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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 18, 2023 5:05pm-5:45pm MSK

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in honor of the saints of kastrychnika ўstupіў construction of new workshops of the minsk instrumental plant. the team learned that there was a smart guy, an engineer, nikolay fedaravich karenyaka. on the pre-christmas stakhanau vakhtse tokar magilko. 250% of the norm. eight yago padarunak holy. the former telephanist, genelya mustaitsis, is a joy for the warstatt. forever holy. became the issued master of its new special forces, before us , the socialist dagavor kalektyva of the gomel plant rukhavik revalutsyi. at the mark of the 30th year of vyalikaga kastrychnika, the plant’s collections are out of bounds. program and 7 listapad. kalektyў of the rukhavik revaluation plant is the strictest of your words before radzіmaj. much success from the past
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and holy days sharyka-adshypnika plant. brygadzir peradavoy kamsamolskaya small brigade mary dubadzelava pratsuye ўzho ў lіk 1958. stalitsa savetskaya of belarus is the holy day of the 54th year. kastrychnitskaya socialist revaluation. ceremonial march of the warriors of the minsk garrison. vos yany, glorious sons of aichyna, that is the day and the beginning of our brewing tradition. technology, powerful, everyday brilliant technique. yana taksama applod nashaga spakoinaga, chistaga sky. on the marches the guardsmen, their syag - sang the borderless addanas of the party to the people.
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without the right to write, the second coming of tusk to the polish political olympus. saving is holy, christmas has become unaffordable for the old world. welcome to the royal apartments. monarchies return to mexico. you are looking around the planet. we are on the air of tv channels v belarus 1 and belarus 24. daria tarasova is in the studio. hello! here is the mind of distrust for the scandalous letter from the polish sejm a lucky ticket for donald tusk. the former warsaw prime minister, who is also the president of europe , elegantly returned from brussels to polish politics. with parliamentary triumph, the publication politika delegated to him the title of the most influential person of the year in europe. in his keynote speech, tusk outlined the priorities of his cabinet, to return the country to the rosy european track, to establish a sincere dialogue with brussels, which began to dissolve amid disagreements on the issue...
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an epic spectacle was hosted by one of the cinemas in warsaw, hundreds of spectators stocked up on popcorn, and not only from tv screens, broadcast to see how the always gloomy scribe will leave. there have been so many disturbing events over the past 8 years that i'm not surprised people are glad it's over. finally we see.
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that we can do something, this is the last day of the reign of matteusz murowiecki, at the beginning of the reign of the party of law and justice we took to the streets to protest against it, now we sit and enjoy the fact that in parliament there is a procedure when someone insults another person , i don't i know who your grandparents were, but i know one thing: you are a german agent, just a german agent. but even if tusk is on the side of germany, this is rather the case when polish
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politicians simply cannot divide the interests of berlin and the interests of washington, although the new prime minister himself does not hide his pro-european views, especially in the near future... but before that, how to start making europe great again, tusk fired the heads of all polish intelligence services, and also issued an order to create an interdepartmental restoration group the rule of law and constitutional order in the country, apparently so that no one gets in the way, the european commission
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reacted to this with joy. i applaud your commitment to putting the rule of law at the top of your government's agenda. 285 billion, which is 38% of gdp for a second. the hole in the state budget has exceeded $4 billion and continues to grow. don’t forget that warsaw spent more than
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$34 billion on modernizing its own armed forces in 2023, naturally on credit. it’s too expensive in warsaw and kiev, but direct investments in the ukrainian war, weapons, technology, equipment amounted to 3 billion euros, and this is not to mention '.
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most likely inevitable. the complete polarity of views of the current and past governments can bring further political squabbles and shocks. it must be remembered that in addition to the prime minister , there is another key position in the country - the president, and the real dictator duda is now holding on to it with blue fingers; he still has the reins of government, that is, the right to veto bills initiated by the government. tusk is unlikely to overcome it will it work out despite the majority? there are still not enough seats in parliament. evgeny belousov, around the planet. the ups and downs of poland synchronize the solidarity of warsaw and brussels on the ukrainian issue. tusk promised to go through old contacts and level out morovetsky’s miscalculations. in particular
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, blocking freight traffic on the border with ukraine. a month hit the transport blockade, kilometer-long collapses on highways and multi-billion dollar losses - one continuous manifesto. carriers, they say, with what article do ukrainian colleagues in the workshop bypass european standards offer a cheap service, both slovakia and hungary demand the abolition of visa-free travel, and there is a divide at the yana border. this is due to a conflict of interests: european farmers are tired of the influx of cheap ukrainian products. the protesters’ demands are still the same: to cancel preferences for ukrainian carriers, which actually take away work from local ones, the latter is on the verge of ruin. in poland, the blockade lasts more than a month. the day before, ukrainian media reported that the countries had reached an agreement to lift the blockade.
