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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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foreign emissaries who, dressed in the toga of well-wishers for our people, allegedly supported talented people, our great scientists, and at the same time pulled out our minds and hearts from here along with the creative intelligentsia. then i promised that we, for our, for our talented people, young people, our children, our creative intelligentsia.
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started the belteleracompany pavilion in the midst of filming a new project, our colleagues will talk about the women of the country of the soviets, and months earlier they had just completed a sixteen-episode a story about the genocide of the belarusian people, in which there is no right to life. near the pit on zaslavskaya street there was an orphanage, the children were all stabbed to death, not killed by bullets, but stabbed to death with knives. you see, then they said, the lithuanians cut it out, which means someone knew, with the support of the prosecutor general’s office, the team of the belarus 1 tv channel announced the facts about the attempts to exterminate the belarusians, from the first moments of the nazi invasion until the complete liberation of the country. the film features real participants in those terrible events, and not just.
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lithuanian battalions that are here operated. emotions, of course, are overwhelming, this is a very high assessment of our work, of the entire beltelerokpaniya, also in the creative perimeter of btn, already preparing for the live broadcast of the factorby talent show, tatyana trukhan also received the award. a vocal teacher, she sings the voices of aspiring artists not only on television, but even on maz, her brainchild of the pop song theater syabrynka, also among the winners of the president’s special prize.
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naturally, i open it, i’ve already stopped recording, i open the latest news and see us on the list, and of course i was just i was so shocked and incredibly happy that i cried with joy. syabrynka can be heard at literally every concert on a republican scale, like people's artist of belarus anastasia moskvina. she doesn't need to prove her professional skills. the soulful saprana has long been recognized by aesthetes. the big opera company is now working on the same emotions from the viewer. not so long ago i became the director
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of the opera, this is my first position, i combine stage performance, stage performance, creative activity, this is the management, of course the body of the opera is wonderful, we have excellent soloists, it’s a pleasure to work with, and of course i’m very proud, and i ’m very pleased that i was recognized in this very new position and activity for me, because... of course, it’s very important for both the artist and any leader , and it is important for any person, any belarusian, when the head of state, when the country supports you, encourages you, and sees your work. the laureates will be thanked traditionally on christmas days already in the new year, as the patriarchal exar of all belarus, philorret, bequeathed. 15 true spiritual ascetics the revival will be united by the stage of the palace of the republic. lydia zablotskaya ivan is also waiting for the ceremony. mozgo and sergey korneev,
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tv news agency. and let us remind you that vanessa kaladinskaya received the special presidential award for the belarusian sports olympus, she is a bronze medalist at the olympics. world and european champion, she has already won the right to compete at the quadrennial games in paris. another winner of the special presidential prize, the belarusian sports olympus, was the head of the department of cycling, speed skating and equestrian sports, the belarusian state university of physical culture, mikhail dvoryakov. and, of course, our colleague anna eismond. in fact, she stood at the origins of the formation of sports content for the belarusian radio company, where she has worked since 2003. it is well known to viewers from popular sports programs: sports day and arena. he also has a number of scripts, many
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films, special reports, and projects under his belt. also anna, author and host of the documentary series. women's sports programs, by the way, are on the tv channel. belarus 5, our tip, yes, when the merchant figs, he i have to look at the opponent’s chest, now we’re just going to learn it straight, and you know what’s most interesting, now i caught myself thinking for the first time, by the way, thinking about fencing , and i’m scared to prick, now we’ll go overboard, already on saturday we will revive the archives of one of the main awards of the country, people noted for spiritual revival in different years of independence of belarus, how they enriched with... history, do the works of those who create and protect the spiritual code of the nation continue today in the new series of the project belarus creating. in in the life of our people, according to the word of the bible
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, the time has come for the spiritual gathering of previously scattered stones. time for creation.
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relatives or stay in a sanatorium, or what’s wrong with that, buy many, many categories of goods that are cheaper with us, first of all, the implementation of this initiative, the total number of those who visited our country using the visa-free regime is already approaching 800 thousand, only this year
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we received about 405 thousand residents of neighboring countries, also on a visa-free basis. with what western propaganda shows about our country, for some categories of citizens of the border regions of lithuania and latvia, in particular pensioners and the poor, trips to belarus have become a sustainable source of obtaining necessary goods and medicines. these are the videos that guests share on social networks. sausages, a million types of sausage, the same thing, any kind, look how many.
