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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 17, 2023 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you need to learn and master. for belarus, the tree was such a material, as with which any masters of the muggles can work easily, and with this material, the muggles can do anything worthwhile. vyartayuchysya and galounaga facade, we respect adraza here.
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hello, dear viewers, belarus 1 and belarus 24 club of editors are on air. today our permanent presenter, ivan mikhailovich eismand, assigned me to lead the program. so, at the beginning, let me remind you, however, that we go on air on saturday after the panorama, this order will remain until the new year, the release of the program. as is tradition, i will introduce.
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what are we going to talk about today, that week was very eventful with both domestic and international events, let’s just say the agenda was also very, very interesting, let’s talk about how the journalists talked about it, but let’s probably start with the question, which is relevant for each of us, for each family, for each person, these are security issues, because unfortunately, this topic has increasingly become the subject of our discussion, why well... so
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the situation in the world is developing, a meeting of the heads of security and intelligence agencies of the cis countries was held in minsk, the president, alexander lukashenko, met with them. we know very well that the situation around belarus is not easy, i would even say very difficult, our opponents are becoming more active, well, that ’s politically correct, but in reality they are enemies, real enemies. and we understand that we are on the threshold of major...
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this is the main goal, the main goal of nato intelligence services, this is the disintegration of the post-soviet space. second, the president noted that it’s not spies who are being sent to us anymore. agents of terrorists, these are very radical and serious things, tightening, there is a complete degradation of international structures from the well-known osce, and it would seem, the red cross, and here the red cross, but it is also involved in this political struggle, and as always, alexander grigorievich called to a peaceful settlement of the issue in ukraine, the situation in ukraine, well... and i didn’t forget to remind you that belarus, as always , has supported and will continue to support its main ally, the russian federation. in in principle, this is not news, although many are still, for some reason, surprised at this position of our country. let’s still listen to
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our president’s direct speech, what he talked about with the participants of this meeting. they have become platforms for demagogues and tools for service. a system of counterbalances, balanced by previously mutually complementary agreements, including in the field of nuclear deterrence, i absolutely support the point of view of the first president of kazakhstan (nurstanbayev), who recently said that more than ever, the world is close to nuclear
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war. dear colleagues, what do you say, especially this statement by nazarbayev, which was not in vain remembered by the president.
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really very clearly defined that we have a red line, it’s not so easy for tactical nuclear weapons to appear in belarus, and there are regulations for them, including the response of these nuclear weapons, and god forbid someone crosses this red line, and
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it seems that the participation of at least the western elites, this fuse has broken, they...
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we are talking about the cis space, and nazarbayev was one of the, so to speak, ideologists, the founders of this creation of the commonwealth of independent states, but i would also like to note one... important thing in what the president said, by the way, at the beginning you noted the word politically correct, yes, you called it by not being politically correct, then you called it enemies, so if we accurately translate the term politically correct, then it is politically correct, true , yes, correct is correct, and so today exactly the definition is correct, that these are enemies, real enemies of our country, our sovereignty, our independence, our security of our people, i i think it's absolutely politically correct, what else is the president doing? politically correct, it seems to me that he noted a very important thing, i’ll just remember
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a little bit of the reference, probably tv viewers remember, it was such a wonderful film, i am authorized to say, yes, and there the traitor ogorodnikov, this is a real story, there was such a traitor, a relative of the minister , well, let’s just say, we won’t mention now what’s what, but he was very knowledgeable, but most importantly, when he was arrested by the soviet counterintelligence, they found poisons, pistols and so on and so forth, then even in this film... he said so, secondly, i always say that a rat is most dangerous at the moment when it is squeezed into a corner, when it has nowhere to go, this
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is the so-called opposition , today she feels that her time has passed, her time is finally running out, she wants to earn some kind of wages for herself, and, so to speak, some kind of intelligentsia in the west, or, more generally, to get some kind of capital in order to settle there later, and hence their desire to prove themselves, and hence the desire of the opponents, well, let’s put it this way, those who supervise them, the same united... united states of america, we will call great britain by its proper names, and other countries that are here.
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i sincerely, inwardly want to believe that the preemptive effect will be enough, yes, but still steve, how do you see the possibility of a nuclear conflict from the ocean, how do state politicians look at this topic? that’s what concerns the republic of belarus, as soon as the republic received nuclear weapons, the media agenda immediately changed, it immediately left this topic, since belarus has received...
