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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 22, 2023 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of friday, december 22, i will tell you, sergey lugovsky, hello, but it’s so easy to make a miracle for a child, you just need attention and time. the marathon of new year's good
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deeds enveloped the whole of belarus. every little belarusian will feel the holiday. the czech republic plunged into mourning. it's time for all of europe to think about what values ​​pushed a simple student to kill dozens of people in cold blood. details of the terrible tragedy have become known. and time for the coolest music tv show countries, factorby on belarus-1. today at 20:45 the finalists of the project will open their souls to us. to open and, by the way, everyone will have absolutely stunning images. see also in our issue. the marathon of good deeds continues. the republican campaign our children unites caring people from all over belarus. let's talk about those who found hope, believed in a miracle and became a little happier. vacations under peaceful skies, 35 children from the lugansk region arrived in the mogilev region for health improvement. treatment,
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participation in new year's parties, meeting with history, culture, we will tell you about the rich program and the first emotions of the guests. reliable reserve of the belarusian energy system. lukomolskaya gress generates a third of domestic electricity and is ready to take on additional load at any time. now the commissioning work on the pico-standby power source with a capacity of 150 mw is being completed. we will cover the topic of energy in a panorama. the belarusian army is learning to fight in a new way, focusing on survivability, mobility, autonomy, versatility, skill multiplier, intelligence, and those in the fields provides belarusians with a festive mood, in the disposition project. new year's toys, candles and crackers, over 400 christmas decorations were banned for sale by state standards. is it worth playing candles? what should you pay attention to when choosing a garland? look in panorama. a time of miracles, pleasant surprises
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and magic. the charity event our children continues to unite all belarusians during the christmas and new year holidays. the republican marathon of good deeds started more than 20 years ago on the initiative of our president, and has become a winter tradition in our country. today, its participants included patients of the republican scientific and practical center for traumatology and orthopedics, as well as students. boarding schools, about faith in miracles, sincerity and attention, my colleague, katerina strikha, when it’s so musical and fun all together, it’s hard to resist dancing even for adults, father frost on pasma.
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especially for children who, well, from childhood have lived, so to speak, with disabilities , there is no better fairy tale than being healthy, here are the opportunities, we saw real miracles here, magic that was created not by some fairy-tale characters, but by hands and souls our belarusian doctors, and even if the hospital is not exactly the right place for new year’s celebrations, the adults tried their best and these walls are...
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agreed, let’s do it, how can we not learn a new poem or even a song? this new year we will all be lucky, i will find crafts and pure love , little misha was also preparing to welcome guests, he is a pupil of the molodechninsky special boarding school, where children with visual impairments study, the whole family made the christmas tree costume, and the boy had already made a wish .
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the school is doing a lot of work on maintaining the health of children who study here and have visual impairments, the work is carried out jointly with our higher educational institutions, this indicates what is being done for the social adaptation of children in modern life, that is, it is impossible to ignore the attention and side of any child, from the presidential administration, each child received a gift; the educational institution will soon have an outdoor playground.
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i’m pleased, i liked that guests came to us today, i was getting ready, i was dressing up, i was happy, i’m very happy, cheerful, good, because i was waiting for this day, as a gift to the institution, a cash certificate for the purchase of necessary equipment, children left without parental care, sweet new year's gifts, attention and care, which they sometimes lack, the guys who are here, they are like...
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came to the boarding school students from osipovichi. together with the security guards, the children searched for santa claus's magic clock. they saved the holiday from the evil snow queen and dealt with various obstacles. anyone could enjoy a ride on atv, sit in a service vehicle
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and ask everything about the profession of the security department fighters. the holiday was also memorable for the bright nitrogen cryo show. the belynechi boarding school is also one of the points on the route of the magical marathon of good deeds, children's social and pedagogical institutions and not only on holidays, under the close attention of the border service. adults continue to give faith in miracles and are already planning new charity routes. this year, border guards will congratulate children from more than 40 social and pedagogical...
