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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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having not yet shown themselves in any way, our tops ilya ivashko and egor gerasimov are now going through hard times, let’s face it. gerasimov recently entered the information space and gave an interview about how the world of atp tennis works with all the multimillion-dollar earnings and the stuffy atmosphere in the star locker rooms. read it if you missed it. and today he will tell our correspondent stanislav livsky about how important state support is when playing tennis, give advice to beginners and explain the nuances of his own.
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try to heal yourself, that is, without surgeries, just going through procedures there, well , we have a good clinic, my doctor there is like an old, old friend, let’s call it that, they have good results in terms of my injury, so i tried to get cured with them and how it turned out, but it takes much longer than an operation, that is, because the operation was done there, a month of light rehabilitation was done, you can now begin to train little by little, but here it turns out that i trained there for almost six months, exactly in
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the plan, i trained, i did rehabilitation, i went there for procedures, that is, the whole day was scheduled only for some kind of recovery, and that is, even when i started there at the beginning of the year, i immediately went from the first tournaments to australia, i still wouldn’t, well, i wasn’t absolutely ready, then i mean, i played tennis there for only one month and then for an hour and a half a day, and well, the financial situation forced me, that is, i had to go and start playing, that is, if i had a good... situation in life, i would have started maybe in march just play well play competitions well it turned out the way it turned out, now i’m glad that i can train, i can play , it’s still like a huge plus, well , that’s how difficult it was mentally here, because there is a minus, well, there are such minuses in the rating that you just can’t believe it to my own eyes, at least to the fans, well, it was very difficult for some because, well , i lost, that is, to people who... before
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there, well, not before, and for a long time even there i didn’t even play with them, because somehow we were on completely different levels, and here i am i’m playing and i understand that it’s just physically weaker there, that is, in my head it seems like, well, everything is fine, but i can’t win, and of course, well, i set myself a task, let’s say it’s there until the end of the year, so if anything... if i manage to play enough, then well, i’ll continue to actively play there, if not, then i’ll think again, because of course, when you don’t have anything special for 9 months... well, it’s not very easy when you start playing tennis at the age of 6, well, on average yes, from six, where to go, you can grow here, well , you will show approximately what is possible, and even there sabalenko shows approximately that it is possible, that is, you can become one in belarus, well, of course, we have all the conditions for this, that is, we have a lot of centers, we have a lot of gyms, we have specialists, that is, start and train here, well, it’s absolutely possible without any problems, that’s how much parents need to invest? a son or a daughter?
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i probably need a lot, that is , my father helped me, that is, until i was probably 18 years old, he paid for my sports, that is, i never asked him how much, but he says that a lot, well, probably a lot, it’s equipment , it’s trainers, that is, at the entry level you pay for everything, well, if i’m talking about myself, then well, we traveled around belarus, that is, at the beginning, that is, we i traveled around belarus for a very long time, there were many competitions there in grodno, i visited. i ’ve been to all the cities of belarus, that is , as a child, so you start with this, it ’s then, as it were, when you already leave, approach the age of transition to the european level, when you can play international competitions, then yes, you already have to travel abroad, but again now, it’s probably much more expensive than before, much, yes, because now it’s more difficult, that is, due to the situation, that is, moving around, but well, in my time i could ride around the cis, even poland or...
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send people to competitions there, help them somehow with something, with equipment or something else, that’s how parents understand that he’s either about to shoot there, or he’s definitely not, that’s a fine line, but well, it ’s determined by competition in tennis, that is we have these national championships for all ages, so it’s like if you win these national championships, then in any case they will pull you into the best groups, into the best schools, that is, for training , to see what you can do. .. studies, and so , because, well, in training it’s clear , in training many people actually play well, but there are no competitions, i’m just sure that you will return to this top side, it’s just the way it should be, so you i definitely wish this, and young people will watch this interview tennis players, you are an example
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of what you would advise to growing boys and girls through the prism of your experience, your mistakes, your life, well, this is also a difficult question, because everyone has a certain age, and of course, if we take it in general, then this is to find some kind of motivation, that is , to understand that you love this sport, and that is, to work, to give everything into yourself, this is the only way you can achieve some kind of really high result, and let’s know what, age 15 to 18 , tenth eleventh grade, here...
