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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 15, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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therefore, for us, communication with china is an already well-established path along which we are already walking hand in hand with them, we call each other brothers, fathers and sons, they have their own culture, we have our own culture, but what is important is that we are pursuing some common goal, and not looking for some kind of self-interest in this, i’ll probably call this, that in this context, for you personally, the number one question is human relations, the most important thing is that they are sincere, that is, it won’t be possible just like that, of course, to conquer, to come, to tell that here... we belarusians, please, do something for us, no, this is all, of course, there must be mutual respect, sincerity in relationships, you just need to be friends, again, there are a lot of examples when, thanks to such human relationships, good relationships, very complex issues were being resolved. thank you, thank you.
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just as you were holding a book in your hands, picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of this.
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the most valuable and useful books are these books. the books have thoughts from the past, reports and the guchats galas of the people are expressive. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read more about the past centuries, we read about the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24.
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hello, you are watching the program tell me not to be silent. in the studio svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shchyurbina. and today our guest is the famous paralympian, activist, public figure, alexey talai. alexey, hello, hello, thank you for the invitation. thank you for coming. during the time that has passed since our previous one.
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not for awards, not for rewards, we did it sincerely, with full dedication, with a pure heart , we helped our neighbors, our people in donbass, we communicated with thousands of people of the russian federation, youth, paralympians, and just citizens who needed something somewhere a certain motivation, a different vision, maybe for your own life. and now we have received this award, this is a great achievement, to receive an order from the head of our fraternal state, the russian federation, from the greatest leader of our time, vladimir vladimirovich
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putin, who is trying and working today, i am sure he has spent his entire life serving as our president. fatherland , and with it russia is really developing today, taking its most worthy place in the world in geopolitics and today a new world is being built, many states from different continents are paying attention to russia, to vladimir vladimirovich putin and want to build good, good, mutually beneficial... relations all of europe is worried about the actions of the russian federation on that strategic line on assistance to those countries that were still in colonial dependence, countries that were simply plundered brazenly under the slogans
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of democracy, about human rights, africa, the middle east, we see what these democrats did there and...
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to power and which they are absolutely they don’t think about the future of their country, they are now plundering , they are now filling their chests, they think : without hands, who helps, as they say, that donbass is their land, yes, yeah,
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that means we are helping, in fact, this means that your children, thousands of children, vacationed in belarus, and you are against it, well, you see, they are, we are already tired of refuting their statement that both you and lukashenko are stealing children, and if you look at photographs of these children, here they are, the next shift is leaving, how do they treat you, if y...
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this is also good, this is our way of opposing the propaganda and the information war that was unleashed against us. alexey, but it seems to me that these fakes that are being put forward against you, and the sanctions that zelensky imposed against you, indicate that he sees you as strong enemy. you also said that soon a rehabilitation center for children of donbass will appear in belarus, what kind of center is this for...
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years - today i understand that this may have predetermined my entire future fate, when i ended up in a rehabilitation center, when i saw other guys who also worried, suffered, their mothers were with them, their fathers who communicated with my mother, they shared this grief, it was a little easier for them, this is how a certain
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adaptation gradually took place, getting used to new realities, this is the task, we definitely... must implement this, we, if we talk about what actions have already been taken, there was a good meeting last week on friday with the permanent committee of the union state, and there we have already defined such a road map as we we will move in this direction and funding, and other issues, how we will decide, since this is such an iconic place, there -
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we definitely need to mark it as a rehabilitation center, so that our specialists can see that this is a pretty penny, these funds went specifically to this project , they will be accumulated and we will direct them specifically to this project, i think that there is a lot of information on the internet, yes you can find it, alexey, well, you already remembered your story of the ninety years, say you remember your first trip to donbass, there were a lot of them , but this is probably the first one, it is etched in your memory, yes, what made your heart clench with pain, maybe there were tears of a man, but there were, of course, tears, these villages, when we made such a trip outside of donetsk itself, we saw
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these tears of poor, confused old people, which...
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these sbu and these other punitive structures, that’s what we left, that’s what my task was, having arrived there, to see,
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to absorb it all with the fibers of our souls, then we didn’t dream that these would come children , they will tell us, they will communicate with our youth, with our people in large audiences, through the media, through your wonderful channels, to convey this... vital information, then i didn’t know, i thought i would, in fact, let him personally guide certain of these pictures from my soul and heart, and those are video files that we brought with us to the saur graves, where, as during the great patriotic war, they fought with the nazis, so there volunteer units in donbass fought with new neo-nazis.