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checkpoint on the border of poland and ukraine rava russkaya, how another incident occurred. a polish driver of a car transporter hit three drivers from ukraine at a pedestrian crossing. the situation on the border has recently remained tense, with reports of threats directed at each other by ukrainian and polish truckers. there have been at least 183 regional conflicts around the world this year, the highest number in 30 years. a this is evidenced by data from the annual report of the international institute for strategic studies.
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it is noted that over the year the death toll increased by 14%, and the number of cases of violence by 28. the middle east and ukraine continue to be hot spots on the map of the planet. conflicts are financed by the powerful mirasego, resulting in uncontrolled supplies of weapons, which then spread across the planet and become commonplace. time. conspiracy theories are over. poland intends to abandon the version that russia is allegedly to blame for the tu-154 plane crash near smolensk in 2010, when the president of the republic, leg kaczynski, died. this was stated by journalists new head of the ministry of internal affairs. the first commission , led by former interior minister miller , agreed with mak’s conclusions that the cause of the disaster was a decrease below the permitted level in foggy conditions. commission for re-investigation of smolenskaya. trophies are being eliminated. let me remind you that the government plane tu-154 crashed during approach on
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april 10, 2010. the plane crash killed 96 people, including kaczynski, his wife and a number of politicians and military figures. russia has been trying to build normal relations with ukraine for decades. vladimir stated this putin during a direct line press conference in a combined format. the deterioration of relationships is a consequence of actions. crawling towards the russian borders led to the tragedies that we are now experiencing, the russian leader emphasized. the united states conceived and organized it, and europe stands and silently looks at it, or plays along, sings along with them there, which means, well, how to build relations with them, we are for it, we didn’t tear anything up, but they pretended that they didn’t know anything about it . they don’t remember, they only mentioned two or three times that the minsk agreements were signed on a whim
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and they weren’t going to fulfill these guarantees of the agreement between the authorities and the opposition in ukraine in 1914 , as if by the way, they signed them, immediately forgot about them and didn’t give a damn about them, so they, you know, what’s the matter, the fact is that to a large extent to the extent they have lost their sovereignty, we see this now, they are the same ones who make many decisions. take it to their detriment. kiev continues to be fed empty promises regarding eu membership. there is still no reason to count on a speedy entry. according to reuters, negotiations on this topic may be postponed to march next year, amid objections from hungary. however, slovakia supported budapest’s position, followed by austria. the country's chancellor said that vienna will not support the draft long-term eu budget, which includes a program of "assistance to ukraine in the amount of up to 50 billion euros. in addition, austria does not agree to begin
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negotiations on the country's accession to the eu. moreover, ukraine's membership in the eu is expensive, according to a study by the institute of german economics brussels will have to spend every sixth euro on kiev up to 17% the general budget of the european union. and this is approximately 130-190 billion euros. in other words, experts say directly that if... it becomes a member of the eu, then the union will have to literally support the independent one. but the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry is confident that the country has a chance of becoming a member of the bloc. kiev is even ready to jump and dance for the sake of joining the eu. this was stated by the head of the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs before the start of meetings in brussels of the heads of foreign policy departments of the eu countries. at the same time, kuleba emphasized that all the key recommendations of the venice commission were introduced into ukrainian legislation. zelensky went to washington to ask for
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alms from the owner. the head of the kiev regime, speaking at the us national defense university, criticized the american one. congress, and then again asked for weapons. the republican senator from agaya said he was offended by the panhandler's visit to washington. according to j.d. vance, the american government should not give out money to every beggar who comes to the states. and any help to kiev is help to nowhere. any person with brains knows that conflict in ukraine will end in negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to its 1991 borders is ridiculous. who doesn't really believe it. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of ukrainian armed forces officers is 43. this is tragic. it is in america's interest to recognize that ukraine will have to cede some territory to the russians and we need to end this war. american authorities should stop the bloodshed, not write more blank checks for war. the ukrainians themselves do not believe in their victory; according to
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the washington post, kiev has almost no there are only trained soldiers left. and they are not going to take risks. with their lives for the sake of a corrupt government. quote: while ordinary ukrainians are fighting and dying, members of the government and representatives of other elites are driving around in expensive cars, and officers are taking bribes. the position of the american leader is not changing for the better. biden's actions were left without voter support. almost half of the americans surveyed believe that washington is spending too much on military and financial assistance to ukraine. according to the financial times. adhered to by 48% respondents. the publication notes that the low level of support for military assistance is recorded against the backdrop of anxiety about the state of the american economy. only 25% of respondents are satisfied with it; 53% of americans surveyed say their financial situation has worsened during biden’s presidency. the republican majority in the
