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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 17, 2023 12:15am-1:46am MSK

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yes, you judge, you judge everyone, you divorce, you bring together , but your husband has been running away from you for a long time, hmm, the people’s judge is irreproachable , you are an abandoned woman, that’s what you need, other people’s tears will flow to you, what’s wrong with you, who was it, what about me? pestered
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, who, what, who, what, mind your business, go play, mom, nothing happened, your hands are shaking, absolutely nothing, oh, lord, why am i doing this, or am i crazy, wait , i’ll cook it for you now, yes, listen, judge, from the window i see them, how your husband is holding her by the thin shoulders, dubki park, you can go and... look, and then screw yourself, if you are so fair, again someone threw an empty box from under that trash can, what kind of people are they? who called? no one, it was me, called, no one answers.
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mom, will dad come soon? yes, i forgot, today they have a commission from the ministry, he will probably be delayed, i’ll take a walk with the corporal, of course, corporal, corporal, hello, hello. it’s impossible to reach you by phone, then i began to call you mentally, so you came out, it’s really great, i repeated, let her come out, let him come out, and you came out, amazing, don’t follow me now, i have an important matter, so what, do your job, and i’ll walk next to you, no, go away, you’re in the way, i called you, i called you, and you went out, i went out to do my business.
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that’s it, go, why, i’ll cough it up, check
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who it is, it’s olga nikolaevna, it’s olga nikolaevna. i knew from the scarf where you
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came from here, lovely child, but what can i not do here, it’s far from home, that’s how you ended up here, huh? why are you having fun? first of all, the weather is wonderful. secondly, i see you, what do i need always happy. and thirdly, thirdly, thirdly, live well, daughter. don't you understand this thing yet? why don't i understand this? well, it really comes later, sidins. suddenly it happens, and you see, breathing is a joy. there is also joy, fatigue from work, even more than joy, there is music, well, and olga nikolaevna, what was she doing here? olga nikolaevna went to the concert, and we chatted with her, a little, it’s also a joy, meeting
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a nice, good person, you know, she’s not nice, you said it yourself, you never know, no, no, she’s good, and she speaks very well about you, and we’re after school today? on the street they started telling everyone: hello, well , they didn’t understand us, what fools, those who didn’t understand, i personally like it, hello , you see, they didn’t understand you either, that’s what you need, and don’t you think it’s strange that different people suddenly, for some reason, unexpectedly find themselves at the same point on the earth, what are you talking about, about you and prolga nikolaevna. nikolaevna has the right to go wherever she wants, but you are young, what a day, and the democom is pulling, where is it pulling?
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oh, all together, i walked a little.
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“i was forced to eat this , you won’t believe it, piece of kiev cake, it was handed over straight from the train, such efforts that it was impossible to refuse, i was completely full, i won’t be either, i didn’t want to. yes, but it’s you, kohl, no, i remember everything, tomorrow at 6:00, well, read it, no, you know, this won’t
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do, less beautiful words and tone down these exclamations, but i’m not a hard-won singer, i’m a judge, i need to be presented somehow more modestly. what are we doing? "yes, we're going to have dinner. lenka, as always, at the piano. yeah, bye. sit up straight, you hear me, sit up straight.
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hey, it's already started.
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i thought you wouldn’t come, you’re very late, well, play yaikovsky, start over. it needs to be quiet, sad, waiting, then a meeting, who is waiting for whom? man-man, listen,
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i can’t do this, try, i’ll remember first, what? it’s sad, but it was a good concert, what, what kind of disgrace? linen! lena, what's wrong with you? i hated music. you’re not telling the truth,
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you can’t hate music, but i hated it, you can hate everything. what are you doing here? will you take my student? good girl, she just doesn't want me. well, why do i need someone who chooses who she wants? here everything is more complicated, even more difficult. nowadays decent people don’t share, hello, i’m bored to death with you, i again provoked your thoughts, and you left before your lesson was over, i don’t care about the music, my teacher is a rat, don’t lie, she’s very pretty , i saw her and your dad in the store, they bought checkered slippers, and i bought sneakers? is your dad nearsighted? i told him: hello, but he didn’t
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recognize me. lord, how tired i am of you! not if are you answering my telepathic signal? not the same as usual, i ’m scared to death of you all the time, i look here, tired, glorious life.
