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tv   100  BELARUSTV  December 18, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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i am proud that the children are coping with the daily, colossal work, preparing for various events, for open classes, for open lessons, the kids are great, they are trying, very patient, they really like to participate in all these events, when i see the stage or in the theater staging the smile of happiness of my children, i understand that i... am doing everything right, i believe in the success of my children, i know that they will achieve everything, these children will graduate from school, children with special needs will come to us again, each of them - this is for me it's a bit of a challenge, but i'm ready to take on this challenge.
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trade turnover between belarus and the moscow region of russia this year will exceed $10 billion, which will be the best figure in the entire history of cooperation. alexander lukashenko stated this at a meeting with the governor of the moscow region of russia, andrei vorobyov. for belarus, the capital region of russia is a strategic partner, the head of state emphasized. trade is carried out across almost the entire range of products. goods, the main ones of
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which are household appliances, products food, butter, cheese, metal products, medicines, equipment, spare parts and much more. it is clear that this level of trade turnover is largely due to the specific situation of the moscow region, which is a kind of logistics hub and a base for further supplies to other russian regions; well, we have nothing to suffer here.
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retail trade turnover by 5%. one of the issues on the agenda is cooperation in the field of culture. following the meeting , it is planned to sign a joint statement on prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation. you know that within the framework of the eac , a cooperation project to create a eurasian electric bus is at an active stage of development; a decision has been made on the formation of a corresponding interstate program, as well as a decision on the procedure for financing such projects. i
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am confident that such end-to-end integration projects can and should be promoted within the cis, to fully utilize the joint scientific, technological and financial potential of our countries. the same applies issues of e-commerce, the introduction of digital technologies, ensuring access to government procurement, reducing telephone tariffs in roaming. our further efforts should be aimed at eliminating mutual obstacles.
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live in the territory of the electoral district in which the candidate is nominated for a deputy mandate. the country will elect a total of 12,624 deputies. of which 110 are the house of representatives of the national assembly. a single voting day for elections of deputies at all levels will be held in belarus on february 25. christmas tree decorations from belarus will soon be presented in moscow gum. in our country, they are produced by only one capital factory. the assortment includes hundreds of designs, from symbols of the year to national symbols, all handmade . now the company is in busy time with shipments. written off hourly, clients include belarusian retail chains and russian marketplaces; in slussk they have mastered the production of artificial christmas trees, wines and tinsel. original science-intensive and promising projects. the finals of the startup competition are taking place today in the hi-tech park. for
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more than 50 applications from all regions of belarus were submitted to participate in the competition. based on the results of the qualifying round, 20 projects reached the finals and will be victorious. there are six developments in total. startups are represented in a variety of fields, from medical education to artificial intelligence entertainment. the main goal of the competition is to give developers the opportunity to realize their idea, receive expert support, and enter the market with a finished product. in addition, the first three winners will receive cash prizes as well as the right to obtaining resident status of the minsk city technopark. the final is held jointly by the hi-tech park. the winners of the competition will be able to stay here for free in the business incubators of the high-tech park, they will actually
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receive their first workplace in our coworking space, but the most important thing in such events is making acquaintances, which are very important when working on any project, when starting your own business. in grodno. presented a new exhibition “bright moments of your favorite festival”. it depicts the brightest moments of the republican festival, national cultures, they give a unique opportunity in winter to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the festival summer. it was announced that one of the brightest colorful holidays of the multinational grodno land in 2024 will be held in june. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important
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events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous people. belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel
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and discover belarus. my history, nature, culture, faith, people, school, you just want it once, and it doesn’t work any more, everything is right here.
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guys, applause, hello everyone, are you ready for today's meeting with our guest. why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i think that the activities of the ministry of emergency situations are very related to the safety of citizens, so it was not by chance that this choice was made. promise to tell only the truth and not shy away from sensitive issues. i promise to tell the truth. you are ready?
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cerom, subsequently, after the collapse of the soviet union, returned to the republic belarus, continued his service in
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the internal affairs bodies of the republic of belarus, and subsequently, in 2021, by presidential decree he was appointed to the post of minister of emergency situations. you've done it in one minute, now for questions for an adult. raise your hand if you're ready to ask. hello, vadim ivanovich, my name is. alexandra, tell me, how does your working day begin? my working day begins with reports from operational duty officers about the state of affairs in the republic of belarus, what emergency incidents occurred, what kind of people were assistance was provided, what kind of combat work was carried out by our combat units in the field, we sort out this operational situation with them, and subsequently the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations reports. each in his own direction, this is where we start.
