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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 19, 2023 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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head game on our tv channel, we introduced such an indicator, what is the effect of investing a budget ruble, if we take innovative activities, then in the first half of the twenty-third year , about 24 rubles worth of products were sold per ruble of budget investments, of which approximately 22 were high-tech science - these products, we do everything for the patient free of charge, absolutely all stages of treatment are paid for by the state and... it makes no difference to us,
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the operation costs 100 rubles. or is it worth 100,000 dollars? europe as a periphery to use intellectual, economic, financial, technological resources of europe to strengthen the united states in a powerful fight against china. and the efficiency of the government’s activities is the highest, because even under the conditions of the imposed sanctions, nothing has collapsed, we will see growth this year. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel.
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girls, have breakfast, a light diet breakfast for the smartest little mouse. so the plan is to call the world after breakfast, dad, well, i’m not little, of course, you’re already smart grown-up young ladies, good morning, good morning , so ready for the new school, pencils sharpened , phones charged, you’re worried, stop intimidating the children, this is the best gymnasium in the area, it’s not in vain that i worked for an apartment in a decent area for 5 years so that the girls would worry because of school, dad, everything will be fine, and igor
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is guiding me through the course, we won’t be lost, what kind of igor is, well , the same one with whom the kitten has been studying in music school for 7 years, and the violinist with glasses, well, cheikovsky, what are you don’t remember, of course i remember, that’s it, i have to go, girls, the main thing is not don't panic and don't slouch until the evening. katya said that you were boiling on peace avenue yesterday? don’t worry, it’s okay, i ’ve already completely figured it out, there’s only one way to deal with this: throw away your car, finally buy a normal car from a junkyard, this nine is dear to me as a memory, remember how we made a katyusha in it? i do remember.
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only it was 15 years ago, i forgot the details, okay, do as you know, kitten, don’t panic, you have a final concert, music, fingers will still... come in handy, well check of combat readiness, little mouse, homework, diary, inhaler, forgot, so, calm down, little mouse, our family cosmodrome will always have a supply of secret weapons against asmader, move the bucket to the side, poor thing. have a nice day, little mouse, you are the best
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kitten in the world. come on, excuse me, yes, what, what is it that you allow yourself? i knew it.
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the first day i already hung out with a local star, and who is this? headache, is it? let's go to class late. savelyev called again and told me to tell you that there was a deadline offer ends today. ordered. lord. send the overlord a wall calendar. maybe he doesn't know that the nineties are already over. i won’t allow my business to be squeezed out. aren’t you afraid, serge nikolaevna? if i was afraid, i would still be sitting in the accounting department. and i wouldn’t have seen all this even in a dream. so, and a banquet in honor of the tempera agency at 20:00. confirm and i will, one or plus one, plus one, good afternoon, good afternoon, are you like ordinary tulips, no, today
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i have a special order for my wife and i, 15 wedding anniversary, all hope is for your distinguished taste, congratulations, you have a great bouquet. but expensive 5.0 rub. how much is 5. rub. so do you accept the card? yes, of course, great. cancellation, it’s impossible to make a payment, excuse me, just a second, i’m hello, yuri
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nikolaevich, good afternoon, tell me where my fee is for the last three articles, but i can’t do it anymore. listen, i can’t buy my wife flowers with her own money, okay, thank you, sorry, take the money, bring it when you have it, thank you very much, i’ll definitely return it, thank you. listen, did you do the assignment in russian? naturally.
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i'm so good. young man, excuse me, but do you know what they shove there, no, right there, what other people haven’t eaten, yeah. listen, do you know why they do this? because meat is expensive , just imagine, they take a turkey, cut off the legs, wings, saw, what remains , that’s right, what remains is fat, skin and bones, that’s all they take, hello momendak
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, sit and eat them, yes, guys, you got it, check it out, this is our new lodge, well, girls, let's go, you can watch a movie, let's go. she has her own reasons for this, what other reasons? well, transitional age and so on, you’ll soon
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find out for yourself, let’s go. so, oleg presents the jury, coconut parfait with blackberry sauce and homemade mint sorbet. oleg, well, he looks simply amazing, so beautiful that i’m even afraid. a special cake, dietary, it contains fewer calories than grass and water. well, you know, i think that he’s coming , he’s walking, he can not only, as you say, touch him, but taste what i’m doing , appreciate it, you know, i think that, for sure, i don’t even think, i hope that they will appreciate everything is on its own merits, yes, oleg, tell me, when did you decide that you wanted to engage in cooking professionally, what did you do?