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celebration with the presentation of pleasant souvenirs. the guys will be in belarus until january 10, an interesting program awaits them, they will celebrate the new year, visit enterprises on excursions, get acquainted with the sights of the region, this is the second time in belarus, i really liked what was there, what is now, i really like it, just a lot of impressions, even just the dinner was very tasty, i want to go, well, everywhere, there will be a new year ahead, there are a lot of gifts, we are looking forward to new meetings and excursions, everything is fun and positive, thank you very much for such a warm welcome, what they like about belarus is, firstly, the welcome, and secondly, the relationships. so much attention, so much care, you know, the children feel it, this is the main thing for the children, they know
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that here they can sleep peacefully, without waking up from every rustle, from every blow, we prepared carefully, prepared numbers, gifts, a good program, and of course, taking into account that we have a multidisciplinary sanatorium, we have a good medical base, in addition to our swimming pool and physiotherapy, physical therapy, light therapy, laser therapy, we do what it is... year, which they will meet here with father frost and snow maiden, has been filled with him for the rest of his life. the guys will take part in numerous matinees, also visit the minsk dolphinarium and become guests of the new year's party in the palace of the republic.
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tomorrow, mourning has been declared in the czech republic for the victims of the shooting on december 21. the head of the republic urgently interrupted his visit to france and returned to prague. the day before, a 24-year-old student at the faculty of philosophy of charles university in prague opened fire from a self-loading rifle at students in classrooms, as well as at people which took place under the windows of the establishment. as a result. nothing is known yet. local law enforcement officials do not link the incident to terrorism or criminal gangs and
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do not rule out that the perpetrator decided to imitate people who committed similar attacks in other countries. it is also worth noting that with so many weapons per capita in the democratic czech republic, this is not surprising. in a country of ten million , more than 800,000 rifle units are registered. at the same time , the cost of weapons is relatively low. but what’s most tragic is that any psychopath or inadequate person who has not even passed a medical examination can acquire it. yes, europe is reaping the terrible fruits of its perverted morality and pseudo-values. the goals of the pro-american elites in almost the entire leadership of the eu are frightening in their inhumanity, callousness and commercialism. an unexpected revelation for europe was made by a deputy from germany, as the official admitted, europe does not need it. victory for ukraine, europe needs access to ukrainian raw materials, lithium for the production
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of electric motors. do you know where exactly it is? deposit, near donetsk and lugansk? if ukraine falls apart, the costs will subsequently be much greater. if europe wants to implement an energy transition, then it needs its own deposits. the largest deposits are located in the regions of danetsk. as the deputy added, the loss of european control over the territory of donbass puts germany in a very dependent position, and berlin is afraid to realize an accomplished fact. well, that’s why the european commission is still trying to twitch, so it moved it to the new year, most likely the last year for the entire kiev junta, a tranche of 1.5 billion euros. as experts say, this is already a shortcut, because western money for ukraine has already... been reduced by 90%. and probably by the end of the year the volume will decrease even more. the us
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and eu did not approve the allocation of additional funds. a little higher we talked about the commercialism of the west. so, it turned out that the czech authorities, who are reaping the fruits of the bad influence of this very west, received new year bonuses from the american war in ukraine, in the form of an unprecedented increase in the production of military products and cheap labor, in form of ukrainian. of course, the pentagon is only talking about benefits, however, it looks more like another attempt to extort $106 billion from congress for themselves and their loved ones. after all, allocating additional funds supposedly to support ukraine would help the united states replenish its own arms reserves. well, in light of the global financial slippage between the completely decrepit american elites, who are almost entirely in dementia, washington still cannot decide what is more important to them now: ukraine or taiwan? right in the white house
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they say that the export of democracy with their manuals will improve there. where will the import of resources be richer, and, apparently, asian semiconductors are now much more valuable than the remains of ukraine, and in general, on the threshold of its own election campaign, washington has where to spend dollars, especially when its opponents are a billionaire who is ready to take revenge for everything who wins and what difference does it make to us, experts and guests of the editors’ club understand this in the new issue of the program, what will happen next, next...
