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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 13, 2023 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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future generations, we will be able to somehow help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home, because if we suddenly have a mess, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24. the investigative committee of belarus opened a criminal case against latvian officials under the article of crimes against the security of humanity. previously, criminal cases were opened against their comrades from poland. and lithuania, although these countries participated in disturbing the peace in the countries of the middle east, they are in no hurry to let refugees in, maybe this is different? the confrontation between the west and russia, which began during the cold war, has received an unexpected continuation today. in their attempt not to be like the russians, representatives of the so-called civilized world, they have reached a new level. now it’s not enough for them that they have
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democracy, a counterbalance to slavic values, family and marriage, they came up with european ones, they demand compliance with new norms, in in case of disobedience and removal of children, the west has come to the point where it is destroying itself from within. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24 with you presenter andrei sych, as well as our guests political scientist yuri voskresensky and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, military analyst alexey poddubny. hello, colleagues, i don’t know whether you followed or not, yesterday i spent half a day watching the meeting polish seven, for a long time they were dragging out simply a colossal number of speeches from the ruling party for... teeth, as best they could, in order to delay the time of voting on the premiership, in the end , as we all saw, morowiecki was declared a vote of no confidence, tusk takes the position of prime minister, and on the thirteenth he should to be sworn in together with the government, i’m interested in your opinion, yuri, what is the reason, in general this
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was predicted, but still, because there was an important point regarding what morawiecki said, or at least the experts said that moravian can to buy back... the missing number of parliamentary votes to remain in power, but apparently it didn’t work out, what’s the reason? well, we said this in one of the previous broadcasts, that definitely, if you remember, definitely tusk will become prime minister and why this circus, which was launched by the ruling peace party led by duda morowiecki-kaczynski, is unclear, that’s why it was an oath, the appointment of ministers was most likely cleaned up.
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how everyone in their dachas, in their apartments, listened to these luminaries, so to speak, well, we thought then, but the polish people were thirsty, apparently, yes, yes , that is, as we listened then, afanasyev, popov, sobchak, sakharov, yeltsin, yes, and thought that they would bring us some hope for
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the better and change, that’s also the polish people listened yesterday, experts are not just ironic about the fact that this is a polish district committee. notes, let me remind you, this is exactly the type who rejoiced and thanked the american partners for the explosion of the northern flows, but nevertheless, here we are once again turning to our polish partners, this is a unique opportunity to overload our relations,
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because a simple belarusian polish family, they want to visit each other, they want to exchange goods and visit everything at the border. some cultural events , yes, learn languages ​​together, visit burials, that is, this is a unique opportunity for a reboot, and we are turning to tusk, to his government, with an invitation to come to belarus to try to resolve all controversial issues, there are not many of them , that is, such a small chance, of course , should be left, but most likely this is the new polish government. will be in his russophobia is much more russophobic than the previous government, this became clear from the first words of the new prime minister, from his first visit, his first visit to tallinn, and going to estonia, from the words that it is necessary
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to support the fire, the fratricidal war that is taking place between russia and ukraine, this is of course annoying and... not happy, but in general, the polish new government, if it treats the poles in the same way as this junta did. kaczynski, she also faces an unenviable fate in the next parliamentary elections. definitely in this context, of course, it’s even interesting how the western press calls this government a dull patchwork, because it’s really stitched together from different pieces, just yesterday, alexey, i don’t know whether they observed it or not, there was an interesting moment when a right-wing radical polish politician , started running around the seim with a fire extinguisher to put out the fire right there. some kind of installation was dedicated, as i understand it, maybe even to the israeli-palestinian conflict or
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some jewish holiday, so he extinguished these candles with a fire extinguisher, which caused a big scandal, everyone is now distributing this video, calling these actions absurd, and it seems to me that probably all polish politics throughout - let’s say, the tenure of these politicians will be approximately in this flash mob style, what do you think about this ? you probably know how. an obedient person who lives on the territory of our republic, like all sane people, watched what was happening at our closest neighbor, and there were many questions, specifically about yesterday, when tusk was also accused of being a german spy, which means from the big rostrum, and at the same time his parents also appeared, they were in the third generation, in the third generation, yes, everything goes , we all know that tusk has very... good relations, relations directly with the european union, as for the party, which is already
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as if leaving the ruling, one might say , olympus, then she was more, probably so conservative, she more supported the interests of poland itself, which naturally could not but please such states as france, well, let's start with germany, which determined the economy of the european union itself and... questions arose, including from the curators of poland, who directly supervised these puppets who were appointed there, who controls from london, from washington, the anglosation world, which means that poland wants to acquire some independence, i completely agree with yuri in terms of what the new government can bring us, which, well, in any case , hope, hope that, after all, the common sense that exists among the polish people, but... the people, they are very close in consciousness, understanding, standard of living, to our
