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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 22, 2023 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] died; a forty-three-year-old foreigner, previously arrested for drug trafficking, died; the dealer was caught red-handed in early august in brest, where operatives , together with a police dog handler and a service dog, discovered over 615 g of methadone and almost 265 g of heroin. investigators have opened a criminal case for illegal sale of narcotic drugs, resulting in the death of a person. sanction. the article provides for a maximum measure. liability under drug charges up to 25 years in prison. the review of criminal and emergency situations, it was prepared by vladimir korolev. three cars burned down last evening in grodno. in this footage , two volkswagens and a lada are engulfed in fire. by the time the rescuer arrived, the cars were almost completely burned out. according to eyewitnesses,
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first one car caught fire, then... it spread to the next one; the cause of the incident and the amount of damage remains to be determined by specialists. my mother was sitting here, well, when the vodka ran out, she had me as an award, well, she said, well, i won’t give it to her yet. that's it. the investigation into the case has been completed murder committed with extreme cruelty. the tragedy took place in the summer in pinsk. having received her pension, the woman gave 50 rubles. to his son, who almost immediately drank the money away. soon the thirty-four-year-old man began to demand more, but having received a refusal, he flew into a rage in front of his partner and beat his mother to death. he struck the victim at least 21 times to vital organs. when the woman fell silent, the son began to look for money, finding a small amount, he gave the money to his partner so that she could buy alcohol, and went to bed himself. waking up the man found his mother without signs
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of life, he told his wife to erase it. blood call an ambulance. later , he told the doctors that the woman could have been injured on the way home, and meanwhile he was interested in how to receive benefits for her funeral. the injuries indicated a criminal nature of the death. the man was detained and the suspect was charged with robbery and murder with extreme cruelty, coupled with robbery. loy caused an accident in the suburbs of the capital. a volkswagen driver on the grodno highway i couldn’t stop the car in front of the running animal. the car drove into oncoming traffic, where it overturned and slid into a ditch. the injured driver was taken away by ambulance. a fisherman was rescued in mogilev. last day, a man was fishing on the dnieper 30 meters from the shore when the ice cracked under him. colleagues in the trade noticed a drowning man without a vest and means of survival and called 101. before the 54-year-old man arrived, other fishermen pulled him out. rescuers
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transported him to shore and handed him over to doctors. this was the project zone x. our news is on youtube channel of the project on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and we will tell you about the dark and news from the world of crime in
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our final program. good early. belarus. good morning country. tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova continue to meet with you the morning of friday, december 22. on this wonderful friday morning, we are pleased to welcome an amazing doctor and nutritionist , the charming svetlana koshitskaya, to our studio. good morning, sveta. good morning. good morning. well, let's continue to prepare for the holidays. we we haven’t found out everything yet. we found out what it is. what to eat after the holiday. have we learned how to drink? of course, no holiday is complete without champagne, but it’s better not to snack on champagne, it’s better to wash it down. of course, i understand that everyone who watches their figure, uh, during
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the holidays, they also have no brakes. we have both the new year and christmas ahead, the old new year, so the first thing to do is not to starve, the second is to have a light breakfast, a light lunch. make a light snack, then, wait, wait, that is, this a situation when we cook in the morning, then we hit everyone on the hand who tries to eat, we say, this is for the new year, no, under no circumstances, you definitely need to eat and you need to eat during the day, but not heavy food, that is, for now you cook, just a little bit , you eat some salad, yes, that’s even good, but i would say the most important thing is that it’s better to move dinner, for example, to have a new year’s dinner. let's say finish your meal early at 7-8 pm, and then drink drinks, but unfortunately we have a different tradition, if you still decide to start with glasses of champagne, then please, before it
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, eat two or three nuts, and then alcohol or a piece of cheese, and therefore in principle what it is - no, it doesn’t matter what it is, the most important thing is that it is protein and fat. food, but proteins will at least stop the spike in blood sugar. next, when you have already taken a glass of champagne, the best snack is vegetables, because there is fiber that will remove toxins, and of course, fruits, it’s better to start with fruits, then it’s better to rest for 30-40 minutes, only after that move on to hot dish, so tangerines, them, of course, it’s better not to have a snack, but... main dishes, for example, meat, this can lead to bloating and discomfort, in general it’s better to eat no more than five tangerines and preferably on the day of the holiday or after it before 5 o’clock, meat french with potatoes is the worst combination,