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i won’t give him a divorce, i love him and i will fight for my love. mikhailov , don’t howl, you’re in court, tomorrow you’ll meet another woman, you’ll get married again, divorced again, you’ll keep hanging around back and forth, i ’ll give you a receipt that i’ll never marry again, and give the receipt and get married, you have no male responsibility for your actions, manhood, manhood, with her to live, yes, well, mikhailov, as i understand
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it, loves you, believe me, that’s a lot, but i don’t need a lot, i’m like that... “i’ll kill her, i swear to god, if you don’t divorce me, i’ll kill her, he’s kind, he good comrade judge, he couldn’t even drown a blind kitten, they could, yes, yes, i can do anything.
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paleshuks are these people who live in harmony with nature, no one can paint a picture like nature, when i pass by, - it’s so extraordinary, i see, a hand is reaching out to take a picture of me, there’s an anthill here, this is also life, there’s a family, there they are doing something, in the city it will never be that we have a village, we have nature, we have fresh air, we have our birds, they even sing differently. yana is not very sensitive to the rules of the kashtouna people and i will come out of this.
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and i left music school , i picked it up and left it, i took it and left it, i got tired of it, is it that you’re tired of it, hello, there’s not much that can get boring, when i worked at a factory, it used to be boring too, and if you’re sick for 3 days, so yesterday she had , we were busy with business,
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and they had one thing, i want this, i want something else, no, i am telling the truth. you also get tired, and maybe you dream that you don’t love her, maybe you ’re also overtired on your piano, but no , that’s not the point, oh, look, i’ll regret that i didn’t finish my studies, your mother was very drawn to music, but it wasn’t opportunity to teach, in you she fulfills her dream, you can’t fulfill your dream in someone else, this is stupidity, are you telling your grandmother, you’re a fool, or what? yes, stop it, anya, now you are living the way... how my grandfather and i would have dreamed of living, but to me it’s even better than if it were with me, and how old was grandpa when he died, 41, how old is your dad left? all with three children, it was dashing, so dashing that it was, dashing - it’s a disaster, but who is it,
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why did i then buy a swivel piano stool in an antique store, a singer from the bolshoi theater wanted to buy it, and i like grabbed, oh, you, what kind of wind is here, and what kind of wind are you, tonic? oh, otherwise there are two at once, hello, anna nikolaevna, why not at the music school, i left her, well, it seems to you that you left her, i’m here for you i mean, just a minute, it’s your mother who came running, she’s got something to do, maybe she came to borrow some money, now a year is missing, she needs her parents, oh, i’m the only happy one. now the most important thing is to be without everyone, mom, make your tea stronger, hello, anna vasilyevna,
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come to the phone, i’m coming, i’m coming, hello, it will happen, it’s you, yes, yes, okay. drank, yes, yes, or maybe some pearl barley soup with mushrooms, tea, tea, only tea, and sugar, and jam, nothing, just tea, you work a lot, lyuba, you give yourself a break, your family needs you, but you’re still in in his court, keep running, running, listen, mother, i was coming to you to cry, i haven’t cried for a thousand years, then i decided, i’ll come, i’ll cry, maybe i’ll howl like the village women, well, lenka has come here, and i can’t be there or cry , apparently , it’s my destiny to be weak, lord , what happened to you, at work, did you do something wrong, calm down, at work everything is in the best possible way, i have something that i
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could never imagine in my life , you have an illness, i’m great, calm down, i could imagine everything i wanted, but this, well, in general, seryozha has a woman, oh, just everything, well, nonsense, of course, yes, what else does he need in life, oh, love, youth, variety, in general, i came here, i thought i could return under this roof to you, i realized that i couldn’t, i was such an idea, take lenka to you, and let him live, but i can’t, i ca n’t, i love him like maybe i didn’t love him in my youth, only now... my god, well, if you want , i’ll talk to him, maybe they talked about him, but maybe he was confused, the man is weak, someone took him in turn, and you take him in