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no nie wiem, nie wiem skąd to się wzięło, ale ja bym nie narzekała. demonstrates our country’s openness to restoring normal, equal interaction with
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neighboring states. 106 years on guard interests of the country's people, employees of state security agencies celebrate their professional holiday today. commander-in-chief alexander lukashenko congratulated the kgb staff. on this day, we proudly recall the glorious history of the department. it was written by true patriots, whose names have become legends, theirs. devotion to the fatherland, unparalleled courage and courage, embodied in exploits in the name of peace and life in their native land, became the main guideline for each new generation of security officers. kgb officers appearing today people of special skill in the most difficult and sometimes extreme situations, invariably demonstrate the highest professionalism, exceptional reliability, maximum composure and concentration of forces, and most importantly - responsibility for fate. citizens of the country,” stated the belarusian leader. relying on the invaluable experience of its predecessors and the traditions
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of the national intelligence service, the state security committee is at the forefront of countering the unprecedented challenges of the global world. the department effectively counters sophisticated technologies destruction of states. largely thanks to the information openness of the state security committee , we began to learn about the most important special operations very quickly. previously on this. go away for decades. criminal cases from the kgb central archive on the executioners who burned khatyn on march 22, 1943 . for the first time we heard confessions from the punishers. the phonogram of the confrontation, which for almost 50 years was an incriminating seal. and the liquidation of terrorists in grodno, a special operation in ukraine, the evacuation of belarusians from the gas sector. someone is betting big to turn our country into our people.
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inconsistencies in composition and labeling. the state control committee initiated an inspection of some veterinary drugs and identified flagrant violations. as a result, agricultural enterprises paid extra for the spray tablets, and managers , firms, and intermediaries boldly increased fabulous percentages. a criminal case has been initiated against officials of a commercial organization. what composition did the examination of the seized drugs show and why did the goods become more expensive many times over? vladimir korolev about the results of the audit. this colostrum is used for feeding newborn calves. we see a cow calving a calf. we defrost it for an hour, it is dehydrated and tested for immunoglobulins. the fact that one tablet
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can replace drinking water, help the calf get stronger and transfer all the immunity to the cow? probably, you want to believe any farm, late at night on a farm only a caretaker, caring for a newborn until the morning is not the easiest task, apparently, that ’s what the managers were betting on: to sell a magic pill that will greatly simplify care and feeding the light of the calf that appeared. we arrived as usual. managers suggested trying to use tablets , dry colostrum substitutes, we are for any innovation that we have in the republic, for god’s sake, that is, the main principle is for it to work, a comment on just trying it, we agreed, the trial turned out to be paid , for several bags i had to pay more than a hundred rubles, later a state control check will show that this was one of the cheapest offers that came to the country’s economy, but it was refused. from delivery, even from consumption of this type of product, it has not
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been tested on the market , it is not in demand, and risking the lives of calves at the moment is not a good idea, and we did not undertake this, this product, the use of colostrum, precisely in the first hour after calving feeding the calf is the most important thing at the moment, and there are no pills or substitutes. they won’t give anything, we won’t see any result, the main thing is that the colostrum for feeding comes from the mother of high quality, the animal is vaccinated, the breeding stock is vaccinated, this is the key to... success 20 packs, that is, 120 tablets with dry colostrum, for almost 5.00 rubles. now a copy of this and other invoices is stored in the criminal case file, a liter of natural colostrum costs less than 20 kopecks, the difference is hundreds of times. the unique italian additive was supposed to be replaced by a tourism product, more than thirty farms in the country believed in it. the state control committee of the minsk region has established that
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one of the commercial organizations of the minsk region has begun active distribution within the country. product called dry colostrum, which she sold to agricultural organizations in the form of capsules for subsequent feeding to calves. at the initiative of the committee, an examination was carried out. the controllers sent the unique but expensive tablet for examination, the data of which showed a serious discrepancy between the composition and the declared components. the content of essential nutrients in the product is at least three times lower than stated. particularly in labeling. the instructions for use of the product indicate that the mass fraction of crude protein is 81%. the actual value was 26%. the content and ratio of the main components in the forlife product do not correspond to those characteristic of natural colostrum,
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and therefore this product cannot be considered dried colostrum? it should also be noted that the instructions for use contain information that misleads consumers. in particular, it is stated that one capsule weighing 1.2 g contains about 3 liters of whole, high-quality colostrum. in fact, 3 liters of whole colostrum contains no less than 420 g of dry matter, that is, 420. according to the results of the examination, the product was prohibited for import into belarus, the previously issued import permit was also canceled, the inspection of the supplier revealed other violations: selling a medicinal product without registration , inflating the price three times, this is another blatant fact established by inspectors
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in order to circumvent the ban on multiple price increases, the company's managers decided not to register spray foam for animals. under the restrictions established by the resolution of the type of cosmetic product in order to bypass the council of ministers of the republic of belarus number 114 on temporary price regulation. this resolution determines the maximum maximum markups for importers and the maximum maximum wholesale markups for veterinary drugs for farm animals in the amount of 25%.
