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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 14, 2023 1:25am-2:00am MSK

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about something else, so that they ask themselves the question , why am i, and what is right, what is wrong, and what is good, what is bad, what is good, what is evil, as if yes, so that even at any level, because that’s all equally important, this is still the most important, you will live your life, this will be important, how you decide on these issues, this will be important, everything else is there, well, insofar as, somewhere yes, somewhere no , in principle, at least, so to speak, a man should definitely think about this topic, there’s a woman there, i have there is no such thing, so to speak, you know , some kind of misogyny, just... quite the opposite, here, but - the question is that a woman is still, you know, as the orthodox say, she is also saved there somewhere birth, family, as it were, keeping the hearth, she has a duty given by nature, from god, which, well, in the wake of any work will be, so a man must definitely ask himself these questions, and not just like, that’s where i went , as if yes, the wind is in kharya, as they say, so to speak, i’m going, and so on and so on, yes, it’s here, it’s important, it ’s there.
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we are talking about wild ukrainian nationalism , yes, that’s what we saw there, this is genocide, well, actually on a national basis, and it has taken on terrifying proportions, and the tragedy of palestine is not only colossal ethnic cleansing, no matter how anyone says it, but also a gross violation of any political, humanitarian, personal rights of the palestinians, and i do not justify what hamas did in any way, this is also
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inhumane, this too, let’s say it straight genocide, and i will answer this question without a doubt, but i will again go to it , so to speak, using my trump cards, yes, here i said here, on the edge, so to speak, that we have such a treasure that no one seems to have and we must take care of it, for me personally this is orthodox christianity, and this is , relatively speaking, a view of the world, from the position of the gospel of the new testament, look what we see there, that’s where we meet: with the old testament. the old testament is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. no mercy, 100% revenge. don't feel sorry for anyone, so to speak. and so we see how nations have come together who do not recognize, so to speak, to one degree or another the new testament. yes, they dehumanized each other, completely dehumanized each other. some say: you are garbage animals, others say: you are garbage and an animal, so some say: we can do everything in relation to you, while others say: no, we can do everything in relation to you. and
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there is a brutal massacre, yes, a brutal massacre, this is important to understand when they ask me, what is your christianity, what has it brought to the world, so to speak, don’t give a damn about it, my friends, you can’t even imagine how much christianity has turned this world upside down, because you’re used to it, a person, even an atheist or someone who calls himself some kind of pagan or in some other way, ask him: listen, what is good and what is bad? and in 99% of cases he will still tell you what he received as these values. from this christian depth, even calling himself a one hundred percent atheist, but he no longer realizes this, so you have a situation in which some do not consider others as people, and others do not consider these people, so to speak, as people, that is, roughly speaking, i am right, my flock is right, so to speak, because this is my flock, there is no truth and lies, no truth and untruth, there is no good and evil, there are my people, as it were, and they have the right to everything, yours have no right to anything, okay, and others say, but regarding... political science
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, let’s still come up there a little bit on the surface yes yes indeed you are right i think that this is generally a big challenge if do you want to say this to world jewry, yes , because well, my friends, so to speak , yes, they really share the bitterness that was associated with the holocaust during the war because i think without any absolutely for me it’s still like, yes, i’m russian and this is extremely important for me no less there is truth, it is more important.
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in the right to exist, these are things that do not just conflict, they devour each other, they mutually destroy each other, level each other, yes, they simply nullify these things, then you call questions about your grief , your bitterness, and for some reason in this case your grief is more important than their grief, explain, in fact, here, again, i’m going back to the beginning of this, without, conditionally speaking, a christian view of life , it’s impossible to explain, despite the fact that i too... no one justifies terrorism, which means extremists, after all, russia fought there for several 10 years at least against this extremism in the north caucasus, but that’s all, that’s all for us there is no need to tell this, but in moscow, houses were blown up, the metro seemed to be on fire , so to speak, trolleybuses, buses were blown up
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, people were kidnapped, killed, and so on and so forth, we went through all this, this is now even so to speak, these are some things so to speak, even though that there is a heavy war going on there, how some things are even scary to remember, because it just happened before your eyes. the west justifies the actions of the israeli army, which actually commits genocide. the question is, why don’t they notice this, it’s rhetorical, why? because, unfortunately, we gave them this a nobility they never had. we have good traits and we have bad ones. one of them, i just mentioned here, because we were all scammed and deceived like children.