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us house of representatives voted in favor of giving formal status to the already ongoing investigation. to impeach president biden. the nazi epidemic is sweeping across europe. bulgarian authorities have begun dismantling the monument to the soviet army in sofia. police control measures on the approaches to the monument have been tightened as much as possible. officials are afraid of popular protests, since large-scale demonstrations have previously taken place in defense of the memorial. the formal basis for demolition is the alleged dilapidation of the monument. the russian foreign ministry called the policy of the bulgarian authorities unfriendly... harming bilateral relations. poland is succeeding in erasing historical memory. 468 monuments to soviet soldiers have already been demolished there out of 561. to date , more than 3,000 monuments to the soviet liberator have been dismantled in europe. the share of yuan in
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international payments reached a historical maximum in 2023. in terms of settlement volumes, it came in second. place ahead of the euro. according to analysts, this is the result of intensified trade turnover between china and the countries of the middle east. if such dynamics continue, then technically the yuan will have the opportunity to become one of the main currencies used in international payments, so that the world important structural changes are coming to the foreign exchange market. no matter how many fairy tales about democracy, rights, sanctions and regimes flow from the european stands.
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later, however, the incident was explained by the presence of service dogs in the building, and the leader of the european people's party faction joked that it was, apparently, another supporter of ursula. the extravagant argentine president took office last sunday. within a week, he had already managed to carry out several rather radical manipulations with the national economy. however, from original radicalism. there is no trace of javier milei. he certainly remains right, but is steadily acquiring sanity, which is often called pragmatism out of politeness. the anarcho-capitalist revolution in argentina is cancelled.
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every language that exists here has an opinion, of course, every individual person too. the newly minted argentine president did not disappoint. just in the process of being freshly baked, he proved that he was, and will remain, the brightest politician on the planet, arousing worship or hatred, but not indifference. so on inauguration, miley had a pleasant conversation with christina kirchner, the former vice president. after his victory, he promised her, if not hanging, that prison. well, your arms are, of course, short. kirchner has immunity along several lines at once, like representatives.
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button's predecessor immediately signed a fateful rescript, abolishing nine of the eighteen ministries. so, the time has come to begin the anarcho-capitalist revolution promised to the people, which will kill everything that is not viable in society and give freedom to those with vital energy. there have been many exchange rates in the country for 15 years now. meley, however, did not eliminate this misunderstanding. no, he just ordered the central bank to double the official exchange rate. moreover, it did not catch up with the black rate, no, but it still remains 20% lower than it; even currency traders were stunned by such a stoppage of the dog’s tail in several stages. i’m
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angry because at an exchange rate of $1,500, everything will become so expensive that you won’t be able to buy it. meleik says stakflation, this and that, but we are living people, while the dollar exchange rate, in principle, is not at all buying or selling, no one knows what will happen next, but the store owners turned out to be more agile than the currency speculators. in stores increased immediately, and not in proportion to the increase in the exchange rate, with a decent reserve. here the only limiter on appetite was the conscience of the traders, which, as you know, is a product that many may have heard of, but which no one has ever encountered. on the argentine internet, the most fashionable trend now is to go into a store and randomly grab goods from the shelves, calling shocking prices. to imagine the situation in all its shocking picturesqueness, you should know that the existence of many exchange rates in argentina for more than a decade is combined with restrictions on the import and export of currency, as well as on conversion, that is
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, the people, in principle, have no dollar airbags, and before wages in equivalent were very modest, but with prices rising overnight and many times over, they became simply beggarly. look, prices have risen, in fact, gasoline has risen in price by a third, and everything along with it. for example, public transport, the abolition of all kinds of benefits with subsidies, the capital costs some absolutely ridiculous element of shock therapy, the shallows of money have already started, an american cent with a little in terms of conversion, or rather it cost, now the treasury will stop subsidizing the transport of citizens, so the final price will increase , and not only her. it freezes social services, and this is a disaster, because it will hit us, the poor. let’s say i rent a room, i have a subsidy, and if it
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is taken away, i will end up on the street, i will have to sleep on the sidewalk again. however, neither in meley does not demonstrate any particular consistency in one area of ​​presidential competence; he promised to sever relations with venezuela, cuba, brazil, but that’s okay, he was going to refuse economic cooperation with china, but so far, on the contrary, all the economic privileges of this country are in argentina. finally confirmed that he still had not liquidated the central bank, which he had sworn to do. there is also no certainty with the abolition of the pes and the transformation of the dollar into the only means of payment. in general, for today all his measures, at least traumatic, but extremely half-hearted, that is, most likely they simply cannot bring anything but pain under an experienced one. until his supporters' stock of patience runs out, they are ready to endure, but this resource is finite. we need to unite to heal the country, now everyone is dragging their feet. then where, some there, others here, now they want to go on strike, 20 days after he took office, a strike will begin, you know,