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vladimir ivanovich, you had nothing to do with the ministry of emergency situations before. why do you think you were chosen to the post of minister of this structure? all my life, starting from school, studying at a military school , continuing to serve in agencies and units internal affairs, conscientiously fulfilled his duties, tried, at least, to do this honestly and openly. and responsibly, i think this is one of the principles by which i was appointed to this position. where is it more interesting to work in the ministry of emergency situations or in the ministry of internal affairs, why? you know, i served in the internal affairs bodies for more than 30 years, and the number of events that occurred in different positions of the service, of course, i could tell a lot about this, but it ’s interesting to make a choice between the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of emergency situations. probably not entirely correct, it’s interesting where you are you serve, it’s interesting where you bring benefit to people, it’s interesting in the ministry of internal affairs, it’s
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very interesting to serve in the ministry of emergency situations. are these departments interconnected? they are not only interconnected, they are interconnected by many tasks to be solved, such as going to incidents associated with a criminal event, or incidents associated with those where people are in trouble and it is necessary to provide them with assistance. i have been very seriously interested in the successes
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that are in the ministry of internal affairs, you know, i once heard that the ministry of emergency situations is someone called the ministry of good, so i would really like our citizens to perceive us in this way, that we are the ministry of good, we want to bring only good to our families, to our citizens. please tell me, have you ever made mistakes at your job? yes, of course, i made them, the most serious mistakes are personnel errors, this is very serious.
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belarusians die the most from fires; the second largest number of emergency incidents involving the death of people, unfortunately, is the number of people dying on the water. main reasons, no matter how trivial this may sound, it is still the personal carelessness of our citizens that accompanies alcohol abuse, so taking this opportunity, being in this audience, i would really like to ask you... everyone to remember this and never forget. hello, vadim ivanovich, do you remember your first emergency as a minister? i probably won’t remember the first emergency, but there are several events that i’ll probably never forget, first of all, you
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remember, when the bridge across nemiga street collapsed, when i had to quickly. authorities, enforcement agencies, organizations responded to this emergency situation, and had to take measures to build this bridge and bring it into compliance. another serious event was associated with the construction of a pontoon crossing across the western dvina river in novopolotsk, when in a short time the government set the task of providing a pontoon crossing across this river in order for the special services to serve. ambulances and citizens could move because the bridge across the river was closed, well another event in memory is the death of six people in a fire in the city of minsk, when i personally had to go to this incident and ensure its elimination. to your right is the yellow sector. hello, my name is valeria, tell us what were
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the most atypical challenges? the most atypical calls are calls for assistance. that people call and assume that there is an emergency situation, for which it is necessary to go to provide assistance to the citizen, but when our rescuers leave, we begin to figure out what the emergency is there there was no situation, but the person was mistaken in good faith, in some cases, when a person deliberately reports a danger and calls the emergency services to
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respond not only to the ministry of emergency situations, this is already associated with a deliberate false call, which... the story dates back to early childhood , when i had to save a child who was drowning in the river, there was a case of police service, when my friend and i... a robbery, and the two of us detained these two criminals, detained them, took them to the internal affairs bodies for proceedings , an investigation was subsequently carried out, they were brought to criminal liability, but if we speak as a minister, then i will say that
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every year more than 500 citizens our rescuers come to... there were such stories, this is when we were looking for the boy from grodno region, in the svisky district, the village of novy dvor, who disappeared in the seventeenth year, unfortunately. his whereabouts are still unknown, he is tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of his parents for not being able to do this, we worked out two main
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version at that time, it was he who became a participant in an accident, went missing, the second is a criminal version, which could also have been committed against this child, a lot of work was done and up to the twentieth year inclusive... and search activities were carried out not only by the internal affairs bodies and representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, they wanted to find at least some traces related to his presence in this area, but unfortunately we were not able to do this. we often see in films the fact that firefighters fearlessly enter a fire, what do fire rescuers fear most? when our firefighters receive a signal to respond to an incident. they equip themselves in combat clothing , take their place in the combat crew in a service vehicle, leave for the place, the first thing that interests them along the route
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of movement, then, when they go into the fire, as you said, they are very worried about being on time have time to provide help to a person, and in order to extract a person from this element alive, or at least heal him in such a way that he can subsequently provide the necessary...
