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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 21, 2023 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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show, we would really survive the same collapse that is there in ukraine, there is a continuous show there, and we will have a holiday. evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together, the demands of the first attention are directed to the most popular question. on
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education, the president emphasizes fairness in the system of price regulation and the inadmissibility of shortages of goods. corrupt media and the loud barking of polish fake guns under the orders of morowiecki and duda. let us remember how in 2015 pis came to power and installed its own the leadership of the tvp television company, but times are changing, now the opposition is cleaning up the broadcaster’s reads, which will dance to tusk’s tune. and time shines. you decide who will be the winner of the show, vote for the participants after tomorrow's live broadcast, where the finalists will perform compositions in the chanson genre. my colleagues will continue announcing the program. strategic question number one: at a meeting with the president, they discussed the pricing regulation system and control, what mechanism the government proposes, the inflation forecast, the president’s instructions on the most popular question, in a couple of minutes in the panorama. technology experience has allowed belarus
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to become one of the countries with the lowest infant mortality rate. the merits of doctors are reflected in the presidential award for spiritual revival. lethal panacea. what are canadians doing? the country has become the world center for euthanasia. what does the principle have to do with this: fewer people, more oxygen, and who is prescribed death in canada? details in the periodic table. new year holidays and golden time for... in sadep and sanatoriums, how they prepare to welcome guests, including those who arrived on a visa -free basis, and also sum up the results of the year and set the following goals, we have studied all the components of a holiday in belarusian style, a winter marathon of goodness, our children’s campaign continues to give a holiday to young belarusians, and we will tell you on air the tradition that unites dreams . who won the belarusian basketball cup among women's teams, this is the main event of the sports evening, and in the sports
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review we will also discuss the successes of the belarusians in the nhl and shakhtar volleyball players in the super league. from january 1 , there should be a clear understanding in belarus price regulation system. the president set this task to the government and relevant departments today. the rules must be clear to absolutely all participants in the chain from the field to the counter. the main thing is fair prices and avoiding shortages of goods. a developed system. among other things, it is obliged to minimize all the negotiations of trade markups with the relevant departments. however, the list of topics that were raised today was very extensive, including the work of the belapsoyuz and current issues of the agro-industrial complex. results of the big meeting at ilona’s krasutskaya. there was a meeting in this very same room a little over a year ago, and the establishment of order in pricing began. inflation then went through the roof, price tags showed crazy values ​​for belarus, the president had to intervene. as alexander
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lukashenko will say today, what about prices, now they report to him every other day? there are a lot of issues that require presidential attention, especially at the end of the year, but so as not to whisper others, a lot of work to achieve fair prices still lies ahead. there is no voice, so we will hold the meeting in a whisper and postpone it also nowhere. new year, yes, we promised to return to the issue of pricing. based on the first theses of the meeting, it became clear that no one was going to call. absolutely the merits of a large team - these are all just the first steps to bring order to pricing. we remember very well when the rules were determined for manufacturers, importers and trade, not everyone liked it. someone removed the goods from the shelves, someone closed, throwing out a loud phrase that the rest will do so forever, but we have no shortages, no empty shelves didn't see it. the system actually turned out to be working, although not all changes were interpreted correctly. it would, of course, be magical if prices froze once and for all, a new year’s miracle and all that, but the economy.
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it doesn’t work like that, i want to warn about the main mistake of journalists, including civil servants, when the government was instructed to deal with this... who understand the elements and some minimal issues of the economy, and we understand perfectly well that if we freeze the price there, where it can't be frozen, tomorrow the goods will disappear, no one will work at a loss, we proceeded from this, today we
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are addressing this issue publicly in the composition in which the government proposed. here are the people who produce the goods, representatives, i mean ministers, here are the people who sell the goods, here are the people who organize the whole process, and as the person responsible for this problem in the government, nikolai gennadi snobko, said, everyone should hear about what is at stake, someone will make a decision, someone will execute, but i want you to understand that retreat not...