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it’s clear, liberalism, no one has tested it in public, but it happened on rats, they say , if if you lock these animals in an enclosure and do not feed them, then after a while there will be only one left alive, this is such an ideal weapon for killing their own kind, the king rat. meley seems to have abandoned such experiments on his fellow countrymen, but he is still characterized by the absolutization of economics as a platonic idea, which in our imperfect world should build temples, exchanges and markets everywhere. there is a suspicion that the living life of a fellow
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anarchist will improve. will show him the right path in the sightless pompasses, and this is not quite a figure speech. the argentine pampa throughout the 19th century was a space of absolute freedom, a territory where there was no law except the losso and the knife. the gauchos who survived were brought into obedience by the army. now they work on estates and serve as entertainment for tourists. for a dollar, the horse will be hobbled, they will sing and dance. milei is somewhat similar to these people rooted in the saddle during the period of their greatest glory. he is indomitable, freedom-loving, desperate, and does not know. authorities and is not afraid of anyone, but it looks like he found the government, the inauguration, at least in some way resembled a show for tourists that gauchos put on today. oleg romanov, dmitry astartakh, around the planet. can't reach the star of bethlehem. the gas war stole christmas in the european union. heated polarization threatens a terrorist tsunami over the holiday break. to protect churches
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and synagogues. 30 million euros will be sent to families who find themselves in the anti-semitic red zone. save money during christmas and live in energy-saving mode paris, the champs-elysees were illuminated with eco-friendly lights, which turn into a pumpkin by 12 o'clock. shan lisa, the 24-hour illumination shines exclusively on december 24 and 31. due to high inflation , the germans are ready to shell out no more than 252 euros for gifts; the government of the bundestag has made the ultimate consumer. the policy is to save on everything except the military bloc and blame moscow for all mortal sins. non-trivial economic life hacks of the old world in the material of olga davidovich. european christmas is under threat, under the threat of terrorist attacks. just in time for the opening of traditional christmas markets in the old world, israel sent out a letter to twenty to european leaders with a chilling warning: the gas war has fueled terrorist activity. sleeping cells may
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become active as soon as possible. time. and now europe is on high alert as city centers fill up and tourists flock to christmas holiday hotspots. due to the war between israel and hamas, the polarization it is causing in our society, as well as the upcoming holiday season. there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the european union. the situation is truly frightening, just a few days after the start of the war between. fans from sweden, at the beginning of december , a german tourist was killed in the tower in paris, two more were injured, and eyewitnesses reported that the attacker swore allegiance to the islamic state, and during the arrest he said that he was tired of watching muslims die, the attacker had a criminal past , in
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2016 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for planning another attack, of which he served 4 years, he was monitored by our agency internal security, since the man suffered from psychological problems, was very unbalanced, but as they say, they did not keep track, despite the fact that the man was known as a radical islamist, however, it is lone wolves that have posed the greatest threat for many years now, the german intelligence services were luckier , they have already managed to prevent three terrorist attacks in different parts of the country, and all of the detainees, four of them, were planning an attack on christmas markets. such fairs are so popular among residents and guests of the old world, today are considered among the main targets of terrorists, and after the deadly attack in 2016 in berlin, the police are especially closely involved in the security of new year's events. we detained two fifteen-year-old teenagers. we know they had a lot of plans of attack and thoughts about where
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and when things could be done. but in the end they agreed on a specific plan: an attack on the christmas market. the danish secret services report on a successful operation; together with colleagues from germany and the netherlands, they managed to arrest semir. people, moreover, in different european countries, on suspicion of preparing attacks. the three arrested in denmark will be charged with terrorism. it was decided to maintain a significant level of terrorist danger in the country. this is extremely serious, for several years now we have seen that in denmark there are people who do not wish us well, they are against our freedom and against danish society. the statistics are also depressing. a recent survey by the observatory on intolerance of discrimination shows. in recent years, the number of crimes religious grounds is growing rapidly, and this is without taking into account the middle eastern echo. so over the past month, the number of such crimes in the netherlands increased by 800%, in austria by 300. in germany, local law enforcement officers recorded up to three such
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cases a day. this brutal violence shows how acute and serious the threat posed by islamist terrorism is currently in the eu. not only in germany, but also in all neighboring countries. islamist criminals. this causes emotionality and radicalization concern throughout europe. the rise of the far right, the attacks, the inability to say you're jewish, the need to hide it, it's a shame. such messages only escalate the situation.
