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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 16, 2023 4:25pm-5:56pm MSK

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“hello, yes, no, ignatiev is gone, don’t come , don’t call anymore, now the court will decide, hello, oh, dear, i can’t talk to you, i’m running away, yes, i’m already at the keyhole, i’ll call you tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, uh-huh, hello, yes, no, this is what you will do, because this is a court decision, and not my personal request, yes, and hi, mom, it’s okay, what i’m doing, i’m making dinner, i’m with my head "grandma, mom, leave
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me today, leave me, otherwise i won’t have time to do anything today, she never has time to do anything, she puts the public above the personal, we dad and i can die of hunger, she will still talk on her phone, that’s it, bye, mom, bye, don’t grab with dirty hands, okay, mom, okay, no, well , my voice just weakened a little, i performed a lot yesterday, yes, ok, kiss me, that’s it, the stove is calling. “hello, but she’s not at home , you lie a lot on the phone, but i’m not lying, i’m not lying, sometimes i just have no other choice, that’s it, i don’t answer the phone anymore, and if it’s dad, our dad is wandering somewhere , i must say for your information, not every lie is a lie, every lie is a lie, don’t knock a child down, that’s it no, well, let’s say you were little, you were very sick"? i gave you bitter pills,
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told you that they were sweet, that this was a lie? but what does this have to do with it? well, besides, i’m lying, because it’s necessary, you know that this is necessary, you have seen, someday it is necessary , in general, daughter, women’s tricks have never been put in the rank of lies, in life so often you have to defend yourself and get out, but i will never get out.
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yes, you judge, you judge everyone, you divorce, you bring together, and your husband has been running away from you for a long time, the people's judge is blameless, you are an abandoned woman, so you need, other people's tears will flow to you. what's wrong with you, who was it? what's bothering me, who, what, who, what, mind your own business, go play , mom, nothing happened, your hands are shaking, absolutely nothing, god, what am i doing, what did i do, did i just go away, wait , i ’ll cook it for you now, yes, listen, judges, i can see them from the window, how thin your beloved is. keeps the dubka park, you can go
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and look, and then ruin yourself, if you are so fair, again someone threw an empty box from under that garbage box, who are these people, who called? no one, it’s me, mitya called, doesn’t answer, mom, dad will come soon, but i forgot, they have a commission from the ministry today, he’ll probably be delayed. i’ll take a walk with the corporal, of course , corporal, corporal, hello,
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hello, it’s impossible to reach you, then i began to call you mentally, so you came out, it’s really great, i... repeated, let her come out, let her come out, and you came out , amazing, don’t follow me now, i have an important matter, so what, do your thing, and i’ll walk next to you, no, go away, why bothered me, i’ll get you i called, i called you, and you came out, i went out to do my own business, that’s it, go, why, bye for the puppy, the reviewer, let’s go.
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who is this? is this olga nikolaevna? this is olga nikolaevna, i recognized her by her scarf. where did you come from here? a lovely child. what am i not allowed to do here? it's far away. home, that’s how you ended up here, what’s fun? well , firstly, the weather is wonderful, secondly, i see you, which always makes me happy, thirdly, thirdly, thirdly, life is good, daughter, you
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don’t understand this yet, why don’t i understand, well , - for real it comes later, sidino, suddenly you see it like that. drilling is a joy, a dog is also a joy, fatigue from work is even greater than joy, there is music, and olga nikolaevna, what was she doing here? olga nikolaevna went to the concert, and we chatted with her, a little, it’s also a joy , meeting a nice, good person, you know, nothing happened, you said it yourself, no, no, she ’s good, and she speaks very well about you speaks. and today after school on the street we started telling everyone: hello, well, they didn’t understand us, what fools, those who don’t understand, that’s what i personally feel like, hello, you see, they didn’t understand you either, that’s what you need, but don’t you think
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it’s strange that different people suddenly, for some reason , unexpectedly find themselves at the same point on the earth, what are you talking about? about you and olga nikolaevna. olga nikolaevna has the right to go wherever she wants. you are young, what a day, but the smoke is pulling you, where is it pulling you?
