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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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this year the director of the main performance was agata matsko, she is a famous director, this year there will be completely new approaches to the new year's performance, including interactive activities with children. we tested them last year, they showed themselves very well, when not only actors, fairy tales, heroes on stage are involved, when they communicate from the audience and work also from the audience, this year this will also be actively used, this new pyrotechnic elements will be used this year, which will allow to involve in a fairy tale, of course, there will be its own intrigue, it will be clear - a negative positive hero, of course, it will not do without the main character, the grandfather. frost, good
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will definitely defeat evil, and the guys will be very interested in seeing our new approaches to the stage in terms of screen placement, led screens, this will be new mechanization, in general, a lot of surprises await all those who come to our new year's performance, here are the new year's projects of the palace of the republic are popular among belarusians, and among foreigners, the main project of the country is very attracts our foreign guests, we came to us last year. guys from the baltic states, last year we had quite a lot of guys from russia who are going to see this performance, of course there is a tour of minsk, but the main informational reason is to attend this particular event, but this year we already have applications from smolensk, from nizhny novgorod, from tula, from moscow, from st. petersburg, guys who go to see the main show of the country, in the baltic states last year. we had guys from latvia, in
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last year there were guys from lithuania, they come, of course, until a certain time , guys from ukraine came to us quite a lot, and we are still always waiting for them with pleasure, in february we will have an information center of the central election commission in the palace of the republic for the elections, all journalists will be in the palace of the republic for several days, both the chairman of the central... election commission, yes, and other experts will come there to communicate directly with journalists, to monitor the progress of the elections, and this is very important for us, in february we will have an information center of the central election commission for elections in the palace of the republic, all journalists will be in the palace of the republic for several days when they arrive as chairman the central election commission, and other experts as well...
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look, then all the main messages or the entire main program, how the country will live in the near future, what tasks are set, it everything happens within the walls of the palace, we do not look from the outside, we are participants in this process, because we have a great responsibility, preparation, prepare, accept, because people come for a special atmosphere, our task is to create it.
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, today without further introductions right away.
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forget and step over this, then lustration and not be afraid of it, so lustration with reconciliation, without a doubt, aka lustration... a bloody coup in belarus, a break with russia and a declaration of joining nato, finally, lustration, read imprisonment and murder of lukashenko’s supporters. once again, the meeting place is kiev. who speaks, a deputy of the verkhovna rada, who speaks, people who call themselves the belarusian opposition, but in fact olek sergeevich, there is no smell of opposition there. this is not the opposition, this is a traitor. opposition is an alternative, that's a good word. this is a normal word, in any country there should be an opposition, we have it, each party has its own opinion, this is essentially opposition to each other, that is, everyone defends their point of view, and this is not the opposition , these are traitors, but let’s look at two theses, the first is the entry of nato, the second is a harsh illustration, he talks about this, about what nato’s entry is, he
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openly admits that in essence, like the west is interested in both ukraine and belarus exclusively from the point of view of geopolitics, what we said in this studio, they don’t care about the people, they don’t care about the country, exclusively. turn our country into a tool and start a war against the russian federation, he doesn’t hide this either, here he is doesn’t say any further, but it’s true. the next step is belarus, military action against russia. the second illustration is a civil war on the territory of the republic of belarus. and look at one thing: there is a man sitting, a deputy of the verkhovna rada, although i cannot call him a deputy, because the people in ukraine have not elected anyone for a long time. since the fourteenth year you can talk about elections in ukraine. forget, these are not elections, but just window dressing, because real political forces that tell the truth have not been allowed to participate in elections for a long time, they are burned, they are killing, as in the house of trade unions and so on, a man destroyed his country, in fact, a civil war, so many thousands have already been destroyed, lying in their graves in ukraine, and he sits
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and says, this is an example for us, let’s do it and it will be, he continues further, it will be like ours, you will live wonderfully, that is, war. blood, tears, lack of sovereignty , statehood, but as for ours, i just want to say one thing, this is the wildest, most terrible, most bastard, i can’t find a word for it any other way, it’s that those the people who were sitting there, i don’t want to name names, it’s disgusting, they want our children to die, they want some belarusians to die, but not them and not their children, that’s the worst thing, there’s only one politician there, like him calls belarusian
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, they sold their homeland, they sold everything that they once had here, they sold themselves, and they themselves will sit and collect money, that’s what sleksanich is all about, well, these are the people who are sitting listening to the ukrainian deputy. they understand perfectly well that they are being used, that they essentially work for the sbu, for gur, and further they are coming from the cia, mi6, that is, this is not an idea. i will answer this question, but i would like to say a few words about the meanings expressed by oleg sergeevich, i fully support him in the fact that now ukraine as a state, as a political system does not exist, there is practically not a single sign that a state , no sovereignty, no independence of decision-making, no application of law and respect for the law, no territoriality.
