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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 18, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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we are the men of the world and belarus, the beauty of the country, the soul of everyone, we have tormented the birth of people, i encourage you to achieve your own. perabor, our land is bright and our name, famous for the people of the proversky union, our beloved, moti, pass on.
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our serenity is clear, the fear of sadness and joy is holy, our bright name is said to the land, hail to the peoples of the great persian union, our beloved.
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for the sake of your silt, our beloved mother , we all wet ourselves. without the right to peace, the second coming of tusk to the polish political olympus. saving is holy, christmas has become unaffordable for the old world. welcome to the royal apartments.
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you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24. daria tarasova is in the studio. hello. here the mind of mistrust for the scandalous peace from the polish sejm became a lucky ticket for donald tusk. the former warsaw prime minister, who is also the president of europe, made an elegant return from brussels to polish politics. with parliamentary triumph, the politician's publication delegated to him the title of the most influential person of the year in europe. in his keynote speech, tusk outlined the priorities of his cabinet: to return the country to rosy european rails, establish a sincere dialogue with brussels, which has floundered amid disagreements on the rule of law and will patch up holes in the state budget. we need to revive multi-billion dollar grants. true , the veto on bills until the twenty-fifth year remains with the dictator duda under the control of the pisovtsy of the central bank and the judicial system. about the old premiere for new poland evgeniy beloosov. sometimes they come back. in poland
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, long-familiar faces came to power. donald tusk headed the government and thus this ended the eight-year rule of the peace party and destroyed the tandem of duda morowiecki. the whole country was watching the process of passing a vote of no confidence in morovetsky and co. and not only from tv screens. the epic spectacle was broadcast by one of the warsaw cinemas. hundreds of spectators stocked up on popcorn to watch the eternally gloomy people leave. there have been so many disturbing events over the past 8 years that i'm not surprised people are glad it's over. we finally see that we can do something. this is the last day of matthaus' reign muravetsky. at the beginning of the rule of the rights and justice party, we took to the streets to protest against it. and now we sit and enjoy the fact that what this man is saying is the last time he has such powers in poland. the diet
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hated us for 8 years, created problems for us in every possible way, and i say this as a mother and as a woman, i have long dreamed of seeing how all this would fall apart, to see. there really was something to be said for, for example, the unsportsmanlike behavior of the leader of the once ruling party, for some reason he decided to inject tusk also unobviously hinted at his grandfather’s service in the german troops. there is a procedure in parliament when someone insults another person. i don't know who your grandparents were, but i know one thing: you are a german agent, just a german agent. but even if tusk is on the side of germany, this is more likely the case. when polish politicians simply cannot divide the interests of berlin and the interests of washington, although the new prime minister himself does not hide his pro-european views. moreover, in the near future the newly formed government will definitely need help brussels in order to somehow correct what the pisovtsy did. therefore, tusk,
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without delay, flew to the capital of european democracy and promised to return with money from eu funds, which had previously been frozen amid disputes with the government. we become stronger, more sovereign, not only when poland is stronger, but when the entire european community is stronger. but before he began to make europe great again, tusk fired the heads of all polish intelligence services, and also issued an order to create an interdepartmental group for the restoration the rule of law and constitutional order in the country, apparently so that no one gets in the way, in the european commission. they responded to this with joy. i welcome your commitment to putting the rule of law at the top of your government's agenda and your determination to address all the concerns that have been raised in recent years by the european court and commission.
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i also welcome your initiative to join the european prosecutor's office. and as a first result, the eu budget commissioner said that the european the commission will find a way. provide poland with 111 billion euros from eu funds. but will these funds be enough? in the previous quarter of this year alone, poland’s official government debt grew by $7 billion and exceeded $285 billion, which is 38% of gdp for a second. the hole in the state budget has exceeded $4 billion and continues to grow. do not forget that warsaw spent more than $34 billion on modernizing its own armed forces in 2023. naturally, on credit. it costs warsaw and kiev too much, only direct investment in the ukrainian war, weapons, machinery and equipment amounted to 3 billion euros, and this is not to mention the lost economic benefits due to grain, truckers, and migrants. of course, while continuing his pro-european
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course, tusk says that he will not abandon ukraine. i want to say that poland’s task is the task of the new government, but also to loudly and firmly demand all of us from everything western.
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despite the majority of seats in parliament, it is still not enough. evgeny belousov, around the planet. polish ups and downs synchronize the solidarity of warsaw and brussels on the ukrainian issue. tusk promised to walk through old contacts and level out miscalculations.