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result: at the end of december you go to portugal, dmitry zhirman will be with you, while you are alone - work all january through portugal, then europe, in inder, well , in the premises, and then there will be somewhere waiting for you, if everything is fine, at some atp 250-500, yes, this is in the best case scenario, yes, but at about 250 already there in france in the hall i would like to perform. somewhere in march, yes, serious topics in sports are over for today, the time for the new year and christmas holidays is approaching, so let's let's smile together with the belarusian wrestlers,
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they will soon win some kind of olympics or world championship and then they will become very important ladies talking about lofty matters, but for now they have a challenge with our correspondent andrei... who persuaded the girls to guess the men from photographs of abs. would commenting on something here only spoil it? let's watch. first of all, during the training session , tell us where we caught you? why are you looking at me, am i going to tell you something? i actually had an injection today. getmanova olesya, 20 years old. chuchu kalina, 18 years old. my name is ksenia terenia, i’m 19 years old, i started wrestling at the age of 14. wow, it's late, because i collected it for you. i was probably 13-12 years old, it doesn’t matter whether it’s late or not, well, it’s a little late, but i gave up wrestling, took up dancing, and then came back, then they sent me to school, and what kind of dancing, hip-hop, cheerleading there was, like a vybrachik is now doing baslock correctly , yes, what are you doing, physical training, rocking and well, functional work is
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faster, you generally love the rocking chair so much, when it’s moderate, then yes, and when you’re getting ready, what do you usually do when getting ready outside the gym and so on, do we relax, sleep? well, either we read a book, watch tv series or do our studies, i have a youth program, i’m already watching it for the fourth time, well, i like it more, probably some classics or something, some kind of motivational. i won’t show my cards to you, then maybe, but i have a dog, i go to her all the time, even when getting ready, but mostly they do their business on the internet, it’s interesting, you can’t even hint, no, i can’t, what, mom she told me about her plans, to no one don’t tell me, that’s it, i’m getting young, well, i believe the eye and that it can develop, so for now something like that, you’re superstitious, yes, and you ’re a superstitious sport, when you were children, you were a little like that... prerequisites that you need this, you need that, you’ll throw
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a department there, we have a lot of girls who have supposedly lucky socks there, all that, now i don’t really believe in it anymore, because if you believe in all this, then you won’t get to what you need, well, naturally, you won’t fight until you’re 40, well, for girls there, at most there’s someone she fights until she’s thirty, well, the only one we have is vasilisa marzalyuk, i think she ended her career at 32 or 33. few people fight up to this age, not everyone has such strength to get there, such willpower, there is patience to get there, well, at that age you can still fight and win medals, because in 1919 she won the european games here in minsk , for now it’s just a hobby, a hobby, no, it’s just a job, a profession, a struggle - it’s such a speed that you literally turn away for a second, blink, and then the score is already there 10:0, let’s say, like...
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bear, he’s directly, let’s say, connected with the fight, the majority, well, it’s his name that popularizes it, by the way, many people know. not many people have it, if they still have a hat,
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it means either it’s a khabib or a pakach, in the beginning everything was right, you see how, well , it’s nothing, it’s a khabib, right, yes, nothing like that, yes, we have the next one now, wow , i don’t even know who has these tattoos, but it ’s someone from the ufc, maybe it’s conor, no, what kind of tattoos does he have in general, well, he has some, i think he’s more. he was dry when he turned around, okay, well done, so this is borous, who is this, okay, it’s not barous , you can’t see anything from the bolt, you ’re showing us just your torso, we can’t think, they’ll kill me, they’ll kill me, well, i think , do you know who this is, yes, yes, is it a dzhigan or what? listen, you
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put your leg like that, just now, i thought it was you in this photo, well, let’s open it up, yes, come on, kirkor, well, because, of course, how much, if you showed us just like this, we they wouldn’t have guessed anyway, everything is the latter, yes, why are there no girls, alone men. yes, you guys are like that, no, he
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’s the most in love, that’s it, it was fun with you, really thank you very much to all of you, thank you, and you knew that walruses can get cold too, even those walruses who are called that for their passion for winter extreme swimming in icy water, their swims are even painful for an ordinary person to watch, and yet walruses hardly get sick, recently... the cis cup was held near minsk, participants came from everywhere, even from tyumen, where biathlon was recently canceled, and extreme sportsmen continued to swim . some iron men - thought our correspondent alexander yakubovsky, but he was corrected. these are people with iron willpower. it’s not cold. you’re really cold. is there a secret to participating in such competitions? what do you do? we toughen ourselves up every day, we douse ourselves with cold water, we swim in the sea, we’re a little constrained, but
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in this kind of water? well, of course, of course, the body is already freezing. i decided to try with them , they took me into their flock, i still fly with them, this is the seventh season, you start a little knee-deep, little by little, well, 2-3 minutes, at first we recommend 2-3 minutes to everyone that's it, then maybe...
