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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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today, when we remember this december, we must remember what our president said then back in ninety -four, he was one of the few, and i can say this, my father has been in politics for 30 years, who said the collapse of the ussr is a tragedy , we need to build an alliance with russia, he came to the elections with these meanings in 1994, he won with these meanings , without changing his position, and that’s good, thank you for participating in this conversation, that’s all for today, thank you for being with us . my history, nature, culture, faith, people, shchodrasts. once you want and don’t get started
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again, everything is right here.
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a doll world that is created by a craftsman, and for me everything is important in a toy, all the beauty is in the details for me. that is, i like
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some brooches, some buttons , some squirrels, little birds , something like that, so that there would be little things, yes, pieces of cloth, so that it would be... a little man in miniature, a world where the characters have their own lives , a universe, i’m such a unique creative person in our family, i’m the only one who he is so closely involved in creativity, and the only person who, in general , has brought creativity to some kind of professional level, is doing this professionally. the fairy-tale world of furfuriks and its creator alla rusnachenko. furfuriki. these are toys, this is a common name for new year’s toys, namely those that come in the form of dolls with faces, the name is very interesting too, it’s actually easier
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to create, for me yes, here’s something to create, what to name, look on friday at our tv channel. hello, are you watching the program "say not" be silent." victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is a member of the house of representatives.
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it’s quite unconventional here, but the most interesting thing is the growth of industrial production by 8%, when this happened, this is a completely unique result, simple examples, the production of washing machines four times
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, car production has tripled, we once doubted whether our plant could reach 25 thousand cars a year, now it has already reached 60,000 and the government is seriously thinking about how to increase production up to 120,000, and these same machines are not large-scale assembly, this is 50-60%, they are localized, that is, spare parts, components are produced within the republic of belarus, or by industry, if you look at it , we have such industries as instrument making, microelectronics, machine tool industry, they are loaded with orders for 2-3 years in advance, this is a unique situation, and this, in my opinion, is a serious achievement, moreover, we see the emergence of new projects, well, we call them, probably by inertia, import-substituting, but in
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reality are projects that allow us develop completely new production niches, create clusters of production, for example, agricultural machinery, chemicals.
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not just to prevent, but in fact, to minimize the risks of some kind of armed conflict on the territory of the republic of belarus, i think this is still the most important achievement. yes. can you imagine, now it’s 30, this despite the fact that the balance is positive, that is
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, we import less, yes, this is a very important point, that the balance of $500 million is positive, this means that we are strengthening our competitiveness, if there were on the contrary, we would still need to figure it out, but here, without any doubt, this is an achievement, this past year, we have already talked about the fact that we will reorient our economy, it seems to me that we have made very serious progress. in relations with a number of countries that are our geopolitical allies, with whom we have a common idea of ​​what a fair international order is, and we are very actively developing trade, cooperation and political contacts with them, this is china, indonesia, vietnam, india, iran, turkey, united arab emirates.
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but the fact is that, but the fact is that we are doing this absolutely right for the long term, this is without a doubt the case. well , and accordingly, what have we not managed to achieve yet? this question is more difficult to answer, do you know why? because it was not possible to achieve, this is already some kind of terminal stage in this, right? the thing is that all relationships, they still have.
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andrei vladimirovich, you are actively working, we see belarus joining the sco and
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you say, note that we are doing this fast, generally uniquely fast, yes in history, but maybe our viewers don’t understand everything, and neither do we, why we need membership in this organization, if you can briefly formulate, tell me, yes, this is actually a very important point, why, because we are accustomed to international interaction within the framework of a hierarchical system, that is...
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the sco too, so that there is understanding. brix is ​​rather a unification of states, large states of the world, in order to soften the transition from the old globalization to a multipolar or multinuclear world, right? here is an attempt to make it as cost- effective as possible, as bloody as possible, to reduce the number of conflicts. but this is more of a discussion club that creates.
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noted with regret that professional diplomatic dialogue on the osce platform has been replaced by propaganda and confrontation; are there any platforms left in the international arena today where dialogue is possible? well, in this case you are talking about the osce parliamentary assembly, alas, i think that the osce parliamentary assembly is an open platform where the exchange of views is welcomed.
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at the osce parliamentary assembly, i can only say that we will do everything to preserve this organization as a forum where we can express our position, exclusively as a platform for the exchange of opinions, yes, unfortunately, there cannot be anything else here for now, well and if we talk about all global international organizations, then we need to understand one simple thing, and the organization...