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because these are fats and starches, my dears, which will not work very well together, let’s digest it this way, this combination causes. fermentation, so meat, fish are better, well, in general , meat snacks are heavy for alcohol, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruits, carbonated drinks we remove from the table, because they contribute more to the absorption of alcohol, a greater absorption rate, a hangover in the morning is guaranteed, and champagne is also a carbonated drink, yes, it is absolutely true that these are carbonated drinks, so you must wash it down with pure water. water, between alcohol, remember, there should always be water, what a bad combination , mayonnaise salads, nothing obligatory, svetlana, well, i agree, so once again the first course, you want fruit, fruit, then
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vegetables, a break between all this 40 minutes, next is a hot dish, if you need it, it is better to lighten it, so that it is, for example , fish or chicken, and not red meat, which makes the smell heavier. spicy food, vinegar , horseradish, which many people add, mushrooms - this is a very heavy food along with alcohol, this all makes the hangover worse, then sweets, forget it, this is not a birthday, please leave the sweets for the next day, not on new year's eve, so ok, i like this idea, we leave the sweets for the next day, no cakes, no sweets, it turns out, i just always like it from the point of view. that, why do you always talk like that, as if you need to cook less, i’m one of those housewives for whom you just tell me that they need to cook less, i’m for it, all housewives promise themselves every year, i ’ll definitely cook less next year , but it’s not working out yet, at least for me , but i want to tell everyone that the most important thing is
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the amount of alcohol consumed, light drinks, 150-300 for us, for girls, strong drinks 100-150 g, if we want to be stars in the morning, and of course, look. no one canceled the cru, but the worst combination is with a loaf and butter, because the loaf is carbohydrates, which will carry everything into fats, and the excess carbohydrates will be stored, right? well, how could i tell you, in fact, on a holiday you can, of course, have a pancake, it’s healthier on bread, it’s healthier on cucumbers, and it’s healthier in an egg, but still, we only live once, and if you’ve already decided today, this is how it will be, how i want, don’t deny yourself this, enjoy it, if you don’t reproach yourself for it, then remember, our body in a day, no matter how much you eat, you can deposit from... to 400 g of fat, if you start to reproach yourself,
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scold yourself, then the stress hormone will immediately turn on, cortisol, you will deposit twice as much fat, maximum 400 g, all that you you will see on the scales, plus three for tomorrow, this is water, do not step on the scales for three days, the water will come out in 3 days, it seems to me that this is the most expensive advice that we were waiting for in the end, after all the new year holidays, january 1 in no way case, don’t step on the scales, but svetana, i want to tell you: that this new year’s eve days, there was so much advice from you , what to eat, we have already gone through this, what to eat before the holiday, what to eat for tomorrow, how to eat the food that is left for tomorrow, in the end, we heard today, how to drink, what to wash it down with and to be stellar , as you said, this is really the most important advice - don’t step on the scale, thank you very much, it’s worth a lot, i’m already looking forward to what we’ll hear on the eve of the new year and after the new year there are still a lot of questions left , so come to us, we will see you again wait, thank you, he was a doctor, a nutritionist
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, a realist, here i am, svetlana, now i will introduce you, we wish you a good day, you too, well, and now we still invite you to talk not only about food, but there’s nothing left to say about what we can brighten up our evening with, for example, film premieres, from our colleague maryana marinkova until the most magical day of the year, the new year’s week, not only in the city illumination. but in the movie poster, it’s full of themed premieres, new year’s all inclusive woman game will save the world, klaus scriptwriters rethink the immortal christmas classic, it's me, slasher scream the night before christmas, this is a camp hi from 1946, we catch parallels with this wonderful life from frank capra. in general, there is definitely something to start a film dialogue with, but we will focus on only two films, starting with the already sensational musical ponca, starring the young but oscar-winning timothée chalamet. i think everyone is a fan. tim burton's universe immediately knew who it was going to be about. if you're in another fantasy
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category, then i inform voonka. aka willy wonka is the name of the main character of the eccentric rich man from the story charlie the chocolate factory by ronald dahl, which is almost 60 years old. and by the way, the book was filmed twice. the first time it was with a psychedelic effect was in 1971. gene wilder's film was not a hit, but it planted the seed for the future. and in 2005, a new film from tim burton starring johnny depp simply blew up at the box office, what? is waiting for the current version of the famous fairy tale, i don’t know, but i can say for sure that she has returned to her homeland, because her filmed by the british director of padington paul king, he decided to make a sort of prequel to the central story, the location of the action is unclear, in a word, somewhere in europe, and here the viewer has to find out who willy wonka really is, how he achieved his great chocolate , so to speak, success. critics called the picture the art of not tomorrow, yesterday, and no negative connotation. wonka is old-fashioned in a good way. in choreography, in set design, in the nature of humor, as well as in the airy, but discreet filming
