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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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from an ordinary rescuer to now the head of an entire detachment. our fire and rescue squad has 14 units of military equipment and, of course, we have specialized equipment for aviation and chemical emergencies. our fire and emergency rescue team at nuclear power plant facilities is a unique unit designed and aimed at ensuring fire safety and prevention.
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this was achieved through hard work and determination, we have been achieving this for a very long time, our fire and emergency rescue squad is the first the queue, of course, is intended to ensure fire safety at the belarusian nuclear power plant, and of course we go out to eliminate emergency situations in the ostorovets district and human life is higher for us; for me, my job is honestly professional.
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yadnanne z proroday, dzikae, old-fashioned pile tree. belarus is cooler.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts. for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers the whole world has access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing.
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welcoming, bright and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its
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development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello, the program “sas is authorized to declare” is on air. my name is nadezhda saz, and this is a special you...
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the opinion of some bureaucrats here or in distant america, who do not have any connection with reality, who live in a different coordinate system, anti-serbian, threaten the existence of the dayton agreement, threaten the existence of the republika srpska. sloboda,
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sloboda, not in the philosophical sense, but in the purely existential sense. serbs are a people who protect and value freedom, but not only in a philosophical sense, in an existential sense, because for centuries we have suffered infringements of this freedom, endured repression, because i have no right to weakness, as the heir to the struggles and aspirations of previous generations, it does not matter to me whether i can visit the usa or no, i will continue to pursue this policy until the moment my people, given...
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the serbs are part of the orthodox world, and if you do a deep analysis, you will see
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that every country in the orthodox world is faced with external threats, and that is us, serbia, belarus, russia, republika srpska, but on the other side there are bulgaria, romania and greece, which are moving away from their soul. the orthodox world today faces a serious problem, we receive claims from the so-called collective west, but then... the west is not doing anything new here, looking at history, it has been doing something similar for centuries, and today the politics of the collective west, great britain and the usa is copying the european union and germany. the european union today is increasingly under the control of the united states, and is carried out exclusively by western commands, there is no sovereign will of the eu countries. in any case, the main goal after the departure of the ottoman empire was to stop the serbs, to prevent the serbs. created a full -fledged political unification within one country, so that this could not be done, they are trying in every possible
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way to prevent this, this has been impossible to do since the creation of yugoslavia after the first world war, when the serbs practically lost half of their nation, especially after the second world war, when we were forced to accept the idea of ​​a communist yugoslavia. this was preparation for to make independent. states such as croatia and slovenia, and the serbs, who were among the bearers of this victory, but remained to live in delusions, like united yugoslavia, and after the collapse we remained losers, the main losers. after the collapse of the former yugoslavia, and even today , serbs do not have national minority status in slovenia. in croatia, our fellow countrymen were expelled after the famous military operation "storm". remained in bosnia and herzegovina. only what is called republika srpska. in another parts of bosnia and herzegovina, the situation of the serbs
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is very difficult, and if the republika srpska did not exist, our people would face the threat of extinction in these lands where our ancestors lived for centuries. look at kosovo, the serbs lost there, they were kicked out and now they want to take the last serbian piece of land in the north of the region. macedonia and the orthodox church suffered a very strong blow. because they received a large percentage of the votes, because of this we are now in
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this reserve position from which we defend republika srpska and the serbian people. based on this position, we want to unite the serbian people through historical processes. this is a politically correct idea, and it is not directed against anyone, especially not against the interests of big players who see this as a threat, a threat to the unification of the orthodox people, the serbian people.
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lukashenko was already in power then and wanted to help, but the main reason was that at that moment russia was weak, and we experienced a shortage of its help, its support. the usa, as a dominant force, has done a lot for the collapse of yugoslavia and the demonization of the serbian people. and the west accepted this picture and supported it in every possible way, despite the fact that it did not correspond to reality. if russia had been strong then, it would have been possible... from the un and the security council to stop some processes, i still think so today, despite the current polarization in the world, russia is recognized by everyone as a great power, one of the centers of the modern system of international relations, sada imamu tu polari zapakiya recognized by the eternal light,
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i am especially pleased that i carefully watched alexander lukashenko's visit to china. where he was received at a high level, where important topics were raised, issues of further cooperation, and force was thrown, a force that was still forming, but russia then in the nineties was a force that was losing its international significance, was in decline, and china was then only regional power, the world has changed today.
