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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 5:20pm-5:46pm MSK

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i'm called by the people the ripe drums, the first axial teeth pressed the paper and then dropped the lips and began to sing the melodies of the lips and lips, and there is a special all such studs are known, they are called, but the dolls are also called shpyan. our museums don’t work on all the memorial horrors since they slept here on the 13th of june 1956.
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king oak. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. friends, right now i envy myself. god, there is a wonderful tradition: hugging an ancient tree make a wish. we ask you to join our round dance. with pleasure. oops, i'm starting to dance. visit the vibrant sights of our country. the church was built by order. its peculiarity is that it opens its doors only once a year for parishioners on a special occasion, look in the program, the route is plotted on the belarus 24 tv channel . we've been throwing old ones after
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old ones, sniffing at the words of our skin, from all of us the greatest creative people, the most valuable and useful ones - these books, the books live the thoughts of the minulaga, the reports and the expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the past, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus. 24.
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hello, viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda. let's begin. we will be analyzing and discussing for a long time the planetary world tour of alexander lukashenko, which happened in early december. but there are many reasons for this. first, let me remind you what we are talking about. the president flies to the united arab the emirates, where at the climate summit, with their speech, they smash to smithereens, not so much the climate agenda and not the question of where to find money for the climate, when you can first save the money that is allocated in the trillions every year for wars. lukashenko, if you dig deeper, criticizes the very model of the world order, where a country that is limited in number and severely limited in quality is trying to dictate to everyone else how to live, with whom to be friends, with whom to fight, in general,
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obey or die, the whole world has long been i’m not happy with this, but so far lukashenko and several other world leaders are talking about this out loud, loudly, directly, so we have to wait a little longer. from the emirates , alexander grigorievich flies to china, where he meets with sidinpin, returns to the emirates, from where he later flies again to africa, immediately to the western coast of the continent in equatorial guinea, and then to the eastern coast of kenya, returns to belarus, holding a meeting in the palace of independence the next the same day where he said the following: we don’t need tourist trips, we need solutions specific questions, as he says. insight presidential pool of journalists en masse took wednesday off, being absolutely confident that after such a large-scale tour , alexander grigorievich would calmly work with documents for at least a day without any public meetings or deliberations, that’s purely humanely, i personally would very much understand
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if if the president had a day off, even though this is a word, the head of state doesn’t like himself very much, because he didn’t have days off, well, for the last 30 years, but i’m 34 and after... some busy business trips with changing climatic conditions and time zones, i, no, no, the next day, if at work i wander around the offices, as we did, trying to come to our senses and somehow adequately begin to perceive the surrounding reality . alexander grigorievich, here he is cheerfully cutting down tasks, especially in the closed part of the meeting, and, of course, there was a closed part as well. so, just believe me, the results of this business trip are much more impressive than what has been said publicly so far. everything has its own time, i mean that the enemies of belarus will not wait if you are really worried about the health and well-being of our leader. but now, regarding that very thesis, we don’t need tourist trips, i’ll say a thought that everyone, first
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of all, supporters of the government, will need to think about before they start shouting at me on tv. i am deeply convinced that the head of state personally thinks the same way, or rather, i’m trying to understand how he thinks and relay it. this is for the audience when lukashenko likes the arab sheikhs, and they respect him assessment when the leader of a superpower, which is china, respectfully communicates with lukashenko, as a politician and as a friend, when on different continents of africa lukashenko is respectfully waited for, because he flies with the same respect, this is for journalists, especially for television crews and for this is important to our audience because it’s bright, it says a lot even without words, it’s hype, and it definitely guarantees multimillion-dollar coverage. only all this is secondary, primary in politics and in international relations, not a beautiful picture, a beautiful result, if for lukashenko was important, as for his opponents, especially those who theoretically can fly anywhere, but not to their homeland in belarus, if we needed a beautiful picture of international negotiations,
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handshakes and smiles at a photographic ceremony with world leaders, we could in general, to see him in the country, well, just a couple of days a year, at best, is... important for diplomacy, of course, but for government administration and for the development of the country , only the result is important. i have reason to believe and assert that every year alexandru more than once, grigorievich is offered to fly somewhere to meet one of his colleagues, or to host them in minsk. but some such meetings do not happen, because there are no prospects for obtaining a substantive result, other than beautiful television footage . then why meet, why waste time on... pouring from empty to empty, even if we assume that the audience will like this picture, but the president was hired by the people not to create a beautiful and pleasant picture and not to create the illusion of a result, most importantly, what we have shown over the past weeks from this planetary tour of lukashenko, this is a result
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that will still be, will be later, but will definitely be, and we hinted about this before that politics is a matter where everything is not always spelled out at once, everything publicly, here we have... in africa, there is respect and trust in africa, there are technologies that africa needs, and there are the united arab emirates, which also have interests in africa, there is a lot of money, there is enough technology, but they are complex and dear ones, africa, frankly speaking, doesn’t need these yet, it’s clear as daylight that the subject of negotiations between the belarusian leader and the arab sheikhs was our joint work in africa, we unite what we have and what they have, and together we go to the continent. the president himself said this publicly on wednesday. we agreed that perhaps they have a very big interest, we can work together in africa, there is a big piece of work for them for the emirates, bearing in mind their influence in the world and the financial resources that they have. i personally am deeply convinced that the emirates have an interest
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not only in africa and not only there, we will also work together with them, and this has already been agreed upon. i am also deeply convinced that china is important and needs our experience in africa, because beijing is there too. is actively working with china, i’m sure we also talked about this, this is a policy that requires silence in many respects, alexander lukashenko and sidin pin cannot come out after negotiations and publicly say, we decided to create. local hut in kenya, it will be like this, it will work for these markets, it will be ready in about a year, because in at this point, other players who are interested in kenya and the entire eastern region of africa, and this includes the united states, the colonialists of europe and a bunch of other interested people, they will begin to actively promote their interests as opposed to our strategy, prevent us from implementing it, otherwise they will steal the idea by outbidding our partners , the morality that i lead most importantly in international relations, that substantive result of a...