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belarusian people, it’s no secret that our western borders, they are closely interconnected with the population of poland, and there we are intertwined in more than one generation , there, from the fifth to the seventh generation, all these intertwinings go on there, and our religions get along well there, the orthodox religion, and the catholic religion, and there are churches there, and there are no problems, and polish programs exist, so on and so forth, that is, well, the most important thing is that the borders are open, then yes, come, please, see how we live, come and visit, well, from our side, that means, and as for the interests of the new prime minister, well, i think that the rhetoric will not change in relation to the russian-speaking world, that is, to the republic belarus, towards russia, will most likely increase control over the corridor that... is happening around kaliningrad, because they understand that when they control the baltic sea,
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they will have such an instrument of blackmail on the russian federation and seek some kind of his specific interests, and as for his statements regarding the brother of the murderous war, regarding the war in ukraine, well, he is a literate person, which means he will look at the events taking place in ukraine, see... how the conflict will develop, what tasks for him will be set by those curators who will manage them, well, they will be guided accordingly, which means that this could also be a two-fold development of the event, one negative, if let’s say there is a reason for him to react negatively to the destruction of our constitutional system, there to take some kind of painless painless participation in this for them to weaken russia, i am sure that... without hesitation, he will make a decision in order to do everything to make it so, if
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there will be a strengthening of our constitutional system, military potential, naturally, events in favor of the russian federation, and this will be necessary during the conflict in ukraine, but it will be guided and accepted based on the situation, i think that everything will be so take place. yes, i agree with you, colleagues, i think that tusk will play within the framework of the common rules of the european union, in general he does not deny this, and has repeatedly said that there will be ... a position after orban and fitz began openly to speak out about the fact that the maximum destructive policy of the european union causes internal harm to the members of the european union themselves, so this discord, i think, will intensify, the question is how long will the same tusk support understanding who is in the majority at the moment,
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whose positions are strong, we will monitor this situation, but kuleba’s statement is interesting, i would like you to comment. yes, the livers turned into a funeral table , unfortunately, unfortunately, we say this not with irony, but really with pain for the fate of the ukrainian people, therefore, commenting on the statement of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, well, you can invite him to fall and
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do push-ups, or, well, panties wear lace ones, there was someone there who wanted to go to the maidan. especially in view of the landmark statement, you talked about hungary, slovakia, but austria has already joined this chorus of voices and said that it will not consider any question about the future of ukraine in the eu, but in addition, in addition, let’s not forget that there are many countries in line before ukraine, including such a super-regional superpower as turkey, which.
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what we heard from their speeches, including the deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine , was shown by all state media, that is, it’s one thing when we say it, well, maybe there is an element of mistrust, well, maybe something exaggerate, well, why are they speaking for someone with words, although we said all this, but political experts, journalists, political scientists, politicians, and another thing, we
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hear when deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine call: get to europe, well, one gets the impression , that the entire political elite of ukraine is under the influence of some strong
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deeds of attention to him, because on the eve of this gathering, it cannot be called otherwise, alexander soros came to the territory of ukraine, this is the heir of george soros, i’m just
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in a good way, well, i have eyes widened when i looked at these photographs, because zelensky and his team came to power precisely against the backdrop of such anti-sarosyatin, that’s the whole term sarosyatin, it came from ukraine, because everyone there constantly accused each other of having connections with this well... a socio-political figure who is behind most of the coups in the post-soviet space, and today zelensky shakes hands with the heir of george soros, in the public space this is all presented as some kind of achievement, that they are collaborating with the soros family, already today no one really hides it. alexey, what do you think about this? you know, we can only analyze the information that passes through the media and is directly brought to us, that is, by... an official source, which means that we can say that the events that took place in ukraine are not just the arrival of soros , quite high-ranking officials came there,
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including the military, such as the director of the cia, which means the us secretary of defense, well, that is, it is clear that they did not come just to be there walk around khreshchatyk to drink coffee, well , they brought some money, second instructions, of course, well, it was an inspection, apparently, an inspection, what is it like today? these intentions that they expressed there , practically, they probably chose the direction of their plan for those crazy people
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who are already mired in this fratricidal war, in order to incite, including on the territory of our republic, not very good events, moreover, we know that in 224 our electoral period begins the campaign is very serious, which will continue for the next year, which means, therefore... all efforts will be aimed at ensuring the security of our state, that is, as for what was developed at this gathering, it means that it cannot be ignored , which means , and i am sure, that our military-political leadership, that is, our state, has taken all maximum measures to prevent any infiltration into the territory of the republic of belarus, and most importantly, it exercises control and knows everything movement in front of... movement , concentration, that means, of some elements, equipment, something else, so that there is no such a massive breakthrough, as for the impact on the territory of the republic of
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belarus, but we are looking at the information that the committee puts forward state security, how long they regularly detain saboteurs who are trying to do some kind of destructive actions on the territory of the republic of belarus, trying to commit some kind of terrorist attacks here, including how... recruitment is going on, that is, such a war it is already underway, it is underway, it is completely controlled by the state security committee, which means that the successful operation that is shown shows that our units that are engaged in this area are very clearly successfully protecting the perimeter of our country, i am sure that the head of state is starting their working day does not end with the security of our state and what measures have been taken in this regard, therefore...