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in poland, the blockade lasts for more than a month ; the day before, ukrainian media reported that the countries had reached an agreement to lift the blockade from the border, after which polish carriers unblocked one of the checkpoints, doroguska yagod-1, but only for 4 hours, then again blocked the road with a truck , but under the pretext of a breakdown. the poles blocked the cordon on purpose, let in a couple of cars and blocked it.
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there have been at least 183 regional conflicts in the world this year, the highest indicator for the last 30 years, as evidenced by data from the annual report of the international institute for strategic studies. it is noted that over the year the death toll increased by 14%, and the number of cases of violence by 28. the middle east and ukraine continue to be hot spots on the map of the planet. conflicts are financed by the powers that be, resulting in uncontrolled supplies of weapons, which then
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spread across the planet and become commonplace . the time for conspiracy theories is over. poland intends to abandon the version that russia is allegedly to blame for the 154 plane crash near smolensk in 2010, which killed the president of the republic, leg kaczynski. the new head of the ministry of internal affairs told reporters about this. the first commission of friends... has been trying for decades to build normal relations with ukraine, vladimir
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putin stated this during a direct line press conference in a combined format. the deterioration of relations is a consequence of the actions of the ukrainian leadership itself, which was supported by the west , primarily the united states. nato's unrestrained desire to creep closer to russian borders has led to to the tragedies that we are now experiencing, the russian leader emphasized. the usa conceived and organized it, europe stands. they look at it silently, or play along, sing along with them, it means, well, how to build relationships with them, we are for it, we didn’t tear anything up, but they pretended that they didn’t know anything about it and didn’t remember it, only two or three times they mentioned that the minsk agreements were signed on a whim and were not going to be implemented, these mean guarantees of an agreement between the authorities and the opposition in ukraine in 1914 it seems like they signed it, by the way. and they immediately forgot about them and didn’t care about them, here they are, you know, what’s the matter? the fact is that to
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a large extent they have lost their sovereignty, we see this now, they make many decisions to their own detriment. kiev continues to be fed empty promises regarding eu membership. there is still no reason to count on a speedy entry. according to reuters, negotiations on this topic may be postponed to march next year amid objections from outside. however, budapest’s position was supported slovakia, then austria. the country's chancellor said that vienna will not support the draft long-term eu budget, which includes an assistance program for ukraine worth up to 50 billion euros. in addition, austria does not agree to begin negotiations on the country’s accession to the eu. moreover, ukraine's membership in the eu is expensive, according to a study by the institute of german economics. brussels will have to spend every one. euros for kiev up to 17% of the total budget of the european union, which is approximately 130-190
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billion euros. in other words, experts say directly that if ukraine becomes a member of the eu, then the union will have to literally support the independent one. but the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry is confident that the country has a chance of becoming a member of the bloc. kiev is even ready to jump and dance for the sake of joining the eu. the head stated this. zelensky went to washington to ask for alms from his owner, the head of the kiev regime, speaking at the us national defense university, criticized the american congress, and then again asked for weapons. the republican senator from agaya said he was offended by the panhandler's visit to washington. according to jady vence, the american
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the government should not give money to every beggar who comes to the states. and any help to kiev is help. going nowhere. any person with a brain knows that the conflict in ukraine will end with negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to its 1991 borders is ridiculous. nobody really believes this. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country; the average age of an armed forces officer is 43. this is tragic. it is in america's interest to recognize that ukraine will have to cede some territory to the russians and we need to put an end to this war. the american authorities must stop the bloodshed, and not write everything down. there are no more blank checks for the war and the ukrainians themselves, according to the washington post, have almost no trained soldiers left in kiev; they are not going to risk their lives for the sake of a corrupt government. quote: while ordinary ukrainians are fighting and dying, members of the government and representatives of other elites are driving around in expensive cars, and officers are taking bribes.
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the position of the american leader and biden’s actions are not changing for the better. without support voters, almost half of americans surveyed believe that washington is spending too much on military and financial assistance to ukraine. according to the financial times , 48% of respondents share this opinion. the publication notes that the low level of support for military assistance is recorded against the backdrop of anxiety about the state of the american economy. only 25% of respondents are satisfied with it, 53% of americans surveyed say their finances are satisfied. the situation has worsened during biden's presidency. republican majority in the house representatives of the us congress voted to give formal status to the ongoing impeachment investigation of president biden. the nazi epidemic is sweeping across europe. bulgarian authorities have begun dismantling the monument to the soviet army in sofia.
