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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books, in books the thoughts of the past live, intelligibly.
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the voices of people are given, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. through reading, a person survives centuries; reading brings generations together.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries:
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azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq. kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria and ardania, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. turov is generally referred to as a fragment of the region, because, let’s say, turov meadow is a place that, well , let’s say, for many, many decades,
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has been flooded for centuries, you can’t build cottages here, houses too, and then the water, as a rule, falls, already there, the first month of summer, in may the islands begin. come later, please , the beaches are vast, there are very beautiful places here, here we have 200, in my opinion, almost 67 species of birds, uh, migratory ones, some nest here, some stop here for flight, since i am a resident of turov, i can tell you that in the spring there are such trills, that is, you are sitting at home, there is such singing of birds, especially in the evening, i have never heard this anywhere else in my life, as if there were thousands, millions of these sounds, birds all sorts of things, this is why it’s even worth coming and looking at all this beauty, when everything is in flood, this is venice?
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100 or more rabbits, even released, i remember many, many rabbits were set free, i had such a dream that they would be bred there, well, sometimes they tell me that some strange hares they were running around, maybe there was something there , birds, i was in charge of rabbits, i didn’t know, my father was full of love for
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people, we always had strangers in the house, but children from poor families whom by the way, we took people to the beach, my father organized whole large groups of trips.
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you know, in solitude, that is , turava has everything for this, i am very impressed and happy that we live in such a beautiful place, you always want to come back here, even for those who have been here at least once. the overflowing pripyat becomes a very huge river, so all of this, including this bow, simply
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becomes one pool of water, this is a huge river, instead they are valued primarily because people come here for fishing, here is just this... recreation, these untouched places, in the form of overgrowth , these bushes, some people cut them out, some don’t, further along the river, i was little before, there were just vines, small bushes, now there... there are already quite huge trees, these meadows , this space, these horizons, this is probably the most important thing for us valuable, because basically the area is hilly everywhere, for example, i didn’t want to leave this place, i lived a little in vitebsk in novopolotsk, i was a little in moscow, but i couldn’t leave turkey somewhere, even for this reason , because it somehow pleases me not only my eyes, my soul, it reminds me of tours in general; you know, such an open person, you know, with a broad soul. i
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was never able to get attached to the city, because as it turned out, i needed this space, my own kind of farm, some kind of turov the soul of this place, it seemed to bring me back here, that is, i initially didn’t want to go anywhere, that’s what left me in turava, most likely, this childhood, this soul, this spiritual state, in which... it was as comfortable as possible, because it seems to me that this is real life, that is, you can fence yourself in with anything, some buildings, gold, diamonds, but if there is no peace and joy in your soul, then nothing this will not save the situation, there must be inner joy, here i get it at in this place in general in this city, warm, warm, warm,
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you can’t hold it, here’s our ditch, where my birds mostly swim, even over there. now the indian duck is swimming, look how they all are, they feel good here, yes, they feel good here, in fact, before, it was full-flowing, like, you know, like a tributary of the pripyat, but it looks very much like a strum, but then they made a dam has become more stagnant, but for birds in general this is a unique place, that is, geese, ducks, this is simply necessary for them, at this stage, according to at least this is...
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this uritsky street, it turns out to be a passageway, that is, along this street we connect and go to the breska region, all the equipment from alshan, from davidgorodok goes through this street, they carry products, and they leave, one might say, from our turov hub to all corners of russia and our belarus, the culture in general seems to resemble something like this, you know, well...
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streets, but with asphalt, many establishments have been built, let’s say, for recreation, we have hotels, people started doing a little tourist business, there is such i have the feeling that it will still develop in a very good direction, at
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least i really want it, it’s very important for me. this is a very, very beautiful place, and we can say that it somehow breathes the spirit of antiquity, tura can attract itself as a historical city, or it can attract as a spiritual center, because there are certain shrines, on the other hand, from this point tourism, and this kind of, you know, rural tourism, we seem to have the status of a city there, but in reality there are a lot of villages here, you can come here and... relax like in a mini-town, in which everything is there , by the way, here you need to have a good food establishment, and a cafe, and relax, and for young people it’s very cool here, that is, i don’t know, for me it’s kind of like a universal scheme of life, because a person who loves peace can live here , a person who needs
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to be in society a little can live, on the other hand, spiritual life is also here , as scientists say, that is, that here in this place once... it was generally a very large temple, most likely it is so, why, because no one would put a chapel just like that, so they chose a place, they wanted it, which means... something preceded it, for us this is a historical, very spiritual place, and about prayer, you yourself understand, prayer has been going on since the 2nd century , this is not just like that, the prayer is very serious, and here, too , the people in the all saints church begged for a lot , there was a miracle here when the icon of st. nicholas began to smell so fragrant that the whole group was in shock, i won’t forget this either, i told you,