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manner, this is how much a high-calorie movie of chocolate will benefit your soul and mood, find out in the cinema seat. well, we will continue our film review, not exactly new year’s, but long-awaited, with a very high-profile premiere from the master of action pictures, producer of the award-winning aviator and not only michael man. ferrari is a biographical drama with a hell of a driver and penelope and cruz in the lead roles. judging by the title, any of us reassures that the film will definitely be about racing, but... here he doesn’t get behind the wheel, his drama plays out over the drawings of engines and between two women. so, the plot will throw us back to 1957. that's when the ex-enzu ferrari driver falls into the vortex of life. he loses his son, experiences a family crisis, and is threatened with bankruptcy. in general, you can’t envy the guys, but there is always a way out, sometimes one of them changes not only your private life, but writes names into history. the ferrari film premiered at the venice film festival. if only the picture would be the first in 8 years of work by the octogenarian. michael man, its budget was about
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$80 million. in the frame, as i already said, we we'll see adam driver, this is his second appearance on the big screen in the form of the italian celebritis. the first one was a couple of years ago at riley scott's gucci house. in general, there are enough reasons to turn your cinematic attention to this film. have a great weekend and merry christmas. you see, everyone. mexican quisodilla would hardly have become so popular all over the world if it had been limited to just cheese as a filling. yes, cheese remains an unshakable ingredient in this dish, but it is ready to make room for meat, churizo, vegetables or mushrooms. we offer
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version of kisodilla with shrimp and corn. so, chop the garlic and parsley leaves. cut the cherry tomatoes in half, then grate the cheese on a coarse grater, choose hard varieties, follow the rule: there is never too much cheese, at least in kisodil. pour a little olive oil into a heated frying pan, add chopped garlic, saute it until golden brown and add canned corn and cherry tomatoes, after a minute add parsley, and then shrimp, mix and almost immediately remove from heat, transfer to... filling we place it in the center of the corn tortilla, and then evenly distribute it over one half of the tortilla and cover the other. all that remains is to brown the flatbread on both sides in a dry grill pan. you can serve kisodilla with guacamole sauce or vegetable
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salad. experiment with fillings using different vegetables, meats or seafood. bon appetit! to become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, what a cute city kai is, and the name is so cool, parisov, letyu parisov, krata, i think you’re right and it’s possible,
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there is that same boris. students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries. here in venezuela it’s not so easy to walk through swamps, in belarus even swamps are not suitable for shaking, it’s not scary. 1 2 3. watch the project as if at home,
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on our tv channel. the good morning program continues on belarus 1 and belarus 24, we are working live, today we, ekaterina antonova and tatyana matusevich, are responsible for your awakening, so please, let's wake up, smile at the new day, and we in turn, we will share some interesting information, by the way, this is the news that came to us from the uk, yes, marine animals
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at the london ocean aquarium received a small christmas treat this week, so everyone has a holiday. exhibition director jophysy camp donned a santa suit and dove into the aquarium. i hope there weren't any there. in this way, he pleased the inhabitants of the oceanic aquarium, giving them a little christmas mood. well i hope they understand. small delicacies from the aquarium employees received turtles and inhabitants of the arctic zone. i'm talking about penguins now. according to joe, penguins are creatures that personify the christmas spirit. they live in the snow and simply. they are lying around, having fun, playing, well, almost like people on holidays, so penguins are the most christmas animals, this is according to joe, the caretaker of this aquarium. i am sure, of course, that he is a resident. the oceanariums appreciated the delicacies, the delicacies, and not the costume of the caretaker himself, but nevertheless, the penguins are now in a festive mood,
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other inhabitants of this aquarium, and we hope that they still liked it, yes, so the christmas mood, new year's mood, will reach everyone, even if you try to avoid it by hiding somewhere in your aquarium, that's how it happened, no i know what about penguins, but there will definitely be tigers in svetlana borovskaya’s program tomorrow. will also feel, it seems to me, the new year’s mood, so don’t forget to turn on belarus 1 on saturday at 9:15 am, new stories are waiting for you tomorrow for sure as well as new heroes. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the belstate circus, are you a kind snow maiden? i am icy, i was slain, but do you know what love is? yes, and muremio, i am moremio. read, it’s somehow dangerous, no , it’s a habit, we’re drunk, something like that, in general, something like that, i’m pleased, that’s it,
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country, friendship, italy, belarus, happy new year to everyone, cheers , who is in the leading role of the new year's fairy tale snow maiden, what breed of dogs, the debutants of the festive show, how do italian tigers live in belarus and what are the dangers of being a circus orchestra conductor, find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, tune in. good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15. dobroya ranitsa belarus is on the air of the belarus tv channel , one of the satellite tv channels belarus 24 forgot. snow maiden, i love you, everything is fine, all the artists, and he’s there param-param pararam and mom, how her dogs jumped, don’t show me, i’ll gasp in the frame.