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task, he will begin to hear hundreds of reasons why this task is, if not impossible, then very difficult to complete, with arguments,
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evidence, points of view, and so on . with a hint, they say, get into the situation, cancel the task or at least change it a little towards simplification. now i’ll add on my own behalf: if a leader with an important mark, if he is a professional, the task is set correctly, but a complex task, having set one task, gives in once to the persuasion of the team, enters into their position for... what changes, this is pandora’s box, which will never close again. let's discard exaggerated sentiments about the principle of operation. the manager’s task is to ensure that hired employees perform as much work as possible, of the highest quality for a salary tending to zero, so profitable for the enterprise. the task of the hired worker is to ensure that there is as little work as possible, that it is as simple as possible, so that no one not only does not overwork, well , does not strain too much, but that they pay a very large salary, so beneficial to the employee. but if the leader once gives in to
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a rational compromise, he is somewhere in the middle, canceling a difficult task for the team simply because the team said: well, this is difficult and gives a simpler task, the team will start trying to constantly put pressure on the manager, demanding to set things simpler and simpler, and for the same salaries, which will ultimately lead to the decline of the enterprise and its bankruptcy, and employees will lead to loss of jobs and therefore loss of income. should never be abolished, but what cannot be called abolition, sometimes you can try to call it some other word, when it seems like you are not abolishing anything legally, but in fact you are canceling everything. the phrase “revision of our relations”, which sounds very beautiful in international politics and quite often, most often it is translated into russian as follows: let’s see what we cannot fulfill from the agreements, what is very difficult to fulfill, we don’t want to, and let’s do something simpler if... minsk and malaba reach agreements the highest level, there are substantive, specific tasks in specific
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areas, the president was given a slap on the wrist. is this task difficult for both belarus and equatorial guinea, 100%, they are complex and very difficult, but if you grit your teeth and do it, they are achievable, if you do it it’s hard, but we want it to be easier, we can conduct an audit of relations at a slightly lower level, and after such an audit we collectively come to the conclusion why we need to strain ourselves, create there... it’s simpler, it’s easier, both for our officials and for theirs. , and the result of this audit can be economically justified, beautiful and correct reports can be drawn up, it seems that everything will be built beautifully, but this is only one audit of relations, if you carry out 9-10 such audits, from the initial substantive, although difficult to implement agreements, there will be nothing left what not influencing water, water like intensify relations on... africa, china and the emirates,
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the president will not allow audits to be carried out so that some of the agreements are not fulfilled, they say everyone can begin to moan that it is difficult, but it must be done, and in order to understand exactly what will be done, alexander lukashenko appoints personally responsible persons for each vector. so that the system does its job efficiently, because he did his job, reaching a profitable agreement at the highest level in three parts of the world, even categorically cautious china, which...
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look, what is the complexity of the irony of any state: there is a government elected by the people in the person of the president or parliament. they pursue their own policies: for some it is to the right , for others to the left, some are pro-russian, others are pro-american, others, say, pro-chinese, the vector can be very different, but no matter how the politicians elected by the people change, in every country there is a structure that, for every authorities
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are engaged in ensuring security and preserving statehood, we have this obviously the state security committee, and there is a conditional france, where general de gaulle once ruled, very well understanding the peculiarities of the work of his department, the french defense security intelligence. later there was jacques cherak, who served in the army, fought in the algerian war, helped dogol, this is also a more than intelligent leader. and then some kind of political circus began in france, when those whose names are forgotten the very next day after the next elections nominally come to power. and the french... services to save the country need not only to eliminate threats externally, but also to somehow compensate for the damage that the politicians alternately elected by the people inflicted on the country’s security. francois hollande signed the normandy agreements in minsk, which were not implemented. does france's failure to comply with the agreements signed in minsk pose any threat? yes, threatening? only aland
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doesn’t care, he is no longer the president, and the current president. is also out of business, he didn’t sign, just about anything, he’s not to blame for the threat to the state, the one who came before him, and in general it wasn’t macron who created the problem, didn’t it’s up to macron to decide, isn’t it, who decides when alland has everything, and macron has nothing yet , the intelligence services of france, which are now already choking on solving the problems that elected politicians create for them, everything is new and new, more and more wonderful, and the more politicians are doing weird things, leading the country into the abyss, the more they irritate the special services, which, despite all the weird things...
