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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 18, 2023 1:05pm-1:50pm MSK

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in particular, we are talking about more than a hundred million doses of vaccine that countries refused to buy for and therefore did not pay for. meanwhile, the political publication reports that the eu states have already thrown away 215 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine purchased during the pandemic as unnecessary. this cost taxpayers €4 billion. it is noteworthy that vaccines will still continue to arrive in the eu, since the contract is with fizer. concluded until 2027 . original science-intensive and promising projects in the hi-tech park today is the final of the startup competition. more than 50 applications from all regions of belarus were submitted to participate in the competition. based on the results of the qualifying round, 20 projects reached the finals, but only six developments will be victorious. startups are represented in a variety of fields from medicine to education to entertainment and the artificial. intelligence. the main goal
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of the competition is to give developers the opportunity to implement their idea, receive expert support, and enter the market with a finished product. the final is held jointly by the hi- tech park, velikiy kamen industrial park, minsk and city technoparks. and in fact, probably for the first time, here we are, the main, key elements of our startup ecosystem in belarus, united together to hold this event. the winners of the competition will be able to stay here in our business unit for free. but the most important thing in such events is making acquaintances, which are very important when working on any project or when starting your own business. moreover, the first three the winner will receive cash prizes, as well as the right to obtain resident status of the minsk city technopark. after frosty freshness, damp, warm weather for winter set in in belarus. on tuesday, it is expected throughout the country within 24 hours. positive temperature from
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2 to 8°. the roads are icy in places and there is light fog in the mornings. rain and sleet of varying intensity are also in the forecast. in the second half of the week it will become a little cooler, but still without negative temperatures during the day and night hours. more will begin to arrive cool air masses from northwestern europe. from time to time there will be precipitation of varying intensity in the form of rain and sleet. ice conditions are expected in some areas at night and in the morning, with predominantly wind. don't expect any snowy chaos any time soon. that 's all i have for now; my colleagues will supplement the information by this hour in the next issues. with this i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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hello, greetings. i would, of course, like to start this conversation differently, but events in israel suddenly became determine 90% of the world agenda. some experts, they now say with such a degree of irony that now include the usa, iran, china, taiwan, yes, these events in ukraine, israel, palestine, the whole third world war is obvious. that's as far as yours goes.
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former, who was fired due to corruption, of course, without such stories, according to many ukrainian political scientists, his dismissal was due to the fact that he wrote a memo about corruption schemes in the united states of america itself, that is,
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specific financial and military help to the kiev regime, which stood out, it was misused not only in ukraine itself. yeah, but also in the united states of america, and it’s not a fact , for example, that the weapons that on paper reached kiev did not end up in the gas sector, for example, not through the fault of kiev, but through the fault of the united states of america, because any war, any military action is the easiest way to earn extra money, no one will go to the front to check which machine guns, which bullets, shells, who is firing at whom and how many were fired. usa, yes, it worked, that the second half disappeared somewhere unclear, that is, you assume that they could partially not reach ukraine, i
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assume that they not only partially did not reach, quite a large number did reach there, even officially, if we look at the budgets that were allocated to the kiev regime. and israel is precisely the topic that today shifts the needle to the middle east direction on one side, and on the other side it is more beneficial for the republicans, since , unlike ukraine, israel has the status, although outside of nato, but of an ally of the united states
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america, the third point, the strongest israeli lobby in the united states, which is not the first and not the second sanctions, and not only in relation. there , arab opponents, including against the ussr, introduced more sanctions, which no one canceled, there is a whole conglomerate here. another moment, another level, if we move away from the domestic american agenda, this is the level of transformation of modern international relations, that is, there used to be a unipolar world, there was one gigimon, it was all clear who calls the tune, this is basically according...