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well, that is, sanctions against belarus began much earlier than in the seventh year, only because we did not want to fall under the west, and i remember how i watched with delight on tv, so to speak, how this caravan of diplomats was leaving from from minsk, and then all russian channels were terribly indignant, they said it’s impossible, but look
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what he’s doing, this lukashenko, it just made me laugh like that and stormy delight, but about these people, there’s barel, there’s ursula and... everyone else, well, again, you can talk about a lot of all sorts of political science, i’ll tell you this, in life, they have no conscience, well , seriously, it sounds pretentious, but there is no conscience , that is, roughly speaking, here again, he says, what do you have there slavs, russians, belarusians have something to learn there, and well, for example, that for us, conscience still, thank god, remains some kind of relevant concept, yes, because it doesn’t matter when a person lies to your face, as if yes or something like that, well, you stop respecting him, yes and so on and so on, all the same... we give each other a hand, we expect that you gave your word, as if you will keep it, we still count on the fact that when we are with this person, for example we are in some kind of relationship, after all, he will understand that it’s not only his interest, well, in good conscience there, yes, but there this has long been gone, my friends, we endowed them with those qualities, again, which are not there, there are two factors, first, well, firstly, after all
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, europe has been building its identity for thousands of years on the confidence in its superiority not only over us, but over everyone the rest. for example, you don’t have to go far. belarus and poland , listen, everyone knows perfectly well from the point of view of a blood test that russians, belarusians, poles, ukrainians are exactly the same thing, but we are mixed up, it’s exactly the same thing, but by blood it’s exactly the same thing and also, yes, but here however, they consider themselves superior, because in this sense they have joined and accepted the identity of european civilization, they are, so to speak, seething all the time, yes, because they... are somehow historically convinced that there is some kind of then injustice , it was they who had to build , so to speak, a huge country in the east, yes they are slavs, but they are special slavs , firstly, they pray a little differently, so to speak, they have a different alphabet there, they have the right to build an empire, what if some of these people, it means,
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unwashed, as if the russians took everyone else there and built such a huge country, they have not been able to cope with it for so many years, but what is it, but this complex of misunderstanding, so to speak, this is injustice. from a sense of their imaginary superiority, but where did they get it from? unfortunately, this is a property inherent in european civilization, which came, as it were, from greek hellenism and from the roman empire, and was then adopted even by those varians who invaded there and destroyed them, this feeling of superiority, it sometimes seems is not based on anything at all, except for some subjective things, so again , remember, so to speak, ancient greece, and again, i’m also here with a philosophical education... it doesn’t give, there are us, the hellenes, for whom there is democracy, law , that means court and
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so on, so on, but there are they, barbarians, they can be treated like animals, uh-huh, yes, in such, in such an open form it is not, but nevertheless, the second, in my opinion, is all- after all , the european elites are, among other things, very seriously degenerating, they have all turned into some kind of androids, like our common, so to speak, wonderful and deeply beloved writer nikolai. here they are dead souls, because the goal has been set , so to speak, i’m fulfilling it technocratically, as if yes, i know why this needs to be done, from my career point of view, from the point of view of the interests of the collective west, whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t matter, and the property of a dead soul is one of its properties, the absence of conscience, where i started, so to speak, so i made a loop, you know, they are already up to the mice, as we say, they have already played up to the mice. sergei aleksandrovich, unfortunately, unfortunately, the last, extreme, near-philosophical question: it is easier
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to deceive people than to prove that they are deceived. well , this is a truth that we probably see every day in our work. does this mean that you need to be proactive, or can you be proactive and also lie and manipulate? yes, a very important question, yes, it seems to be here... last in this very order, but the first, one of the first in importance: is it possible to defeat the devil using diabolical methods? yes, i'm convinced that no, why? because at this moment you yourself become his prey, you lost, but in the end, after all, the main prey is the human soul, why so to speak, even for us, when the svo is going on there, yes, we communicate with the guys, my deep absolute conviction, we especially help, we help priests there very well, the military there yes, my deep conviction, as soon as you become... we stop being human, we