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oh, all together, i walked a little, it’s such a smoky day, i need to walk more, more, or better yet, run, where? for health reasons, people began their life's journey by running, running away from danger, for food, you noticed how restless little children are, they have a genetically built -in craving for movement, you know, darling, i think i won’t eat, today we celebrated our librarian’s fiftieth birthday, i was forced to eat this, you won’t believe it, piece kiev cake, it was handed over straight from the train. such efforts that it was impossible to refuse, i was completely full, i won’t either, i
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got tired, yes, and is it you, kohl? no, i remember everything, tomorrow at 6:00, well, read it, no, you know, this won’t work, less beautiful words and tone down these our exclamations, but i’m not a famous singer, i’m a judge, i need to be somehow more modest about what we’re doing, we’re going to have dinner, lenka is at the piano as always. yeah, bye.
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sit up straight. do you hear, sit up straight, hey, it’s already started, so i won’t write it down, you haven’t lived, you’ve been prepared for a long time, who are you
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talking about?
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i thought you wouldn’t come, you were very late, so play chuikovsky. start over, it needs to be quiet, sad, waiting, then meetings, who is waiting for whom, person to person, listen. i can’t do this, try, i’ll remember first something sad, but it was a good concert,
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which one? well, what kind of disgrace? len, lena, what's wrong with you? did i hate the music? you're not telling the truth, you can't hate music, but i hated it, anything is possible. hate, what are you doing here? take a student from me, a good girl, she just doesn’t want me, but why do i need someone who chooses who she wants, everything is more complicated here, especially since decent people don’t share their difficulties these days. hi,
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i'm bored to death of you, i again called you a thought, and you left before you ran out lesson, i don’t care about music, my teacher is a rat, don’t lie, she’s very cute, i saw her and your dad in the store, they bought tartan slippers, and i bought sneakers, and your dad is short-sighted, i told him, and he didn’t recognize me, lord, how tired of you i am, no, if you answer my body. signal,
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lyubov grigorievna, and lyubov grigorievna? oh , kolya, you scared me, but where you were now, i don’t know, nowhere, now you were detached, not like usual, i ’m scared to death of you all the time, i look here, tired, nice woman, i can even in love you admit it, like a simple woman, admit it, i just need this right now, uh, you’re lying all the time, you don’t need anything. i met sergei here, i look younger than you, how do you do it, share, your daughter is in the hall, why, bring me out, what right do i have, we have an open meeting, right, what kind of divorce are we having today, the mikhailovs, but very good, let him listen, you idiot, i won’t give him a divorce,
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i love him and i will fight for my love. but i don’t need much, i’ll love him so much that he’ll understand in the end, well, that’s already they raped me, that’s it, i don’t need love, who invented it, just forgive me, lord, i want to be on my own, on my own, i want to be alone, i’m an idiot , i was wrong, well, he wasn’t mistaken, he will love me, he will calm down , you will only
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save the family, and i, i will cope with him, i will prove to him and... i will buy him a motorcycle, i will kill her, i swear to god, if you don’t divorce me, i will kill her, he is kind, he is kind, comrade judge, he couldn’t even drown a blind kitten, yes, i can do anything, each of the heroes of the project is engaged. the chief custodian of funds is an earthly profession, very responsible, our the team is working to collect and preserve materials about the past in the name of.
