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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 19, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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runs down the street, shouts that i love my homeland, yes, but does not offer to do anything for my homeland and does nothing, probably the person who does it is the one who loves the homeland, these are not words, these are not emotions, this is a real result, if you love your homeland, show what you have done for it, and a candidate for deputy should not start with some program, what he will do, but he should show what kind... we are not a state that can afford 4- 5 years of feeding randomness in our legislature, yes there is big states, he united states parliament is not a place for random people, america, some senators even forgot when to go to a meeting.
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labor, like ourselves, are ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second largest city in belarus, gomel, the borders of three lands meet.
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it was made using the contact method in 1903, and there are only four such photographs known in the world. watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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holding a book in their hands, picking up one piece after another, sipping on the words on their skin. here are the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the galas of people are clear and expressive. everything that chalavets has created, has been hogging on old books, bytstsam enchantment, many people have been experiencing centuries, many close-to-the-palaces, valuing mine.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and our guest today is the general director of the minsk news agency, as well as chairman of the belarusian union of journalists, andrei krivosheev. good afternoon. good afternoon, ladies. hello. andrey evgenevich, glad to see you. and let's start with a new film, which was made by the team of the minsk- novosti agency, called 352 without. the right to be forgotten, the premiere took place on december 8, and the film tells the story of a prisoner of war camp located in minsk in the area of ​​​​the modern masyukovshchina district. let's see the announcement. looks like there's some kind
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of find there. it looks like a posthumous medallion. in one search day, five were found medallions, from these five medals everyone must establish the names of the four fighters. they were natives of tatarstan. at this very place , the occupiers are setting up one of the first sites of mass genocide on belarusian soil. these warriors, who boldly look into the eyes of the highest leadership of nazi germany, will soon become prisoners of war at the infamous stalack 352 camp. it is here, on lynkov street, near the modern station. electric train masyukovshchina was located in the so-called forest part of stalag 352. for tens of thousands of prisoners of war, this was the way to one side is the road of death. their memory will live forever. belarusians have not forgotten their history. they know her and remember her, both heroic
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and tragic. to create, that’s exactly the film. the ashtolags decided because the minsk residents themselves know practically nothing about this place, but to be absolutely frank, even our employees of the minsk-news agency and historians and journalists with extensive experience did not know this story, so the first motive was to find out for ourselves and figure it out to the team of our authors, what happened in these first monstrous months of the war, the defeat workers' peasant red army. in these red army soldiers, commissars, simple men of military age, what happened to them, why, the minsk, so-called cauldron, where older, more elderly people ended up with such trepidation, they walk these kilometers
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in the drozdy tract, in masyukovshchina, and tolbukhin, street, and the current independence avenue, because it is... a concentration camp for prisoners of war and civilians, it actually roamed throughout the territory of the city of minsk, in fact, not every historian, local historian can accurately and to fully tell the story of this terrible... place and the torture that took place, so the first motive is to find out for ourselves, understand , feel this story, but after our small team of authors went through it ourselves, we realized that we couldn’t tell men of men are simply not allowed to do this, and not because there is an investigation into the case of the genocide of the belarusian soviet people and not because there in these ditches, in the blackbirds in these mass graves in the zhablintsy park, right here very close by, but lie... our unknown heroes , soldiers, fighters, civilians
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people, but because without this story the history of minsk, the history of belarus, the history of the great patriotic war will be incomplete, and if we have already decided, especially with young citizens, minsk residents, to speak honestly, sincerely and emotionally, then we must tell this story, so we we tried our best in this film without any powder.