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i swim in ice holes in siberia in the sea, i swim in a black vanap, 7 years of experience, i swim in any weather, independent, as you understand, that 's what you need, well, you know, every time you think, no , i won’t climb again, but when you go out, it’s such an adrenaline rush, it’s a release of endorphins, in fact it’s a great emotion , an experience, but the water is always cold and it’s always cold, oddly enough, you don’t get used to it, it’s always cold, but you can . we just returned a week ago, we were in tyumen, it was -38 -40, the water was 0.3, so we we came to warm up, well, not everyone, the biathlon was canceled there, and we
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swam all the distances, well, it’s very interesting, it’s steamy, you can’t see anything, so it’s a great experience. it’s wildly cold, no , it’s normal, but we go to the start on adrenaline, so it’s not particularly felt, i like that winter swimming, it brings together people for whom winter water is no longer extreme, but is already such a favorite activity, because hardening - you need to approach it gradually, first you plunge a little bit, then you can do it for one minute or two, and then when you swim, it’s an unforgettable feeling.
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but there is not enough emotion in ordinary swimming, so we decided to try something new, take a plunge, look at other cities, try, well, margarita is for the russian youth team, you got into the russian youth team, but decided that it was better to go extreme, but then i finished my performance there at a professional level,
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and started here. this is health, this is fortitude, this is health, this is a strong immune system, and these people are invincible, of course there are many more lovers, but people from big sports also come, these are swimmers, then divers come, then people from synchronized swimming and all other water sports come, but let’s say this is still in its infancy, we hope in the future... there will be more athletes , well, i think that this is some kind of self-realization - now at age, in some kind of sport, where it doesn’t work out anywhere else, but here it seems like you can show something i...
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plunge, but you can’t swim for a long time, that is, in general it is necessary, the main thing is to approach it wisely, if you someone has a desire, we will plunge him, if he wants, everything is over the head, if a person wants, it means that he will plunge, but if he doesn’t want to, there is no need to force himself, and that’s all for today, the television news agency presents a sports frame project on belarus 5, see you later, everything that modern
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belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries : azerbaijan, kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up
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a satellite dish satellite either space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover for yourself. belarus. hello. the program “sas authorized to declare” is on air. me name is nadezhda sas, and this is a special episode of the program from republika srpska. right now we are in baniluk, the center of serbian patriotism and an incredibly picturesque town. we have a unique one.
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i agree with you, undoubtedly, it is my duty, as president of the republic, to respect the will and opinion of my people, and not to pay attention to personal comfort. the opinion of the people with whom i meet every day, who are grateful to me for the policy that i pursue, is more important to me than the opinion of some bureaucrats in brussels or distant america, who do not have any connections with reality that live in a different coordinate system, anti-serbian
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. the difference is that we are part of bosnia and herzegovina, not recognized by the international community, and belarus is a full-fledged state, and the same bureaucrats from brussels or america do not bother to adhere to completely different rules on the one hand, on the other hand, this is something that both president lukashenko and president putin are resisting, i and my entourage are still enduring pressure, although we just want peace, we want to live in accordance with...
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romania and greece, which are moving away from their souls. the orthodox world today faces a serious problem, we receive claims about the so-called collective west, but that west is not doing anything new here, looking at history, it has been doing something similar for centuries, and today the policy of the collective west is being copied by great britain and the usa. european union and germany. the european union today is increasingly under the control of the united states, and is carried out exclusively by western commands. there is no sovereign will of the eu countries. in any case, the main goal after the departure of the ottoman empire, there was a need to stop the serbs, to prevent the serbs from creating a full-fledged political unification within one country, so that this could not be done, they are trying in every possible way to prevent this. it's impossible to do.
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in bosnia and herzegovina, only what is called republika srpska remains. in another part of bosnia and herzegovina, the situation of the serbs is very difficult and if
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the republika srpska did not exist before our people. there would be a threat of extinction on these lands where our ancestors lived for centuries. look at kosovo, the serbs lost there , kicked them out and now they want to take the last piece of serbia.