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with us, everything is done for the patient free of charge, absolutely, all stages of treatment are paid for by the state, it makes no difference to us whether the operation costs 100 rubles or it costs 100,000 dollars, europe as a periphery is used intellectual, economic. the financial and technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in the powerful fight against china, and the efficiency of the government is, well , the highest, because even under the conditions of the imposed sanctions, nothing happened to us, we will be growing this year, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. and i dropped out of music school
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, took it and left it, uh-huh, took it and left it, i’m tired of it, is it that you’re tired of it, hello, you never know what can get boring, when i worked in a factory, it used to get boring too, but you’re sick for 3 days, so i compared , we were... busy, but they have one thing, i want this, i want that, no, i’m telling the truth, you get tired of work too, and you might dream that you don’t love her, maybe you’re also overtired your piano, no, that’s not the point, oh, look, you’re sorry that you didn’t finish your studies, your mother was very drawn to music, but there was no opportunity to teach, she ’s making her dream come true in you, you can’t make your dream come true in someone else, this is stupidity , what are you doing to your grandmother, stop it, anya, now you are living the way my grandfather and i would have dreamed of living, but to me it’s even better than if it were with me. how old was grandfather
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when he died? 41, how old is your dad, i was left with three children. it was crazy, so crazy. what happened? dashing, this is a disaster. yes, who is this? and why do you need me then? i bought a swivel piano stool in an antique store, a singer from the bolshoi theater wanted to buy it, and i grabbed it, oh, what a wind it is here, and you somehow, then no one, or two at once, hello, anna nikolaevna, why not in music school, i left her, well, it seems to you that you left her, i have something to do with you, i’ll just be a minute. that it was your mother who came running, she had something to do, she came to borrow money, now that there’s not enough,
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you need your parents, oh, i’m alone, happy, now the best the main thing is to be without everyone, mom, make your tea stronger, hello? now, anna vasilievna, i'm on the phone for you, i'm coming, i'm coming, hello , village, is it you, yes, yes, okay, i bought it, yes , yes, and maybe some pearl barley soup with mushrooms, tea, tea, only tea, and sugar, and jam, nothing, just tea, you work a lot , i’ll sell you, you give yourself a break, your family needs you, and you ’re still in your court, you’re still running, running, listen, mother, i came to you to cry, i haven’t cried in a thousand years, then i decided, i’ll come, cry, maybe
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howl like the village women. well i came to you lenka is here and i can’t go out or cry, apparently it’s not my destiny to be weak, lord , what happened to you, at work, did you do something wrong, calm down, at work everything is in the best possible way, for me, something i could never imagine in my life, you have an illness, i’m healthy, calm down, anything i could imagine in myself, but this, well , in general... seryozha is a woman, oh, just everything, well, nonsense, of course , yes, what else does he need in life, oh, love, youth, diversity, in general, why did i come here, i i thought i could return under this roof to you, i realized that i couldn’t, there was an idea to take lenka to you, and let him live, but i
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can’t, i can’t. “i love him, as maybe i didn’t love him in my youth, only now i realized, my god, if you want, i’ll talk to him, but maybe they talked about him, maybe he ’s confused, men are weak, they’ve somehow manipulated him, but you take it to another, and you know her, lenka’s music teacher, she knows, what else, i would kill if someone told her, like this, they cut me in half, my daughter, you are so beautiful, calm down, i've calmed down, thanks to your tea, i also wanted to ask you , don't come to us for a while, don't call, you know, well , we have typhus, well, rash, quarantine, len , let's go home, but how will i know, and i myself will.
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he’s drinking tea, the main thing is that i understood what needs to be done, there’s no need to do anything, i shouldn’t have told you, everything will be fine, i assure you , i won’t give him to you, i’ll endure everything, but i won’t give him back, i’ve scammed so many people but i didn’t know how it happens. no one will expel you from your apartment, no one, there is no such right, i tell you i say, you can quite officially refer to me, but they say that i don’t have the right, you have the right, you send your son to me, i will explain to him his rights and his responsibilities, thank you, dear, god bless you.
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and now a little differently, 1 2 1 2 3 4 last time, right, left, right, sit down, right, left, right, sit down, continue. and now in the other direction, father
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is in the bathroom, where else should father be? once again, right , oh, wow, what did you think, father has been in the bath for a long time, now to the left, two months, what is this answer? the exact answer? well, you can’t charge in the bathroom for 5 minutes, but...
