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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 13, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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connecting to our joint projects on the african continent is a new and very promising window of opportunity, given the large resource potential. chairman of the central election commission of belarus igor korpenko held a meeting with youth activists in minsk , information and educational activities, where meetings with young people occupy a special place, a new measure in the preparation and conduct of the election campaign, which is enshrined in the electoral code. a new organ created by pritsik is also involved in this work. the youth.
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youth manifestation of civic position during this campaign. in belarus, the formation of territorial and district election commissions has been completed, all regional and minsk city ones have already held an orientation meeting, the leadership team, chairmen, and deputy secretaries have been elected. in the near future, the center of the electoral commission will organize a training seminar for them, no later than january 10 , polling stations will be formed, and precinct election commissions will be formed by january 25. a meeting was held at mead.
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advisory council for belarusian affairs abroad. at the opening, the head of the foreign ministry sergei oleinik emphasized: belarus appreciates the positive contribution of belarusians abroad in conveying truthful information about our country. the event was attended by representatives of diasporas from different parts of the world, including the countries of the european union and the usa. leaders of belarusian organizations spoke about new projects and shared the results of their activities abroad. at the meeting of the advisory council, the results of the joint work were summed up. work for the year and discussed prospects for the future. well, representatives of different nationalities living in belarus are united by the republican festival of national cultures. in june next year , grodno will host this large-scale event for the fourteenth time. now qualifying rounds are being held in all regions of the country. in the grodno region, it was held according to tradition in lida, where, by the way, representatives of sixty nationalities live. russians, poles, lithuanians, and ukrainians presented their songs and dances, works and cuisine.
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emphasizes, speeches about limiting sales there are no imported drugs, the task is to fill the pharmacy shelf with belarusian drugs as much as possible and give the consumer the right to choose one or another manufacturer. in turn, belarusian pharmaceutical enterprises today offer the market modern drugs that are not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, while the price is an order of magnitude cheaper. there must be equal representation, so we have a brand resolution that concerns trade in general. where we talk about the fact that goods within the eurasian economic union should be equally represented, the same principle should be here, there is an imported drug, it costs so much, there is a belarusian drug, it costs so much, it is an analogue, so the consumer should have equal rights to choose what what he needs. at the end of last year, belarusian enterprises produced medicines worth $600 million as part of import substitution. belgos food industry is expanding its export geography, belarusian confectionery products...
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are supplied to 24 countries, foreign the consumer is offered the assortment that is in demand and can compete in quality and price. previously , we signed a contract to supply products to vietnam. china demonstrates a stable sales growth trend. more and more manufacturers are gaining a foothold in the market of the allied five countries and mongolia. the african vector is being worked on. of the total production volume, almost a third of goods are supplied to the external circuit. most of it is sold on the domestic market. on the eve of new year and christmas holidays focus enterprises will produce at least 2.5 million special sets for holiday gifts this year. in our republic they have not forgotten what
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november 7 is, this holiday of social justice remains an important date in the state for the people, there is always a parade of gifts on this day, the country received its own turnkey.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the premier of the bolshoi theater, people's artist of belarus,
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anton kravchenko. hello, anton. hello, good afternoon. so young and already popular. well, by pain standards, i’m already very old, seriously, of course, up to 40 years old. and we counted for you 40 + 43, 43, well then how do you manage to stay on stage, still perform in premieres and be involved, gravity doesn’t exist for you , they exist, they exist for everyone, in general ballet dancers, especially leading ones, they dance up to 38 in the russian federation, pension begins at 30, i think 15 years of service. so we have many of your colleagues i can name yes and igor artamonov is still dancing and vezhnovets and irochka iromkina danced for a long time after forty, yes, yes, yes, yes, this has something to do with it, but the fact that the pension was canceled, and this is due to the fact that
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we switched to a different pension system , among artists, ballet and everyone who used to have length of service, they now have a professional... it was accepted like this with a delay of 10 years, so in the nineteenth it seemed to come into force, in 2009 you should have had 10 years of experience, that is, half, at least