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the usa, as the dominant force, did a lot for the collapse of yugoslavia and the demonization of the serbian people. and the west accepted this picture and supported it in every possible way, despite the fact that it did not correspond to reality. if russia had been strong then, it would have been possible through the un and the security council to stop some processes. i still think so today. despite the current polarization in the world, russia is recognized by all...
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that the west must go east to survive due to lack of resources because europe has no oil, no gas, nothing but us dominance. in the nineties, europe was a force that was developing, now
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the process has gone in the opposite direction, they have no bright leaders, a completely different context. mr. president, you...
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history shows that there were historical periods when russia and the orthodox world lived in harmony with europe. today, the west, represented by the united states, is doing everything possible to separate europe from russia. a possible alliance would be very dangerous for them and for the united states. europe, with its technologies, its knowledge, and russia, that is, the east. with their resources would be dangerous for the united states. i think
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that today’s war in ukraine is part of the imperialist desires of the west, which have been known to us since the time of bismarck, who said back then: “if you want to have a stable position in the east, you need to seize ukraine." and brzezinski, who is considered the ideologist of modern liberalism and globalism. historical context. ukraine within its current borders was formed in communist times by including various territories on the basis of purely political decisions.
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the republic of belarus was played by alexander lukashenko, but unfortunately, today we hear
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from the lips of those leaders who took part in the normandy four, from angela merkel, from the representative of the then president of france , words that this was just an attempt to delay time and arm ukraine, has the western world really turned out to be so cunning and cynical, and do you believe that in the near future there is?
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they still do it their own way, the moment they leave a signature on this or that
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agreement, then they begin to destroy this agreement, realizing their original goals, and i hope that russia will not be naive and that it will not stop the special operation and will do everything it has in mind , will bring the matter to an end. and with regards to ukraine, i believe that the peacekeeping efforts of alexander lukashenko are the only ones that could save from destruction. at the same time, his activities in the west were interpreted completely incorrectly, they even tried to accuse him of dictatorship, although they themselves are pseudo-democracies, promising peace, but pushing.
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and we must change ourselves, betray ourselves , our traditions, age-old foundations, give up our sovereignty for this, on the other hand, there is ukraine, which until recently was not even considered in european processes, which was not even considered in the expansion plans of the european union, here it undeservedly receives candidate status, starting soon accession negotiations, a person asks himself the question, what is the matter, what is happening, because europe is negotiating. today with ukraine, not understanding what it will be like at the end of the war or whether it will be at all. europe believes that ukrainian resources should help survive difficult times and preserve an ideology that is historically doomed. what had become a fixed idea that could not be preserved had to be immediately agreed upon with russia.
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putin asked about this, i myself was at a conference in munich, where putin asked to understand russia’s concerns, he said: “don’t come to us with nato, and if you do this, this is a red line." they did not want to hear this. they continued to arm ukraine. you were warned, a person warned you 20 years ago that this would happen. what do you want then? and what kind of union is europe with ukraine when you don’t know what it will be like, how can anyone talk about it seriously, and brix is ​​showing its strength today, this...
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in our classic format we will discuss the details of the interview with our distinguished guests , we looked at exclusive footage with you interview with the president of the republika srpska milorad dodik and am glad to welcome you to our studio, andrei viktorovich manoilo, doctor of political sciences, professor of lomanosov moscow state university is already present, hello, hello, and also with us today is pyotr sergeevich petrovsky, political scientist, expert at the center for the study of integration northern eurasia , at the interview, i really liked it , first of all, because it was very structural, in this respect we saw
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a progressive political figure, a european figure who does not go to elevator of the entire western world, and dodik , of course, is a very bright phenomenon and not only in the balkans, and this is a man... who defends the interests of his people, this is very important, because that is why he enjoys the support of the population of the republic of srpska, and this gives him the strength to openly declare his position, this requires both courage and courage, especially in the current conditions, in fact, today in an interview he spoke as, well, a full-fledged subject.
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it was alexander lukashenko who was the only one a foreign leader, by the way, they remember this, they really appreciate it, who flew to belgrade, tried to provide help, really in a terrible, tragic confrontation, this is the price that was paid in general to yugoslavia, by the serbian people, of course, who for many years continue to leave those the lands that were occupied, in general, in my opinion, the role of the republic of belarus in the balkans is the strengthening of sovereignty. independence of those peoples, it is no secret that the european union today is simply licking its lips and wants to close
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this balkan case, let ’s speak frankly, by incorporating these countries into its composition, but on what conditions, yes , we see bulgaria, we see romania, we see the baltic states, is it necessary for these countries, which will determine what values ​​to profess , why...