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this is your color, and now tilt your head, forward, backward, right, left, forward, backward, right, left. don’t be a jerk, by the way, i paid for the music, tell elgi nikolaevna, i won’t go to the music, tell her, tell her, you say that you have
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the ability and have been practicing lupo for 5 years. doesn’t want, but what do you even want, my fool, well, you don’t want and don’t need, think music, you’re not competent, really, the question is
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no, after all, i’m capable, lord, well then keep busy, your fingers are intact, go to sleep, i have a serious matter tomorrow, i need to get ready, dad? “don’t leave, i love it when you breathe, i won’t leave, what are you thinking about now, and you, just about me, just, i always know when you and mom are telling a lie, in our house it smells like something nasty, you're my dreamer. now you're really thinking about me, your hand is soft, warm, dad, think about me, please, think about me, okay, sleep,
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you could do it, i'm afraid, what not? but i would let my arm or leg be crushed, if only she had everything it was ok. you’ve been standing there for more than an hour, and what’s not allowed , why not, of course it’s possible, but what ’s wrong with your hand, if it’s not a secret, of course,
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the person is tired of living, but what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you, nothing. well, what buttons are we going to press? i am extremely trusting, i tell everyone the code: 2, 8,2, i remember, please , are you afraid to go with me? are you afraid for nothing? my name is volodya, my last name is klima, i live on the ninth floor, i’m not afraid of anything, you too... you’re going to kolya, there are a lot of scared girls like that who come to her with notes, do you want i’d rather teach you how to fight with rapiers, but what might be useful, please,
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here i live, in the house... hello, hello, are you the one smoking a pipe? no, this is my friend, how old is he? hi , listen, i took away a student from you, this one, i want her
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to come to my section, i really liked her, she’s brave, she entered the list with an unfamiliar man, she wasn’t afraid, yes, we need girls like that, well, that’s it my friend, he’s a trumpet player, well, i mean, he smokes pipes, and why don’t you ask what’s wrong with my hand, well, what’s wrong with your hand, i’ll tell you now, do n’t, i’ll just show you how i did it, i’m begging you, do you hear, don’t, then let him light a pipe, no need to pretend, you don’t know how to smoke a pipe, you don’t need tobacco, why are you crazy, no, len , do you have everything, or do you still want us? be amazed, yes , i’ll play for you now
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, yagadina, no need to worry yourself , no need to suffer, it’s not a joke, i don’t know how it happened, he came to parent-teacher meetings, it’s always him, not his mother, that’s all mother, and he is only a father, his mother is strict with him punished, you are seeing olga nikolaevna off, how are you seeing off, he told me that for many years he had not just talked to a woman in the evening, i asked, and the wife... he laughed,
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but these are completely different conversations, almost like production, water, electricity, gas , bread, money, boots, tights, raising a child, one day it was raining, i called him to come in, take my umbrella, and he came in and said, can i not leave here anywhere, so what will happen now ? yes, go ahead, and your wife is a wife, and even like that, he says that his wife is indestructible alexander 's pillar, she can't be knocked off her feet, she's been scammed by so many people that without even noticing she's scamming herself, he's the one who looks good on her , she looks good on her, he respects her, he feels sorry for her daughter, he says, mother, she's wonderful, she's just too much solid nutrition, everything for strong teeth, i say soft nutrition, i don’t understand it. understand, the girl guessed
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, she’s suffering, we can’t get through this, we’re facing this problem like a horse facing an abyss, yes, you should go somewhere, such things are cured by time and distance, or even better, wedge-wedge? find yourself a wedge, oh, that's it, let's think, i ran, i have a lesson.
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lenochka, i’m very glad to see you, like a hand, well, play in it from what you love, don’t think about the hand, it doesn’t hurt anymore. lena, i will do everything for you, whatever you want, tell me not to exist. but i am, i want you not to exist at all, you speak as if you think that it would be better if i died, better, it will probably seem strange to you, but i don’t want to die at all,
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i’m 26 years, and i haven’t even seen the sea, but what about the sea, i wasn’t in the uniform, i’m looking at elena exemplary. i didn’t get in right away, i saw the sea, the water and everything, i was bored in the hermitage, your exemplary figure is shown on tv every day, you want to say that they don’t live for this, lina, i love your father, he always loved your mother, he’s huge for her he brought bouquets of flowers, he gave her his blood. when the leaf broke, he lifted her in his arms up the stairs, what does it have to do with you, i understand, i understand you very much, but love, it goes, where, where, well, no one knows, i know, you are 26 years old, and married no one
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takes you, you have no right to love mine dad, he’s not... he’s ours , hello, let’s go to the cinema, the name is funny, cucarachi, leave me alone, go with your darling, lenk, why are you walking around like that, upside down, as if you’ve been whipped up. “listen, go, oh, it’s not up to you, well, i ’m courting you, you don’t understand, i understand, but i don’t want it, why, i hate it, how can you hate it, with all my heart, go away, go
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get faith , she's been making eyes at you for a long time, hello, you're home, of course.
