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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 18, 2023 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tyahomirova is with you and about the main events of this monday. nine lines of strategic cooperation, directions , regions, which areas the president proposed to develop with the moscow region. the inconvenient opinion of hungary or the eu is thinking about depriving budapest of its voting rights, is the european union united and where are the seeds of split sprouting, the miracle that our children are so waiting for. new year's goodness relay races are in full swing across belarus. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. only specifics on cooperation with the moscow region. meeting president with the governor and a business forum with the region. more details to come. generating new ideas, creating joint products. the prime ministers of the cis countries are discussing the economy of the commonwealth and humanitarian projects in moscow today. despite the turbulence of the global economy, confidence. after all the tests
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, domestically produced knee endoprostheses began to be installed on patients; we’ll tell you about the benefits today. a systemic crisis and the path to self-destruction, why the severance of ties with moscow and minsk led lithuania to a dead end. the economy asks for help, business shouts the guard, but the authorities.
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once again we discussed cooperation along this line, a delegation from the moscow region came to us for negotiations with the governor of the capital region of the russian federation, president alexander lukashenko emphasized: it is important to produce our own products in joint ventures. the development of cooperation, the creation of new import-substituting industries is a priority for allies and the number one topic for the moscow region. belarus is ready to join joint production chains. we have experience scientific base, and the desire to work together in areas where we can be useful to each other a lot, from industry and construction to the agro-industrial complex of medicine and science. natalya breus will tell you more. two weeks before the new year , a special atmosphere is already felt in the palace of independence; guests are greeted by a new year's beauty. the traditional pre-holiday bustle is not a reason to put things aside, on the contrary.
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there are areas, we will discuss them here in the government, in which we can strengthen our cooperation. we are here today for to express respect and gratitude. for your position, for your attitude. we understand and appreciate the importance of our cooperation, the importance of belarus in all respects. a ring around moscow, the region’s position is obligatory; it is this that allows the region to be a real logistics hub for our goods, from equipment to food and medicine. dealing and trading are good, but they are too dependent on the current market conditions. you, as an experienced person, know well what the task is. any leader is the creation guarantees of employment and well-being for people; for these purposes, we need a serious foundation in the form of the production of our own products with high added value of joint ventures. alexander lukashenko
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will go over all areas of cooperation very specifically, there are many of them. the moscow region today is essentially one big construction site. at the height of road construction, for example, the communes took up the task seriously. its production will be organized in areas where
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large housing and road construction projects are being constructed. our ministry construction and architecture is ready to work with your team on the logistics of the opportunity. placement of concrete mixing capacities in the region. our builders can take part in the construction of objects, but if there is more equipment, then it is quite logical for the service to be at hand, so the idea of ​​​​locating in the moscow region as a service and logistics hub will be perfect, by the way, another point that people will appreciate, it is known that many muscovites and residents of the capital region have chosen belarusian health resorts, correct health is always welcome. the next step in this area is not to complicate the supply of medical products, we need to make sure that the cost of, say, components, if we are talking about medical equipment and services, is not affordable for ordinary ordinary
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people, this also applies to certification, there is as much as five times , in my opinion, there is a difference if it talks about yas, so i instructed the ambassador to belarus to russia to work on this.
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there are industrial parks where production is located and accordingly special conditions are given, including financial, preferential loans at 5-7% per annum for the implementation of one or another import substitution project, we have 230 such projects, about 20-2 years and we are opening 50
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such production facilities this year, respectively , belarusian companies can find themselves in this, and as the president said, we can implement some joint activities, this is... mechanical engineering, this is the processing industry, this is the production and deeper processing of materials, raw materials, so we have all these opportunities. if anything, science is in help, the moscow region has one of the largest scientific and technical complexes in russia, and belarus is interested in expanding cooperation here; it’s time for scientists to formulate a roadmap for interaction. their words often become decisive in the development of import-substituting industries. the main thing is the idea - the rest will quickly follow. details have already been discussed at the government level. our cooperation has been developing in recent years.