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he is on his way to brix, he is strategic partner of the people's republic of china, it is today maximally intensifying relations with the russian federation, the north-south corridor, it is clear that new centers of power, the same saudi arabia, which used to be a hard satellite of the united states, is today a strategic partner of china. works with india, with latin america, with the russian federation, did not submit to sanctions, yes, the sanctions regime, it also plays its own game, moreover, it would seem that the same hamas was supported by qatar, an ally of the united states states of america, and i think the pinnacle
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of the struggle over all of this is the struggle for control of territories that could potentially become... part of either the great silk road, the chinese modern, or the second moment of the indian trade route, which delhi announced that it would be
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build... india, iran, the same thing, and for iran , which wants to demonstrate, firstly, wants to take revenge for what they did last year, it’s clear what kind of intelligence services, yes, there, some drones, massive poisoning in schools, attempts to undermine society on ethnic grounds, on gender grounds, and this is discontent in lebanon.
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pie, well, look, if this linkage with the usa and ukraine is completed in our conversation, yes, the usa is obviously losing the role of such a world hegemon, it is losing, yes, but at the same time they really want to preserve it, they continue to throw away billions, at least in words, yes, at the same time , the draft american budget without assistance to ukraine, well, at least to the extent that ukraine would like, and this was very surprising, or at least...
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the military direction, no matter how it is presented, is not strategic for the united states; the united states does not need an american ukraine, as many may think, the united states. we know the story with afghanistan, with vietnam, the most revealing option is when the americans fought in vietnam, when they merged their own allies, maximum destruction in ukraine is beneficial for them, and it is beneficial for them to limit the geopolitical capabilities of russia through ukraine, so take the destroyed ukraine, it is restoring.
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europe, europe's dependence on the usa is main interest. europe as a periphery, use those intellectual, economic, financial, technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in the most powerful , most powerful struggle with china, that is , concentrate the resources of europe at home, take them to yourself, turn europe into a simple periphery, entertainment. for tourists, yes, come there, see everything, that is, not on your own, but some mercedes and bmw will be made in the united states of america. peter, okay, well, look, bloomberg writes that with this solution, well, at least, with the announcement of such a decision, yes, a serious blow has been dealt to zelensky, here the hungarians and the slovaks are throwing gunpowder, yes,
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although more precisely, they do not want to push it, declaring that they will not give a single more cartridge. zelensky, the party that is extremely critical of ukraine is winning in slovakia. all this, frankly speaking, resembles such a scheme, yes, when initially there is a loud statement, we will support it, yes, and then you are left alone with your problems. this is the stage of fatigue, at in your opinion, among european mourners, yes, this is the topic of ukraine, for europe, in fact, this is ideologically important.
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the cdu, csu and sdp together received about 50% of the votes. why were they called folk? they always together gained at least a constitutional majority. that is, there is no trust in systemic political forces in the social institutions that exist. and so. in the name of somehow uniting society, and it is best to unite, if there is nothing to sell them, just now appears, the image of the enemy and fear, this is what is being done, therefore europe, or rather their elites, who do not think about european interests, they think about euro-atlantic interests, their home is
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the plane between brussels and washington. they are not interested in europe in this regard, their accounts are in transnational banks, they receive their interest, they don’t care whether the german grandmother receives one pension, or we raise the retirement age, or start withdrawing part of the pension for some military, there other funds and services, they are not interested in this, but they are available. another trend, you noticed about slovakia, and this is only the first election, and i want to emphasize the interesting point that there is such a special opinion. and the former austro-hungary dominates in societies, so hungary, from the very first day , was very critical of this whole ukrainian topic,
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we see a sharp change in opinion in slovakia, and soon there will be the czech republic, soon there will be austria, initially it was so quite restrained, it is quite proceeded with restraint, now even more criticism will gradually be built.