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brightly i received a salary of not 700 rubles, but 720 , well, that didn’t go well, well, from the report of the state control committee, we saw that these prices were put into the pockets of those who deserve the least today, and not even sales workers, but
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some the owners, receiving at least 35,000 dollars a month, this is normal, however... we managed to some extent to put this horse in the pen, as people say, but since this is a question of justice, the demand for justice has always been among the slavs , including us, we benefit from this we cannot escape the question, this is the number one question for our people, and there is no populism here, i draw your attention to those who will start blathering tomorrow, there is no populism here. before the election campaign, as a result of pre-target inflation of no more than 7-8%, this year the increase in the consumer price index is predicted to be approximately 5.5%. at the same time, the real wages of belarusians increased by 10. retail trade is among the most dynamic. in other words, the scheme works, but
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not without some rough edges; they need to be eliminated before end of the year. there is only one goal, which i warned the government about, no manufacturers, businessmen, traders, etc. who are engaged in services should not run to the ministry or the government in march, they should not run there to agree on prices, from january 1 there should be a clear, understandable system, here you have a 3% per year increase in some groups of goods or in in general and that’s all, in the first quarter the percentage, in the second, the third, in the fourth deflation was 0,
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we saw this year that it can be solved, our inflation is, well, probably 5-6, maybe a percent, we agreed that we would invest in six, but no more than seven. well, it was 19, everyone said it’s impossible, i ask journalists , raise the writings that were then, the goods will disappear, people will leave, there is no one to trade, we have someone to trade, and if someone doesn’t want to live like a human being in belarus, the road open, back and forth, the first deputy prime minister will report in more detail on the situation in the consumer market; since the beginning of the year, retail trade turnover has increased by 8%, that is, people have become more frequent. go to stores to buy more, the bulk of trading enterprises, despite the reduction in markups
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, demonstrate financial stability, and 714 organizations, according to belstat, for 10 months of this year only 137 turned out to be unprofitable. in this situation , the bulk of trading enterprises demonstrate financial stability, despite the fact that we have reduced the markups, as for their profits, don’t worry about profits in trade, well, they paid a little less tax to the budget. but in my opinion we are coping with the budget more than, well, there is no need to talk about it more than, well done, where good, it’s good there, otherwise our people will get caught there, the poor whites will start crying that they don’t have money, but here there is money, so the fears that we once talked about, and you warned me through it, ah-ah, nothing happened, we are working normally
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, turnover, exports, imports, inflation directly affects us, imported medicines increased by 12%, fruits by almost 12%, international passenger rail transportation by 23%, tourism services by 22%, these are these fruits and medicines still need to be sorted out. there is, here is what we are afraid of, some private trader will leave the pharmacy, let him go,
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give him medicines, we have enough government officials who will deal with it, they have not ignored the rise in prices for domestic vegetables, in particular for cucumbers , tomatoes, and in the spring, the head of state ordered to solve the problem; compared to december last year, prices for cucumbers decreased by about 16.5%, however, as statistics show, the measures taken were not enough, the president proposed building more greenhouses in order... we don’t need a greenhouse, we’ll give more light, and the loot will grow on its own, keep this in mind,
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we need to produce cucumbers, tomatoes, everything can be produced and sold, you know that i have a greenhouse at home, and i experiment there, i see everything grows , from raspberries, strawberries, you gave me a new variety of strawberries, three harvests a year, and before there was only one, so we need to move, at least where we can.
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the percentage threshold within which any enterprise can set prices for the domestic consumer market. this does not apply to intermediate goods, it does not concerns investment goods and... this definitely does not apply to exports, you can send them for export at any price and there compensate for the lost profit that manufacturers position on the domestic market. we are, in principle, ready for a system like this; it will be implemented on january 1, as instructed by the president. today at a meeting we discussed in detail the work of the belapsoyuz, at this level
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a clear system should also be built, in small towns and settlements everything should be in order with prices and... assortment, we heard a report federations of trade unions that have become people 's controllers, the opinion of governors, what producers don't like, what countermeasures are needed, no one is going to tighten the screws on them, otherwise we will lose production, figures from bilstat were also announced, this is how our president sounded today, which raised questions among many, journalists we didn’t miss the opportunity to clarify everything with the ex-minister of health, especially since at the end of the meeting the president said so, all the questions are for him, we can’t let you go, following the meeting, the head of state. said yes, he has problems with the voice, all the questions for you, well, yes , a question, considering that this is already the second meeting in the last two days, considering that well, i am the only one who was at the last meeting with a medical education, i approached the head of state and gave certain recommendations, given that today there is a voice, there are still
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certain problems, it was said that all the questions are for me, that the recommendations do not work, in fact - the president is a very inconvenient patient from the point of view of doctors, he should be forced to carry out medical and protective measures regime, well, it’s practically impossible, just to lie down for a couple of days, and the fact that the main recommendation was voice rest 2 days ago, and the president probably didn’t go to work for a day, not for an hour, and didn’t take care of himself, well we see the result of this voice , a very large volume of meetings , the president is very busy with flights, a lot of work has accumulated, so it’s natural how... in this mode he retains his voice, this is surprising for me, although i can say that i assess the general condition of the president very good, but the voice eventually will be restored, in short, there are many pressing issues that are in one way or another interconnected in agriculture, such as livestock feed, farming culture, the president was interested in the situation thoroughly, and price issues and the implementation of strategic
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projects will remain the focus of attention in the new year. ilona krasutskaya, veronica buta, ivan martynovich, agency. in implementing the program for accelerated development of regions this year, where the population is more than 80 thousand, the government notes positive trends, but there remain and shortcomings. there are 11 such large cities on the map of belarus - baranovichi, pinsk, novopolotsk, orsha, polotsk, mozyr, lida , borisov, soligorsk, molodechno, bobruisk, in these cities, as they are also conventionally called 80 plus, 30 of all industrial production is concentrated and a quarter of exports, the total population is 15 million people, which is important, almost each of them has territories of free economic zones in square meters, this is about 50 thousand ready-made industrial sites, last year the ss included additional territories in pinsk, polotsk and lida, this plus another 160 hectares.