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now there will be attempts to simply destabilize the situation, to undermine it, although, frankly speaking, i don’t think this will succeed, the fact is that not only, as the president of belarus said, international structures have degraded, but the intelligence services have also degraded, including the intelligence services of the united states, so it is almost impossible to shake up the situation, the fact is that we have negative selection, but even if we take the previous one. secretary jen psaki, in my opinion, she was going to send a fleet to the shores of belarus,
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fourth, i don’t know where she was going to put the svisloch or dig a canal on naroch, yes, well, just imagine, if at this level a person is an absolute amateur, of course in the intelligence services, i ’m sorry, i’ll just pick it up, recently john bolton, yes, so, literally yesterday, it means he saw the light and said that russia has a large army, a large territory and a lot of people. someone probably gave him a map or a reference book, well, excuse me, please, no, no, no, everything is correct, well, in general, it’s possible, of course, on the one hand this is a reason for smile, come on, come on, let steve finish the thought.
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at a certain moment of this madness in order to say that the only proactive moment for containing russia or china, for example, may be that we drop an atomic bomb on the same territory of belarus, yes, because the united states will not suffer from this, as it was in japan, and what will happen to us, they don’t really care about it, he doesn’t care, so i want to draw attention to the words of alexander grigorievich when he talked with the heads of the cis services, intelligence services cis, as they are correctly called in each, he says that we must stick together. because today we have common interests, once there was a collapse of the union of soviet socialist republics, yes, it was a counterbalance, this system of checks and balances, along with the collapse of this great country, it disappeared, today we are fragmented into small republics, yes we have a wise leader at the head of our republic, he understands that we need to introduce atomic weapons in time in order to protect our people, in order to
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there was a nuclear umbrella, so that you understand that we can respond if the next point of explosion of an atomic bomb...
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between countries, we see how this is done at the level, they are again trying to impose trade wars on us, we are trying there one way or another to infringe, someone on oil,
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someone on transit, someone on trade, even within the cis, within these eurasian structures, we still have problems, we cannot agree, we we are trying to do this, but there are forces that are latently hindering us, the only thing that has always held us back is for example, what was it based on and... does not allow them to scatter, these are again security issues, this is cooperation between the special services of the security bloc, because if they already feel some kind of mistrust and
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falsehood among themselves, that’s all, that’s the end of everything, a wake-up call, then, that we are forced today to resort to this anchor, yes, to publish this anchor, to show that we have this unity, and indeed this was done on the eve of very serious, all my colleagues talked about this, very serious events.
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repeated, said alexey, you repeated, they will mislead and take care, that is, they will commit actions that will lead to some tragic consequences, yes, well, unlike us journalists and political scientists, they are generals after all, they are more concrete people, yes, they think about the real situation, they operate with real facts, on which they draw their conclusions, here is the head of our kgb, ivan stanislavovich stertel, on the eve of this meeting with the special services he spoke with journalists, here is his... the west assesses this period as a low chance for changing the situation in belarus, so 24 will be the time
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testing technologies to put pressure on our country and change the system, the main emphasis will be on discrediting the elections, and at the same time, on the other hand, we see that the west has nevertheless taken into account the negative experience of the twentieth year for them, they have already begun.
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30 somehow matches me well, well, up to 140, yes, well, we reached 140, but the number itself, the twentieth year in 3 years, yes, but the number 30 itself, i want to build on it, it very much reminds me of 30 pieces of silver, yes, if take at the rate there for 2.0 years, probably one piece of silver like since it will cost 1 million euros today, hello, and as for the fact that they themselves, they are so insolent that they no longer hide the fact that they are sending money, yes, that they are not providing, and by all possible means, the so-called our opposition, but i
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here... this is very important, look, the issues of forming such cells at enterprises in universities, we also know this, we are working on this, the general said with a smile, the general said correctly, but we should not smile about this, yes, because these are people , which around us, and if you and i are not indifferent, yes, if we understand
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and observe. with what is happening inside our communities, inside our collectives, inside the fact that i’m not saying that we should turn into a police state, as my colleague and i talked about the united states, yes, that they are putting on a completely police state handcuffs for the slightest violation, even if you haven’t paid the fine, but the caring of civil society is a very important component of the smooth passage of any election campaign, no one except ourselves will protect us within ourselves, only our consciousness, in august of the twentieth year this was what happened.