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half, then you still remained in that the general pension system, have you discussed this issue with ekaterina nikolaevna dulova, and how does she look at it, at this law? that this is not very correct, well, we hope that not only ekaterina nikolaevna and i discussed with the minister of culture with the minister of social protection. and the ministry of finance even came out on this, there was a discussion, so, but so far the issue has not been resolved, this concerns not only me, this also applies to other artists and ballet dancers there, if they are presenters, then everyone knows them, everyone they are seen, and that is, there are ordinary cardo ballet dancers who would also like to retire, they cannot, thank you very much for clarifying this point to me, because i kept thinking, what about them, i knew 35, oh well. .. there is such a thing, yes, that it leaves early, ours are still dancing, and dancing, i think, what great fellows, but if the leading artist also
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has more, more opportunities to go somewhere, then there is some kind of school to open his own , precisely because there is a name, yes, otherwise artists have a more difficult position, and with this is even related to the fact that we now have a shortage of artists, men don’t want to go, that is, when i entered, well, i remember that i was so... lured that i could go abroad, early retirement, straight away a profession ready, will dance on stage , but now there seems to be nothing special to lure , no incentives, just the love of art, parents don’t really want to take their children to college, there is very little in college, i can say that when i entered, and we had boys, in every class there was a... 22 boys, now admissions are coming, well , at best it’s six, and what kind
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of motivation did you have when you enroll for the sake of early retirement, but no, well, are these really children, children decide something, parents gave it, yes, yes, even the fact that this is fate, i studied in a regular school , i didn’t bother anyone, but some two women came to class, lined up the boys, jump there, well, they jumped, they chose three. uh, they said, come there and there will be a selection, i told my mother that i was chosen somewhere, but i won’t go there, the boys were caught like that, well, let’s just let's see, we won't even go into the building, we'll just see where it is, i say, i feel like you're going to deceive me, so no, but in the end she persuaded me , we went, in the end she dragged me inside, and then i just so they grabbed it, threw it in, the commission is sitting there, they say, squat, jump, bend over, well... yes, i did everything like that, well, i left, then after this viewing, he says, they took it away, i say, i
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don’t need to go there, i want to be a football player, i want to be what i am, and next to me stood a crying boy, who was not taken, wiping away his tears before this, i looked at anton the lucky one and thought, how can it be, no, there were no boys, there were no boys, they were mostly girls, after all , girls want more, they have unfulfilled dreams when they are not accepted, or then dropouts occur in courses y... before the course , of course, this is such a big tragedy, what a normal guy, but he wants to dance ballet, especially remember, in soviet times, yes, everyone there, everyone wanted to become an astronaut, i wanted to become a pilot, because i lived, i lived then on tikotsky street, fighter planes were constantly flying, i just looked at me like that in kindergarten, and my last name, street, or rather the name also matched, but not ballet, i kept thinking that i would be a pilot, anton, well, you’re lucky after all, why because ? after all, you can dance in ballet in different ways, you can stay in carde ballet all your life, right? so i say that
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this is fate, that is, a person had to get there, someone came, got him out of there , put him here, here you will study, then you will go here to dance, that’s how they snatched him away you from universe, look on our screen there is this moment of transformation, and from a choreographic college student to... one artist, the path is long, yes, yes, and this is one of the thousands who played a decisive role in your destiny, you know, i’m like that - so, it’s been a short life, but i’ve lived a life, yes, and i looked back and thought, there are things like this in life, how to say, you meet people, events that direct you where you need to go you should go, that’s what happened to me, in the theater, i came and troyan yuri antonovich, somehow he noticed me, so he tells me, come on, come on, come on, “come on, don’t go anywhere, we’ll work here, you have prospects, well, thanks to him, of course, i
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i achieved all this, well, that means he’s your pikun , he chose you, yuri troyan, yes, then i studied at the academy of management under the president, and there , too, somehow i ended up with the supervisor of the bibik diploma, tatyana bernardovna, she just like this, like this, like this, like this, here i am, i understand that without her i might not have finished even the first one, she says, let's go..." she understood everything clearly and sat there with me, well, not everyone, not every person will sit with you and explain to you what needs to be done, how to write, how to write correctly, how to compile all this , and what follows, as if i understood it so much, i liked it so much, yes, well, well, as if i said three times , it means either you know how to win someone over, or have some necessary qualities that contribute to the fact that
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people help you, but it seems to me that this after all, it was fate that you met exactly that person, you have become a complete photographist, i understand. in your young years, well, how else can you explain, well, how else can you explain, when they come to you, well, maybe you dance great, let’s watch a fragment of the performance after which you woke up famous, that’s how it happened, right?