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another, but you know her, lenkina music teacher, oh, oh, she knows, what else, i would kill if anyone told her. “that’s it, they cut me in half, my daughter, you are so beautiful, calm down, i calmed down, thanks to your tea, i also wanted to ask you, don’t come to us for a while, don’t call, you know, we have typhus , well , rash, quarantine, flax, let’s go home, but how will i know, and i myself will come, he will drink tea, the main thing is that i understood what needs to be done.” there’s no need to do anything, i shouldn’t have told you, everything will be fine, i assure you, i
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i won’t give it to you, i’ll endure everything, but i won’t give it away, i’ve scammed so many people, but i didn’t know how this happens. no one will expel you from your apartment, no one, there is no such right, i ’m telling you, you can officially cite me, but they say that i don’t have the right, you have the right, you send your son to me, i’ll explain him his rights and his responsibilities, thank you, road and god bless you , 144 mm of rain per square meter fell in this area of ​​portugal in one night, capital. turned out to be practically isolated from the center and north the country due to the fact that some sections of roads and railways were flooded by landslides, telephone communications were disrupted, and it also became. right
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hand forward, left, shoulders working, right, left, good, and now a little differently, one two, 1, 2, 3, 4, last time, right, left, right, crouched, right, left, right, sat down, we continue, and now in the other direction, father vanny, where else should father be, once again... to the right, oh, wow,
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what did you think, father is blasting, now to the left, about two months, what is this answer, exact answer, another, come on, knock on him, step right , stand up, tilt, stand in the other direction, stand up, tilt, already, stand, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3. four, well, you can’t do it for 5 minutes linger in the bathroom, but the water pressure is barely there, it suits you, it’s your color, and now the slopes.
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heads, forward, backward, right, left, forward, backward, right, left, i don’t make a face, by the way, i paid for the music. tell tolga nikolaevna, i won’t go to music, tell her, tell her, nikolaevna, she says that you have the ability, you ’ve been studying for 5 years, it’s stupid to quit, but why would you?
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i won’t eat, then sit down at the piano, well, i said, i don’t want to, i won’t, i haven’t paid attention to your whims for a long time, she doesn’t want to, but what do you even want? you are my daughter, well, it’s no worse, you don’t need to, think about music, this is not literacy, the question is in me, after all, i ’m capable, lord, well then , get busy, your fingers are worth it, that’s it, i have a serious matter tomorrow, i need to get ready, dad, don't leave. “i love it when you breathe,
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i won’t leave, what are you thinking about now, about you, just about me, just, i always know when your mother says it’s not true, our house smells like something nasty , you’re my dreamer, now are you really thinking about me? with your hands, dad, think about me, please, think about me, okay, you could do that, i’m afraid, what not, but i would let my arm or leg be crushed, just so that everything
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would be all right . you've been standing there for more than an hour, and what can't you do? well, why can't you, of course, you can. what's wrong with your arm? if not a secret, of course. i'm tired, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, nothing, well, what buttons are we going to press, i'm
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extremely trusting, i tell everyone the code 2 8 2, i remember, please. are you afraid to go with me? are you afraid for nothing? my name is volodya, my last name is klima, i live on the ninth floor, i ’m not afraid of anything, you’re also on the ninth, you ’re going to kola, there are a lot of scared girls like that who go there with notes, you better teach me how to fight with rapiers, but what can useful, please! this is where i live, in the house of pioneers i lead a section of musketeers, you are welcome, and olga nikolaevna
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is there, hello, hello! are you smoking a pipe, no, this is my friend, how old is he, hello, listen, and i’m with you beat off a student, this one.