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that we do not fit into their concept, we do not fall under them, we work and live on our own and for ourselves, but regarding the elections, we must understand why we need them, but we need them in order for us to form a bodies of state power were formed on absolutely legitimate legal grounds, that is, what is a single voting day, this is a new parliament, these are new local councils, based on this... the new upper
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house, which will be elected by deputies of local councils, is an all-belarusian people's assembly, which will include those elected there by 24 to 2 yes.
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seems to be supervising their activities, but we believe that this is unacceptable, we do not use this practice and do not believe that it is good, therefore ukrainian, polish and baltic colleagues must ensure that this weapon does not turn against them. look at what ivan stanislavovich said, and what steve spoke about, about the level of the special services our enemies, yes, absolutely right, this is such a subtle thing that we are not aware of. but despite all the conflicts, and the president spoke about this at the meeting with the leaders, contacts between the intelligence services are always preserved. absolutely true, but to be honest, i don’t see any danger from these khorogii, they’re just
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working off money, they’ve been given some money, they need to work it off, i need to forgive you, can you talk about money specifically, yes, so as not to talk about it ? what, again data on receipt was discovered runaways, our runaway millions along the usade line. over the past 3 years they have received almost 7 million 6.8 million us dollars, of which 2.5 million have flowed in this year alone. there is another screen: euroradio, ours, radio, for the euro, well, as it should, for the euro, yes, yes, radio for the euro, so, 2.6 million dollars over the last 10 years went to this radio, where did it come from? just people. rework the budget, master the budget. the united states also has its own populism, the democratic party, of course, also the democratic party determined to show how dear democracy is to them, especially in europe, that’s why they
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make such a show, but in reality, it is useless, completely, the belarusian people have been making very wise decisions for more than 20 years or 30 years, namely the people, and no one. it was not possible to rock this ship and will not succeed, but money will continue to be allocated, because the budget needs to be mastered, it needs to be cut, of course, 2.5 million will come to europe, and 250 million will remain in the united states, it will be very well cut and divided , here the oppositionists, well, they'll get a little bit, i still wouldn't brush aside the threat of terrorist attacks, that's a different matter.
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why, because there is one maidan , a second maidan, a third maidan, there are ukraine, moldova, georgia, kyrgyzstan, and people ask, well, look, every election, the west itself discredits the electoral electoral process, and today i see in belarusian society and not only in belarusian society, there is a huge demand for stability and security in order to know what will happen tomorrow and...
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those same ideologists, propagandists like us they call, in fact, just smart people, yes , they will come and tell the work collectives where people are busy with other issues, they will tell what really is, what can be done and what should not be done, this will then be a guarantee that the elections will be held, well yes, this is a very important tool, of course, direct conversations with our citizens, but let us wrap this topic up and move on to a topic that is probably no less important, and in some places, probably even more important - this is economic
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security, this is the economy, these are sanctions it’s no secret that the blue dream of our opponents is to force us to die economically, which is what the sanctions were actually aimed at, so i want to illustrate with the example of the ban on belarusian potassium , what this led to next, this is what the chain was, here are just a few numbers. are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy due to higher costs of agricultural production, and of course the sharp increase in imports from ukraine, cheap imports from ukraine, food, so what is the replacement for belarusian and russian potassium came, of course, this is canadian potassium, although
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it will take time, but the point is that it is much more expensive, it is much more expensive, based on the result, who was the main lobbyist?