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fascinated by the history of the city of minsk, who are still restoring the names of those killed, tortured in stalag 352, who are elderly historians, local historians, and people who support excavations, well, that’s all we had to tell, we told, you know what pleased me most when we arranged a premiere screening of this film at the museum of the history of the great patriotic war and the film has already become part of the exhibition of the museum of the history of the great patriotic war. we gathered a hall of people completely different
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in age, education , there were college students there, plus we had nine studios connected online, we showed this film, i deliberately sat in the back of the hall, in order to understand, we succeeded in this an emotional block that many, unfortunately, young people have, they say this doesn’t concern me, this isn’t interesting to me, it was a long time ago, yes, and in general it’s not about me, we showed it. this film and, firstly , there was absolute silence in the cinema, and secondly, not a single smartphone screen was on, that is, people were looking at the screen, which means, well, we solved this emotional problem, because when young guys... then they sincerely emotionally let it through themselves, they won’t refuse it, but you know , it seems to me, why there was such interest, in the same place at the very beginning of the film, a young boy talks about how he became interested. i began to study history, perhaps this also played a part, of course, well
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, it’s clear, it’s clear that this was a director’s move, it’s clear that this young dominic is a guy who is a local historian, a researcher and who is digging up his family history, he is clearly not the main character of the film , but we consciously, using the director’s move, i confess, brought it to the forefront in order to show that this story is equally exciting, concerns everyone, in order to reach. documentary is a special strict genre that imposes this rigor on the viewer,
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that is, you cannot, lying in bed , asleep from your gadget in the morning, watch such a heavy movie, especially while drinking coffee, and drinking coffee, while being away there on your everyday affairs , arguing with someone on the phone, and also looking through a telegram feed or the same tiktok, after all, it’s... watching such films disciplines, which is also why the young man at the beginning and the rather creepy footage at the beginning of the live excavations themselves, the search for medallions of establishment names to... first minutes to hook a person, well, sort of internally gather and be ready for what story we will tell next, here is a feature film, yes, a feature film, a cinema hall, this is the atmosphere, although without popcorn, i think it will look, you know, i said this at the premiere, my grandfather on my mother’s side, gennady kharintonovich lazarev,
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really didn’t like the kingdom of heaven, really didn’t like watching films made in the late sixties, seventies about... the war, they started making comedies, and comedies about the first years of the war , where his own appeared the soviet warrior rambo, who practically demolished the stupid nazis, such a late khrushchev era, the beginning of the brezhnev era, my grandfather said that in the forty -first, forty-second and forty-third there was nothing funny, comedic and... or romantic like they tried to imagine, that is, it was a terrible pain , it really was the genocide of the soviet people and the belarusian people, it was hunger, devastation, executions, betrayals, tests of courage on character, pain in general, here are other soviet films and other films of the new era,
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there, as in august forty-four, either the soldiers were marching at the same time, or they were going into battle alone. he already watched it, he said that yes, there is an element of fiction, but in great characters, i guess my colleagues who died, that is, you, if we talk about some kind of film adaptation, you want it to be serious history, of course, this must be serious work, i repeat, and i completely share my grandfather’s position in this after all that we have learned about the terrible... genocide of the belarusian soviet people, hundreds of concentration camps, 11,900, but the numbers are constantly being updated, burned villages, cities, mass executions, shootings of children, women, policemen, special operations carried out here by collaborators from the baltic countries,
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poland, ukraine, there is no such material, and neither do we. ..