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why don’t you ask what’s wrong with my hand? so, what's wrong with your hand? i’ll tell you now, don’t, i’ll just show you how i did it, i beg you, do you hear, don’t, then let him light his pipe. no need to pretend, you don’t know how to smoke a pipe, you don’t need tobacco, is she crazy, no, flax, you have everything, or do you still want to amaze us with something, yes, i ’ll play for you now.
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yagadina. you don't need to worry. “there’s no need to suffer, it’s not a reptile, i don’t know how it happened, he came to parent meetings, it’s always him , not the mother, it’s all matter, he’s the only father, his mother severely punished him, you see olga nikolaevna off, somehow seeing off, he told me that for many years he hasn’t just talked to a woman in the evening, i asked, and his wife, he laughed, but these are completely different conversations, almost like production. water, electricity , gas, bread, money, boots, tights, raising a child, somehow there was a rain, i called him to come in, take my umbrella, and he came in and said: can
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i not leave here anywhere, well, so what now it will be, yes, go, go, and wife. she says, mother, she is wonderful, she just has too much solid nutrition, everything is for the strength of her teeth, and i say, soft nutrition, something i don’t understand, but what is there to understand, the girl guessed it, she’s suffering, we can’t get through this , we are facing this problem, but not before an abyss, yes. you should go
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somewhere, such things are cured by time and distance, or even better, wedge-wedge, find yourself a wedge, that’s it, let’s think, i ran, i have a lesson. helen, i’m very glad to see you, like a hand. well, play me something that you love, don’t have your hands
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think, it doesn’t hurt anymore, lena, i will do everything for you, everything you want, tell me that you don’t exist, but i exist, i want you not... to exist at all, you say so, as if you think that it would be better if i died, better, it will probably seem strange to you, but i don’t want to die at all, i’m 26 years old, i haven’t even seen the sea, but what about the sea, i wasn’t in the ormetazh, i ’ve never been to the exemplary elena, i’ve seen the sea, the water, everything, it was boring at times, but... the exemplary one is shown on tv every day, do you mean that for the sake of
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they don’t live like that, lena, i love your father, he always loved your mother, he brought her huge bouquets of flowers, he gave her his blood, when the leaf broke, he lifted her up the stairs in his arms, and... you, i understand, i understand you very much, but love, it goes, where, where, well, no one knows , i know, you are 26 years old, and no one will marry you, you have no right to love my dad, he is not yours, he is ours .
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hello, let's go to the cinema, the name is funny, little crow. leave me alone. go your own way. lenk, why are you walking around like that? upside down, as if you were being shaken? listen, go, oh, it’s not up to you. well, i ’m looking after you, don’t you understand? i understand, but i don't want it. why? i hate it. how can you hate this? with all my heart. go away, go away with reassurance. she's been making eyes at you for a long time. verka is stupid. she remembers.
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hello, you're home, naturally, the investigative committee
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of belarus has opened a criminal case against latvian officials under the article of crimes against the safety of humanity, previously criminal cases were opened against them...
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broadcast on the belarus 24 tv channel one boy is a demon in love, already , and what happened more than once in kindergarten, well, if in kindergarten, but i don’t believe in love, it’s obvious, i don’t believe in the love that is...
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no, still let lives and let it hurt, yes , more, the soul grows wiser, gains experience, then your mitya will stop loving you, and you will understand something new for yourself, he will stop loving you, yes, yes , please, as much as you like, just how disgusting all this is, you are mine little maximalist, and i’m your wise, old father, dad, mom salted the tea today, can you imagine?