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police control measures on the approaches to the monument have been tightened as much as possible. officials are afraid of popular uprisings because... previously , large-scale demonstrations took place in defense of the memorial. the formal basis for demolition is the alleged dilapidation of the monument. russian foreign ministry called the policy of the bulgarian authorities unfriendly and harmful to bilateral relations. poland is succeeding in erasing historical memory. there , 468 monuments to soviet soldiers out of 561 have already been demolished. to date, more than 3.0 have been dismantled in europe. soviet liberator. the yuanyi share in international payments reached a historical maximum in 2023. in terms of settlement volumes, it came in second place, overtaking the euro. according to analysts, this is the result of intensified trade turnover between china and the countries of the middle east. if such dynamics will continue, then technically the yuan
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will have the opportunity to become one of the main currencies used in international payments. so important structural changes are coming to the global foreign exchange market. no matter how many fairy tales about democracy, rights, sanctions and regimes flow from the european stands, the realities are, alas, different. coincidentally or not, ursola vondern was barked by an unknown dog right in the european parliament. after finishing her speech about the greatness of europe, a dog barking suddenly came from the speakers, which after a few seconds of silence drowned out the laughter of the european deputies themselves. later, however, the incident was explained by the presence of service dogs in the building, and the leader of the european people's party faction joked that it was apparently another
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supporter of ursula, the extravagant argentine president. last sunday he took up his duties; within a week he had already managed to carry out several rather radical manipulations with the national economy. however, no trace remains of javier milei's original radicalism. he certainly remains right, but not evasively acquires sanity, which is often called pragmatism out of politeness. the anarcho-capitalist revolution in argentina is cancelled, moreover, the revolution in general is cancelled. melyai has turned from a banner of liberalism into a banner of conventions. here, probably, many were waiting for the word argentines, but in fact we are talking about all earthlings. for the first time outside of football , the argentines again made everyone watching tv root for and against themselves.
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as for javier miley, every single person who exists here has an opinion, of course, every single person same. the newly minted argentine president did not disappoint. just in the process of being freshly baked, he proved that he was, is will remain, the brightest politician on the planet, arousing worship or hatred, but not indifference. so, on to the inauguration.
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to double the official rate, and it was not equal to the black rate, no, but still no, he just ordered the central bank to remain 20% below it, even currency traders were stunned by such docking of the dog’s tail in several steps. i'm angry because at the exchange rate of one and a half thousand dollars, everything will become so expensive that you won’t be able to buy it. miley says, so inflation, this and that. but we are living people, while in principle there is no dollar exchange rate either for purchase or for sale, no one knows what will happen next, but the store owners turned out to be more agile than currency speculators,
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prices in stores rose immediately, and not in proportion to the increase in the exchange rate, with a decent margin . here the only limiter on appetite was the conscience of the traders, which, as you know, is a product that many may have heard of, but which no one has ever encountered. in on the argentine internet, the most fashionable trend now is to go to the store. randomly grab goods from shelves, calling shocking prices. to imagine the situation in all its shocking picturesqueness, you should know that the existence of many exchange rates in argentina for more than a decade is combined with restrictions on the import and export of currency, as well as on conversion, that is, the people basically have no dollar airbags, and above all salaries in equivalent they were very modest. but with prices rising in one moment and many times over, they became simply beggarly, look, prices have risen, in fact, gasoline has risen in price by a third,
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and everything has collapsed along with it, a dollar costs 800 pesos and everything is getting more expensive, now you have to run around the shops to find where they can get you less. by the way, the exercise of the ministries is only a minor element of shock therapy. meley has already begun the abolition of all kinds of benefits with subsidies, for example, public transport in the capital. he promised to sever relations with venezuela, cuba, brazil, but no matter, he was going to refuse economic cooperation with china, but so far on the contrary,
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argentina has confirmed all the economic privileges of this country. finally, he still has not liquidated the central bank, which he promised to do on oath. with the abolition of the peso and the transformation of the dollar into the only means of payment, there is also no certainty yet. in general, today all his measures, although traumatic, are extremely half-hearted, that is, most likely they simply cannot bring anything to the test subjects except pain. until his supporters’ stock of patience runs out, they are ready to endure, but this resource is finite. we must unite to heal the country, now everyone is dragging their feet, some here, others here, now they want to go on strike, 20 days after he took office, a strike will begin, you see, it’s clear, this man has enemies, but we are all in one boat.
