him for this for 3 years; in terms of investment development in the regions , they have provided for such a simplified procedure. the mechanism by
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decision of local authorities will be enough to be included in the corresponding list of preferential projects and receive a basic package of benefits without having to coordinate the decision with other ministries or relevant regulators. the time frame for project implementation will be significantly reduced. today, investors are forced to negotiate additional benefits with various departments or local authorities. and again the law requires a number of approvals. will not go away, the ministry of economy noted that conditions will improve for investors from friendly countries, including russia and china, as well as a new mechanism such as budget transfers, the point is that after the completion of the commissioning project, for example, an enterprise, and it will be able to receive appropriate compensation from the budget depending on where it will be built, up to 10% - this is in industrialized regions. and up to 35% in
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certain areas. the two main areas we focus on today are development of large investment projects and investment development in the regions. a new type of insurance will appear in belarus, imputed, when a business insures its risks. amendments to the bill were also approved by parliamentarians. the innovations do not affect, individual entrepreneurs will also insure liability, or more precisely, only carriers, realtors and antiques. simplification of international trade, development of industrial cooperation, introduction of innovations, strengthening cooperation between cis participants. deputies in the oval hall ratified the agreement on the creation zones for free trade in services and investment. experts assure that the document will allow increasing the volume of trade in services in the commonwealth space by a quarter. at the end of last year, this figure has already increased by almost a third. and today us. area of ​​interest on this
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today, we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest tomorrow, i will remind you that we are on the air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, you are in a spring mood, even in snowy december. belarusian doilitstva, like a pile jumper, it is important at this time to practice knowledge and mastery. for belarus, the tree is the same as it is easy for any master of magli to work, and for this reason magli is able to work... varying and galloping façade, we
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really respect here the sprung and looking columns with the completed karynskaga order. history of creation of significant numbers.
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hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda. let's begin. propaganda texts appear in the light, as do the texts of all other programs on ont and the absolute majority of texts on all other tv channels in the country. there is an author and a presenter. actually, he sits
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down during the day, morning, evening or night and writes: i’m not bragging, i’m not complaining, i’m carefully bringing to the point that our information opponents convince their audience that we are all talking heads here about the text to us. editors write, almost from the presidential administration or the kgb. because of my work, i have to, and i can read extremist resources. 99% of what i read there about events that i saw with my own eyes are fantasies called analytics, as well as categorical message, like we know exactly how it really is, but in essence it’s a lie. let's use a specific example, a couple of months ago i criticized the socially dangerous large families, those citizens. giving birth to a third and fourth is an investment in real estate, and then the children are malnourished, do not get enough sleep and generally grow up, the devil knows how. within 24 hours, i had already read from extremists that i was instructed to write like this by someone from above, almost personally by the head of state, that there would be a revision of state policy, that large families
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now they will somehow sort and filter, the guard, the social state, it is no longer social, in fact , the reason for my emotional statements was one particular family, whose older children... asked me for help, because dad and mom can’t cope, and life in a new subsidized three-room apartment for these children is associated with a lack of happiness, when they are yelled at for everything by parents who cannot really make ends meet month after month, and i personally know a couple of other such families, despite all the deep respect for large families, you are great, but there are also negative examples, after this speech of mine, which is strictly subjective, you the viewer will be able to read somewhere tomorrow from extremists, yeah, but they don’t... they give it back, it means they changed their minds, cancellation, scandal influenced staged the authorities are on their knees, and you will read this , unfortunately, i admit that you will believe, pseudological chains are the basis of fake propaganda, and today, always, let’s rise to a higher level, even the highest, dozens of experts from opponents
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of the authorities have shredded their fingers on the keyboard, writing an analyst who supposedly confirms that belarusian-chinese relations are regressing, that sidin pin is now only with putin, that belarus is no longer included. path, who was invited where, who was not invited, and so on, and for those whom these pseudo-analysts dragged into their swamp, it is no longer so easy to escape from this sect, no matter what we say, they will convince their sectarians with pseudologic that they are only right, if i if i say our relations with beijing are at the same highest level, they will say: yeah, they are making excuses, that means the relationship is over, if i say: you know, really, our cooperation could be more intense, they will write: yeah , that means even if propagandists are already carefully... talking about shortcomings, relations have collapsed, and if i remain silent, they will say: well, they’re silent, that means there’s nothing to say , that means everything is bad between us and china, and there are thousands of people , there are no tens of thousands there, their audience reads it all, they believe it, and then lukashenko flies to china to meet with xidin ping, he
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is greeted there with colossal honors, the chinese leader with all his employment in a country gigantic in terms of tasks and territory, devotes three times more time to the president of belarus than this... and even, which is especially important for chinese diplomacy, where it is not words that are more important, but actions and symbols , the leaders’ working lunch menu includes belarusian potato pancakes, for us in our culture this may be... but a trifle, but for chinese culture such a reception of a guest is a sign of the highest respect. and what do our opponents do when they see such an attitude from the leader of china, a country that politically, economically and militarily can spread half the planet in a thin layer on the ground, and they simply pretend that what they wrote and said before simply does not exist, it supposedly simply did not exist. you know, my eldest daughter is 6 years old, she , being a child from...