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i understand very clearly that in 1920 no one hid that lustration was ahead, that is trampling the trampling of the law , that there is an undermining of sovereignty ahead, that is, to go under external control to some external forces , thereby preparing the same fate for us , as for your question, why have you already answered it, that yes, well, in short, to me it seems that there are no ideas, no super mission, no ideas are even being discussed about it. it seems that there is something else, this is such a people, for a historically insignificant period of time from a wonderful, in quotes, of course, it is
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tragic, but from such a scientific point of view an experiment in reformatting consciousness people were made, i don’t know, a crowd, a mass , these are still good words for that, for that population that lives, because some believe in something in the meanings that come from tv, some are simply intimidated and afraid,
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secondly, please note that for the first time all
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our fugitives, who are really right, oleg aleksandrovich, do not have any influence on the domestic political agenda, they gathered, they all gathered in one place, despite the fact that they quarreled, that is, this suggests that this is not maybe it can't be like that the meeting cannot take place without the participation of state structures of ukraine. and the fact that we observed deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine there confirms this. the third point , well, it’s one thing when we talk all the time on your program, everywhere on the air, about the plans that are ripening in their sick heads, it’s one thing when gaidavich, romanov, maybe , says that they want to pour blood all belarusians.
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stands in front of us, who is sure that he is communicating with the head of zelensky’s office, andriy yarmak. let's listen to the fragment and continue. i'm waiting, i can’t wait for the day when mariupol is taken. i am following this area very closely. of course, when russians are killed, i am offended, but i have no complaints against you, just as i have no complaints against israel regarding
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the gazeri. yes yes. i hope you are having this conversation at... a public organization, here he is all his life, we are talking, a respected man, what, he lived all his life for grants, he did not hide it, all his life he was financed by the west for promoting something , what the west wanted, and the fate of all these fifth column traitors is always
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one: it starts with the values ​​supposedly that he defends, everything is always beautiful, freedom, we are fighting with... for real elections, for democracy, but at the core it’s always someone else’s money, and it will all end, or how he sits, imagine, man , who says that he defends democratic values, says, it’s okay that people are killed, let’s make more drones so that they kill even more, mine, those with whom i live next to, let them kill, or the second, which is even worse , look who committed terrorist attacks on russian territory, who tried to commit terrorist attacks here, the kgb detained them, they all started from there , they all started, some in the foundation, some... last time in kiev, maybe you just think about one thing, people are sitting and discussing, if we throw away all politics like us kill, just kill, that’s all, i would like
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to speak out, and it seems to me that i know this layer of the intelligentsia quite well, well, from the nature of my previous activities. real, and i would say that the metamorphosis did not happen in the case of bykov, the real name is zelbertrud, the fact is that all his creative, in quotes, activity was aimed at discrediting russian , east slavic, belarusian culture, when he acted as a pushkinist, when he acted as an expert on russian classical literature, in fact, he slandered and lied about russian literature, about russian culture in general, he gave birth to...