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there was none at all, they only made a mess and , to be honest, it would be better if these people gave them a headache. anarcho-capitalism, which the melei preach, is hyper-liberalism, no one has tested it on humans, but it has happened on rats, they say that if these animals are locked in an enclosure and not fed, then through for some time there will be only one left alive, this is such an ideal weapon for killing his own kind, the king rat, meley seems to have refused such experiments on his fellow countrymen, but... but he is still characterized by the absolutization of economics as a platonic idea, which in our imperfect world temples, exchanges and markets should be built everywhere. there is a suspicion that the living life of a fellow anarchist will improve, will show him the right path in the sightless pompas, and this is not entirely a figure of speech. the argentine pampa throughout the 19th century was a space of absolute freedom, a territory where there is no law except losso and the knife. the gauchos who survived were brought into obedience to the army. now they work on the estates and
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serve. fun for tourists, for a dollar a horse will be hobbled, they will sing and dance, meley is somewhat similar to these people rooted in the saddle during the period of their greatest glory, he is indomitable, freedom-loving , desperate, does not know authority and is not afraid of anyone, but it looks like a government has been found for him , the inauguration, in any case, was somewhat reminiscent of a performance for tourists who are hosted by gauchos today. oleg romanov, dmitry ostartakh around the planet. not reach the star of bethlehem. the gas war stole christmas in the european union. heated polarization threatens a terrorist tsunami over the holiday break. 30 million euros will be allocated for the protection of churches, synagogues and mosques that find themselves in the anti-semitic red zone. saves money on christmas and lives in energy saving mode paris. eco-friendly lights illuminated the champs-elysees, which turn into pumpkins at 12 o'clock. chances lisa,
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the 24-hour illumination is shining. on december 24 and 31, due to high inflation, 252 euros are not the germans are ready to shell out more for gifts, the government of the bundestag has made it an extreme consumer, this is the policy, it saves on everything except the military bloc and blames moscow for all mortal sins. non-trivial economic life hacks of the old world in the material of olga davidovich. european christmas is under threat, under the threat of terrorist attacks, right before the opening of traditional christmas parties. sleeping cells may become active in the very near future. and now europe is on high alert as city ​​centers fill up and tourists flock to christmas holiday hotspots. due to the war between israel and hamas, the polarization it causes in
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our society, and also due to... just a few days after the start of the war between israel and hamas , armed attacks on citizens occurred in eu countries. a teacher was stabbed to death in the french city of aras, and two football fans from sweden were shot dead in the belgian capital. and in early december , a german tourist was killed at the ifel tower in paris and two more were injured. moreover, eyewitnesses reported that the attacker swore. loyalty to the islamic state, and during his arrest he said that he was tired of watching muslims die. the attacker had a criminal record. in 2016 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for planning another attack, of which he served 4 years. he was being monitored by our internal security agency because the man suffered from psychological problems and was very unstable. but, as they say, they didn’t keep track, despite the fact that the man was
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known. as a radical islamist, however, it is lone wolves that have posed the greatest threat for many years now. the german intelligence services were more fortunate. they have already managed to prevent three terrorist attacks in different parts of the country, and all of the detainees, four of them, were planning an attack on christmas markets. such fairs, so popular among residents and guests of the old world, are now considered among the main targets of terrorists. and since the deadly 2016 attack in berlin, police have been particularly focused on security issues. denmark together with colleagues from germany in the netherlands, they managed to arrest seven people, in different european countries, on suspicion of preparing attacks. three
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were arrested in dani. will be charged under terrorism, it has been decided to maintain a significant level of terrorist danger in the country. this is extremely serious, we have been seeing people living in denmark for several years now. who do not wish us well, they are against our freedom and against danish society. the statistics are also depressing. a recent survey by the observatory on intolerance of discrimination shows: in recent years, the number of religiously motivated crimes has been growing rapidly, and this does not take into account the middle eastern echo. so over the past month, the number of such crimes in the netherlands has increased by 800%. and in austria it’s 300. in germany, local law enforcement officers recorded up to three such cases a day. this brutal violence shows how acute and serious the threat posed by islamist terrorism is currently in the eu, not only in germany but in all neighboring countries. and the war in gaza is exacerbating this situation. we
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must state this clearly. there is a very high risk that we will face even greater emotionalism and radicalization of islamist criminals. this is causing concern across europe. the rise of the far right, the attacks, the inability to say you're jewish, the need to hide it - it's a shame. such messages only escalate the situation. the atmosphere in the old world is far from festive. europeans prefer home gatherings to christmas markets, especially since they now have to look into their wallets more and more often. prices in many countries, incomes are simply sky-high, and citizens’ incomes simply do not allow them to enjoy all the joys of christmas markets. designed for hungarian wallets, the prices are simply unrealistic, regardless of whether it is for tourists or for hungarians. food prices at the popular hungarian advent basilica have caused a wave of discussion in the local media. a bowl of signature soup for 12 euros, cabbage rolls for 17, and a hot dog with sausage for 21.
