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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 14, 2023 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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belarus went its own way. by the end of the decade, agriculture in the republic had become profitable for the first time in the post-war period. from 1950 to 61, the volume of agricultural production increased in the republic by 2.2 times, while in the ussr as a whole it increased by 1.6 times. the republic became a place of attraction for many. with the village workers, belarusian hospitality, belarusian beauty inspired inspiration with sacred motifs. on one of their visits, alexandra nikolaevna and nikolai nikolaevich visited vladimir bidula, they walked for a long time around belovezhskaya pscha, the next day they performed at the cultural center in front of the collective farm workers.
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nikolai dobronravov came out and, apologizing that his poems were still raw, began to read the first lines. the reserved libel, the reserved gift, the light of the crystal dawn, the light rising above the world, yours is incomprehensible. vesovaya sadness, melavezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha, these lines, so sincere coming from the soul, from the heart, from our origins, were born here on belarusian soil. maybe that's why they
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still touch everyone who hears this today. sacred chant. it truly became a hymn to the belarusian land, its beauty, and the hard work of its inhabitants. let's plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. oh, what a moment, the blow is 1:0. dynamo takes the lead, who. he
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actually created football in our country , the dynamo brand, and from this brand, from this club came the whole history of belarusian football, victories, defeats, emotions and swiftness, minutes and seconds, so we try to help each other, help, and these are very positive, good competition, well, thank you for they invite us, of course, we have always come every year and will continue to come regularly. athletes and coaches should not be discouraged, on the contrary, look for, fight for their place in sports and prove with their victories, bright victories, insignificant victories, and with their friendly team, it seems to me that this should unite us even more, only sports, only belarus 24, the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, this is not a family thing, all of our uncles and great-grandfathers lived in their houses, farms,
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the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life to complete several household tasks, the whole family is stuck, i need to get there, judging by the weathered helmet, one might get the impression that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, here you go there is a red tractor, why didn’t we load it into it, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello. with you the project everything is clear with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language: today about what poverty means, what the size of benefits depends on belarus and how to get help if trouble comes to your home. go! from august 1 , child benefits and some pensions have increased in belarus, for example, mothers on maternity leave to care for their first child under 3 years old will receive 650.1 rubles per month, for the second and subsequent children 744 rubles, for a child with a disability 837 rubles . in total , 220,000 young belarusians receive benefits; payments for them have increased again. this happened because the country increased the cost of living budget,
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now it is 364 rubles 40 kopecks. before was 352 rubles 13 kopecks. the amount increased by 3.5%. the subsistence budget or blm is an amount that allows you to support the life and health of a person in the realities of a particular country, in our case in belarus. here i emphasize not to live in abundance, but to maintain life and health, that is, satisfy basic needs, eat, drink, dress. dress not how you want, but how you can afford it, buy not delicacies, but a set of products to meet your nutritional needs. and now even more important information that is worth casting in granite and bring alternatively gifted people to this art project. the subsistence budget
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was created not in order to force someone to live on it, but in order to determine the critical point of income of each citizen, below which they will not be allowed to fall. state, but this is not the main function of the bpm. the subsistence budget is a tool for assessing the standard of living and needs of belarusians. based on the price of the consumer basket, you can determine how much food and a comfortable life cost each resident of the country, see the needs people, assess the adequacy of the economy’s performance on the domestic market, adjust tax and social policies, and , ultimately, calculate the volume of assistance to those who need it. people whose official income is below the subsistence level have the right to targeted social assistance from the state; it comes in two types: monthly and one-time social benefits. to receive a monthly benefit,
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you need to contact local authorities with a statement that the person is in need and provide documents confirming that for the last. his monthly income did not exceed one subsistence level budget, while having a family increases the opportunity to receive such assistance. the income of all family members will be added up and divided by the number of people, and if there is less than one bpm for each person, the family will be paid the missing amount. we're confused, let's help now. example. a husband, wife and two children live together. let’s say both husband and wife receive a salary of 700 rubles. 700 + 700 will be 1.400, this is the income of a family of four . we calculate the income per member families. 1.400 / 4, we get 350 rubles. per person, the cost of living budget in the country is 364 rubles, that is, the income for each
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family member is lower than this indicator - by 14 rubles. this means that the spouses get the right to go to the executive committee with a statement that they need financial support from the state, it will... pay extra for each family member the amount that is not enough to reach 364 rubles. we multiply 14 by four, we get 56 rubles per month. the special commission may assign payment of such benefits for a period of up to 6 months, if we are talking about a large family for a period of up to 12 months, and here are the nuances: first, to make it easier for large families to obtain the right to targeted social assistance, their threshold of need. up to 115% of the bpm, that is, ordinary people in need need to prove that their income per person per month is below 100% of the subsistence level budget, that is, below 364 rubles. and for a large family it is enough to prove that the income for each family member is below 115% of the bpm,