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will lose, even if we formally win, i am deeply convinced of this, therefore on the one side you don’t have to be fools, you don’t have to be, so to speak, naive children who are being led by the ear, so to speak, or skidded in three pines, you have to be adults, sober-minded, strong, so to speak, and ready on the one hand, on the other on the other hand, you don’t have to be scumbags in the face, because this will nullify your victory and your any success, in the end, this is our success, this is the fact that we are still holding on to this, everything else will follow one way or another, yes, in general i must say that not in this, not in this is the most important thing, happiness is not in this, i personally am deeply convinced of this, great. we are embarking on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are embarking on a magical folklore
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expedition with the paradoxical number 568. what happens many times ahead is the past on the other side of the spray. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. at the myastechku radunі voranavskaga district. the peoples of 13 nationalities live here near ladze and zgodze. märkkuetstsa, into the name paselіshcha paishla hell starazhytna slavic words radzec, klapatsitsa. zakhodzie, zakhodzie, prahodzie, kali laska, state darazhenkiya, we take your bread, we ask for your permission, and give new life to these old traditions. and i don’t stand in the marriage, because i’ve been away for three evenings, but i don’t stand in the marriage, because i’ve been walking for three years. together with the project ahead of the past on the belarus 24 tv channel. every week we review
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to '. hello everyone, you are watching sports footage, the main
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multi-sports program of belarusian television, today i invite you and me to reflect on the statement mok made last friday. ol olympics in paris. the conditions are traditionally completely discriminatory, without a flag, anthem, national symbols, or team sports. it is difficult to find an essential word that would reflect such a tolerance, in quotation marks, and even in such a tolerance there are two sides of the coin. for example, the wrestlers went to all the world championships this year and know the selection calendar for the year 2024, and they already have two licenses. the concept of the wrestling brotherhood played a role here when it still existed. misunderstanding of other federations whether they will be allowed or not, we were notified before the world championship by an official letter that we were admitted to the world championship, well, accordingly, if we were admitted to the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that we would still be able to compete at the olympic games, this cannot but rejoice, here is the sports planet
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supposedly the smartest, we put the smartest, of course, in quotes, let’s take the head of the world athletics federation, mr. koea. the organization sponsored by him issued a release in which it is noted that its recommendation could be like a filikin’s letter, it does not intend to not allow belarusians and russians there. the charming irina zhuk, the belarusian record holder in pole vaulting, helped me understand the reckless actions of the international athletics federation. when you saw this mok recommendation about the admission of belarusians to russians, these are the first thoughts you had arose taking into account the fact that usually these news are, you know, such stuff, and not a plan for action, in general, this is how it usually turns out. what did you have? inside, when i saw in the news that athletes from belarus could be admitted, they began to congratulate me on social networks, and i answered everyone that wait, you are doing this in advance, let's wait what world athletics, yes world athletics and koa didn’t have to wait long, after about an hour and a half, or maybe earlier, i just
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saw it, and the answer came, and you yourself are all of us we know which one, it was difficult to expect something different in the current realities, and why in your opinion, here is the international athletics federation, personally, well, in fact, the word is such an ugly one, but they don’t give a damn about the positions of mok, you know, not only koe , mr. koe has such an attitude towards could, in fact, after mock published about the admission of belarusian athletes, many athletes began to publish on their social networks to an audience of thousands that could you be a shame, could you be a shame. why does this happen why are there no sanctions for this athletes, that is, that is, it turns out that in our country any athlete can express something super offensive in relation to mog. word, for this he will not face any sanctions, at the same time as we are simply closed for the fact that we are from belarus,
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well, in fact, double standards, well, you can say so, yes, and boldly, to the person he won gold, it was by chance, when i was preparing for wikipedia, i read, i was surprised that in moscow in los angeles he won two of these boycott olympics, so he communicated with many, probably at that time, yes, who, who didn’t go because of these political strife, yes, why don’t i have that experience... i feel, i don’t understand what motivates him, why he does exactly this, in relation to belarusian athletes, i don’t know, you have contact with someone from other countries,
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who performs at the high level of the diamond league, they have the same position as koa, look, when the suspension just happened, i was right in the elite, i jumped 480 , yes i had very good relationships with all the athletes, and as soon as this