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are delaying business circles, which is why at the great stone site today a representative business forum gathered, three dozen companies from our side, a dozen russian ones, so that without wasting time finding new points of contact and projects, the regions were and continue to be the main driving force for belarus and russia. natalya breus, olga anishchenko, veronika buta, alexey kondratenko and alexander oleshko. agency. tv news. moving forward synchronously to jointly produce competitive products
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is important in general and for the cis countries. today in moscow the premiers of the commonwealth gathered for a council meeting. next year in the association russia is presiding, and today it invited all heads of government to vdnkh, where there is a huge exhibition and forum. by the way, many new products in russian regions were created in cooperation with belarusians. svetlana lukyanyuk about effective unification. raw materials technologies. one of the places to see and spend time informatively is vdnkh in moscow. there are aromatic treats for every taste, and huge pavilions of permanent exhibitions. russia invites guests. this exhibition, which opened in november, will run until april 12. this 89 regions. their achievements in energy and industry.
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products. st. petersburg travels on our buses, and we are setting up our own
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multi-brand goods center at the nevsky market. the fact that we work together on the basis of our tractor plant is also a good result, which gives us the opportunity to work not only in st. petersburg and the republic of belarus, but in the cis countries. tractors are our topic - the prime minister will tell the governor of the chelyabinsk region. and agree to remotely control the car in the quarry. a decision was made to form the relevant interstate program, as well as a decision on the procedure for financing
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such projects. i am confident that such end-to-end integration projects can and should be promoted within the cis, to fully utilize the joint scientific, technological and financial potential of our countries. the same applies to issues of e- commerce, the introduction of digital technologies, ensuring access to government procurement, and reducing telephone tariffs. in roaming. all cis countries have entered a growth trajectory, and overall gdp grew by 2% this year. industrial production by 3 and a half, and the volume of cargo transportation by six. compared to the past. the commonwealth countries have significant industrial, energy and agricultural potential, and, of course, rich natural resources, and most importantly, talented personnel. joining efforts, dynamic, fruitful activities will open up additional opportunities for our close
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interregional cooperation and for the development of all participants. this is where we see priority. russian chairmanship, and you can see how rich belarus is in our pavilion at vdnkh. we invite everyone to the belarusian hut. and here you can feel like at your grandmother’s in the village, here is the oven where dinner is prepared, all the kitchen utensils, a table, a bench, a loaf on the table, and of course, the owners in national costumes, and also in the courtyard, where there is always a shop near the house, and of course, as we see, a rich harvest and...
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many people choose our belaz as a meeting place at vdnkh, well, about three thousand people come to our pavilion a day, we’re waiting and more. today the pavilion is self-sustaining and does not require additional expenses from the country’s budget, so the products that are presented at the pavilion are primarily light industry, our food industry, people come here to get acquainted with the country and the exhibition. belarus is intellectual, which is now behind us, and at the same time there is an opportunity to acquire something. the fastest turnover is at the store of belarusian products and meat and dairy products. well, this is the average if per day how much cheese do they sell? on average we sell about 12 kg of cheese. the concept here, as we see, is not
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only an exhibition, but also a sale, this includes clothes, dishes, cosmetics, and, of course, sweets. this is our favorite pavilion.