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actually, you note the sculptural quality of the village, well, i don’t like the way i dance, but what did you do so that you were appointed spartak, appointed, well, here they probably appointed the wrong word, they appoint officials, but here after all, it’s a selection process, here they give you the opportunity to try, there to rehearse, it’s up to you to see whether it works out or not. it’s like they give many people the opportunity to show themselves, but few can cope with the load, i just remember that when i started i was probably about 24-25, when i just started spartak, and i remember that i when i danced, i had such thoughts after the first act, there were three of them, i had such thoughts, why do i need all this, i will never
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do this again, i don’t need it, i don’t want to be presenter, i don’t want to dance, i want generally for... uncompromisingness, also fanaticism, you can do it so beautifully, ecstasy, in achieving something, well, yes, i even have that, now i ’ll tell you all the secrets, it’s not with me they like to argue why, but because they say that he is always right, that’s how i always prove my point of view, you know how
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to justify it, yes, well, yes, with arguments, of course, but i just try not to argue. when i don't know for sure, i try not not to say, but it may just be that i say confidently, i remember that when i actually entered 10 years after i finished studying, i entered a university, and i had to, when i graduated, there was no testing yet, but 10 years later it appeared, and i had to take the test, i remember that i went to preparation courses for testing, and i learned french, i passed it, i went. this is how it should be, we are always
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told since childhood that if you lie, lie confidently, uh-huh, so that none of the spectators notice that you are doing something wrong, i somehow i was hooked by the phrase that you don’t like the way you dance, why him? well, i think that this is true for many, yes, many, yes, i know that many cannot look at their recordings right away. after the performance, a month needs to pass, then you can watch it, why? well, because you look, you say , here you haven’t finished it, here you need more, here you need it wider, well, it’s as if you immediately start working on mistakes, uh-huh, here is a very small pose, here it’s short, here, oh here, in the wrong direction , and working on mistakes, now i understand, you have two ballets with yuri troyan, you already mentioned that he chose you, this is from recent years, i mean vytautas and anastasia, let’s look at fragments from anastasia, even three, also the little hunchbacked horse, yes, the little hunchbacked horse.