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have you decided to tidy up your closet? no, i decided i'll go with you. how do you like this option? not really, you've never been interested in that, have you? are you coming to change your interests? in my opinion, this is the only way to stay with you for a meal. william, this is impossible, this is a closed event, then the guest lists were approved
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3 months in advance, no, strangers will not be allowed there, what are you saying, let it lie here, it will dry out anyway, i have less to clean up.
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ira, 3:00 am, i was worried, william, but work is work, i understand, and family, ira, i ’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time, oh, let’s not now, i’m tired, i was very cold in the taxi, but then get up , okay, i ’ll make you some tea with honey now so that... uh-huh, ver, forgive me for that bouquet, i freaked out like a boy, but... sleep,
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i love you very, very much. today we see how unnatural the prism
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of the presentation is primarily by the western media. those events that concern russia and belarus, here is the time to talk about abuse freedom of speech. but we are not only competitors for this, this is a tasty morsel that they covet all the time. today, 54 states are members of the antarctic treaty system, only half, including the republic of belarus, can afford to have a station in antarctica and begin conducting long-distance scientific research.
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a dangerous city, this is now noted even by those foreign artists who come to our circus, when we arrived here for the first time, what i noticed was that it was crystal clear air, i was thirsty, how they ended up in belarus and why they stayed to live here, i was born in the city of vilnius, this is the capital of lithuania, then the family moved here to minsk, that is, my father was appointed here to serve in the military mission, i come from kazakhstan, from the city.
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tv channel belarus 24. comfortable in this country, look at girls, let's hurry up. “this is for you, dad, are you serious, even grandma’s phone was cooler, perhaps because grandma didn’t lose her phone once in 2 months, well, it’s petty to reproach things, it was in my jacket, i didn’t i know where he went, little mouse
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, hurry up, dad, look, mom left him, wow, what a big-eyed mouse, this is no good, you and i have to fix this, so look at me, let’s go to mom’s work, the mouse of nature will not forgive you for this, so first to school, vilyam leonidovich, good morning, good morning, maria, hello, let me help you, thank you, have a good, good day. lidochka, good afternoon, but i can’t help myself, i literally just need 5 minutes to hand over the documents, and irina nikolaevna is at lunch, and you leave me, i i’ll tell you, great, i know where she’s having lunch, i’ll have coffee with my wife at the same time, and vilm
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leonidovich, wait, you won’t have time , she’ll be back any minute, just wait, i’ll make you coffee, thank you, pm, but i’m better i will spend these few minutes with my wife. well, what are you talking about , they can call me at work, they will call you back, i haven’t seen you for 15 hours, i miss you very much. tell me, were you the one who starred in braveheart? i recognized you immediately, please give me your autograph. nonsense, what are you talking about, i always cry for my
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woman, thank you, thank you, that means i’m yours woman, you are not just. my woman, you are my beloved and only one, yeah.
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ira, it’s my own fault, i’m ready to forgive you for the sake of our children, i’m against divorce, i’m done, i’ll divorce you. why couldn't you punch him in the face? could you at least once in your life behave like a man? lord, i'm not
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a man, i'm a wuss. i don't believe that anything can be solved with fists. and i don't believe in our marriage. i do not believe. yes, you gave your whole life to your family. he gave his whole life to his children. and i'm rubbish. only i can’t do this anymore, you love him, yes, what does arthur have to do with it, and arthur, i don’t care for you i love you, and i don’t want to live with you, so okay, don’t scream, but i will, and the girl will scream, i ’m at home, so i’ll scream, because i’m tired of pretending, you know? mom, dad, what, have you really decided to separate, no one is going anywhere, little mouse, come to my arms quickly, and come on , remember our poem, sweet
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little mouse, daddy kissed the little one, so where is the incalator, so let’s breathe, breathe. well done, it’s all over, let’s lie down under the blanket, yeah, yeah, come on, katya, please give it to me, book, thanks dad! and you and your mother, your mother was just nervous, tired, she lost her temper, everything will be fine, let’s read.
