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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 2:10pm-3:01pm MSK

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build a tower. tricky questions, ingenuity, cunning and, of course, building a tower. and polina, please build a tower. the first element, nothing bad happened, you just decided to build. well, that's nice. watch an intellectual show. tower. on our channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries
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: azerbaijan, kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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zhannochka, good morning, good morning, mommy, ah... let me pour you some coffee. thank you. william your best variety prepared it. and he really didn’t have a croissant today. try. i'm glad you like it. enjoy. tomorrow our menu will be a little more modest. why? the doctor didn't prescribe me a diet. i'm firing william. that's it, i've had enough. no wonder i didn’t want to take him to work. as i knew. what did you know? it doesn't matter, mom. no, it's important.
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he’ll lose, you know, there’s zero chance, although you can’t be so naive, he’s still right, i’ll wait until he’s fired, i want to see how he gets smashed against the wall in court, bon appetit, thank you. katyonochka, well, do you remember that you have to say that you want to live with me, and don’t forget to say that dad can’t provide you with the standard of living to which you ’re used to, i’m not tired of it yet, keep repeating the same thing, i remember all. “thank you for the ride, i
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always knew that you were a kind person, somewhere deep down in your soul, not as deep as you think, i think i’ll go with you to the meeting, i want to support you, you’re already here, very good , the meeting is in 20 minutes, well, let’s go, excuse me, if you could find out who it is with him, i’ll try.” and why you picked me up from school, not mom? she has things to do. what's going on? well, come back, you can ask her yourself. mom, katya, and even this tortur left, and they didn’t tell you where, i don’t believe it. tell me where are they? why are you spinning under your feet? don't you have anything to do? m, it’s my own fault
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, i sent all my nannies away, no one can get along with you, and i don’t need nannies, my dad will return home soon, hey, baby, it doesn’t always happen the way we want, but dad will still come back , you will see for yourself, plaintiff, you support your claims, yes, your honor, naturally, requests that he be awarded custody of his minor children. dear judge, your honor, please understand, i myself was born with the girls, i took care of
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them, i cooked breakfasts, washed my hair, read books at night, i was there, your honor, i protest, this is not relevant to the case , continue. listen, i was there when they were sick, when they cried over sad books, even when he had terrible dreams in his sleep, i was also there, understand, the girls themselves are used to the fact that dad will help, dad will support and take care of them, please don’t deprive them of this feeling, thank you. your honor, we ask you to hear from minor ekaterina kovrigina which parent she would like to live with permanently. in our opinion, this will help the court make a fair decision on this issue. i ask you to. roll!
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why are you sitting there, everyone is waiting for you? come on, ekaterina kovrigina, which parent do you want to live with? with mom. katya, how is that so,
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thank you very much. well, i told you, who in his right mind would have children for your ex? left, and arthur, not now, we will fight. william , don’t be so upset, you were allowed to see each other twice a week, yes,
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thank you, zhana sergeyovna, thank you, yes, please, i’ll get there myself, wait, william, you’re going nowhere in this state. “thank you for everything, but i’m quitting, why should i get up, i won’t fire you, i need you
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, no one needs me, i haven’t lost my family, children, wife, although i continue to love her as before, but, but i for her..." you rag, a nonentity, it 's my own fault, listen, first of all, wait until they bring the snack, secondly, stop this sad self-flagellation. did you marry yourself? no, i married irka, well, that means she is to blame for what happened, if something didn’t suit her, she should have told you about it, after all, that’s what a person is given a speech apparatus for, it seems to me, thank you, thank you, get ready, right? they made their way to my work, they were so decisive, assertive, it means you’re not exactly a wimp, thank you, it should have passed, not really in
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my case, this is already a compliment, you can’t force yourself to love, but you can respect a lot it’s even necessary, how easy is it for you, simple doesn’t mean easy, do you want to fight for your family? i want, i will help you with this, only you will have to help me, i mean, have a snack, have a snack, don’t be distracted, i want you to help me become more feminine. for what? oh, well, you
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are already good, well, don’t lie to me, please , i’m tired of being alone, only these gigolos fall for me, i want love, not commodity-money relations, but i only have one condition: no pity and no urania, these are already two conditions, but i agree. katyusha, hurry up, 5 minutes before the start of the lesson, thank you. why did it take so long
