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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 16, 2023 11:10am-12:01pm MSK

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will go to the front to check which machine guns, which bullets, shells, who is firing at whom and how many were fired, well , reznikov named the figure, ukraine used this help, only half of what the united states provided, yes, it turned out that the second half dissolved incomprehensibly where, that is , you assume that they could partially not reach ukraine, i assume that they not only partially did not reach there... quite a large number did not reach, even officially, if we look at the budgets that were allocated kiev regime, most of these budgets should have settled in the united states of america itself, well, reznikov had enough for a villa for 7 million for his daughter, in principle, and if we talk about mr. reznikov, let’s remember about eggs for 17 hryvnia, or military jackets for winter recruitment, which turned out to be.
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the army slept through this attack, and in general those shots that , on the one hand, are obviously shown to us by the israeli army, when in reality israeli army soldiers are caught by surprise at fortified bases, they, to put it mildly, manage just put on bulletproof vests, at best , on t-shirts, and practically... they don’t resist, they are destroyed, literally, suggests that, in principle, it was sudden, obviously, many experts say that it could not have happened without betrayal or without any, to put it mildly, moves from within, this is the first question, the second question, you say that for the united states this aggravation was really beneficial, yes, so biden is on the verge. israeli state,
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it seems to me that very good sabotage and conspiracy agents worked there, why? because on the border of gaza and israel there is a wall with an alarm system, which turned out to be turned off, so moreover, in order to turn it off, you need to have access, which means that there are agents inside the israeli state itself today, let's...
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iran of the same itself and for iran, which wants to demonstrate, firstly, wants to take revenge for what they
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did last year, it’s clear what the special services, yes, some drones, mass poisoning in schools, attempts. from israel, which is dissatisfied with the the position that israel expresses regarding them, and this is a very multi-layered cake. well, look, if this link with the united states and ukraine is completed in our conversation, yes , the united states is obviously
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losing the role of such a world hegemon, it is losing, yes, but at the same time they really want to preserve it, they continue to throw away billions, at least in words, yes, with this is the draft american budget. without help to ukraine, well, at least to the extent that ukraine would like, and this was very surprising, or at least alarming not only zelensky, but even barel. in your opinion, what kind of bargaining is biden conducting regarding ukraine? is it connected only with this 30%, which they actually lost in a year and a half, well, if we take 10% there, the number of people willing to help ukraine decreases.
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budgetary costs, and why did europe fit in so well, despite its own interests, and the interests of europe were a good relationship with russia, with china, the americans played a proactive role, they are today forcing
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european businesses to move their production from europe to the united states of america, according to german social research, which was only a year ago...
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in the united states of america. bloomberg writes that with this decision, well, at least with the announcement of such a decision, yes, a serious blow was dealt to zelensky. gunpowder is thrown here.
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the cdu, csu and spd together received about 50% of the votes. why were they called folk? they always together gained at least a constitutional majority.
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subjectivity due to the fact that some, some part of the european bureaucracy simply
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fit into this topic for their own benefit ukraine, okay, then the question is simple , now let’s simulate the situation, the united states loses interest in ukraine completely if it switches to the middle east, yes, it pushes this problem exclusively onto europe, how long will europe deal with ukraine’s problem, even taking into account how.. ... they said the need to have a common enemy, as a means of escaping from their own social cataclysms, well , this is a rather idealistic option, i think the united states will not merge...
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this is the same moldova, georgia, azerbaijan, that is, there are enough certain candidates, donors, cheap labor, how long this will take is a difficult question, it must be calculated, but i think that they are ready to play until 2028
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for sure, why 28, because there will be the next elections in the united states. good answer. when we talk about europe’s readiness to continue working to exhaust russia, this automatically implies that belarus is working in conjunction with russia, they will work against us, naturally. but the president’s visit to a fortified area, one of them, and a conversation about a number of important topics. we've been used to it for a long time. that our first he not only understands and is well versed in the internal external agenda, yes, we often see that his words are prophetic in nature, and the president’s warning, especially addressed to our ardent western partner, yes, we should listen, and listen literally,
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here we go let's start with the obvious, here is the situation around the borders, yes, we learned the lessons of history, the lessons of modern war.
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it has two components. the first component is the election one, the image of the enemy, transport various types of armored vehicles throughout poland, demonstrate them to frighten the population, but without any need other than political technology. and the second point is something that for some reason we don’t talk about much, this is an attempt by the party of law and justice to subjugate the army.
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military escalation, why in our region in our region specifically, there are different forces in the west, there are forces that, on the contrary , are trying to cut things off, i personally get the feeling that such a force is very much present in the uk, well, these always want to use the wrong hands, for whom it is more profitable maximum escalation, the americans very clearly broke through at the nato summit in vilnius, promoting the thesis that... nato countries should not be involved in direct confrontation with countries a, which have nuclear weapons and b, on whose territory
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nuclear weapons are located. this is a hello to those who said that tactical nuclear weapons do not work in belarus, they just did. initially, these statements contradicted logic; not a single nuclear country with nuclear capabilities was directly attacked. here is the second point, if we let's see how dramatically the poles began to change their tactics towards us, instead of establishing offensive contingents on the borders, they actually began to mine the suwalki corridor, that is, the logic of the maginot line, a defensive presence, that is, a sharp change in tactics and strategy, of course, that's all.