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very important to take into account, and today when communicating with a young audience, including conveying important thoughts. yes, of course, there is something for all of us to think about, you did everything right,
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but for now we’ll take a short break, our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, offer us guests ask your questions, we are in touch. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is our illustrious champion, paralympian, public figure, courageous man, alexey talai. alexey, well, let's start the second part with an award, congratulations again, just recently you were presented with an award from the belarusian red cross, here is a badge, an honorary member of the belarusian chyrvonaga kryzha.
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now you will receive this punishment, you are some kind of belarus, some kind of russia, thank god that we were able to level it out, he continues to work, confidently, clearly, of course, we have received a certain loss in that we will not receive certain support from abroad, both financial and humanitarian, assistance to those thousands of people with disabilities
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who received it.
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united states of america, canada. thank you for your warm hearts, for your souls, these divine sparks inside each of you. of course, there are many of them, people who understand what is happening. and somewhere they are now taking such steps, openly already, somewhere overcoming fear. yes, some kind of pressure.
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but the european part of russia already has a serious program in place, and i would really like to see it developed here, so that citizens who want to move from the european union, citizens who sold everything there, taking their couple of hundred thousand euros with them, come here , they received a piece of land , the opportunity to build a home for themselves, to come here with their families, with children, to live and be. part of our multinational world, and it will be, it is predetermined, there are a lot of our people there, both russian germans, and russian jews after this conflict see how shaky today the statehood of israel itself, after these hostilities and these hundreds of thousands of deaths today there, unfortunately, on both sides, and here...
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it’s not very similar, so you sympathize with them, you have some kind of compassion for them, even it’s hard to formulate, everything is honest, i just want to say, dunces, yes, they believed someone over the hill and thought that they would be so necessary, important there, they were already waste material, these are these traitors, these are the ones who yelped here, they were needed then.
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who yapped at difficult times for the country, against the guys who died there defending our fatherland, how people will forgive them, how their mothers will forgive them, the fathers of the dead guys, i just now met in the bryansk region with the mothers and wives of the dead guys, looking into their eyes, i had to talk somehow , somehow support them, where is she...
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but when a loved one died, what can you say if not about god, about heaven and the fact that we will all see each other one day anyway, what can you say to them, and i cried , although i was almost holding back tears somewhere... they can go in all four directions, i don’t i know how they can rehabilitate themselves, and i already said somewhere on the radio that you drop checks on your instagram direct, how much of your fees or
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from your reserves, or sell these houses in your dirt there, send them to these volunteer organizations, funds that today help our children there. donbass to build this center of ours, help us near borisov, and maybe then people will appreciate this if they see your sincerity, and not for...
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even the air here is completely different, the air another, to feel strong, courageous, and not to be this dog that is kicked there, to cower in front of someone all my life, to ask for some concerts, some kind of patronage, imagine how they talk to them there. when they understand, they have no other options, uh-huh, or they will return here to their dad to bow to them or to vladimir vladimirovich putin, and with them there, because they don’t like traitors anywhere, they are hated, inside, even if they smile at you, they -they will understand that it’s you, a person of unknown sort there, a traitor to his people and his land, and no one likes such people.
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why all this promoted them, made them
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popular, precisely within the framework of the coup d'etat, the maidan, both in our country and in the russian federation, they could no longer do otherwise, they received a call from the embassy of the united states of america, the same pugacheva, you just think about it, this is literally what happened, to the same galkin, listen, puppy, we promoted you here, did you earn millions?
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well, here you can read from your lips what you are saying: thank god for everything. tell, alexey, is the ringing of the bells really healing? indeed, this is true. under this ringing bell, did the forces appear from somewhere?