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the main thing in a family is that it all depends on the woman, which one it will start the music, there will be a game, then
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the husband will dance to the music, this is the law of nature, hello, old friend, she came to sign up. tell me, yes, have women ever fought a duel? apparently, this is still ahead of them, although i have already been to one duel, i was even a second, what are you talking about? and i’m still talking about the same thing, excuse me, i behaved like a bandit, and by the way, the person then cried, a good person, as i understand it, not guilty, so good, but she didn’t get married, well, she’s not 100 years old yet, in such matters there is no right and wrong, you haven’t grown up yet, when you grow up, you will understand that no one ever has the right to wave their arms, swing their license , like this, you have to endure with dignity, patiently, i will give you a sword, but not in order to kill, but in order to learn nobility, you understand me, no , don’t
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hesitate, go, otherwise i’ll go, you know me, hello, hello, how the earth bears them.
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and take your places behind our gaming stack, we are waiting for newcomers to the club, what, where, when, goodbye, i’ll do vikting, don’t cross the border, daughter, fencing is made for men, women don’t need to fight, but what should they do, go eat, then wash the dishes after yourself, skoprosho, and i sent you a gift, thank you, where do you get the money for such gifts, in general, i don’t like that you
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walk around tobacco kiosks, you tell her, i don’t like that you walk around the tobacco kiosk, i said that you are being ironic, they all start smoking at this age, i don’t smoke, she doesn’t smoke, i called you. how’s your health, mom, i’m good now, what am i going to do about it, let me drink, i saw ivan
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mikhailovich, our main event, i saw him, but i didn’t understand who he was, i don’t know how to say, she loved him from a young age, the old man lied, put him in a nursing home, then our anya appeared and said, i’ve loved him all my life, i drove away other men, and now i won’t give him to anyone. she will live, she’s dressed up, she’s wound up, and people are laughing, why are you silent, daughter, my head will soon explode from this universal love, everyone around me loves, many have a great beautiful feeling, but i didn’t get anything, why did you go to her , why, i wanted to look at her, well, well, she’s young, i’m old, what are you saying, i old, old, it’s not because of age , it’s because of the state of the soul, but we had it all , how can i explain to lenka when she grows up that she doesn’t leave love to the mercy of fate , that she’s carried around with her like a written-off cake, she
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deserves it , and he says something, yeah , with the dog... she has complete mutual understanding, eat, thank you, she’s very pretty, you’re 100 times better, daughter, sometimes i get so angry, well, i think, let him go, then i see, lenka, i’ve seen so many of these girls, these suffering eyes, i think, no, you have to bear it, you have to, tell me, mom, you have to, don’t, bear it, daughter, well, bear it. lord, what about this birthday, why did you name everyone in advance, or maybe it’s not love at all for me, but damned pride, pride, everything is love, it’s all together, baby, girl, please add, today everything is
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yours hands, you can do everything. because at the age of acme in greek means dawn, i’m explaining this for those, and he’s hinting at me, maybe for sure, of course not, however, you yourself don’t know how well you’re doing, it’s not tasty , but why does he even interrupt me in this, but if you’re a human being, well, speak, speak, you won’t stop until you say yours, okay, because a good family, beloved husband, seryozha, stand up, let the voters love you will admire you, you’re playing the fool, and in his box he will provide us with safety, the opportunity to sit like this ... to sit, give birth to children, i’m not giving birth today, but because i took this girl from the maternity hospital, if you had seen how she screamed like we did she didn’t like her even then, she liked everything, she’s good to me, today you’re very beautiful, it all suits you, but you should be like this every day, right, dad, how can i go to work like this, the court is a strict, sad place, it’s just like
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a crematorium, friends, but that’s not enough? i know, darling, i know, i’ll leave my native shore.