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the police, the army, the special services, recognized and recognize him as their commander in chief , this, and, well, it’s also written in the laws, this is very different, and once in the world the role of intelligence services is growing, then in my opinion, the role of politicians in the world is decreasing, if this is so, then this is very good for peace and for peace in the whole world. and last week was also marked by some kind of increased personal social activity, the closer... to the new year, the more often people call and invite me somewhere, but i won’t talk about my beloved self, but about my conclusions that are important for my propaganda . on friday i witnessed the award ceremony in the field of quality from road construction to hotel services, but i’m not talking about the best of the best, but about that at the ceremony there were several foreign ambassadors to our country, specifically the ambassadors of cuba, brazil and venezuela,
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these diplomats came on stage and talked about belarus, about how beautiful it is. we have a country, what wonderful belarusians we have, how much new we were able to build and how much we managed not to destroy, they praised our cities, our nature, our desire to create, and yes, of course, the cleanliness and order on the streets, they said very sincerely , here ’s the thought: there are 256 countries in the world, this is an independent state, dependent territories, disputed and with a special status, the world is very big, but basically the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela for... a week, they admire sincerely and openly, but somehow for a long time we had the habit of not listening them, and wait until a bunch of other countries appreciate us, which are much smaller than brazil, much less free than cuba, much... less happy than venezuela. the handful is supposedly more democratic than all of the above states. and here i am sitting at this ceremony, here it dawns on me about the ideology of nazism,
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which did not leave europe after the german reich; on the contrary, it even spread. that’s when there were right and wrong people, because of the right or wrong race, if you are not an orc, then it’s like a little and not quite a person. and then this weak bunch was able to... convince themselves, then half the world, including us, that there are correct countries, peoples who are supposedly democratic, all other peoples and states, they are wrong, and the people there turn out to be, that’s what they are too wrong, and if a person dies in a terrorist attack in germany, then this is horror, a democrat with the right values ​​dies, that means a person died, and if millions die in iraq, in syria, in afghanistan, these are, as it were , people, but not quite, as it were, to become people, they need to become more democratic, political nazism is not like that. and we, i’m already talking about belarusians, did not notice this nazism for a long time, moreover, we even tried to please these political nazis in order to hear from them that we are also people, also
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like them, just as democratic, are we to blame? the political nazis are to blame for this , of course, but we ourselves are good, since we were made to believe that we are not human enough, since we do not sufficiently correspond to the constantly changing certain democratic values, a couple of decades ago , sodomy in... that’s what they they’ll come up with it tomorrow and call it the right value, which must be possessed in order to be considered a normal person, typical for the slavs, until the roast rooster pecked in one place, we did not see the problem, the rooster in the form of the collective leader of democracy pecked ukraine tried to peck at us, now it has dawned on us, we are slowly but surely stopping trying to do this political thing... we are beginning to appreciate more that the whole world is delighted with us, with the exception of a bunch of these democracies, just last week i was at anniversary of the gymnasium
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where my daughter studies , congratulations on your fiftieth birthday, you are the most wonderful, but that’s not what i’m talking about, i was impressed as a citizen, as a propagandist and as a father by the fact that on my birthday at the gymnasium they said thank you to everyone, and not just the most deserving teachers, they are, of course, deserved, but together with them people were invited to come up to the stage for diplomas and thanks. the canteen workers, the room cleaners, the janitor who took the children's jackets, the audience of teachers and students applauded each of them, i'll tell you how it is, sometimes more than as a teacher, we respect any work, even if it is not the most popular, not the most financially profitable , he is hard, and he may be ungrateful, but as long as i in our educational institutions see children sincerely applauding a woman who mops the floor in their classroom with a rag, and not turn their noses up at the cleaning lady, because this is... a cleaning lady, ugh, by golly, then our children have a bright future and the same future for our country with such children, and for them we live, this is not very democratic, because political
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nazis are not in the trends to reproduce, but to love cats and dogs with same-sex love, but i personally don’t want to be a slave to this democracy, my name is igor tur, that was my propaganda, happy new year to everyone. we’ll go with you to the coolest and most iconic spots in our country. you can and should spend them on vivid impressions of travel around beautiful belarus. the sorachan lakes are the blue necklace of ostrovetchyna, which rightfully tops the list. the most beautiful places in belarus, the nature of the reserve will captivate you 100% with its picturesqueness. i simply adore river walks, because it is from the water surface
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that you can see the most amazing natural landscapes untouched by human hands and take great photographs. where you will plunge into an unforgettable experience, emotions, feelings of uniqueness that will remain with you in your memory for a long time. katerina, we are with you. we know this is a sad, incredible month for jumping, i didn’t live all that long ago, but i didn’t know why it was so jumpy here, look at the fact that all these great palaces are not here, and all these buildings, i we are amal that is ruined, here the whole place feels like this whole atmosphere and at the same time, wow, this is what i understand hospitality, it’s immediately clear where i’ve come. hello together with belarus 24. everything that modern belarus lives with today.


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