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these rules ceased to apply due to inertia , we lived for several more decades, but these decades were a period of decomposition and degradation of the institutions of the global agenda days, alternative institutions have emerged from the wild, in fact, today they have already appeared, this is precisely the sco, brisk, the union state, these are other centers, well , let’s say, regional integration, why? because globalization is being changed by regional trends, i think that the world will be reassembled through different regions, regional unions, and this is already clearly visible literally everywhere.
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in fact, from my point of view, the osce is, as lavrov aptly put it, on the edge of an abyss, and in general questions arise, it is alive is this organization or does it no longer exist in reality, is it just a political phantom? let me explain my thought, when after the ninety-first year there was a feeling that we finally had a chance for a new settlement in europe. that we will build relationships of trust, without any dividing lines, that we all seem to profess the same worldview , the same value system, then
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several documents were signed, if my memory serves me right, the paris agreement for a new europe european security charter, this is if 1990-199, the last decade of the 20th century. a wave of nato expansion paralleled during this time period. it turned out that the osce was sacrificed to nato. in
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fact, a zero -sum game was imposed on the world, on europe, someone had to lose, absolutely wild imbalances arose, with security ensured primarily through the violation of this main principle: personal security cannot be ensured at the expense of the security of a neighbor.
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orban in hungary, well, everyone else is a clown, they they simply distract attention so that the public does not notice the deindustrialization of germany, the recession in almost all major european countries, in general, does not notice the fact that the anglo-saxon community, the united states of britain, is essentially
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bringing... continental europe as a victim of this crisis, pulling out from there financial, corporate, technological resources and human ones as well. andrey vladimirovich, let’s take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we are in touch. how is the life of foreign guests in belarus? i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius, i currently live here, i am very happy with it. a wonderful country, good people, by the way, very similar in mentality to the kazakh people, that is, open,
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friendly. kind, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus is perhaps the only circus in the world that is located in the very center of the city, our women's club, and we are for the sun to shine, for the children to laugh, for them to rejoice, and if we we can help, we must do so. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. andrey vladimirovich has prepared a provocative question for you: turkey: friend or foe? i think that, first of all, a partner who respects belarus respects its national interests. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the standing committee on international affairs of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, andrei savinykh. andrey vladimirovich, well, again about results. in 2023, the world recorded.
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not third states, well, an insane number of restrictions around the world, i can assure you that the world trade organization already exists only on paper, that is , serious changes are underway, and finally, thirdly , there is a tough information war , opponents are simply demonized, turning the conflict into an ontological one, that is, there is a zero-sum fight, someone must win, someone must lose, there is no other way.
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but this scenario did not pass, and most likely they moved on to another scenario, they will trying to preserve this kind of world order, it is very similar to the feudal system, at the top, instead of the aristocracy , there are corporate owners, literally half a percent, then some service personnel, and the rest of the people are generally deprived of any rights, slaves, well, not slaves, but with minimal rights. then it didn’t work out, so they decided that we would recreate this system within one macro-region, that is, within the territory that we now control, and this is the united states of america, this
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part of europe, including continental europe, this is australia, the appearance of aucus is, in general, a signal that indicates that the center of this region will shift to the pacific basin.
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casts doubt on the real goals of this operation, and this causes a completely natural reaction from the international community. on the other hand, could this somehow affect the situation? yes, the resolution is adopted. what goes on, but here the next layer is revealed, when israel was created in 1948, then... egypt as a sovereign the state did not exist at all, it was a colony of great britain , somewhere around 20 million people lived in it, which means less than a million in jordan, 4 million in syria, 4 million in lebanon, well , something like a million, maybe a little more , it turns out that israel arose with 2 million people, over the 70 years of its existence it grew to 10 million. at this time. egypt grew to 105 million, jordan
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to 20 million. the same thing, syria, lebanon, in my opinion, more than 5 million. that is, around israel with a population of ten million there is a belt of states with a population of more than 150 million. totally different situation, right? and for everyone, for them what is happening in the gas is unacceptable. let's think about the strategic implications. these actions, what might this lead to in 5, 10 and 15 years? well, i think that israel will not leave these millions alone, let’s, let’s not move down this path now, but the destruction of palestine, in fact, will mean an ongoing conflict in which israel will never be able to win, just in force of objective objective situation.