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at the center of events is a charismatic presenter and two active teams. i often suggest participants in our game, but they still build a tower because i suggest the wrong answers. my name is vasya chekhov and this is the show tower, we are starting. they will compete for the right to become the best in this game. in the first round, i will ask questions to the teams in turn. each team will have its own question, and you discuss it a little. which country is unofficially called the country of morning freshness, let's say that khrutsky, khrutsky, i accept this answer from the gratemen, build a tower, tricky questions, ingenuity, cunning,
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and of course, building a tower, and polina, please build a tower, the first element, nothing bad happened, you just. decided to build it, well, that’s great, watch the intellectual program: the tower on our channel. what palette of emotions and feelings does music evoke in a person? in the new episode of the cultural fashion program, we will find out what the magic of classical music is. we will also get to know the brightest representatives of the modern belarusian music industry. watch this weekend on tv. belarus 24,
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one boy declared his love, so what, this happened more than once in kindergarten, well, if in kindergarten, but i don’t believe in love. in vain, i don’t believe in love, which comes and goes, because love is something that is forever, well, it depends on your luck, dad, one person told me that it was as if i had been whipped, absolutely right, everything turned upside down in me, you know , this is good, and from time to time everything in us needs to turn over, the soul, it is alive, well , it should be alive, no. let her then be lifeless, no, still let her live and let her hurt, yes, the more the soul grows wiser, gains
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experience, now that your mitya loves you, and you you will understand something new for yourself, since he loves you, yes , yes, please, as much as you like, but how disgusting it all is, you are my little maximalist, and i am your wise, old father, dad, mom salted the tea today. imagine, i left in her place, i don’t think she’ll be thrown in, but it’s some kind of laughter, i go to court, look at her, how she speaks, how she carries herself, but if they start cheating on such women, then it’s better to have a worldwide likeness.
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the person then cried, a good person, as i understand it, not guilty, she’s so good, but she didn’t get married, well, she’s not 100 years old yet, in such in affairs there is no right and you are to blame, you have not grown up yet, as you grow up, you will understand that no one ever has the right to wave their arms, shake their rights, like that, you have to worry with dignity, patiently, i will give you a sword, but not to kill, but to in order to learn nobility, you understand me, don’t hesitate, go, otherwise i’ll go, you know me,
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hello, hello, how does the earth carry them?
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go through the qualifying round, take a seat behind our gaming stag, we are waiting for newcomers to the club, what, where, when, goodbye, i’ll be doing whiting, don’t cross my daughter border, fencing is a traditionally male affair, women don’t need to fight, but what should they do, go eat, then wash the dishes after yourself. ok, i sent you a gift, thank you, where do you get the money for such gifts, in general i don’t like that you go to tobacco kiosks, tell me, i don’t like that you go to tobacco kiosks, i said that you you're being ironic, they all start smoking at this age, i don't smoke, she doesn't smoke. “i
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called you mentally, but apparently there was interference in space, they took her right from the street, she i was lying in a faint, it was impossible to reach you, i didn’t recognize you, i’ll be rich, hello, hello, this is my ivan mikhailovich, he’s fixing the iron, and i..." i wanted to ask how are you, mom, i’m fine now, what am i i will do with this, drink two hundred, i saw ivan mikhailovich, our main event, i saw, but did not understand who he was, i don’t know how to say, she loved him from a young age, the old man lied to him, go to a nursing home, here is
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our anya appeared and said, i loved him all my life, others... not souls, but it was with us, everything was just like me explain to lenka, when she grows up , that she doesn’t leave love to the mercy of fate, that he rushes around with her like a written-off cake, she deserves it, and he says something, yeah, with the dog, he has complete mutual understanding with her, eat, thank you, she is very pretty, you are 100 times better, daughter
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, sometimes such anger attacks me, well, i think, let it go, then i look, lenka, i’ve seen so many of these girls, these suffering eyes, i think, no, i have to endure it, i have to, tell me, mom, it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, bear it, daughter, bear it, what’s on this day birth, why did you name everyone in advance, or maybe this is not love for me at all, but just damned pride, proudly.