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but in europe there were different tragic periods, tragic pages, and the french and germans were at odds at one time, but then they found possible points of contact, possible new, new turns in history that contributed to mutually beneficial terms of cooperation. do you think today the republika srpska can build
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trusting, mutually beneficial relationships with the republic of belarus and the russian federation? mi smo narodi koji žive ovim prostorima, istorija pokazuje da ima perioda kada je rusi pravoslavni svijet živeli veoma kompaktno sa zapadom, mislim da se ovde radi novijom, novijem periodu, radi se o činjenici da amerika sveči da odvoji. we live on these lands, history shows that there were historical periods when russia and the orthodox world lived in harmony with europe. today, the west, represented by the united states, is doing everything possible to separate europe from russia; a possible union would be very dangerous for them and for the united states. europe with its technologies, its knowledge, and russia, that is, the east, with its
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resources would be dangerous for the united states. i think that today's war is on... to su, to je, mada je izgledalo da nisu, jer su dozvolili da ukrajina, koja je formirana raznim prisejedinjenjima.
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and in my opinion, it would be logical that people at some point had the opportunity to return back, so this is an important conflict in which, unfortunately, people die, but on the other hand, this is a conflict that solves a problem that existed earlier, and i am sure that russia will gain an important, strategic and a decisive victory. mr. president, for... in recent years, there have been attempts to find a compromise solution, these are the same minsk agreements, minsk-1, minsk-2,
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the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko played an important role in this process, but unfortunately, today we hear from the lips of those leaders who took part in the normandy four, from angela merkel, from the representative of the then president of france , words that this was just an attempt. to delay time and arm ukraine, has the western world really turned out to be so cunning and cynical, and do you believe that in the near future there is a chance to stop the tragedy that we see today on the territory of ukraine. it is a great merit of president lukashenko that he ensured the signing of the minsk agreements, despite the fact that the two-faced west deceived the signatories these agreements, lukashenko’s efforts. this is evidence, his desire to keep peace , to ensure peace, and peace should be the key goal, not any territorial claims, that's why the minsk agreements were
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important, i completely agree with what you said, that's true, but not only the minsk agreements , there are other examples, agreements signed by the west, there are a lot of such examples that are not respected, not implemented by the west itself, from the dayton agreements. before those signed today, today we are told that this is a transition period, and we we constantly ask what the transition period is for, you foreigners must have specific goals, there are the brussels agreements, the kumanovo agreements, which state that serbia will one day return its army and police to the territory of kosovo, the brussels agreements, which stipulate the unification of serbian communities in the territory kosova, we have the dayton agreement, which... to falsely calm the situation, but then they still
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do it their own way, at the moment when they leave a signature on this or that agreement, then begins to destroy this agreement, realizing its original goals, and i hope that russia will not be naive and that it will not stop the special operation and will do everything it has in mind, but...
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today we see exactly this, all the stories are about their values, human rights - these are just words that do not correspond to reality, this can be seen in the example of the
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agreements we are talking about. betray ourselves, our traditions, age-old foundations, but for this we must change ourselves, give up our sovereignty for this, on the other hand there is ukraine, which until recently were not even considered in the european processes, which were not even considered in the eu expansion plans. and here she undeservedly receives the status of a candidate , negotiations on accession will soon begin, a person asks himself the question, what is the matter, what is happening, because europe is negotiating with ukraine today, not understanding what it will be like after the end of the war, will it even be? europe believes that ukrainian resources should help it survive difficult times and preserve an ideology that is historically doomed, something that has become an idea
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fix, which... russia, where he said: don’t come to us with nato, and if you do that, this is a red line, they didn’t want to hear it, they continued to arm ukraine, you were warned, the person warned you 20 years ago , that this will happen, what do you want then?
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well, now i welcome you from the studio in minsk, in our classic format we will discuss the details of the interview with our distinguished guests, together with you we watched exclusive footage, an interview with the president of the republic milorad dodik and am glad to welcome you to our studio already has a doctor present.