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simply, you will find yourself, my beloved, and we are looking for ours,
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who is there? who is this? who? lord, what do you want from me? i am not guilty of anything to you. this is true, already true. i'd like to check out. if you are because of me, then i don’t need it. why you? we didn't answer the phone, but verada didn't i heard the call, it’s not true,
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so, did you show up? you can do it without any incidents, well , you were twitching, but we are just tricks, a transitional age, i was with her, she is at home, she just doesn’t pick up the phone. are you crazy, good night, i would rather let myself be killed than give a reason for my child to suffer so much because of me, i simply have nothing to answer you for this, there is simply nothing, i want you to understand, sensitive , she understands everything. why am i paying
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attention, i’m turning on, the arrival of the train is forty seasonal. expected at 19:30, when i arrive, i’ll write, water the flowers, you told me so 47 once, and i will also pay for the apartment, the telephone, take out the mail, forward it to you, okay, i remember, olya, i never asked you about this. this person, there is no person, that is, no longer, who decided not to be, you or he, maybe he, maybe me, maybe she, wife, daughter, daughter, i think i know her,
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you know nothing, no need to clarify, please, i understand, i understand, i wanted to tell you that you have... a neighbor who waters flowers very well, come on, volodenka, you are so good that it’s just a sin for me to think about you, i’ll buy you fanta, you you love her, you gave me your word not to come , but kill me, i couldn’t, well, at least... we’ll go together, if you want, if you want, i’ll leave everything behind, if you want, i’ll enter this place forever,
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i’ll go, i’ll stay, i’ll leave, you know why there are so many verbs, if there’s still no action, i’ll come, don’t torment us, please, volodya, hello, i’ll bring it in. why did you come, lord, why?
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let's go home, let's go.
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turning up in a school uniform is strictly obligatory, yes , i also have a school uniform and it’s mandatory, okay, let’s go. tsar,
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boyar, veche, this has been traditional for us for centuries the form of government is the base, and to it you can and should add a superstructure of what are called democratic institutions, these are elections of a leader, that is , a president, elections to parliament, and a national referendum. it is important for me that you appreciate not the form about the king, but the essence of what i am saying. when we, by strengthening the vns , return the historical veche to the management system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a statesman? the politician thinks about future elections, and the statesman thinks about future generations. we will be able to do something to help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home, because if we suddenly have no order, then we will have neither time nor energy left for the world’s problems. propaganda project. but it’s a
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pleasure to cook from them: it’s better not to take too huge a piece of meat; most likely the bird was fed gmo products and hormones. buy an orange, touch it carefully, the amplot should not be soft or deformed, correct breakfast is a guarantee of health. and good mood, we will have a french-style breakfast, this is clafoutis with goat cheese and vegetables, the time has come to assemble our wonderful dish, i am a fan of vegetables, the more of them, the better in our diet, a large amount of vitamins, minerals, you will forever forget about pharmacies, if you eat the required amount of vegetables during the day, do not forget about invigorating exercises, in order for us to be effective in everyday life, since we have been sitting a lot lately, we need... 10-15 minutes to work out
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gluteal muscles, we try to reach as far behind our hands as possible, while the pelvis should, on the contrary, try to reach the heels in the opposite direction. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. everything in the novel was new and amazing, everything far anticipated the level of thinking of his contemporaries. marriage is only for love, no calculation, no reason can justify the union of people whose love has gone, and lapukhov fakes death in order to give freedom to vera palna, to free her from a false sense of guilt before him, false, because chernyshevsky speaks.