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... that freedom is always understood only as freedom, and freedom is always an opinion, it is always responsibility, only then freedom , well, since he is a famous person, someone allowed him to become known, this is necessary, one must not look at it, what is now, look at what was difficult before, and we need to work on our mistakes, so that this doesn’t develop further , so that we don’t listen to it now, according to bykov, is there something to add or will we go further according to bykov, what’s going on here? to add, it was not only bykov who behaved this way, a whole galaxy of the so-called creative class, and galkin, and makarevich, and shinderovich and... even the singer nargiz, who said that we should all be killed, well, calling, you know, also shock that all these people in the russian
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cultural field, they were literally swimming in money, they received everything from the authorities , apartments, plots, titles, that is, they received everything, and this is what kind of rotten person you have to be inside, what kind of self-centered person you have to be... for your resentment to turn into such a monstrous degree of hatred, to everything russian, to everything that gave you both life and income, the opportunity to travel around the world like this and broadcast to our audience, the most interesting thing is that they still make money broadcasting to our russian-speaking territory, and that’s not all in our close one.
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that after all, this is not all the intelligentsia, why? because after all, in russia and in belarus it was the same, i remember very well the so-called stars who received everything from the state, had everything and betrayed, and how many were there who did not betray, that is , i look in russia how many patriotic writers, patriotic artists, how many people with the intelligentsia are there in belarus , even those who sit in our judges, people who came from this environment, who actually defend belarus. and russia, and this, it seems to me that this is an internal quality of a person, he’s rotten, money comes first, yuri is right when he says, the most amazing thing is that it’s not that they continue
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to broadcast to the audience, many are now ready to betray what they then said after the start of the svo, it’s simply not possible to go back, as long as they give money, but if there was an opportunity to go back, change what he said, he would spit on his principles and do it. regarding the expectation of big money, one of the main topics related to this is, of course, meeting between biden and zelensky. we managed to talk a lot about this this day, someone paid attention to, because there was not as much content as some expected, that once again biden answered questions from journalists, reading the answers from a piece of paper, an absolutely indicative moment, well, from loud statements, although also.
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in order to prolong the conflict in ukraine as long as possible. the conflict in ukraine is one of its dimensions, besides geopolitical ones and so on, this is a very big business, these are drugs, these are organs, these weapons, these people, are now a source of huge income for very influential circles in the west, they are very important, so this is the amount, as she told me: for victory. we don’t expect, we want this to continue for a certain number of months, during this time we will think about something, make some decisions, but ukraine as such, its
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victory is no longer even discussed, it is not on the agenda what do you think zelensky and biden were actually talking about? well, in this case i understand that they were talking rather it’s not just zelensky and biden directly, i perfectly understand that there is a group of people behind them, on the one hand and on the other, because in essence neither one nor the other is already reaching an agreement.
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quotes: we understand that many people think so, not only republicans: what is the point of giving ukraine 60 billion dollars if 100 billion did not help before. the state of ukraine is functionally destroyed, the average age of soldiers is 43 years. it’s okay that putin will take away part or even all of ukraine, no, this is not a us problem, give it away empty check, the republicans are not ready, and so on. that is, no matter what biden whispers to zelensky in the cozy navalny office, in real america the questions are loudly heard, the closer the elections, the better. the louder they will be handed over, and this is already a system, if you believe gardin, and in this case there is no reason not to believe. allies of hungarian prime minister orban will talk to republicans about stopping funding for ukraine. and a short fragment about how non-elites speak, in this case tucker carlson, the spokesman for the american people wt. our army is the most deplorable example. these are the best people, the salt of the earth, but they are
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almost bossed around. the worst of the worst, so i was at the wedding of a junior commander this weekend, he kept complaining about how bitter and offended he was, these people are risking their lives for the sake of the country, and they are led by narrow-minded politicians from the pentagon with low iq, this is incredibly regrettable. the fact is that the army, in principle , is not used for noble purposes. if our military really defended the country, for example, fought drug cartels in americans were saved from overdoses in texas. i think people would willingly go to serve, they wouldn’t even spare their lives, i would be like that. case, he was definitely not afraid to die for his homeland, we wouldn’t have any personnel problems, not like now, but when they tell us: we are obliged to defend the sacred democracy of ukraine, where there aren’t even elections, but are you kidding me or something? it is not sacred or even democracy, it is a complete deception, a scam, everyone knows this, i myself will not give my life for it and i will not allow my sons and daughters, our army is being used not for its intended purpose, and this is all very vile, what
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is happening inside the usa now? then the budget is adopted, which means that the republicans took advantage of this situation, so don’t think that the republicans are our friends, no, they are not friends, they took advantage of the situation with ukraine, they are trying to push through the aid package for ukraine to israel, a solution to their internal political problems, and specifically tightening immigration legislation, increased spending on the border with mexico and other issues are hitting key democratic constituencies, democrats they resist, the democrats don’t care either...