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and this situation, which allows the west, which has leverage, to exert a corresponding influence on it and leads to
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the fact that - not always its decision -
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they are brought up loyal to the west, to nato, to the western model, that’s why serbia is here big, by the standards of the balkans, but for certain reasons, it is not always active, here is a complete contrast with the serbian republic, which is small, well, really not very small, because a million people is still a lot, so, but nevertheless... but having an active leader, it does much more to build bridges between our countries than, unfortunately, greater serbia. well, pyotr sergeevich, it is also important to emphasize, because i have heard the opinion that, unfortunately, for some part serbian elite, the issue and kosovo, the issue of the republika srpska is more
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of a burdensome burden than something for which they are seriously ready to fight, or you... do not agree, you know, we saw this in the example of armenia, yes, when for that part elite , which is drawn to this globalist western project, for them the nation state is simply a step or a tool in their own career growth, and we saw this in the baltic countries, where leaders took a position when...
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here geography also plays to their advantage : serbia is landlocked, it is deprived of this sovereign outlet, so for it to have such a full-fledged dialogue with russia is quite difficult, because everyone understands perfectly well that everything can be easily blocked by land, which is why
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the struggle for montenegro was and is being carried out so harshly , yes?
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fellow citizens today, in the event of instability, yes, in the territories of the former yugoslavia, do you think the russian federation would provide support? of course, the russian federation would not just provide support, it is providing support today because just recently we saw president dodik in moscow at an international security conference, and we remember his speech very well, very bright, that’s... very much in line with the constituent theses of your interview, and moreover, this summer we negotiated with president
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dodik and his entourage, about the deployment in banjaluka - a program of information-hybrid wars to train specialists in countering information operations, of course, the west, and we were talking about training national serbian personnel capable to effectively counteract those operational combinations, information operations and ideological sabotage that strange nato uses in various kinds of armed conflicts, that is, if these negotiations, which continue to last, the end is not set there, turn into an interstate initiative and...
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let's say it straight, turkey still will not be accepted into the european union, and turkey has probably already looked at all this, and has begun to implement geopolitical projects, including the project
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called neo-ottoman, including in the balkans, because the turks consider the same serbia, the same bosnia as part of their project, they are strengthening there, yes, because turkey is 16.5% this year. please, last
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year, in november, german sociologists conducted research among leading companies in germany, at that time 25% of companies had already begun to withdraw their production from the eu, and another 50% announced.
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entry is nothing more than a manipulation of public consciousness in relation to absolutely true, you know, i also had a chance to communicate with member of the european parliament from france , mr. jovan, sincerely replied that i do not want to participate in the upcoming elections in june 2024 of the european parliament, because i do not want to associate myself with a sinking ship, you know, i remembered this phrase, it’s amazing and i have no doubt, because today the european union is becoming...
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i remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say, let’s return to our discussion, andrei viktorovich, during the discussion several years ago before the current acute conflict, it was the discussion of prospects settlement of the conflict in the donbass , the possibility of implementing the same minsk agreements, which i believe were the only path guaranteed by the country to peace, during these discussions i have repeatedly heard from our opponents, ukrainian...
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from the autonomy, well, for example, spain, according to the constitution 1978 spain is called a state of autonomy, it consists entirely of autonomy, in fact, this does not make spain weaker, it is, of course, not the leader of the european union, but it is far from an outsider. great britain, that's who we are we don’t like everyone, great britain has long been following the path of decentralization, which they call by a special term.
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a model, moreover, the russian federation , the state is such a classic , it is a federal state, this is a huge territory, with a large number of subjects, all these subjects are different, but this does not weaken the power of the russian federation, on the contrary, it strengthens it, and therefore when ukrainian nationalists opposed implementation of the minsk agreement, it was really at that moment...
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they already mean that let us fool for the third time, so i would think here a lot of times, yes, it’s better to measure seven times than to sign once, yes, i can’t disagree with you, the cynicism is really surprising, although well, it’s probably such a cunning of western leaders, because really many that do not correspond to their values, which... they naturally tried to prove the existence of these values ​​at all, but once again it shows stupidity or even, on the contrary , a well-thought-out policy, i see here , i don’t see here, but i’m wrapping fish here, andrey viktorovich, what do you think, well, at one time the european union, and...


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