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some publications compared their prices with markets in rich vienna. the atmosphere here is great, but the prices for food, i think it's... a shame for the local authorities. when there is. will choose gifts from completely supported
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than previous years, and two out of five french things. i can't, i can't go shopping this year, i can't afford christmas gifts for the kids, i just can't. paris lagged behind in prices by 50%. this year, germany announced that it was not going to save money on the christmas holidays; it lit up holiday illuminations throughout the country, thousands of lights in sparkling shop windows; for the germans, all this is an indicator of stability, only hidden behind a colorful screen the unpleasant truth is that according to public opinion polls, almost half of the country’s citizens will save, while every fourth person plans to comply. austerity regime, residents of foggy albion prefer to celebrate on credit, according to the vion information channel, more than 40% of britons plan to borrow from banks to cover expenses, however, they do not yet know how to repay. local councils across
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the country are canceling christmas markets, they are too expensive to run, and british authorities are advising people to stock up candles in case of power outage. such comments seem to be from the deep middle ages in a country representing the sixth economy. talk about the scale of the existing problem. the garden publication claims that the european union and britain are currently experiencing a record economic crisis in 50 years. olga davidovich, around the planet. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus one and belarus-24. winged out of season, armed with an internal compass, monarchs return to mexico for the winter.
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every year the butterfly searches for a cozy home travel 3,000 miles, flying an average of about 65 km per day. indeed, jetlac and the preservation of the population are better than the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. migrants cross the mainland to the country of departure from the northern united states and canada. the place of attraction for monarchs is the central part of the state of michuacan. it is here in the biosphere reserve that the orange and black journey takes place. what else has happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what you should definitely find out about, yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. technological excellence, deepfakes have reached a new level. combine two elements: what
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fried ice tastes like, kayaks and lights, how traditional rafting went in copenhagen, where santa claus is a mountaineer , where ice sculptors from all over the world came to demonstrate their skills, we will find out together in the next few minutes. artificial intelligence is taking new heights, and it’s doing it so quickly that it wouldn’t hurt to... slow down, a video clip has been published, a song in which the planet’s leading politicians perform, they sing in their own voices, their appearance is also completely authentic. the fake music was created using deep fake technology. one might look at it as a cute bit of fun, but the technological sophistication of the fake video production is impressive. the capabilities of artificial intelligence are growing exponentially. for those who love
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a crunch, visitors to the yanfan market will get their fix in china. in addition to traditional local snacks, they offer grilled ice. ice barbecue is already being enjoyed popularity. although it is not a dish as such, it is more of an attraction to attract customers. here to try ice cubes , after learning about them on the internet, we prepare ice to attract customers so that more people will come to the market, but as i said, these ice cubes are not edible, they do not meet national hygiene standards, the idea of ​​​​such a snack appeared at a street food seller in the summer, admits that the creation of an unusual barbecue was inspired by hot days, and then shared footage of the preparation fried ice online, the video immediately went viral, and its recipe became a new food trend in china. a fascinating alloy. despite
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the freezing temperatures, thousands of spectators gathered on copenhagen's waterfront to watch colorful kayakers sail by. an alternative version of the traditional santa lucia parade took place in the danish capital. this year more than 500 kayakers from different countries took part in the event. it's fun, it's nice to be outside, the lights are shining, everyone is happy, everyone is singing, thousands of people around are drinking and looking at us on the water. and yes, just. it's wonderful to be in such an atmosphere. i think it's great to have events like this because copenhagen can get a little boring and gray and gloomy in december, so that's great. before the adoption of the gregorian calendar, the feast of st. lucia was the shortest day of the year. it is dedicated to the memory of a virgin martyred in syracuse in sicily in 304 ad. santa claus, who can knock on your window at any moment. professional climber. from chelyabinsk surprises children with his sudden appearance in apartment windows.