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is this the last breakfast before the death penalty? that means, i earned this apartment myself, so you don’t have any rights to it, so you can live in your parents’ apartment, i don’t want to see you here, but i’m not interested in your size, i ’m thinking about the children, yes, girls i'll have to get used to the fact that we will live separately,
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so i'm asking you. do what you want, don’t remember, you do everything yourself destroyed.
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it’s good that you didn’t have time to rent out the apartment, you would have stayed on the street now with a set of spare underwear under your arm. and i thought i had a friend who wouldn’t leave me and wouldn’t leave me, suddenly he didn’t leave you, you shouldn’t have let irka go to work, he should have stayed at home and wouldn’t make such numbers, but after all, it’s my wife, not slaves, so keeping her locked up meant that katerina had to hand over the nursery, work on what kind of nursery herself, katya with her allergy dysplasia. and masha, she is a very sensitive child, the slightest excitement, she has an asmatic attack it’s starting, no, i did everything right, yes, honey, no, today, today it definitely won’t work out, say hi, no, why, of course, i miss you. svetik
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, my friend says hello to you, yes, kiss sunushka, svetochka, uh-huh, that regina realized who she got in touch with and left you, willie, people like me are not abandoned, people like me are in hot demand, svetochka at five, regina at nine, yes you’re not sour, you’ll get rid of the problem, you’ll live a full life, listen, i have children. no one but me can take better care of them, katya and masha should live with me, i will do anything to do this, which means it’s time for you to meet my neighbor in the dacha, pyotr vasilyevich, i mean, lawyer, dad, dad, i swam with dolphins, and who are you? hello
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girl? introduce yourself, this is klaudia vasilievna, our housekeeper, hello girls, now she will cook for us and help us keep clean, why do we need housekeepers, we have a dad, well, now my dad and i will live separately, don’t worry, tomorrow i have an interview with nannies, i don’t want, nanny, i want to go to dad, let's go, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, give me the inhaler in the box, but not in this, how is this, how is this, how is this, what should i do? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you don’t even know how to use my inhaler, hello, dad, dad, talk to masha, she’s crying, we
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can’t calm her down, masha. little mouse, little mouse, you are sad because i won’t live with you yet, but i will always be your dad, i love you and the kitten very, very much. and i’ll take it for myself soon, mikhnych, i love you , please come in, have a seat, hello, alexey, good morning. i'll give you coffee i did it, no need, uh-huh, so you eat , come on, it will make you feel better, a recipe proven over the years, you might think you’ve been drinking for years, so, gentlemen, while i
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would like to clarify the details of our case, your children are ready to live with you and will report this on court, well, yes, i don’t doubt it at all. since from birth i was involved in raising them, while my wife earned money , but she doesn’t have time, i think that you have a chance to get guardianship, but you need a permanent job, you need to convince the court that you can support the children, okay, but i i’ll find a job, okay, but i don’t understand where yet, i don’t have enough experience here, well, you... somehow solve this matter quickly, okay, then i ’ll take care of your business, i actually have everything, but you don’t need to accompany me,
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thank you, william. i’m a human again, and not a hangover brute, you’re welcome , you’ll have work, we just need a sales manager, really, yes, you have human clothes, i mean, i mean, you have some kind of suit, but i’ll be glad didn't wear suits, william william. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, what a nice city, wow the name is so cool, borisa is in kraata, i
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think you’re right and perhaps there is that same parisa, it’s enough to behave at a party like the host of the show, like at home.