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is not going to save across the country , festive illuminations have been lit, thousands of lights in sparkling shop windows, for the germans all this is an indicator of stability, only behind the colorful screen is hidden an unpleasant truth, according to public opinion polls , almost half of the country's citizens will save, while
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every fourth plans to comply with the regime austerity, residents of foggy albion prefer to celebrate on credit; according to the vion information channel, more than 40% of britons plan to borrow from banks to cover expenses, however... they don’t yet know how to give back. local councils across the country are canceling christmas markets, they are too expensive to run, and british authorities are even recommending that people stock up on candles in case of a power outage. such comments seem to be from the deep middle ages in a country representing the sixth economy in the world, they say about the scale of the existing problem. the garden publication claims that the european union and britain are currently experiencing a record economic crisis in 50 years. olga davidovich, around the planet.
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well, the third world war is already, as some say, it has been going on for a long time, only the forms are quite hidden. the west understands perfectly well that russia and belarus cannot be defeated by military means, it is impossible. there is always an internal explosion, without organization, no mood can be lifted anywhere, everything is collapsing everywhere, ukraine, the card is played out, nothing succeeded. plus there is a rejection of the dollar throughout the world, yes, they managed to topple europe today, but this does not allow them to fully revive the united states as a world hegemon, the world is at a breaking point, in this case , of course it will not exist, but the hegemon cannot retreat, what he managed to do, excuse me, will still be denied to him, anything, good or evil, it comes back, especially evil. the project is objective, don’t miss the new ones.
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frame around the planet on belarus one and belarus 24. winged is not the season, armed internal compass, monarchs return to mexico for the winter. in search of a cozy home , butterflies travel 3,000 miles annually, flying about 65 km a day on average, and it’s true that it is better to preserve the population than the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. migrants from the north of the united states and canada are sent to the country from the stacks. a place of attraction for monarchs in the central part of the state of michuacan, it is here in the biosphere
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reserve that orange-and-black travelers can comfortably survive bad weather while waiting spring, and viewers capture the flocks of air tourists in the photo, as royal apartments are according to protocol for monarchs. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what you should definitely find out about, a special selection was prepared for you by yana mendeleva. technological excellence. deepfakes have reached a new level. combine two elements. what does fried ice taste like? kayaks and lights, how was traditional rafting in copenhagen? where the mountaineer santa claus lives and where ice sculptors from all over the world gather, to demonstrate skill. we'll find out together in the next few minutes. artificial intelligence is taking new heights, and it’s doing
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it so quickly that it probably wouldn’t hurt to slow it down. a video clip has been published, a song in which the leading politicians of the planet perform. they sing in their own voices; their appearance is also completely authentic. the fake music was created using deep fake technology. one could treat it as cute fun, but the technological sophistication of producing a fake video does. strong impression, the capabilities of artificial intelligence are growing exponentially. for those who love a crunch , visitors to the yanfan market in china will be able to taste grilled ice in addition to traditional local snacks. the ice barbecue is already in use. although it is not a dish as such, it is more of an attraction to
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attract customers. many people come here to try ice cubes after learning about them on the internet, we make ice to attract customers so that more people will come to the market, but as i said, these the ice cubes are not edible and do not meet national hygiene standards. the idea for such a snack came from a street food seller in the summer; he admits that the creation of an unusual barbecue was inspired by hot days. then he shared the footage. making fried ice online. the video immediately went viral.


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