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b must carry such a mission of light in quotes, of course, to the east, such missionism, the americans also have an ambivalent attitude towards this, there is a polish lobby, it is strong enough, which is real promotes militarization, arms sales, but the sale of arms is one thing, but the management of the american contingent in europe, which the poles want to procrastinate.
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what happens here? second point, blinkin states that you will not receive help, and this is before all the budget agreements, until you carry out the appropriate reforms and begin anti-corruption actions, i remind you that in ukraine there is such a unit as the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine for... which actually acts as an organ of the united the states of america inside ukraine , which pursues personnel policy, controls personnel, who decides who is a corrupt official and who is not a corrupt official, the task of the americans is to strengthen this body and actually reduce the kiev regime, which has a completely puppet state, a completely puppet state, that’s it. ..
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the beginning of june 30%, against the backdrop of bacchanalia and the creation of the image of an enemy from belarus, russia was slightly pulled up to 40, well, a corruption scandal, but then not just corruption, this visa scandal, but a visa a corruption scandal, yes, which was
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inspired by the way.
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in poland in support of the kiev regime, primarily as a military infrastructure, logistics infrastructure, the rzeszewo airfield is today a huge logistics hub, where both the transshipment of relevant cargo and weapons to ukraine is carried out, and on the other hand, the repair of equipment that comes from ukraine, then there is income in any case, this is income, and duda is just talking
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about us.
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will take, in this scenario after the parliamentary and presidential elections, rhetoric it will become a little softer, the second point, i think that then... there will be some cutting off, at least in the chinese direction, and this means that they will not close the border, yeah, why? because 90% of the transit of the northern part of the belt and the route to hamburg pass through the territory of belarus and poland, respectively poland, yes, this is the first point, although they will try to sell their military services, and we also all know what to expect from them. the second scenario is... the opposite scenario. tusk is a company, pro-european, as politicians call them, although, here i would question how pro-european they are, because, for example, the us ambassador to warsaw,
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mark brzyzinski, the son of the famous brzyzinski, supports tusk and the opposition with his feet and hands, and goes to rallies with them.
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before the presidential elections, if not further, these are the leapfrogs of the electoral process. on the one hand, there will be a lot of statements, shouting, hubbub, on the other hand, a technical government, the stability of the polish government itself will be suspended, it will push foreign policy issues into second place. plan, that is, this will be a certain respite for us. moreover, they will leave us alone for a while, this is actually beneficial for us, why? because, unfortunately, the polish elites themselves have driven themselves into the mousetrap of this discourse around the image of the enemy, they themselves
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have swallowed the hook that they threw to their voters and cannot pay out of it. ok, then let’s return to my original question, a small remark. unscathed, while, unfortunately, grace turns out, they can contrive to pay or fortunately so, we better prepare for this scenario, although we don’t need to... reset other scenarios, why? because the pis electorate is disciplined, it goes to the polls , unlike the opposition electorate, this is the electorate of pensioners, this is the electorate of residents of small medium-sized cities, and these are believers.
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therefore, they are the first to come to the polling stations, everyone else is left behind, that is, the church, which is financed by the state, including the salaries of the priests of the state. he will have a role in this too play, of course, calling to come and vote, of course, but i’m still like a person who understands the other side of the coin of the polish people, like... at least that they are slavs, that they have the anglo-saxon spirit chusht, yeah, i hope , that in polish society, sooner or later sobering up will begin, i think it’s probably sooner, why? because the negative, economic, social dynamics that exist there will force, at a minimum , polish society to transform in one direction.
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there are a huge number of, let's say, topics, yes,
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which are not only closer and more interesting to us, yes, but they have a certain significance; they influence , let’s say, the situation both in belarus and, first of all, on society, the so-called fugitives who fled to poland as well. i would like to ask you to briefly comment on this hysteria and panic mood.
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she committed a violation, better than anyone, it is clear that someone there will give her citizenship of some small state there, yes, but the others are not tikhanovsky.
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live in dreams and imagination divorced from reality, their main problem is that they are in the twentieth year they imagined themselves to be those who they actually were not, as for this precedent, what will it lead to, a split among the fugitives is already taking place, for reasons of financing for reasons of political ambitions, this is understandable, moreover ..
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.. this is the fate of such a character , about whom few people will remember today, like mr. semyon sharetsky, he restored himself as president in exile in some nineties, he was also a fugitive, no one will remember him today, he is a political corpse, so we see now , how this whole machine of fugitives is gradually disintegrating, like this very political corpse, but it is still in art.
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we are approaching, after the elections of 2020 and 25, their meaning even for the west itself will become zero, and they know this very well, today they can declare about passports, about some other documents, about some plans, as much as they want, but they are now uninteresting for the west, their interest is recruiting some terrorist organizations and...
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probably the person who does this is the one loves his homeland, these are not words, these are not emotions , this is a real result, if you love
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your homeland, show what you have done for it, and a candidate for deputy should not come from some program, what he will do, but he must show , what experience does he have and what has he done, what has he already done, yes, why, because, parliament is not a place for random people. people, we are not a state that can afford to feed accidents in our legislative body for 4-5 years, but there are large states, it is the united states in america, some senators have even forgotten when to go to a meeting and they are simply elected there for 30 years at the age of 90, everyone works for them.
12:00 pm
on air news at noon in the studio elizaveta lokotka.


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