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tens of thousands in another, commanders wiretapping, deputies throwing grenades, houthis and houthis attacking, western politicians suddenly became experts on ammunition and possessed of confidence in a multiple increase in their armies. in general, the axes of military coordinates are intertwined in loud upheavals, so you can easily get lost, freeze in a fascinating observation with chips, missing those trends that really make up reality, and in the art of defense it is such that only the eye... the eye, because it is constantly changing , and it is unacceptable to just state changes, you don’t adapt on time and you will become easy prey when it thunders. for example, if just recently a rotabattalion was considered a small unit, now it is a giant target. they are already actively teaching the military how to work in pairs, and a squad is generally a serious combat unit. fortunately, the belarusian general staff
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took care of this feature in time. and now in our army everything is literally. it starts with the person, the competence of a soldier, like that of a professor, and also the awareness that there is only one warrior in the field. the units conduct classes on military topography, conduct classes on medicine, engineering training , tactical fire training, this training cycle allows any person, regardless of his level of training, to make an independent combat unit from the very beginning, which will subsequently be one of... units within an entire unit, if you look at the video from areas of military operations in ukraine, then you won’t see bravely marching soldiers anywhere, not even paratroopers, everything is covered in mud everywhere. half commander, watching the drones, because you have to survive to complete the task, that’s also science, and now the army pays special attention to it, we don’t need losses.
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initially, we work out a single stream of each of our fighters, that is, so that he feels confident on the battlefield, mastering the tactical techniques of movement, crawling, running, military personnel increase their chances of surviving during a military conflict, the air is also a colossal breakdown, the romance of flight of any pilot can interrupt at the start, because with... so take into account this feature that, as they say, wait endlessly for the weather, but this is definitely not in style belarusian pilots, because now the first thing everyone does is learn to deceive anti-aircraft missile systems, including those on the famous su-25 rooks. during the exercises, that is , the task is also to overcome air defense, reach... the target is a set time, the aircraft is designed to destroy the visual visibility of the enemy, various targets, using various types of aircraft ammunition, that is , its main task is to work on the ground.
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nowadays they only hear about high technologies, the need to supply large batches of ultra-modern weapons, and then you look, standing side by side on the line of combat contact, is a sophisticated, broken leopard and a self-propelled gun from the seventies. the battlefield determines the winner primarily by cost. what a result is, first of all, is a confirmation of the trust of voters and the result of hard work to strengthen the country and defend its national interests.
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the belarusian side is ready for active interaction with the new composition of the people’s assembly and the government of the republic of serbia, to deepen friendly, interstate cooperation relations in various sectors, the congratulations say. let me remind you that vucic’s coalition gained about. the main priority was to bring legislation in accordance with the updated constitution of the republic of belarus. today , all the necessary bases have been created for holding
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elections of deputies at all levels, members of the council of the republic and holding the all-belarusian people's assembly. the deputies, of course, did a thorough job, because such thoughtful, balanced decisions were made. and for this a professional and responsible approach was required, but this does not mean that today we are finishing our work, the work continues, today about 20 new bills are already being considered in the house of representatives, deputies will work in constituencies, are actively involved in the election campaign, who -that as candidates for deputies of the house of representatives,
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compulsory treatment measures may be applied, mandatory employment of those who are under preventive supervision is also introduced, it is provided the possibility of providing all convicts with psychological assistance. these changes were not made by chance; unfortunately, recently a negative trend has emerged associated with an increase in the number of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors . suffice it to say that over the past 10 years, the number of identified. registered crimes in this area increased almost 10 times. the issue is under the control of authorized state law enforcement agencies and the state responds promptly hopes to turn the emerging trend in a positive direction through these measures. also today, senators approved a bill on public procurement , among the main changes, digitalization and simplification of procedures. norms are also established
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that will help. to exclude unfair mediation and abuse when participating in procurement, the right to extend the existing contract for the first 2 months of the next financial year will be very important for business entities, this will be very valuable for those who are forced or must purchase goods daily or weekly, the amount of the maximum purchase also changes, and if previously this amount was limited and...