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both productions are on the belarusian historical theme, can you say that these ballets have enriched you in terms of understanding who we are, where we are from , where we are going, first of all, these ballets are needed as... karenina, that is, you re-read, prepare - carmen, you start re-reading again , after all, well, when you read it a long time ago, you didn’t
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remember everything, some moments slipped away, uh, when you read it, you didn’t think that you would have to dance, stage something like that, so, well, i’m sure that before they stage everything, they re-read what myth about belarusians can be extracted from this story, from anastasia, the same one, or from vitov, what? have you thought about this? myth, i don’t know the myth, but some kind of trait, we constantly resist some kind of adversity, litigation, that we always overcome something, somehow it fell to our lot here, yes, something is passing by and wants to capture us, roughly speaking, not even to capture, but simply passing by, destroys everything, look at more or less recent history, but napoleon went back and forth, the first war also swept back and forth, and quite a lot of the second in the same way, but here let's go there
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, go back, as they say, yes, that we are so dim, but because life itself dictates this, that otherwise, otherwise we would not have survived here, that is, this is our way of survival, yes, dimness, yes, but besides, it’s interesting to talk with you about economics topics, again the same yuri. antonovich was telling me, and i’m wondering, where is ballet, where is economics, why did you begin to comprehend this science at the academy of management under the president, it so happened that usually the guys graduate from a charegographic college, they immediately enroll, well, where should they go after studying further and getting an education? there is a teacher, a tutor, but in our college diploma there is a teacher, it says teacher, director of a dance group. and since i, when i finished, i decided that i needed to rest, i'm not ready so far, and after 10 years i entered somewhere,
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then i think, why should i? once again to the same thing, that they can still tell me more than i know, and i thought, what is interesting to me myself, this is what i would like to study for myself, and what profession i would like to do after, and here i am i came to the conclusion that i am interested in economics, that i am interested in all the laws, how they function, and when i entered in general, well, i always remember it very fondly. these are probably the best years of study in my entire life, this is at the academy of management, probably you consciously, because they had already come to this , yes, it wasn’t my mother who brought me to this, myself, yes, yes, yes, such interesting teachers, such interesting material that was taught, perhaps yes, because i was already 30 years old there, yeah, that’s it not 18, like how children come , there were younger guys studying with us too
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, it was all like that for them, but i went to all the lectures and just listened to them, and sometimes it even somehow happened that i came, it wasn’t, it wasn’t there were other listeners, there were a couple of us there, teachers, everyone, where, where are they, well, but they still gave lectures and even i think that this should be taught even in school, here are some basics of economics, i agree with you, many do not understand why. where does everything come from in general, right? yes, it somehow seemed to me that why didn’t they tell me this at the age of 15, at 15, at 17, but you still had a master’s degree there after graduation and you are now a specialist in some kind of international relations, but not communications, and relationships, yeah, that means, i initially studied economics and it was like after the third year it was possible to go either to national
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economy or the international economy. i went to the department of international relations and , as it were, i continued to study in this department, but i was more interested not in how the organization works within the country, but how exactly in the international arena, how countries cooperate with each other, why some some countries have more money, some have less, why do they seem to state the same goals, but in the end...
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, this is something family-like, all of our uncles and great-grandfathers lived in their own houses, falvarks, we came to the forest here, here there is more peace and quiet, there they see more opportunities.
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the bulbs are stagnant, i need to get them, judging by the sweaty helmet, you might get the impression that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, there’s a red tractor, why didn’t we load into it, see the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel, and you recently said in one of your interviews that you built a house with your own hands, how did you do it? well, i built it myself, what’s there did you succeed? you know, there is a saying, i like it so much, yes, don’t be afraid to do something with your own hands and remember that an amateur built the ark, and professionals built the titanic, well, have you read any special literature, or is it in your blood? well, everything on the internet, in my opinion, can now be found, that is, they built a house on the internet, no, not on the internet, but some, well, i don’t know, since
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childhood i was constantly doing something there with my hands. my father was also constantly doing something about me, and i was also running under the table on foot and i kept i looked at what he was doing, and just tried it, but i don’t know, it says mixtures of cement, how to mix it, how to make a solution, well, that’s it. i roughly figured out where the rooms were, there, well, well, it’s certainly not because i had nothing to do there, but because it was simply that it was expensive and it was cheaper to do it myself. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the premier of the bolshoi theater of belarus, people’s artist anton kravchenko. anton, you have traveled half the world with the big theater. in what countries openly love belarusian ballet? ballet, in principle, is now on the rise in the world , not only how ahead of the planet we are all in the ussr, but in europe, america, asia,
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especially in china, in japan, it is a very popular art form there, it was well received everywhere , it even seemed to me that in some countries they are received better than here, it has more to do with culture, because somewhere in... china they clap, it’s already for us all about you clapping for you, that’s good, then in some other countries they whistle there, they stomp their feet, this is considered good, in some, well, in europe, there in italy, yes , in my opinion, there is also such a tradition of stomping, it’s like very cool, that is, in europe, you just feel that you accepted, the performance was a success, but why exactly the ballet arts? so often they move somewhere with a scandal, why did troyan tell you not to go anywhere, because he knew what he was talking about, but with a scandal, well, you just understand, we had such a policy that we did not allow
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artists to go to, well, some period there for a month or two, that’s why people left completely forever, i think it ’s wrong, and it’s like that all over the world, well , it’s normal and...