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to get stuck in a traffic jam, and she was so bad talking some kind of nonsense in court, why nonsense, you said everything, as your mother asked you? yes, and now i think that dad has betrayed, listen, your yards can’t disperse normally, you have nothing to do with it, that’s it, come on, don’t be sour, let’s go. "the guys and i agreed to hang out, let's go with me, so, hello , good afternoon, can i help you with something, yes, please, these three suits, these two shirts, and you also need two pairs of classic ones jeans, three white shirts and take everything. size size fiftieth, yes
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, yes, hurry up, please, are you, are you crazy, have you, you, you, you, have you seen these prices, i don’t earn that much, don’t tell me what your salary is, i i pay it to you myself, you work a lot and hard. and you have money for these clothes, you let me decide for myself what to spend my money on, i won’t allow it, because again you will want to spend everything on your daughters, like everything you earned before, and this is my parental duty, there is no such thing duty to dissolve in another person, even if you are very beloved, you should have time and money for yourself, everything goes forward, come on, she can’t, what are you talking about? yeah, fuck it, you’ll still refuse, nevermind, guys, she ’s ready, i’m telling you for sure, you’re ready,
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for what, well, to become part of our gang, well, of course, you’re ready, well then you ’ll have to go through a rite of passage and prove that you are with us, okay, i’m ready, what needs to be done, no, what are you talking about, well, i told you, what are you doing? i’m not a coward, i know you will succeed, or we will no longer be able to communicate. damn, i'm worried about something, guys , calm down, everything's fine, everything, everything , everything, everything, look, come on, let's go, come on, oh, excuse me, where are your chips, so here you go,
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take a bite, is this also a rite of passage into a gang, no, this is for you to relax, your hands are shaking, take it, did you feel like, well
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, you feel better? no, just give me a sip. thank you, we have guests, i didn’t invite you, you ’re late from work again, my god, what a wonderful
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i don’t have heartburn, yes, so that’s it, we ’re waiting for you, we’re waiting, i’m going back to what we started, william, well, there’s good news, tomorrow is thursday, your day with the children, i’m giving you the day off, thank you, think about it, yesterday my mother didn’t even notice that i came home under the weather, she doesn’t care about me at all, well, cool, the less rodaki climbed into your life, the easier it is, this is complete crap, your father’s voice will notice any little thing, it definitely doesn’t smell like that to me, what are you, ma, yesterday it all went away, but don’t be fuming, if you say anything, that they are tired of asking a lot,
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that’s all it will be fine, mi kisen, let's bye, bye... dad, you're so beautiful, hello, little mouse, dad, why didn’t you come for so long and didn’t even call, it’s my fault, i’ll correct myself, i promise this won’t happen again, now every tuesday and thursday are our days with you. now everything is in order, put away your phone,
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put on your backpack, come on, katya, you need to check your phone or she figured it out herself, you see, everything is in order, yes. “everything is fine, katya, why are you so tired , you’ve even lost weight, dad, i have a competition, the crocodile girl has completely tortured igor and me , she wants to forge winners out of us, okay, dad, i have to go, bye, little mouse, let’s go, dad, i just i miss your bedtime stories, now i have such nasty dreams, listen, well , this is disgusting, so from today "... we arrange reading bedtime stories over the phone, we agreed, let's go,
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the help of god's word, the principles of christian life, if we remember that god is above us and above everything that we do.
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projects on the tv channel belarus 24. today we see how unnatural the prism of presentation, primarily by the western media, of those events that concern russia, belarus, here in it's time to talk about abuse of freedom of speech. but for the west, we are not only competitors, we are a tasty morsel that they covet all the time. into the system. the antarctic treaty currently includes 54 states, only half, including the republic of belarus, can afford to have a station in
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antarctica and begin conducting long-distance scientific inland voyages. our president was squeezed out of european politics, brazenly, cynically, instead of inviting them, to organize the same conference there, and what are you afraid of? but they were afraid of the project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. william lyanidovich, good afternoon, good afternoon , although how kind he is, if custody of the children went to your ex-wife, how do you know, you’re following me. well, in our country the legal process is public, so everyone can do what you want? just a little, i want to help you restore justice. well, tell me what your now ex-wife would have achieved if you had not taken care of the children and the house. i believe her success would have been more modest. of course of course. i will help you sue the jurins. well, jointly acquired property, look at this, okay, i’ll think about it, all the best.
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you know, i thought, go to hell with your proposal.
