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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 22, 2023 12:45pm-1:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] today young people are initiating, in principle, for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think this, and the most important thing that can only be, the emotions that you experience after volunteer events are probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently donated to charity the concert that we held was one of the first, probably, significant events in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i still probably have this feeling... as if, well, we turned the world upside down. barsem is about building the future of the homeland by young people. and of course, today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can not remain aloof from all the events that are happening in the country. first of all, of course, young people should love their country and be rightfully proud of the fact that they live in a peaceful, independent, prosperous belarus, because indeed the support for youth in our country, like in no other country,
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is colossal and... youth is feels that the most important thing will be the return from youth if they simply appreciate and respect all this, and the most important thing, of course, is to increase it in the year of peace and creation. at the center of the action is a charismatic presenter and two active teams. often i give hints to the participants in our game, but they still build a tower because i give them a hint. correct answers, my name is vasya chekhov, this is the show tower, we are starting! they will compete for the right to become the best in this game. in the first round, i will ask questions to the teams in turn, each team will have its own question, and you discuss it a little, 10-15 seconds, put forward some version, if the version turns out to be correct, the team earns one point, and if incorrect , he comes here to the center of the site and builds a tower from one element, which country is unofficially
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called the country of morning freshness, for example, khrutssky, i accept this answer, build a tower, tricky questions, ingenuity, cunning, and of course , construction of a tower. polina, please build a tower, the first element, nothing bad happened, you just decided to build it, well, that’s great, watch the intellectual program, the tower on our channel, how the lives of foreign guests go
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in belarus, so that the sun shines, so that children laugh, so that they are happy, and if we can help, we must do so. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. hello, this is the “stinking” project. with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about how much sweet new year’s gifts cost, is it relevant to spend money on them, why does our ministry of emergency situations need one and a half tons of sweets? go! even for those of us who give up sweets in order to preserve our figure or health, there is an annual an untouchable volume of delicacies to which we do not allow either diet or belief. these are
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new year's gifts. they give kids the feeling of a fairy tale, their parents are reminded that they, too, are someone’s children who deserve to be loved, and the elderly are brought back to the years when there were those nearby who looked at them from yellowed photographs. new year's gifts are a 100% anchor of joy. therefore , company managers, trade unions and public organizations spare no time every year to purchase treasured boxes of sweets for their employees, their children and for those who have no one to congratulate. and what in return? new year's mood is a feeling of involvement in a common, good cause, for most belarusians this award is enough, but there are resources that stain everything they touch, this year they tried to pollute the delivery of gifts for children from a special region with their attention. tenders of large and small state enterprises of belarus, including the department of nuclear
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and radiation, were rinsed online. security ministry of emergency situations on it we will slow down, because in his application an attention-grabbing amount flashed by. he published an announcement on the government procurement website about his readiness to buy 1,250 new year's gifts. for 50.965 rub. this tender was attributed to the gomel regional department of the ministry of emergency situations and everything was presented as if the department was buying almost 51,000 worth of sweets for its employees. the nature of the fake is clear; the resources that published this data, although they call themselves mass media, in fact are not one and do not check what they write about, but it was worth checking here. department of nuclear and radiation safety of the ministry of emergency situations. buys gifts for children who live in areas affected by the chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. this purchase is part of the state program to overcome the consequences of the accident. documents about its organization were signed back in november, and not on
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the screen. it is also part of the republican charity event our children, which we carry out throughout the country every year, so that not a single little belarusian is left without a gift and does not lose faith in a miracle. and to the gomel department of the ministry of emergency situations. the purchase was attributed, apparently, because the gifts were according to the terms of the tender needs to be delivered to gomel, because it is there that the holiday will be held with a christmas tree, where the kids will be given sweets. at the same time, the authors, who caught our rescuers in an insidious desire to congratulate the children, also sucked at the composition of the gifts, saying they require heavy ones, so that there are more chocolates inside and that the expiration date is at least until april. for people who have never done anything for free for the benefit of the country , it didn’t even occur to them that gifts were being purchased for charitable purposes, well , emcho people thank you very much, not all this is how they choose gifts for their children, just as you choose gifts for the children from the affected territories. by the way, an insight from the ministry of emergency situations: service employees buy new year’s gifts for their children at their own expense,