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very expensive. according to state control data, the drug became expensive precisely after it became a cosmetic. the importing company raised the price by half. then an intermediary began to work, who took an even higher percentage for his services. the spray was supplied to agricultural enterprises at a premium of more than 2 and a half times, exceeding the original price. the company was also fined over rub 600,000. whether the managers of the enterprises specifically purchased expensive drugs will be determined by the investigation. not for further breeding, as
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the belarusian draft breed is being sold , a sales contract is required, but for other purposes. our correspondent marina romanovskaya worked in the verkhnedvinsk region for 2 days and conducted her journalistic investigation. these shots flooded social networks, excited users reported: belarusian horses they want to send the harness breed to slaughter, the story has become overgrown with comments and speculation, people are asking the media for help to figure it out, we responded instantly. the osveysky farm has been breeding pedigree horses for about 20 years, and they know the hype on social networks with certainty. they tell journalists that the horses are in place, no one is going to send them for any meat, there is nothing to hide, the director of asveisky assures, here is the stable, here is their pride, belarusian... harnesses, there is even the opportunity to go horseback riding, why sell, farming reorganized, merged with another, in the opinion of management, sale is the best
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option, but always in good hands. a distinctive feature of the belarusian harness is the ability to withstand enormous loads , and the breed is also ideal for horseback riding, including for those who are just learning to ride in the saddle, but are still concerned about the fate of horses... the internet is just screaming, screaming , people are panicking, we need to check somehow. we were shown a purchase and sale agreement of 5.5 rubles per kilogram of live weight. another point, horses
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purchased for their own reproduction. this means that the new owner undertakes to create all the conditions for breeding the breed, if, of course, the buyer initially planned to comply with the terms of the contract. we decided to check how belarusian harnesses are in the description of the consignment note. executive committee , on friday you purchased 31 heads of horses in kupas in osveysky, yes, yes, that’s right, tell me, tell me, what is the future fate of these horses, well, we bought them for the purpose of, well, already selling them to people, well, well population, then there are and what people they sold to and look at the invoices. marina romanovskaya, my name is the television news agency, i tried to call you yesterday, the call was completed, and as
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it turned out, the deal was concluded in violation of veterinary legislation, now it is in the field of view of state control, specialists are studying the documents, an investigation is underway, the question will be addressed to the director in any case enterprise, because the transaction took place illegally, it took place... without providing veterinary certificates, this may indicate that then these animals, also illegal , were resold, because without a veterinary certificate it is impossible to officially sell an animal, so for the scheme, by the way, it turned out that only this year he purchased more than 70 tons of livestock and already came to the attention of veterinary and sanitary services. studying the relevant databases, it was established that... the employer conducts transactions for the purchase and sale of livestock and not only horses, materials on territoriality were transferred to the
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state control committee of the mogilev region, whose employees will be given assessment of transactions made by these individual entrepreneurs. the question of the future fate of three dozen horses is still open, as well as those that still remain in osveyskoye; the farm continues to sell off belarusian draft horses. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, telenews agency. as we also learned, entrepreneurs from the mogilev region sold all the horses to three residents of russia. according to the latest information , an individual entrepreneur has been detained by the financial police, the state control committee, and a criminal case has been initiated against him. the results of a large journalistic investigation, watch on the main broadcast this sunday. the united states authorities are not abandoning attempts to prevent ex-president trump from re-occupying the white house. today he is
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much more popular than the current leader of the country , joe biden, so no one has any doubts about the outcome of the electoral battle. the colorado supreme court has ruled that donald trump is barred from running for president in the state. the former owner of the white house allegedly accepted the reason. january is still going on and no one is trump in has not yet been recognized as a rebel in court. however, colorado is a democratic state; based on the voting results, its 10 electors will in any case support the democratic candidate. however, trump is appealing the court's decision to avoid other regions using the ban as a precedent. remarkable. joe biden himself illegally invaded the capitol in his youth, then he was only fined for this, but you don’t have to look far for other examples. the congress building