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so zhanochka will come down in 5 minutes , well, zhana sergena, i have no doubt, why are you so lazy, exercise, and by the way, we’ll say, don’t make me coffee, i’ll drink warm water with lemon juice, mm, yes, we’ll say , i also don’t know who this woman is, where my mother put it on, good morning, good morning, zhanochka, even yours attacks won't ruin this morning for me, i'm sure, by the way, you're giving a master class tonight. for my friends it would be suitable, well , i think, italian cuisine, mom, well, with your activity, we will soon have a creative leisure center for pensioners, little darling, can you imagine, after retirement there is also life, it’s wonderful, oh, some water,
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“thank you, please tell me, do you know such a lawyer, yes, i know, he’s a shady guy, what ’s shady, i realized that myself, that’s who he works for, he works for sovelyev, and sovelyev migrated to a businessman from bandits, but the old habits remain, so i advise you to stay away from both, i will definitely take your advice, now
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quickly. we have breakfast and go, where , wait, what, do you want me to wear this, i insist, give me an example, no, well, this is some kind of nightmare, zhanna, your clothes are a message to the world, oh what does this jacket fastened with all the hooks say, this monolithic skirt, well... well, well, don’t get in, they’ll kill you, or what? that's right, it's written in huge letters on your forehead, now get dressed, forward, well, well.
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nothing at all, uh-huh, oh, what kind of beauty is this? here, take it, but wait, get used to taking a break , the clothes are handed over and accepted by a man , convenient, use it, beautiful, yeah, that’s it, we have to go, wait, wait, where are you rushing towards the doors, like a sprinter towards the finish line? a man opens the door and closes it. please, hey, wait, let me pay for the goods, forgive me, we got carried away, i’ll take everything, hello, arthur, listen to me carefully and don’t interrupt, all your guarantees.
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why children? then, for the sake of the children, the father will agree to everything and sign everything that we need to. your arturchik is here and quickly, quickly! gennady dmitrievich, let's somehow resolve the issue without children? i’m not a bandit, i’ll get her through, i promise, give me a couple of days. 2 days and not a minute more, arturchik! hello!
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jointly owned property, predictable , but you won’t get anything, well, you don’t need anything, these papers are persistently slipped to me by a certain salamatin, erisoveleva, i heard about this , it happened that it’s not that even i with my housewife brain understand what is being waged against you some kind of dirty game, i'm with it i'll figure it out, yes, figure it out, figure it out. uh, i, i don’t know the details, but i’m not going to take part in this, it’s just in case,
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uh, renunciation of property acquired during marriage, have you developed a habit of making grand gestures? no, i just always needed you and the girls, and not... oh money, yes, arthur, where are you, william came, he gave up everything, the apartment, the money, how noble he is, it seems to me. was unfair to him, when will you come? and ir, ir, i can’t hear well, i’ll call you back, bye, moron, damn it, i’ve confused all my plans, i i’ll tell my mom that you swore in front of me, i’ll beat
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the crybaby, everything goes to daddy, maybe, but for the onion, no, look, thank you. it’s not tasty, i say, hey , it’s not tasty, you don’t know very well what is tasty and what is not tasty, yes, and if you also chop the meat finely, then it will be a really excellent dish, villa, let me tell you, it was just delicious, well i’m not sure about the deliciousness, but the recipe is really simple, well, why, why are you putting yourself down so much, you have a rare culinary... yes, believe me, believe me, i know, i know, what am i saying, my son is the producer of the show, a super chef, really, you have no idea,
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this is our favorite program with my youngest daughter, we haven’t missed a single episode, you know, tell your son that he is doing an amazing show, i suggest you do it. .. this is personal, now there is a qualifying competition - for the show of the next season, i think, william, that’s the right place for you, well , somehow i’m still more of an amateur, and life is developing in such a way that somehow now i’m not before the competitions, anyway, think anyway. yes, there's enough time until tomorrow, pay attention, come on as is obvious to everyone, our home cooking lesson was a success, so i’m waiting for you all tomorrow, at the same time, and we’ll be preparing an asian
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three-course lunch, yes william, asian, give your noodles, give paps, give to the class, give paps , tired, hard day, yes, i’ll help you relax a little, well, at least something pleasant for today, i don’t even understand how you carry everything on yourself, like a horse. i’m falling apart and dragging, but you’re not
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a horse, you’re a beautiful young woman, someone just needs to help you, who are you or what? well, i’m unlikely to help, but at least i know good guys, the stella company, oh yes, you can team up with them, they can take part of your business for themselves, you’ve already eaten all my ears with this stella, but i can’t just watch like that how you kill yourself at work. okay , introduce me to them, saveli is up to something and i need help, so i ’ll write to him right now and arrange a meeting, you’re a little girl, but a big smart mouse, and how is katya doing, she didn’t even bother talking , dad, so she’s preparing for the competition, leaving... school returns only to the night, only to the night