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prepared to not only put on these clothes, but also move in them, and sometimes run, including wearing an oxygen mask for breathing. hello, my name is kostya, and i am years old. i often hear about a ban on visiting forests, i receive notifications, but this is the time when a lot of people are on vacation, do notifications save you from fires? i ’ll answer you in such a way that we used sms alerts for the first time last year and this year to warn our citizens about certain threats or challenges or moments. related to an emergency situation, and about the ban on forests, these notifications are always made by the ministry of forestry, the ministry of forestry, which assess the situation in
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a particular region and the executive authorities apply the decision to ban visiting these forests, but from myself i can say that the main emergency situations that happen to people in the forests, these are primarily fires, or on the water, in our ecological systems, when people relax there... the country is very seriously affected by various rivers, lakes, streams, and citizens, of course, want to relax
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by the water, especially in the summer, but when they come to the water, including young people, they always begin to swagger in front of each other, one might say so, they try to show their dashing valor, in some cases, unfortunately , they abuse alcoholic beverages, so there are a lot of... such events when people drown, based on their own carelessness, from their own carelessness, but what is even more tragic is that, unfortunately, due to the carelessness of adults, their children die, this is very important to know about this and never allow safety precautions to be violated when being near bodies of water. i have the following question for you: what to do if you have a cramp in the water? if you grab your leg, the calf muscle, you need to straighten your leg, pull your toes up towards you, try
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to stay in this position for a while. hello, vadim ivanovich, i have a question for you: i see a lot of advertising around the city about the ministry of emergency situations, why do you need so much pr? and you do you know what pr is? partially? pr in english is interaction with the public, so i would really like you to remember this, that we want to interact with the public, all those
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questions that were asked by... come from these matches, every child always wants try something and try to light something, but there should always be an adult nearby who can explain that it is unsafe to use it. what did you dream of becoming as a child? i somehow always dreamed of becoming a military man, so i went to school and read a lot of literature.
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related to the actions of military personnel, in my time a lot of good films were made about the great patriotic war, about officers, well , at the same time i studied at a music school, so i had a choice to go to a military school or devote myself to music somewhere, but in ultimately, my choice was made in the interests of entering a military school. vadim ivanovich, tell me another secret, what instrument did you play? there is no secret, i graduated from school on belarusian cymbals, practiced the button accordion, played the trumpet, and played the guitar. amazing, do you have a dream now? now i have a dream, what? the dream is that our country will only become more beautiful, that you and i will be real citizens of our republic of belarus, that we believe in
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a bright future. i went in for sports, as an absolutely ordinary child, probably like most of you. vladim ivanovich, how did you behave at school, were you a decent student or not? basically i behaved decently, i had exemplary behavior, but there were cases when i had to fight when i had to commit some kind of violation of the rules of behavior at school somewhere, well, these were one-time moments, mostly...
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it brings a lump to my throat and i want to probably shed a stingy man’s tear, what events, well, this is always connected, of course, with personal, with our family and friends, this is connected with... with the achievements of our beloved belarus, when our outstanding athletes rise to the highest steps of the pedestal of honor, play the belarusian anthem, and of course there is a lot of pride in the country, in the guys who achieve such high results, then, probably, somewhere elements appear related to the fact that a tear appears, but only a tear, no more, but do men cry, men? they are upset, they don’t cry,
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there is a black sector to your right, the minister has a lot of free time and how often do you spend time with your family? i don’t have much free time, but i spend all my free time with my family, and therefore you can imagine that even on weekends the duty officer calls me and reports to me, at least twice a day, plus through various communication channels he makes notification of emergency situations that happen in the country, related , of course, to the loss of life, to the departure of our units, to the provision of assistance, or... some other events, and you can tell us about your children, please, i can tell me, not only do i have children , i have two more grandchildren, i have an eldest daughter, she is a lawyer by training, she graduated from the belarusian state university,
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the faculty of law, she works in her specialty and my son, he graduated from the academy of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of belarus, the faculty of police, operational activity, worked in his specialty, senior lieutenant, in the internal affairs bodies, did your son choose his profession himself, or did you somehow push him? i think that i pushed him, but i didn’t push him intentionally, probably because of my service, my service in the internal affairs bodies, well, literally 2 years before graduation , he and i had a conversation about where he would like to go to study, i told him offered many alternatives related to admission to certain universities in our country, but he told me says: dad, i want to enter the academy... therefore, i prepared purposefully, which i realized. do you consider yourself a good father? i consider myself a good father. can you call one of your children right now and say i love you? i can call
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the children, i can call not only the children, and say that i love them very much. please bring your phone to the studio so that we can do everything honestly. and i’ll call my wife, okay, girls, okay, i’m calling my wife, hello, yasya, hello, hello, how are you? "it's okay, i love you, i love you too, well that’s it, connections, goodbye, bye, applause , how wonderful this is, how great, let’s
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move on to the yellow sector, to your left, so you called your wife, so i was wondering what she’s doing with you, i have a question , my wife has been working in the civil service for a long time, when we were just starting our work, and she graduated from the fedin pedagogical institute in saratov and continues to live with me for more than 33 years, she has been working in the civil service. how did you meet her? we met by chance. well, while undergoing training in saratov, i was sent to promote admission to our military school. and when i returned. back in the city i met my wife , i really liked her, i met her, we exchanged phone numbers, then there were no mobile phones, then there were wired phones, only in the apartment, we continued to communicate, six months later we got married and