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... they call themselves the athletics family , but then again, in my personal opinion, the athletics family is athletes from all over the world, it is unlikely that they asked everyone involved in the athletics real family to accept and before making such a decision, it's unlikely they asked for an opinion, so i don't know what to say, an athletics family, a concept of 18 people, well, i don't think so. and the last thing about the chances of athletic athletes at the olympics in paris, i don’t know how much it is in general, maybe as a percentage ratio, how much, and if paris doesn’t happen, then i’m not hinting about your age, but
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nevertheless, well, the next olympics will be difficult in your sport. - look, at the moment we have a decision, and there is also a statement, first they need to somehow figure out for themselves which of them is more important and which position will really remain. because it is not clear yet, in any case, as far as my career is concerned, i believe that the olympic games participation or non-participation does not define me as a good athlete, what defines me as a good athlete is my result, my reverent attitude to what i do, to my jumps, my desire to jump high, to jump beautifully is memorable, because many pole pole athletes in the world cite me as an example, and still ask me to share help. show, tell me how to jump exactly like that, so i believe that this defines me as an athlete, and i know that if not paris, then i will try, at the
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moment, i tell myself that i would try the next olympic games , what what will happen next, as i want in a year, in two, is not at all clear, especially since you are the record holder of belarus, but this is a big story in this sport, i hope it is not over yet, and a few more. a few words about half measures could and bang in the past athletes. thomas bach olympic champion in montreal 1976 fencing. and sebastian koe, olympic champion in moscow 1980 and los angeles 1984. please note here that he won gold at those two olympics, which were boycotted first by one political bloc, then by another. and are these really mature men do not understand how they continue to destroy the main value of sport - to unite. after the announcement, let's go back to the studio, there was only one problem: just kidding, no , it's probably just a few points, only vitebsk, only a victory, the return to the elite took place
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a year later. what will happen next with the energy drink , too, are you leaving dynamo, or are you staying , now are the moments, i don’t know, the ball wizard is a fan of tsoi’s work, we’ll take a walk with the brazilian arinya around minsk and whether we’ll take him to a new club, that’s still a question. cycling is not a one-man race. let's summarize the year in cycling, let's talk to tselinskaya and korolk. of course, in terms of conditions, this is one of the best facilities. at the end of the issue, beautiful footage of the fifteen-year anniversary history. now i will deviate somewhat from certain rules, because for me personally , the return of vitebsk to the major league is a great important event, with all due respect to the energetik bggu project, to which i wish a speedy return, a club with such infrastructure and history as vitebsk, dvina, akima, lokomotiv -96, should be part of the elite of belarusian football, where he returned as a result two play-off matches with an energy drink. stanislav libsky handled the presenter and will offer
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not only facts in the story. but also quotes: fact number one: 0:0 at the end of the meeting between energetika bsu and vitebsk in minsk, where the first game took place for the right to compete in the next season. fact number two. from the thirteenth minute the students played in the minority. makushinsky received a second yellow card and was sent off. you are right that somewhere our cards were confused by an early removal, we had to rebuild, change the game plan, what can i say, in football is sometimes like that. is happening, nevertheless, we tried from the first to the last minute to put pressure on the opponent, to play for victory, but we played 0:0, so everything will be decided in vitebsk. fact number three: vitebsk was unable to put the squeeze on the opponent on such a field, but this did not affect the desire of team representatives to communicate with the press. and how was it difficult for you mentally in the first league? well, it’s a little hard, yes, these are these locker rooms, this. the surroundings
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are a little hard, yes, without you it would be hard for this team, you know, you’re like such a leader, well yes, that is, as if initially the conversations were going on, it was built to help the guys there in the locker room and to convey something there that a football player does not always perceive a coach, in an accessible language, as if it were more football-like, you can explain it, well, pavlov, you you, well, you are like friends, probably or or what kind of relationship you have, well, in the chain of command in the locker rooms, so of course we can as friends. thus, the fate of the confrontation was decided in the north of belarus, where it was decided that the match against the power industry would be held in an indoor arena, fans in vitebsk for this game they were allowed in until the stands with a capacity of 300 seats were filled, the whistle blows, ruslan teverov, stanislav klishchuk, here it is a duel, teverov punches the score of the match is open, fact number four, everything was decided by this shot.