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our president alexander lukashenko congratulated industry veterans. the domestic energy complex is one of the most important components of the industrial and innovative development of the national economy. thanks to high skill, knowledge and rich experience, the industry is confidently moving forward, large high-tech projects are being successfully implemented, new facilities are being commissioned, and the power grid is being modernized. infrastructure. advanced technologies are being mastered. the belarusian nuclear power plant occupies a key place in the country’s energy system today; the commissioning of its second power unit is the main event of the year in the domestic energy sector and further strengthens the position of our state as a nuclear power, alexander lukashenko emphasized. soon the nuclear power plant in ostrovets is expected to provide 40%. countries in
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electricity. in the future, the ministry of energy does not rule out the construction of a second nuclear power plant or third power unit. and also about the reliable reserve of our energy system. work is being completed at the new facility of the lukoml power plant. the 150 mw power source is designed to cover peak loads. reserve equipment can begin generating energy within minutes. by the way, even with the beloe arch, the lukomil ridge remains the most powerful in the country. olga moslovskaya will continue the topic. this is, so to speak, a huge responsibility that is carried out 12 hours a shift. lukombolskaya gress is a sensitive facility, but for future power engineers an excursion to the power plant is included in the training program. an engineering group has been created at the second school in novolukoml. the station is preparing a personnel reserve.
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to integrate a nuclear power plant into the country's energy system, a picoreserve source with a capacity of 150 mw is capable of starting electricity generation if necessary. in a matter of minutes. what we are building is completely different technologies, these are gas turbine technologies, but based on, let’s say, aircraft engines, this peak backup source has already been in our network, active adjustment is underway, that is, useful output, electricity output has already been carried out on it, our role as the arch of the nuclear power plant is even more significant, it has become significant, despite the fact that we not only currently generate electricity there, but we are. over the course of 5 years, nikolay gerdyuk became the co-author
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of twenty promising projects, including a virtual tour of the station, which became a guide for future gress employees. it all started back in 1913, when my colleagues and i first took part in competition for 100 ideas for... the guys and i were drawn into it, and we became private participants in the competition just because of the proposals at the station, a year they gave from two, probably up to ten different ideas, some were accepted, some were rejected, the place for the implementation of ideas , career growth, and also a second home. lukomalskaya gress is famous for its labor dynasties; there are more than three dozen of them at the enterprise. in the kolesen family, three generations have devoted themselves to the energy sector, their total work experience. almost a century, energy is everything to me, i’ve worked all my life, i have one in my work book just a recording, this is the alukom ogress, i go to work every day with the desire to learn something new, with responsibility, as
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representatives, next year the team will celebrate the fifty-fifth anniversary of the station, a course for renewal and stable work. olga moslovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency. and you must agree that the achievements of previous generations, our fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, laid the foundation on which modern belarus stands firmly today. and since we’re talking about dates, let me remind you that january 1 will mark the 105th anniversary of education of the bssr. this is the beginning of the sovereign path of our country. a round table was held today at the national academy of sciences of belarus, where historians, scientists, and experts discussed the success. historical science must constantly feed society with new research in this area, for some time we have forgotten our soviet past, in fact we live and
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are based on the achievements that were created by the soviet people, here on january 1 , 1919, when our country was politically organized . we can say that this is the start of development belarusians, this was a serious period that allowed the current modern state to stand powerfully on this foundation; without the bssr there would not have been that territory of the republic, nor that people, nor those authorities, nor those great achievements in the economy, culture and science that were and are. and also about an important component for our country, the works of those who create and protect the spiritual code of the nation, see in the new series of the project belarus creating. tomorrow we will see the archives of one of
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the main awards of our country. in our life according to the word of the bible, a spiritual time has come for the people. proragovka, each of us today must work to preserve our country, we participate in such spiritual encouragement.