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hello, hello, i'm grandfather frost. what is your name? egor. egor, what about you? eve. these are gifts, kids. yeah, well done. dear children, happy new year. the man dresses up in a wizard's costume, clings to the safety net and bravely descends from the heavens. remaining in the air , he gives the kids a festive one. sculptors from all over the world demonstrated
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their skills at the international ice sculpture festival. count dracula, robin hood, mermaids, fairies and of course, dragons. this is what 550,000 kg of ice and snow can be spent on. thanks to by participating in such an event, craftsmen have the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge. i like to take part in this event because, firstly, it's a good chance to make something big and beautiful out of ice and snow, which i don't often get to do. because in fact this is one of the largest such projects in europe. moreover, being part of an international team is a special feeling. we learn so many new things from each other, so for me, as a sculptor, these are big ones. the festival opened to spectators on december 16 and will last until december 25. february, to prevent the exhibits from melting, the exhibition maintains a constant temperature of -14°. she took the beauty crowns of the miss st. petersburg and miss russia competitions, but abandoned the proud title of miss
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universe in favor of the granite of science. maneuvered between a podium career and defending a dissertation. a beauty from pskov with the rank of captain. she taught civil law in greece and rose to the rank of major. the tv tour of the main beauty of the universe began with the highly rated ford bayart. she is also the face of the most cozy children's program in russia: calm night kids. while millions of tv viewers fell asleep to her voice, she became a partner of unicef, and then a goodwill ambassador. she developed a formula for charity and creativity and launched the “my russia musical journey” program. the leading timbre is read in the romances at chaliapin's estate under. the personal new year was seeded in the comedy by the real santa claus. the date of the week is december 17th. birthday of the beautiful oksana fedorova. you looked around the planet. thank you for being and staying with us. visit the website and watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency in
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online mode. goodbye. give me, give me, give me a man after midnight.
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the event that happened in november 2023 is a historical event when the first nuclear power plant was launched in belarus. has already been fully put into operation, and indeed this has radically changed the energy situation in the country, we must understand that the republic of belarus is a country that did not have a large amount of natural energy resources of its own, and we have always been, let’s say, in short supply, we have always been in dependence on natural gas supplies from
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our partners, and the decision that was made at the end of the 2000s. state, it turned out to be very timely and far-sighted, allowing us, during this time, to build a nuclear power plant and today ensure and increase the level of energy security of our country. it must be said that the decision that was made then turned out to be very timely against the backdrop of the geopolitical processes that have been developing over the past decades. if we look at that is happening around, it turns out that many countries that at the beginning of this period spoke out. our opponents said that nuclear energy cannot be developed, today they are massively declaring that there will be nuclear energy, that nuclear energy needs to be developed and built, including our neighbors who say that... they will build nuclear units, here are the latest magathe's calculations show that by 2050 the capacity of nuclear units in the world will increase by almost 2 and
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a half times and reach almost 900 gw of electrical power, this is very large numbers, while other countries are just beginning to follow this process, along this path, we currently already have a nuclear power plant, we operate it, we use it for the benefit of our country, but how much...
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gas already, that is, this is that we did not buy, did not withdraw currency from the country, but consumed and sold here within our country, now after the introduction of the second... energy, we are stimulating electricity-intensive production, what is electricity- intensive production, this is production that consumes large quantities of electricity
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energy, and the more electricity consumed, the lower the tariff for such consumers. the second direction is the one that i have already mentioned, this is stimulating consumption of the population. in addition, a fairly large number of electric houses are being built, that is, new housing introduced is immediately built using electric heating. and... exactly this kind of modern housing, by the end of this five-year period this figure should be about 2 million square meters, these are quite significant figures that will certainly lead to the positive result of increasing electricity consumption and increasing the comfort of life of our population, another big one, another area that is certainly promising in... in our understanding is the use of electrical energy for the development of electric transport, and here in belarus we also see great prospects,
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its number is growing today, i mean electric transport, of course, we record an increase from year to year in both the number of electric vehicles and infrastructure, i mean gas stations, well, i’ll say this: at the moment, the number of gas stations in the country already exceeds 930, this is quite a large number, they are distributed throughout... the whole country , mostly in minsk, minsk region, a slightly smaller number of these gas stations are located in the regions, but these gas stations are are being built to meet the needs of the population and those cars that have already been purchased today and imported into the country are registered, well, according to the latest data as of october 31, there are more than 7,000 electric vehicles in the country, i’m sure that this is the number and will continue to grow.


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