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watch the project at home on our tv channel, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. according to experts, on average a modern person eats about 13.15 kg of this product per year. someone claims that it is harmful and excludes it from the diet. today , one might say, absolutely everyone uses it, regardless of gender and age. and not only for people, separate lines are presented for pets, including, more recently, for rodents. let's share interesting facts. the very first mention of sausage dates back to 500 bc. it was made in china, babylon and greece. already in the middle ages, europeans developed their own traditions of sausage production. in the north they cooked raw sausages, drying them with smoke, in the south they dried them in the sun. what else did people do with their hair thousands of years ago and how did
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the world’s first shampoo appear? we ask the most exciting questions, we are looking for answers to them. we need balance so that our hair is beautiful, shiny, and our scalp feels comfortable. and we got it. good foam is a pleasure to celebrate, watch the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. probably, you also need to go out, let's give in to the ladies. and you know, my friend valera, he also always wanted to lose weight, tried diets, but then it all ended corny, sports four times a week, well, of course, no carbohydrates, there is bread, pizza and so on, so you like pizza , very, here, here, tell me me, what do you like more, pizza, and healthy blood vessels, and without healthy blood vessels
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there is no good intimate life, i will show you such an intimate life, oh, you’ve already met, evgeniy georgievich is the most understanding ceo in the world, evgeniy georgievich, and this and this won't work for me. clown, tv go, that's right, girls, i need to tell you something important, there is one person who really wants to meet you, what kind of
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person? well, he’s my friend, he’ll come tomorrow and he’s just a friend or a friend, i don’t want any friends, take me to dad. mashenka, just don’t whine, he loves children no less than dad. “hey, little mouse , you and i will show this friend such a heavenly life, i bet he won’t last an hour against you and me, who threw you by the tongue, i fought with him all day, nothing came of it, i’m sorry, brother, i'm not your helper from work, i realized this this morning, but today i spent the whole day on the phone, called all the advertisements and..." "now you will be surprised, but philologists without work experience are not
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in demand, but i did the impossible, tomorrow i'm going to work as a security guard at a grocery store, you 're a security guard, are you kidding me, no, i only have to go through the probationary period." "madam, i'm afraid you were a little distracted and missed the basket, oh, how awkward, thank you, my dears, glasses are at home i forgot, i can’t see anything further than my nose, thank you, put the caviar back in its place, excuse me, uh-huh, wait, wait, who am i telling, so, your little
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jog cost us 10,000 rubles. three complaints from customers and one runaway varizhka. yes, how enterprising. it turned out to be a lady i can’t say the same about you, it seems to me that you are vegetatively incapable of this profession, it’s difficult to argue with you after such a movie, i knew that you were a reasonable person, goodbye
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girls, mom is home. hello, i have a surprise for you today, meet my friend arthur sokolov. hello, stupid name arthur, at our dacha the neighbor’s dog was called that. oh, i hope the dog was beautiful, kind, like me, this is for you. thank you, and this is for you, and i will try to make our acquaintance the beginning of a good friendship, my friendship is for gifts not for sale, masha, how do you talk to adults, take the gift and say thank you, she’s going through a difficult period, this is a difficult
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period for you, masha, mom, don’t worry, i ’ll talk to her, our little mouse is easy-going. uh, excuse me, who is easy-going? pour me some wine , kitchen, there, you said that we would arrange his oro life, you yourself stood and smiled, little mouse, do you even know who it is, it’s arthur sokolovkin himself, the star, it’s as if mom is with brad pitt i met, i don’t need your brad pete, i have a dad. “okay, okay, don’t cry, let’s get rid of arthur , we just need to act wisely, rudeness won’t work here, but your brother is talented, i’ve already lost count of these 2 days, what kind of dismissal do you have, the third, technically the second ,
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they didn’t even hire me for the third job, i’m not cool enough for a premium taxi driver”? “don’t despair, third grade is not a waste, thank you, we’ll find you something, i doubt it, you know, when i was filling out my resume, i got stuck on the skills section, i can’t do anything, only hamsters are more useless than me, well, you don’t touch the hamsters, they they know how, well, what about washing , cooking, caring for the sick, cleaning the house, listen, i’ve been doing this for 14 years, but it’s unlikely that anyone needs a person like me, they need willie, they need him for a very decent
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salary. good afternoon, uh -huh, yes, i got everything, uh-huh, yes, i'll take a look, uh -huh, uh-huh, okay, yes, thank you very much, i 'll call you later, yes, thank you, goodbye, good morning, uh-huh, i'm at an interview, i’ve already found a gardener, you’re late, and i’m a housekeeper, well... why not immediately to the emperor of all russia, it sounds more prestigious, in these matters, i think you are as competent as in home economics, but it would be in vain, i wash dishes very well, clean, do laundry, listen, the details of your bachelor life are not interesting to me, i’m looking for a woman who knows how to run a house , if i were looking for a man who knows how to put socks in a washing machine, i would get married,
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listen, goodbye.