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today we see how unnaturally the prism representations, primarily by the western media, of those events that concern russia, belarus, here is the time to talk about the abuse of freedom of speech, for the west we are not only competitors, it is... the antarctic treaty system today includes 54 states, only half, including the republic of belarus, can afford to have a station in antarctica and begin conducting long-distance scientific inland expeditions. our president was squeezed out of european politics, brazenly, cynically, instead of invite, organize. they are having the same conference there and what are you afraid of? but were you afraid? project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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when we talk about europe’s readiness to continue working to exhaust russia, this automatically implies that... belarus is in conjunction with russia, they will work against us, naturally. but the president’s visit to a fortified area, one of them, and a conversation on a number of important topics. we have long been accustomed to the fact that our first, he not only understands and is well versed in the internal external agenda, right? we often see that his words are prophetic in nature, and the president’s warnings are especially addressed to our hot ones. partner, yes, you should listen, and listen literally, so let's start with the obvious, here is the situation around the borders, yes, we learned
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the lessons of history, the lessons of modern times.
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the united states of america, as such a trojan horse within the european union, which should control berlin, brussels and paris. ib must carry out such a mission of light, in quotes, of course, on east, such missionism. americans also have an ambivalent attitude towards this. there is a polish lobby, it is quite strong, which really promotes militarization, the sale of weapons, but the sale of weapons is one thing, but the management of the american contingent in europe, which the poles want to prolapse.
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actions, i remind you that in ukraine there is such a unit as the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine, nabu, which actually acts as an organ of the united states of america inside ukraine, which carries out personnel policy, controls cadres, who decide who is a corrupt official and who is not a corrupt official. the task of the americans is to strengthen this body and actually reduce the kiev regime, which has a completely puppet state, completely marinette, and in response they see that zelensky
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’s gaze on him is diminishing, help is about to disappear from under his feet, well, it’s already decreasing, they’re already saying directly that it’s decreasing, and the most important thing is the impact of pressure on society. they pulled it up a little to forty, well, there was a corruption scandal, but then it wasn’t easy corruption, this visa scandal , yes, the visa corruption scandal, yes , which was inspired, by the way, by brussels, berlin and paris, they leaked this information and
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promoted it in the media, it reduced ratings to 32%, and an anti-ukrainian theme was included, which quite becoming more and more popular. farm production in poland, there are a lot of farmers, this is a large layer of the electorate, yeah, they are starting to raise anti-ukrainian themes, hysteria, it shows that look, yes, maybe we didn’t really notice the seventieth anniversary there volyn massacre and swallowed it, but now we will show them to you, we will firmly defend our polish national interests there, okay, then it’s a provocative question, it’s simple, yes, then why do you declare it against the backdrop of the events that began in israel, yes ?
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usa in warsaw, mark brzzezinski, the son
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of the famous brzzezinski, supports tusk and the opposition with his feet and hands, and goes to their rallies. here, on the one hand, we will have to see less hysteria and greater discipline in poland, perhaps a departure in relation to europe, which is also disciplined number in relation to euro-atlantic solidarity. because berlin today is not completely independent, it is today pursuing an anti-german policy in relation to its economy, and these local elections show this well from him that he will pursue a more sovereign policy in the polish direction than poland itself or the european union there it’s worth what ’s important here, it’s important on the one hand.
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moreover, they will leave us alone for a while, this is actually beneficial for us, why? because, unfortunately, the polish elites themselves they drove themselves into the mousetrap of this discourse around the image of the enemy, they themselves swallowed the hook that they threw to their voters
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and cannot pay out of it. ok, then let’s return to my original question, a small remark: would you dare to make a forecast based on the election results, which of these three scenarios will work in your opinion? maybe many will not like this scenario, i think that the first scenario, because their political strategists demonstrate grace, they can manage to pay out unscathed, so far, unfortunately, or fortunately , it turns out this way, we better prepare for this scenario, although not...
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because the negative economic and social dynamics that exist there will force, at a minimum, polish society to transform towards dialogue and search alternatives, if today poland actually has a choice between
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the formation of this pisov partocracy, yeah, and the formation of how poland will fit in.


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