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there were more, but not by much, not so much that specifically to chase money, but there was a different repertoire, because the repertoire is very important for an artist, and in many theaters there seems to be a repertoire, where there are few classics and a lot of modern, but here it is very large , wide, especially the period, probably from on the ninth...
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we were talking with the artist, this is how we remembered how we worked, and i say, what do you know, yura, when i was studying, it was just in 1997 that baryshnikov had his anniversary, and he was 50 years old, and that means it was written in the magazine that he didn’t like to dance the classics, that he is moving more into modern dance , i tell him, listen, i was thinking then , how can he, how is it, how is it not to love the classics, how... he’s tired of it, this is the same, the best thing maybe, but now, when i’m already approaching this age, i’m also already becoming a classic boring, and i would prefer some modern productions, and i say, can you imagine how
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the view on this has changed over time, that’s how i would answer you now, that both are important, and both are interesting , when you are a lot, that’s how they said, yes, plesetskaya, she danced swan lake a thousand times. then of course, within a thousand times you will already hate it, and you want something new, some search for new facets, new horizons, but new images, because our profession, why is it valuable, and like the profession of a film actor, what are you during your life you can live many different images, and not even just live, but what is very interesting for me, at least, is the process of exactly finding this image, what kind of person is like, what kind of behavior, what kind of poses he should have, how he he should walk, how he should look, that’s all, well , i have to figure this out, it’s interesting to delve into this, maybe for some it’s not, for some it’s interesting.
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this is not, well, everyone likes it, well, what kind of man wouldn’t like the match so that.
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with whom you can contact those masters yes, there are grapes, komlev, ruzimats , with whom you also communicate, this is right here , i realized that this is what i was missing, i really need such trips, you look at what they dance, how they dance, their modern performances, because there, everyone had , in my opinion, six, six or seven numbers, here are classics, modern, and you look at these. you look at how the guys work, after all, they are all different, yes, in russia
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there are a lot of theaters, a lot of guys work, and so it’s just a very, very positive impression, i think that on dima and nastya, too, this is at their age , but in mine it seemed to me that it was super, in theirs it must have been simply mind blowing , you should have good heirs, and anastasia and dima, in my opinion, i would say that these are mine heirs, followers, yeah.
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let's see, you asked to show you to the young people, we had, yes, let's, yes, what did you choose interesting?
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i always liked that each performance should not be similar to the previous one, something new, somewhere to complicate something, i remember that yuri antonovich always told me that you says, while you’re young, make it more difficult, because when you’re about to retire, you won’t be able to, you said irina yaromkina. comfortable ballerina, but what does comfortable mean? so, you know, you can’t tell it in a nutshell , it’s when you become, you understand that you are always calm, and that you know that everything will work out for you, that she won’t throw anything away, because well, after all we are so nervous, yes, that you can kick something up, somehow
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get scared of something and you won’t get support, then here i always went on stage with her and i was always calm that everything would be... just as good as it was in the hall, that no, how can i say, surprises would happen to us, well, at the same time, it’s nice to dance like with a person with her, so when you watch such videos from twenty years ago, nostalgia comes to you, but no, in the same way, i didn’t finish it there, here i should have lowered it, i should have stretched it, then lowered the bottom, i should have turned it faster, but that’s the only way, just recently ... in minsk there was a tour of the bolshoi theater of russia that was booming, and we also came to the theater, i was so i felt the difference, in general, and you , i’m wondering how the ballet dancers themselves are, there are similarities between the ballet schools of russia and belarus, who works better, who works worse, have you