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svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh and vitaly soplitsa, telenews agency, moscow, russia. cooperation between belarus and russia, the search for new forms and legislative support for decisions of the heads of our states, also became the topic of the parliamentary meeting of the union state in moscow. the budget for next year was approved 6.970 million russian rub. the budget increased by 38% and will be used to finance five programs. and 37 events of the union state, this concerns military cooperation, border security, joint developments in agriculture, space medicine. as parliamentarians noted, this year, despite the strongest sanctions pressure and trade wars, has only united our country and brought economic growth. at the end of this
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year, the trade turnover of the union state reached almost $40 billion. this is a serious indicator, and you know, the goal that the main goal was the united states of america , the collective west, and to wear down, weaken russia, belarus, it was not crowned with success, it failed, and of course we have very great results, very serious opportunities to increase our cooperation next year, we have... with a very important election campaign ahead, our opponents will try to destabilize the situation in our countries and discredit the very idea of ​​union building. using
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the format of a union state, we have every opportunity to increase mutually beneficial cooperation, we must do everything to legally ensure the decisions taken, we must unite even more, work on our part... it has returned like a boomerang. for comparison, at the end of 2023, russia’s gdp was about 3.5%. belarus 3.8%. while
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the eu economy grew by only 3%. and the united states has lost its dominant position as the world's largest economy. to encourage talented young scientists, alexander lukashenko today signed a corresponding order in the new list fellows. 74 names. eight. there are 35 candidates of doctors of science and 31 scientists, without a degree yet. the areas of work are different, physics-mathematical, chemical, medical, some of the fellows work in the field of humanities. the main thing is that all the results of their research are applied, which means they can already be treated. technologies are introduced into industrial processes or into the education system. science must be noticeable and move industries into new technological structures. the president has spoken about this more than once; this is why young scientists receive high mark your work. thanks to
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the correct economic course of the last three decades, belarus now feels stable in the conditions of the redistribution of the world economy. president alexander lukashenko's trips to the countries of the middle east, asia and africa are aimed at further improving the well-being of our people. but who decides whether we can get it? benefit from new projects and what factor is now becoming the overhang of gold? alexey ovdonin will reveal the hidden relationships of politics and economics. author's column "simple economics" right now . hello, this is a simple economics with alexei avdonin. the world economy is undergoing strong changes, a new redistribution is underway beyond the influence of the markets for raw materials and sales
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of products. belarus, thanks to the correct economic course of the last three decades, now feels stable. direct evidence of this thesis is growth welfare of belarusians. recently, the ministry of economy published a study on the achievements of socio-economic development of our country over the past 30 years, according to an assessment in in the structure of household expenditures , savings increased by almost 30%; at the same time, the share of essential goods decreased in favor of medical, educational and other services; the nutritional structure also improved: belarusians began to consume more fruits, berries, vegetables, fish and meat; there was an increase in the consumption of durable goods , automobiles and residential premises, the provision of passenger cars has increased more than fivefold. the number of square meters per inhabitant has increased by more than one and a half times. this year
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dynamics of durable consumer goods continued to improve. in november 23, the market for new luxury cars grew by november 22 by a record 340%. moreover, the passenger car market as a whole in january-november 23 amounted to 140%. the purchase of cars and housing are indicators not only of an increase in well-being, but also of the confidence of belarusians in a stable future. an important confirmation of the dynamics of increasing confidence is also the ridding of the population from foreign currency with the subsequent purchase of durable goods or transferring savings into belarusian rubles. so , in january-november of this year, individuals in belarus sold more than $425 million in foreign currency more than... they bought. in november, our citizens increased their deposits in belarusian rubles by 172 million rubles. in many ways, all of the above indicators of well-being are ensured
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due to. extremely high efficiency of our economy. in january-october, we recorded the highest growth in industrial production among the countries of the eurasian economic union. generally industrial production in the eu increased by almost 4%. while in belarus it was 8%. other eac countries showed lower dynamics. such high rates allow us to increase exports and earn foreign currency. exports of goods and services for 10. international reserve assets of belarus in november 23 increased by almost 109 million dollars and exceeded the mark of more than 8.256 million dollars in equivalent. in january-october twenty-third, foreign trade turnover increased by almost 10% compared to the same period last year and amounted to over 78 billion dollars. visits of our president.
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fewer and fewer ukrainians trust the institutions of power of the kiev regime, zelensky, the verkhovna rada and the government. compared to december last year, trust in the government decreased from 52% to 26%, while
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distrust increased from 19%. i am completely sure that the story of the war was played out with one goal: to weaken russia. i am convinced that most of the european union is deliberately living the war in ukraine in a big lie. in fact, ukraine is only used for geopolitical purposes in order to weaken russia economically and internationally. and this serves as a golden calf for the arms companies, the merchants of death. in the name of these geopolitical goals, i
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fear the west will.