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decide what should be in them, what box will be in, dump them and collectively order sweet sets. and since we have raised the topic, i would like to ask those who made this clumsy attempt to denigrate our rescue department and take a walk. at the cost of gifts from other organizations, and what have you done for belarusian children, whom you helped, whom you pleased, whose faith in miracles you preserved on your own, and since there are no movements with a positive charge from you and are not expected , there may be at least some practical benefit, but at least there must be something, no, and children and single adults are helped not only by emergency departments, but also by others large organizations. our companies have long... practiced the rules of taking patronage over orphanages, shelters, boarding schools for people with disabilities and supporting elderly belarusians who live at home. this process is most often led by trade unions; they help people all year round, and holidays are simply they use it as another reason: to drop in for
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a visit, find out what’s missing, offer help and bring treats. and while young people are open to communication, older people are often embarrassed by their infirmity or quietly yearn for the time when they were in demand at work. that’s why they come to them with gifts, at the same time offer to bring firewood, fix the stove or water supply, help with housework, invite them to their former place of work, drink tea, talk with the younger generation of colleagues, discuss the purchase of gifts. no, in most cases sweet gifts for employees organizations are also bought by trade unions, sometimes they involve company management in this matter. at each enterprise, the trade union, on behalf of the workers, proposes to the administration to conclude. collective agreement. it usually states that the employer undertakes or promises, if possible, to encourage the team with new year’s greetings and events. sweets are included in the concept of congratulations. all trade union members in belarus contribute
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1% of their salary to the fund of their trade union organization. the charter of the federation of trade unions stipulates what share of contributions can be spent for new year's gifts. if the organization is too small or the pravkom fund does not have enough funds, its representatives go to the employer and say: “we have found such gifts, we want to purchase them for employees , we ask you to participate in this matter.” as a rule, employers agree. gifts are given upon signature in the statement , and then at the general meeting of the trade union primary committee the provkom counts how much it spent on what. new year's fuss in organizations is not just a waste of money. it is a tradition to give gifts to employees of enterprises for the new year got it. as a legacy from the ussr , almost every industry trade union had its own cultural center, in december industry workers and their families were invited to the new year’s party, and the invitation card had a poisonous stub, for which you could get
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a sweet gift at the matinee, we were tossed around like a flag on a weather vane the whirlwind of perestroika, torn by the lawlessness of the nineties, cut by the reformatting of the 2000s, there had to be something for us to cling to until things became calmer around us, many... of us, our parents, in a positive tone, including keeping confidence: the day will come, there will be a bright hall and a christmas tree, a treasured spine in hands and a bright box, in it a couple of tangerines, chocolate alyonka, a cow and the king of candies, grilled meat, this is the same anchor that did not allow the born to be carried away in the ussr and the children of the nineties into an abyss of fatigue and despair. then there were years of calm, but how could they have become a reason to abandon the cozy winter tradition and the desire to pass it on to children. now we are again shaken by a global geopolitical storm and the treasured box of happiness in december says to each of us. all this has already happened, it will still be ground a thousand times, settle down and will definitely be good. to make sure that new year's sweet gifts for belarusians are not just dessert,
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invite employees of any organization to refuse them in favor of money. they will look at you as a heretic who has encroached on the sacred. prices for gifts depend on their manufacturer, weight and composition. we were able to look into the estimates of some trade union organizations. usually a gift from kommunarka or spartak factories in a cardboard box or a colored bag weighing 1 kg. costs 23-25 ​​rubles for the organization. the same weight, but packaged in the form of a plush toy, will cost about 40 rubles. ordering gift sets directly from the factory or buying in branded stores is always more profitable than in a third-party retail chain. for those who are not satisfied with the standard dosage, 1 kg of sweets, both kommunarka and spartak form sets weighing from 300 g to 3 kg and give the potential buyer a full list of sweets. from each set. in addition to confectionery factories, there are companies that do not
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they produce their own and package imported sweets. their kits are slightly more expensive than domestic ones due to the cost of purchasing the finished product and logistics. the packaging is not unique, because it does not have its own production, but for fans of the imported sweets, especially if they have specific preferences, it is quite a solution. and manufacturers and importers are casting bait for pre-new year sales in the fall. they send commercial messages to businesses. offers with gift set options. these proposals are reviewed by employees and executive committees of enterprises choose what they like and place an order. and we get ready for the new year. don’t forget that giving is always more pleasant than receiving. that’s why those who understand the nature of happiness are now buying gifts for others. remembers that the most valuable gift is human warmth. this means that each of us always has something to give to a loved one. well, tune in to the year of quality announced by the president, someone will have to
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improve the quality of their thoughts and actions, someone will have the task of bringing the country’s economy to a qualitatively new level, someone will leave information resources that have lost their quality in the past, and our support will be the confidence that there will be a day, a bright hall, a christmas tree and a box of happiness in our hands. i'm marina karaman and we
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figured out what new year's gifts mean to us. everything is clear, see you soon! remove the hell of the garadian mitusna, here are your punishments and your strength, going forward , as soon as possible, to conquer and atmulate the hell of the moment, for... every week we review the main topics
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that have aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we invite you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24x7, a project that everyone should see.


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