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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 16, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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scientists believe that the secret to a successful morning lies in waking up correctly. a good morning is the key to a productive day. but our whole life consists of these days. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. we are greeting this morning cheerfully, cheerfully in a very pleasant company, the company of the titled belarusian biathlete olga nazarova. our sport is very good in this regard, so you won’t be late, so to speak, if you suddenly fall in love with biathlon at a later age you want to try on the career of a professional biathlete. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy; inspect the fruit carefully, it should be hard, elastic and without any signs of decay. we reach
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the wall with our little ones, while our body remains in one line, from a good product they made a not very good product in terms of it being very tasty, but if we evaluate it from a health point of view, then of course it could be better to buy quality products, everything at once in one place, we went to the hypermarket, let's start choosing. we need to choose the right flour. rice is on our list. if the flour is brown, it means it is made from whole grains. white flour is made by grinding polished rice from which the bran and germ have been removed. in terms of nutritional value, it is inferior to whole grain rice flour. but its most important distinguishing feature is that it does not contain gluten. you
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cannot check the quality of rice flour without making a purchase. it tastes sweet, but if it is bitter, then this may indicate that it has there is mold or some other fungus, it still has no smell, but like any other flour, it absorbs moisture and odors well. let's take it. we go to the vegetable counters and choose. eggplant, the color of ripe fruits can be varied, it all depends on the variety. know that it is better to buy an unripe vegetable, because when fully ripe and especially overripe, eggplants become rough and tasteless, and they also contain a lot of dangerous substances - salanin. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, there should be a stalk, green, not shriveled, also carefully examine the fruit, it... should be hard,
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elastic and without signs of being seen. before purchasing, press the skin at the base of the eggplant. if a dent remains from your finger, it means the fruit is old. fresh eggplant quickly regains its shape. choosing nuts. we need peanuts. it can be sold in different forms. in shell, shelled, peeled, fried, salted. we choose shelled nuts. without heat treatment without any additives, here are some recommendations for choosing: make sure the integrity of the nuts, color the peanuts must be light, good and of high quality, they must not be wet, especially for packaged nuts, and there must not be any foreign impurities. if you buy peanuts in the shell, keep in mind that the nut should be light, the shell itself should be clean, and if it is shaken,
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a characteristic dull sound should be heard. a ringing sound when shaken indicates that the nuts have been stored too long and are already dry. so, the choice is made, all that remains is to prepare the breakfast of the champion. olga, hello, very i'm glad to see you in my kitchen today. good morning, masha, good morning, dear tv viewers, and i am very glad to prepare the champion’s breakfast with you today. olga nazarova, belarusian biathlete of russian origin, multiple winner and medalist of the world and european championships. eleven-time world champion in summer biathlon, started skiing at the age of 2, at the age of 15 she chose biathlon as the main thing in her life, began her career in russia, continued in belarus, for 10 years she competed as part of the national team biathlon, after finishing her career, she remained in
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the sport, works in the biathlon federation, for the first time in history became the first woman elected to the technical committee of the international biathlon union, has three children, is interested in photography and fitness. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start cooking. then let's get started. for healthy pancakes, prepare 150 g rice flour, 300 ml milk, 150 ml water, two eggs and olive oil oil. for the filling you will need eggplant, bell peppers, 50 g of peanuts, garlic, hot peppers and olive oil. the base of the sauce is low-fat yogurt - 100 g. 20 g of peanuts, lemon, garlic and a sprig of cilantro. olga, command, where do we start? masha, i’ll ask you to make pancakes, please mix all
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the ingredients, and i’ll do the vegetables, we need to cut them and send them to bake. okay, it will be done. you have a sports family. families probably eat everything right and have taught their loved ones, well, you know, i can say for sure that since childhood, so as a sports family and parents often get together, that is, of course, the habit of eating three times a day, it starts from birth, that is , breakfast, lunch, dinner, two snacks - this is , as it were, a priori from birth, plus naturally, i can see, that a lot of such chocolate appeared on... store shelves, i remember this period, i was about 15 years old, before that i remember that we ate chocolate once on holidays, here are tangerines for the new year, probably , everyone still has such a story, but it’s still alive, in everyday life we ​​haven’t eaten so much sweet chocolate, here i am i remember that moment myself, at the age of 15 i had just
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started receiving my first salary, so naturally i started getting various chocolate bars, because i wanted to try everything, and naturally then the problems started. overweight, feeling unwell and had to get back on track. how do you eat at home and are there any prohibitions, as they say? well, you know, if you prohibit, as a prohibited person always wants, so i try to negotiate with my children to gradually remove some of the products that i think are not entirely needed in the diet. therefore, we already agree that if we buy chocolate, then this. it should be chocolate with as few ingredients as possible and so let’s say it’s more healthy than the usual one lying on the shelf with a beautiful wrapper, and it’s the same thing at home, i try to prepare a balanced meal for breakfast , it was necessary to have slow carbohydrates because children often skip
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meals at school, although they have a moment that they need to eat , but still they don’t like it, they don’t like it, and since it’s before... then at school, of course, i’m already trying to make breakfast so good , balanced, both protein and slow carbohydrates, so that i can already be calm, that my child will already be in a good mood and in good shape, yes, well, i chopped the vegetables, now i’m sending them to bake , well, i think that everyone has already warmed up today. we 'll work our glutes. the main movement that the buttock performs is gait, that is, when we walk, our buttock lengthens, having accumulated energy, it contracts and takes a step. now it's the second the buttock lengthens, keeps our body from