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for the fact that budapest today is pursuing its own independent policy. this policy is very simple: decisions of the european union should not harm the residents of the european union, in particular hungary. lithuania thinks differently, a systemic crisis and a path to self-destruction are better. why the severance of ties with moscow and minsk led lithuania to a dead end. the economy asks for help, business baptizes the guard, but the authorities continue serve the west. irrational politics
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of error.
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europe as a whole is reaping the harvest of the politics of recent years, farmers are on strike en masse, and the stinking manure riots in france have not yet subsided when a wave of demonstrations was picked up in germany. berlin, today is buzzing, thousands of farmers from all over the country blocked the street in the center of the capital, demonstrators brought tractors to the brandenburg gate, the german farmers' association opposes the abolition of tax breaks, which...
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is growing, this research confirms. according to bilt, 59% of respondents are in favor of holding early elections. in poland , farmers have decided to join truckers who are blocking the border with ukraine, they are demanding immediate payment of subsidies, suspension of ukrainian sugar imports, preservation of excise duty compensation on fuel, as well as compensation to corn producers. however, western governments seem to be taking the same view. not that side. the united states and the european union are ready to provoke the spread of the conflict in the gas sector and start a new war in yemen. this statement was made by the management malaysian english-language newspaper new streats times. in this scenario, yemen will become
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another afghanistan, iraq or syria. by the way, the united states has already decided to expand its presence in the red sea region under the pretext of strengthening shipping security forces. it's being presented. action on the attack by the houthis from yemen on commercial ships in the red sea. a direct flight will connect the belarusian capital with the city of sanya. it is located in hainan province and is famous for its large number of seaside resorts. the presentation of the new direction took place today in minsk, the start of the flight program is scheduled for mid-january. it will be possible to get to your destination twice a week, on tuesdays and saturdays. the flights will be operated on airbas aircraft, which can accommodate three hundred passengers. travel time - 11 hours. the opening of a new destination will contribute not only to the development of tourism, but to the increase in bilateral trade. this
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opens up new opportunities for tourism and for establishing new business cooperation. hann is a very interesting place. not only climates, yes, there is also, this is also an important place for business development. the new route will be launched for 3 years, the extension will depend on demand from both sides. belarusian doctors began installing domestic knee joint endoprostheses, pioneers, patients of the sixth city clinical hospital of minsk, all in the traumatology center. orthopedics received 100 endoprostheses from the scientific and technological park of bntu. assessing the quality, doctors noted the high competitiveness of the belarusian product. two prosthetic surgeries were performed last week. today
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for the first time in a long time, patients stood on their feet without pain. details in the report by yulia alferova. i’m still doing it, look like this, here, like this. bone rubs against bone and even though the wall can climb
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such pain, the operation went as usual, the doctors note, a little more and the woman will be ready to be discharged to the second stage of rehabilitation, this is a complex of physiotherapy exercises that will restore lost functions. this year we also participated in testing this endoprosthesis, and we contributed our own, as a doctor traumatologist, we offered our specific wishes, including for installation tools. i believe, as an operator, one of those who installed the first endoprosthesis in our clinic, that this is a fairly high-quality, competitive product, yes, which has the right to life not only in our clinic, but in clinics in neighboring countries. in fact, an artificial joint is three components made of metal and plastic, plus a set of instruments, five boxes of equipment necessary for a doctor. last fall this set passed all technical toxicological and preclinical testing only after confirmation of effectiveness. safety, an industrial batch of
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hundred-year-old endoprostheses entered service with doctors. one of the main advantages of reducing the delivery time of a prosthesis, for example, a foreign one takes almost 3 months, our belarusian ones promise to deliver in 2 weeks, this in turn will increase the number of operations, as was the case with the hip, using the example of this hospital in 2019, a dozen operations were performed per week, now increased to 55, they began to work in two shifts, and even on weekends the demand does not allow for relaxation. the same applies to the installation of knee endoprostheses, and such operations will be performed not only in minsk. the material and technical base has been updated by more than 3 million rubles. x-ray units have been purchased, surgical kits have been purchased, saws have been purchased, drills have been purchased, that is, the material and technical base is ready to fill the need that is currently necessary to provide assistance to patients of this profile. what concerns today.
