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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 20, 2023 11:00pm-11:21pm MSK

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the main goal of the action, of course, is to pay attention to all our children during the new year holidays , to congratulate the children, to create a mega festive event. atmosphere for children of all categories , including, probably, special care, special attention, these are the categories of our children who live in family -type orphanages, in boarding schools, the action is always carried out on a large scale, there is a lot of preparation, we are sure that this year we will cover almost a million.
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the task of us, adults, is to make this miracle accessible, in general, the action, as i already said, almost a million children are covered, but as for the key events, this, of course, the central event will be the main christmas tree of the country with the participation of the head of state, traditionally it takes place in the palace of the republic, and almost 2,400 of our schoolchildren, aged 8 to 14 years, will take part in this event , these are the guys who have many victories, are successful in their studies, in sports, are participants and winners of various creative festivals, competitions, the guys who study at cadet schools also showed themselves to be very active, students of military-patriotic clubs. and
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the children who live in boarding schools, and not only - the children and schoolchildren of our country are invited to the event, the children who lived and are far from calm in their countries today, we will have delegations from the lugansk people's republic take part. ..
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important events for older children, in which students, cadets, students of the suvorov military school take part, our girls from the national beauty school, this is a new year's ball, which takes place traditionally in the palace of independence, more than 300 participants, well, it’s no secret that the action is financed by our children, representatives of republican and regional government agencies,
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who are in a boarding facility or undergoing rehabilitation or undergoing treatment in a health care institution or in some kind of rehabilitation center. pnbc produces amino acids, in particular lysine, trionine, tryptophan, various feedstuffs, premixes, all this goes to... livestock complexes are used as animal feed, i believe that bmbc as a whole is aimed at peace and creation in our country.
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i also liked chemistry at school. upon completion of school, he entered the belarusian state university. i studied biotechnology, in my third year i got an internship at the belarusian national biotechnology corporation, after completing my studies at the university i came here to work as a young specialist, i realized that this is really mine, what i like, what is interesting to do, my responsibilities include supervision parameters, cultivation, control of fermentation parameters. control of the preparation of nutrient media, control raw materials entering the workshop, in itself, fermentation of lysine is a rather complex process, biochemical, microbiological, we have a lot of dangerous production
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factors, this includes temperature, and various aggressive environments, alkali acids, these are pressure vessels, that is, a lot hazardous production factors. collected specifically in this sufu, i believe that my work is important for the country, for ours, for society, our corporation is a very large-scale project, quite a large number of people work here people, as far as i know, the staff of bnbk numbers 1,500 people, this is a huge number of jobs, a person must have, first of all, responsibility, because this is working with people, working with...
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new logistics of eurasia, eu countries are developing their main project, the eurasian transport frame. what will the new travel time be like? new it solutions are still on paper, but htp promises full assistance to whom. the startup competition was announced as a winner. a christmas tree was born in the forest, how they make new year's trees in belarus, where they sell them, our report from a private sludsk enterprises, this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you, hello. in the era of sanctions, trade and logistics were the first to be hit, so the importance of the transport component in the world has increased many times over. countries are developing the necessary infrastructure to minimize sanctions losses and reduce the cost of delivering goods and travel time. in the space of eurasia , the eurasian transport framework is called a promising project and not
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just promising, but the main one for countries fives. convenient logistics , which is also based on the development of a commodity distribution network, a large base of infrastructure, and these are roads, airports, dry ports, sea terminals, all this should reduce the travel time of goods, say, from eurasia to india, by more than half to 15 days, now it's no less. svetlana lukinyuk about new initiatives in the eurasian space. the eurasian union is 200 million people, and also a large crossroads of roads, highways, rail, and air. and this is a huge plus. we felt it when building logistics for export their goods to new markets. but such huge flows, which, by the way, are smaller. they certainly won’t, they showed that the eurasian transport framework needs to be developed. so,
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they are ready to invest more than $1.5 billion in it by 2026. these figures were announced by the eurasian development bank. the conjugation of the west-east and north-south axes provides up to 40% of additional economic effect. after all, more cargo is being transported, new routes are appearing, and new niches for production are opening up due to new logistics. and the eurasian path. this is part of the great silk road. belarus, russia, kazakhstan are very large key beneficiaries from the topic of the eurasian transport framework. central asia is a region in which five countries do not have access to the world's oceans; now the prerequisites are being created to make central asia a transport crossroads, which has never happened, precisely through the connection of west-east and north-south. according to the north-south itc, our calculations show...
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the crisis has adapted to new conditions and the twenty-fourth year promises to be for the region is also quite good, despite the complex external forms. we associate further development, of course, with new projects, so the eurasian bank is among our investors today, and next year there are plans to finance another half a billion dollars in various currencies. this year we have worked on two, but possibly three projects, some deals are being closed, this...
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the final of the startup competition was held in the hi-tech park. more than 50 applications from all regions of belarus were submitted to participate in the competition. based on the results of the qualifying round to the finals 20 projects were submitted, but only six became winners. startups represented in a variety of fields from medicine, education to artificial intelligence entertainment.
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the main goal of the competition is to give developers the opportunity to realize their idea and enter the market with a finished product. at htp. promise support. alina lo spoke with the finalists and is ready to tell you the details. hi- tech park. this is over a thousand residents. 4% of the country's gdp and a significant part of the export of services. last year, park residents paid 750 million rubles only taxes. yes, taking into account external factors, the company’s work is somewhat complicated, but still.
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here we present projects in a variety of fields, there are projects related to medicine, the entertainment sector, education, there are projects related to artificial intelligence, and so on. of course, this is very important, to support young people with new ideas, with new developments, without such support it will be difficult for them, and we at the hi-tech park are ready to provide any support to new ideas and undertakings, dozens of fresh original ideas, many of which... are not just noticed, appreciated, all the best of the best will find their investors and in the future will receive a start in life. this is also facilitated by the prize fund, which, firstly, contains money, and also the opportunity to place a startup project in the htp business space. but here both the organizers and the participants themselves say that cash prizes are more like a bonus. the most important thing in this competition is the presentation
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of your talent, communication with experts and business representatives. decided. investments and at the moment we have developed a successful performance, attracting venture capital, there are already five finished products, these are x-rays of the spine and hip joints, and knee joints, and we are actively developing computed tomography models, this is expanding connections, more...
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look for real diamonds or grains of gold, to whom we will try to give a path to the future. in total, more than fifty applications were received for the competition, but the jury selected only 20 to participate in the finals; six were recognized as the best, three in each category. the organizers assure that the startup project competition will become a tradition and will be held annually. alina loppo and ivan
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mozgo, area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. next, we will show exchange rates, our report from the production of new year trees, where belarusian christmas trees are born. tsar, boyar, veche, this is the traditional form of government for us for centuries, this is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what is... called democratic institutions, this includes the election of a leader, that is, the president, and elections v parliament, and a national referendum. it is important for me that you appreciate not the form about the king, but the essence of what i am saying. when we , by strengthening the vns, return the historical veche to the management system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a government official?


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