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i was also very surprised to find out that ordinary people, germans, do not know about these horrors that happened here, we simply do not have enough information and literature that is translated into german. after what we've heard, is it any wonder that
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modern residents of germany know nothing about the problems of the great patriotic war, do not understand what it is. we give hope and there for all the good against all the bad, has led to the fact that the new generation, young germans do not really
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reflect on the events of the great patriotic second world war, and maybe even - nazi things are coming into fashion again, and this fact is confirmed, probably 12-13 years ago, a large-scale sociological study was carried out in the ranks of the german armed forces and special agencies. it turned out that if i now i’m not mistaken, about 6% of people who serve, that is, have access to weapons, profess xenophobic, racist and neo-nazi views, can you imagine, this is in the army and in special services, in the police , what did the german government do after that, do you think , started working with these military personnel, no, she banned sociology and social surveys in the army, just... not to know , sweep it all under the rug and not know what the real sentiments are, or a loud, sensational case when they tried to ban the neo-nazi german party, the court couldn't
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make a decision, because it turned out that in the leadership of this party there are more secret police agents, well, in our kgb, and there is the department for protecting the constitution, than there are neo-nazis themselves, that is, they have introduced their own... agents into the leadership of the party, supposedly, but they are double agents, or are agents themselves, or whether they have been infected with this ideology and act absolutely sincerely as neo-fascists, neo-nazis, no one can say, the court could not figure it out , it could not ban the party, therefore, on the one hand, yes, in germany there are very strict laws for rehabilitation of nazism, for revising the topic of the holocaust, the extermination of the jewish population during the second world war, and... on the other hand, there are huge ideological information gaps that are not filled with anything, and examples of this our german colleague, when the google algorithm or
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some other the named nameless moderator eliminates this within 3 minutes, says that in the next round, the next generation will not know anything at all about the genocide of the soviet people, about the crimes...
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52, but take the history of vietnam, that’s where our large government delegation led by roman golovchenko recently returned, because i was in vietnam and
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spoke with our vietnamese colleagues, journalists, they did not forget anything, and the same genocide that the nazis committed on our territory, the french committed in theirs colonialists who were anti-fascists three years earlier, that is... imagine french resistance, degol, the fight against nazism, incriminating words at the nuremberg tribunal, but in 1948 the same french soldiers and commanders were burned together vietnamese villages with people, put children on bayonets, used attacks against unarmed people, that is, they did the same thing, it feels like, having defeated nazism, these french colonialists swallowed a little of this... virus, they settled in vietnam and said that there are people here with a different skin color, they are smaller, they look somehow wrong, they are rural, uneducated semi-humans,
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yes. yes, this is such a strange revanchism of the french, yes, but what did those same french colonialists, british colonialists do, in the same kenya, in the same equatorial guinea, in the same algeria , the wider sahel region, this is horror , that is, well, this is what the belgians did in the congo, and if a modern court, as you say, germany cannot make an unambiguous decision on this issue, it means that this is someone that's what you need, here. absolutely right, you said, the white man’s burden has not disappeared anywhere, yes, they feel themselves, the white man’s burden, this is an ideology that was born in the heads of british and german intellectuals, back in the 19th century, at the end of the 19th, mid-19th centuries, it is nowhere didn't disappear, they this is how they think of themselves, they just change their
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justification for a certain thing. stage, they are traditionalists, god gave them the right to be a white master to destroy, take british india, there is either the colonization of china, or africa, or southeast asia in general, indo-china, a great story, by the way, told by filmmakers, i just why under i was impressed that i recently rewatched this great film indochina, with katrindenev, the young one, it’s simple, and there it seems to be showing touches. really amazing work of filmmakers, why else is it necessary make a film about artistic genocide, and stalagia or in vitebsk, the fifth regiment, yes, remember 313, or any other concentration camp that was on the territory of belarus, olla is the same village, red bank, there is material, we were just very focused on the holocaust in recent years, yes, but the topic in general, the jews are great, they are...