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in these territories, within the framework of five-year programs for... over 500 infrastructure and production projects, 168 have already been implemented in all regions except polotsk , industrial production has increased, in three of them it is completely higher than the national average, the prime minister stated. minister roman golovchenko today at the presidium of the council of ministers. agricultural production volumes are increasing, while at the same time , housing construction is slowly progressing at the expense of all sources of financing in pinsk. in places indicators have been met , the use of mechanisms for concluding investment agreements to attract capital through legislative benefits and guarantees has practically ceased. based on the results of 10 months , there is not a single region that would have fulfilled all target indicators. most of the target
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cities are pinsk, litskie and soligorsk district, the remaining eight regions have only half of the achieved indicators. that there is no significant shift in attracting investment in fixed assets. the task was completed by only three regions 80 plus. special attention is focused on increasing incomes in cities 80 thousand plus. the ministry of economics notes that all salary targets are being met, but primarily at the expense of large enterprises. beyond the outer contour of the growth of large enterprises, there are small enterprises. they are also important for the implementation of the assigned tasks in this territory, where the level of wages is extremely low, below the industry average . work on the accelerated development of large territories has been carried out since 2019; the most stable in terms of a large number of indicators are now orsha and lida, together with
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surrounding areas. also today at the presidium of the council of ministers they spoke about increasing the efficiency of the healthcare system. the president set the tasks for the industry, these are the availability of medical services in big and small cities, high-quality medical care and the proper condition of medical centers in rural areas. the necessary funds have been identified. the toring showed that the sanitary condition of institutions has improved, but this is only the beginning of the journey; problematic issues remain, and violations were identified in all regions. this also applied to long downtime of medical equipment and lack of coupons for doctors. even now, when cuts are carried out, the work is organized by medical institutions in a new way. and in principle, we can state that the number of complaints. is decreasing, and the response from the heads of healthcare institutions is more prompt, it is necessary to strengthen the work on equipping emergency medical centers, on
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organizing the work of on-site receptions of citizens, that is, in-depth work is already being carried out on the quality of medical services, the monitoring group continues its work, we have visited over the past few months all inter-districts... draw the right conclusions from those systemic comments and defects that have already existed and build a competent, correct
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management system, make competent management decisions. particular attention will be paid to resolving the personnel issue, retaining young specialists after training, as well as the effective use of money for the construction and equipment of clinics and hospitals, increasing internal quality control. a few hours ago a mass shooting took place in prague, the victims of which were random townspeople. the tragic incident occurred on the territory of charles university; it is known that 15 people were killed and at least 25 were injured. as reported with a high degree of probability, the killer was a certain david kozak,
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a graduate of one of the faculties. before appearing at the university, he killed his own father. as it turned out, the killer kept an online diary in which he talked about his preparation for the crime. apparently, kozak was a native of one of the republics of the former ussr. his diary was in russian. the killer's motives are unknown. was shot dead by the police, now let's talk about double standards, or rather the circus, there is simply no other way to say it, in the polish arena. the power has changed, so large-scale purges are a completely natural process against the background of many years of lawlessness of the pisov regime. tusk's team methodically eliminates their opponents. thorough cleaning is underway in all areas. the intelligence services, the diplomatic corps, the ministries are now their turn. interestingly, back in 2015, justice, having won the elections, also decided to restore order in the media sphere. first cleaning procedure
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the public broadcaster, the same television company tvp, passed through, losing almost two hundred journalists as a result. in 2020, in another step, the state oil company ralen is buying out all local media from a german publishing group. since then, the polish state has controlled approximately 80% of the locals. publications in the country. the opposition will call the deal a dark day for press freedom. thus, the polish information space began to be provided by one huge propaganda machine, which did not hesitate in choosing means to suppress political opponents in the ipr, both within the country and abroad. the boomerang effect worked, just like the pisov regime, once the tusk government, or rather the sejm, adopted a state resolution. media, in other words, to immediately return them to the control of citizens, all poles are now promised access to reliable, and not narrowly partisan information, as was the case
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before, what came of this? what will happen next is an open question, because the polish authorities interpret the concept of freedom of speech in their own way, the events taking place in poland can be called mild with a coup d'etat, the new government consistently takes control of the commanding heights in politics and the main one in the economy. over the past week, new ministers have not only taken their offices, but also begun a radical cleansing of their departments. it seems that pis proteges will not be able to stay even in the middle management, not to mention positions like deputy ministers or his council.