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still live together, black sector, for this you have to turn around, vadim ivanovich, if some kind of trouble happened to your loved ones, you yourself would go to save them or would you trust the salvation of your own... you know, well, i wouldn’t want, of course, for some kind of misfortune to happen to them, but if such a thing happened, of course, i would rush to save them myself if they were nearby and within my reach. that i could quickly arrive to them, but knowing how the system of the ministry of emergency situations works, knowing how professional our rescuers are, i have no doubt at all that they will professionally be able to arrive at any point, save not only my relatives, but every person, who is in trouble, ours citizens must remember that their main task, if they are suddenly in danger and need help, is to dial 112 and report that there is a problem, help
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will be provided immediately. vadim ivanovich, how do your loved ones feel about your profession? my loved ones , they really appreciate what i have been doing throughout my entire service, and i am sure that they are probably proud of the achievements that have been and are in my life, so they support me according to... several rules, first of all, any
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path , power line, any road, it will lead to people, and our main task , being lost in the forest, is to go in the direction of the possible appearance of people, but if you have a telephone, you always call the number i designated 112, tell us where you are lost and what help you need, listen carefully to our dispatchers, our duty officers, who will tell you what is necessary. do, what nodes do rescuers use to rescue and evacuate people? well , there are a lot of nodes, uh, they are used for various uh solutions to problems of saving people, first of all, they are used in mountaineering work, when people are moved from a height or lifted to a height. can you please teach any of them, let's try, is there? we have a rope , please bring the rope to the studio, which means
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there are several elements that everyone, probably a person, needs to know, well, firstly, to tie the two ends of a rope, you need to know a simple straight knot, so i ’ll show you how now it is tied correctly, in this way, well, in order to make sure it doesn't happen. failure we just make a control knot, which is at one end of the rope, hold it like this, at the other end of the rope we tie it in exactly the same way, let’s do it like this once like that twice, here you go, and this knot is strong, yes it is krepkin knot, well, another knot, it’s called a figure eight, this is how you loop yourself. this is how
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you tighten it, this is called a figure eight knot, young man, question, just answer it sincerely, at least you have something remember, but practice at home , we agreed, okay, why don’t we make calendars with firefighters, because they were so popular, and we once...
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must be physically prepared to the extent of one’s age, to the extent of one ’s preparedness, to the extent of those tasks that he performs, of course, up to a certain stage and the minister handed over. i am sure that i will now pass all these standards for a certain group of physical purposes, with an excellent grade. tell me, how many seconds should a rescuer get ready for a call? the rescuer must get into the car within 3 minutes and
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go out to respond to an emergency while at the location of a fire, emergency and rescue unit or other unit. if a firefighter did not have time to get dressed within the allotted time, then he does not go to the fire? no, he also goes to the fire and helps people who need it. the fact is that these are the standards necessary for the collection of personnel and we bind them to people so that they are ready for operational equipment, which means the need to go to an incident if he was delayed there for a few seconds, of course
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well, this is a mandatory norm, an ordinary person will definitely need safety measures related to correct behavior near bodies of water, being on a river or lake, on a swimming craft, or on a boat , it is mandatory to wear a life jacket - this is a mandatory requirement, safety, vigilance , attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, and can you show how to properly provide assistance in case of suffocation? i can, let's try to show, it means the most typical emergency situation - this is when you and i are eating food and a person chokes on a piece of food, yes,
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what is necessary to do this correctly, what we usually do, we knock on the back, and this is wrong, for an adult it is absolutely forbidden to do this when we knock on the back, the food falls inside the esophagus and further blocks the respiratory tract, so in order to prevent this from happening, you need to go from behind, it is advisable to spread your legs a little , spread it out like this, put your leg forward, well, to hold it, find it, well, with your left hand, your right with your hand, whatever is convenient for you, with your thumb, here is the navel, i can already feel it, we place our thumb above the navel and make this movement, don’t be afraid, pay attention, that is , we press the diaphragm and the food rises up, i caught it, i remember it, you can do this on me, well, let's try, find my navel , you found it, yes, lift it higher, and that's fine, good, strong guy, come on, that's it, i congratulate you, well done, you saved the minister, but
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nevertheless, i would i wanted to see in the studio, i’m very interested to see what other first aid can be provided without actually having anything at hand, a small child, when he chokes on a piece of food, suffocates, such means cannot be given to him, because he has a weak chest, damage can be done, and so on, so it is very important to follow this these rules, the baby needs to be taken. on the left hand or on the right, depending on how i will show it correctly, and then demonstrate it to you, which means that it is advisable to take it with two fingers so that it is open mouth, you see, yes, tilt it down a little , give several blows to the back to knock out this piece of the cave, well, up to
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five blows, like this, it’s clear, yes, okay, what else? there is an adult man who feels ill next to you, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how to provide it correctly? here we have such dummies on which we train our specialists, provide them with training in case of such a need, when a person is taken out of fire or taken out of water, and it is necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, then the first thing we do is it is necessary... to clear the airways, to free them, which means that a person may have a denture, a tooth has fallen off somewhere. it 's this: perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how do we do it? well , first of all, again, the navel and between
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the chest, you need to place your hand correctly, like this, lock it and do it according to the principle: 30, that means, resuscitation movements. 10, 20, 30 and two breaths into the mouth, well, approximately in this way, if necessary, we repeat, i think that he is already alive.