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falling forward, then, having accumulated energy, contracts and takes a step. and in order for us to move effectively, we need to engage our gluteal muscles in precisely this type of work. the first exercise we will do is reaching to the wall, we approach the wall, here it is important to place your foot on the wall , our knees should be on the same line. now we don’t do squats, this is not a squat, we reach the wall with our buttocks, while our body remains in one line, our back remains straight. the second exercise we will do. also do from a vertical bar, take our position, axial extension with the top of the head up,
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shoulders lowered, abs tensed 50%, and now we transfer the body weight to one leg, distribute it evenly on the foot and will reach the shin with the knee of the second leg, someone can go lower, someone can go higher, it doesn’t matter here, the most important thing is to squat correctly from the vertical plank position and rise. up, and our third exercise is to reach an object with our feet, we take a vertical plank pose, the abs are tense, the top of the head is stretched upward, the shoulder blades are brought to the spine, the shoulders are lowered, we transfer the body weight to one leg , we push the other leg back, as... we want to move our object further, due to
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the stretching of the buttock of the supporting leg, it is actively involved in the work for those who find it easy, you can also include your hand in the work, that is, we stretch forward with our hand and back with our foot. now let’s use the second leg, i’ll move a little further, because the object is close to me, let’s do this movement on the second leg with our hand. well, our buttocks are involved in work, now is the time to walk, jog with full strength to meet this day.
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at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus, in the east, respectively, with usually men, that’s why i wanted to study to become a doctor, because it was a prestigious profession, very profitable, i was immediately honored by the university, the level is immediately felt, the level much higher, belarus for me...
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in our republic they have not forgotten what november 7th is, this holiday of social justice remains an important date in the state for the people, there is always a parade of gifts on this day, the country received its own turnkey nuclear power plant, from now on we ...
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masha, then you take care of the pancakes, and i’ll make the sauce. to do this, we need to fry our nuts and add yogurt. yes. years ago you completed your sports and successful, luxurious career, and i know that you have two higher educations behind you, plus a higher school of coaches, tell us how you live now and how you apply all this knowledge in life, yes, when i finished my sports career, of course i already had a lot of sports experience behind me and a lot of sports knowledge, so
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i didn’t want to leave the sport, i remained working for the biathlon federation . and i oversee the preparation of the sports reserve, but how do you find promising future olympic champions? good question, but firstly, we have a system of children's sports schools, an olympic reserve school, and where the coaching staff trains children, we also have an experimental program for searching and selecting promising athletes, which has been going on for several years now. system of competitions, the cup of the belarusian biathlon federation, where the best children from all regions participate, and these competitions are similar for us, as they are held by analogy with the world cup, therefore , for us, the most important thing, probably already now in modern sports, yes, is, emphasis on the quality
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of training, we have a lot of promising guys, we certainly have a lot. certainly has a positive effect on they send them from an early age to the sports section, and this is the physical development of children and the fact that we will have wonderful, i think, olympic champions in the future, at what stage of preparation you can understand that this athlete really has... a short-term future , and you know, this is probably more of a complex, because if we follow all the stages, periods of growing up of children, because there are certain periods in which we need to develop certain physical qualities, yes, if we follow the growth of our children, everything we do it step by step, efficiently, that is, a big
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result, like everywhere else, consists of small steps, yes, you need to take certain steps to achieve it. high goal, we have a country with little snow, how do the guys cope when it’s not the season? in biathlon there is year-round training, and in the summer athletes train on roller skis, and in the winter they come already on skis. well, are our vegetables ready? now i will clean them, chop them and we will make pate. masha, i’ll ask you to take a third of the nuts, grind them finely and add them to our sauce. yeah, i'll do it. olga, as a rule, at what age do guys start their sports career in biathlon? well, usually,
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if we are talking about enrollment in a children's sports school, it is around the age of 9 years. but i want to say that our sport, it is very good because it is a late sport, and a child can work out, and even this will be better if a child under 9 years old plays various sports, yes, he will gain a large amount of motor skills already but if you come to the biathlon section, you don’t even have to come at the age of 9, but a child can engage in any cyclic sport , then if he... sees, decides that biathlon is closer to him, he can try himself, and even come at 11 at 12, there he can come from swimming, from speed skating, that is, we have such a sport very good in this regard, that you won’t be able to be late, so let’s say, if you suddenly fall in love with biathlon at a later age and want to try on the career
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of a professional biathlete, let’s talk a little about the training process, because as i understand it... and guys they practice not only the firing sequence, but also they have some kind of general physical training, well, of course, of course, our season goes on all year round, it starts in may and the guys, of course, use training means such as rowing, cross-country , roller skiing, general physical training, sports games, that is, we have such a complex - motor skills that the athlete masters. swimming in the spring in childhood and in adulthood, the athlete becomes so versatile, and i can tell my own story when i studied at pet college, but... here are our girls, we biathletes, we covered all kinds of sports, track and field athletics, athletics for the school, shooting, shooting, swimming, swimming, playing sports, football,
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volleyball, by the way, they performed well, won prizes and were in great demand among us, well, that’s how it is as a rule, when an athlete ends his career, he still remains in the sport in one way or another, and this could be coaching, refereeing or something else, but as they say, not sport.