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i know, she’s a little girl, but i don’t remember, but everything works out for you, well, i’m not a hefty opposition foreheads do exactly the same thing, that’s what you said, that the relationship between minsk and beijing is over, i don’t remember, let me tell you what this visit by lukashenko means, wait, so what to do with that what did you write sidin? belarus and china, with all the colossal successes , naturally have things that would be good to improve, and lukashenko himself publicly says this to xidinping when i was preparing for this visit and interrogating my colleagues about what needs to be done, what is not moving, so that tell the chairman about this, well, we... haven’t found a single issue on which there is no movement, the only issue that i
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would like to discuss with you today is speed, time is so compressed that sometimes we fall behind, we don’t have time, it's not only china, belarus, this happens everywhere in the world, the one who reaches his goal first will be at the top, that is, in the dynamics of our relations, the speed could be higher, right, but what should we call it? in a word , the most interesting thing begins, because the second tool of fake propaganda is a targeted selection of definitions, that is , a definition, we will call the words about the need to accelerate our cooperation a task, this is the truest word, most accurately reflecting the essence of the negotiations and the essence of what as lukashenko said, here are the opponents the authorities will cite exactly the same quote from the belarusian leader, but will write the word problem. most people psychologically associate this with something unsolvable, although on... in fact , we open the dictionary, a problem, a complex question, a problem that requires research to resolve.
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the task and the problem are plus or minus the same thing. is it difficult for minsk and beijing to accomplish any tasks? naturally, nothing easy and simple: in bilateral relations , sovereign states do not exist, in principle, but this does not mean that this the task is unsolvable, like the problem, whatever you call it, the essence is the same, as lukashenko said. to solve a problem, it must be solved, and he solves the problems of the task, but the main thing is unshakable: the leader of the superpower, which is certainly china, treats belarus, the belarusians and lukashenko personally like this. for china, maintaining stability and long-term development is very important, and we have made great progress in this work. when i heard from sidin pin about stability, i smiled, because how much i not only i work, but i even live. stability,
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the ability of a system to function without changing its own structure and to be in balance. do i want stability? yes, i want it, just like alexander lukashenko, sidin pin, vladimir putin want stability, he is also certainly for stability. does he want stability conditionally? he wants stability more than anyone, because the united states, in its structure, population and economic characteristics, is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and even belarus. but there is a nuance: stability america is not ensured by the stability of the rest of the world. therefore, now i will greatly surprise radical patriots when biden, in general, the us government provokes instability in the world, and not of course i’m melting radishes for the whole world , but... their task, as the us government, is to give stability to only one state, only the usa, if for this requires
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the instability of the rest of the world, so be it, because if suddenly russia, china, the arab world and europe agree on stability and get it, the power system in the united states will become unstable, which threatens the collapse of the state, it seems to me, a little about this, alexandra lukashenko and sidinpin spoke about, which the belarusian leader later spoke about at peking university, we are friends with... what the chinese media wrote about this visit of our president. beijing opposes any interference in the affairs of minsk and firmly supports the development path of belarus that corresponds to its national realities and interests. china is ready to defend international impartiality and justice together with belarus. china and belarus are important forces involved in the transformation and construction
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global governance systems. china and belarus must work together to create and transform the system. development of the global economy, the chinese country is ready , together with its belarusian partners, to strengthen strategic cooperation in the name of creating a community with a common destiny for mankind. i am proud that a superpower treats my homeland this way, and this is not the only superpower on the planet that treats my homeland this way. alexander grigorievich flew to china from the united arab emirates. about that very loud speech on i won’t attend the climate summit anymore. we told everything, and i myself worked in dubai these days, here i will also tell you something very subjective, propagandists at state expense flew with lukashenko to the emirates to lie on the beach, i read, let me answer: did i go to the beach in dubai, did you lie on the sand, did you take a swim? yes, i managed to do it, and i ’m completely indifferent if someone turns their nose up at this fact, i’m not
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making excuses, but i’ll tell you my approach to distributing time between work and rest. we arrive in dubai, we have 4 days business trip and i say to my cameraman: seryozha, we need to broadcast four stories in 4 days, that is, we have four full eight-hour, although more often twelve-hour working days. we have two ways: first - we work calmly and measuredly for 4 days, without heroism, without extra effort, we sleep normally, we eat without haste. the second way: we do the maximum of what we can do in 2 days, and theoretically we have a window of a couple of hours of completely free time. which way to choose? we chose the second one, having gone filming, almost immediately from the airport, for a couple of days i had to get up at 6 in the morning, when it was 5:00 in minsk, the filming ended well after midnight, the task was to have time to go to the beach , it was accomplished at the cost of some effort. what i mean is that, in my deep conviction, there are many people who don’t get something from
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life and begin to whine about it, blame everyone around for it, from propagandists to the president , and envy everyone who was able to. and the reason for this dissatisfaction is simply that no effort was made to solve the problem, with regards to the official part of lukashenko’s dubai visit, there was also an unofficial part, whoever wants, you can hiss with foam urta, then at the climate summit we learned that with the president of the united arab emirates, mohammed bin zayed al-nahyn, alexander grigorievich, yes, he will meet, but the extremists could not sit still and wait, writing their about... lukashenko always meets with sheikhs, but he didn’t meet here, analytics, this means that everything is bad, things have become with him with the sheikhs, everything is fine with him with the sheikhs, and you don't even can you imagine how much? well, the most important thing is that they leave. let me give you a hint, last
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year the united arab emirates took third place in... the total amount invested in the investment aasis of the planet, they have enough of their own money, but there is also a lot of money from all the rich people in the belarusian investment economy, but the uae is the world for which dubai creates comfortable conditions, and i’m not talking about the weather, but i have reason to believe that this meeting of alexander lukashenko with the sheikh, which was without loud statements and was without statements in general, the western sanctions pressure on us will be reduced from the level of surmountable to the level of insignificant. was there a problem with sanctions? yes, it was, lukashenko solved the problem. then there are only prospects, they open up in africa, alexander grigorievich flies to equatorial guinea.
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