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was stormed this time by pro-palestinian activists, they stormed the capitol building to demand a ceasefire in the gaza strip and a us withdrawal of military aid to israel. activists accuse biden of giving israel carte blanche for any crimes, which has caused mass casualties among civilians. gaza population, 60 hooligans were arrested, all of them face only a small fine. kiev will be left without american money for an indefinite period. the us senate published a statement on postponing next year the discussion of the issue of assistance to ukraine. just return to it in mid-january, and even then under the most favorable circumstances for kiev. there are about hundreds of millions
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of dollars left for the current military support of the pentagon's armed forces. and on our side of the atlantic there is no good news for kiev. the head of european diplomacy said that assistance to ukraine from brussels is a big question. barel noted that eu countries have already spent much more than the americans on supporting kiev. the chief european diplomat sadly notes that europe can no longer guarantee anything. support for ukraine hungary is blocking, but this is also hampered by
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the economic problems of a number of countries. old world. ukraine will finally collapse the european union. russian political scientist sergei mikheev predicts a similar development of the situation. the expert is confident that the burden of ukrainian problems will drag down the remnants of european prosperity. even the start of integration negotiations caused a split within the union. politicians who are guided by national interests are categorically against such a development of events. feeling of internal illness and problems. makes you like this to rummage around with your hands, as if yes - in search of some kind of cure for these internal internal problems. well, it’s clear that ukraine is a huge chunk of problems. they say: this means we will include ukraine in the european union. and what? as a result, the european union will become healthier, more powerful, it will load itself with such a burden of problems that cannot be sorted out at all, cannot be sorted out. and how will it end? i do not rule out that ultimately this entire expansion to the east will end in the collapse of the european union. cooperation between belarus and china
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has become a model between. people's relations a new type, this opinion was expressed by the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of the people's republic of china to belarus at the session at the presentation of the first volume of the book on public administration in the belarusian language. since its publication and distribution, the publication has received wide public response, as well as great attention and appreciation from the international community. the book reflects the thoughts and experiences of the chairman of the people's republic of china, the work is addressed to politicians, experts, scientists in the field of chinese studies, as well as the general public for the purpose of better understanding the features of china's development in the new era. the idea is reflected in what the chinese communist party adheres to.
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what, where and when they record the history of the country in their materials. belta news agency is 15 years old. on the occasion of the anniversary, a solemn event in the palace. beltovites with experience, all of them are responsible for the reliability and efficiency of the country's main news agency. once a small branch of the russian telegraph agency, today belta is a modern media factory news. up to 250 information messages are prepared here per day.
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an active exhibition about the history of the news agency, a holiday these days and among children in homes, boarding schools, specialized schools and centers of correctional and developmental education, the our children campaign continues to spread across the country, under the patronage of the president it has been taking place for more than a quarter of a century, guys before the arrival of guests they always prepare theatrical performances with father frost and the snow maiden and other fairy-tale guests, involuntarily immersing us in our children. and traditionally kind wizards make wishes come true. my colleague daria rachko captured the moments.
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these children's smiles are laughter and genuine joy. today, every day before new year's , they have a holiday. guests arrive, dance in circles, sing, read poems, make gestures, they congratulate you on the new year. at the zhdanovsky boarding school there are 71 children with hearing impairment of varying degrees, each of them dreams of one thing, to be healthy. we were really looking forward to the holiday, and we prepared and did a lot of repetitions, we tried to do today. kachanova will say more than once: they are growing talented children embroider, paint pictures and speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya make crafts with their own hands, and for this
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a gift, we strengthen the material and technical base with a smart mirror. then, when we meet with the guys, you involuntarily remember your childhood and the holidays that we celebrated then, but everything remains the same, we all enjoy these holidays. we all look forward to them and, of course, are always happy to be among friends. children's rehabilitation centers, social shelters, boarding schools, family-type homes, gifts will arrive at 120 points countrywide. many of these institutions are under the wing of departments. alyaechka is dancing, in the center of correctional and developmental education in the capital there are more than fifty children, classes and preschool groups have been created. children with special needs receive education here.