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very grateful since january 1 , 1800 operations on endoprosthetics of large joints have been performed in minsk alone, replacements are carried out in the sixth, eleventh emergency hospitals, operating on 75 people a week, and this is far from the limit, when there are not just people and technologies, but our own product , which can easily become one of those that provide technological sovereignty today. andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. a competence center for... training personnel for light industry was opened in minsk,
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it is located at the kambol base, where practical classes will be held by future seamstresses, designers, and laboratory chemists. all workshops are open to students of specialized colleges and universities. today, new personnel must meet the highest requirements and be able to work with technology. for this purpose , komvol has modern equipment, which has no analogues, not only in belarus, but in the cis. i can do it here guys. they have all the chemicals that chemists study in laboratory work and practical work, but there are mock-ups of the equipment here miniobor. where they themselves can carry out the dyeing process and bring it closer to reality
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using large-sized equipment, here , if necessary, we come to enterprises, to offices, where we can actually study the technologies of finishing production equipment, and here we can come and inspect fabrics, also in offices we we can carry out dyeing, recipes, regimes, all this is very interesting for us , very cool, it’s great that the company gives us such... the opportunity for a unique symbiosis of both education and the production cycle itself, then there are guys who will be trained at the center site, they will receive unique competencies and of course this is an opportunity for us as an employer...
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the marathon of new year's miracles of magic is marching across belarus until the new year for another 2 weeks, but gifts are already being given. polonese waltz. the ceremonial uniform dress was whirled by the cadet score. he opened a marathon of charitable events of the republican action our children in the mogilev region. according to tradition , he gathered patrons of the arts, as well as representatives of the security forces, in the golden hall of the palace of civil rites. departments, city ​​and regional executive committees, the ministry of sports and tourism. household appliances, a video camera, as well as cash certificates for cadets from the bosses. in addition to physical training, drill training, and the usual lessons that we have at the cadet school, we have also added dancing.
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thanks to my partner, we performed very well today and danced excellently. i think i will remember this day for the rest of my life. thank you all for the gifts. which were handed to us, we were very pleased to receive them, and i want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming new year, to wish you happiness, health , all the best, today we came not only with gifts in the form of sports equipment, equipment, but of course we brought a piece of warmth, every child will make some wishes, i am sure that we will also contribute to this so that these wishes come true, a holiday and a concert in telekhanskaya...
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this has already become a certain fashion, they are already real patriots, they will visit our units, and we, of course, will accompany them, the money that the court awarded to the families of police officers to victims of illegal actions , employees of the internal affairs body give orphanages, today an employee of a special police detachment received compensation that was intended for his family and for him, he gave here 20 years of law enforcement officers of the trin region, six days above our boarding school and for the children for these over the years, the police uniform has truly become a symbol of the courage of patriotism. the presence of the minister of internal affairs at such an event demonstrates the great concern of our state for children. moreover, it is very our children are symbolically involved in the action. our common goal is to make children happy.
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over the course of several weeks, police officers will visit orphanages, special boarding schools and other institutions. the main goal of the republican. the campaign will not leave a single child in the country unattended. two new modern training halls recently appeared at the project of the presidential sports club bold step. the guys will train side by side with members of the military-patriotic club courage. and they will work with young athletes including coaches with many high-profile titles behind them. sports facilities were located on the base of a separate special forces unit called ry. so that boys and girls will gain not only excellent physical shape as a result of such activities. our film crew also attended the opening of the new halls.


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