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the new year holidays are approaching, and with them, alas. in the reports of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus , cases have become more frequent when a fire occurred due to a short circuit in the wiring of a garland or... the names of various christmas decorations. employees of the ministry of emergency situations went through the shops and checked the availability of quality certificates. in collaboration with state standard employees. while there are fewer issues with this in large retail outlets, the same cannot be said about markets, street and online trading. alena leshkevich visited the gosstandart laboratory and found out. is the game worth the candle? from store shelves we
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are offered a lot of new year's paraphernalia, garlands, neon rain, luminous decorations, but we will now check whether they are as safe as they are beautiful in a special laboratory. here we carry out tests to test the strength and insulation of string lights. as the device shows , an insulation breakdown has occurred and the inflows are triggered.
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for those around him and his people, and so on, that is, including electric shock, various injuries, this concerns health, as regards everyday life, this can lead to a fire. for the same reason, in the ostrovets district , a house almost burned down because of a new year's garland, a woman decorated a window, began to do household chores, soon heard the sound of a fire alarm, it turned out... the room where the garland hung was already on fire. according to
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the above criteria , more than 400 did not pass the inspection of state standard inspectors names of christmas decorations, 90% of them were sold through online stores. in large shopping centers , it is still safer to purchase pyrotechnics and new year's threats. what i would like to recommend that consumers pay attention to is, first of all, labeling. it must be done in russian or. in russian, it must contain all the main indicators, that is, voltage, date of manufacture, manufacturer, an important role is played by the presence of a document confirming conformity, that is, a certificate of confirmation must be from the seller. in order not to spoil your holiday, it is better to throw away a damaged garland when leaving, unplug the cord from the outlet; these simple rules will help you spend the holiday safely. alena lishkevich, ilya maksimov, telenews agency.
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catholics are preparing to celebrate christmas . churches are already welcoming parishioners with festive decorations, candle-lit traditional nativity scenes on a biblical theme. tel news agency is preparing to air an exclusive interview with the head of the catholic church in belarus, metropolitan minsk-mogilev archbishop joseph stanevsky. watch tomorrow at 7 pm. the nativity of christ is a time of miracles , the greatest miracle in the world, god becomes a man, so a greater miracle, a greater gift, like this god, of course, could not give to man, and today, of course, everything depends on us, how we are this miracle how we accept this gift from god. well, a few more of our holiday tv announcements,
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the belarus 2 tv channel is ready for the big new year’s marathon, the first on-air bonus of the family entertainment button project turn on december 31st, the studio sets of the bel tv and radio company are teleported to the palace of the republic. the meeting with the audience will take place at the main christmas tree of the country. towards the end of 2023 we are waiting for the show “my family”.
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in the evening belarus 2 a word of humor: guides to new year's eve, ural dumplings. on the second button, viewers can not only follow the broadcast content, but also discuss online with the creative team of the country’s youngest channel. but the new year's entourage on belarus 3 on weekends with special editions of holiday and concert programs from classics to pop. we will be in the company of folklore groups.
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of course, we are aware that the tv presenters are on tv channel belarus 3, we know that they are with us, this meeting is about film shows, this meeting is about tv programs, this is about music. directly in the new year on belarus 3 , good old soviet cinema awaits us, and the main party of new year's eve for the main media holding of the country is on the air in belarus1, a simply stunning festive concert in the 2024 season
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. we will see complex numbers with ballet and plot line, and of course, the sincere emotions of the participants, mentors and spectators. and here each participant really, probably, will no longer get by with some technical tricks that he uses with his voice, here the soul must already sing, the eyes, the heart must sing, so that each viewer can truly feel what is in each participant and special and yes i saw the inner world, so this is a special broadcast. in my opinion, and this will be i urge all viewers to watch and vote, remember, it depends on the tv viewers who very warm, interesting, and homely, so he will continue to fight for the right to perform in the super final, after all performances voting will be open by phone or sms, only one chance to win and one participant for
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good luck in the team ruslana alekhno, margarita shibaeva. another star judge, joseph prigozhin, remained on the project with two muses , len badalyan and elena. just pleasant emotions, good mood, don’t forget to vote for your favorite, watch, worry, support.
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we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the village , about 10 years old, just a country house, one fine day in the winter we came to minsk, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that it was very noisy, well, that’s how the circumstances developed, we already lived here, yeah.
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glyadtse project belarus on the tv channel belarus 24.
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