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and what about a performance without the participation of guests? the head of the olympic committee, athletes, champions and prize-winners of international competitions plunged into the new year's kingdom, from them gifts on the topic, in addition to fruits and sweets, a modern sports playground. it seems like children. adults want some something so simple, and this simple thing is also achieved simply, we just need to get together to do what we want, for our children, for our relatives, for the country, for the homeland, and it will definitely come true, especially in such a magical time, swirled
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to dancing and a christmas ball in the mogilev palace of culture, those who at a young age already have merit and take an active part in the life of not only their educational institutions, but also the country, fifty young... talents, the atmosphere is generally amazing, this is my first time at such an event, such a delightful festive atmosphere, i feel proud that i managed to get here, someone from santa claus wishes for a car on the control panel, someone... a beautiful doll, several kilograms of sweets, this attention is so important to them, a ten-year-old zakhar dreamed of a laptop, his father promised, but unfortunately did not have time, the boy wrote a letter in hope, the integral youth responded immediately, collecting the required amount, purchased a belarusian hbook, after all, miracles happen at christmas, i wished for a laptop from santa claus for the new year, now my dream has come true, i like everything, it’s beautiful and...
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to remember my childhood and how they once waited, will give a new year’s miracle and fulfill my most cherished desires. daria rochko, yulia khmel, andrey yastrebov, alexander arkomovich and anatoly dolotovsky tv news agency. we are preparing to celebrate new year's eve in the circle of the bel tv and radio company, everyone's favorite retro songs, interesting performances, bright surroundings. the country's main media holding will present a festive concert, and the finalists will rock it. first second seasons the most popular domestic
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musical project "factor bay" honored artists of our country. nastya kravchenko, nikita belko, ivan dzyatlov, alena lonskaya, victoria oleshko, irina dorofeeva, the pesner ensemble and many others will delight us with already well-known hits. the main new year's and other songs in a modern way in a new design, bright and unusual productions. 5 minutes 5 minutes on our clock 12:50 new year is probably already on the way, filming of the festive broadcast was going on in the belarus film pavilion, dozens specialists, sound engineers, choreographers and authors of new year's decorations worked on the site in order to convey a magical mood to every tv viewer.
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i like to celebrate the new year with my family
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, my loved ones, quietly, calmly, peacefully, gifts to each other, giving, saying nice words, and of course, of course, we always watch tv channel belarus 1. the hosts of the festive concert are vladislav bonder and ekaterina antonov will become conductors of good mood in the outgoing and coming year. and, of course, the concert participants also address their wishes to the tv viewers. new year on belarus-1, watch on december 31, immediately after the main broadcast program. let's celebrate our twenty-fourth year together. the danger of biological threats is the main challenge today, prime minister roman golovchenko stated this at the first meeting of the biosafety council.