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you also waved in the arena. well, what is this... friends, and now let's move on to the weather news, i warn you right away that today in the country, due to strong winds, orange level of danger, that ’s what my colleague tatyana mataseevich knows about temperature indicators, tanya, over to you, i’ll be happy to share this information, looking ahead, i’ll say that the temperature so far... the indicators today are the same all over the country and this is + 1 +3, here is the precipitation, precipitation varies a little , it will be cloudy with clearings and rain in minsk, the same trend will continue this afternoon in brest, also cloudy with clearings and rainy, in vitebsk the weather conditions are damp and the inhabitants of this the region is unlikely to see the sun today, however, like the residents of gomel, there is also slushy cheese there in the city of grodno. unfortunately
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or fortunately, such a picture will not be possible , so yesterday we saw snow, we thought that maybe it would stay with us, but no, the snow melted and turned into rain, thanks tanya, but you know, it doesn’t matter what the temperature is window, the fact is that every friday we
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are warmed up. raise your eyes to the christmas maiden, wish for everything that you dream of in the life before you. i'm so happy, wherever for you alone, they are so
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you love, uh, you! you flowers, i love you , tears, every breath capterver, without dancing,
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beautiful phrases, this is a cloud of words, petals. i admire your birch, looming white skin, the beauty of your divine hair, you are dearer to me than anything else, everything you and i have is just for the body. i love you with tears, i love you with tears, each one is like the first time, without any fluff,
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beautiful phrases, these clouds have grown. i’ll cover our bed with the lebes of white ross, i love you, i
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’ll eat you up, i love you madly. i’ll cover it, i love you in the mood, i love you madly,
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i love you to tears, i love you madly. tseh, here we create soft dekaratsy for pastanova, darechy, yon know in the bathhouse of the theater. remember, folk traditions. krepen - geta, yashche yago is called by the people with singing drums. the paper was pressed with the first teeth on the back. and then the lips dropped and began to hum with a melodious voice . and there are special things that are called such pins. in this case, the dolls
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are called shpyanev. and with great privileges, a photograph measuring 42 by 94 cm was made using the contact method in 1903, and there are only such photographs known in the world four, watch in the program of the city of belarus
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on the belarus 24 tv channel in the center of events there is a charismatic presenter and two active teams, i often prompt the participants in our game, but they still build a tower because i
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prompt. watch the intellectual program: the tower on our channel, the third world war is already, as
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some say, it’s already going on, yes... it hasn’t stopped, that is, the answer to the question will there be a third time, yes no, am i confused or not, i haven’t yet decided, no, i haven't decided yet, okay, okay, look, you
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you know the kitchen of the project, you probably went there with some expectations, and when you were scared the first time or already the second time, it seems to me that in general it’s always always exciting, that is, not to worry, but it’s impossible, but the second time was much more. .. about this i don’t regret my time at all, it’s such a good experience, it’s a big, very large scale project, a vocal project , which is probably the
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most important in belarus, but it gives an opportunity to all participants, vocalists, most importantly, not just participants, but very good vocalists, a chance to show yourself, a chance for... the viewer to fall in love with you, to see you, why not, i don’t regret anything, the viewer fell in love with you, so the judges, they tried to find some shortcomings, some... disadvantages, however , they found it, they voiced it, how do you feel about criticism? it’s even strange, but with gratitude, why? because we can only look at ourselves from the outside by looking at the recordings of our castings and training camp, right? when you are currently being told about certain points that need to be corrected somewhere, learned somewhere, you hear it directly roughly speaking, yes, yes, yes. this
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, well, this is just gratitude, without any aggression , but there was no resentment, because they didn’t like the diction there, the words were unclear, you say, i work brimbri bramble i do every morning, what’s wrong, no resentment , well, of course not, because i know some of my nuances, that’s why they just emphasized them and made me understand that i need to be a little more attentive to... to my questions like that, stage ones, that is, you took it to pencil and now you're trying somehow took the trouble to correct it, right, good , when many, when some members of the jury were looking for some shortcomings in you, at that time olga buzova said that you are special, what do you think, what are your features, but it seems to me that olya and i share some kind of vibe, and the trick is that i don’t