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liberals and say that no, this right has given us technological and technical progress, maybe in a couple of years they will say that these are not neural networks, like the new god has granted us the right, since we have them, does this mean we have the right to come to you in your space to teach you how to live, because we are the guardians of neural networks, we give them algorithms, or what do unnamed anonymous moderators of social
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networks do now, who cut down any content? censor his words or the belarusian historian, journalist, politician? who gave you this right? they took it and are not giving it back , that’s what we’re talking about, let’s take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we connections! the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the general director of the minsk news agency, chairman of the belarusian union of journalists andrei krivosheev. andrei, but in the meantime , the general prosecutor's office continues to investigate the case of the genocide of the belarusian people, over 17.00 witnesses have already been questioned, about 40 excavations have been carried out, and
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more than 80 new ones have been established. facts of forced detention of people, another 2,500 settlements appeared on the map of the burned villages of our country , crazy numbers, terrible, new facts are constantly being revealed, let's listen to the words of the representative of the prosecutor's office. currently, the investigation of the criminal case continues, blatant facts of nazi criminals and the damage caused as a result are being established every day, i want to focus on the names on this word. their criminal atrocities are much higher than we expected. well, i mean, of course, first of all, these are human losses. and if you raise the question, so to speak, about the material side of the matter, it was reported that that currently the amount of calculated damage is at least 2.3 trillion dollars, and prosecutor general andrei shved said that belarus is considering the issue of compensation for losses during the great
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patriotic war. human losses of more than 3 million belarusians, we understandably will not return every third one, and what historians say, why else is it so scary, so many and so painful? because on the territory of modern belarus during the great patriotic war the nazis used everything known in history forms and methods of genocide of people, that is, this includes shooting, extermination, burning, torture, this is death by hunger, cold, painful, this is the sterilization of women, this is the nazification of children, when... they are taken out, trying to make true orians out of our children, these are biological chemical experiments, well, in general, everything that you can think of that is satanic, wild, was used, this is the slave trade, this is theft
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for forced labor, that is, well, everything that could be done satanically was done, so in my opinion, absolutely it’s logical that if in a legal procedure the fact of genocide is fixed, if real damage is calculated, then there must be compensation, we must seek it, but first of all, even i would just like for even the modern generation of german politicians to at least admit, that part of what they are doing today, including in neighboring ukraine, supplying tanks with crosses there, is a continuation of...
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systems and i think that in germany there is an absolute majority of sensible people who are able to return the sovereign voice the german state, german
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internal foreign policy , including economic, with them we will build a reasonable dialogue, including in the field, of course, of historical truth and memory, well, yes, and today’s crisis of power, yes, speaks... about the fact that the system is about to, look at how it is teetering into another literally one by one, like a house of cards, here is a wonderful series, a house of cards, here is one card, one domino, one bone fell in hungary, now slovakia is behind it , and germany is close to this, in there are reasonable voices in greece, in italy, unfortunately, and here, too, our profession is largely to blame. or spheres, the media sphere, these regimes of some european states still manage to manipulate, deceive , like miloni, yes, in italy, the new prime minister is a woman, she’s for
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a traditional family, and your guests, vavanny, showed their true colors, they showed, as far as this media machine is concerned, it is digital...
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this is the most painful point for them, they are currently having a serious showdown, the main thing, of course, is the twenty-fifth year for everything concentrated attention on all aspects , it will certainly not be easy for us, we know this, but we are ready for this, i want to assure our citizens that the president personally has his finger on the pulse, he delves into all situations in detail, he knows thanks, among other things, to external intelligence work, everything...
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sits, yes, she begins to snap, and if she is still some kind of contagious, a carrier of cholera or something else, it is dangerous, so on the one hand, ivan stanislavich is absolutely right here, there is no reassurance , thank god it doesn’t exist, neither the government employees of managers, neither the security forces, nor our journalists, nor public organizations, nor political parties, that is, the entirety of belarus as a state, as... well, national ideas, national dreams, on the other hand
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, we understand that they have no strength except such vandalism, extremism, terrorism , terrorist antics, that is, they cannot overthrow states, but they have such a symbolic media, often tragic aspect, it can be sold, this picture of a terrorist attack, it can be sold to curators, you know, i had like...
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they would commit terrorist attacks, sabotage,
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these hidden sleeper cells, would process your youth, i say, this is what the polish regime is doing here now in relation to belarus, and the belarusian regime, on the principles of mirror imagery , could to do the same thing, you should have seen what happened to this lady, she almost had a heart attack there on live television, that is , whether she agreed or not andrey can cancel.