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that is, 419 rubles. if there is a father and mother in a family with three children, the parents receive every thousand rubles in common... we divide them by the number of family members for five, we get 400 rubles per person, and the lower threshold for families with many children is 419 rubles, which means the family has the right. for targeted social assistance. the second nuance: when assigning such assistance, the commission looks at what actions the family member is taking to improve their financial situation, and based on this they determine the payment period. someone changes jobs or gets a job, someone improves their qualifications. payments for a maximum period are established in cases where people objectively cannot yet change anything in their financial situation. when is the deadline payments will end, family. can turn to local authorities with a statement, it will be considered again by a commission, and if, despite
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the efforts of people, their financial situation has not improved, they will be helped again. the third nuance: in order to receive targeted social assistance, a family is not required to present to the commission expenses only for minor children. a family includes all people living in the same house and leading a joint household. if a child is 20 and is getting an education, then... the total income of the parents is divided as little ones. the fourth nuance: the payment works only on the basis of the application. this means that no services will independently monitor your financial situation and follow you around, offering help. you must inform yourself that you need it. in 2022 , 69,400 people received monthly social benefits, that is, income below the bpm showed zero. 75% of the population, with a monthly benefit - that's all. now about
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the one-time social payment. it can be obtained by citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation and whose income is lower than one and a half budget subsistence level per month. now it is 546 rubles. 60 kopecks if a family’s income per person is less than this figure and trouble strikes, it is possible to receive an amount to help. up to 10 subsistence level budgets, now it is 3,640 rubles. last year, 37,900 people or 0.41% of the population received such a payment. a difficult life situation is considered to be circumstances that disrupt normal life activities: sudden illness, fire, flood. in the last two cases, the commission can go to the damaged home to assess the damage and make a decision. to the extent of assistance, but in any case it will be tied to the bpm. calculations are carried out by several
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departments at once; the cost of living budget includes a forecast for inflation, several economic indicators and the requirements of the ministry of health regarding the quality of nutrition of the population. in the set of products that are approved for calculating the value, they maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements not necessary for a person to maintain health. if experts who calculate the amount of bpm see that it does not include a communal apartment or a set of products specified by the ministry of health is placed, the budget is increased. in order to take price fluctuations into account in a timely manner and adequately assess the performance of the economy, local authorities need to move as many people as possible away from the poverty line. this indicator is recalculated once every 3 months, in february, may, august and november. set of products. and things that are taken into account when calculating are reviewed at least once every 3 years. in general,
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the definition of poverty is determined by the realities of each specific country. for example, for an amount equivalent to two hundred dollars per month, life in belarus in the usa is two completely different lives, because an american will have to pay for health insurance, pay municipal fees, four times more than belarus spends on utilities. belarus. one can really live on that amount, even crampedly, because healthcare is social, and domestic products and utilities are inexpensive, so those who try to compare the cost of living in belarus with the same indicator in the usa or european countries are engaged in speculation. for a comparison to be adequate, you need to compare everything obligatory expenses of europeans and belarus. in belarus, a poor person is considered to be a person who has resources, including products from his own farmstead for... an amount of no more than bpm per month, there is no need to dissemble, we have such people, but their number
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is decreasing every year, eradicating poverty as a phenomenon is one from the priority tasks of the state. if we talk about a certain global analytical center that defines the concept of poverty, then the world bank, headquartered in washington, has long taken on this mission. in 2022, he decided to count extremely poor person who is in any country. lives on less than $2.15 a day. the cost of living budget in belarus is 364 rubles. 40 kopecks the dollar exchange rate is now 3 rubles. that is. from the bpm is 120 dollars, we divide them by the average number of days in a month, we get 4 dollars a day, that is , the belarusian subsistence budget is twice as large as the amount that, according to washington’s definition, a citizen receives can be considered living in conditions of extreme poverty, and here again we remember that the living wage as a payment format is
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rather a measure of support is a case of force majeure than an option for choosing existence, especially for a healthy, able-bodied person. people , use the convenient tools that the state offers us in calculations, do not hesitate to accept help if circumstances require it, the social policy of the whole country is aimed at the availability of this help, do not hide taxes and pension contributions, life is an unpredictable thing, yesterday’s businessman may turn out to be the recipient tomorrow social assistance, and work for the whole country: little by little we bring our budget subsistence minimum to the level of the prosperous maximum, i’m marina karaman , we figured out the three most popular letters of the first ten days of august, everything is clear, see you!
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we introduced such an indicator, what is the effect of investing a budget ruble, if we take innovation activities, then in the first half of the year twenty-three , about 24 rubles worth of products were sold per ruble of budget investments, of which approximately 22 were high-tech science, high-capacity products, we everything is done for the patient free of charge, absolutely all stages of treatment are paid for patient.
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vm vm 1840 we have risen to the level of the best in the world, the largest enterprise in europe, more than 2.750 million linear meters of fabric, if all the fabric is sewn in one roll, the globe can be wrapped around the equator 86 times. we have two main areas, these are automotive components and
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computer equipment, these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues, the approach to the business that needs it. you are watching the news now, studio olga kalairova, hello! confronting external internal threats. the palace of independence hosts the nineteenth meeting, meetings of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis.


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