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the new authorities will probably soon conduct a number of demonstrative anti-corruption processes, this will make it possible to destroy ipr reputationally, along the way, to finally eliminate all sorts of the party's chances of revenge. the operation to resubordinate the state media is indicative in this sense; the other branches and twigs of the state apparatus are also expected to be harshly brought into submission. on the eve of the recent elections, the so-called spy law was passed, it was assumed that this would provide ipr with complete dominance in the information sphere. i met with many opinions, representatives of the media, that they are already limiting their statements for fear of this vague law, because most importantly, they are very vaguely defined conditions under which someone can be punished, even if you tell the truth, but someone doesn’t like this truth, they can
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start a criminal case against you,
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in theory, the public polish media should also represent that third of citizens who voted for right justice, but no, they definitely won’t, because when using the phrase freedom of speech, the key part of the phrase, our word, is for some reason always omitted. oleg romanov, tv news agency. well
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, as a remark, a rhetorical question: what would happen if something similar to what is happening now in poland, the belarusian authorities allowed themselves, well, one can only guess how many announcements of sanctions we would have seen. addressed to us primarily from the same poland, which maintains an army of fugitive fake-throwers, but apparently this is different. regarding the pshepanism, democratic europe is silent, just as it was silent in 2015. obviously, there are different measures and standards of freedom and democracy here. and this is another example of how easily a country that has proclaimed itself a symbol of freedom controls the destinies of people. a miscarriage of justice in the us cost a man 48 years in prison. glyn simpson was convicted of killing a woman in an edmond liquor store in 1974. the man maintained his innocence from the very beginning. he said that at the time of the murder he was in another
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city, but he was accused and first sentenced to death, then the sentence was commuted to life. he is now 71 years old. simpson was released in july after prosecutors agreed that. key evidence in his case was not presented by a lawyer, now the judge's decision entitles him to compensation of $175 thousand for the mistake sentence, but it will take a long time before it is paid, now the innocently convicted person has cancer and lives on donations, so still, what is the price of life by democratic standards, who has the right to decide on the fate of a person, in canada euthanasia has become... one thing of the ways to combat poverty, the country has a record increase in deaths from such a procedure for terminating life, they are ready to provide assistance in quotes and send a person on his last journey, even in the absence of a fatal disease, and the
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canadian lethal panacea, the author's rubric, menteleva table. oh, wonderful, inhumane western world, the injection of death and state assistance in suicide. what are canadians doing? the country has become a global center for euthanasia, with 36 canadians dying every day through medical assistance, according to local media reports. euthanasia accounts for over 4% of all deaths per year. murder within the law and a lethal panacea. and here the principle is less people. oxygen and who is prescribed death in canada. let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. hello. euthanasia is the taking of a person's life as a way to end suffering from old age
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or disease. and also, apparently, poverty. instead of lending a helping hand to those in need, canadians are sent an old woman with a scythe. high cost of living and active government support for the idea. canada approved legislation providing medical assistance in dying in 2016. physician assistance in suicide was permitted only in cases of reasonably foreseeable, that is, inevitable death. euthanasia turned out to be cheaper than treatment and social assistance, hundreds of cases,
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when doctors themselves pushed patients to make a terrible decision. a one-way ticket for the good of the economy. they stopped giving me food and water. afterwards, the list of those eligible for death was significantly expanded. in 2021, euthanasia has already become available to people who are in an incurable, but not critical condition. at the beginning of december this year, local media reported about a fifty-two-year-old canadian who died in a similar way, without waiting for government treatment for oncology. according to a published study, more than 17 thousand patients in canada died while waiting for medical care in 2020. and this is news from european medicine from belgium: there
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a woman suffering from cancer was restrained with a pillow. according to journalists, during euthanasia there were not enough drugs, and caregivers had to use a pillow to complete the procedure. in march 2024 , permission to carry out euthanasia on the basis of mental illness will come into force in canada, the media reports. patients with depression will be helped to find a way out. no light at the end of the tunnel. in the spring of 2024, the authorities will also they plan to introduce permission for voluntary death for drug addicts in the country. by the way, previously in the westernmost province of canada, british columbia, the possession of hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, fintanyl, methamphetamine and morphine was legalized. brilliant chronicles of a wondrous world. and also a loud scandal, despite the wide range of reasons for euthanasia, a transgender person changed his mind.