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to love, they know this themselves, there is no need to fight for this anymore, but for what is necessary, for what is necessary . now they don’t need to explain that they have the right to fight in our time, what are you fighting for? well, it’s not a shame,
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it’s not a shame to be such cynics in a lesson on chernyshevsky, according to chernyshevsky, the purest person, the purest soul, but isn’t she especially becoming for you , what actually doesn’t suit her, what did she say that if you don’t know , what to say, just admit it, we will understand you, no one else doesn’t know, why, i don’t know, i know, i know that now many marriages turn out to be fragile, this is all over the world. we can invite someone, well , lenin’s mother, for example, no, i’ll tell you my opinion, it’s just a very big problem, maybe your generation will solve it, we will solve it, we don’t get married at all, so that
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there are no problems, yes, get married, where will you go, everyone will solve this problem themselves, because it is personal. the decency of society will depend on your personal decency, that’s actually what you’ve gotten yourself into chernyshevsky, you need to be decent in the smallest, most unnoticeable matters to others. “this is how we live, he has half and i have half, he has a tv and i have a refrigerator, well, how can i live with half, but how? i can’t listen to the radio on a sewing machine, i went to see your mother and she tells me if
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your ex-husband has a conscience, then he will leave everything to you, and if not, then it will be not according to his conscience, but according to the law in half, he has no conscience, no, mom, he also needs to live, he..." is a person, but he had everything, but it wasn’t enough for him, it turned out, mom, stop it, okay, what i scream, i don’t know, to my mother, tell me, the law is wrong, the family is not divided in half, what you wanted to tell me, you didn’t come to get your passport, i thought, don’t think, otherwise your head will explode, let’s go for a walk, “you’re with me.” i never went out, you came to feel sorry for me, so, listen, vera is full, what to do , feel sorry for yourself, i understand, you and your mother can also have half of you and half of me, i
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saw them today, what, who did you see “ask your father where he’s running, not me”? and there is nothing to feel sorry for me, and more, if you want i’ll say it, or i shouldn’t, i’ll say it, since you didn’t come, your mitka, explained to verka kuznetsova, i read the note myself, verka to him, and lena, and he knows what he said to her, lena doesn’t count anymore, lena has passed, you know, i probably won’t go for a walk with you, i ’ve changed my mind.
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i can’t hear you, seryozha, please turn off the music, i can’t hear anything, hello, hello, it ’s probably volodya, he took his musketeers to the competition, he promised to call, why do you need to tell me about this, you don’t need to follow me, seryozha, no need to come here. “i don’t need anything, that’s it, i haven’t seen you for 500 days, well, every story has its end, ours too, i was sick for a year with your parting words, i thought he’d take you, he’d come, i waited like a fool, and then i stopped,
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you know, i recovered, seryozha, everything went away , volodya wrote to me, watered the flowers here, polished the floor before my arrival. some nonsense, the floor was polished, of course, nonsense, but you know, everything matters, i beg you, don’t come to me no more, don’t meet me on the street, i don’t want to see your daughter’s unhappy eyes in my dreams, i’ve been waiting for that time, when she gets big, she will be able to understand you and me. it doesn’t happen like that, just understand, sometimes this whole life is not enough, understand, nothing grows on someone else’s grief. what grief, who has lyana, she has her own love soon, or maybe
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she already has, there is one boy walking here, a long time ago since the fifth grade, how i wish i was in the fifth grade, to wait, to hope that i, too, will have the best highest standard.
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hello, listen, sword, can you come out? now, well, not tomorrow, but what happened, i’m asking,
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can you go out, actually, i’m already asleep, why are you standing here, naked, come on, let’s go bed.
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i don't have parents unless they are together.
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why love when it makes you feel bad? has anything happened to you? i can not help you. lord, only. so that she was alive, healthy, alive, she called mit, why are you
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silent all the time, tell me, maybe we don’t know something, she called olga. nikolaevna, listen, if nothing happened to her, if everything is fine with her , if she comes today, you will leave, completely, what are you, people, i endured everything then, i lived for 2 years without breathing, but she still left home maybe maybe those who don’t tolerate it are right, maybe it’s nonsense, it’s all for the sake of the children, stop it, i found the time. in every family there is a daughter, oh, if only nothing happens to her, if only nothing happens to her,
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let's go, we'll wait for her downstairs. “i already understood everything, why, why did you stop , i shouldn’t have told you anything, they don’t say that, i’m placating, i also have a daughter, what if she wants to cry one night, tell someone that you can’t tell your own ". let someone lend her a handkerchief and listen, you see, i have a benefit, a calculation, for me i need a plane ticket, i already have a passport, where are you going to fly, it doesn’t
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matter anyway. because they don’t run away there , it stays with you, they live it day after day until it stops hurting, be patient, i’m not needed, i’m just getting in the way, and maybe the most important thing for them now, for all of them , don’t add to their grief. never to anyone, so i’ll tell you, and you think about it, call home, call.