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william leonidovich, yes, yes, give me a couple of minutes, yes, please, allow me to introduce myself, solomatin gennadievich, lawyer, doctor of law, it’s a pleasure. u you and i have a common interest. after all, you are now divorcing your wife , how do you know this, well, now it doesn’t matter, i can represent your interests in court, strictly speaking, everything that your wife now owns was acquired during marriage, yes, but therefore it is jointly acquired in the event of a divorce, the property is divided in half, i am grateful to you for the legal lecture, but could you get closer to the point, i will already help you judge your legal half of the property, including part of the company. then you will sell your stake to my client, the price will suit you, i promise, wait , first of all, i’m not satisfied
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with the proposal itself, if i sue my wife over the company, she will stop respecting me, now she respects you, okay, my children won’t respect me, but they respect you, why then did they stay with maque? i’ll stop respecting myself, and what about you? i’m sorry, i’m sorry, that’s not what i meant, understand that without money you won’t be given custody of your children, and this is a real chance, think about it.
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i completed home economics courses at the british educational center and am certified butler. i have a nursing degree and advanced training courses in dietetics. i would like to offer you a laconic bouquet of several hydrangeas, but roses from your garden will also wonderfully set off the porcelain. thank you, when can you start? for work, never, she ’s not suitable for us, are you kidding me, who would be suitable for you, the queen of england, maybe that’s too much, you’re a mother, listen, your mother has lived her life, you can’t outsmart her on a crooked gartensia, so what do we have here? well, manicurist, too long for a worker's house, stockings, these are old women for me, no, for me, i love good underwear, is this a crime? for a working woman's home, almost. and i say,
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have they been doing this for a long time? not enough, how much did it cost? i have a natural bust. i also tell everyone that i have my own teeth. she gets a job with us in order to find herself a rich man in our village. he will run around, shaking his natural bust, in front of other people's guns. thank you, you are free, i will call you. call back. yeah, well, damn you , old corga, thank you, mom, make you some tea, i have it, let's go bot, this is sexism, choose an expression in a decent house, you cannot refuse me a job based on gender, in my house, i can do whatever i want. therefore, without further greetings , you are not suitable for us, all the best, next , please keep in mind, well, if you refuse me
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a job, then after the divorce my children will be taken away from me, young man, we have nothing against you personally, home economics - this is a woman’s job, women genetically have more experience in the field of cleaning floors, but you won’t find a better one women, what do i, well, for this work, not believe? okay, have a competition, i can get you into trouble, one call to the head of security, you will have a very exciting week, do you want it? no, no, i want a competition, i want a competition, mom, are you kidding me, do you seriously want a battle of scrubbers, yes, i do, then i’ll hire him without question, okay, let there be a competition.
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we pay me for beautiful eyes, are you going to work off your mountain debts, or can you be ashamed to tell me that you refused, i will do everything, i leaked irka’s husband to you, so it turned out that he is not going to sue her, but keep in mind that until kavaregina transfers her company to sovelyev, he will not forgive your debts, you will drag it out, they will start collecting interest, i understand, but you just need to put pressure on her husband. i’ll talk to irka today, let her forbid him to see girls, but he adores girls and will do anything for them, push, push, i don’t care how, the result is important to me, i understand, i understand.
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glyadtse project belarus on the tv channel belarus 24.
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