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what barel does and who he represents
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, this is really interesting, let me now draw a certain picture, and you tell me whether you agree with it or not, well, borel, you yourself already mentioned, says that our western civilization, well having most likely either western european or transatlantic, this is a blooming garden that is surrounded by jungle, which translates into this...
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just remember serbia, libya, iraq
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twice, afghanistan, and here syria, where us military units are located illegally, well then there is not officially and so on, it is correct that we can call this the appropriation of the right to violence against other peoples and the state, again, superiority.
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they didn’t try to do this, they rather tried to disguise it somehow, why? because these are fascist ideologies, fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization. well, let's take kipling, the time of the white man, let's take the racial theory, it was written by gobineau, a french aristocrat, improved chamberlin, british aristocrat.
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yes, but they hope, perhaps, that they will still be able to form a certain, specific support group in order to put pressure on the political system in the republic of belarus. we, as people who live inside the country, understand perfectly well the stupidity and ephemeral nature of these plans, but
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apparently, from the other side it is not so obvious. i think that this is also the cost of bureaucracy; 140 million is not that much money for a westerner.
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organ of germany, that is, this is new a little bit, it seems to me that this comes from well, relatively speaking, despair,
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because they don’t work, so they constantly repeat these accusations, why because it is becoming more and more difficult to substantiate them, despite the fact that yes, after all, yes, the curators of these extremists, but the information that is not always conveyed is true, tertel’s words the other day , you can remember that ...
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they are trying to maneuver with old methods, which naturally do not bring any results, but this is their problem, not ours.
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let's take a break for a while, after a little pauses, let's return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our releases on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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deputies of the osce parliamentary assembly, and the chairman invited tikhanovskaya to this meeting, that is, i had a dialogue with parliamentarians from other countries, without communicating, so to speak, with them, but they were present there, they probably still remember this event, the issue of those who are in prison was really discussed there, and i gave a clear qualification, we do not have political prisoners, we have people who violated certain norms of belarusian
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legislation, were convicted by the court in accordance with these norms, and are serving their sentences, well, of course, i didn’t say anything about hell, and about burning, and about burning, why, because, by the way, this even contradicts some christian postulates and principles, right? whether a person ends up in the other world, in hell or in heaven, does not depend on violating the law on earth, yes, it depends on fulfilling christian commandments, and the decision is not made by the belarusian court, certainly not deputy, i’m already making a little joke about this, higher powers, that’s why, of course, he said something stupid, and he’s trying to somehow, well, cheat, cheat some kind of reputation, in reality. on the political field
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in belarus, they do not influence the situation in belarus in any way, this is, in general, just a waste of time, but i still feel sorry for just throwing away my personal time in this way, well , in conclusion, what can we expect from an informal meeting of leaders cis in st. petersburg with the participation of alexander lukashenko? if you remember the president's assessments, he said that that this cis is such a club.
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to make this a full-fledged economic bloc , we, without any doubt, taking into account those crises and conflicts that are now rapidly spreading across the planet, we need to strengthen the csto, turning it into a full-fledged defense union, we need to somehow build, create this economic space that will become the pillar of our economic development for the next
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decade, i think that the cis summit is a good one.
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this is 2% less than the soviet union in 1991 at the time of its collapse, which says a lot, resources.
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they essentially control the government of ukraine and force them to do what the west needs, the government of ukraine. corporate oligarchy. a problem is emerging in the gas sector; it is already difficult for them to cope with two conflicts. if now there is a conflict between venezuela and guyana and further, they will simply lose control over the situation and will be forced to leave.
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these tests at much lower costs than the rest of the world, which did not experience this. the system that is collapsing is not our system, it included us in... i am convinced that we will win, thank you once again for such a wonderful educational lecture today, and we, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, andrei savinykh is speaking now, dear
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viewers, i want to take advantage on this occasion to simply wish you a happy new year. we all live with our own human problems, we worry about our children, our future. our well-being, i am sincerely convinced that we will succeed, that with all the trials that we can meet in the future, we can handle it, happy new year with new happiness, andrey vladimirovich, in the past year on this wall, which shows how many guests we had in the studio with what great wishes they visited us, leave your autograph good wishes to our program.
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we have introduced such an indicator: what is the effect of investing a budget ruble? if we take innovation activity, then in the first half of the twenty-third year , approximately 24 rubles worth of products were sold per ruble of budget investments, of which approximately 22 were high-tech, science-intensive products, we do everything for the patient free of charge, absolutely all stages of treatment are paid for by the patient, it makes no difference to us.
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