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don’t think that any of the american senators are worried that there is a war going on in ukraine, we need to stop it, no, they are solving their own issues, and for the ukrainians, this should be another trigger , they must see, no one cares about you, belarus doesn’t care about you and you...
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in the sense of the word, this time he was received from the side entrance, the western wing, he was met not by president biden, as the first time, but one of the heads of the presidential office, this is a very important point, well now the americans are directly saying that ukraine needs to dig in, thus the widely advertised counter-offensive has turned and is turning into a counter-offensive. indentation, well, here’s another moment of fooling the population of ukraine, which we talked about at the beginning of the program, i was tracking ukrainian resources yesterday, there’s nothing to brag about, including in negotiations with biden, just imagine, remember these fakes that
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putin died, that something happened there in russia, in belarus, yesterday a new fake appeared, this is all seriously accelerating, biden gave some new secret missiles , which one missile destroys an entire platoon there, and no one sees it, everyone writes this, hurray, now that's it... what's next, imagine how they mock people, why, so that new meat will come to the front, new meat was sent - that means for this mobilization, she died again , that is, this, this is a huge amount of money being allocated for this, a large part of this american money goes to information processing, fooling the population, so they are already trying to achieve this failure in the information key turn over for the population that something good there are new missiles ahead , now everything will be fine, everything will be fine, and... during this time thousands more will die, thousands more will be in their graves, that’s what’s terrible, another of our neighbors, the big democrats, the sejm of poland passed a vote of no confidence in mateusz’s government muravetsky, and then nominated donald tusk to the vacant position. deputies
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voted confidently and elected a new prime minister of poland. on this occasion, a natural hysteria happened; kaczynski jumped to the microphone and declared that donald tusk was a german agent.
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well, remember, we discussed this a month ago the whole situation, and they said that tusk would become prime minister, and discussed why the magazine of the politician put donald tusk on the cover, calling him the person of the year, most likely, given the fact that ukraine is not able to become anti-russia, they will make this anti-russia out of poland. of course, we hope that the new tusk government will be better.
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but this whole confrontation between poland and germany
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was such an accusation. what do we have today in poland? we talked about this, now everything has come true. democratic elections in poland there are none as such, because everything has been done over the years to clear the political field, political forces that would come forward with real things that are close to the polish people. a normal border with belarus, 90% of poles would like a normal border. normal business , who needs all this, does anyone really believe that there is a polish family sitting there, they are worried about some belarusian radical there and they don’t care about him, they think about themselves, these politicians were enrolled in poland, today we have there is a pro-european tusk pro-european and pro-american kaczynski, but america will not let poland out of its hands today, because it will not let all of europe out of its hands yet, and this is not only a problem for poland, this is a problem. european union, its lack of independence
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, its lack of sovereignty, what awaits us, i agree with my colleagues, but they don’t care who is in power there now, the stronger we are, and today we are pursuing such a foreign policy that we are strengthening our own state, they will communicate with us, so i’ll reveal, probably, it’s no longer a secret when the party leaders met with the head of state, the head of state with a smile said that contacts with european structures and politicians did not stop, they don’t care...