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worked on your mistakes, what, oh, well, it’s so hard to say, i can’t tell you now that... grants from the president for salaries and anyone. even if we have an artist there, say, let’s go work in the big theater of russia, i’m ready, yes, like in that film, there i am a sand quarry, two people, yes, that’s plus prestige, of course, this is a name that has been created over the years, well, but i think that our theater is no worse, yes,
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we may be a little inferior to them in some ways, but by and large , we seem to have a pretty strong body, a strong theater, but are you watching? but somehow it didn’t work out, there’s no more detailed story, how to say, not that there was an opportunity, but i tried, it didn’t work out, that’s how old you were then, around thirty, well, i don’t regret it, i don’t regret that it turned out that i stayed in this theater,
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again i like nashiyaar, i like our corpse, i like our theater, and i i’m happy that i was given a rank, if i had left, i wouldn’t have had a rank, well , you listed it like this, as in question, what i say, how i think, well, really, it’s not just that, that’s what only the repertoire, no , the totality of everything, all the factors , as if that’s why i stayed, well, after all, the experiment , which you already began to think about after 30, about which baryshnikov was dirty, is not enough in our theater, we won’t do it... just an experiment yes experiments i mean modern choreography the same yes all artists they talk about it, but she never comes, but now she’s more or less here. well, we had kilian, yes, yeah, and a little death, six dances, in my opinion, brilliant, i
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also really like him, we recently had a production of the premiere, yes igor koub, illusions of love, so let's take a break and discuss this performance is after it, let 's take a break for a while, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus 1 youtube channel. and we very often ask journalists ballet dancers, what diets do they follow, because your forms are really amazing, do you have any restrictions related to the fact that you had to devote your life to art? well, it depends on the body, on each person, everyone is individual, but for girls, yes, they have been constantly limiting themselves since school. but there are also those who have a very fast metabolism, they eat everything, but as for me, before 35 i didn’t limit myself in any way, i ate
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everything too, it all disappeared somewhere, after 35 it suddenly began to remain, that’s why i myself now i’m already limiting it, but i try to eat once a day, this is the program, say don’t be silent, our guest is the people’s artist of belarus. igor kolp practically opened our studio after the housewarming, he was very worried, trembling, i don’t know how he feels now, but how did this premiere seem to you, was it interesting to work on it? you know, over many years this, it’s like a breath of fresh air, in an enclosed space, what... plastic, all the ideas that are on stage, the images that
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are there, and in general, this is all, here we are that’s how they worked, right here for the whole body, it was straight, serious, yes, yes, yes, and this is exactly what we were missing, because it’s impossible to do it on the same page, but you know how to read it one book, what a wonderful fairy tale. god or a turnip, but you need to read something else so that there is development, development both for the body and for the viewer, and i think that this performance, it ’s just like a revolution for our theater, you can find it there and a reference to the six dancers, and a reference to the shapynyans, that is, there are two acts completely opposite of each other, and i won’t spoil it, right?
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they don’t give you invitation cards , but you know, they sort of do, but for the premiere it’s even impossible to give them to everyone, that is , there is some kind of quota, of course, but you know that i was embarrassed by the music of leonid shirin, among the great composers, what's happened? and you know , he got there so successfully and so he compiled it all, and
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so he added something there, as we said, yes, this is the merger of three sha, shirin, shapen and shista, that’s what - this is what confused me, but that’s all ok, yes, that's it, very melodic music from the width, yeah, at the beginning of december you presented spartak vastrakhani for the first time, answer the main question of this legend about spartak, is power stronger than justice? i don’t know, i would answer as if from the books - that’s one thing, but as in life, it seems to me that it’s another, that strength is stronger, yes, we probably still need to strive for justice so that it wins, well, for everyone its own justice, but for one person it’s fair this way, and for another it’s different, it’s impossible to somehow say that it’s like this fair, and not otherwise, well, now i understand why you win?