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, of course, yeah, dad, read me a bedtime story, as always, come on, just lie down, okay, nushonak, do you remember where we left off last time, yeah, so , found a little robber living in a hut in the middle of a huge forest, the largest forest in the kingdom? well, yes, it was the largest forest in the entire kingdom, the little robber’s neighbors were birds, raccoons and deer, and bears, they also lived in the forest, well, yes, only they lived a little further away, and one morning the little robber woke up. from loud sound of the ax, and the king promised
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the little robber to never hunt in the forest again. oh, what is this, memoirs, isn’t it a bit early? no, i’m getting ready for tomorrow’s dinner, your mother famously promised asian cuisine, but i don’t understand it at all. yes, mom knows how to make life difficult for everyone in between. and i want to follow in her footsteps. tomorrow we will have lunch at the nevat restaurant. no, this is impossible. i will not go to an establishment where my wife was kissed by her lover. no, you'll go. learn to overcome your fears, otherwise they will
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control you, tomorrow at two. bela is very good, everything is very good. look at me, this is just a restaurant , one of many, only this is not just a restaurant, where my whole life fell to hell, toothpick, in the end it’s unpleasant, sorry, good afternoon, but for me please, here’s this salad and vegetables for grill, and for the young man a steak, medium rare, a bottle of still water, thank you. thank you, you know, i didn’t
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have any luck with restaurants either, well, i managed somehow, you probably got cheated or were served for a long time, yes no, i didn’t guess, we lived very poorly , my father left us, and my mother worked two jobs, there was still little money, when i was 17 years old, i went to a restaurant for the first time. with a man, exactly, he was 7 years older than me, so serious, confident, told me to order whatever i wanted, well, i... chose seven dishes, wow, you can’t tell you that you were a glutton, the game was live music, and we danced, i danced like that, and then he said that you have to pay for everything in this life,
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after dessert we will go to salma, and you, well of course not, i ran away through the kitchen. from that moment i decided that i would earn enough to always pay for everything myself, and i also don’t dance anymore, you don’t dance at all, wait, i even danced with the men i loved, i didn’t succeed at all with the men i loved, vadim adored cleanliness , made scandals if he found, you know... traces of drops on his spoon, kirill could eat from the floor, especially when he drank, kirill drank every day. oleg didn’t take a drop of alcohol into his mouth, but in six months he stole seven people from me clients, i was fired and i had to open my own business, and then sergei appeared,
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true love, african passions, oaths of allegiance, love. a month before the wedding, i caught him in bed with my secretary, since then i started dating lovers and secretaries too, where are you going? shan sergeevna, allow me to invite you to danets. i said that i don’t dance, you yourself said that you need to overcome your fears, well, wait, it’s lunchtime now,
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irus, why are we standing, let’s go. “i won’t go there, i’ll take it if you don’t go, you are wanted, no longer wanted, stop calling me and rusi, how many times can i repeat, it has begun, we have vast experience in the field of landscaping, as well as in working with interiors, and we would be very glad to see you among our clients, but you are not here did they come for this?" "don’t answer , this is not a question, i just know who you are, yes, i came to look at you, i really wanted to know who screwed my husband, your ex-husband, so quickly, and you found a replacement for him, long ago before the divorce, that you want to make
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another marriage castling, here is my personal life it’s none of your business, but mine is for you, olesya, please come to me, we’re finished. and you’re great, you made the man ’s wriggling a pleasure to watch, for me he wouldn’t have changed so much, how do you know what he does and for whom, when was the last time you really talked to him, i’m reading this, you have an interesting proposal, alisya, take it to my office, katya but... here’s your friend from school, yeah, what kind of friend is that, what’s her name? alice, it seems, dad, i don’t remember, yeah, yeah, arthur took katya, it’s clear, this doesn’t make me any calmer, but it’s still starting
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the new season of superchef, and i know, it’s a pity that we won’t be able to watch it together. “nothing like that, i don’t feel sorry for anything, it’s even very good that we won’t watch it together, why? because, i can’t tell you, it’s a secret for now. lerochka, dear, i’m not a master of saying beautiful words. but you turned my whole life upside down , hello, sorry, i didn’t know that there was someone here and oleg tikhonovich came in early to help me organize a culinary evening, oleg
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tikhonovich, you know, i thought about it and accept your application, i thought so, congratulations, only i... i want to tell you that the qualifying competition, superchef, you will be held on a general basis, of course, just a minute, you are talking about this terrible tv show that you watch all the time, are you going to take part in it, yes , vilya, my dear, congratulations, i’m sure that you will have lightning speed in it... well, in that case, i’ll go and prepare you some gougere, and let’s sit down
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, i’m going back to the conversation i started, but what, and i pretended that i didn’t even see my mother’s wallet. that the opochki trampled on our brothers, let's ride with the breeze, are you guys crazy, this is a hijacking, we’ll go for a ride and return it, sit down, let’s go , let’s go, come on,
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fair prices and control, the most open meeting among the people.


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