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but because i took this girl from the family home, if you saw how she screamed, how she didn’t like us even then, that’s it, she liked me, she’s good to me, today you ’re very...
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i mean, no, i know, i know , okay, i’ll leave my native shore.
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although it’s not so easy, you will find yourself , my beloved, and we will still sing, who’s there? who is this? who? lord, what do you
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want from me? i am not guilty of anything to you. this is true, already true. i'd like to check out. if would. for me, then i don’t need it, why didn’t you answer him on the phone, well, i probably didn’t hear the call, that’s not true, well, did you show up? can't do without excesses? well, you were twitching, and we’re just doing tricks , i’m of a good age, i was with her, she’s at home,
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she just won’t pick up the phone, are you crazy, good night, i would rather let myself be killed than give a reason to my child suffer so much because of me. “i just don’t have anything to answer you for this, there’s just nothing to say that you’re from me, i want you to understand, lenka is clear, she understands everything, why am i doing this?
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those who are paying attention, the arrival of the train on the forty-seventh izonskaya is expected at 19:30, when i arrive i’ll write, spit flowers, you told me this 47 times, i would also olya, i never asked you about this, this man, there is no man, that is, no longer , who decided not to be, you or he, maybe he, maybe me, maybe she, wife, daughter, but i think i know her, you don’t know anything, no need to clarify , please understand, i understand, i wanted tell you that you have a neighbor who
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waters flowers very well, come on, volodenka, you are so good that it’s easy for me to think about you sin. i’ll buy you fanta, you love it, you can’t come, well, kill me, i couldn’t.
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hello, i'll bring things in, why did you come, lord, why?
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let's go home, let's go.
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school uniform and compulsory, okay, let's go, let's go with you to the coolest and most iconic spots... you can and should spend them
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on vivid impressions of traveling around beautiful belarus. the sorachan lakes are the blue hotspot of the ostrovetchyna region, which rightfully tops the list of the most beautiful places in belarus. the nature of the reserve will captivate you 100% with its picturesqueness. i just love river walks, because it is from the side of the water surface that you can see the most delightful, untouched by human hand, natural landscape.
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here there is more peace and quiet, there they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. there was an idea to stage an opera to the music of manyushka.
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free her from the false feeling of guilt in front of
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him, false, because, says chernyshevsky, love is always right, you can go out, well, together, lina, since you can’t wait. chernyshevsky did not convince nilina. calm down, i'm continuing. there was an atmosphere of truth, there was for new people as an atmosphere of habitation, they did not recognize any other. they put the truth of the relationship above all else. what if children, what if lupukhov had children? papa nilny, too, for the atmosphere of truth, took it and left. you can’t, you can’t, you can’t so crudely transfer a literary device to life.
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the purest person, the purest soul, but doesn’t she particularly suit you, what doesn’t suit her, what did she say, if you don’t know what to say, just admit it, we ’ll understand you, no one knows everything, why? i don't know, i know, i know that now many lies turn out to be fragile, this is all over the world, well, it showed that you are so, there are a lot of different opinions, tell me yours, i’ll tell you, then okay, we can invite someone, well, lenin’s mother, for example, no, i’ll tell you your opinion, it’s just a very big
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problem, maybe your generation will solve it, we will solve it, we won’t get married at all, what ’s the problem, where will you go? this is how we live, he has half and i have half, he has a tv and i have a refrigerator, well, how can i live with half, but how? i can’t listen to the radio on a sewing machine, damn
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i went, and she told me, if your ex-husband has a conscience, then he will leave everything to you, and if not, then it will be not according to his conscience, but according to the law, in half. he has no conscience , no, mom, he also needs to live, he’s a man, and he had everything, only that’s not enough for him, it turned out, mom, stop, okay, why am i shouting , i don’t know, tell your mother, he’s wrong the law, the family is not divided in half, what you wanted to tell me, you didn’t come to receive your passport, i thought, but don’t think about it, otherwise... let’s go for a walk, you’ve never walked with me, you came to feel sorry for me, so... listen, you’re full of shit, what should you do, feel sorry for yourself, i understand,
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your mother can also be half of you and half of me, i saw them today, what are you saying, who did you see, it’s your father ask yours where he’s running, and not me , and don’t feel sorry for me, and also, if you want to tell me, or don’t, i’ll tell you, your mitka explained his love to verka in kuznetsova, i read the note myself, verka to him, and lena, and he she knows what he said, lena doesn’t count anymore, lena has passed, you know, i probably won’t go for a walk with you, i’ve changed my mind.