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well, as if we all strive, we strive for some kind of ideal, for spirituality, yes, but how can i say, probably, we are all together not yet so spiritually developed that it is spirituality that wins for us , but for now strength wins, and yours your wife, you mentioned her, what does she do, well, she used to be a ballerina, she also studied at our college and worked. for some time in our theater, in addition to this, she worked in her dance studio, and she taught children to dance not only ballet, in the circus she worked in the show ballet of the circus for a long time, mm, then she switched to horseback riding, horseback riding, yes there is such a thing, but this recently happened, she left ballet and switched to horseback riding, there are all sorts of tricks
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on horses , you go to the circus, see how she is. of course, i go, i say everything like that, and you have kids, to put it mildly, maybe you need to reconsider your new activity, that is, you don’t really like it, but it’s dangerous , well, of course it’s dangerous, well, on horses, well, in general, a circus a dangerous place, the theater is a dangerous place, and the circus is twice as dangerous, well, when you ride a horse there, and you take one leg out of the saddle, you bend over somewhere, your heart skips a beat when she does this, no, but i’m sure that she... knows that she doesn’t for the first time in her life she’s trying it, yes, what and why did she turn away from ballet, she didn’t turn away, she’s still doing all this at the same time, like in parallel, show ballet in the circus is also ballet, well, ballet is dance, and there too this is a dance, that is, in principle, it’s all a dance, because we all, we all learn to dance, so we come to decide on college, we learn to dance and to dance
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, to move the stage, just movement, then - everyone is different, someone gets into folk ensembles, and into a dance ensemble, and then into a folk ensemble, someone gets into some kind of show , someone ends up in the ballet theater, someone ends up in the circus, someone goes there for some contracts, someone goes in general, i know we have some girls on canvases, but this is the circus, yeah, there are, some go there on ships, perform in shows, some go to casinos, some go away... where do you like to celebrate the new year and do you have you some place of power in the capital? i somehow always celebrated the new year at home, whenever i could, because it often happens that it’s on
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tour, yeah, it happened that on the bus, so we were traveling. that’s the nonsense, well , yes, unfortunately, for artists, the new year is often work, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, i don’t remember dancing right on new year’s day, i don’t remember that, i definitely remember the bus, and we even didn’t stop, i remember it was offensive, then remember the most exciting or interesting or memorable, except for the bus, except for the bus, well, probably this is in germany, we were taken to the castle, such a castle yard. probably, and so we celebrated in this castle, you are a corpse, a corpse, yes, well, everyone who went there built a city, that is , they paid for some food for us there, well, it would have been such an evening, not only we were there, it would have been a lot of people , well, it was just so unforgettable, it was in the castle, and you have a favorite place in the capital in minsk, a favorite, i don’t know, but if
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it’s like places of power, and that’s when you ’re like that.. you’ve been proud of your country for a while now, yes, this is the area of ​​the flag appeared, it seems to me that this is just like this place of power, when this large canvas develops on the flagpole, somehow you feel some kind of pride, yes, but it seems to me that this should be that’s exactly what it’s like to gather us all, that ’s exactly that, that’s what, well, well, national symbols, yes. state, well, this is like one of the symbols. today we made such a retrospective in your life, in art, i mean, is there disappointment in your choice of profession in the end or not? you know, somehow in life i think, that if you made this decision, it means it’s the right one, yeah, it means it would have been bad, worse, differently, and but when they ask
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if you would live the same way again, i always say, no, why, that’s what happened it wouldn’t be interesting to live the same way, that is, if i were given the opportunity to return, i would want it differently, so that fate would work out, so that we would already catch this one. your peculiarity, you know, when you told me that you don’t have to have a partner all the time, i remembered a friend who doesn’t have to have the same a hairdresser, on the contrary, he loves surprises and goes to different ones every time, and life knows how to surprise him, including not very well, anton, so in the end we wish you that this thorny path of yours will always bring you pleasure as often as possible, thank you, thank you, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, anton kravchenko is speaking now. dear spectators, go to the theater, love each other and come
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to the ballet. dear anton, please write to us with some pleasant wishes and leave your autograph. thank you.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast of the main events of wednesday, december 13th.


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