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there is nothing more expensive than life in belarus, the main thing is people, these words are often repeated by our president, they have become the basis of the state politics, one example is the success of belarusian doctors in the field of perinatal medicine in our country. infants weighing up to 500 g live.
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survival rates are among the highest in the european region. advanced experience, scientific achievements and high technologies are united by the largest mother and child center for the achievement of the team, as well as improving the quality and availability of medical care, the republican scientific and practical center was awarded a prize for spiritual revival, yulia alferova will continue. the first cry and the first independent breath, his mother and doctors are waiting for him. this is one of the most important indicators of the condition of the newborn. it’s another thing when there’s silence, but it’s not so scary anymore. competencies and technologies make it possible to resuscitate the cultivation of critically low body weight. if previously a weight of a kilogram was scary, today the chances of life for babies at 500 are great. the result is 500 g and above, our nursing level is about 84-80. 5% for our center, these are
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world ranking trends, the attention that the state pays to healthcare, it of course provides its implementation, its component, for health care, in principle, there are no financial resources that are allocated, in general, it is not a pity, in general, this is all implemented, through the department of anesthesiology, intensive care resuscitation of the republican scientific and practical center mother and child, about 900 small patients a year are treated, while on artificial system.
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managed to reduce infant mortality by almost six times. the most high-tech operations have long been mastered here; in 2018 , cardiac surgeons for the first time in the cis operated on a three-month-old child with hypoplasia syndrome left sides of the heart. success was consolidated in 2019 by correcting the congenital heart threshold of a baby weighing one kilogram; in 2021
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, a unique intrauterine operation was performed when the fetus was diagnosed at the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy. unfavorably, reproductive technologies have noticeably stepped forward, today in vitro fertilization is an ordinary practice, without which it is sometimes impossible to solve demographic problems, and if initially the state offered a benefit from 2021, by presidential decree, every a belarusian family has the opportunity to make
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one attempt at eco, for free, thanks to this method, more than 10,000 belarusians have already appeared. this work has already been established in principle. gives its results and, of course , it is quite gratifying to see those children who are born, parents could not, let’s say, implement this component before, but now they have received such an opportunity, of course , the happiness and joy of the birth of these children is also one of the well-deserved. help to bear children, to be born healthy and on time when they need to be raised and treated, and a lot more they devote their energy to promoting family values, without expecting special rewards for doctors; this means lives saved, but on new year’s eve they traditionally find... those who give a lot in their work. the president awarded the center a prize for spiritual revival. origin is the main principle of the work of this team, and how can it be without a soul? yulia alferova and dmitry chumak, telenews agency. belarusians work for the good of creation. our next heroine is belarusian superwoman,
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anna potrenko, a person of amazing breadth of interests, from medical science, research in the field of oncology before trial.
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charity event our children continue to give a holiday to young belarusians; the children can expect new year's performances and cozy home meetings, as well as flash mob exhibitions. the winter tradition now unites all regions of the country. new routes of the marathon of goodness in the story of elena vitko. do you remember the feeling when you sent a letter to santa claus, when you were waiting for gifts under the tree and so hoped to see the good wizard. today, we know for sure that adults are behind new year’s miracles.


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