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hello, hello, hello, i can’t hear you, seryozha, please turn off the music, i can’t hear anything, hello? no need to come here, no need to do anything, that’s it, i haven’t seen you for 500 days.
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everything matters, i beg you, don’t come to me anymore, don’t meet me on the street, i don’t want to see your daughter’s unhappy eyes in a dream, i’ve been waiting for the time when she gets big and can understand you and me, it doesn’t happen , once you understand, sometimes this whole life is not enough, understand, nothing grows on someone else’s grief. what grief? who? lena's? she has
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your love soon, or maybe you already have it? there is one boy who walks here, a long time ago from the fifth grade. how i would like to be in the fifth grade, to wait and hope that everything will be the best for me too. samples.
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' "hello, listen, mark, you can go out, now, well,
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not tomorrow, but what happened, i'm asking, can you go out?" “actually, i’m already asleep, why are you standing here naked, well, go to bed!
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why love when it makes you feel bad? did something happen to you? i can’t help you. lord, if only she were alive and well ,
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she’s alive, she called me, what are you talking about? you've been silent for a while, well... tell me, maybe we don't know something, she called olga nikolaevna, listen, if nothing happened to her, if everything is fine with her, if she comes today, you will leave, completely, what, love, i endured everything then, i lived for 2 years without breathing, but she still left home, maybe those who do not tolerate are right? maybe all this is nonsense for the sake of the children? stop it, i found the time, in every family there is a daughter, oh, if only nothing happens to her, if only nothing happens to her,
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let’s go. tell someone what you can’t tell your own, let someone give her a handkerchief and listen, you see, i have a benefit, a calculation
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, i need a plane ticket, i already have a passport, where are you going to fly, it doesn’t matter... it doesn’t matter because it’s not there run away, it stays with you, it lives from day to day... call home, call.
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let's dive into the physical. they have good competitions, but thank you for inviting me, of course, we have always come every year, we will continue to come constantly, i recommend that athletes and coaches do not lose heart,
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on the contrary, look for and fight for their place in sports and prove it with their victories, bright victories, significant victories, and with their friendly team, it seems to me that this should unite us even more, only sports, only belarus 24. each participant in our show wins
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a trip, it remains only to understand where, in warm weather and beautiful countries or come to our construction site. my name is vasya chekhov, this is the show tower, we are starting! well, let's get to know the participants in today's game, they are worried, so i want to get through this stage as quickly as possible. korea and during it relax a little, maybe unwind and just chat, talk, it always helps, helps, to my left is the ceramics team, alexander, nikolai and pavel, hello, hello! the name is telling, in general it becomes clear what you do, why you came together, you most likely work in some company, you produce, sell, what you do, tell us, yes, you almost guessed it, we are employees of the department of glass technology and ceramics of the belarusian state technological university, this is our main professional area of ​​interest, so we decided to call our team that, but it sounds beautiful, and if i can be more specific, this is what you do so that you can
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touch, feel, understand almost every day. a simple person, when you come home, when you have a day off, a free moment, what do you like to do, i like to spend time with friends and family, great, this is a wonderful hobby that helps you relieve this burden of responsibility after work, relax feel like a person, nikolai, i also have many different hobbies, of course i need to spend time with my family, i love sports, i love motorcycles, cars, travel, that ’s just it, it’s so good, a busy life, pavel, and
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you also spend time .


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