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it would have been more convenient to transport all our wealth by rail only so that from there, these are those who brought alcohol to our territory so that they now have a problem with drinking alcoholic beverages, with drunkenness, and so that the population would be more pliable , these are those who raised our elites, who today rule us and make the richest country in terms of natural resources is a poor country, because they dissolve somewhere incomprehensibly where, they speak very respectfully about belarus, although not a single belarusian channel broadcasts on this territory, there is not a single media outlet that talked about belarus, and you go into a shop , they ask you where you are from, you say from belarus, they say: oh, lukashenko, dad, that is, can you imagine, these are ours, they know, these are our neighbors who come here and talk
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about our country, and so dmitry sanovich, i will continue, yes, and they treat with great respect even the communist party, they have it in parliament. representatives of the communists , they hope that these are the people who will still be in the future and talk about unions of equals, they also have an agricultural country, like in africa, this is how we are similar to africa, many people talk about what about traveling around africa, what kind of, wait, what are our interests there? the rest is agriculture, for them agriculture is the main thing they do, our developed agriculture, our developed technologies in agriculture, our combines that operate on our territory. they are not just needed there today, they are vitally important, necessary there, it is important for them to educate their population, it is important for them to educate their elite, and not for the west to educate them, but for them to study at our universities, so that they... bring their technologies there , so that joint production is created there, this joint union of equals is of great interest,
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and africa is where everything is stored today, where you can develop, where you can build, where we can really look for new sales markets, and i will address our viewers so that you don’t listen to someone there and understand that we have nothing to do there, today, by the way, the president spoke about this, about development of tourism, here i am from one of our belarusians in srilanka. he heard and said: what we can’t do, that belarus can’t build its own sanatorium on the shores of the indian ocean, with our national cuisine, and let our tourists come here so that our belarusians, in order to see before our own eyes how important, interesting and potentially economically beneficial these regions are to us. can i just chime in, finally as a presenter? you said they know lukashenko, yes, but why do they know lukashenko? because he not only says what he thinks, but also keeps his promises , does what he said, so i noted
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a few beats here for myself, he comes to be friends and not to rob, let’s return to this too, here i am for myself noted several messages that were made at the meeting with alexander grigorievich, based on the results of these series of international visits, including the prime minister’s visits to uzbekistan and vietnam, that is, this external arc has emerged.
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direction, it was not in the schedule of visits , but it is very important - this is india, as a promising direction, and here is a specific instruction to sergei oleynik, the minister of foreign affairs, to continue working to find common ground where we can develop mutually beneficial cooperation, but in order to all these agreements were fulfilled, what is needed is will, i would suggest listening to what the president said about this. in order for there to be a result, i invited you so that you would take special control of the results of these business trips, from
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equatorial guinea we worked in a new way, everything went under my strict control, the minister of foreign affairs visited there, established contacts with this state , then the specialists worked, and the ministers , on the eve of my visit, visited this country and developed the main directions, in my opinion there are 15 of our work.
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readers, who will perceive this information in what way, i really didn’t like one expression, then someone said, well, what isolation, let’s stop talking about the isolation of belarus and the belarusian president, let’s just stop replicating this western meme that they created, there was no such isolation, no, no in the modern globalized world, this small group of western european states will self-isolate.
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make our detroit plant sell some of its fords somewhere, otherwise our detroit is falling apart, don’t know, who is his minister, well, that’s all, as some people like to make fun of us, but our president is a real strong business executive who understands that the country needs to move, that you can’t sit at one point today, we have a specific management system, we have a specific economic system. we live absolutely according to market laws, yes market ones, we have production, we need to sell our goods, we need to obtain raw materials, components, but today we have an effective manager who deals with this is the task of the president, this is wrong , we should have, we should have in this case, why is it wrong if it benefits the whole people, our president
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is speaking, our president is speaking today not quite on...
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such a stable modernization in everything , in economics, in politics and in all industries, in all spheres of activity, this is very effective management, in the united states, unfortunately, this is not the case, because even the best ideas in our country begin to die in congress, then in the lower they are in the ward die, then in the upper house they will die, and even some interesting, good proposal is not born in the white house, and is not born, absolutely, the white house, it lives a completely life of its own now. lives completely divorced from the life of the american people , i hope he doesn’t have very long to live in this capacity, but nevertheless, while we are experiencing colossal discomfort from this, and it is we who find ourselves in isolation, it is our economy in ruins, here is an effective strategist,
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can i still respond, yes, i also listened colleagues. and we are moving forward , we are moving , the president determines the strategy of our development, so sometimes , of course, he has to correct some things manually, but the visit of the head of state is such a breakthrough, as alexey said here, he cannot help but give economic effect, since our president takes care of this all the time, and what he has set now, in fact, has not been scheduled for many ministries, yes, that is, he has not scattered this program across the ministry, he has specifically assigned it to administration kasenets, yes, that means the minister of foreign affairs.
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we'll clean it up right away, we'll dig here , show me where.