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we continue to answer questions: what professional habits have you brought into your personal life? professional habits into personal life? life, even sometimes relatives suffer because of this professional habit, when you demand to be on time, at the right time, at the place, and so
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on. but you are an adult, serious man, you probably know how to cook, how do you, how much do you value yourself? a solid, good rating, i like to cook, but there is very little time for this, unfortunately, i like to cook fish soup, i like to fry good piece of meat. good quality meat, i like to cook something from our national belarusian recipe, that is, from potatoes, yes, vegetables, potatoes, they know how to make potato pancakes, the black sector, i ask you, what interesting stories can you tell us, well, so that we can- then we learned from you, well , the most important story is for each person, each in his own way...
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the history of your further development of a real person, a patriot, an understanding of life, an understanding of the essence of the events taking place in our society, because we live with you in a very interesting events that surround us now, we must... understand all this very carefully, and by understanding this, we will find our own path, our own line
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of behavior, what we strive for, hello, my name is diana, when it’s your birthday, in the month of may, it’s my birthday, what date, may 15th, mine too, red sector, please, hello, tell me. while there are no such threats that i should be afraid of, from life experience, from my position,
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i see that at the state level. at the government level, at the level of all bodies the authorities, including the ministry of emergency situations, are doing everything necessary to ensure that we do not fear anyone while staying on our territory in our country, in the republic of belarus. vladimir ivanovich, could you call yourself a hero? no, i probably won’t call myself a hero, i’m an ordinary person, but why is that? well, why should i be a hero?
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but i would probably thank you for the question and choose it as the best, this is from the practical part, when i was forced to provide resuscitation measures to provide medical care, i would especially thank you for the question that allowed me to call my wife and confess my love to her once again; according to
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the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from us. both go out onto the playground, congratulations, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you, vadim ivanovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your three questions, the first question. which answer of mine did you like best? but i would like to say that just the declaration of love for your wife, many people are embarrassed to show feelings, but as for me it is very important. second question: which of those present here wanted to become a rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations of the republic of belarus? raise your hands please! well, i'm a ninth grader at school 215.
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we have organized such a class of the ministry of emergency situations, once my mother said, let’s try, but i decided to try, in the end i realized that i like it and i want to continue the path in this. the third question, ah, i would probably like to ask the guys, uh, are you connecting your destiny in the future - with life, with work in the republic of belarus, or in some other way? ah... of course, i would like to continue living in my country, belarus, now i am taking english language courses, i have, as i personally feel, great success, and i really want to become a teacher in our country, first of all i want to be, naturally stay in belarus, but still i want see the whole world, so i want to work for the territories
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of belarus, but for belarus itself. i’ve already visited today the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, thank you. and here i ask you to stay. vadim ivanovich, how do you like our children's audience? made me sweat, kids. everyone is very prepared. was there a question you were lying about? no, there were no such questions. today you managed to answer
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75 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree? definitely, i am addressing our audience, do you think that our hero today was as frank as possible with you, whoever thinks so, raise your hands.
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minister of emergency situations of the republic of belarus vadim sinyavsky was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week, watch in the next episode,
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today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university andrei dmitrievich korol. in what ways will belarusian education be more promising than foreign ones? what's the best place to hide a cheat sheet? all students are afraid of the placement process, what’s scary about it and who should be afraid of it? how much free time does the rector have? what comes first for you, family or career? well , of course, the first place for any person is always family. 100 questions for an adult in belarus alone.
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