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was very structural, in this respect we saw a progressive politician, a european figure, who does not go to the grain elevator of the entire western world. and dodik, of course, is a very bright phenomenon, and not only in the balkans, and this is a person who defends the interests of his people, this is very important. that’s because that’s why he enjoys the support of the population of the republika srpska, and this gives him the strength to openly declare his position, this requires courage and courage, especially in the current conditions, in fact, today in an interview he spoke as, well, a full-fledged subject of international relations and international politics. thank you, pyotr
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sergeevich, please. few people today perceive serbia in such a way that the serbian people have two serbian states, in addition to the republic of serbia there is also a republic.
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with me, minsk is traditionally very warm, belarus, because i think you will agree that they sincerely treat the serbian people, at one time at the height of the nato war against yugoslavia, it was alexander lukashenko who was the only foreign leader, by the way, they remember this, they really appreciate it, who flew to belgrade, tried to provide assistance, really in a terrible, tragic confrontation, this is the price that was paid in general by yugoslavia, by the serbian people, of course, who throughout ...
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a lot of good and kind things can be said about him, but we understand perfectly well that vočić was and especially now is in a very difficult situation, and this situation, which allows the west, which has
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levers of pressure to exert an appropriate influence on him and leads to the fact that his decision does not always fully correspond to the format of friendship and mutual understanding that is being built between our... countries; to a certain extent , the west has the opportunity to block the desire of the serbian leader for closer cooperation with our countries, so he is actively doing this, among other things, it is important to understand that vucic, he is not alone, he is a representative of the serbian political elite, but a significant part of the current serbian political elite, primarily the military corps, he is oriented towards. now you can imagine that the russian language is no longer taught in most military academies, but is focused on nato training standards, and of course on basic english, although in nato russian is the second most
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common language, in terms of the degree of communication, that is, there is a building they are already being consciously raised to be loyal to the west, to nato, to the western model. here. therefore , serbia is large here, by the standards of the balkans, but for certain reasons, it is not always active here is a complete contrast with the serbian republic, which is small, well, really not very small, because a million people is still a lot, but nevertheless, but having an active leader, it does much more to build bridges between our countries , which, unfortunately, is the larger serbia. well, pyotr sergeevich, it is also important to emphasize, because i have heard the opinion that, unfortunately, for...
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the eu, maybe even in nato, in order to make
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a career there, receive the salaries of european officials, integrate with european corporations, with transnational companies, and serbia is a simple tool for them, and this is the result, we just remember, this bulldozer revolution of 2000, mr. kashtunica, a huge number of western ngos, in general this is the colonization of civil society, as i call it, washing. such a full-fledged one is quite difficult,
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because everyone understands perfectly well that everything can be easily blocked by land, that’s why the fight for montenegro was and is being carried out so harshly, yes, they imposed nato, they are carrying out purges in society, so that under no circumstances would alternative forces come to power, but the future, it seems to me, of a way out of this situation is, firstly, the consolidation of the serbian people, and secondly...
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what do you think, would it provide support to the russian federation ? of course, the russian federation would not only provide support, it is providing support today, because just recently we saw president dodik in moscow at an international security conference and we remember his speech well, very bright, very echoing the constituent theses of your interview, and... moreover, in the summer of this year
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we negotiated with president dodik and his entourage about the deployment in banyaluka of an information-hybrid warfare program to train specialists in countering information operations, of course, western countries, and it was about preparing national serbians. personnel capable of effectively countering those operational combinations, information operations and ideological sabotage that nato countries use in various ways.
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how in moments of incredible resistance , when the enemy is quite strong, you need to be as prepared as possible for this, you know, we discussed with mr. dodik the possible membership of ukraine in the european union, indeed, he said absolutely sincerely, but how can you talk about something to talk and promise something, these are again such illusory promises that encourage ukrainians to continue to go to die, it is not clear why, because this is all in the end...