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always subsidies, there were fights about this, agriculture there are always problems, there are france, england, all the way, roughly speaking, european, so the british just ran away, now about how we withstood these sanctions, well, we didn’t just withstand them, we have become better, you understand what ’s the matter, let’s look at the indicators, yesterday putin, yes, he indicated, outlined the figures that the russian federation is reaching federation, there is 3 and a half percent growth, this
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... said so from a host of decent economies, who remains there, only orban is fluttering, yes, trying to somehow compete there, because he defends his agriculture and the like, so we are demonstrating not only that we are standing up under the pressure of sanctions, maybe this is too loudly said, but for us sanctions are a driver, if you like, we are such proud, brave belarusians that when they want to put pressure on us, we we make it even better. more faster, even stronger , even more concentrated, even more ideologically correct, so the strategist, our president, first of all, he talked about this a long time ago, because about import substitution, and about ensuring that our
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economy would not be credit-dependent, that is, you take, what lukashenko said 20 years ago, and you will see how i will implement it today, thank you, but you know, our listeners and viewers will not understand us if we do not discuss the two military conflicts. conflicts that now, unfortunately, exist on our planet, this is the conflict in ukraine in the middle east, but maybe let us first, since we have already talked here, talk about zelensky , who traveled with a vassal across latin and north america, he hoped to knock out, squeeze out or receive the promised 61 billion dollars, but it didn’t work out, look at... footage , yes, and there are also headlines, headlines of the world press, which essentially characterized his visit as a failure, look, zelensky’s visit is complicated
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by stalled border negotiations, the republicans are pushing zelensky aside, his problems are not in their focus, zelensky is not maybe to win congress over as biden's ukraine package stalls, zelensky appears unconvinced by republicans. the need for assistance to ukraine and so on. zelensky's call for help to ukraine evokes sympathy, but does not break the deadlock. in washington, zelensky faced republican intransigence. look. what ’s happening, the united states regarding assistance to ukraine, well, let’s just say, it’s not that they’ve already wavered, they’ve been shaking for a long time, but they are setting an example for the european union, i can imagine the resonance of this there will be hesitation regarding assistance to ukraine, there will probably be some, what awaits ukraine, we ask this question many times on our program to our american colleague, so i was always very interested. opinion, how people
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living in the usa perceive this situation in principle, yes, what arguments, after all, they are given there, but we need to convince public opinion that this is a country 1.00 km away, it really needs such multi-billion-dollar assistance, while when you have drug addicts running through the streets when you are there some cities are falling apart and going bankrupt, you need to send money to koto zakian, that’s how you explain it all, that drug addicts are always running around there, you know, this is a familiar picture. colleagues, well, of course , the president of ukraine chose the wrong time, since ukraine has completely left the media agenda, our major media practically do not cover activities in ukraine, even the democratic cnn, well , maybe something will run through, not to mention about other major media giants, ukraine left the media agenda, therefore, the time for the visit was unfortunate, very unfortunate, simply because the interest was completely, well, maybe... if not
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completely, then a very serious ass that there was no other time, it was necessary on december 15, yes, at least to knock something out of congress , well, well, this is no longer possible, since now the economic situation in the united states is so sad that to allocate any funds, no, these are not rumors, every ordinary american feels it, now for any party, even the democratic one, talking about new aid packages is political suicide, because now... not a single american will simply understand that you need to send money somewhere to a country that no american can show on a map if you ask an american where ukraine, he will look for it somewhere in australia and will never say exactly where, what and how, when he says that tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars are going there, then of course not a single political party will be there now...
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what alexander lukashenko said about this 1 september twenty-two, there in ukraine a conflict is brewing between the president and the military, only the military can strike with an edge and say: no, let's come to an agreement, because ukraine will be wiped off the face of the earth. at the same time, according to alexander lukashenko, in ukraine everything no longer depends on vladimir zelensky, but on the military. what do you think, colleagues? i still think that when the president said this phrase, it was far-sighted a year ago, right? it was not
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in vain that they named the date, he still did not mean the corrupt one, not these corrupt bought generals, but there will be some kind of graters , i think that, as always, our president looks much deeper, he spoke about ordinary military men, about those who rot in the trenches, die, are covered in blood and do not move anywhere, and who do not suffer this money, that’s what mr. zelensky tried to knock out, so our president, he simply understands how social processes develop in general, and even more so in... in some specific countries that are close to us, which we understand, we ukraine, we know very well, in fact, what is there can happen to the public consciousness, and the true confrontation between zelensky and the military is coming to an end, let's see how they get through this winter, that's when zelensky, why is it so scary today, look at his face, what state he is in, he understands that these same ukrainian military men , who are fighting there, will eventually come to him and say, what have you done to us, the bastard, right? and so on and
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so on, these, this is this conflict, i will not say that our president is his foresaw, but we can, from his words , assume that on the other hand, we have already seen more than once that alexander grigorievich is an excellent analyst who is capable and makes truthful forecasts, well, they don’t listen, well, they are fools, how many times has our president given advice to him, even at the very beginning of his presidency, now this zelensky will probably remember this for him. and about i want to finish another association arose for me , it means zelensky’s visit to the usa, you know, when i looked at this picture, when these two aging romolika, and faction leaders in the senate.