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each participant in our show wins a trip, all that remains is to understand where to warm and beautiful countries or to our construction site. my name is vasya chekhov, this is the show tower, we are starting! well, let 's get to know the participants in today's game, they are worried, so i want to go through this stage as soon as possible and during it relax a little, maybe unwind and just communicate, talk, it always helps, helps, on the left. me team ceramics, alexandra, nikolay and paul. hello, hello, guys , well, ceramics - the name says it all, in general it becomes clear what you do , why you came together, you
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most likely work in some company, you produce, sell, what you do, tell us, yes, you are practically you guessed it, we are employees of the department of technology, glass and ceramics of the belarusian state technological university, this is our main professional area of ​​interest, so we decided to call our team that, but it sounds nice, and if possible... more specifically this is what you do so that you can touch, feel, understand, almost every day all of us touch something ceramic, this is either dishes, porcelain, for example, majolica products, or some kind of construction ceramics, brick, ceramic tiles and you get money for it, yes, yes, we work, we teach , we create and develop and check, as i understand it, too, so that everything corresponds, yes, so that everything is as it should, as they say according to gost, good, alexander, very i would like to know. free from touching and receiving for this is money time, what do you do , just like a simple person, when you come home , when you have a day off, a free minute, what you like to do, i like to spend time with
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friends and family, great, this is a wonderful hobby that helps to relieve this burden of responsibility after work , relax, feel like a person , nikolai, i also have many different hobbies, of course i need to spend time with my family, i love sports, i love motorcycles, cars, travel, that’s just it... so good, a busy life. pavel, i’ll also send you time with friends and family, and additionally reading, watching, movies, tv series , well, some of this can help you today, all you have to do is understand what exactly, i wish you good luck, applause for your team, thank you, on my right is the reverse matrix, anastasia, christina and mikhail, hello, hello, you have the inverse matrix, it’s not clear here, with ceramics everything was more or less, although i didn’t know that they pay money for what you touch, now i’ll know. what do you do, what do you have in common? tell me? we are members of the council young scientists under the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. are you young scientists? yes, we are young scientists, so we came up with
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a name like mobr (inverse matrix), that is, we are the other side of young scientists. this is interesting, this is interesting, but more specifically, you are a scientist, well, in what field, or what ? i don’t know, all 43 of us are members of the council, we... different areas, respectively, construction, economics, veterinary medicine, wow, yes, and it happens, this is great, good, nastya, please tell me, this is how you are you resting? science is serious story, these can be different options, sometimes you just want to take a walk in the evening in silence without anyone bothering you, yes, yes, yes, or you can go shopping somewhere, this is also a kind of hobby, or just read in the evening book , class, okay, kristina, and you, i spend the same time with my family, and of course , we spend the summer season at the dacha, of course, okay, mikhail, well , like any veterinarian, i have
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at home... a large number of different animals , how many animals do you have, seven, seven animals, what, who, who, who do you have, dogs, a guinea pig, a rat, a turtle, a rat - is it one of those that you know, or just drops by periodically, this is a voluntary choice, it is voluntary, if not voluntary, listen, but there is a story when i know that as soon as you start being connected, for example, with computers, you are abruptly called to reinstall windows as soon as you are somehow connected.
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round i will ask questions in the hope of getting correct answers, correct answers bring points, incorrect elements into our tower, the round lasts either 10 minutes or until the tower will not collapse, the tower falls, the team that dropped the tower loses all the points earned, it would seem so simple, but as soon as you start trying and feeling, nuances appear, let's try and feel, we have the first round. rules of the first round in the first round i will ask questions to the teams.


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