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in the case when there is a systematic deindustrialization of europe itself, when only i’ll tell you the numbers, in the twenty-second year, the drop in the chemical industry in germany was 20, this year 16.5%. please,
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last year in november , german sociologists conducted a study. among the leading companies in germany, at that time 25% of companies had already begun to withdraw their production from the eu, and another 50% stated that they planned to withdraw these production from the eu, what kind of expansion can we talk about? now let's look at those countries that opposed any talk of expansion due to ukraine, right? hungary, slovakia, austria, the netherlands, hungary, slovakia and austria, don’t think that these are some kind of marginalized people. the marginalized, they would be told, sit down and don’t make noise. and behind them are specific elites of this alpine region. southern germany,
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western france, northern, italy and austria.
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he had the opportunity to become a subject of geopolitics, but turned out to be simply an instrument of this american agony, when the americans are grasping for the last straws and trying to prevent the construction of a multipolar world. i remind you, it's on air program sas is authorized to declare, we return to ours.
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decision of the center, how fair are these claims in your opinion? well, this is absolute nonsense, because in the world there are many strong states that consist of autonomy, well, for example, spain, according to the constitution of this year, spain is called an autonomy state, it all consists of autonomy, in fact, this does not make spain weaker, it is of course not the leader of the european union, but far from an outsider. great britain, that's what we all don't like, great britain has long been following the path
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of decentralization, which they call by the special term de-evolution. during this decentralization , wales, scotland, northern ireland, and in this regard today the united kingdom, have already received the rights of broad autonomy. glad parts, each of which has the broadest rights today, and these rights tend to expand, moreover, in some cases , the national political elites of scotland, for example, fearing the expansion of their independence, block this expansion, the center is not against it, this country is also not centralized, and yet one of the leaders of europe, european there.
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this was really the only correct option at that time and, as our president said, there was no alternative, but if they had been carried out in the chronological sequence in which all this was prescribed there, this would most likely have prevented today’s armed conflict. it would have saved a lot of lives, however, this would have led to the fact that, apparently, the nationalists i would have to leave the political scene,
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well, you see, the same dayton agreements, because the point of our conversation is even the desire to share our worries, experiences, that the west is putting pressure, it would like to destroy such agreements, naturally try to take it into its own sphere of influence, to include the same serbian republic, frankly speaking, also serbia, to the extent that in the current 21st century any international agreements, documents generally have the right to exist, the minsk agreement, as it turned out, screwed everyone, they deceived us, they only gave ukraine time to arm itself, then what can we talk about, how to build interstate relations in the future, we must first understand what situation in international relations we find ourselves in now, but this is the 60s-70s of the last century.
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format probably won’t be necessary until international institutions are reformed; today it does not
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function properly, the osce in general.
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is it possible for the current leadership of the regime to fulfill the demand simply for denazification, i doubt something, because many people say: minsk 3, they already mean that let’s cheat for the third time, so i would think here a lot of times, yes, it’s better to measure seven times than to sign once, yes, no i may not agree with you, it’s really surprising...
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the dependence or independence of the european union on the united states of america has been going on for a long time, they have not subsided because the european union is really dependent and just as the organization itself is dependent on the pointing finger from washington, its key countries are also very are strongly dependent, although in parts of the european union they say in germany that the european union was created for germany, for the ideology and architecture that it initially set and that for germany this was an opportunity for revenge, that is, to achieve the goals that they during the two world wars they could not achieve by force of arms, achieve with the help of economic levers, and partly they succeeded, but if you remember how the european union began, and it
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was born, it began with the union of coal and steel, eh? around joint exploitation and development ruhr basin, then this was precisely the point that really and the formula that really made it possible to try on france and germany laying claim to this area there, this was a progressive step, and as for the current european union, it is, firstly, when it was more compact, even before the moment of uncontrollability... it was more of a sovereign force, which could even in some cases oppose the american dictatorship, but then the european union began to swell, absorbing it, following the path expansion, absorbing everyone in a row, the european union has included a lot of countries that are directly dependent on the united states and which the united states will use in the event that the leadership of the european union suddenly begins
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to hesitate with the help of these countries. pressure, but the biggest problem is, or rather one of these problems, that the leadership of the european union, all institutions. of whom european officials and the career of the united states depend, among other things, on the support of these units, they are already building a career for themselves, moving along certain nasists, because today he sat somewhere as a european commissioner, tomorrow he became the head of nato, and this promotion depends primarily on the pointing finger, so the united states has a very...
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