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yes, so, something happened that no one expected, what do you mean, the united states blocked a draft un security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. and also
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to the unconditional release of all hostages. the draft resolution was almost unanimously supported by state members.
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mr. netanyahu to do his job, so that the world doesn’t see this, doesn’t understand, the world sees it, and the world, i think, understands that this is a crime, to say, everyone was afraid, well, except erdogan, yes, if possible , let's listen to what the president of turkey said, unfortunately, the idea of ​​a ceasefire was rejected, because america was the only one who voted against it, the only thing is, is it fair, is a just world possible at all, what can we do? say this? a just world is indeed possible, only without america. tell me whether recep erdogan will receive the noya peace prize. to receive the nobel peace prize, you need to win several. like obama, yes, like obama, for example, he started three wars and received the nobel peace prize, and if , for example, donald trump did not start a single
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war, then he is a criminal, he should be put in prison and so on, 150 years in prison, of course, well, well, not a single war was started by your president biden , at what level to peace prize, well, i think, the middle east conflict is on his conscience, one ukrainian is on his, well, two more wars , he didn’t start it, so i inherit it.
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television, of which belsad is a structural unit, so here are two points before we begin discuss this situation, the court ruled in favor of ogneshka, and madam head of belsat was forced to apologize, but the trial went on for 2 years, a great judicial effective system, but the most interesting thing is that the court decision... was made after that , how the new government was adopted, because agnieszka ramaszewska is a complex head
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of the polish intelligence services, yes, this is not an ordinary person, a complex head of belsat, this is a family of modern polish elites, her mother is an adviser to the president republic of poland, her husband is today the ambassador of poland to ukraine, we must understand this. was invited to this conversation as a journalist for a completely different newspaper, where she
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moonlights as a polish thought, with an independent, real newspaper, where many employees. have problems with the current polish government precisely because of their position. mr. matteusz pieskorski, we know what his fate is. and what, in spite of everything, gnieszka pivor was able to achieve, even through this rolling and washing throughout all the years of leadership here of this authoritarian ipr, truth, is a definite sign that is taking place.
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confirms the rules that there really is no justice, there is no justice, this is an exception, that’s why we are talking about it, but usually something completely different happens there, and this exception became possible only after the change of government, yes, thanks colleagues, we will complete our program, we are now living in that wonderful time of the pre-christmas, pre-new year
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holidays, in our country, under the patronage of the president, our children from all over take place. but i want us all, as if, despite all these political difficulties and threats, to still remain human and support those who really need this support. thank you, thank you. we’ll go with you to the coolest and most iconic spots in our country. you can and should spend them on vivid impressions of traveling around beautiful belarus. sorachan lakes, the blue necklace of ostrovetchyna, which rightfully tops
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the list of the most beautiful places in belarus. the nature of the reserve will captivate you 100% with its picturesqueness. i just love river walks, because it is from the side of the water surface that you can see the most delightful natural landscapes untouched by human hands and take excellent photographs, where you will plunge into unforgettable impressions, emotions, feelings of uniqueness that will remain with you in your memory for a long time. katerina, you and i have known each other for a long, unbelievably jumping month, although i’ve lived a long life.
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everything, everything was at the glances, they opened a farm, so they rented 150 hectares of land, we will continue to plow and re-land the land, the task of the leader is to find out why the rural life is still better than city life to complete several household tasks, eight zastaўsya radok bulba, yago treba dabrac, judging by the weathered helmet, one might get the impression
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that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, there it is red tractor, why didn’t we load into it? getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work.
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quality mark on the belarus24 tv channel.


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