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i started embroidering, then i tried to sew dolls, well, i realized that, in principle, i, probably more, how to say, a creator , yes, i made one picture, that’s all, i ’m no longer interested, well, then i looked for myself further, probably in my hobbies when i finished my sports career, i didn’t have such a problem it was a very easy transition, because i really gave up most of my life. sports career, immediately change the daily routine and everything in general, and that ’s what i got interested in photography, i just had
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children, and i was interested in capturing emotions, this is probably my quality quickly press the shutter smoothly, it was useful to me in photography, i’m very good at it, well, according to the reviews of our friends, i’m very good at it. catching emotions, that’s why now i have photographs as an outlet, as a hobby. well, i know that you also do reportage photography, when we have competitions in raobichi, do you also film there? yes, when there is a need and i am asked, when there is no photographer, that is, i am happy to pick up a camera and take pictures. it's always nice to show it later to a person, emotions to athletes, especially...
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thank you, now we will prepare everything for our pate, and what kind of children does such a sports and creative mother have? children, well, children are athletic and creative, i would say so, that is, they are also versatile, well, yes. good morning everyone, we continue to analyze the breakfasts of our champions, and today we will analyze rice pancakes with nut-vegetable pate, let’s start with the fact that the dough here is made with rice flour, and i really don’t... like this option , it is, of course, very low fat, but rice flour has a high glycemic index, and accordingly, our pancakes immediately become a fast carbohydrate, and if
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, for example, we have the opportunity to replace rice flour, for example, with the same whole grain or rye flour, there are a huge number of different types of flour, which will be more suitable in terms of the glycemic index and less, say, not as fatty as other types, and this will be a more... option, and therefore i will say that i don’t really like pancakes as a dough, as a base, further, we took eggplants, we took peppers , baked them, there are no questions about this , we fried the nuts, this is also very cool, but then what we did, we combined the eggplants with peppers, with nuts and ground it all in a blender, that is, we destroyed structure of our product, we removed such a useful substance as fiber, because we completely ground the whole thing and increased the glycemic index of our vegetables, which is also not very good, making a not very good product out of a good product in terms of it being very
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tasty. filled with grated pate, this tasty, it's great, this can be considered as a breakfast option for the weekend, but it is unlikely to give you a large amount of energy and some useful elements, i would still like coarse flour and more whole vegetables, then this would be a healthier option . masha, we are at the finish line, all that remains is to fill our pancakes. let's get started! so, olga, in your life there was sports of high achievements, and after finishing your sports career, you still remained in sports, you work as a methodologist, and you help young athletes, you have a sports husband, and he coach, three children, so many different
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interesting hobbies. how does all this fit together in one person? you know, life probably happens many times, yes , i don’t combine it all right away, i gradually mastered some skills, at first if my hobby is knitting, then time passes, you learn something new, and here in general, probably our modern life with such a flow of information already forces us to be multifaceted, so i would like to wish, probably to all our television viewers... not to be afraid to learn, take on something new, develop some your skills, in the future everything will come together in one certain way, prepare healthy pancakes, for this you need to beat the eggs with a whisk, add a little olive oil, milk and water, stir, gradually add rice flour, do not forget to add salt and pepper.
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to taste, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown, make the sauce: first fry the peanuts, chop the cilantro, add it to the yogurt, add garlic and a couple drops of lemon juice, chop some of the nuts and also add to the sauce, the rest of the nuts will be needed for the filling to prepare the pate, put the eggplant and bell peppers in the oven for 20 minutes, when the vegetables are baked, they need to be peeled and chopped. send to a blender, add a clove of garlic, a pinch of ground chili pepper, a teaspoon of olive oil , the remaining nuts, puree all the ingredients with a blender, now you can start forming the dish: put the nut-vegetable pate on the pancakes, roll them into a tube, serve with yogurt sauce, your home champions will appreciate this breakfast, our dish is ready, pancakes with
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nut and vegetable filling, sauce, you can start, friends, cook with us, because breakfast is a separate holiday in life, bon appetit, bye-bye, bon appetit. how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing
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and worthy of attention. these are books, the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if magic on the pages of books, a person experiences reading. yes, reading brings generations together; we value the past for our present. belarus 24. zenedi petrovna, i won’t ask if you like theater.


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