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try to imitate m..., but as seryoga said, by the way, for 2 years in a row he compares me with siebert very much, so we are completely different artists, different vocalists, but we have a common style that probably seems that somehow, maybe i ’m imitating him somewhere, well, thanks to olga buzova for supporting me, she just understood you like a girl and supported you, you know, so many. participants, semi-finalists note that the byy factor really changes life, they simply turn someone around 360°, and then another 180, as you noted for yourself, did something change for you, did you have some kind of takeoff, some kind of start, after the first one, i went to factorby for 2 years, and after the first season, naturally, in all my next vocal projects, it was maxim fodeev's project, i became the winner. of this project, that is, but this
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was already after the factor, that is, even in all the questionnaires, of course, i write that i am a factor byy semi-finalist, and this seems to me to play a certain role even in the qualifying stage of other vocal projects . ksyusha, we saw you on stage, and we saw your path that you went through from one year to the next, but we still want to get to know you better, to find out what remained behind the scenes, how music appeared in your life in general, but appeared like this early, from childhood, i probably... i started playing the violin when i was 8 years old, i graduated from school with a musical specialization in violin class, then i entered a music college, the minsk state college of arts, and music has always been with me, absolutely always , and i probably don’t even remember myself without music than with it in my life, and that is factor b, as i understand it, this is not a full stop, this is another comma in the vocal competitions that you set for yourself, that is, you plan to continue participation in various competitions, and maybe there are already some plans about this. we can talk
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on the air now, well, we can’t yet, but we already have plans, we, of course, wish you that all your plans come true, but still , we won’t let you go anywhere without your wishes, because i know that all creative people, they are dreamers, so this is what you would like to wish yourself to all the viewers who are watching us now on the eve of the new year, and i will probably wish both myself and the viewers probably the same thing, this is the launch, and also our winner, finalists. there is factor byy, and believing in yourself and moving forward, despite some defeats, is the most important thing, but i wish you spiritual harmony, and it is desirable that the new year begins with a major chord, oh, thank you very much, but by the way, here’s what concerns the finalists who are now on the factor , they really need support, friends , there are only eight of them left, turn on belarus one today at 20:45 and support your favorites, well, we are visiting... i
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remind you, there was a semi-finalist of the factorbay project, ksenia tuskali, who knows, maybe be in the fourth season, we will see her, as she said, we will live and see, that’s right , we’ll see, yes, especially as susha said, this is the one, every time, every participation, it’s a certain experience, and you don’t regret anything, it’s it’s always just a plus, it’s always some kind of additional bonus to you as a person, and it seems to me that this wonderful thing should now be heard by all people who somewhere at some time doubt themselves, somewhere at some time their they stopped... ksyusha, we thank you again for the upcoming holiday, friends, and the broadcast of the program good morning belarus is slowly ending, we were glad to spend this morning in
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your wonderful company, yes, we wish you a merry christmas and a great weekend. a peg for the rain, thick variable, raindrops are knocking on your window, today the dream has passed. and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet her, there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole
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life is ahead, hope and wait, god's dew, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky? like the endless cheerful surf of the sea, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, big the dream is great love, it makes me sad, my whole
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life is ahead, my whole life is ahead. there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, you hope, i need to dock, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, your whole life is
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ahead, you hope. live broadcast news on belarus-1 in the studio olga kalairova, hello, watch this episode. the most magical event continues to give children a festive mood; little belarusians are congratulated


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