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and he had to immediately, in the very first hours, announce the implementation of all the programs that were not announced by himself, not just from this hundred-day old this how is he there her this big leaf by all bye .
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this is not 10 or 20 people, almost two hundred, and he will have to go, report, we’ll take a break for a while, after which we’ll continue our conversation, now we’ll continue to a completely different policy and to completely different politicians, as they say, check out how professionals work, the middle east, china, africa, alexander lukashenko’s current business trip turned out to be not just large, global. just recently, africa, apart from long-standing contacts with the north , was a distant exotic, but today the continent is opening its doors to us, yes, we have no illusions, we understand what a global battle is going on to get into this market and maintain our positions there, we are open and pragmatic and most importantly, we go where we definitely have something to offer. so,
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equatorial guinea, then met in kenya, this is perhaps the essence of our strategy, not only, by the way, in africa. we are not coming here to snatch something in a matter of minutes, we want to cooperate with you on a mutually beneficial basis, not engage in charity, we do not need charity either from guinea or from other african countries in this case, and we are not going to do this either to engage in charity, it will only harm us.
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in the middle east region in geopolitics there is such a concept or such a dichotomy: north-south, since soviet times, the emphasis has all been towards the geopolitical north, europe, the usa, here we are not talking about a geographical, but as a geopolitical cultural phenomenon, all our foreign policy power was aimed at interacting with countries of europe, countries of america, but to a lesser extent, well, in soviet times in africa, asia.
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now the african continent is making itself known more and more loudly. a few words about him: after the fall of the colonialism system in 5-6 years they fell into a new dependence, neo-colonialism, poor, weak, without infrastructure, science, trained personnel, they were forced to turn to their former metropolises, france, britain, and they still sucked out all the juice, financially , political pressure, military pressure, they set up bases there, and so on. and these countries, they find themselves in an even worse situation than when they were colonies before the 50s, sixties, people are dying of hunger, they are really dying of hunger, children, no no medical help, ours. the minister of health spoke about it, well , he formulated it so softly, but the meaning is this: there is no system, there simply is no system, perhaps there are a few doctors somewhere, but
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there is no system to help people, there is no system at all, in this sense, why africa is important, the fact that we can, firstly, act humanely, it seems to me that this is very important, bring peace, help to these poor people, health, food, culture, but on the other hand, this is a good, good market for our economics, because the african continent , it is also the richest continent, it is no coincidence that france, britain, belgium are clinging to the african continent with their hands and feet with everything they can , this is a storehouse of raw materials, these are diamonds, these are oil, these are rare earth metals, this is everything , therefore we can and should enter this market, but here i will conclude by highlighting two components:
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how can we work in the african markets, which are completely captured by western companies within the framework of the conditions of the international economic system that exists today, we see that this is impossible, even any simple financial transfer will already encounter difficulties, this issue cannot be resolved at the national level, today in the era of transformation, which we called it and...