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three spies who worked here under the guise of diplomats, built a network and identified all kinds of military infrastructure objects on the territory of belarus, the number of personnel, location, and so on, all this was suppressed as much as possible, and today we see that this invasion of the territory of our country is already openly discussed. yuri, interesting opinion, just yesterday they also showed it on bt, that’s how alexey says, they’re trying
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to leak it. it was especially interesting that, as always before this interview and before his disappearance, as it turned out, this was not a disappearance, but a detention by our authorities, our resources, which means the fugitive belarusian opposition, as always they were spreading fake news , they say, a person applied to the pardon commission, came
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, well, it’s clear that it’s a hundred percent lie, no one...
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that’s him, but they, they’re lucky for us that they underestimate us the capabilities of our special services, into the hands of the special services we got all the lists of all the participants in these terrorist regiments and battalions that are now located on the territory of ukraine, so they copied him and placed him in the place where he should be, but look how he did in the interview...
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they don’t pay the money promised, yes, the leadership drives foreign cars, and they survive from bread to water, in general, everything is according to the classics, and this is a very valuable testimony from the mouth of a participant in these terrorist groups, and of course, we found out what they are planning in some way, in one way or another degree of invasion into the republic of belarus, that is, sooner or later , you know, any idea, it can... and
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rightly so, we made a fuss, because some said that maybe they shouldn’t react to this gathering of fugitives, who are these marginalized people, they do not have any... everything indicates that it is is no longer a joke, that’s why all the state media, political scientists and experts made such a noise so that our public, our belarusians know that they want to kill us, that’s all,
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colleagues, we are really tied to our location, we pay more attention to the regional conflict on the territory of ukraine, for some time now we have been monitoring the situation that is unfolding between. in israel, but one of the messages in telegram channels, which also actively spread about the fact that today moment in the world 183 armed conflicts are occurring. alexey , to what extent this is such a typical situation, it’s just that we , perhaps, somewhere, due to our information space, are not paying attention, or this is already the consequences of some kind of refraction of the world order of transformation at the moment, you know, i read this news, there the link goes directly to the blumberg publication, which means that there is an analysis from the twenty-second year, that is, the analysis of the twenty-third year is taken in relation to the twenty-second year, there is an increase in deaths
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- in these conflicts, 14%, in my opinion, were raped , or 24 or 28%, somewhere like that it was because - the conflicts that are shown there, they are almost all known to us, they turn out. it turns out that there are junctions of unresolved various issues, for example, one, one of the areas that interests our slavic population most of all, that is, the republic of belarus in the first place, the russian federation, ukraine, these are the conflicts that occur after the collapse of the soviet union, after that socialist camp , which was immediately before the ninety-first year, when these states collapsed, these conflicts, they still do not flow away.
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palestine, it is clear that all this appeared, or rather the actions that took place, the response from israel, it was a terrorist operation that was carried out to destroy the inhabitants of israel, it caused a backlash - from
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the state itself, but what is very important here is that an organization like the un does not influence the settlement of these conflicts, that is, this means that , apparently, it is possible that these are all conflicts, that happen, it means that they happen under someone’s control, well, this is possibly some kind of transnational corporations that skillfully make money from this, that are building, trying to build their own controlled world in order to, that is, lead the process of development of their interests and their corporations, their state, and lower to the bottom as much as possible - all other states that will never rise again, well, this is a specific division into slaves who will serve that small number population of the planet, which will manage and lead this entire process, this is very
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strongly seen, yes, i certainly agree with these theses, and belarus is doing everything possible in this direction to prevent such a development of events on its territory, we have seen this marathon of political visits by the head states to different countries of the world. we understand that this is being done at the moment precisely to maintain the stability and economic development of our state, doing this lays the groundwork for further development our country. colleagues, thank you very much for your opinion. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guests, political scientist yuri voskresensky and military analyst, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, alexey poddobny.
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a journey through the blue-eyed through the eyes of foreigners , such a detour is interesting, in general this is a mill, a mill, yes, the book donquixote reminds me of this, but can you take a photo of me, please , one photo, okay, no question, oh, what beauty, so big, just like it’s completely like an animal, but these are not animals,
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ukraine, the map was played, nothing worked out, plus there is a refusal of the dollar all over the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not allow it to the end resuscitate the united states as a world hegemon. the world is at a breaking point in this version. he , of course, will not exist, but the hegemon
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cannot retreat, what he managed to do, excuse me, is still hidden in him, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, not miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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live news in the elizaveta lakot studio. good evening to this episode.


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