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the most opportune moment for such a full-scale campaign to invade our informational, mental, historical and any other space, we shouldn’t consider our opponents fools, idiots who are simply throwing away money and resources and their agents, no, they chose the absolutely precise moment for the belarusian state, but you and i went through this, and the president told us about it it took a lot of effort to preserve our constitutional system,
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our state, to restore public harmony, to return the lost, to return those who succumbed to promises there. financed extremist and terrorist organizations, who adapted, joined this new ukrainian neo-nazi myth, this golechansky, this neo-bandera, yes, who began to propagate it here, where the banderaites burned villages along with the inhabitants, and the melnikovites also burned like khatyn, and therefore no, the moment was chosen with their point of view. that's right, it really cost us a lot of blood, if we say so in popular terms, in order to prevent this coup d'etat scenario, look, because as i said about this genocide of the belarusian soviet people, all methods were in use, so in our
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attempted coup against us, all methods were used, worked out and brought to perfection all over the world. namely, not the disease itself , not what we have learned to treat, but not the real situation , the epidemic, this psychosis, this hysteria, this inner horror of a person that he can die without knowing why, from this no protection, your
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loved ones and relatives may die, and you can’t do anything, naturally, a person cannot take bear the burden of responsibility. of course, the state, of course, there is someone at the top - doctors, the state, the system, the president there, someone else, the public transport system, the enterprises where they coughed on you, they are all to blame, they are risking your life and health, and of course, they tried to take advantage of this natural instinct for many to hide in their apartment, because many people in belarus advocated voluntary isolation, that is, hiding. lock yourself in a closet, that’s it, i ’m not here, so no, i don’t agree, plus one more thing take our contradictions with the russian federation in the nineteenth, early twentieth years, that is, relations between the main allies were disrupted, it was a situation of a perfect political, socio-political storm, they chose
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this moment, they tried to knock off the belarusian with this gigantic wave, why the storm, because what out of nothing, that is, this is... everything, well, there’s a lot here too, not quite a lot they’re working on, listen to the soros, they forgave us for 20 years, by the way, they also showed us this very well when they broke up this tsaros and gershman of this, who said that if it weren’t for what we have built here over 15 years, you wouldn’t have a protest street, and another question for you as the head of a news agency, a journalist asks a journalist: well, how are the services? we see, we are ready to choose for new attacks, and we are ready for information attacks, i don’t know whether it’s secret or not, probably a terrible secret, but now more and more hardware and software systems are appearing that monitor this entire extremist swamp
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24x7, in automatic mode, calculates, well, to be honest, we are also late here, because such complexes are in the states, even in russia. i once talked about infovoch natal ivanovna kasperskaya, they have been working for tens of years, or dozens of years, but we have only just arrived at them, they allow us to snatch from this whole general swamp the main trends where our opponents will hit, that is they warn the customer of this research about what topics may explode, what topics are being promoted by conscious people, which may be painful for society, cause public outcry. the next iteration, when we will have , using the same neural networks, let’s say, but the programs and complexes that will also be suggested to us by the algorithm to counter this will not last for long.