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at least this is a tough game, i would say, the carnage showed that we have a team, and it was not in vain that we worked for a whole year, so to speak, well, probably someone up there appreciated the efforts, there are tears for the guys , well, we came out, no, we never had any problems with licensing, we have some players have existing contracts , the head coach has a valid contract for next year, well, about other issues, we’ll probably be thinking about it starting monday, discussing something, but what happened is that we...
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from the very first minute to the last, maintained concentration in first of all, but at such a moment as a penalty, i just decided to take charge of myself, i was sure that i would score a goal, i just believed in it, but for now nothing is known at all, because the director and i didn’t talk, it was all just thoughts about this game, no one talked about the future, because everyone will talk only after this match. alexander pavlov was obviously happy about this success, but did not show his emotions in his coach ’s heart. great respect for my former club, what i have gained so far as a coach is all thanks to this structure, thank you very much for that, we played against a very good team, physically prepared, tactically, that is, well, we need someone there drive, i never thought so, well, if we don’t take our not very good start, then i’ll just laugh it off now, there was only one problem, just kidding, i probably don’t have glasses, why? well
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, because he, in principle, buried us here, at the end of the championship he scored very important goals, so he helped dnepr a lot in this, well. congratulations to vitebsk and it’s not a fact, but next season the team can play in european cups, however, for this they need to win the belarusian cup. let us remind you that in the quarterfinals of this tournament the northerners will play with islach, the matches are scheduled for march. if artyom skitov is a legend of vitebsk football, and he goes from a team from the first league to the elite for the second time after 10 years, then arinya can become a legend of dynamo minsk, but if he does. many more years in the capital's club, however, today this does not seem very likely, although let's remember how vadim skripchenko a week ago speculated about the fate of the brazilian at dynamo. i think that as for arina, it’s absolutely not worth talking about the fact that he left
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dynamo minsk, because arine is such a football player here, there is hasty forgiveness on social networks, yes, yes, yes, he can do that manipulate, so a little bit, yes, he understands his importance this season for... for our team, so he brought a very significant, let's say, benefit to the team in winning this gold, yes, so somewhere now, perhaps, on in my opinion, he ’s in a bit of a hurry on social networks, as they say, yes, a little bit, yes , to announce his departure like that, so i think there will be another meeting, we’re meeting tomorrow, so we ’ll talk more about this topic, but the brazilian defender of minsky dynamo... arinya, if after all, he will leave the club and take away his admiration for the kino group from belarus. surprisingly , the brazilian, who lives not far from the wall in memory of the leningrad musician, eventually penetrated with his music. and we spent several hours with orinha in the center of the capital, discussing the most striking events that
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happened to him over 2 years at dynamo minsk. tell us a little about your musical preferences, this and this, that is, you really listen to the film group.
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as for his music, this group and this artist have now become part of my life. legend, or these dynamos, i am the first brazilian champion and this is very cool.
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brazil really has a completely different architecture and it was interesting for me to visit the secular castle, i was especially delighted by the ancient weapons, the skins were also impressive.


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