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at the tomb of kuzma minin, it was also such an important event for me and we bought certain icons there, bowed, prayed for all of us, for our white russia, for our president, the russian federation, the president, it’s worth a lot, those moments when you understand , how rich our culture is, our... union state, how important it is now for each of us to try to do all this preserve all this heritage for our descendants. and now we’ll take a break for a while, after a short break we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel
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. the program say don’t be silent, our guest is a paralympian , public figure, alexey talay. alexey, the collection of coins for the monument, which will be erected in moscow for the eightieth anniversary of the great victory, continues. tell us how you can participate in this initiative, what do i need to do? yes, this is a very big project, this is a continuation, this is its third part, we have already installed the first monument in the city of hero minsk, in the capital. homeland in victory park, the second monument, it is already ready, it has already been cast, and it is awaiting the ceremonial transfer for guarding to the brest region, it will be installed next year, on the anniversary, for us the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, a landmark date for us, we are now
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working to get it set next to the brest hero fortress, with the city leadership. with the ministry of culture and the minister, we were there and directly chose that very iconic place, why is there a hero near the brest fortress, and because this project simply acquired a national scale, unprecedented coverage, if 130,000 coins fell into the first monument, then into the alloy of the second brez monument already more than half a million soviet coins from grateful generations.
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within its framework, the children wrote the same essays on the topic of the great patriotic war, like that
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the war was reflected in the fate of their families, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, themselves, these 45 volumes in the first copy, of course, we solemnly handed over to the head of state alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, and were glad that today this... second copy is already in national library of the republic of belarus. i thank our friend, vadim frantsevich. and ours, it was so good, everything went solemnly, and this is really our contribution, and me, as the grandson of a veteran of the great patriotic war, all those children who, with the co-organization somewhere in the heart was written by these 45 volumes, the year of victory is 1900.
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of the people's olympic committee, there is no need to politicize sport, and at the same time we all know the attitude towards russian and belarusian
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athletes, we can take part in the olympics only in a neutral status and under obviously impossible conditions, this double standards, this is a lie, this is hypocrisy, what is it? this is the western democratic world, these are the double standards, when you...
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are not the same, gentlemen, look carefully, those who decided to go under the white flag, but with the organizers of the olympics expect that 10 million people will come to them, they are boasting , it seems to me, but this is no longer and will not be, europe is already dangerous for just tourists to go there for the weekend, as it was before, look at the same thing, what 's going on there, these poor people who are migrants who they wanted there.
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in retaliation for these - european, that is , dictators, in fact, who destroyed their libya, their iraq, destroyed their homes, they will still take a sip, i don’t have the feeling that nothing will work out for them, and these olympic games, they, they will simply fail miserably , well, in this situation, we will probably only feel sorry for the athletes, they must accept this reality, like all of us, what do you understand when they say that the athletes have been preparing all their lives, but the national interests betray, you have been preparing all your life , they must understand this, they prepared, they did not prepare, we all prepared, but now the world is changing before our eyes, each of us must be able to adapt to new circumstances, including some beyond our control, and accept it calm down, it's
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what we talked about with young people in grodno is difficult. come on, be people, remember whose descendants you are, then all your life you will remember that somewhere out of mercantile interest you went somewhere there, to this europe that doesn’t care about you, about all of us, wanted to, literally do it , and you went there to bow to them, took tests , and whatever else you did, and many of you
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will be disqualified, you will remain nothing, but most importantly... that you will be left with this unpleasant feeling that you took part v other people's scripts. alexey, thank you very much for coming to our studio once again, for being frank and sincere, we are once again delighted with your big heart, your honest answers and, probably, your fortitude. thank you, dear compatriots, thank you, i bow to everyone, thank you for your prayers and support. i wish you success. in the future, and we, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, alexey talai is speaking now. dear friends, believe in yourself, in your strengths, we live in interesting times. time, and of course, we will definitely cope, such is our destiny. take care of yourself, your loved ones, take care of our
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fatherland, our dear one. the republic of belarus, together with the president, with our security forces, we will all definitely cope with all the difficulties, and moreover, we will succeed. thank you, with love. alexey, i will ask you to leave your autograph for our viewers, for our program. i think that we will become, well, quite rare owners of your autograph. thank you, it's a great honor.
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good luck with tv channels belarus 24 news cultural life of our country. geta adzins immediately acquired fireplaces with this look on the territory of belarus. the infection is known to be only adzin analogue of our fireplace in suvetse, in russia in the city of samara. all this zhivapisny workshop, here it is.
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all memorials are not working, there is no time to sleep here, when the 13th of the year 1956 ceased to be the work of sir byasnyaraust lyubansky...
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watch new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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