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a deepfake concerns a person who has the right to declare war, and a deepfake declares war on another state, and if in another state they didn’t check, didn’t smile, didn’t perceive it as a deep fake, that’s scary, and if this deepfake also draws a terrorist attack there, in confirmation of the false words of the person, who is capable of making a decision to unleash hostilities, that is , this is scary, this is a terrible situation that we often say, and so enthusiastically, even many say, especially young people, new
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technologies, new technologies, but in fact they are these technologies, especially neural networks that process and transmit so clearly into the video sequence, so realistically, they take us back to the prehistoric era, when you could only trust what you yourself touched, what you personally... heard or saw, that is, no media communication can no longer be absolutely , which means reliable, you are now just depriving the work of the mentioned vanavan and lexus, by the way, well, yes, well, it’s just that now the absolute majority of the countries of the world , including belarus... are looking for an antidote to the growing geometric progression of the capabilities of neural networks, because no one can even
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fully imagine what will happen next. our scientists, i listened to yuri vyacheslavovich shevtsov, but this just paints a dystopian, apocalyptic picture. apocalypse, yeah a dystopia is depicted, which leads to the destruction of human critical consciousness. destruction of the personal self, opportunities for growth, and add to the neural networks these ones that were fashionable 2-3 years ago, now somehow they are not on the surface, metaverses, when a person creates an avatar for himself, and this avatar lives life, the person himself may not getting up from the sofa, can turn into a swollen hamster, and which will be guided by a neural network and an avatar, which will be largely... controlled by a neural network, well, that's all, here you go dystopia, and the goal is, yes, so that we don’t get up from the couch, even you were recently in
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china and said that only grannies, or tourists like me, go to the grocery store, all other people don’t get up from the couch, just because that it’s convenient, but you’re in one application in which your whole life is concentrated, from your medical card, student card, travel documents to the ability to trade stocks. this means market indices, well, everything in general, you can order products of any form, any content, of any weight, you can get an education, this is all one sentence, you can, i don’t know , get medical advice, develop your own tv channel, radio broadcast, podcasts, keep your blog, in general, your whole life in one application, an integral platform, i’m listening, this i still believe in man, it seems to me that...
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either this is a step towards a possible new creative revolution of human consciousness, we still hope that everything will not end in an apocalypse, because otherwise why do we give birth to children, and in that case, if we don't we see the future, this year you celebrated father's day for the first time, you shared it on
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social networks in this regard. the most responsible mission that can only be in a man’s life, so it’s a huge responsibility, everything is new for me, i’m learning, i’m trying to learn to be a good father, everything that happened before is leveled out in the face of this charming baby.
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great, this is happiness, this is worth going to, and this is the greatest gift, a good father, he is in your understanding of what, so that i know, i want to be a good father, uh, probably the one who will be able to raise a good person, what kind of behavior should this father have in order for the son to then say, i have a good father, god grant that he says this - well, i have not yet reached my son’s adolescence, but so from classical fiction literature, from classical cinema, as a souvenir, remembering your own behavior as a teenager, you can’t wait for these words, it’s just happy those parents who waited for these words from their children, that you know, you’re telling me right raised, you were the right parent, i
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still want my son, with my help , to be able to choose the most correct, most decent, sincere thing in life, then i will consider that i have fulfilled my mission as a father well. well, a wonderful pre-new year finale , just wishes to santa claus, i would say, so let you, of course, and your son, the agency and... the belarusian union of journalists, which perked up with you, andrey, just makes me happy , brings what i always say that this is collective work and responsibility, and brings pleasure, let us be, of course, we are ready for new information attacks, because in no case , it seems to me, should we underestimate the enemy and sleep, today many of their attacks seem funny to us, but we will remember the situation of the storm, we
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always know that it is not born out of nothing, so i would like . so that we are fully armed, but it seems to me that andrei evgenievich is with you, it’s okay, a journalist, with us, together with us, thank you for this conversation today, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye . one topic stuck in today's conversation, but i would like to wish all of humanity that our ideas about good and evil, our intelligence, and not artificial, our human, yes, with our sins, vices, suffering, emotions, formulate a picture of the future and the real world. for our children. andrey evgenievich, i ask you to leave your autograph and some wish for us, our viewers. i think this is the most important thing for
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modern journalists, to find their right audience, while remaining interesting and creative.
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people call it raphen geta yashche yago the singing drums pressed the paper with the first axial teeth and then pressed the lips and began to sing with a melodious sound . that's what they call it, they call it shpyanev. our museums don’t work on memorials, as soon as we sleep here on the 13th. in 1956 , the work of the father of the song ceased, and right after the birth of the lyubansky city, it became the center of the social life of minsk. look at the project for cultural appreciation.
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live the main news in noon.


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