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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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hello, look at the issue. benefits of a transport intersection in central asia for belarus. after launch, the eurasian framework will increase cargo turnover fivefold. the detour to the red sea is a million dollars more expensive for each transportation. shipping is changing courses due to houthi attacks on ships. switzerland may abandon the policy. neutrality in the country, a bill is being prepared to supply military equipment to warring countries, a fairy-tale town in the same style with the sale of conifers, national dishes and a techno-tree show, a large-scale christmas fair works at the sports palace. land reclamation and development strategy of the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. the day before, these issues were raised at the independence palace. concerning. bnbk corporation is faced with the issue
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of loading the plant's capacity and marketing finished products. this negatively affects financial performance. let us remind you that the company is engaged in deep processing of grain to create highly productive compound feeds and mixtures necessary for livestock farming. the project is an image project for the country. as a result of resolving this issue the state, as a shareholder, will appoint its representative to manage the structure. this person will deal with both strategy and problematic issues. second.
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equipment - this is where we dirtied the agricultural land and weeds began to grow there, it must be cut down, the agricultural land should be brought back to normal, this is cultural equipment, when the cosens worked poorly or well in the vitebsk region, he is proud of this not without reason, he collected there is money and cutting down bushes, but land reclamation is more serious things, this is where you need to dig, where... you need to lay or restore canals, where you need to lay drains in order to remove excess moisture from the fields, these are more serious things, so here is my decision, kushurovich, you will cut down with an ax and shovels, this should be done by agricultural enterprises, cultural and technical events, amelioration will be carried out as it should be according to science, a roll is... the president instructed to immediately
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restore the existing equipment. kgc is entrusted with the task of continuously monitoring the progress of land reclamation work and reporting on results. now the task is to carry out the reclamation of all lands that need it by 2025. and now about the beautiful new year’s tradition of sovereign belarus, the famous nominees for the award for spiritual revival have become known. the decree was signed by the president, for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of spiritual values, cultural and moral education of young people, active participation in the revival of cultural and historical values ​​of the vitebsk region, the abbess of the holy protection convent was awarded a high award abbess monastery. onfis for fruitful activities in the civic-patriotic education of youth by the staff of the polotsk cadet school. among the laureates are the gomel city center for inclusive culture, the republican scientific and practical center for mother and child, as well as the mogilev regional methodological center for folk art for cultural and educational work.
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his significant contribution to the preservation of the cultural heritage of belarus was noted, including the holiday alexandria gathers friends. in addition, special prizes were awarded president. culture of art, which is pleasant , and the bel tv and radio company is among the nominees. together with the prosecutor general's office and the belarusian telegraph agency, our colleagues managed to make a significant contribution to the preservation of historical memory and the truth about the great patriotic war. the projects of the last witnesses and genocide without the right to life are noted. the children were all loaded, not killed by bullets, but stabbed to death with knives. do you understand? then they said in the geto, the lithuanians slaughtered it, which means someone knew, or the soldiers are taking a child by one leg, a tiny one, i’ll use the head,
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a group of authors from the grodno region was awarded a high award for a creative project to preserve the traditional culture of belarus and hold a caravan festival. batkova bulka, as well as the vetina folk brass band and the syabbrynka pop song theater of the mass palace of culture. in total, 10 special prizes were awarded this year, among them director ivana zhigan and the team of the national academic drama theater named after maxim gorko, songwriter anna seluk, master of folk musical instruments ruslan makarevich, head of the bolshoi opera company theater of belarus anastasia moskvina, methodologist of the grodno regional folk art center elena shuneyka. as well as the first second company and the honor guard orchestra of the minsk military commandant’s office. the head of state also signed a decree on awarding a special presidential prize to the belarusian sports olympus. among the laureates is also our colleague anna eismand , who has been working at the national state television and radio company since 2003.
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viewers are well familiar with the popular sports programs sports day and arena. anna is also a regular author of stories and interviews for programs main broadcast on... burnley, england. also awarded this award was a highly qualified sports instructor for the sports team of the ministry of internal affairs, athlete-instructor of the belarusian national freestyle wrestling team, vanessa kaladinskaya. she is also an honored master of sports, bronze medalist
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of the 2020 olympic games, winner and medalist of the world and european championships. and vanessa has already won the right to perform in paris. also, the head of the belarusian sports olympus became the laureate of a special presidential award mikhail dvarikov, department of cycling speed ​​skating, icon sports, belarusian state university of physical culture. we sincerely congratulate the laureates. shipping will temporarily abandon routes through the red sea, reports bloomberg. the reason is that the houthis are attacking tankers and cargo ships from countries that support
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israel's actions in gaza. carriers, not relying on the us promise to protect merchant ships, are forced to send their ships along a longer route. this will cost businesses. extra million dollars every shipment. up to 15% of world trade is currently carried through the red sea. switzerland is preparing a legislative framework for... abandoning the principle of neutrality, which has been the main rule of the state for many years. two chambers of the swiss parliament allowed the country's government to supply military equipment to the warring state. conditions if the protection of the country's interests from the point of view of foreign or domestic policy requires it. a rather vague wording will allow the country's authorities to supply weapons to including to ukraine. american democracy in action. colorado supreme court. banned donald trump from participating in local primaries for the presidential nomination.


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