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i think where the smell came from was standing behind i have an icon, and there’s just a smell, i think it’s behind... a cemetery, but this is all for a reason, because according to legend, there was a monastery here in this place, and until 1241 monks prayed here , and only in 1241 it was said that when the turovs were attacked by the tatars, everything was ruined, well , including this monastery, uh, of course, for the turovtsy this place is revered, will always be
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revered, because the lord, firstly, designated it with growing crosses, because it turns out already, let's just say that in 1956 one of the crosses appeared here, it was called originally coming out of the ground, this cross was buried according to legend by the servant of god vanya, and even the name of this man is known, in soviet times, if he had designated this as a miracle, especially in the thirties, probably this vanya himself would not have lived, so the man ... just scared, uh, i personally saw it like this in 1997, it was the top of the cross, this is the wing, all the people said that the cross here is just you... coming out, that is , it just comes out of earth, in 2001 the lord showed a miracle, the second wing came out cross, maybe they would have called
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it going out further, but it was in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, that is now our advantage, otherwise at sub-zero temperatures everything around our cross fell apart, why was it even called growing, because in 2004 it had wings 28 cm, then in 2000... in the ninth year our cross became 35, 34.5, 35.2, that is, depending on how it was frozen, what is surprising is that - to this question, no one clearly answered, but they said that your crystals are dividing, supposedly there is something wrong with the ecology there, something like that, yes, but by and large, there is also a miracle here, when in ninety-three i was injured, when they beat me... at one time i came to faith in god, because i had a clinical illness, by the way, i was sick for a long time, i was very i was sick because - that is
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, neither my arms nor my legs really obeyed me, but at the same time i am still grateful to god, because this path, you know, like a cross, lay simply on the bed, to the hostel, it was in vitebsk, the ceiling disappeared, i saw the stars, i think, probably, something is definitely wrong with me, right next to me the wife is sleeping, a cross was lowered from the sky, this cross looked like such a, you know, crucifix, but as if made from ivory, but it was held by the disembodied chiruvim, disembodied seraphim, they had wings, i saw them, one of them told me: “valera , valera, this is your cross , there was no fear, yes, but the very next day i understood where i needed to look, that is, well , the cross, where i saw such a cross, on the orthodox church, although by that time i had studied a lot of things. yes, i went into the temple, i must give the young priest his due, as he did to me, he he consoled me, i said, father , what does this mean, maybe something will happen to me there soon, and he says, the cross was big,
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i say, yes, and he says, you will carry such a cross throughout your life, initially, of course, i didn’t i understood what it means to bear a cross, now i already understand, in the gospel there is such a phrase: bear each other’s burdens, in general, a person who tries to bear not only his own and for himself, to delve into the lives of other people, he bears these burdens. well, the cross is not easy, but we are happy, because happiness is complicity, as i said, you involuntarily, she happily participates in the lives of other people, so tanyusha, this is where your main problem is, yes, including, including the cervical vertebrae, tatyana got this problem because she was diving from a springboard. and how did i come to the point that i began to do, well , massages, correct the spine, since i myself was very damaged in the spine, there was such an episode in my
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life when i ended up in the opsina deserts in a monastery, somehow the priest then me reassured me very seriously, he said, i say , father, i’m dying, and he says no he says, you will live, you will still help people, you will be at the temple, at that time, to be honest, i did not understand what he was talking about me... well... i heard the following phrase from him: come urgently, brother, he says, come urgently, and i was in a very serious condition, father, i immediately
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got the chance , my, that is, loved ones, valerochka, help , now i accept, in general, people who just come and ask me to look there, and i don’t refuse. in this desire, an acute desire to do the same thing, it began with the fact that i took basically what i do is called, well, more correction of the spine, yes, so you need to correctly outline these displacements and create a good image. in this house where i am sitting, in fact , in this place my family came from here, my parents are from this place, i know turovites as people who love
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to work, but... turov, that is, i was very pleased when i came to turov and saw this dish, for me it was a good impression of coming to meet your dad vladimir nikolaevich with this dish, but i think he’s not looking at me, something for pancakes, i think, okay, for some reason he called them sorcerers, the light fell in love with sorcerers. my parents never ate this, it’s so exclusive from turov, because i was in valera, when we were even studying, he sometimes prepared any soup from scrap material
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and always seasoned it.
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even now, i sometimes hear people say , there’s nothing to do in turov, you know, i don’t agree at all for the reason that a person will always find something to do, he just needs to realize himself somehow, the underlying stone is water doesn’t flow, you need something something to do do something, then you will always be in demand, on the other hand, he says where you were born, that’s where you came in handy, well, i think that i somehow came in handy on tour.
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the president held a meeting on price control issues. government representatives, governors, heads of concerns and regulatory authorities were invited to the palace of independence. regulation in pricing is a matter of fairness, said alexander lukashenko. the head of state set the task: in belarus, from january 1, there should be a clear, understandable system of price regulation. thanks to the measures already taken, this year it has decreased significantly. at the same time , skeptics previously argued that such measures could lead to a number of players leaving the market, but the situation is absolutely normal, stated alexander lukashenko. the president also drew attention to the issue of pricing for vegetable products and demanded that the government take measures to reduce prices for vegetables in the off-season. our neighbors will be able to continue to freely use belarusian hospitality. the visa-free regime with lithuania, poland and latvia has been extended.


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