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and today it is important to agree not only on exports , that is, the transfer of some goods, the exchange of goods and services, but about how the new system will function, how to set it up so that all states can truly get their chance for development within the framework of multilateralism, and africa i really feel this call from belarus, but this is a very long process, we always say, here is the fight for africa, the fight for the middle east, the fight for... the post-soviet space, why? the west is not used to living at their own expense, they have never lived at their own expense, they have always lived at the expense of others. why
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today we say, the struggle for africa will be brutal. why is it just starting? well, russia-belarus, together with us, a significant part, i think, in the future of the post-soviet space, will teach the west to live at its own expense. today we told europe, russia-belarus, live at your own expense. since the collapse of the ussr in the ninety-first year, they have lived at our expense, at the expense of ukraine. what makes me happy is that as a politician, as a belarusian , as the leader of our country, he is greeted as the leader of an independent sovereign state, you
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understand that, for example, many european leaders cannot get to the leader of china, not because he doesn’t want the president of china there, he just understands what to talk about with some president there, for example, i’m silent about lithuania, but what does she decide, yes, the president of france, that he decides, that a number of leaders of european countries decide today when they look... into the mouth, that is , they talk to our president as the leader of a sovereign state, and as for africa, i will support my colleagues that we have an excellent background, we respect them there too, because we didn’t betray, didn’t change regimes, didn’t meddle in the internal affairs of other countries, but came with real proposals, this is the key phrase of the president, which everyone noted, and i ’ll note it again, we came here not to rob and not buy and sell, we came here to do projects that are oriented for decades. and also the second, third phrase: we are ready to share what we have, here we can do something , the president said, we will teach you, do it yourself, we will not rob you, do it for you,
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we will teach you and do it, here have the americans ever had such an approach? never. afghanistan, a simple example, the last one. today the taliban, you can treat it differently, published official data. do you know how much they managed to reduce drug crops in afghanistan, 90% were removed. and under the americans it all flourished. they came there to democratize the country, just drugs to the doctor. if you allow me, i’ll rephrase this question, maybe i’ll come from a completely unexpected angle, but that’s essentially what it’s about. and i would like to start thinking about this topic with you, and at the same time, given that the program is already approaching completion, to sum up some results, just recently there was a very important date, a special one on december 8, but especially from all sides, as this sacred date, it turns out, in the ninety-first year it is of course, already in iskul, in the year ninety , the signing of an agreement on the creation of a union state, the biblical plot turns out,
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on the one hand, betrayal, on the other hand, if not ...
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born after, probably, you had to drink so much of everything dashingly to understand, what we lost and what we did not appreciate, also demanding some kind of reforms or being indignant at the lack of some kind of sausage, and what we all got as a result of this tragic collapse, war, uh, hatred between countries, economic ties were severed, only... thanks to the initiative of belarus and russia recently, even though they are starting to gather, as for the president’s trip, we have this wide tour, we saw how a professional manager and head of state should behave, not to upend any there are thresholds of western, american or even eastern countries, but to pursue our own
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policies, we have something to offer our partners, there is something...
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this is the most important point of getting out of the war by some kind of creation of a cooperative unification of the union, if you like, of belarus, russia and ukraine, this is a very important point, we offer them a picture of the future, but no one offers what will happen next, the war will end, the war will not end, but what will happen next, but we offer this we show the meaning in cooperation with other states and, above all, with our... main partner of the russian federation , goodies, if you like, advantages for the common man, for the population of this interaction. i, dmitry aleksanovich, will fully support you in this concept, which you expressed, the concept of place, in such a simple folk language it sounds so that it would not be customary, but what do i mean, because the fact is that true sovereignty, in
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particular economic, and all types of sovereignty for western countries is . the needle, this, this is their death. olek sergeevich quite rightly said, i know this, it seems to me, on such a theoretical basis that the welfare of the west exists due to unequal exchange.
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sovereign, but exactly the same position. olga igorevna, i think we need to stop to make excuses for the fact that we are uniting, it seems to me that we have been busy for years, have been busy for decades, that we are proving to someone why we
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need to unite, everything has already been proven before us, europe took this integration path a long time ago, its advantages are obvious , and the fact that we are adopting this agenda, that there may be some kind of political, humanitarian, or some kind of russian language problem, we are raising. all this is garbage that comes to us from them, we take it and raise it into our information space, integration processes in the post-soviet space, the word is wrong, they are initially correct, because only within the framework of a common unification, economic integration, we can realize our national interests, not give them to some supranational level, not lose our sovereignty, but unite and...
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real, you you are going through everything there, ukraine, if there were no war, there would be sovereignty , independence, independence, but no, there will be no independence without an alliance with russia and belarus. the second moment, the collapse of the ussr, tragedy, all the blood of ukraine, all the blood partly of the middle east, everything that was in the post-soviet space is in the hands of those who destroyed the ussr, in their hands, here they are. spoke so sweetly through his actions and him and this
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caudly who was with him, and then chechnya, and then all the conflicts over the drugization of society, extinction, suicide, alcoholism and so on, it all began.


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