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and confirmation of this is the intensive spread of the most dangerous infectious diseases of humans and animals in the world, antibiotic resistance of microorganisms, outbreaks that seem to have been defeated. previously such dangerous diseases such as cholera, plague, measles and so on. well, serious threats to the living world are posed by not always controlled scientific activity, or so-called scientific activity in the study of pathogenic substances and microorganisms, causative agents
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of the most dangerous diseases. it is necessary to pay close attention to all these aspects and build an effective monitoring and warning system. how to quickly recognize viruses, reduce their negative impact and treat them, or is it better to get vaccinated in advance? will look for answers an interdepartmental expert group on biosafety issues has been created. unfortunately, imported cases are being identified; we recorded the importation in 2023 of four cases of dengue fever, eight cases of maleria, two cases were registered. literally in june and december of this year in the mogilev region of the republic, but the outbreaks were eliminated, these cases were isolated and did not spread, but at the same time preventive measures were carried out. the council will meet once a quarter, more often if necessary, to adopt this or that
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other official decision. expanding the line of innovative products, searching for new markets, a strategy that... products come from the conveyors of the mogel enterprise for the production of technical textiles, work non-stop, because it is necessary to meet the growing demands not only of road workers and mine builders, for roads both concrete and which our usual roads,
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to which we are accustomed, are also used with mesh, this is also on runways, construction meshes, plaster meshes, one of them is used for reinforcing walls to there were no cracks, almost three dozen weaving machines transform polyester fiber, glass fiber into an export product with a range of one and a half hundred items. now we have gone into a completely new direction, we are developing polymer fasteners, we plan to supply everything related to injection molding in europe and russia. by the way, the equipment setup stage is being carried out by its chinese partners and a new project that opens up unique opportunities for production builders. piles, a hole is drilled in the ground and our flexible pile , the soil, which previously did not bear anything, is filled with inert material, which , on which no road or port facilities could be built, can bear certain loads, our products will find buyers all over the world, we are getting acquainted
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with african companies, get closer the whole continent will now be helped by production in asipovichi, they started here with the production of forty- and eighty-foot platform cars, and conquered the market. watching a moving train across the territory of the republic of belarus, we can see our platforms that transport dry cargo containers of the russian federation and the people's republic of china, ensuring imports to the republic of belarus, as well as exports. our containers and tanks are used even in the arctic, this is the heart of the car building assembly shop, several dozen welders are working simultaneously, robots turn piles of metal into a train in a week. experts assess the demand for the product. how colossal, because the transportation of petroleum products, oil, bitumen in the eastern direction turned out to be the sanctions that were imposed on us, well, probably, in some part , taught us even more to work more closely together with russian counterparties, people are ready today to place orders with us for up to 3,000 cars further, that is,
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today we just need to work around the clock enterprises, there are alternative markets, in particular, if we talk about the european market, where we... the presidents produced products worth almost 5 billion rubles; in general, we exported every second ruble or euro that we have today we export from the mogilev region, 50%
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of exports are provided by organizations that are part of the free economic zone. by the way, another trend: companies invested three times more than the initially announced investments and almost doubled the number of jobs. andrey yastreba vasilyevaliev, television news agency.
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the belarusian chamber of notaries, which has been working as a base for the last year and a half from representatives of notaries and, importantly, the ministries of justice. with vehicles, and we went through the practices of notaries as part of their work notaries in legal education and
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analyzed the types of activities of notaries within the framework of legal education, in what formats this legal education is carried out by notaries, because this is also an important component, not only notarial actions are performed by notaries, in the notaries of our states one of the main tasks is: analyze the practice, we train notaries in our states to
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develop an understanding of the legislation of all, essentially our family of states, how at a minimum, at this stage we set such a task, and if something seems interesting and correct to us, we can formulate some general approaches, recommendations, i would say so, we cannot influence the legislation of another on the legislator in another.
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you know, you see the best practices, you can make appropriate decisions, and this is especially important for notaries. if you look a little into the future, what plans does the belarusian chamber of notaries have today to develop cooperation in the cis. well the most effective way is here we are we have seen over the past 2 years - this is real communication between practitioners, which we see has already begun.
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opportunities, as well as performing remote notarial actions. the information picture of wednesday will be complemented by a sports day. hello! head coach of dynamo minsk dmitry kvartalnov noted the actions of the youth in the khl regular season match against podmoskov. returned from the camp of the belarusian national hockey team in a good playing condition and earned excellent reviews from the commander-in-chief of the bisons. the day before, the whites won their third victory in a row in the championship. details of success in story by alexander yakubovsky. the country's main ice arena turned 15 years old in december. that’s why the match between the capital’s dynamo and
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vitez became special. for my home's birthday, i gave them white and blue ones. spectators received a bright retro show; at a minimum, the team put on the uniform of the very same years in which the club’s debut fight took place at the minsk arena. andrey stas replaced the injured vitaly penchuk in the power play team and the captain managed to substitute his stick after a targeted pass from nick merkley. the zubrs opened the scoring in the middle of the second period, but were unable to go into the second break in the lead. scott wilson famously threw to touch in the format. 4 on 3. alexey kolosov, who played his hundredth match in the league, could not do anything. the final third was completely dictated by the hosts. dmitry kvartalny's team got hold of three goals, with borikov and bolkov scoring. their precise shots were separated by just 20 seconds. point into an empty goal.


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